E ATT 1 HOME VOL. A NO. 1S ' State And N; Condensed In , _N al ion a 1 Vaora ? ? w?*?raVVf B Spartan-burg. 3. C? Mar. 7.?A woman, as yet not .positively identified was found shct to death in ai parked car on the airport road here this morning and Marvin luuiovi. prt... . I was found in a nearby field critical- < ly wounded. Newark. N. J., Mar.. 7j?-Brandled peaches will never be shadowed by State alcoholic beveioge control agents, Commissioner D. Frederick Burnett ruled today, unless they con tain one hal of 1 per cent alcohol fit fcr beverage use. 1 ' " 1 Rome, ,Mar. 7.?The authoritative Fas-clst editor Virgtnio Gayda called on France totfay to turn over to Natkmiist Oenerallsslmo Fancisco Franco 'without delay" the Spanlsn Republican fleet which has Bought ? A t-?I _ ? m.? - ii yM Vt.l iiItiW i., ? 'imK?Wi|i Toledo. Ore., Mar. 7.?Eleanor i Johns, 10, played hookey to rummage ! tl rough a dump. heap. She found an old canvas belt eon-1 taining 26 $20 gold pieces. Author!*' ties, unable to find the owner, bank-: ed .the money for her. Washington. Mar. 7.?Secretary of the Treasury Morgan than advised Congress today that "lasting recovery* was the most Important thing before the country. Considering the world situation, he said. It was so important that it tran* cended party political considerations. Salt Hake City, Mar. 7.?A firing squad will be assembled here next j month to execute 64 year old George' Hayes, who expected to be hanged for murder but chose to be shot. Utah is the only State In which : a condemned man. may make such a choice. Cleveland. jMar. 7.?An unusual | squeak irt his automobile sent John r. WeJdman to a mechanic. The let- J ter solved the problem In a Jiffy. re-j moving eight baby rats from a nest among the sparkplugs. ^ n.. i-? ?. Toronto. Mot. 7.?Mr. and Mrs. OUva DlOnne have been Invited - to bring their yuintuplet, daughters to Toronto to be presented to King George and Queen Elizabeth May 22.' Morfls, III., Mar. 7.?Ervln Hood.j stolid 36 year old farmer. w?ts under! death sentence today for slaying his! closest friend. j The principal figure in a bizarre rural tragedy ?nd its strange court room sequel. Wood was condemned Vf>P.tOTfflov 1a H(a In iha olontel/i ?Vib(m ? ?vv.< WW/ *v u>? IU VUO VIQWIIIV WilOll | April 14. Lebanon, Mo., Mar. 7j?Thieves who stole fourteen hens from Hike! Ktlsey left a note tied Around the neck of a big red rooster: v "Thanks for the chickens. Will be br.Ck after the rooster tomorrow night." Mahony City, .Pa., Mar. 7.?A 32 year old mother quoted by State Police as saying she smothered her 3 year old son because he "orled too much,' was held on a murder charge today In Pennsylvania's second baby slaying case in a. week. | t t Laughing Aroui with irvit * ?? Some Lessons in By niVIN "TTF ACKER AY had the faculty for i Under certain circumstances he cerve force of tact. Once upon a time a young- and of cue of Thackeray's dear fri&nds. thought night sake a hook. He est pass on its merit*. Thackeray took sheets. Next day he returned it to ' "Ky dear young Friend: 1 have Wl yjn, that, differently arranged, here, have before now constituted ill "I can think of at least two Ame '. similar conditions, likewise had reco blow for well-moaning amateurs. An Califomian to pass Judgment upon t After reading ft, Bierce summi lines: MTho main criticism which I wo volume are entirely too far apart." And there is the historic instai and producer who received a script * write for the stage. With this con< c found himself unable to agree. In rel a with g letter as follows:? "ICy dear Sir: **3 have reed your plsy. 1x7 dear Slri" Uaettssa Mews li .. . * / ' h-. a - i l.AfQ ' ,vm i sts iVfaiiSrsii^i* ~ r - ~ ~~-* ' V T*1'** . ' ! ' 17 Kings j - . ...' 1 m.? I ationai news i Brief Form ?State News? Ualcigh Mar. 7.?Churlc-a G. Powell, chairman, reported today that lire unemployment compensation commission disbursed $9,214,088.86 In benefits to unemployed persons during the fourteen monthe endiug reb. 28., with the fund having a balance of $11,999,177.04 March. 1. 