uv AT ' ' .r - ' HOME ? 1 VOL. 28 NO. S. State And > Condensed Ii ?National News? Washington, Jan. 17.?Presiden Roosevelt's $552,000,01)0 defense pro train started through the Cougres aional machinery today. The Senate Military^ Committer itsbenrhlod for an general discussion of the sweeping recommendations, while the similar flouse t'ohnnlt;c< called Secretary WoodrLug, Genera Malin Cralr, Army Chief of Staff and other army otlieers to exphrir In private their ideas on armament Danville,. Va. Jan. 17.?Miss Ulan che l/owenstelu, confectionery own ter, 1 urge <8 i?i aevcn-pouiul hag hit* the olllee of Jus'.tc of the Peace A H. Klase when she arrived to pay i $12.60 fine on a charge of posscssiti, punch hoards. The t. tg held 1.251 pennies. n* xi Wonvanb AoMiliai^- ? nl,i> ? kail Mission Study On Friday evening at 7: JO o'clo-.J In the Chapel of the First Presbyter tan Church the ladies of the Wo man's Auxiliary will-meet for lh< first session of the Mission Stuil!: Uook, "Star In tbo East," by Dr. C Darby Pulton. The mew of the chut oh and the young people are cordial ly Invited to attend this session,, fo the great subject of missions is o concern and interest to all memberi -ot the church. .. ? At three o'clocv on Saturday th< seoond section of the study bool will be reviewed. At the close o this session the ladies will bo- host cases at a social hour. I Mrs. -EL A. Harrill, - Mrs, Arthu Hay, Mrs. W. T. Thomson, Mrs. Doi Blanton, Mrs. Charles Ttiomaseon Mrs. Paul Neisler, Mrs. George Moe Mrs. Robert Miller, Mrs. Paul Maun ey and Marian E. Murphey will r i- ? v Baby Boasts Six Grandmothers A baby girl, born recently to Mi cud Mis. liuioiu Humduu auu give that lovely uatne, Hilda Jane, ha an unusual claim and so l'ar w know Uin.'.jualh a in this section, i that slu; poaseses sir living gram mothers. These Jce Mrs. l*t*su Herndun and Mrs. Hunter Well grandmothers;- Mrs. Marie H erode and Mrs. Dave LMokoai. great-gran mothers; Mis. John HvruUon an * > Mrs.' Anton Wells, gicni-grcat-gium mothers. Hilda Jane'a mother was befw marriage, Miss Alton trolls. Court Of Honor* Here Tonight . The monthly Hoy Stout Court Honor will be heid -.nigh: at 7:3u the High School Auditorium. The meetings this year Ik.vo he< held in the Court itoum of the Toy Hall. The* meeting lnis bc.-n amui td on this occasion for the lfii School Auditorium -to accemntbila the large crowd expected to cci to see the technicolor moving p turea taken by the Scout Executl R. M. Stjhlele while In South Ame cn during the post fall. Mr. Schlele la an expert photogi plier and all of tho pictures .prept ed by him have been beautiful a educational. The public la invited come. Laughing Ar< WithIR " n For Businej 1* : ' ' ' ; ' ' By IR' 'T'HE newly elected Ku Klux ] now in session behind lock< the secret work upon batch < shove his way into the halt. Thi way. Presently the persistent "Say, look here," said the v . took a closer look at the stratoga "Sure, I'm Jewish," answer* "Well, don't you know the K "I don't vant to join." "Well, what do you want tl "I vant to see the feller vc (American ] ; I I HIJIII I *T # Kings lauuiiai news a Brief Form ' ?State