~ uv HOME VOL. 2ft NO. e -T *: . "* ' ft- - E 1 ?? dtate And N Condensed h ?National News? Ixmdan. Feb. 7.?Prime _ Minister I Chamberlain told the House of Com mons Mcnday "anv threat to vital j interests of France from whatever quarter it came must evoke the im mediate cooperation of this country. >Hia declaration followed a state ment Sunday by Vlrginle. Gayda, Ital iatn Fascism's newspaper spokes man, that Italian troops would stay in- Spain until the Generalissimo Fmnoo's political as well' as military victory was assured. Uoruhui. Feb. 7.?A bomb explosion which wrecked the headquarters of the Torquay Conservative club ' In Devonshire sent Scotland . Yard expert* to England's aouth coast Sat urday In a widening search for aus pected Irish Terrorists. | ?"!? CAfivjr.vu wvcui iru hi O y. ill lift a. in. EST.) after the Houses ot ' Parliament had been barred to visitors as a precaution and police had - announced discovery of Important ae cret clues to ? wave of twmhing* at trlbuted to the anti-British Irish Re-1 publican army. Washington. Feb. 7.?Barring war t'nlted States T^trlines expect to carry passengers across the North Atlantic to Europe within three , . months. They hope to "get away" ahead of European rivals in -the race for the transoceanic passenger trade. The long awaited transatlantic ser vice will connect New York and Marseilles. France, by way of the balmy Azores Islands. Start of the service will culminate nearly ten . years of discussions among a halt dozen government. Washington,. Feb. 7.?The house appropristlins committee recommended $1,898,612,769 today to oper' ate more than a score of independent! government agencies for the year starting July 1?an Increase of more than $298,009,000 over the current year. Despite the Increase, the comnjtt<la'Silsm? $1.6*0*30-itom same -Of the budget bureaus estimates. . v . k- - Austin, Tex., Feb. 7.?Gov.. W. Lee O'Dantel, defending his storm provoking action in delaying the execution of a condemned negro tcday to help aboltkh capital punish mervt. He eald he deliberately bad songht to arouse public opinion to the horror of taking a human life by reprieving Whvzell Williams, negro convicted of slaying his employer, be cause "few forms of punishment couki be more harsh than to see ' certain death staring you In the face day and night for 30 days.' ? . .______ Washington, Feb. 7.?China 'a building a new notion In the compar etlveJy undeveloped interior be yond Immediate reach of Japanese forces, xttUtslng 136,000,000 credit extended tier. In December by the AmMftesnr ex-port-lmport hank. Well-informed persons who disclosed today for ths first time what China was doing with tthe credit opened la NsfW York, wW that na, lion's only tflmaos of defeating the Japanese was to wear them out by creafteg a virtually new Chine: in what was once the hinterland. Chicago, Feb. 7.?Oar tern' for bow legged men are helping Harold Bteffee of South Bend, Ind., pay his tuition at the University of Chicago. zSteffee said his grandfather, John ' Kdehna, flnvtented ithe garters ecauae bow legged men need some, thing different." s , Laughing Aroui f / With iftvn r v ? . } 'I'tlSM Akotif Jk Mill < li/UUI w- ^ By WIN ^MEWLY-WED stories and henpec this modem age of wholesale d Kelp bat call to your attention the henpecked hosband who wee tied ?i It mwii thr' ft wu a rainy r nothing to do bu. >it down and taki This, little Geoifee was doing t auffering manner. After a thirty ? . the wife suddenly ceased her phil staring at me. Why dont you say At which the husbatad answer* that it was my turn." (Aaariou K*Wi R^HMMPPaPOTRMilli Kings ational News , i Brief Form ?State News? Liimberton. Fob. 7.?A Tew hours r'i after he had finished a foiir-m^ntn | term on a liquor charge, .Itrlcy Hum ntonds, 24 ydar old ludlan. was back in Jail todiay ? charged. Sheriff Clyde Wade said, with murdqr. He was charged with fatally shooting ! Lacy Brumbies, 34, a guard at the stale priscn camp here. AsheYllle, Feb. 7.?Ashevllle. after . more than a decade, will return to : the blg-tlme pro golf circuit this springy 1fce boys who play for' money will stop off here April 7-9 to vie for the $5,000 prize money to be offered hi the Land of the Sky open. Ashevllle has not had a large open tournament since 1924. -j vmwmmmmimm ,>i n, Henderson. Feb. 6.?An epidemic ' of colds and Influenza caused the closing of Henderson high school today. 