1 > i r, i t Kaleigh, Mar. 7.?Representatives j of the fishing, lumber and telephone ' iiH'jsti ies added their opposition to i pendng wage and hour leglaltalon to (Toy at hearings by the Joint Leglsla live Committee, on Labor. Captain John Nelson,, State Commercial Fisheries CouunlsslonerT and men having fish and fertiliser tueincss contended a minimum wags of 25 cents and hour and a ina*l-' mum work week of 48 or' fewer hours ' would "absolutely paralyze" firriTstfnn^?y~'^~i Raleigh, ,Mar. 7.?Fed by recent , reins. Eutern North Carolina rivers continued to riso today inundating thousands of acres of lowlands. (The Neuse River was more than seven feet tut of its banks at Gotd-.v j hero. The Tar River was three feet! and half above flood stage at Green*! vllle. The Roanoke was a foot out of Its banks at Weldon. Damage (taring the flood has been' confined mostly to the washing out! of secondary highways and tobacco ] seedling beds. nalcigh, Mar. 7.?The States is feeling the effects of (the nation's' speeded up defense program. Vance Raise, chief highway engineer. said a draftsman had quit to take a* Job in an airplane factory. De mr nd for draftsmen and engineers in P\VA and various Federal agen-j flea. Kriso added, is making it hard ! get good men. i iDurbam? Mar. 7.?Dan .Disicti, guard on the University of North Carolina football team, was in a Dun ham hospital today, suffering from aj dislocated vertebrae suffered In an J fTUTblnotrile accident Saturday. The cdr in which Decrtch and Steve Maronic, tacikle, were riding collided with another 'automobile. Maronic was only slightly hurt and was dls missea rrom me nospuai aiier iirst aid treatment. , Concord1. Mar. 7.?A 'stork", shower for en expectant father! C. J. Reece gave a party recently in Concord In honor of L A Thornburg who Is expecting the stork tc vlsrtt his home ere long. Refreshments were served and then the mt if present gave a variety of gifts suitable to the occasion to the prospective f3ther. About twenty guests were present. ' San ford', Mar. 7.?Captain F. J. Caf f?ry of Hampton Bay, Long Island N. Y., and Jefferson Lybrandt of Columbia, 8. C.. received Injuries Sunday afternoon when the automobile In which they were riding overturned) after striking a tree when they endeavored to avoid bitting pe dcstrlans on the highway. ' ' ? ] tid the World j * s. COBB . Letter Writing o S. COBB Baying a great deal in a few words, also could draw a tremendous reambitious person who was the son wrote a book, or what he fondlj ME, OHMy'J | ted the author of "Vanity Fair" to the great mass of elosely written , the author with thia note: read your manuscript and I wish to the eame words which you used terature." rican writers who, under somewhat arse to diplomacy in softening the ' ibroee Bieree was asked by a young he tatter's first published work. / id up his review in the following old offer is that the covers of this ice of the distinguished dramatist from a man who thought he could ilusion the professional playwright turning the offering he accompanied ftatomi-. Im.? r* * * '. ' r U ' ? mm Moun t KINGS MOUNTAIN. N- C. THI Local Men f Attend Scout Board Meet. ? . ft (By Aubrey Mauney) Vh,e IMedmont Council Boy Scout ' ' Kxecutive Poar-i held their first meeting of 1939 in Shelby at Hotel ti Charles Tuesday evening Said was at- u tende.6 by the following .men: B. S. Nelll, I-add Hamrick, W. K. Muuney, ly Adbrey Mauney; B N. Barnes and D b >.l. Bridges. ' .] Reports were heard from < i?b of the eleven counties making up the * council. Financial campaigns are un- * . . rwa>' thVe ughout the area. to go over the top lu raising the counc'l |f budget of $15,f>00 The drive is to bejj: mede in Shelby on the 14th and.-e in Kings Mountain on the 15th. { p The repcrt of Cleveland County 'l was tirade by letter from the new " county (chairman. Senator Ralph tiifdner. Mr. -Gaidner could not be] present on account of duties in R>al-!l Tntf tw.ffvg s TWdf'tft' CiOiiey of Shelby. County Scout Coin uilssloner. Tlie interest which the ucw Cleve-j li nd County Chairman is taking in n the organit Hton Is very gratifying h and Indicates that-the program Is to e be push>. d with real enthusiasm. 