guy AT HOME VOL. as NO. 10 State And N Condensed li ?National News? < - M ars Hill. Feb. 14.?Three workmen were killed and five others In , jured seriously early today In dn unexpected dynamite bast at a rock quarry six miles. fro#n here. The workers were waVininK them selves at an open' fire when the ex^ l/loskm occurred at 6:45 A. M. Officials of the Nello Teer Construction Co. of Durham," operators of the quarry, said they yvere unable to ascertain Immediately the cause of the explosion. Raleigh, Feb. 14.? Rcifuts , were current In legislative circles ioday that the antl-dlverstonlsts. defeated in their preliminary moves to pledge the Qeneral Assembly against ' the changethHrmSho^o^IttacK^^^^ These sources said they might seek to prevent the transfer by 1n? creasing road appriprlattons. so as to eliminate the possibility of a high way fund surplus. ! I . . ? I Durham, Feb. 14.?Lawrence Cos-1 rett, grocery employee, died on the! way to a hospital. Idnwood S. O'-j Nell I died at an early hiour this after j neon, Jullon Bolton, grocery clerk. Is . believed near death, and' Archie L. Smith laundry employee, is In serious condition, he the result of a crossing crash shortly before one o'clodk this morning here. All are of Durham and all are unmarried. . A westbound Southern passenger train which left the Durham station at 12:46 A. M. struck & small sedan driven by one of the young men at the Milton Avenue croeeing. The oar was dragged some 200 yards. Raleigh. Feb. 13?A proposal to establish the Neuse River Soil Conservation District will be voted on Saturday by "NV?ke, Durham, and Orange County landowners. All tandowenra* will be eligible to vote. If the voters authorise creation of the district. Federal agents will ^he^faromra^arraee their land, and Wilmington, Feb. 14.?The 6,936 ton tanker. Pan Virginians, remained aground In the Cape Fear River this morning after two attempts by vu^o j coiciu?y uuu eany mis moming to remove her from a mod bank west of the Cape Fear River channel off Reavee Point five miles abcve Southpont. where she grounded yesterday morning at 6 o'clock. Scout Leader To Visit City W. A. Dob son, Executive of Region Six, Will Be At Court Of Honor Tonight. W. A. Do boon of Atlanta, Ga.,, re' gkmal executive of Region Six of Boy Scouts of America, will visit Kings Mountain today end aUend the Soy floot Court of Honor ' to night. Mr. Pukeuu Is on a tour of Inspastica. District Six embraces the two OaroUnss, Georgia and Florida. The regular monthly meeting of the Boy Scout Court of Honor wilt be held tonight in the High School Auditorium ?t 8:00 o'clock Immediately following the High School Band Concert. ,.v . ... ; f; ; - " ' All of 'tbiose who will be present at the Bend concert and all others are Invited to the Court of Honor. A good number of Scouts are expected to apply for advancement. Laughing Aroi With IRV Even the Law Cou . By IRVD *TTHE Supply of hobo stories la ret thia story as an excellent ex ' ' knights of the road, I hope tboae i be amnaed by lta repetition. hobo was attested on the ui ceadMtsd before the officer at tlx Via naeoMI fn nii pvTaon vo remove woawrvr the nmmfolds of hia nTsraiaedi ga ? The pelioaman making the a i pocket, a large bottle of hoeey. " honey7" aahad the aninion of the *Wen," aald the tramp, 1 a. erhat'a to step a fellow sqoeetfag 1 ii wi n us w?i tear- - * ; y>" V-17 Kings ational News ft R?*?a( 17 A U1 lt;i M. U1 111 ?State News? Washington, Feb., 14.?Two niigh; ty fleets, rioniprldtnf 140 warships, suited out of Guantan&iuno naval biue in Cuba today for a moek threeweeks' battle to test Panama Canal defenses. Fifty five thousand officers sailors and marines started on the maneuvers. the first to be held in the Atlantic In five years. They will seek j to prove whether a European power: cculd break through the United Sta-| tee naval defenses and establish a* base to the South. St. Paul, Feb. 14.?