UV AT HOMK VOL. 25 NO. 4 State And N Condensed Ii ?National News? Chicago. Jun. 24.?General and Mr*.- Charles Galea Dawes oelebratert their golden wedding anniversary today. Hollowing Wieir usual custom of keeping thedr privatit lives private, the former Vice*President and Mrs.: Dawes arranged no special obserance. Tonight theTe will be a 'wedding mrpper for member* of the tamtlly and a tew intimate friends and a lib tie moslcale in their -home In subur has Brans ban. Washington. Jan. 24.?While much o I the world resorted to deficit financing, the . Republic of Liberia, ended Ita last fiscal year with a aur " flilfi. " 11 This waa reported today by I .eater A "Walton. American Minister to the African country.. He added that! the republic paid all obligations on its funded debt and made substantial payment 4n Its internal debt., i s - I \HWlywnod. Jan. 24.--Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, making their first public aapearanee since Mm. Maria Gable announced ahe planned to *oe for dtvorse, attended a pre-1 rlew laat night. Smiling broadly, they pushed. through throngs out*We the theatre and the blonde Mtsa Lombard) clung tightly to Gable'* arm. New Yorlr, Jan. 24.?'Lily Pons. Metropolitan. Opera soprano, was 111 with Influenza today but her condition was reported by her physlclarf as not serious. Because of her illness she has can celled thtroe cTagtag engagweientta. Including an appearance at a benefit concert at Carnegie Hall tomorrow night' sponsored by the National .Foundation for Infauttle Paralysis. Centralis, Pa... Jan 24.?Raiding a home here, liquor enforcement agents were literally showered with -evidence. Bottle* and ' ana emtio sailing out a second floor window. When Amber fib Id began stream ing down, the agents formed a bucket briggide to catch It. They labeled -It. "Moonshine. Exhibit A." Rook Hill 8. C., Jap 24.?A State l'ighway Department checking stn lion -will operate here this week test Ing trucks and other commercial vd h teles. The station will be set up on Chat lotte Avenue Just off the Rock Hill Charlotte highway. Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 24.?Chemists at the New York state agricultural Experiment Station figure It will be about three years before they can answer, chemically, the question: "YVhen Is a graph riper Neither color nor appearance of the gnupe Is a safe guide in determining maturity, the scientists said, and the answer must be left to the taste. The chemists seek a chemical test which will remove the human factor. ' ; i . Laughing Arou With IRVI A Well-Met t , , v '.'H? .'v ' ' By IRVIN ?\7AITER, waiter, here vaiter gif The gentleman rapped wi topi At his call, a servitor came hi ann . m , Til* Mm vu a Yiddish restau ' East Side. The hourwas the lunche bearded person who had just made . veyed the idee that here was a busli -Vaiter," he said, "yon should folk and a napkin and a Mate; a nappvt" , I : The waiter, somewhat pooled, ] stood by awaiting the order itself, r Mp Wek and then before his astoun a knuckle of rye bread and from tl eeedad to make a light but satisfyii I Ablaze with indignation the w way to find the proprietor. "See that guy yonder?" he sai one. "Well, of all the scalded nen know what that gay done, boss? ! made me fetch him a set of feedin' his own chow and started eatin'. I down?" "I certainly am," stated the fell from EzzcU's blow. j (j I n j'h Raleigh, Jan. 24.?J. Dewey Dor- ( c sett. It was reported here today,! a 111 likely resign his post as chair- ir loan of the State Industrial Onm. mission wKhia a few days to ic- ?< cept a job with an insurance cor-1 hi juration la New York. Dorsett was b! out of the city today and could not j bo reached for comment, and Gov',. Hoey declta/ed to comment on the * report. , ? C Southern Pines, Jan. 24.?A freight >' train ran over and killed1. Mrs. Mar- " gwret M. Wensei 85 of Matitawan, N. n J., yesterday att street intersect ion. fl A pedestrian yelled at Mrs. Wen- K zel, but she apparently did not see t( or hear the slow-moving ttratin and " stepped directly In front of it, wit- h newes said. >. . fi C Hendersonvflle, Jan. 24.?One of, the most historic (homes in the Flat I Rock section, belonging to Langdon! *. Cheveet, prominent Charleston, S. ^ C.. attorney was destroyed by fire yesterday. 