uv AT HOME , . 1 . VOL. 25 NO. 17 State And N Condensed Ii ?National News? Washington, April 4.?The War De jnirtnient announced today that contracts lor five types of warplanes ! were ready for signature as soon as < ongress gave final approval to a $?13,000,000 army supply bill. Four-engine bombers, single- en? ?e pursuit planea, a new type of pursuit interceptor, attack bomberff and a anvil number of photographic planes will be purchased with Initial funds. Kast Crartntree. Mass., April 4. ? Two navy biplanes crashed 2,000 feet In the air today and tour men perinea as tnev plunged naming to I eurtti. i New Yerk. April 4.?Jack Benny i'ii man?as?nif ' aaaicdtwsj i ? Deeded guilty to smuggling charges today and waa fined a total of 910..000 aiyl given? aunpeoded sentence of one year andi "a day in prison. Ra - im placed on probation for two yegra1 Washington, * " * April 4.?Tourists huddled in dark baaamecj corridor* and portly Senator* were left with* out the use of elevatera when tht Capitol's power system failed briefly today. ?. A score of office workers found themselves in total darkness midway of their breakfasts In the House and Senate restaurants. Service was noon restored In most parts but In some corridors the build ing staff resorted to old-fashlonCd lanterns. ' * > Washington. April 4.?The Senate approved legslation today authorising the Pedei'U Government to tax ^.1he salaries of State employees and States to tax the pay of .Federal , w orkers. The Supreme Court recently up"held the constitutionality of atich | ? -taxation. The measure prevents retroactive tax*Won by exempting salaries paid ^ 1 rfrrito ltat Jmmnr I study of the credit requirement* of email business firm* was Issugurat?d today by the SecuHtiee Commie r?on and the Junior Chamber of \ -oininorco. The surrey will be made for the Federal Monopoly Committee. The Junior Chamber of Commerce wilt consider the credit needs In each of the 561 cities where It has chapters. Ctld Spring. N. Y., April 4.?An Inquest Into tbs strange death of a 2U year old New York City, composer, strangled In bis -own safety rope at he descended Breaknect Mountain; vaa ordered today by Coroner Geo. A. Logan. The victim. Irving M- Felgln, a protege of Pianist Jose Iturbi. apparently became entangled in the rope yesterday as be lowered himself over a ledge. Ruche rest. April 4.?Official quarters said today tht. wlS'e Rumania was gratified over Brltai'n's assurance of support of ell European nat:onala which might be victims cf a egression, there would be no basic change In Rumanian foreign policy. This policy, it was emphasised, at ine present titme embraces no hos-l 1 tie step against any power. ! Iniavne Arour ! With IRVIT' V To the Victor BlylRVa*! AN AMERICAN ?audeville actor K< ** On his return to America ho wai a boat the high lights of his first Co -It was in Hamburg," ho said, "tl unique and Interesting sight'of my cafes the good people of Hamburg w? drinking contest. . > - 'TSere were oeer a hundred eon WW gathered together to determine who periodof an hear. . Hsbrauw&f ?-,v7 V ,J II 17 Kings .' ? *-" " \" 1 fc- . ' _ ' ," i Vl'* "v';'. ?' ational News i Brief Form ?State News? llalotgh., April 4.?'I1ie Legislature at 2:30 this morning adjourned sine c .c to end a 90 day tiesslon during which it enacted precedent setting legislation. It conducted Its business in a man ner that many legislative veterans described as very puszling. due to tiie lack of general discussion of bills. . Fayettevllle, April 4.?President Koosevelt wil be inrlted to speak at, too celebration of the sesqul-centennial of North Carolina's ratification of the Federal Constitution Nor. 21. John A. Oates. chairman of the armngemeot# committee, aaid (Post Iinxu! UCMVKl< #?UHQ? As * M IC/ ?' ho wcakl be asked to Issue t special commemorative stamp Free Cooking School The Herald announces with pleasure that arrangements bare been completed tor the Herad Cooking School to be conducted by Miss Elizabeth Kmory, noted Loetonar and Hopte Boonfmtst of the k Bpry Research Kitchens! Cambridge, Mass This feature event will be held April 21 21-22 at jDixle Theatre. EJvery woman reader of the Herald Is Invited to be a guest at each see?Ion of She school. ' There will he classes on Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at 10:00 A. M. A printed program containing all the recipes, tested and approved tn the Spry Research Kitchens, will be presented to each person attending. These delicious and economical dtsh e? will be prepared, cooked on the si age, explained step by step to the audiences and presented dally to lucky women by Miss Kmory. KverO woman is given an opportunity to participate hi the distribution of the . . .... . v a _ ?. a many vaiuanie gnu at each sesa'cn.' 