-An attempt to eMort $15,000 from Charles A. Ward, president of Itrown and Rlgelow, one of the largest advertising specialty In-linen !n the country, was f rust rat trapped the conspirators, who are held today nt police headquarters. Cle Kluin. Wish., Feh. 14.?Th*? five members of the family of. Steve' Jacobs, crippled Cle Flutn miner, u ora fnnti c\ fthnt tn Hoa4h In holr iunne today when firemen answered jrn alarm. Police Chief Lloyd Bunker said it appeared Jacobs shot his wife, Mary, and their three children in their beds, and took, his own life after setting fire to the bouse. Washington. Feb. 14.?The Senate Military Committee rejected today in effort to make public testimony t had taken on the sale of military p>anee-ta__France. Port Banning. Ga., Feb. 14.?An army bosrd inquired today into the, motor car torch death of Lieutenant] Vllllam D. Davis, eon and namesake >f the late Colonel Davis. World Warj ero In whose honor Ft. Davis In the "qnal Zone was named. . I The body of Lt. Davie, 32 year old West Pointer, was found yeeterday ncar Pfcenix City. Ala.. in. s burned automobile on a lonely road. . An netopsy was ordered. Wo indication of possible motive sal gfven. ,*.* f I . Dallas. Feb. 14.?Albert Lock did uot find out untH later he had locked his ctvtckenhouse after his hens were stolen. Lock nailed a plank across the door ? without a glance Inside ? and went to town. When he returned he found the building, plank lntsctt, empty, he told police. Kings Aftn. High Enjoys Visit Of Erskine Group / /m.A--J.? _ a ? - w Wi ? ? i f*xs muutmw oi xunfi mountain High School received a pleasant surprise last Tuesday mornlgg when, a group of students and; Instructors from Brekine college paid ? unexpected .visit to the school. The group waa composed of Dr. Qigg head of the school; Mr. Doe Phillips, athletic instructors; Mr. PMts Harker, vio Mn Instructor; Miss Mary Rodder Edwards of the muslo department, and sereral talented students. They rendered a fine musical program, including "Blue Danube" by the students,, K roisters . 0T4 Refrain' and a aolo, Song of 8onga by Eugene Ttanmermaa. After the music Mr. Phillips mede a talk. He pmls rd highly -the - baseball playing of Hugh Ormand of Kings Mountain. Mr. Phillips was formerly a star athlete, end Mlsa Edwards taught music In the Kings Mountain Schools last year. ind the World IN & COBB piiHpSl ild Find No Answer * I 4 S. COBB illy inexhaustible, so if I have picked ample of the humor known to the at you who have heard it before will r~v* r.y yV,]*-*' - ? " " > I mal ?har|? of ncnuey. Aa he was I desk, the regular search was made weapons them might be secluded in ' . feats. eareh, suddenly drew forth from a How did yon eome t# get that jar of imft that I don't keen no bees: hot It out of the flowers himself." * Buna . i*at d IP H H KINflft UAIIMTAIN M r MOUNTAIN. N. C. ,;.S I . m a . ' * ' W. K. Mauney Re-Elected To Head Scouting Thp annual Community Boy Scou Banquet was attended by approx mately 260 people equally divided b tween Doy goouts and men and' Dre men Interested in this service o character building for the future ct Ixenehl'p. The banquet w?.sheld lea Thursday evening the Ml* School Cafeteria. Five Boy Scouts were preeente with the Eagle Badges, the award i> presenting the highest rank of th organization. These boys were Mile and Ernest Mauney. Billy Dettmai Hurbert Pumpiirey and Floyd Queer Miniature Eagle Badges were pn sen ted to Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Maun ey. Mrs. L. C. Dettmar. Mrs. Pumpfc rey and Mrs. Queen. The presentation of the award were made by Hon. Bismarck Capp of Gastonia, tile President of tihi Piedmont Council Boy Scouts o America. .Mr. Capps also presente. Mr. L. - C. Dettmar, the Scostmaate of these Boy Scouts of TVoop 2 spoi sored by the Lutheran Church. a ope who had carried on the grea Meals of Scouting in the training o these boys for the award. Mr. R M. Schlele, the Scout Eixet utive of the Piedmont Council, mad the principal address of the oocai ton on the subject of "Scouttn Ideals and the Man's Part.' i i A. reoognlsed high light of the o< casion was an Eagle Rank Meri Badge detnhsetration presented b s group of Scouts. Executhre Schiel referred to the demonstration en v cepttonaily fine and suggested thi prepared dyitb^. Scouting.Mai trine. Large badges were cut froi wood and colored. Scouts holdin these badges and told of the signtf cance of each. The demonstrntio was prepared end arranged by A< btey Mauney. publicity chairman. The dinner was prepared for th occasion by a group if the Womran Cluh and the tables were attractlvi ly oecoraieo wnn nowers lurnisne by Walter's Florist. 