8 The residenoe, which caught from n a brush, fire that burned over sever- c j at acres In the vicinity, was built about 1836 by Charles Baring, Britlth banker, and one of the founders 1 of the Summer colony. k Raleigh, Jan. 24.?A survey based j on building permits issued in tthe y state's 21 largest citlea bowed to- n day that construction activity last c [Humn was approximately t?nree. tlm- \ es as great as It was In December, e 1937. Hie survey was made by tthe w State Department of Labor. There p was 12,727,306 worth, of buB&ng \ under way in the 21 dttes last moo- 0 th compared with $983,161 in the tl same cities in Dec., 1937. ' tl R Chapel Hill, Jan. 24.?Jim Wood U son a guard, and George 8 tiro.we las, a quarterback, will be co-cap tains of ' the University of Ntorth Cartollna'* 1939 football teem. , I iuf the World * n s. cobb a _ w II II n n I ^ - - : ^ ited Rebuke .>; c p S. COBB n me some addenslon, uf you blease." ^ th impatient knuckles on the table Ra arrying to his side. tf Ir?^ a * ? - ?? - - rani m ur&na street on Mew York's A on hour. The speaker was a heavily 43 i his entrance. All about him con- tc less man in a rush. right avay bring me a knife and a l.o ^ 2m. ?... Und make J iroduced the articles called for, then cc To his surprise the patron waved 0r ided eyes drew from one cost-pocket of le other a pickled herring and prong meal. alter spun on his heel and dashed T d, pointing toward the bewhiskered . re ever I seen in my life?say, you He come in here a minute ago and tools and then be gee, he hauled out Ain't yon goin' to give him a call- tj, oner. He ranged up alongside the ? le sarcasm, "wot Und of a' place do St t" Jt is repast: fu rou ask me, I got to tell you?der Gi CO Mmalaal ^ n 111 i I ' 11 ^ - T - ^ " _ ? m t< ., ft Moun f KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. Lings Mountain Boasts Tnusual Old Man Many tiwos can boast of havlii; Id mom or women in tiuMr m!d#i. iV just a? our town tikes the lead t all other things, she she boasts more unusual old man. If not quite > old as some of the others. He Is 11 old Negro, aiVJ 'he came int tho erald office yesterday on a little islt. Among the many Interest hut rcum-stance)! surroiiud'ng him are to /act t'h;?tt he used to l>e a stars, 80 yeo.rj c'd em I h a twenty four llldren by two wives. T.Ms name Is Bob Allison, and ho v i over on Chestnut Ridge. Ah o" any protty morning that he la icllng good. Uncle Boh con be seen t the- street. In the Interview with le Herald man he disclosed that p.wifll be 89 years old "couto March th", and has been around " Kings Icuntatn for fifty years. He also ild that he liked Kings Mountain pry much. 'Tonne7r?"TlP^ffl$?WP"oF'ffF",!f"nP Uson. the old colored man h a rmed ail hi* life, and still s'avit ti a farm wi-tth his firully. Uncle oh said that of hia 24 children tere were four seta of twlna "hand unning". Six of the children were > hia first w'.fe and y8 by his sec lid. RtUl able to get trt'Hmt. the aged ian told your reporter that he goes i church when able, and comes to icn almost, ?verv d?v However, he ad no formulas for ivitis to a rlpo id acre. *o Organize Flying School Reavis Nelson. Transport Pilot o! h?irlotte. was in Kings Mountain fptjerdriy afternoon dfecusslng the rganlza&ion of a flying school foi Esidonts who would like to learn to y. Pilot Nelson will be In Kings fountain eraich Tuesday and Friday y instruct students. Those inheresMi in the organization of the school ope to start with about ten stuents. Instructions will be given rom Jimmy Hord Airport on the herryvilla road. '1 Anyone interested