? * ~~ ~ " . 'Mm* THIS 'N THAT By AUto Barton Patterson Grove Section ' e Surprise# never end! Lest Thur day yours (truly was standing at ou mail box waiting for tie mailman. Quick Results?ixiw Coat? HERALD Classified Ads 2m a ward far first Insertion; Half pries for subsequent Inser _ . 1 Minimum charge 26c. Do net ask (or Information 9|*rdlng "keyed" ado, aa they I aro strictly confidential. If error la made, The Herald la reapenelble far only ono Incorrect Insertion. The customer ' la responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of ' any ear* rectlone needed. Want ada are always cash In advance except to business men er eon earns having acesunta with this newspaper. 'SUIT TMIl UU sale quallti Peach, Apple. Plum. Buy 2 at 1st I, iritnir I prlnrtini you one. This makes peaches at low aa 160 for M-00, Apples 1M for $20.00. Express collect. Writ* for list. Howard-Hickory Nurser lest Hickory. N. C. $-S0c cm SA i m ? *>---- -i? - ? www ww-ww ? \m M1U dahlia bulbe. gladioli bulbs at Wal lam Flowers, Phone 96. REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get ens of our detteious Banana Spilth tor only lto. Kings Mountain Drug Company. FOR RENT ? Three Room Apart ment, oonneoting bath, hot and eold water tomtahed. 8ee W. P Logan, 600 Weet Gold et. 3-Mce FREB1 If ?efi add ,<ppti yew twins of Stomach Ulcers, todlges tiqn, Heartburn, BoMiIng, Bloat tng, Nausea, Gaa Pains, get free Sample, Udga, at Kings Mountatr Drug Co. 6-4-p. SEVERAL STEAM HEATED Offloe Rooms tor rent. For further Information call: C. r. Thomassoo Ttmae 64. K EY8 MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleaners. 8msU Electrical Appll ' anoee, and Speedometers repaired ^ C, I* Ramsay,.Phone 126-14. ^ Sept. Wife FOR'SALE ? Several tons 6T rc claimed Korean Leepedeca aee<! PV4 centa pound. Alto Clover mat fi. Tj. Carpenter, Lincoln too, N. C Route 4. mar S3 , LOST ? BUNCH OF KEY8k Rt r*ard for return to Herald Offlct FOR 8ALE *- two montbe old Spit pupa. 115 City street. (Continued Next Week) - TOM AND GEORGE C+orge: "Tin Judge asfcad n n*4|hber why -ha was thsre >nd I . uM that It was baaausa ha was tfi vine too stow." Tom: "Too slow, d you say?" Ok orgs: "Yaa, tha mot cop caught up with him. Wa ara n a ow whan ws say that wa ara dolr busfnass In a way that our oustm an wont hava to apologias If tin spaah a good word for us. D. F. Hord Furniture Co Buy It For Lass At Hord'a TH? CLA? \ i. ; ; fTS i (r,WWTHtn oh (Owefouji I Mr?i*i<ir i' i-i/iAr ' < jr j-tiM" iiaAntfJ r iii. ' heard a wagon coming down the 1 road behind me bat didn't tarn ? ? round to aee who It was so I was a Utile surprised when the mule came I to a bait before me. OkHclng up I saw that It was Mr. Brown. (I mean 1 I the driver wasMr. B. not the mule! s -You must be looking for a letter,' r he remarked. Then without giving I I me a chance to answer he asked, "Say, are you the one that writes < for the paper?' I rather heattaatly 1 ad milt od that 1 was, while I thought i "Now. what have I said that he die ' not like." 1 ' _ " ' J ' 1 "Veil, he said, 'Mm. Moore ? girl I ( ?what's her name? JSva? Well her , end a Wright girt (wa? that you,!. Rebci?) ciime to see my -wife one : j day last week. They were on their j wheela and after they left our J pluce they went way up In the ooun- ( try to the old Wolfe place. You write up a good story about them, will you? Then he stalled on to town calling back to remind me that the girls had made the trip on their wheels. Wheels in case you didn't ' know, Is what the older folks call bicycles. With so few facts 1 can"t write s good story Mr. B- Sorry. Bet t the girls had a good time though. I 1 Measles are still keeping lots out ( ol school. When one gets over them v somebody else tages them. Hope you all will be back In school before r ' *">? 0 ' T- n.., A * ghter, Prances Jane are visitors In 8 | this section. 1 Mist* Mildred Ledford visited ? . friends here Sunday. _ Mrs. John Carroll and son, Oeorgs 0 >l?nt Friday night with Mr. and e I Mrs. 8. 