1 rak'n that" By Allc? Burton I Patterson Grove Section < ? A family Teunkm was given at ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M Burton Sunday h? houfor of Mrs. W. R. Neoley's birthday. Mrs. Neoiey was teforo marriUee- Miss Ad tire Burton. Those who were present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. W II N<*ley and daughter, Pearl, of Fort Mills, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Green and family of Phenix Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Iturton. Besides members of the family and near neighbors they also had the following visitors: Mr. and . Mrs. Wood-row Collins Of Fort Mill. Misses Kiith'.o l^ee Patterson; L'.llle Mae "My Skin Was Full of Pimples Ahd Btomiohts From Constipation' twys Vo-nr. Sohfejjp: "Cilice using Adlerika the plmph-s are gohc. My' SKiti is Bincotn a'.iu kidwa wttn npai1h.' AdU'rlku washes BOTH bow vis find relieves eons!l|?atioii that sa often sijt?rav?tos a l?a<l eoimileslon. At All Leading Druggists KEEP HEALTHY mmmmmmmmm t)>0|K'r PoOtWCar. We make your old shoes look like new. Foster's SHOE SERVICE PHONE 154 y' - .* , . * ? | ilUJY ML I Rlr 1 Piedmont Avenue ai 1 RK Piedmont Avenue?D. FLC I RED ROSE?P 24 lb LA 4 lb. Carl ! o ii_ o iD. v^ar SU( 5 Pou BA< ? , j ' ,V ; . No. 2 Cans 4 CORN ?OR? , No. 2 Cans TOMATO Fat ! 3 lbs Pork Chops, Pork Sausag " * '>... Bologna, lb. : Carroll and Kteate Mm Smith, all at near Klnga Mountain. Mr. Ehtaaw Otmm who recently underwent an appendix operation at the City Hnapfral, Oaatonia. baa returned to his home at Phentx Mills No. 1. Evans aaya tve is feeling tine, which Isn't hard to believe, for toe looks as fit as a fiddle. Mr." James Carroll of Blacksburg, S. C, was a visitor In this section Monday. Little bits of nothing: , c A reader reports that a girl wa know bias an enga.gemeat ring. Now that could mean a lot or 'nothing. Since hearing that some girls buy their own woddilng rings, which does not sound very romanttcal to us we don't know what to e*pect ' next from these modern gals! Now I'm not accusing anyone of anything and 1 dont want any enraged females I coming my w-ay! Have you ever noticed ?nat the f '.k.-i wl.o. laugh the loudest < when the joke iis on someone else, are ustRilly the "ones who "fly el'f the ] handle when they become the goat'" It la a pity thtit some people liays su'eh" a little sense of hutnor. Mavbe the 'catch' to the fish story related in 'By George.' Is thai the weight of the fish Is deducted i when the pail ot water is weighed j the second time. I've hetard that tale before and the teller always said that the pull of water wouldn't weigh any .more. We hope th.it th" theory can l?c proved one way o? the lAin i. l>id you s?^> :he sunset last Thursday 1*. M,? It was lovely. No artists will ever capture the colors thut were in the sky. And now, my friends. i'll sun ouixi-uye ill urxi wwkj 0^ 0^ 0^ mmmmm" colds I) 0 0 Headaches Liquid . T?b arid Fever let*, Salve due to Colda in ! . Noso Drop* 30 minutes Try "Rub-My-Tiam, ? a .Wonderful Liniment STORES nd Mountain Street JHT H. Campbell, Manager )UR lain or Self-Rising >s 53c RD ton 39c 4 ' ton 77c IAR nd 25c G 25c ES Back >. 25c , lb. 19c e, lb. 15c 121-2c itii 11 ' '.i - 11 Ttaa HOUKTAm HMAL Church News LUTHERAN CHURCH L Boyd Himm, Putor Btbte Sohtool t0:00, L. Arnold K1 eer. General 8upertmtendent. Service# f^r 2nd Sunday aftei Uw Epiphany. Morning 11:00 Witt Jt-wue Present. Evening 7:00, sermon: Why Wor 1 ship, and Why Observe Sunday? The Brotherhood meets Sunday at ttraooii at 3:00 In the Church. ' Luther * Leagues Sunday Eventns 6:00. Boy Scouts, Troop 2, Monday 7:0< P. M. Classes fn Catechism Wednesda) afternoon 4:00. Senior Choir rehearsal Wednes day 7:30 P. M. Young People's Choir Thursdaj 7:00 P. M. ! SAINT LUKES: Bible school 10:00 A. M. Jamci Lackey, Superintendent. BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH W. M. Boyce. Pastor Bible School at 10:00 o'clock. Muming Worship at 11:00. Th< pastor will speck on 'A Soul In Tin Clinic of Christ." Vesper Service at . 5:00. The pub lie is invited to these early hours o Informal meditation. Junior Christian Union meets a ,1.1111 III! K III . Intermediates meet at 6 o'clock. YPCU meets at 6:00 o'clock. Mtd-Weok Service each Wednei dny evening at 7:30., Presbyterian Church Re*. P D. Patrick, Pastor Church 8chool 9:46 A. M. Sup< Mr. Q. F. Thomaason. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Sc moot. Awake, Awake O Zton. Iseial 62:1. Rev. P. D. Patrick. Chapel Vespers 6:00 P. M Blbl Study: BOOK OF PHIUPPIANS. Senior Vespers 6:00 P. M. Pioneer Vespers 6:00 P. M. Boys Scouts Monday 7:00 P. M Scoutmaster. Mr. Carl Davidson Mr. Harry Page and Mrs. Jack Of mandt Assistants. MM Weey Prayer Service Mar grace Club House 7:16 P. M. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. R. W- Fox. Pastor 9:46 Sunday school, B. 8; Peeler, Sirpertatendeut; 11:00 Morning worship and eer toon by the pastor. "The Church 1f This Modern "World" will be the sat Jeot ot the sermon.. 