in taking the curse may get in touch with Pilot eleon or Harold Hunnksutt, one ol Kngs Mountain's afvlaflan entiaUsifts. Mr. Hnnmtcutt baa alt >-^ly tade his solo flight, and hopes to omplete his training ethortly. foung Lady At Kings fountain Drug Co. Miss l?iriso ltrackett. of Kings iountain, has accepted a (bosSTton nth the Kings Mouuntaln Drug Co. ccordirvg to an announcement from o-owners Don Blanto and Johnnie Dro/ their personnel. Miss Bracket* extends a cordial ivltation to her friends to visit er at her new connection. Jnique Contest At fen's Club Tonight A very unique contest wtth a $5.00 ash prize to be awarded! to the Inner w.Ul be staged by the proram comSmlttee this evening at the ren'a Club Supper at the Woman's lub buMdtng beginning at 6:30. The fognatn conunlltee would not per >lt the publishing tn advance of the ature of the contest so that It ould be be ai complete surprise to II members. All members are (Snvtd to be present 'wo Homes Being Moved , Two homes belonging to Mrs. 3. . Hord, and situated on Piedmont venue near the alte for the now '0,000 post oflioe, are being moved matte room cot roe undoing. The new poet office, "which wHl and on the corner of Piedmont' venue and .Mountain treel, will tot 32 1-2 feet of the Hond prop-, ty, thus nooeeeWatlnK die removal the homea faultier down the WP? - I "J; 0 Attend Meet 1 G Estonia A The pa*tor and quite a number of e pi ember* of Central Metbod^t lunch wfH attend* an all-day meetIt of the Oatont'cUtrtot In Mkln ret Methodtat Church tomorro*. hoary 27th. Thla mealing will )ie 11 of Interet to the MethodUU Of laton, Linoolnton and Cleveland unties and a number of prominent ealters will be heardl: > . ?a.--* ? - p 1" 111 itain H THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1930 W. A. Morris & ' D c i a?sc5 " , ji W. A, Morris, 68, prominent prop- . ert> c*ner, died Monday ntglrt at Hit (.clock utter two weeks' tlluess. Funeral servlcea were held at the j.j First Baptist church here Wednes- ^ at 11 a. in., oon.uia.ted by the \ ,-isior. Hev. A. J. Saigeant. assisted * i\ K. u, C\ Oar cr. Interment was Sr. Patterson drove cemetery. Active pail beaters were Qrahain ' Ahlsilunt. Sidney Hicks, J. M. Hicks ^ Jr.. I.loyd Frudy. Uoiunl Hainr.ck ^ ' and James Qyers. Honorary pallbearers Included 1. It Davis. W. F. u>k to. J. C. Gault, ?' | W 11. Mdkuilel. J. U liarreU, An| drew WiUon. W C. Ledford. C. C. lh Wilson. Marvin Goforth, F. C. Bar- k.< ntt? U. Smith, D. F. Hord. 8 A j,, Msiuney. J. B. Ithodes, John (1 , A Wtfght, all of Kings Mountain, aui|w .1 H. C'llne of Shelby. !,i, 'I"." He WP TTT!P? piu miii. 'itiii in ii |f wife was the former Miss Georgia Hord. To this union was born eight I" h'Jdren, Mrs. D. C. Hord of Kings Moontain. Mrs. J M Hicks of York. <> s c . Mrs. J. O. Hendricks of Shelby ? !?oy Ix'dford of Richmond. Va.. Wei- * Spit, Orvllle and Albert Morris, all f< 1 of Kings Mount an. Mi# second marr.uge was to Mia# Violet Barrett, "V 1 wlio survives witb a daughter. Wll- w lie. Also surviving are 17 grandchild M r?n and Eve great grandchlldre. He >?# a romber of the First Baptist 2; church. ch Mrs. Ligon Dies M In New York ? F i Word has been received here of , the illness and death hi New York p City of Mrs. Madeline Ligon, former i resident of Kings Mountain. gl She died late Friday tn a Brooklyn i hospital where she had been for the i past three months, and cremation V( was held on Saturday. Ashes were j, | brought to Clarksvllle. Va., tor la1 terment In the grave of her husband 3 ; the ate H. A. Ligon who died several 4 years ego. She was a member of the Preetoyitertaii church. In Kings Mountain' she was for a time sec re- j 1 tary to Attorney E. A. Harrill. 