1 Officials, inciting tlhat njore than i one-fifth of the atpprojrtmately > 600 students enrolled were absent, an- ? nounced the school would be closed , Tor two days. Other schools In this sect km also reported a large proportion of at>sencee but none had closed- today. Wilson, Feb. 7.?Wlllard Nix. with a temperature of 106 degrees, continued to live at a hospital here today despite the fact that his apinai cord practically was severed at the neck la ao automobile aocident Friday. . Greensboro, Feb. 7.?John, M. Shan nonhouse. 20. of Charlotte, a stulent flyer, glided his plane into a power 1 line wire near here yesterday -and crashed. The youth crawled! from wreckage unhurt. He was flying low In an attempt to read a highway di rection sign. Ashevllle, Feb. 7.?The Blue Rfdge mountaineers think the Chinese wat i &%. ra* ?* jfw?we. I Many mouritafneere derive their Income from the aile of ginseng or sang roots. The Chinese buy them for redlcinal purposes. But the <3 in o-Japanese war, the mountaineers say, has mined the market. The current price is only what about a fifth what It was before the war. Rutherfordtoo, Feb. 7.?The "United Dry Forces of Ruthertordton coun ty held a largely attended rally, in Forest city Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist church. Petitions sign ed by nearly 4,000 voter? of the ooun ty, asking the Legislature to exempt Rutherford troth legal wine, beer and the one gallon liquor law were preeented. Berersi bund re 1 high school students stoned petitions opposing wine sad beer.. Raleigh, Feb. 7.?F. C. Handy, director of the-state bureau of tares ligation, announced yesterday afternoon that man had been ai t ented in Maryville, Tenth., in _ connection with an alleged criminal assault rob bery case at at Murphy hosiptal last week. Wilmington. Feb. 7.?The Wrights vllle BeSch erosion control project financed by PWA ts progressing rap Idly /Wth/ approxtn^ately 50,000 ?# bfc yard of hydraulic fill hawing been pumped from Ranks channel onto the strand at the southern end of Sea Island since work started early in January. nd the World ST S. COBB / is Fair Play S.GOBB iked husband gags are old stuff la ivorce, but none the less I can not one that relates to the poor little > to a stronger and better ha#. dght at heme and there was really 9 it on the chin from the wife. 0 perfection, in his usual made and [note wave of"expert tongue lashing, lipic and shouted, "Don t sit there something." l td, "Sorry, dear, but I didn't knew 1 towns. Im.) ''v" V.';:f.%|]i Moun . * ' KINGS MOUNTAIN, (4. C. 1. " ; 1 ' - .... * ' ? . I Officers Capture Lai "" ' : il |/ -.-i . . win wwitbis yielded a large aupply of white tiq when raided laat Thursday by Der>uC? burn and John Hord, who can bvri By Automobile t A three-year-old child' of Mr. Doc 1 tVhltc who live* within the hlty llni I its on the Cherry ville-Kings Moun j I a hi highway, was unavoidably brush J >d down by a local negro driver hi a ar Sunday. The back of the child's head struck the road, or some hard f.ubstanoe. It was feared the skull * had been cracked, but an x-ray ex- J1 posure showed there had been k no " hreak audi the child 1s getting along s is welt as could be expected. ^ ' it Dad started across tne road ana ~ turned back to avoht another cor a coming In the opposite direction, netting almost In front of the -one \ 'l.at brushed him aside. . n Shelby lions Nose ; Out Locals 27-24 ' c (By Wblulngton) . 