1 I The council adapted a number of-\si recommendations. An active coinmis- :l sioner service was recommended as si a means tf keeping up interest and .'Activities in each troop. A complete cheek vp ant'' report plan on lapsed]'' trocps was adopted. The restriction; K on the wearing of th& Scout uniforms P' by colored Scouts until reaching the x First Class Rank was removed. : - f< Program Chairman B. N.- Barnes w announced .that a Scouter Conven- 5i tlon would; iie held ?t Lenoir-Rhyne n College on the afternoon and even-'.*! i ; of March 30th. Ail Scout leaders si of the area \vero urged to attend. \V. K. Mnunrv in;ide the report on . Membership and urged the visitation ef it oops by tlie men to present lap- I aed organizations. * 11 .S. Neill was named c-n Kxecu- 1 *ive EctrJ member from Kings Mc/un ' tain and Aubrey Mauney was renamed os chairman of Scouting in the Lutheran Churches of the Plecfcnopt " ountii. "** X ? * League Play-Off To Be ^ In Kings Mountain ? ' .V The Qastou County League playoft, games will be played here next j,, Saturday night, March 11. There is a four-way tie between Kings Mountain, CroveB, C. iD. A., and Ranlo. y The teams agreed to play the tournrmient liero. The first, games starts ^ at 7:30 o'clock with Groves playing Kanlo anc" the second game between . | Kings Mountain and C. l>. A. at 8:30 v' ! in the High School Gymnasium. U Thls> is to decide the winner of tho last half in the league and those attending are assured of seeing some v of the best basketball In North Car- J oilnu. II Reading And Declamation ? Winners Are Named eclamation contests v hive been announced aa Miss Eve- h lyn Ooforth saying "{The Minuet" v an.t D V. Hord", Jr., declaiming "The j, Oreatesit Game in The World.' The final contest was held last week, at the high school building. Other speiikere and their subjectsreadings. 'Miss Jacqueline Rawles. "The Highwayman": Miss Carolyn Campbell. 'The WitcheB 8abbath. Orclcrnation. Ladd Hamrlck. Jr., "Believe It Or Not "; Jon^ "-" tune. 'Are These Our Children?; The Glee Club dnder the direction of Miss Virginia .Parsons sang "The Rosary.' Three P. T. A. Groups To Meet Jointly 4" The Parent Teacher Associations of the trree Kings Mountain schools will meet Jointly next Tuesday even ins in the Central 8chool Auditorium", at 7:30. Mrs. W. P. Dorsey of Ruth, N. C? (District Chairman will deliver an address on the P. T. A. word in general. uMrs. Paul Mauney, President of the Central School P T. A. asks that the father* a* well as the mothers attend this meeting. > ' , Men's Club Meets' This Evening . \ * 1%e Mien's Club will meet this evening in the Woman's Club Building at 6:80. A abort business session will precede the program. All members are asked to be present. tain I JRSDAY, MARCH 9, 1939 tccl To Spend Heavily or 1939 Outlay Total IN' W \Jrk, Mar. 7.?(IPS).?Aploxlmatcly $126,000,000 will b< r.t by sic?l companies during 193! r new construction and equipment coining to reports'of the Industry we. ' rt: !: ductity's pc\3Cd expend! ues for new equipment this yeai i!s>e the total spent or to be speni :v tuth purposes since 1934 tonear one billion dhllars. The antounl udgeted.for 1939 Is less tlinn was pent in any of tlie preceding foul t v.*. and represents a decline ol bout 2f> p'T cemt from 1938, whet 105,000.000 was budgeted. lu B? 'idleatefl tl:-it certain addltlona tojrets new under .consldcratioi light i# started in 1939 if the bust ess outlook Improves sufficiently. Newark. K, J.. Mar. 7.? (IPSi.?A leriia's, ( r mies, in Kurope are seel :5 to pofit by cowing division ate cnfu.sion among the people, of th< uite' S: . '.es, Mark M. Jones. Con tilting Kcoiiomlst at President o liV \1 tl?l.l-- ( /a - * u?. ur.mmi iviiiii^- ^ */., AKrcn, unio nld'recently In a speech here. "It fiiianclally and competitive ! advantageous to the countries o lui jpe." Mr. Jones said, 'to kee] lie p nple of the Uulted States d !de resting well. it wua learned. 1, Will Rogers' Humorous Story 1 i - ^ i ? , . . . . By WILL ROGERS i'l HE Worst Joke I heard today was told to me by an English actor. It ia a little illustration of English tact A lady was engaging a near Butler, and she impressed on each applicant the importance of tact "The great gneetion is, have you tact? It needs great tact to handle my house. We have all kinds of. guests.