8. Bridges of the city lake. h That's all for this week. Nothing u interesting or unusual to write a- Q tout Sorry. Hope to do better by t *n by. mjm map SALVE AAA a ; SSSS DOQ price *5 Ifttft. Q^luf IOC & 25C Noh Oropi I Cash At Once Far YOUR OLD GOLD i Rings, WiMwa, Pins Tseth an<l Trinkets I GEM JEWELRY CO. , 1 'i 1*3 Main St. OASTOMIA, N. & M^aMMasaMiMps HmKH Why Suffer Longai Dr. Miles Anti-Pain I Da MILES ANTI - PAIN PILLS war* n?d> for just ooo purpoee?to nlkvt pain. Users write that they "work Ilka magic". They contain an affective, quick-acting, enelfatr pain reliever. Try Dr. MOee Anti-Pat* P^e ?y before yon loaa a day's work? to ' and nay?-or break a eodal enrV gagement beceuse of HEADid ACHE, MU8CULAK, PERIOPBr IC, OB NEURALGIC PAINS, ot They may bo Just what you ig need to relieve your pain and tv At year Drag Mere. S) >y '* ' :I ii ??? .1 JCY KIDS Think of t ruSX TTsT ??kww *?i r, j "li ?75155?*) ^ J watte*7t> J ( I tcHAmortr.] { VB?^ V \ Y%& IK V Y .^L Y mi ^ j np l^L; ^ 5 ^ fil i *? ! THE ONM MOUNTAIN HEUIA SOUTH CAROLINA. < T~J :UCVBLAND COUNTY. 1 la Tha Superior Coart. \ Em Alloa Virginia Word Va. Harold Oarlyle Ford. 1 NOTICE a The du(bi.da3t Harold Carljia t ford will take notice that an action j c-r titled aa above haa bean commen- j ,eti In the superior court of Clare- t and County, North Carolina, tor the f, ;urrpoae of obtalnta* an abeolute dl,-oice; and the said defendant will B 'urther take notice that he la required to appear at the office of the s L-lerk of the superior court of aedd iqunty in the courthouse In Shelby, B S". C.. on the 23rd day of March, 1939 ind answer or demur to the com- B ilalnt In said action, or tli?S pladntlft u Mil apply to the court for the relief lemanded In aaild complaint. si This the 23 day of February, 193H. p E. A. Houser, Jr.. Clerk of Superior Court n ?atdrv?*nar 23 o - _ h NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'8 SALE * Default. ha.vfPK.beea made In the * w> ment of the Indebtedness touwd iv that cerrtntn deed of trust to me is Trustee tor Pilot Life Insurance * 'oinpeay hy Dr. C. W. l?wpar end rife. Ueoa C. Harder, on the 22nd " iny of Jtily. 193d, and reporded In 1m office of th? RcgtMr of Dteh f Cleveland County. North Carolina. f< r, TVm h 111) ?t I0gv ' pMj&T ft nd by virtue of the power of sale ?' onttrtatd In maid deed of trait, nod 8 I the request of the cestui qua ei rant, and for the purpose of dlschar to* the debt secured by nM desd C f trust. proceed to eell to the high- v mt bidder for (Hh, at the court- >' ouae front door to Shelby, Clcre K rod County, North Carolina at If p 'dock, it.. cn Friday, March 84. n !?S9, the foliowlnn described properr. tb-wtt: ? M Situated on South aide of Gold treiet In the Tonrn of Klnffs Moan- "ra via, W. C., and BEGINNING at an M rah1 stake. O. O. hckno't corner, a, nd runs thence with hie line South lr SO feet to a Stake. O. O. Jackson's M oraer; thence a new line Went ft T Mt to a stake, R. C. Gold's corner j e| hence a new Ha* North ISO feet to tr stake to the edge of Gold Street; t? hence with said1 street Beat 75 fajrt ti O the Befftaatoff, containing 11.850 ]e quare ft**, more or lees, and betpff ti he same lot conveyed by R. C. Gold ad wlfifr to Dr. C. W. Harper. by Iced dated November S, 1936. es wttl ippfenr on leomtl to the Register of kcda Office for Cleveland ' County n Book 4-B at page 595. Thle ttie 17th day of Keb.raan 959. Julius C. Smith, Trustee. Imftb, Wharton and Hudsins. Attys. toeenaboro. N. ?. . ^ w f 1-4^ ^ ^ oochM fH^L^sr I r Than N?CMnry? >illt Rtliavt Quickly put you hack on your foot gain "rarin* to go**. OR. MILKS AMI! - PAIN PlUUi act middy, you dont have to wait forty minutes to an hour for than to take effect aa is the can with many analgesics. Youll get action in from tan to twenty minutes. OR MILES Aim - PAIN PILLS are pleasant to take, handy to ctfry, tfanpt and effective in action, and do not upset Aa stomach. Their coat is stnelL One, or at meet, two, m is usually sufficient to relieve. mm?mmymmmmmm?i ... , - . mm . I ' He 'Chances "flmmle Took. k_: <L .s .? y'-4, < j ' < ' I I - ? THURSDAY, HAACn, SS. IMS " _ . (OTICK OF A , MEW REQISTRAriOH, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF >OTINO FLACKS AND THE CALL FOR TOWN ELECTION ON TUESDAY, MAY S. 1SSS Hie M*?or and Board of Commitloners for the Town of Kings Moun afn Rt their regular meeting on tarch ?, 1939, established the rotng places for the Town Election to ie held on Tuesday, Mey 2. 