0 The Shelby Lions Cagers defied j tbe Kings Mountain . quintet last c night, 27 to 24, In the fastest game which the home court has ever seen. Smart opened the scoring la . jhe c first two minute* of the 3d * Kings Mountain ted for the first few ' minutes. The Shelby team woke an f JuBt before the end of the half and T had the score tied, 10 all, at the half. c The Kings Mountain team was f without the services of LeOere during the most of the first half. He arrived late and went into the game with one minute and flrty five sec- c onds of the first half left to play. ' LeOere broke the tie with a free ( throw just after the half started, but r it ,wa? tied again when Morris, big Shelby center, also ihade a tree ahot | Both teams were ringing the bell < from all parts of the court, but show c hig anxiety on crip shot*. I The Shelby team began the onslaught in the last. five minutes of tbe game, overcoming a seven point had to win. The last five minute# of play was terrific, with both teams i fighting for Am faafl. , Smart was the big soorer for the locals, ,witth Morris leading for the 11 nf n nm * ?VV\M w> Only two substitutions were made during the fame, eict team substituting * forward. LeOere went Into the game for Humphries, and Hefner for Poaton. J The game last night was the f third loss of the season for the local t team, but as It ww a non-conferenoe I tilt, It wtll not Jeopardise the stand- < ing of the team. I 1 Whether or not the local team. c win play a game here next weeX could not be learned by the Herald but should one be scheduled it will be played next Wednesday or Thursday night. They do play In Gaston la Saturday night in a regular confer once game. LITTLE THEATRE GROUP TO MEET. The Little Theatre group will meet at the regular hour, Thursday evening at the Woman's Chib. Membership in the organisation Is still open and all Interested in wort oi ium nvuro m htimm w meeting* to lieteai to the reading of the play* wherethe ttvey expect to Join or not. Meeting Tonight B. And L. Stockholders , The annual attxiriholdere mooting of Kln^i Mountain Building and Loan AbaOotatlof will be bold thla mailing ,at the City Hall beginning about 7:ltf Wrectora will bo elected and otfier Vaaldea* wfll bo tranaactod according to J C. Lackey, Socroiar* '/ ' < i ' ' .&% : '& %' "]'( , ataaaadlhMf? tain H THURSDAY, FEB. 9. 1939 ge Quantity Of Liquor I I Si ' 55?. v "" vmS* i *-& ftu.i.wcr 5 Townihip which 1 uop, beer, supplies and equipment, 1 t Charlie 8heppard, , W. L. Black en In the picture. idler s~Ptace~ fields White Jquor The biggest haul of white liquor nd beer made in Cleveland, county 1 several years was taken in a raid i ist Thursday afternoon at the oUl J euers nomestead on the Kings fountain - Ctaerryville highway, oon-1 Istlng of 47 gallons of whiskey and i bctirt 1,000 gallons of beer. Deputies Charlie Shepherd and \ U Hack burn of Kings Mountain nd John Hord of Waco made the aid and arrested Ray Sellers, owner f the house who was placed under 500 bond before Magistrate Pride tatterree. > Convicted This Weak. Sellers is operator of Shady Reet ill inn station and last Wednesday onvtcted in recorder's court here f possessing a quantity of untaxed lquor and' was fined 926 and the oats. Among the Heme found by the others were: three boxes full of beer, xgimaled to be about 1,000 galloon, 17 gillons of white liquor, eleven 'tnpty 100-lb sugar seeks, two large tew boxes, two small new boxes, 19 ne-half gallon fruit Jars, four 16:allon kegs, four legation kegs, and icveraj whiskey oasts, and buckets. Deputy Shepherd said Kings ^fountain officers have had numbers ?f reports of liquor oortving from he vicinity of Shady Rest. The rhlskey and beer were found in an id unoccupied house nearly a mile lorth of the filling station. There was no liquor still in the mmediate vicinitly of the house, but jfflcers believe one is in that area, ir the liquor is being made by some tind of steam outfit. It us understood that Sellers will i >e tried to the March term of Fed-1 ml Court at Shelby. Band Concert Next ' rtiursday Evening The King* Mountain School Band irlll render their first complete con wrt sine* securing their new nniorme at the High School Auditor!ip next Thursday evening, February leth. The oonoert will be absolutely tee and the public Is cordially lnvled to attend. A new picture of the ?tnd all "dtkedr* warn taken yeaterlay afternoon and will be published m the next issue of the Herald aong with complete detalla of the con iert. Will Rogers' Humorous Story i . .. ; .. V . I nm t BAoano *9/ nt?Mi IMAIMIO W7HAT with evory until tows " ImtIii its Rotary or Khaw dab, tad taoot of 'ota batta* both, tfalo GMo Vbtao tfctaf atat to doot go. lW wtat aothiac baft biygor tad bottar boootaro, and that remlada mo of tbo little boy who ttkod bio dad what OMe Vlrtao traa. T"?to bo aa laatttatloa for demon tod fa another otate, K to ooAed aa laoaao Aoyfaa."