i AT HOME ' 1 VOL. U NO H State And N Condensed In National News I I *' ' ' ' *'. . ' . * ' I London. Mar. 14. One of Britain'.| greatest Treasures, tiie BiUIsh Mist-urn library of uearly 5,000,000 vol umee -will have to remain In London and run the rlfcik of air bombardment in the event of war. A. R. P. offlcfaa say. * Shanghai, Mar. 14. A 300 foot whale hit by the steamship Lochgoil bent around the bow below the writer lne and: the shfip had to be stopped to detach St. The whale came to th.3 rtrface, bleaw heartily and diver out of sight. 4 . Washington, Mir. 15, T. Jefferson Coolidge. oue time treasure/ official hvho qufe the adfnlnaCratlon, has urged Oongrens to curb the PreslKent's monetary powers. Cboldge told a Senate banking ISStl H I Coolidge told a Senate hanking and currency sub-coir;mtttee that 4 our benkfng system la ?verflooder as a result of a good devaluation policy and he declared, the Presidents power to devalue the dollar still fur tlicr. shout* be sowed to expire oh June 31. I . New Yrok, A Bnrjowlynn pudy Indicted Joseph Brandtno 61 bis sis ter. Mary 31 and An unnamed fugitive for alleged conspiracy. to extort $50,0(K) from F. Donald Coster-Musios. set aialn president of McKesson aud Robbins Drug company. WacWngton, Mar. 16. President William Green, of the American Fed oration of Labor said today that ' amendments to the Wagner labor ars ' t ' eve. necessary regardless* of the ^ outcome of peace negotiatons bet wen the AFL and the CCIO. Just before t meet nig of ttfeSorr *clabor comreftte, Green asked that hearings on amendments proposed.. by the AFL be started at the carlitet possible moment. The committee originally ordereed hV heatings March It). biit postponed thetw to await the outcome of the peace negotiations Kansas City, Mar 15 Income th;> worries cote .Peter Parkin flO He was arrested at an early morn ing hour by officers who sid he was serving beer at his tavern after clca j tng time Larkin said the men weere fiends v>h? werer helpng him with bis Income tax return . Trenton, Ji J, ,Mar 14 'FFrank Jo fceph Hague , Jr 34 year old tataryer son of the vice chairman: of the IXarooratiiq NNationai Committtee, trfok the oath, today as a member of the court of errors and aippeals Washington, Mar 16, This was the ast duy for filing 1938 Income tar returns, and about 6 million persons rushed to collection, cilices to dump approximately 8400,000,000 in the Federal till. , * Colaotors agreed to stay openuntlt ndnight In moat districts to give tardy taxpayers the full benefit ' of the* deadline. 1 - 'I" Laughing Arou WithlRVIi 1 ' No Closed Seas \.. . Br mviN W7HEN a Fnochmui roes hunting yw la certain districts than isn't 1 to kill. 80 the native mokes ap for and faacifoi eoetume. I p-' \ h-.^ ??BaSf*eS??s IMt|. Via borrowed ??n In ' ' heard the Cl&stonfu Tuxlcab Co. oppose the City Coach Co. of Charlotte for reinsUaement of franchise to ope lute frcni Gastonia to Kidge. RrJeigli. Mar. 14. The Hallway Ex press Agency Inc. of New York, has asked the utlltities commission for Increase" In fntratate express rates like those recently authorized by the Iutertrte ommerce Commlsson for Interstate commerce. . Chapel Hill. Mar 15. School was ail but c-ut this morning for 326 in* suiance agents attending the Insurance school being conducted here by the North OroYna Association of Insurance Agents. P'tlnUfol. ,Mar. 15 Two measures upon sdhlcti tbe State government runs one for taxing, the other for spending moveocf rurther down legislative channels tod^y. The revenue Ifll designed to finance a spending program of -?.norov fmately 1*150.000.000 fluting 1939-41, crime up fcr seccnd rrt-d.'nig ^n. the House. Because of a minor " Senate