7:00 The pastor will have tor mi oi.hleai HUWi/tronAAs (a f (#<v " Tki ^ U UJWV 11IUUIIVUVX? IU UHC. 1U1 young people will lead the song ser vice. Prayer meeting each Wednesday "igbt at 7 oclock. First Baptist Church . Angus O. Sargeant. Pastor Sunday miming Worship 11 A. M Sermon subject: The Changed Llf 'I he Ordinance of Baptism wilt b< ot?r rvcd at he c'.ose of the sermon Sunday echool 9:40 A. M. C. C Wi" '.e. S'"""-'uten<lent. Open I'o; am Discussion Sunda night 7:30 o'clock. Subject for dli i lies lor : "Solving the Difficulties o The Modern Church in. the Light o New Testament Christianity." The Annual Conference Groupf meeting ft* the homes of the mem be ship, will begin Monday night. - Monday and Wednesday nlghti January 16 and 18, at 7:30 o'cloc) the teachers and officers and worl era of the Sunday School will meet fTuesd&y and Thursday afternooi from 2100 itto 3:00 o'clock the wome on the north side of town will mee at the home of Mrs. John Davis. GRACE METHODIST S. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Preaching 11:00. Brotherhood 1:30. Epworth League 6:15. Preaching 7:00. Wednesday, 7; 00, Prayer meeting " Macedonia Baplist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. to. B. T. U. 6:46 p. m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7PM 7:00 p. ta. niinninr Itur lUKt 8HIELD EXPERT HERE AGAIN E. J. Melnhardl, widely known l? pert of Chicago, will personally b In Charlotte, N. C., at the Charlott Hotel Thureday and Friday, Jani ary 19-20, from to PM to 4 PM and 1 PM to 8 PM. He will also be In the following ol ties, same hours: 8partanburg, 8. C., Cleveland He tel. Saturday, January 21. MR. MEINHARDI. has been cow ins here for 16 years. His Shield 1 well known for producing i mined! ate results. It strengthens the weak ened mpscle* sod contracts the Rni ture Opening to 10 days on the at erage case, regardless of size, Iocs tlon or heavy wtrt. It is watei proof, quickly removable and h*< no leg straps. (Only men are invltei ?Demonstrate ' IS-, free ? WhR< only.) MEINHARDI. 1 i, t? Vs ut >\v/- (" ' > <\ ' V v ' * ' ' D THURAEXY, JAN. It. lttt DmtM MOB:? Eto ytu remember ooce tell to* leumg tna? wayward aon that my ' worst habit waa "WHY?" Well mom H seems that "why" will always be r my wont habit. You see, since I've been reading a tot of what is crttl1 cally called "good literature" I have been thinking a lot. Itiat's what a L little bit of education aaw> a whole lot of ignorance does Dor a fellow. * It makes h(ini think?that is. if he is capable. A complete education dose : not make you think too much, bo cause by the time you get one yon ) have thought everything out. But just a little bit Is hori'ible. It leaves ' you so much In the dark on all subjects. Well, after an exhaustive survey f :.j \yhlch 1 devoted* almost tlfieeu minutes of carel'ul research and a lot of fatiguing' ithought. 1 have 3 i catiied. one conclusion. My remark able plilhxsophy is th'ia: that all life is a question, and that till questions chnsumnuttu jfl "why." You see. mom, it's simple. Hv'eryone is asking qtfcstloirs about lite, and nil questions consist of who, 'what, when, where, why and howv Who ' tells ns merely the persons involved: what answers the question of doing the act; when Is nothing j more than a date; where, the place; and how. the method. But why? Well, that's the riddle. i ii i f-Hfi iliiiiiniriiiifiiri. mim .i ..l .i riYilmi that Fanny llrlce is the most brilliant person alive today. She dtsre( gards the immaterial and unessentla. things, and cotnes straight to tlie point with "why?" It Is truly amazing, he way she gets at the , bottom of things, and the things she finds out about things, don't you think? Well, I think it is. Only one othar thing, mom. I don't think that the world appreclr ates a genius. If you disagree, Just try holding your mouth open and saying "Why?" every time someone ? tells you something. Your loving eon, George." Louisiana has 76 one-variety oot ton communities taking in approximately 3,000 farmers. 1 . i JIHHWKKL In your sporo tlmo ; 1 btmgk mostorf of owm ntpoti St sxpsrts.sad msMMVrW mi smi ?tsi. fn* Itwhi laisi wllsaal Csrrsspsadswis trtisals P. L. PIERCY, Rep. r Box 2455 Gastonla, N. C. ?????? LI J! I Mm Rj Ha I I r i, k [ t. - ..v 1 D t . Age THE NATION1 BUILDER 6 Brings You Hi< Trucks At Lo FAMOUS VALVI-IN- ? Chev HIAO TRUCK IMOINI ume nat give yov POWHnn. 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Jgl moms rolet trucks are the only Jv P"000, n the entire low-price field ' 1-7i*frl jSLM (II the modern truck advantages m~ cwmtoaa t' { ,r. c1i.ovii.is1ihi habii m Mltll ?oitop w trlftm .0* it' J J ?TfJ >-- . iM fc.1? fnj-jl ' I I 1 1 1 ' Ml tow prkma, owl HiipftoiW; tow ???r R LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALS ?,'7,t^u< r~ ?" Ckw-- f i - - ?- ^ I land MotQr GRLj ^ klngg Mo'. ; yii ".' . *

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