News? t Wimton-Salein, Jan. 17.?Mayor ? W. T, Wilson of Witts ton-Salem was under Indictment today on a charge oi embezzlement or guardianship ! funiU'. Mayor Wilson is also public, guardian for Forsyth cu-unty. Seven - uparate inJlctnu .its were, returned j i rrainm the City olIlcLnl by the Coun-i ty Grand Jury. ?! Grt t) -halo. Jan. 17.?Major L 1'. M< Gendon, chairman of a legislative, I coin'.iii&sion appointed to study tliej jfieasllKl'ty of establishing a Statu D'.'j - { . tnn-ht of Justice, said today tin ' ' j commission"'bad e-stiinatod "the total aj.nual new expense" luvolv d would l.| "J rH ] Kini'ti Mtn. Schools Quality For State Health| Physical Financial Aid ? ? r r - - - I On Friday, Jan. .13, Dr. J. Ilenr? . Ilj.rasnillh, Staid School Inspector J I and Mr. Charles K. Spencer, Hi alt 1. pniid Physi-al Education Dircc'.or for. North Carolina, visited the Kings Mountain Schools and made a thorough check after which they informed Superintendent Parnes that the schools had a Health end Physical' Education Program which merited i financial'aid from the- State. T4te| Si jit a IVnnrfniPnf h'in Iw^.n nliln t r? 1 secure nltl for those schools in Nor-j s th Carolina which already had a! definite, approved Physical lCdncj2 tioai Program. U is understood that Kings Mountain will probably get about 91.60 per teacher from the, '* State to afd this program. Only a few schools hi North (jarr olina at the present thne haye a def1 inlte, approved program of Health ' and Physical Education. Kings Moun B tarti is one of the leaders in this * field. I Men's Club To Build Sign a At Entrance of Battlen ground r ' ? I Members of the- Men's C'lu'o voted \ at their last meeting to erect a sign on the Grovtr itouil, at the entrance! to the Kings Mountain Battleground. . .Mr. Aubrey Muuney ivpor eu . tiltcost of the sign ..iiiild be about tl' and upon motion 6i J. i?. 11. rnciciL, " cluu memberi v?'.cd to have the J git coiisti acted .is soon as possible 'ijii; sign a .11 e dOi)l>io __luce w: ..i II up| loprifoie reading ou both idc? *' t'.Lig up the Kings Mou-i'.aiu Battle ground with the- Town of Kings , .Uouirtin. 1,1 It was afso decided at -the meetiu" a . ' - -1 M? cooperate wun .Niuonal l;o.. ,l' i Scout Week by having the first meet l'"| big in hVb'ruary in connect ion wttn j the Annual Hoy Scout Supper. Pl.-.sts rei will be announced later of the cotsi| plcto progt'-in. Overhead Bridge To Have Lights Contractor lliddle was nilificd ?f, Wednesday M ari.ir.tr it hat the new 811 overhead bridge new uunder eonj ni ruction is to have four electric j This, ho said will i.d'd n 111 vi at deal io the beauty and service ift-jnf .'he n'met it re. 1 debts on att-raclive poles will be loeaited at each oi 1,1 {the four corners, lie I ir" SINGING CONVENTION MEETS v<5 SUNDAY 2:00 P. Ml AT rl MACEDONIA CHURCH ra- The Kings Mountain Singing Con ?r- veivtlon will meet Sunday afternow pl at 2:00 o'clock at Macedonta Bap to list church. IJlie public Is cordlall: Invited. ound the World VIN S. COBB 5s, Not Pleasure VIN S. COBB Klan, having had ita first parade, was xl doors for the purpose of conferring jf new members. A stranger tried