5 Sunvtvqns include two daughters, Mary Frances and Susie Ligon who K w 111 live with Mm Haley Ligon of o Buffalo Junction, Va.; three sisters, Mrs. Ralph Crum of Nerw York Clt\ p Mrs. J. M. Sprouse of Anderson. S. I C? and Mrs Ben Beam of Kings p Mountain; a brother, B H. Haonmell ol Lincolnton. E , LITTLE THEATRE MEETS TONIGHT V Members of the Little Theatre are , reminded to be present this evening p at 7:30 at -the Chib House for re- j, h carnal. Members of the cast are asked to know their respective parts. 1 i < k 4 WU1 Rogers' N Humorous Story ( By WILL ROGERS TN CHICAGO they got a lot of now Improvements to take the H place of cops. Seems like they can't p afford to have a cop in every home ei and store, not all tno time anyhow, (< and a man can't spend all his time ' standing around with a gun in his hand instead of waiting on the ? trade. There was an awful polite fellow g> from Alabama went to Chicago and a Ml S H started a Jewelry store, and rare i> enough, the third day in come A d guy with a gun and a helper and tl started cleaning out the place. The Alabaman backed up against the wall with his hands up, and the bandit savs, "Now, you stay there 8 and mina your business, and If 1 y see you tryin' to reach for a push button or a lever to call the cops, 111 lay you down, see?" ' "Yes suh," says the Alabaman, r and the bandits went aheed taking ci stuff out of the showcase. G "You shouldn't take that there o tray out," says the AlabaM^nf ? yotfll nahdon my saying ss suh," " whan the robbers lifts* big trayi, * of diamonds out at the cans. w "You keep out of this," says theiS v sue with the gat. ? "V It "Yea suh," says ths Alabaman. , c And after a few mhratSa ha stmE I only wishetWo say, soh^haf if- h annoys the com very mm suh, . when you lift Wat tray onUdcause N ft rhur* a bfr bell at poHc* headquarters, and frrltetta the'men. f ' think f aaa quite a lot of them eonv : h< ai hmh'dir teraW iAVEL PfCTURES ~ nuW.\ AT SCOUT i OURT The regultv n^jiuhl) mucking of c I > i^vuv Com. ot Honor wus Id lust ihur*du> Uc.il. In., the High rhcol Auditorium. ! Stools Herbert Ihiniphrey and oyd CJuecu completed uheir work r . do iu&gib Scout? lucik and were ' commended by iiio court for the vu.u. ik)\h of Uiide Scouts com* 1 till 'iV.jp No. 2 of which lainey ' Detunur la. Scouunaaiif. 'litla1 1 cm ji in.ci tiuco Scouts to qualify at- ' io December Court. Badge* foi eae award.' w'.U be made at the an :a.l Boy Scout Week banquet to be ! ' rid at the High School Cafeteria on irhruary 9th. 1 Another feature of the court was ' le showing by Enecuttve K. .. M. ' chlele of thia teolaticolor mot '.<>* ol a trip made last fall to Central merk-a. A large number of vial tor* ere preeetu at the court to aee mimmmanMMMaaia The Boy Scout Court opened with rayer leu by Kev: Connor, of NV'oayan Methodist chuHh. followed by le repeating of tlie Scout Oath. Afi a few announcements pertaining > National Hoy Scout Week the! ork of the Court went forward as Uow.H: . i' Tenderfoot Rank.' Hoyle bee , hite?Ides, 2: Coy Connor. -4; Dar-i in Keller. 5; L. Benson Wilson. 7; -j 'ax I). Rollins, 1. Orover. Second Class Rank: Grady Green. 1 : Chas. Wilson, 6; Douglas Mullen* >r, 6. . First Class Rank: Dilly Hullender : Win. Mcdlln, 2. Merit Badges ? Animal Industry: [lies Mauney,); Ernest Mauney 2. Bird Study: Ben Goforth, 3; Herert Pumphrey, 2. Bookbinding: David L. Mauney, 2; loyd Queen. 2. Camping: Floyd; Queen. 2; Herbert umphrey, 2. Carpentry: Floyd Queen, 2; Enene Mathls, 6. Chemistry: James Nickels. 1. Flremanship: AVm. R. Klser, 1, Gro er; J. T- McGinn Is.. 5; Ohaa. Moss, r.. 1; Billy Ruddock 1. First Aid Jo Animal*: Jack Scott, ; Arnold Falls. 2; Buddy Walker. ; Doris Bennett, 2. Gardening: BllHe Gantt, 4. Handicraft: Billy Throneburg, 4; immy Ervrln, 4; Vernon Thompson Hog and Pork Production: Veron Thompson 5; Wm. McGhinis 1, rover. beeitherenaft: Blllle Gantt, 4; loyd Queen, 2. Leather Work: Blllle Gantt, 4; avid McDanlel, 4. . Civics: Herbert PumpJtrey. 2 Pathfindlng: Coolldge FTnley, 3; ddie Smith 1. Personal Health: Coyt Payseur 5: ernon Thompson. B. Reading: Floyd Queen, 2, Safety: J. T, McGlnnJs 5; Titos, iarne-tt, 4; Jaarnes Alexander, 5; ack scott, 3. " Scholarship: Billie Gontt, 4. Star Scout Rank: Chaa. Moss. Jr. ; J. T. McCinntfl 6. Eagle Scout Rank: Herbert PumUrey 2; Floyd Queen. 