* THE POC1 of KNOW1 (w **) ^ ^ Twe COST OF MAINTAINING AtOfftA, AfJO LOCAL GOVtKHMBHTS IN THfc TMB FI8CAU VIAR CH0IN4 JONC 30 AT *19,000,000.000 C? 1)15 FOR WOMAN ANO CMILO IN TMt COONTI XWMiW \l/iMi WAS SATtM.AS \ /IK, a cuti ??? , v xr^Kyi ootrr- OH mo** - VHtti rmrt moot* att 04STOAO OA TMt ? J . anuxj Si H I Quick Result* Low Cost HERALD Classified Ads a? a word for flrot Insertion; half price for subsequent Insertions. Minimum charge 26c. tOo net ask for Information regaling "keyed" ads, as (hey are atrletly confidential. If error la made. The Herald Jo,XJr.eapowtfrtuo*Tor "gnfy wfe'lnCorrect Insertion. The customer Is responsible for subsequent In, sertlone. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any corrections needed. Want ads are always cash in advance except to business men jkB eencerns having account# Wtth this newspaper. A- "*~ ... REMEMBER On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Splita for oitly 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. % " ;FOR RENT Three Room Apartment, connecting bath, hot and cold water furnished. See W. K. tLogan, 500 West Gold st. 3-23cc (Continued Next Week) K ? % .9 y M V I ' iV W^Mf ii i pl b M fe > TOM AND GEORGE Tom: "I told the wiltreu the otb er evening that the steak was like theweaither, rather raw.' George: "Didn't-eh* tell you hat your board bill was also like the weather ur -settled? If your mind ie unsettled about getting that new rug that you K" have been hinklng about, ybo can gel lit hare pay it by ths month. D. F. Hord Furniture Co. Lr*- v ' Buy It For Less'At Word's I THE CLAN |VV * , ' f L IE Jl.JJI I 1 1 1 KETBOOKl LEDGE *. I ?/A Tmi? oouhtav. with ?*?/ ohly 0 RtR CiNT W C l, Stat* -carried on 50 O.S. POS p*n cw r o? is estimated its business every man, activity. *y. teavelleo by geo roc waehinoton lifetime were recently covered V b in A swats OAY. V J SyHil. SO years add, z" )|bf,' aluminum was so iih, rare and costly : ( ucwelcrs cut At. AY to IT /V m * sro*t MtMDOWS - today y If rr can SB made for /? AM Ounce.' 1 FREE! If excess acid (humph vn? pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indigestion.. Heartburn, Belohlng, Bloating, Nausea. Gns Pa Ins, get' free Sample, Udga, at Kings Mountain Drug Co. 6-4-p. * GIRLS! Own your own business. Earn $75 to $100 per weok. Have others earning for you. Yes, it is the beauty business. EVERY WOMAN YOUR CUSTOMER T.oday. whilo yon think of it, write and find out how you can acquire the jyofession. Open your own shop. We train you"vour own shop with a small payment. 'V/V lielp you succeed.. Nov; classes forming now. Continental College of Beauty Culture, High Point, N. C. 2-23-mar 16 SEVERAL STEAM HEATED Office Rooms for rent. For further information call: C. F. Thomasson, Phone 54. - m KEYS MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleaners, Small* Electrical Appll . ances, and Speedometers repaired C. L. Ramsey, Phone 126-M. Sept. 22tfc FOR SALE Several tons of reclaimed Korean l^espedeza seed. SV& ceiita pound. Also Clover seed. S. L?. Carpenter, Lincoln ton, N. C. Route 4. . mar 23 I .. LOST BUNCH OF KEYS.' Re(ward for return to Herald Office. FOR SALE two months old Spitz pups.'. 116 City street, RIGHT . ..' . t ? V ' * . Hight Service Righ Workmanship i Rifirht Materials ' Right Prices i . ? > In fact Everything is I Right I FOSTER'S SHOE SERVICE ' Phone 154 CY KIDS \$H{> ITHfNKv>6 1 Cor Company \ 'MR KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD 'THIS'NTH AT' By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section Monday P. M. Gee this la a lovely day! There's not a single cloud to mar the clear blue sky, the sunijliine Is warm and everything seems ouiet aig^i peaceful. Spring is here or is t't? Kuuny (strange to you) vrather we have been having lately, y, ,? 11it.~ > .? ? ? -- viic uuj \nivt; i ov^v; we Q I'HUll K 111 (IT Spring was here and the next day <ve- were sure that ole man winter lingered oh. 1 have been settling here on our front potch for at least fifteen minutes trying'to tkflnk of something to svri'.e 'oll.