to s kbeper of the outer portals shooed him intruder T^rftaraed. rarden, "you don't belong in here." He r. "I'm stare of it Ain't yon Jewish?" >d the other, with an ingratiating smile, iu Klux Klan don't let no Jews join it?" ?en?" >t buys the bed-sheetings." Hews IWtaiM, Ia?.) J ' v V - 1 . * '. - : ' J " 1]^K; t Moun . : KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. r 1 ,*;i" ? Ladd Hamrick Heads Local I Red Cross 1/uJd W. llauirHk. S'CnMary aid I Trttn;xcr pf l.lie Phtitix "Mill?. - was <, ?le elected Were ns fol-1 r lev ; Mr*. ('. K. .V lidor. J-'trst Vi"0- ' , C'lv'rinau; M " *. Prank Sumn'rrs,1 ; >U ->"ii fly'? ; if; Mm. flroly ! Klnn, S< oretnrv, end Mrs. I'. G. Rat- i Icrrec. Treasurer, Mrr, Ituth Gamble w:- re-elect' V , Kvi (,'t!vp Sffiiy'iiiy. . !llrectors elected Were: .11. S. Peol-j., it. W. K Mautiey. U. 11. Hnninv. \V. > M. Ike "i>, M. A. Ware. Aryc'd '" '' .!< ? Thomson end Mrs. J. K. llon? j don. '"A..,1., i a ,i in ' S< ? rotary. and Mrs.- Ratter roe. Tress , U'?T. . U Rev. 1,, Tloyd Hamm. Crairman of , fllo Roll f'Ull,-OTiprossed his ppproela j t on .r ir in-" support givftn tno ueu Cross bv citizens of Kings Mountain. HOURS CHANGED Now hours (ho Rod Cross office vill be open beghthing Mond-iv, Jan. 23rd, are from 1:00 to 3:00 P. M.! ' each day except Saturday, according J ' to an announcement from Mrs. Gam- ' hie.. Evecut:^re Secretary, ' , RED CRiOSS NEEDS CLOTHING Mr? Kuth Gamble, Executive Sec- j i rotary of the Red Citoss. has asked 11 The Herald to publish an nrcont're- < quest for U'S?->d ir.ltvhing. especially i coats and wraps for boys and girls < of school ages A number of children In lo-ci?? ojj-t j cd tq Martin, G'-ofg' . last Thtir-tlayi on cc/jounf of th* "illn-as-i an 1 -nth ? I quant, deaih cf Mrs ' Davis' fa'i-.- " Vr. J. C. Ml'it age it*' \vhq Is v 'l! icnotvn in Kings Mountain wli- r- 1" j -.is-'i.-d- It's d--.uc?h?er fr* -r-?nt'v Ibf'.rmlty t?re\entcd. Mr. Mil! I offvrr^'l 2:^)0 o'oi: V'. ! >.uud->v snort'iv*. Pmifira! " ' ' Vvtr' ;' > , " v'' ^s- tool" ti' Rt 1' (.. h:tr:'r.n ncr / W-stinSnr-1 i P. nil >1 r?r?flr?v jfiemroi' ?ir; j Miller's \vif? and o'lior romim' uc | hurled n' tlvis nhnreh". wh'rh 's In' 'in- fV"?* ?1v?robrs of loot I tinn. Dr. John P'lnrs.in. <-r ri-ksvrtte. Gpoi'rIk, a fortnr.v pistes-. Mas in eharee of til" last rites. Mr MHV-r hut! ho?n ~si o'i-l- in his chnr?1i for many vnti?"s. Surviving at- ill" follow1-- i ' M:m: Mr-5 Pearl \ -ii the ( iiiHi'il wciv irtii.ciu over lie..' area. Tilt, tubers muie ironi lex uio ana ,i Several iuv.*;ie.'.p-l^ni1* e l! molt ;aa:i uvi 'ily # )' ;iicji'a.,iU?,a lo the meeting. iViiiouji iUm iocul - imliibtrli s ri i ~j, fcJC.rd Hl'ii; iLc Muilll'.'