^ ~ ' Ha ' ' f,.: ",.V .' , JbJfihi iilllmi iii ill 11milglMicgiMt,n^iVf lerald * ' > -V Boy Scout Ba Paffitavio Tnn VUI V1VI 1U 1 VII .???? ? Local Youth Stages riit-DoWn Strike. ?' i~4- i> Pro! bly one of the most unique i1 i'.t down slrlkts ever staged was one (" bat Master Jerry Holland of 101 Cleveland Avenue staged at Jits *'1 acme on Wednesday morning. Febru :>l iry -8th. a The unusual thins about the sit- <' low-n strike w-us the fact that Master Jerry -who is only two years old, b in J had no special object In striking. K After breakfast Wednesday mornIns he simpQy locked himself in his o loom and defied one and all ic set o It .in to come out. P h His mother Mrs. Mae Holland., ,, promised bhn everything from J q fruit's and candles to a real good | 0 dt or and corny out. Rut all to no a , j vail. He just sit. back in his little p chair smd laughed and laughed. j Finally after several hours of 8 fruitless pleading and promising. g Jerry's Uncle Bill Williams Had to, j, is rrow an extra key from .the apart- y ntem owner. Mr. Doris Mauney and ^ unlock the door. j Thus ended the first and probably the last sit down strike for Master Jerry. He did not get the nice fruit , end candy promised hint but he did c get the soufad spanking. Now he Is a t sadder and wiser young man. No more ait down strike* fer me he e sez. t 1,885 Home Water Systems Installed i Nearly 2.000 farm homes in North I Carolina have water systems today ] whereas they were in the "bucket j and outdoor pump" bn'gade a yeai ! aco. To be exact, 1,885 home water systems were installed In 78 coun- ( ties during 1938, reports Miss Ruth t Current, state home agent of the 1 Extension Servile. - - I fThese 1.885 systems ranged from , the attnplest, a pitcher pump bring- ( ing running water to the back porch ( or kitchen and costing only 915, to the more elaborate systems piping hot and cold water to the home. 1 yard, barn and orchard at a cost of several hundred dollars. Miss Current says the Pamlico County extension agents, Sephie Lee Clark and! A. T. Jacksos. used this phase of agricultural engineering as J a JcCnt program for men and women In 1938, holding one leaders' school at which a simple water system was demonstrated. As a result 14 water ' systems were in stalled in that one < county and one bathroom was equip 1 ped. I 4 MPs? jCAark, the Pamlico homo , agent, tells of the following expert- \ oripa In /nnnArtten with the fterm and home tour conducted last fall: "One of the water systems was Installed as a demonstration and was completed only a few days before the tour. In checking* up on the demonstration, I -risked the home the day before the hour. The husband met mt at the door, his face beamin*. 'Miss Clark, It -works but -what As worrying me Is that my wife may use all the -water and! there won't be ruche when the folks get here to marrow.' I assured him the water would last, and several months later he told me it was still holding out and had saved members of his family thousands of steps." In Cleveland County the windmill aster supply for the home of , ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carpenter was one of the Interesting sights on (that county's farm and home tour. WARD BILL PASSES SENATE 1The bill In the. State Legislature to divide Kings Mountain Into five wards after having already passed In the Lower House, was passed An the i Senate last week after an amend- 1 ment eliminating the school Board election. The bill has been sent back i to tfce Lower House for the amen4- I ment to be passed on. ' The bill has met with almost u- I nanihnous approval of leading cftt- i 7tmm of Kings Mountain and it ..is i thought that the action will soon i become law. I Several cftfsens hare described | this action as being, "the most con- < structure step in the advance in 40 < years." f t i PATIENT IN HOSPITAL Mir. O. A. Rhea Is still a patient in j Mercy Hospital. Chair lotto, where j ho wag carried ten dar? ago for treat I' ment for Injuries he received In a < fail. Mr. Rhea suffered s dislocated abouMer and double