-out but It isn't any use. It's so peasant to Just .relax in a rocking chair and gaze at the thing around me but since 1 must write something I'll Just tell you about the things that 1 call see. 'Here goes: The Jonquils and blue-bells nod to each other .... Butter-cups lift their faces to <t)ha sun .... The bridal vo'l bushes, with their .shower of white blooms, flutter, in the breeze The honey-suckle tree makes the air sweet with its fragrince That buzzing sound you hear about It to bees .... Over across the hill I see men sowing seeds or soda over tho wheat field' .... The maple ?liwy?tiWMwiw<? !?,??,< ..,ji reddish hue .... The mountain looks blue and very, near .... Smoke drifts lazily from the chimney, of th? K. M. H. S. building Somewhere near a blid is singing Whoa there pencil! Folks will think I've never seen the country before! .But you ste folks, my home Is Jn the country and well, I sorta like ft here. Now let me tell you about some of the folks and then I'll scram. |Mr. and Mm. John Ramsay and Misses Pearl and Davie Hayes ol Bessemer City were recent vlsfitort of Mr. J. K. Ooforth. Mltnei Vfrgf.nin and Vtck Patter sen visited relatives n Shelby last Sunday. , Miss Ruby Burton was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Bense Sellers ol Oak Grove last week-end. Mies Dent's Huffstetler spent Wee pesday .ntgtuf with Miss Ruth Wet ttrv Siisan, Maxgare I arid iJa.ura Burton and and Cnirl Burton of near Betha-ny. a. Qwore visiitora In this section Mtmdat DIXON NEWS 'By Ch?)e? B.8M&?rt) Mr. ,Conrad1 Hughes. who been sick for several days Is mud better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ChRders an< family of Smyrna. S. 0.. were visl tore several djrys last week In thl community. Mr. H. K. Stewart who has beei sick for several days its much bet.te at this writing. Mrs, J. F. Owens of Kiug? Mour tain vas visiting hi this commimlt SinvinLV .Miss MJ'iry Hughe? who has bee: vkttlrcg her grandmother for severs weekn who lives i!n Rock Hill r< tiimed home last week. There will be prayer meeting " a Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Green's he* Saturday night. Mr Carlson Stewart who has bee stck with cold Is much better a thte time. RAISES go to trained men first thst ia why many men get I. C. 8. training. They are the first to be hired and the last to be flrod. Drafting Plumbing 'Mechanical Engineering INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Scranton, Pa. P. L. PERCY, Representative 11 Pox 2433 Qaatonia, N. C, iie Kno1 < i ' T J? THUR8JDAY. MARCH 1?. 1?S9 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of tbe power f sale contained In a deed of trust ,lven by Wiley H. McGlnul*. and wife, Minnie E. McGlnnls. to the undersigned as trustee for the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association on the 9th day of August, 1935. and registered in the Register flf Dppito fnn rMauolattrl ty In Book 19? at page 232 to secure the Indebtedness therein mentioned. 1 end default having been made in the payment of same and the request' of the Kings Mountain pullding and Loan Association, I will sell for cash ot the Courthouse door In - Shelby, ' Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday, April 10, 1939, at ten o'clock. A. M., or within legal hours, the following described real estate: Situated on the East side of Cane;ler Street In the Town of Kings! Mountain, N. C.. 'and beginning at an [ Iron stake in the edge of said street | Monroe Reed's corner, and runs thence with Reed's line East 107 feet to a stake, his corner; thence Ncrth 50 feet to an Iron stake; then1 ee \Vest 107 feet to 'an iron stake i iu edge of Cansler Street; thene? wUh Cansler Street South 50 feet to the beginning, containing 5250 square feet, more or less, and being 0 part of the. Iqt conveyed by W. A Morris and wife to J. R Davie by dec-d, dated 18th December, 1925 as will appear on record in Register of npoda nfflcA for flftVAlaiifl Pnunlv tr Book NNN at page 658. ?.