2. Gold Eagle Scout Palm: James ickels, 1. Cigarette Hidden Tax Nearly One-Half Cost NEW YORK. Jan. 23.-~(IPS). ? idden taxes on a reck age of aigrettes equal almost 7 oonta?ac>rdtag to data on eigaiYrtfe producon and taxes prepared by William . Hollingsworth. President of the etatl Tobacco EMilers of AfrrerW*. Mr. Hollhigs.worth set -e hush,aid was one of the found rs and loyal 8upi*>ru.-rs. The pastor. Rev. 1- Boyd lluium, t was In charge of the services wus assisted by a former poster nnd c'ase friend of the family. l?r. Charles IV>-11. member of the faculty of Che Lutheran Theological Seminary at Coluiuhki. 8. C. For an hour before the" service, the body lay in state at the church aid wus viewed by a large number neffdiborhrod and elsewhere. Music was furnished by member* of the choirs of St. Luke's. St. Mat'hews. KIngs Mountain, \utid St. John's Lu thernn Chunih of t'herryvlUe Pallbearers were J: C. Lackey. Lafayette IJUckey. P. S. Plonk. Rufus Pic nk. W. A. Klldlenhour and I). C. Muuney. Those In charge of the flowers in eluded old friends and neighbors of the deceased and ftumlly. Mrs. Klser was the widow of the late John P. Klser. one of the lamest laud-owners in this section. She was Intensely Interested In the orphnlwitiOn and erection of St. .Luke's church which Wiled a long-felt need of a church of the Lutheran denoml nation m that community. To this church she brought he.r children for confirmation. She wae a faithful helpmeet, constant in her ministry of service, counting no sacrifice too meat when the .Interests of her fain U> were at sticks. She looked for and found the be?t in "her family, frieoos and neighbors. Using tha words of iher paator. "she left' the priceless legacy, to her children, a memory of la life lived In Christ Jesus." She was the mother of a fine family of children w(ho "rise up and call her blessed.' Four children survive. Miss Iiucy Ktser. of the East 8cbool faculty, who lived with her mother bt Kings Mountain; Jacob Ktser of Hickory. Rev. W. A. K'?er of Chicago, HI., pnd A. S. Klser of Kings Mountain. Four children preceded her to the grave. Three of these. L. A. Ktser, Mrs. Floyd Mattney anid Mrs. Arthur Cantt. were for nttmty years promlr.ent citizens of Kings Mountain. Lions To Sponsor Basketball Team Local basketball fans .will soon have the opportunity of seeing the Kings Mountain town cagers In action In the High School gymnasium It was decided Monday at a meeting of the Board of Directors of tha I Jems Club tltart the team would be sponsored by that organization, to play at home every other week on Thursday nights. The fnot that Kings Mountain ham a town basketball team 4a a surprise to many, because of the fact that heretofore they .have played only in Cast on la, being mecofbers of She Gaston County "Conference. The team on top is tat present, with only one loss chalked urp against then. The first home geime will be played next Thursday night, when they tangle with Cllffslde In a non-confer hnce tilt. Other teams *tat the league are Ranlo, Firestone, Groves Thread CrameTton and Threads. Inc. byV"^^M^^PRC8TON (Opinions Expressed In This Coiuptn Ara Not Necessarily ths Views of This NMpspapsr.) t - ~i Officers of the Army General staff and Ntaval General Board, who map oM the strategic polices of mrr na ^ t tonal defense, were not a little surprised recently With urging 10,000 airplanes to be buGt Immediately un der the national defenso-apendlng program. ?uc*h a program, bectxuee of ?t none of thenjAmtf* advocated nudb a program. A Such, lowei* figure for sich e building gatognam had bean ret by them M the number of pianee (hat the Untted States could build 1 Under a practical Urogram. Mixing some two-phw two equals " four specufhttoa with their own ta (Cont'd cm Bditortal page) ,< 'i . rtfl