}' Mill.!, Ul>n-|, ,i CoiK.''Y."l" ' wkmmmLmmmmm . i'.e enough ?uod from tlic'r coining o our eoninunii'iy lo jnuke life safer md ttufTiring tees on aecaunt of u'e1? lit:*. lie ki V Ilui.i h" was sure !i.' t'he Mannfaoturyr* here were, .s much interested In the welfare of In- working people, iu our Industries is :ir,y\vH?jr?. The meeting was presided over b* ' buries. Forney, Jr.. Cha'rimn . or he Council and connected with the "leyrjand Mill and Power Co.. of tl.elby, N. C. Vr. Powell'of the N. C*. Indus triil "out mission read a paper prepared ?v a member Of the Council, Mr. C '. Shuford of the Cliffslde Mills. The ifp?r gave the h'.sr.ory of the Council iind explained Its purposes. During t.he program tlhe Sherrlb school of the Dance, in Shelby furnshed a very entertaining floor show rhey had with them a group of expert young and .ttilonted dancers, lingers rind acrobats. Mr. Dorsett of the -Industrial Commission delifeiPed an able :and hcloiu". address to the Council oil the "Cost of Canelossncfis." This nd:in would have dcae much to s: \ lives and suffering on account of / ? if >ip?r;l K*. 11 l.srccr niir' 1 -I nt Kings Mountain people. l't trot Vn' expressed Ihat "r.etv locivl. pscplo ciitl. uot .intend the nu?:-| h:s to wbidi they were inVlted uh ] r. .'v--tr of this opptdirnlt! J will not, Iw reroute.1 for j *.. ng. time. The Council jivots over" ; ; r.w nth but sit different p!a. : over the nrost. i'vings Mtn. Avcceive High iiaiw.g i""ui'.lc.tlion Si/. ul' S.iuc liiU'iil oi 1 uMic % iiit vi ucuo:. jti.ic.ilJI, C j list ' bv .1 t - ! ? >* .'(i gtl.l.g lilit J'?..jiig3 ill Silt ilK' A Ji* ill 'Carolina Seboolb. 'll ?j .n.i .. -.ti..3 10 note iliat toe. Kings Muuttiuu .Schools are 1 tiled ui.unig t:. basi sellcela .el lite "Si;.le. ..'The liigh School rule 1-A and is again 11$'. d as t; 11:. t.iii r o Son tJiern As.sociti'iittii. '1 In ro.liig' of me Klenroiiiary Schools li.is in en ra Mid to Citiss 1. All of these iilllt' s ba\; been uciiievoiJ under tlu m iv re "UiTehionis which are in effect ih.s .vetia lit order \j meet '.horn ivijt.i >. nieui8 the Elementary Schools have had to adil considerable to the librat leg. have hat! to buy additional maps and globe*. have had to install at least ten liner r feet of bulletin l)oa'rd In or.eh classroom, have lad to Install approved, angle-stream I drinking fountains and ?mnv ^iito. tj|> her and this is for our tenth anniversary. Show me a dollar's worth of daisies." . (American NeweFeatotve. lac.) . [erald Mercfaaiits Aj Secure Loeatj Officers <>*' Kir,nr. Mount air Merchants' Association M \ pi i I B^T~ A. A - MBpr..iA*i[ BP ^JBEaMH * isBBsil * President J. B. Keetcr ' l < BE i ? i j 10 I it mgjKtm JOB Mr I J I mm MA M wjkpy dtL I Bj[~ o i Vice-President G. A. Bridges d kttn Ji I jb\ M i ( I ' Secretary and Treasurer 1>. l' . liovd i PK C- . I C.t.i.y '* _* w. . w O i 4 !* U /? ?. } \ { TRAJNIIwJ tCHOQ. -it .v-V Thtv A..: ;::? . ..tilard l-ioatisrshlpl < jTrainiri;; Si w,l lor the iTdrbyiotviiil'-j *! t.iid A. si . .me Kti.o;-lit (} iMestyiar inn Chan >1 Schools tlin (r?<.on'?i area, will b..--U:'.d Jr.vuary 2En.. of ,Ja.i. 22,-ut 3:00 o'clock. Tho rcir.rlnirg se^sione will c.i! \j<-???'. ,?,* ;? -> ? - H Friday evenings at 7:30 o'clock. The "following courses are beins "fiend \ :h: In* ituctcT3 given-! "The Work of Chnri.h Officers," by 'lc-. G. V. tvilro" dr., n' V.'llmlngi-on. N. C. "The Wa- s of Teaching", i by Rev. W. W. Boyce of Charlotte. 'Brilii iiE' A Ikital Yo-. h Program, by Miss Mary l/nrise Wrrxlaon. Dl- ' rector of the Young People's Work : . i -'vi, ->d of Nc>i-h Carolina. ' "Understttnaitng Children." instructor to be named. 