* "Lady, I am noted for my tact,* Well, will yon give me any illustration of some of your tact?" "Well, Madam, in my last place I was among various duties supposed to clean the nleUeware on the bathroom faucets. One day on entering a bathroom, there, right before my very eyes, was a Lady standing fest ready to enter the tub/what did I do, Ma'am? ? Just said, 1 beg your pardon. Sir,' and withdrew." ^**>*^ipnppnpipMnpiqpi??nppi ^ pflB H : . r . ' . .... J Council Appc Election Offi Womanless Beauty Contest t r Oh Friday niglit, March 10. there { will be a Wctnaiiless licuuty t'oh- r " test held In the Kings Mountain , liigh School auditorium. It will no ' doubt he your greatest laugh of the 8 ^ . -on When vcu see the male, con- ( ' t,-slants .trip gracefully ! across the ' sii ge, tlad In the gat-Us of their w lores and sweethearts. Just Imagine , . aigli'.f'-d srhpolw Titers, beardless [ r| youth. fat men and slim ones parad-j J tng .ccross the floor. being judged j ] j! for-their Individuality and natural I) , hi amy Ywhen. this night of nights'^ . f-nni s. the father who is seeking an; j venire's entertainment will he seen \ having his home at a rather eahW ( hour in-order iliat fie may- secure J gecd seats for his entire family and j *- * - '*T" ^ which beeius n't .8:00 o'clock; Tha , attmteeJon is id atld 25c. Tickets t ' ay be Hectjfcd from members of , . Home Room ii-n. , ?l Besides the domical beauties en '' ii" 'inink you. 'The Pour Stooges,"-< S[ Smart. Little. Moffett. Hendricks,! - will sine far you and there are runt- ' f ors that there will be some harmon- j '.ilea playing..-Another special feature t lis the Mcf'lain. Blnekwell, Hord. ! I Ix-dford quartet/ And last but not f jlbnst. th?.Athletic'*, Ballet- wil pro ' i rent ot few of their most graceful f ?i?p'd most'difficult- numbers. / " ' P *i This program is being sponsored j r| by Mrs. Weir's homeroom for the]' purpose of raisins money to pay forj 1 s!thr shrubbery that this group bought i {irnd had planted around the gymnast-j j nm. We urge the public to attend.'' ! for we feel stive that yen wilt enjoy j enough laughs to tnke (he place of 1 {your ouTters and dimes. j' tain Band j! 3 1 - i i I The Kites Mountain School Band, under the direction of Paul K. Hen- 1 dricks, added another laurel to its Ung list of prizes by capturing first 1 place in the contest held in connec- ' , ton with the American Legion meet- ' J lng'in Shelby Monday. The Kings ' Mountain boys and girls marched ' and played their way to victory over seme of the most outstanding hands 1 * in this section of the state. Tltej t were a striking group with their handsome uniforms, and a? ev: ryoiK ] 1 said who sow the exhibition. the judges were right In their decision, '* "the best team won." A beautiful ' cup. which was: donated by the Shel- ' b} Post of the Legion was awarded the winners, and will have the date and name engraved) on it. There was a great deal of dlsnsis- , slow in King* Mountain Tuesday morning about the account of the ' i bopd contest in a Charlotte newspa^ r ter slating that the Charlotte Band | ^ did not compete in the contesit, but !l a long distant telephone conversation h with one of the official Judges quick' ly cleared up the erroneous account, i* The official judge stated that the It Charlotte Band did compete for the S cup. and the Kings Mountain lads f and lassies were declared "lope ;*of J them all.' The judge went on to iuty 'Charlctte Band was late in arriving and insisted that they be given- a chance in the contest, which request was granted." Other Bands competing were: Forest City. Lincolnton, Gastonia. Shelby. "Morgantoh* Statesvllle, and Snindnlo pjivp ? ftonmnatm t Irvn hut asked not to be considered for the award. ' Kings Mountain is proud of her land as they have every reason to te. The band baa nlade wonderful ptogress since its organization about four years ago. V I Little Theatre Meets This Evening Me *ts of the Little Theartre are * '"''ad of their meeting to be held tiV~ evening in the Woman's Club Building at 7:30. Friends are Invited to oome. and witness the rehearsal. Merchants Met Tuesday1 Night .Members of the Kings Mountain Mercnant* ^association met Tuesday rilyht in the Court Room of the City Hall. President J. B. Keeter pre aided. Only routine bualness was transacted at the recular monthly meettnc. i ;j ; READ THE HERALD 1 FIVE CENTS PER COPY tints ciais rhc Town Council in their regular ?:< nthiy meeting held' MoimIu'. night ippointed ollicials (or the x-oming etction, to compiy" with, tin new sja?tn of voting us' presetll>ed in the tew law dividing the Town into five vu rds, K. I~ C utpliell was r appointed is Tax L,ister .for the Towtt. ;Mr. 