emend menu aiuthotfzlng cities, conn-' t'es ar3 towns to Impose certain tax cs on peddlere. the representatives uiougni nesc lai nigiu O repass tnej measure. Davllboii, Mar. 14. jDrwfasons 650 students have a big circle- around the date of March 23 an their calendar.a "9 This date marks the opening day of the annual epKug vacation for Da : t on sfjufients. Cdasisti will end at 12:30 that afternoon ano wil not t i convene until 8:30 a. m| on the follow log Wednesday. This will give the students a five day period of re-1 laxtforo before the laat half of the second: semester begins. Raleigh, Mar. 14. Six relief procuts to cost $137,342.60 amd give employment to 269 persons in the State bore approval today of the WPA. Guilford county received two of the projects. One calls tor the ex-j perjcttture in that county of $22,543 and the employment of 40 persona to repair toys and household1 lattides tor ftee distribution to ctoarit.ible hu?tuitions, and the other provides for the spenidng of $33,532 and the emtolovmen-t of 60 nornnrm to fnrniah matron' Service In girl'a reat room* In pubic achooU. .1 II ! ? ' nd the World N S. COBB , r on on Fanchon S.COBB he taken the sport rather sarioaaly. much in the way of game for him this by wearing a rather elaborate jgjjj THBTS Ffl^CHor/ ' lataau country, was invited be hit 6'Dreaervea of a- gentleman living a bands and wearing Ma oldest uae mm, m tney trudged through ; gorgeous ht gaiters and belted ng from the brim of hi* hat. a tbJctet. The American raised his Mt. "That's Arraaad, a great pet abbit hopped ato view oa the path the visitor made ready to fire and ?words: shoot at Pierre, either." dibit, a long raagy animal, came 5 >''~v **'? 1 ? * sR - in "v . jtertf Jftcr-' * " ,s' \ . V ll ' !* *-U. * i iii T ' 2 . * 'NO, MOUNTAIN, N. C. 1 News Item: American !ni< working day for research tofjnd vmrim THE WINNER J M f mM m t H >j .' -V i" iiid. ' ? 53r?&x&%. - #*, * *. &:< ** " .. a K?v&;' ' '& ' '*' : >x ' ' Ksjt>* B m ' Hi* Mi H . ww^y* ajgp t ?J. JH ?: ."* : >.: &.> ' ..' ^' \>" '. ^ | f * I S ^<1 <^; KhI " $&& ?i ii . MV: v^ ; >* -tr-X-'^^H < * < a '> ? J I ^gH i^9*tig x_^b(. t^Jjj I ' E ? (Pholo by Hord Studio} 5 ' Miha Predia Stall-worth, who was crowned the mort beautiful lady lit r the beauty contest last Friday night I sponsored by Ornde 11-B .of Central p School. Mtes Stallworth won. over a t field of about 20 beauties, including the most handsome ladles ever seen on the stage In Kings Mountain be for*. i Mr. Charles Thomaason was Master of Ceremonies for the entfre per fotmmvce, which was a howling buc cose from start to finish ami kept the large audience In an uproar. fc. . y Legion To EnUrtain Band The Local Boat of the American Le 5.1 on Is -making plana for the banquet to be given members of the Kings Mnun'ista School 'Band. Ike banquet will be Friday evening, MJarch' 24th, i in the Woman's Club Bulld9ng. TUs local post of the Legion sponsored the sppearanoe of the Band In the State masting held last week in Shelby, at wbSch time the band cap tared Mf?t prise for the beet hand, \uu raw owQuei is u appreciation I of the clequiyMi outfit Plana ere belu? ma4e to hanDs one of the State Officer* to ftreeent the cup at the hangyoL Mm SetiUla will appear In the neat lanue of the Herald. Hord Wln? Prize Tha Hord, Proprietor of Herd's StnSto. lv ail seniles an the remit ?f i*tng notified that. ?ne of hts photographs whioh was on display at the Shade Convention of North Carolina rhotofraphen heM In Charlotte last tree*, woe on# ef the mala priaee. Mr. Her* htot heat* presented *Mh ? *fl? seat tor the Stote Aaeoda t Ion. 4 i ..toV'vr H ? - , _ , . / _ t V' ' _ 1 J k [ '* ' " ' *: v'"^t?