fracture of one leg, Mr. Rhea baa been suffering con slderably but hie condltfln Is reported as sat la factory. - - ' -. * - READ jl THE 'SH HERALD J - n i B FIVE CENTS PER COPY ~?? ' nnviaf Af a u\|UVi 171 light j The community joins .with 'the l. ny Scouts tonight at t?:3n cclel>rat- 1 ig N'Htiotiul I oy Scout Week with dinner, meeting at the High School afeteria. -M Over two hundred and fifty tick- t is have lie. u distribute J for tho ['caeion. AH of the lad Hoy Scouts 1 re expected and one hundred, parnts and friends-of Scouting. .. .1 The dinner will be presided over y W. K. Mauney. chairmau of the Jngs Mountain district. j Hon. Hismarck Cupps. President f tho Piedmont Council Hoy Scouts ' America, will be present and will resent Eagle Scout , Badges. the ighest awards'for work on merit .1 adges by' Scouts, to three Scouts. < 'wo of these are from Troop No. 2 f which lyaiiev^ IW'tnynr U ,Sj^nni- ! taster. - 1" "iVTcse boys"are llurbert 'umphrev and. Floyd Quecs. Claude luntt of Troop No. 5 of which Jack. lulletider Is Scoutmaster will at the ame time be presented with the ante award. The mothers, of three 'a oys and the mothers of Ernest and tiles Mauney and Bobby Dettmar illl be awarded the mother's Eagle L wards., The principal address of the occas nn will be made by R. M. Schlele. he Executive of the Piedmont Coon :)!. He will speak on Scouting ideals nd the Man's Part. New committee chairman will be lected to make up the Kings Mounain 8couter organization for the lew year. Plans are expected! to be mhde nimed lately following the dinner for he annual drive for the local contro >ution to the funds needed by the 'ledmont Council. TJie amount e*- , tected as a contribution from Kings Mountain this year is $800.00. Sunday evening at the A. R. P. hunch will beheld the annual union lerVlce during iNatlorral Poy Scout iVeek. Scouts are to attend in a >ody. The sermon of the occasion vill be preached by Rev. L. Boyd Hamm of the Lutheran Church. All )f the, other churches are cooperang in the service. The community Is Invited to gfva special attention this week to the MTiphasls of the (educational ana baracter building services of the rr eat est boy program of all time ? he Boy Scouts. New Barber Shop Opens IThe Sanitary Barber Shop, located at the corner of Mountain and Cherokee Streets in the building for nerly occupied by the Poetal Tlele?raph, is now open for buslnees. ' Messrs Baxter and G. L. Wiltght who are already well known to the larber trade in Kings Mountain are * jpsociated. In .the operation of the new shop. Baxter Wright, who has tad 19 yeera experience formerly tperated the Margrace Barber Shop, tod G. L>., who has spent 15 years la ?j be barber business Is back home from Washington. D. C., where be ias worked the barber trade tor six rears. ' The Wright Brothers extend a cor)lal /Invitation to their old friends tnd customers to. vstt them In their tew basin ess J Mr. J A. Wright, who has been tper&tlng the, Wright Barber Shop >r the opposite corner has taken >ver the Margrace Barber Shop. , ; . (tihtiUiinqfon W&napAncu ! James Preston (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are fyot Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) The Capital's unofficial aide-line 3)>ectatoi*8 are having their big "I old you so" Inning. iWeeks before Congress convened K'heu word first began to leak out that the strategists were going to eheel National defense into the legislative spotlight, these observers be gan making predictions on Just why and what the defense program would embrace. it wmgd include, they specdUted. Just shout every pet project that could, by the fartb- t J est stretch of Imagination, he pictured M a defense requirement. First to be dropped gently Into this classification was part of WPA. Cither leaser lights have followed. Now, however, the side-liners say they have detected the master stroke, to wit: revival of two of the largest spending projects ever start- < Ijfl ed, but which were dropped after a flurry of protests, changes and Congressional revolt. One of the projects is the, Florida ahp canal, which would cost a boat ? (Caat'd m Mitsrlal page)

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