1939, as *>?? ? - i -- The voting place for Ward No. 1 hall be In the City Hall. The voting place for Word No. 55 hall he in the City Hall. . The voting place for Ward No. 3 hall, be In the Phenlx Mill Rtore. The voting place for Ward No. 4 hall be In the Kings Mountain Man facturing Company's Store. The voting place Tor Word No. " hall be at the Cleveland Motor Con} any. In compliance with the new olendment to the Charter, the Board rdered that a new registration be eld In each ward and only those ho register shall be permitted to ote la the coming elections, the egistratlon hooka for the new regulation shall be open at the aforerid to'.log places on Saturday, April , 1939, and for three successive Sat rdaye thereafter, closing on Saturay April tit, 1919. The Board appointed as registrar >t Wsrd No. 1. P. H. Houser. and iflv w." T!'lfTBWIHH!P7R"B8T?r arson; for Ward No. *. Registrar. . A. Croise, Judges L. Arnold KIsr and T. N Harmon; for Ward No. , registrar, Boyd Putnam, Judges J) . rayioor ua wutei Wilson; tot ford No. 4. nftitnr, W. F. Kngind. fudges, Rom Rotiwti and W White; tor Ward No. 5. registrar, ride Rattem*. Judges, I. B. Gofori and George Mauney. The polls wllL.be opened from ser i A. M. until six P. M. on Tuesday lay 2, 1281 at the places designated l ove for the election of one Com daadoner for the Town of Kings [ountaln In each of Mid five wards id for the election of pne trustee i each at Mid wards for the Kings [ountaln Graded School Districts, he trustee tor Ward No. 1 shall be lected for a period of two years, the nstee for Ward No. 2 shall be dec id for a> period of tour years, the nstee tor Ward No.. 3 shall be e. icted for a period of fonr years, th' nstee tor WUrd No. 4 shall be elec The TOUG I'; the nee ' ife fl m Tkn billion miles of under all aorta of co prove that with a Ford V you can expect an all-rou tar hauling job?at al lower hauling ooat*. No matter what your problem, chances are t anawar to it is?a Ford V in tour roao oiaiir FORD V-8 Tl " PLONl i; * - ' ' " " . . -V ted for a ported of six yeors and the le trustee for Ward No. 6 shall bo elec f?l fustee for Want No. 5 shall l>e eloc- wi ted for a period of six yean. That ; part of the territory of the Kings t!< Mountain Graded School District Hi outside of the coporate limits and en th the East side of the Southern Rail- sfc any shall vote In Ward No. 8 'or a W school trustee and that part of the I territory hi _ the Kings Mountain 'Graded School District and outBide ? ]c* the cooorate limits on the West aide of the Southern Railway shall vote for a school trustee In Ward No. 4. j Notice is further given ihat any 'person desiring to run as Town Com missioner or School Trustee shall at f the/i Buy Here am CORN FLAKES ? Packi TOASTED WHEAT ? Pi SALT? 2?5c PACKAGE MATCHES ? 2?5c PACI WEINEKS L Pound BLALOCK ( AND MAR Phone 58-R IHER the )ob, tt d for a FORD T i' hauling, AMERICA'S NUMSD nditiom, MODERN TRUCK 8 Truck nd b?t- Sang* of aln wheelbaaee ai LI-round ud M kp. U MrtypM Poll totqu-tab* ddv* j trucking noawwcUl oaxa (full-floal he beat doty eemi-eentiihigel olut -SI Large paylead epaoe Pocdl IOMTI lew upkeep eeeftggjUk fad j . > % IDCRS AND COHMI & MOTOl 1?^ fc??*A_ .:. *> _ .va/v ? I mrf* r.fiStfcTn' ir.u, - itttW r.^Mirflfol mpniwiJimwi.ijiiiili.i^,j,i i urni i. i. m set (Im day* before the elsctlSB ir hie or her announcement IB rlttng with the City Clerk. It la further ordered that thta *e>e be run In the Kinita Mowntaha prald for four weeks beginning ob e 9th of March, 1939, and a oopr all be posted In each of the Are erde. lly order of the Hoard. Char. G. (Pilling. City Cleric, i-.dv?mar 30. , Bmnmn IE KEENER!} IIEANER! I Bp-V * ? - i -1 - :?: ?i I Save ige : 5c ickage 5c S 5c CAGES 5c 17c GROCERY KET E. Mountain St te greater RUCK' Bi^X K ONI LINE-UP 07 DVO FEATURES ? * ' * . -1 id s MgiM ! <ot n i Biff hydraulic bnkM M-floitl?| roar udi in inff in trucks) Hnvf* oh * oobo tow oporortuff ante * Ford orf onohonff o post* plan. FDPTBT rioe lUifAiiii vand * CO. ) *. * ... * - ,.38 ERCY L. CROSBY ?? n.K.1. ' I A MCARt >Sf?J 0 YA WAffTA 4 BUST THE r^5TRAP5?y I eft % I . I *,kS i" i iiii m i i rV' v vii tfiwl

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