'Religious Ldfe In i:? t-v"M Church." bv Rev. J. O. Mann. Director of Religious Eduot ' ? He Synod of Nor'h Carolina, '' rent m'aiv be trvde with m'. Mrry John Howe. First Presbyte.r'tin Church, Gastonia. n" " CLOSED TODAY *t Nat'ottrl '-'-ji wHl be 1iv fn ob*rv ?? of IjSo v. whfeh c-sl- holi' > > -invent' t Noiii cr A V ' ' *?,. ' READ . THK HERALD 1 FIVE 0ENT8 PER COPY ssociation ion Mtillbcrs C? l.lb Ivill!1' erchau.s Ast JY:la;i.aii. \\ an a a as ganlzcU lui t w< vk Ik Id in r secni meeting kt&t .Monday. v.-vi nitio at c City lia.ll, . .1. iraiiaai u u- veriiiilxji'ian IK ins ot iittsj. sa wiiu resnieiK i.ynui * K? at*.I ii-.v'-. -.ug. ?> Hoard ii Dil i . ?i .> -iioin.n.iit ,t by ' I al'llollll <1 |)\ I 'm I'IVS- * MJit, Weld a|piw\ etuimet lu-.t llUlot.a.Y I, I aril! a lut ml pl il tju' fill- < y.in*. t'-i' a; I i.tltn iins wiiiali ' a' i JIJll'OVi.u, by I ill' ilK'llibt I s. at M? :.!ti > Itlg'iH l?V' ;1"K 1. i ai iii>' aiiii. .as.on id i"i>.irarf 'l>y-l.ivv? ??f ;jiu $h< .by .il< r2. l ii.n dirc*i. be |> u.Jiitll '.r Iliwii oei\ payable 111 fidiillli? Ine ii|l;ilt .I'Vli/atii)' Ioti , " r , . lillHli.ii.ty in the. I) K. Herd Cm iiuta (ii. wiif.u jilh -. ' Wh3 1 i :.? ii i." Kir -1 Krosky-terla;? ...ri-i, -i. ;S. we irtl;.*''greai . ir. ' i:. ,-.-r : the . ti. Hi'.' .). j,J i. Wills, minister of the Kirst I're?I.i-1 ., S-;::..or. 5-). t\. is to 'it h -t i ? :-i hurch Jn-n- on Sunday morning. Knur tii't hud. ship oi l.'t otor Vcllr. S'irii: o:* ol:iii i h lips i>.rowo o bo on? of Hit' lartfes; cVtrth.-s in ; Sj :>< ?! .of .'uii 'if "C-ivoi ns. t)r. Veils Is known and loved not only >. hi* bo*' i- ' v.*?t ?i:rj' ?tat*-. but .a hi 11:3b ;ii' '! ? I'll!;:.' 1 ifii'i-li Some nvp. aero the Southern !*' < tb 't'li'iu liurt li conferred their hii'hest hon1.' oil , inii hi.lt 1 : ' if Of ' ' i" j li?" awio'-al fA?tsorul?ly. Ho' noiii'.r.ecs0 serve us a member of some, of its : :t' ot'inm,!,!:e- 1. \i the Vesper Service at five n-hu k llr. .T 11.11"tidrvHt< pastor t " i .'^1 *irst Presbyterian Church of. Gas? '>?. wlK kriii't- nho .in -'-'s: tre of the yorshlp hour. We ore deM"h;cd to tivo thpse two outstanding loaders >f oar fhu'Ch ov-'Ui us and we feel tgre, that- largo contrrelations will , ivall thetnsMVes of hortring them. r ?" wr\* JameS Preston (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views ef This Newspaper.) Washtng^pn's Sildh-line observers are hoping that they have detected a note of forthcoming govermrjant overtures toward business In ana- , > wer to the cooperative plan reoently advanced by business leaders at the December session of the Congress' of American Inlustry\ The new itune 4s betag-plaved nononly behind (ho closed Innerchambar doors of Washington. If all the Inner-chamber participants can a pree on the now Idea, the result may be simply this: -Governmend will give at '.east part j of the business recovery formula a try. Namely, It will cooperate with business In a planned program to get Industrial wheels turning a gam and thus help take men off relief rolls and put them on pay rolls. The idea Is being studied careful(Cont'd on Editorial page) ' 1 It - ?