^. ,r<?w?;ii.iriAw;T.. r,r West aide of Canaler Street in the Town of Kings Mountain. N. C., an?l beginning <at a stake in the edge of aid street 150 feet North from corn r o^Haiel Brown's lot, and runs ience Weat 200 feet to a stake: lence North 75 feet to a stake: Ience East 200 feet to a stake in le edge of Cansler Street; thence long Cansler Street South 75 feet d the beginning, containing 15,000 I oouare feet, more or less'.. . .This the. 6th day of March, 1939. , " J. R. Davis, Trustee. adv inarch 30 NOTICE OF A NEW REGI8TRA TiON, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VOTING PLACE8 AND THE CALL FOR TOWN ELECTION ON TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939 The jMayor and Board of Commls' sioners for the Town of Kings Moun ' tain at their regular meeting on Mnrch 6. 1939, established the voting places for the Town "Election to he held on Tuesday, May 2, 1939, as ' follows:" * . The voting plnce for vi srnr*r*T>.~JL sliall be in the City Hall. The voting place for Ward No. 2 ihall be In the City Hall. . The voting piece for Ward No. 3 shall be In the Phenix Mill Store. The voting place for Ward No. 4 k shall be In the Kings Mountain Mans ufacturlng Company's Store.' (l The voting place tor Word No. 5 ehall be at the Cleveland Motor Corad pany. j. In compliance with the new a g ntenament to tne unarter. tne Moara ordered that a new registration be n held in each ward and only those r vho register shall be permitted to vote in the coming elections, the registration books for the new regy lstra'tion shall be open at the aforefrfd voting places on Saturday, April n 1. 1039, and Tor three successlye Sat (I r.rdays thereafter, closing on Saturday April 22, 1939. The Board appointed as registrar X for Ward No, 1, D. H. Houaer, and :t lodges, W." A. Rfdenhour and Ed Pat torsen; tcfr Ward No., 2, Registrar, n S. A. Croise, Judges L. Arnold Kiait cr and T. N Harmon*, for Ward No. 3. registrar, Boyd Putnam, judges J] C. Paysour and Haakel Wilson;. for Ward No. 4, registrar, W. F. Eng m land. Judges, Ross Roberts and W K. White; for Ward No. 5, registrar Pride Ratterree, Judges, 1. B. Oofor | th and George M&uney. The polls will be opened from ses cn A. M. until six P. M. on Tuesdaj Primitive Method* Need Not , m e M xiern I ADVERTISE HERE!! - > . vvs His Mama. (HOWDOYA U 7| V Know, TIMMie. I I / I I I I | D H May 2, 1939 at the place* designated a l ove for the election of one Comn-lssloner for the Town of King* Mountain In each of Mid five wards end for the election of one. truatee Ir. each of said ward* for the Ktnes Mountain Graded School Districts. The trustee for Ward No. 1 shall be elected for a period of two ydars, the trustee for Ward No. 2 shall be elected for. a period of four years, the tiustee for Ward No.. 3 shall be elected for a period of four years, the * VI ?.1 VTa A .L.1I 1 iiusipe lur >vaiu ?u. * gutui d? elected for a period of six years and the trustee for Ward No. 5 shall be electrustee, for Ward So. 5 shall be elected for a period of six years. That part of the territory of the Kings Mountain Graded School District outside of the coporate limits and'on the East side of the Southern Railway shall vote In Ward No. 3 for a school trustee and that part of the territory hi the Kings Mountain Graded School District and outside of the coporate Mihlts on the West side of the Southern Railway shall veto for a school frusUeo In Ward No. 4.. Notice is further given that any person desiring to run as Town Com missloner or School Trustee shall nt least five ilays before the election file his or her announcement In writing with the City'Clerk. It Is further ordered that this notice be run in the Kings Mountain Herald for four weeks beginning on the 9th of March, 1939. and a copy Wards. ' > By order of the Board. Thus. 0. /Dllllng.. City Clerk. adv> mar 30. NORTH CAROLINA. CLEVELAND COUNTY. In The Superior Court. Mrs. Alice Virginia Ford Vs. Harold Carlyle Ford. NOTICE The defendant Harold Carlyle Ford will take notice that an; action entitled as above has been commenced In the superior court of Cleveland County. North C&roltna, for the run-pose of obtaining en absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear a,', the office of the clerk of the superior court of aalcT county In the courthouse In Shelby. N. C., on the 23rd day of March, 1939 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in saihl complaint. . .