^rg|ofeiaB fL a ? wa ' M t?d.lll ml ["HURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1M? Justry spends $750,000 each pew and better products. 'unds For Scouting Secured (By Iiubrey Meurieyt B. S. Ncill, chairman of the flSUnce commit.te, local' district of he- Boy-Scout's of America, reports lib* as Indicated by the response' to be campaign to raise $600 as !<' V. K. Mauney, chairman of the tings Mountain Dfcv--.ec t. The speaker for the cccaaion was fen. Bismarck Capps. President of he P'xahnon.t Council. President Cr.pps called upon .'hi nen of Kings Mountain not " to be oo busy to give time to our boys." He "An. investinc-t and net Ugift te what we are to ask for. An nvestraent In character In our olttt nshp. of tomorrow. ".Make no apollgies for tbs Boy Icout" Proguun. Millions of boys in Vmerica owe much to what Scoutrg has done for the?m. "All the plans of Rovcrnmpn*, s> I'ety or Industry cotne to r night -1.' ho character of our citizenship is ?ct what It shoud be. wiu' Doys are our most precious hi our community and in Vmerii-a.' The Bn of those who have been i.aklng annual .investments in Scout ng was rtt.*d by Mr. Neill and nam"taken by those on the committee Present at the meeting was Ret-. I. U. Reave3 and J. I^ester Herndon :? Orcver. These men plan to raise icme money in that community. Rev teiaves te Scoutmaster of u Hoy >cOut Troop there. Others on the finance committee reoprot were J. H. Thomson, Arnold C'ser, Ladd Ham rick. They Were a*tvtod by a largo group of men indented in Scouting. Will Rogers9 Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS *'. .r/1 i -4-*.T ^ fAtH a Sen IWim, Im.) nnHIfl aiAM ?> 11 * - j ?/ ?vk ?ciu?iny nave kappnal, bat it's dollars to doughnuts that if tho situation cam* at, tho story would ba true. fit ?U ti l>iaii during tho lata awjnwiiaiss^jrho Ptriaco'i lfo^p( . tho "me, sad tho Priaeo was out gob sot and askod U ho could bo of asnr Mtsrlsl munmo. "Wo, thanks," said tho Ptlaee, r%tot"h^tr)ookinf at tho Priaeo aad said, "HavmH I sooa that mug of yours before?" "You May nave. I ass tho Priaeo of W alas. And you?" "Oh. mot I ass tho fciagt" throo davs later tho Prince was l!td A? ^famous^flying squadron, ho spied tho fheo of tho Pilot be baduMOofttmto^. ImsUatlythe Sfcjfiiii I ifti lii1, fcSwi, tm-' '< ' . ? ,c. a. * tA . I * " -v'wV' S "' * t I ' | I' -V": -V y v ; [erald \ % .'.V ' ! - '" *%;. sV . 1 I^ocal Woman I'o Broad-v lA ~e a-r-i. t ool lit 11UC1CSI U1 OHlCiy Mrs E. W. <3r!:.Tin, clialrman of * Iho division cX Pabll Here's the article: * t AND SPEAKING of the post of- , fleers' conference In Shelby last Moil day It will be recalled that there was a high school band contest held j Monday afternoon .... Kings Moun- 1 ta n's crack h'gli school band won flirt place, but tUteir picture was net published until Friday morning in The Charlotte Observer .... and ' along with it rr story explaining two ' or three things .... seents that tho Char'.t Ve hand did. and did not cont- ' ! pete ...got there too la.te or some , fc.-ig. but anyhow the Kings Moun- j tain folks hedi the- Idea that the Char , l-j'tc-band planned to compete and | ..- hen they lost to Kings Mountain, i !unncunced that they did rr?t compete ... .Pom the Kings (Mountain Her- | i!d of this week we clip the following as showing the feeling in Kings Mountain: "I haven't seen anyone In n long tune s?s happy es tho band Vi'ds were when tbev won 'he cup at Shelby i Monday. Atvd 1 don't believe that I've reen anyone as -mad as some of them were when the worw get. ut that 'Central High of Charlotte had nnlornt* flic ^-nnlnRt ThPV fill lleved fh-"? Cb-rlote had entered, and that they had beaten the Queen City .school fairly and