'A detailed report of Scouting ai (Cont'd on back page) Little Theatre Group Meets The regular meeting Of the Uttl Theatre group was held' last Thun day night with several visitors prei ent. The third reading of the play "Will You Marry Met" was rendei ed. Although there have been man requests for the performance c this play, the group has mot decide upon a definite dpte for the present tton of it. It was revealed, howevei that they may present It to th Men's Club sometime within th near future. (Two other plays, "The FHftger c Ood"- end 'For Distinguished Se vies, will be read at the nstt mee fng of the group, which will be nsi Thursday night, February WThe regular meetings of the LI lis Theatre group are.lpld on ever other Thursday night Membersbl in the gfgswfosUun Is slHl open. rrr i pju. ,> .n,,v mm*\ rtain I (THURSDAY, FEB. 1S, 1939 G6 MOUNTAIN SCHOOL "p? School Band Free Concer I Supper Meeting At e Lutheran Church 1 f There will be a joint meeting . the members of the committee i 'i Evangelism and tihe Men of t< | Church this Friday Everting at 7:t PUw for proottng evangelistic wn j nnd attendance at Lenten Servie ? will occupy the main part of t e lime. Short talks will be made 8 Mr.-A. S. Kiser, Mrs. F. R. Su . mgrs, Mr. W. K. Mauney and t , Pastor." , Lenten Services begin , Ash Wednesday. Feb 22 at 7:15. c ' tlnulag until Easter with series t. sermons being delivered at the Si day Morning and! Evening Servie and at. the Wednesday Evening ho' 0 wun services . e9cn tveiung aun 8 J Holy Week, ending Good Frid e Evening. Every member of the C< f mittee on Evangelism is expected 1 attend and all men of the Chur r Invited. . . a v.*. ' - ' * NEWLY WED3 INJURED J WHEN AUTO OVERTURNS > Mir. Hitlard Black, local young m e and hla brldeof-an-hour. the fortr i MUs Mary McCaalln. received mit g injuries last Friday night when t auto la which they riding ta ed over while they were trying ; outrun pursuing "well-wishers, 11 The accident occurred on the F y terson Springs road near driver. 1 * Black reostved a head wound wh c" required et^vt stitche*. and A bride sustained minor shoulder lr 5 rlee. They < tow taken to .the hoi n tal la Shelby where their Injur * were treated, afterward contimi their bineymoon trip to Tennessee n The couple returned from th honeymoon Monday morning, i Mr. Black who la a clerk at *ho M p grace store, returned to his job Ti 8 day. 9- ___________ 4 Wifl Rogers' I Humorous Story ! r , , n By WILL ROGERS e ALL of as would like to hat something nice sold shout u after we've gone, but sometimes ; e Is Just as well that we dont hat i that kind of hindsight. Even tfc good intentions of the friends a >r leave behind may go astray. All this lehds up to an insert! r tlon on a stained dilapidated grat t- marker hi a cemetery in St. Loot it It reads as follows: "Sacred to the memory of Lot t. Carter who departed this life Jor ? IS, 1M4. His untimely ead can t f laid to a-Uek frem his mfloh-eet P Weil dene, thee good ead faithfi etrraat." ' * 1 ierald : ;> I ' \ ' -.J pS. y v ^^y.l' mvVfSrf I I To Give t Tonight ? The citizens of Kin?s Mountain arc to receive their biggest I re it ot many months this evening at seven . oclockl The Kings Mountain School Qn Uand. under the direction of Mr. [(e Paul E. Hendricks, s to present a jl( free concert at the high school audi ru tcriunt for the first time since thr purchase of thcrr new uniforms. Th'. hG concert is scheduled to start at sev en because of Boy Scout Court ol m Honor immediately afterwards. he The concert is dedicated to th.ers and officials for the support and in- cooperation, of the businessmen and es. ethers who have helped them to oh ur. tain new unifrome and instruments nt? The local