'ntilptiell hail alreauy 1)cen named ie the tax lister for the County. Olhclris' named and other matters (luting to the new set-Up adopted >y the Council follows: Tito voting place for Wards Nos. L and 2. shall be in the City Hall; or .Ward No. 2. In the Bh?it|x Mill Pore; for Ward. No. 4, In the Kings Mountain Mfg. Co. Store; and for >\ urd No. 5 in the Cleveland Motor 70. ; *, The Board ordered that a new regst rat ion be held in each Ward and '.t'xg.ii ? '.to... .tiigirjuow uitted to vote lit the eoming olecions. the registration bsohs fc.r tre - ?. irginiiauvii aiiau ne open at ina oilng places 011 Saturday, April 1, u'.d for three s Hv'cssiv'- Sa t:relays, losing on Saturdny. April 2. mie Board appointed as registrar or Ward No, 1. T). H. HOuser, and i.dei s. VV. A. Hldenhour olid Ed Pitcrson; for Ward No 2. Registrar, 3. A. t "reuse, Judges. 14. Arnold Klssr and T. N. Harmon: for Ward No. !. registrar, Boyd Putnam, judges, D Pay,four and llaskel Wilson'; for iVard No, 4. registrar W. P. "England judges. Ross Roberts and W. K. IVhite; for Ward No. '5. registrar, ""r.df* Ratterre, judges,'!. B. Gofortli, . nid George Mauney. The polls will he open from seven V. M. until bIx P. M. cn Tuesday, day 2. for the election of one Oomnissloner in each of the five wards >nd for one trustee in eceh word for lie Kings Mountain Graded School Districts. The trustee for Word No. I shall be elected for a period cf two pars.tne irusiee lor wnvtt z. lour rears: the trustee for \\*3rd' No. 3, Pour years; the trustee for Ward No. 1. six years: and the trustee for it nrd No. 5 six years That part of [he territory of the Kings Mountain Graded School District outside of the corporate limits andt on the East side of the Southern Railway shall voto in Ward No. 3 and that part of Ihe territory In the Kiu.es Mountain Iraded School District and cut side ?f the corporate limits on the West side of the Southern Railway In Ward No. 4. Any person desiring to run as Town Commissioner or School Tr.ua , ;es shall at les.st five days before the election file his announcement In writing with the City Clerk. PLAYS TO BE PRESENTED r>T BETH-WARE Two plays, a three act comedy, 'Gratnjnev Curt oil's Needle, p nd*? With the Help of Pierrette." a one eict fantasy will be presented at Beth 1 Ware High school on two nights, the Id and 11th of March at 7:45, by the Dramatic Club. The admission will be 10 and 25 cents. WORK BEGUN ON RESIDENCE ( ' J ? '-.Vf Wp\k has begun on a new six* rooi^jfcslderfce for Mrs. Bessie Gantt cp.tfth* corner lot of the former Char les' Palls property on Gaston street. Mr. Clyde Bennett is the contractor in charge of the building. .Mrs. Wm. Owen bought Mrs. fnntt'9 property In East Kings Moun tain. (0aihiiUf?on mQnu/MhcU James Preston^ (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not Necessarily the Vlevre ef This Nswspaper.) /Passage? from the book of Genisle in the Oud- Tesitament may have a 1939 icpunterpBTt in Washington. The BtblUcal etory concern* an "ever normal granary" system ?ut 111\-immuuu uy jvwimi to iwa Pharotoh'a people during seven years of drought. The modern vervton Is b? sicaJly the seine hot administration economists, (utibluehlngly, hare "Improved' and expanded the (dep. Joseph, ao itihe story goes, dreamed of seven fat cows and seven lean cows. In the dream, the lean qows at the rtiit cows. Tp Joseph this foretold seven years of plenty followed by eerven yeans of drought. Accordingly, he etored grain surpluses Airing the seven bumper (drop years and thus had food for the people In Egypt In the mm lean yearn. (Cont'd on Editorial page)