squarely. Some i tlv'ng is definitely wrong. One of the judges of the contest informed us tlvt they had competed, as Was .announced over the public address system at Shelby. And there it is. It couldn't be that the Charllttetana couldn't stand being beaten, even by .t much better band.' So that's that. a * - . ' , IT MIGHT BE remarked here thai | sch aa the above, the failure to < print that picture of the band until three or four days after it ought to have appeared, the policy of Hor- I nets Poat No. 9 of the American Le- t gion tn Charlotte, in bringing two ( outside Legion bhseball players to play with Charlotte, and their con- t tinued efforts to keep them there and make them eligible to play, such 1 things as this have done more to { counteract j&fayor Ben Douglas' 1 "Friendly City* ptopoganda than any thing else .... In fact. It has pretty nearly wiped out. among people of oertafn towns in North and South Carolina, .what good might have been accomplished) by the other efforts .... tihey say the Charlotte Le glonn&ires bind to take a lot at the Shelby meetidg. face to face, front Legionnaires from other towns and cities. I LOr BOY FEATURED IN NAT ./NAN CITY PAPER r, ? < last Sunday's WasWngton "Star' ^ devoted an entire page of Oravure u section to Jake Early, the Kraga , Mountain boy wbo la going Itoto the v Big Time beaebail thin year. There j are eferen pBctorea of Jake Hi rmri- f one poaee. with pitcher Arnold And- t ernon and Cark Griffith. A notation t] with Or pfeture section aaya that t Griffith belterce Early to hare the ^ boat catcher'a are In the league. h Jake, batted .117 tor *, Charlotte Ita the Piedmont league e aat aeaeon. He formerly played for 31 the loeai High ftchooL The report* * are that Jake la a cinch for the qur u }or eague K he <111 hit the pitohere, n and no one teabU Me ahOfty to do h ttad. h The Senators pga near to Orlando, tr nortda tor spring praottoe. r?a3 tm? herai o ' "' " ' v \ ^ - >. ' > FIVE CENTS PER COPV Winthrop Teacher Killed Near Here Dn York Road Dr. Eloi'se Greene of the faeuty if Wnthrop Collog- *.n ltock lllll, }.* C .. died in a Uustoulu hospital it 2:15 a. in. Monday from injuries t;Mta.iu:d in rn auto acidacut a und midnight Sunday on the Kings '.ounitafii-York highway. The accident occurred onthe Kinga noui^tui nYoni rood about four milen n>uth of Kings Mountain near the id Dutugvutiw fill'Jig (station when >i . orcoae. wan hit bv a car driven >y s. J. rillier of Columbia. S. C. Dr. Gie< ne*'s later, .Miss Marj* otfse Grtviie who was with her i! I'.xe time of the atc1 tWit, said their itiio had r'cpped near the filling lation to get help. Mr. Flitter \old Officer Charlie ( httrlle Sheherd that Mrs. Greene .viva in ,'.Cie ro>v!ng exceptional ability have bstra . :j!lee'ed 0 play '. i'. a state-wiSa meeting, the cohcc" to take place In Raleigh Friiay night. The itollowing nicin.v:rs a< companl ?d by their dlreotro, Paul E. Hendricks leave Kings Mounitaitt today iu Mtlitr.W 1?. In Raleigh for rehearsal. 1 ve Mcj, l.|l P. ?t ic. Jr.. clarinet players; Doris White, saxaphooe D. F. Herd, Jr., alto clarinet; Ernest Mauney. oboe. . V -. up of men- be present to ait with Um on the Court. , Opinions Expressed In Thte Column Are Net Neeeeearlly the Views ef t Thle Newspaper.) There was more than a tittle liuuor in the callto* in bv some of the Capita!'* brain trusters recently or I i mo of the n acton's foremost private ceou.ntex).ifl to whom ft assigned the ask of preparing a definition on iianufhcturtog costs In conn notion rrth one of the many acruttnlee bong made Into American buStems. Ifber puztltng for a moment or two be accountant said be considered no task too great, a one to tuvcom- ,