band, which was organized av in 1935, is now one of the beat bandt >m in the State, with the highest ratting t0 tg a parade band, and well known at ch i concert unit, "The program wilt be varied, witl several solos bea'des the concer numbers and marches. For the firs time they will present to the publlt Jolly Robbers, by Suppe. and. Amw an lean Crusaders, by Brockton. Them ier are both State sod National cornea ior numbers. There are also several otl he or numbers wtrfch will be new ti rn- the local public, to As an added treat. Mr. Phillip Sc park will be heard as guadt so tola' 'at- Mr. Separk plays the clarinet and 1 dr. very talented. He was la town Tuet lch day afternoon to practice with tb his blind. Formerly with ftryl's Symphc iju- tile Band, which tours the * countr apt- each year. Mr. Sepnfk la now wlti lea Prod's Murfc Co. of Charlotte. an Ing Is director of the Kannapolls Sehoc Band, tfe will play "Dance Joyeuse. eft {Several directors from othe tnd schools In this sectfon have been It tar- vlted to attend, and will be preser ues at the concert. Rachael McClaln. talented p'.anla and student in the high school, wi , olay the accompaniment. Monogram Club Elects Officers , The newly-organized Monogra Club of the Kings Mountain Hlg School held their weekly meetlr v Tuesday nioratag and elected pe l8 manent officers for the year. TI It officers are: President. Bugene G forth; Vlce-Presidlent.. demons* MeDaniel: Secretary and Treasure George Whtttlngton. The Monogram club la talrti charge of the Kings Mountain Uot Club-CDA basketball game tick *ales. The game Is to be played 1 * the local gymnasium netrt Thursdt * night, Feb. 23. The Athletic Assoc! t'.on of the High School la aponsc y. Inr this same. tn4 the proceeds w a co toward buying new equipment ft a. *v? baeeball teem. It Is Intoreattag to note that th * same finds two of the top tear w toasting up. and each out for tt r. Pthers Tb?7 hare woo ? il gtime each from eadh other, at will be out to deetds who to bM. '-'W; * . * V.*' * . " LiiiinininiiiiiiiuwiPH s? V , .. ' ' ? ' - *? J MAO THK ' HERALD v/e- P(TR COPY Bin BHM&lflSrc1 , ^ SBKil!; | BIWCC : A ftf Bk^KL?Pc^ni L" Ai^^Ar ^ Ij^EjjWJ KH y BfaL^i ^ Bh ' I ^m. -n.'fc.; i I,. ..? . i -' *'. * . , ?v .' .' Kings Mountain Building & Loan Stockholders Meet The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association was held last Thursday.higbt at the town hail with a good attendance despite bad weather Conditions. The meeting was harmonious and the stockhoM, era seemed well pleased with the , progress of the organisation for the , past year. , New directors elected for the coming year are: W. K Mauney. J. C. Keller. J. R. Davis. C. W. Hullender, ! M b. Harmon. R. b. Mauney, D. R. ' Hamrick. W b. Ramseur, L. P. ' Baker anil .1. C. baokey. Other bus' lnets followedi the election of officers ' At- *he meeting last Tueeday n'ght hhe directors accepted and. - and elected the following officers 1 foT the coming year: W. K. Mauney, 1 President; J. C. Kelter, Vloe-Preel5 den-'; J. C. Lackey Secretary and 1 Treasurer; Mrs. Maude R. C rouse. isslstan-t Secretary and Treasurer; t J. R. Darts and T. L Campbell. AftI torneyw. t The officers mentioned aftere eoee , ed last ymr and worn ne elected ts , thetr old offloM Tbs reelected dfc . rectors were: C W. Hullender. J. a t Keller, J. C. Lackey, 3. It Darts *j L Maun fry and M U Hsreroe. a SMALL FIRE v Firemen were called out Monday wtternnon at about 1:00 o'clock tyextinguish a-small fire at Mr. Vf: A. Ware's. The wash, house behind the ^ home of Mr. Whre was t tightly OS as aged when ashes Oanhy biased oft. h The fire was extinguish ed easily. / - ? "T*- Tl ^ Q (Opinion* Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Lobbies are r- they were abandoned and more than III 200 million dollars would be require A or ed for thslr completion. They have been revived aa part of ta the national defense program, is Reason fbr the lobby agetaatAeee i? proposal by Army and Navy oBdala ie ia that thsy feel this money la ass* id ad for mora orgeat nathmul taboo (Cont'd ea Bditarlal pegs)