^rhls the 23 dav of February, 1939 Jr" Clerk of SuporfU adv tnlr 23 " NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S 8ALE ~ Default hhvtaig been made tn the payment of the Indebtedness secured by that certain deed of trust to mo as Trustee for Pilot Life Insurance Company by Dr. C. W. Harper and wife, Lena C. Harper, on the 22nd day of July, 1936, and recorded In the office of ;the Register of Deeds of Cleveland County, North Carolina. In Book 217, at pfcge 43, 1 will under ar.d by virtue of the power of sale contained in said deed of trust, and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the purpose of dischar ging the debt secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the high .salve n n n relieves hhh JOLDS U U U Drice Liquid Tab F leta, Salve i 10c & 25c Note Drops * . * r : LET CHARLIE DO IT \ Yes, let Charlie send y< That's his business and lie today, he's always r BLALOCK AND 111 Phone 58-R ___ By mifeg IZeA&Eri o ^ in c?t .letter for at tk? house frost door to Shelby, ChH Und County, North Osmllna, ?t3 o'clock, M., .on Frttoy, March 1 1089, the following de.*ci1bed prdl ty. to-wit; Situated ou South eW.3 of Street In the Town of king* Mol thin, N. C., and BEGINNING at j Iron stake, O. O. Jackson's om^H and rune thence with his line Sofl 150 feet to a Stake, O. O. Jaokscfl corner; thence a new line Went 1 feet to a stake, R. C. Gold's oowH thence a new line North 150 feet u stake in the edge of Gold Stxean . i t_i_* aa ? i menre wuu nam scneec nut 15 to the Beginning, containing llfl square feet more or IeM, and betSI the same lot conveyed by tt. C. QoU and wife to Dr. C. W. Harper, afl deed dated November 5, 1935, oe appear on record hi the Register J Deeds Office tor Cleveland OouH to liook 4-E at page 596. This the 17th day of FebrusjM 1939. Julius C. Smith, Trustee. Smith. IVharton and) Hudgina, Attgfl Greensboro. N. C. S-Mt^j COMMISSIONER'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale madH by the Clerk of Superior Court dfl Feb. 15. 1939, In Special Proceattl or titled "Reynolds vs. ReynoldjS tonne being No. 2313, the underd^M rd Commtssioner of Court will n| to the highest bidder at the OourtJ I House in Shelby, N. C., In MondajJ w I'hln legal hours the following dlfl scribed real estate, to-wlt: Being those four lots of land I scribed by deeds to Levi Reynofl from Mary Corntvell et al. May fl 1900. end recorded ht Rook PP, Pljl 243; and from J. H. Qulnn, sloncr Sepf.--26, 1900, and recorded^ Cook 00, Page 380, which deed ofl ta'.us two lots, and frogy^ E- Coifl - _ .ill * ?? AMiaas . 1 Wf'ji pi ui umcu nov. zirmivui, recorded In Hook UU. Pace 307; MM described by a line by a recent vey a p. follows: ' BEGINNING at a point on the id side of Railroad Avenne 200 MM Ntrth from the Intersection of III H road Avenue and Mountain atreamj and runs thence with the old East 245 feet to a atako in the W?mJ odge of Cherokeen Avenue, the ortslH r.al corner of the W. J. Cornwall Mfl thence with West edge of CherokajH Avenue North 100 feet to a stake;! thence Went with the old line 14H feet to a stnke In Eaat edge of RaAfl road Avenue; thence with the etlgefl of said avenue 100 feet to the Begta>9 ning. upon which Is sHueted a brick! building and two dwellings. nam* I H bang adjoining the lands of Plonk ! d^Qthera on the North. Terma~olh rifcl. One-half cash dsy cf sale; bahince with privilege of paying all cahh upon confirmation. Deferred payments to bear 6 percent Interest. Title reserved until all purchase money Is paid. Thla 15th d-sy of February, 1939. C. B. McBra.ver, Commissioner. adv mar 16. Cash At Once For YOUR OLD GOLD Rings, Watches, Pins Teeth and Trinkets GEM JEWELRY CO. 193 Main 8t. GASTON I A, N. C. I ________ >u the best things to eat. he knows it. So Call Chaready to serve. GROCERY A (ARRET \M E. Mountain St. Jf PERCY L. CROSBY , -s ,.s.r ( Otr HCARO 6 / I VLc^APA #]V ling 6or. i |?aaB

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