'Admission is free to all womon. No tickets are necessary: The doors wtll bp cpcnsd sari*muI 4*a 4f?caM suggests ycxir arriving early because there will be no reserved seats. . . f?' In edition to the many other sal uablo gifts, baskets of groceries and ether well known household suppiles will be distributed at each sea?, s Ion. Miss Emory, talented Lecturer i and Writer on -food subjects, has; arranged program wdth an eye to helping wemen with their home prob| terns. 8be turns out delicious light j cakes, tender..flaky pastry, and a va| riety of appetising, '* economical I food* that will delight her llateners. Best ct ail she shows you how to get the same results In your own kitchen. Watch these columns for further details of The Herald Cooking School. In the meanwhile, reserve the dates. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, April 20, 21 and 22. False Alarm Tuesday Night Firemen were called cut about i?: 45 Tuesday night to put out a flrd iliat had not even started. The call came from the boiler room cf the Klnga Mountain Manufacturing Co.. paying that the Ben Smith store aeross the street was on fire, but v/hen the firemen arrived they could not find any sign of a fire. An In \legation la being made todeterm-| fne who did the calling. . id the World J 5. COBB Song the Spoils ?. ecu ut been plajrinjf on tonrin Burope. " 1 i tellinr a group of his friends all atlantel appearance. Iiftt I n* what I eoackler the most entire trip. In one of the better nre holding the annuel spring wine teetanta from all over the country could drink the moot wine in the y little man who had euocceded ia 'an hour." e of the listeners. * Mm*, lea) m m Mmin ITIUUD KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. RECEIVE LONG DISTANCE CALL FOR HERALD ???- \ The Herald received long distance phone oall last night from Mr*. Bright Baker Ransom, who is now in Chapel Hill teaohing, for * copy cf the Special Edition of The Herald which was published last week. Mr*. Ransom had heard about the special edition from M. L. Harmon, Jr., student at the University of North Carclina. Mrs. Ransom desired the paper to use in her economlo class. The Editor of The Herald was jlad to rush a copy to Mrs/ Ransom, who wanted It bad enough to call long distance from Ghapel Hill. Three More Candidates' File As the time draw* nearer to eleo !on day the political sap begin* to r-se. 'Three candidates announced sr.d filed with City Registrar CharIce Dllllng this week, making a total vi iwr wuu d?tb iirvmv uiivwa their hats Into the Hat a H. Tom FuMon, who ul previousncunoed his eudldMjr .M A ! >? cf the Huns Council from Ward I. Otee Bridge* h? Am|A??~fSfl?or f*r member of the King* - Mountain School Board from Ward S. Glenn White. SepertBteegeat of Ihe Phentx Millie, announced for reelection as ? member of the School VoaVd'- frottC Ward * e.-wMr^WbMe wl*\ i serving out the unexpired term of ;the late Mr. Jim Mauaejr. Tl. C. Gold announced last week for the Tcwn Council from Ward 5. With the election lew than oqe month oft it la thought that candidates from the other wards will make their announcements shortly. Luncheon In Interest Of C. of C. Ur T. D TMel/ln Uaw.ws. e# * ? m-Mm . vivaiVf {*|Rim|trv Ul HIV Southern Dlv'elcn of the Chamber of Commerce cf the United States met with a group of business men at the Mountain View Hruse at a luncheon Tuesday. Aubrey Mauney presided at ibe luncheon'and *' prebented -Mr.' Dickie, who explained the' benefit* to be derived from a Chamber . of cusalon of the beet way to twin a chapter In Rings Mountain took nlace. without any definite * action being taken. Those at the meeting were: Aubrey Mouney, W. K. Mauney, D. C. Mauney. Arnold Ktaer. B. N. Barnes. 1 Tom Fultop, W. M. Bcyce. F. R. Stallworth, J. R. Davie. Ladd Hami ck J. P. Thompson. Howavd Jack:n and Haywood E. Lynch. McSwain Tulip Gardens Now Open The McSwsfn Tulip Gardens which contain over 300,000 tulips of all [ tviwio, uac nww W ilie puuiic, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Luther R. McSwain extend a cordial invitation to all flcwer lovers to vlrft their gardons. Besides the tulips, over 2,000 pnnsies are now in bloow and other early flowers may be seen. Mr. MsSwain acquired the levely collection of bulbs from the Price gardens, which makes a gorgeous array ef beauty. The gardens are located on ' the Shelby Highway about four miles from Kings Mountain and attract hundreds of visitors each year from nil sections of the state. All the bulbs are not open but they have been in the process of opening for several weeks. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS BOUGHT Approximately 200 liew books have been edded to the shelves of the Kings Mountain Public Library. Most of the books are fiction with a few non-flctlen included. Citizens are atoll using their Pub-1 lie Library and with the addition ot new books from time to time interest Is kept at high pitch. Over 2,004 volumes are now the property of the Library and are available for c!tl: tens of Kings Mountain. t " " SCHOOL KABTER HOLIDAYS I sum iwiMT Whon the ft?al bell rings today pupils of the Kings Mountain school may go home and net return until Tuesday morning, April 11th, for the Raster Holidays. Two school days will be mtaeed hut sdddlng the Saturday and 8unday students will have four consecutive days to forget about books and lessons. SINGING SCHOOL There will be a Singing 'school at the Second Baptist church starting Monday. Aprt 10th. Mr. Helton from Hudson. N. C. will do Iho leadh-S. ' .Lii m " *_ itam r THURSDAY, APRIL %, 1939 Beloved Woman Passes Thursday Mrs. Lark In A. Klser. age 62. one of .Kings Mountain's most beloved wi|jicn, passed *>way Thursday morning in tbo City Hospital, Gas-, tonfc. where she had been a patient tor two weeks. He death had been >xjitoted tor some time and came as o eilnl .. ? ?.. ?.- -v. ?. ?tlOi lUi CV II1UUIU8 "VI Hi health funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 3:30 at St. Matthews Lutheran Church, of which she had be^h a faithful member, since her mintage. Rev. L. Boyd Hatnm w?a In eharge of the services. Buriaf tctft place In the Klser family plot 1m St. Luke's cemetery. For an hour preceding the funeral the body lay. In at the Chorch. ISll hearers were W. K. MauneyT J. K Herndon. Laney Dettmar. J. C.' Leekey. Karl Bumgardaer and Paul Mrs*? w. .?.?..? > ' tors. fCeer wop before marriage. Mi* Lor en a Jaoette Williams, daucider of the late Mr. ami Mrs. less ph Williams of Burlington. She waa a Slater of J. M. Willisana of this ptftee and' spent much of her time Incite home In young womanhood. Mrs. Kiaer numbered her friends fy^her'aoftMntance*. _-Wblle her -hfef Interest waa directed to her home and family, she was also deeply concerned over the welfare of cthfrs and will be greatly missed in her.chnrlh and community.. Surviving are four children. Jesse A. Klser. of Charlotte; L. Arnold Kiaer of Kings Mountain; Mrs. W. M. Ford of Cramerton; M/ias Ozelle Kiser of Er>et Kings Mountain *ohool faculty. One grandson, aurvlvMitr. Also surviving are two broth"**. 3. M. Wlll'ams. of Kings Mounsin and Pageland, 8. C.. William Wrtltim* of Burliugton and one sis'or, Mrs. Hufflnea cf Burtlngton. l*re-School Clinics <411 patrons of Kings Mountain for pre school clinics as followa: ParViGracv. County- 8chool. TTiday, April'7, at 10:00 ?. m.; Bast 8rliool Wednesday, April 19. St 9:00 Centra} School. Monday. April 24. ell day; Went School. Frr-day April 9:00 ?fc m. All parenta who hare children who will enter school for first time, next, Ml are urged to bring them on a' ove dates to their respective schools and take adrontage of the ^nportuntty for free phvrfcal examlration by County physicians and -.iraea. , . . These Clinics are sponsored by the lsesl Parent - Teacher# organization' and are under the di'rectron of Mrs. F. G. Ratterree of the Health and V elfare department. W. K. MAUNEW IS NAMED AS WELFARE BOARD MEMBER County commissioners ,Monday aft f inoon re-elected |Dr. 8. 8. Royster a s a 'member of the coimty welfare i.pard, mair'ug his third term since the office wt?s created1. Other mem'?r? Cf the board are Georpe P. Webb, named by tbe~ state board of charities and public welfare, and IV If Vaitnav *?osy*xv/T< K? " ? * ,, . m-mw * I liuillvM' UJ IMC ill (91 wo members. Will Rogers' Humorous Story - _J By WILL ROGERS ^JEIGHBORS in the suburbs still ^ fight about their chickens and dors and kids once in a while. One fellow came rushing out on his porch and yelled at his neighbor : "Say, I'd like to know what you wen ourving in that hole in your bade yard last night I You didn't think you'd ret caught, did you 7 But a friend of mine saw you. Now, tell me, if you dare, what were yen burying b> that hole in yonv^aTdt" TWCther fellow wasn't so much "Why," he says, "I was buryinr ene of my chickens, and a half of a ham ana some of my buttermilk, and such things." "Sol I reckon you're erasy, ain't vent You sound foolish. And I reckon it was my dog that you were planting. Something has happened to Gyp, and 111 dig up that yard erf yeun till I ted out U he's "WeB, he's there, all right All my stuff that I told yen about eras laride <*4* dp*" v. . Ilanil i i Hr~ *"l t *- | ti ' ' . ' f ' * ? 1 - , * r ' h*M Sacred Concert At > Lutheran Church Sunday Mr. Orben f?inic. of Readstown, Wlscons'u. will present a distinct t-nd unique sacrod concert in the I'sriith Auditorium nt the Lutheran Church Sunday afternoon, April Dth at 4:00, The f'nshc.r. Rov. L. Boyd Hainin. states thit Mr. Sltne cornea very highly recommended. The sacred concert will be given on a group of unique instruments an cng which Is the "Theremin", a re murkable musical device without lays or strings and played entirely v. thout touch, but by waving thej hunds. the electrical oscillations pro' duclng a beautiful cello-like tone. No human hand touches.lt ?there1 ere no strings, no keys, yet weird.| uucanny pulsations of beautiful music pour forth to thrill yo ? net m?j chanica! but an amazing Invention. | The "Fork-celW is a one-stringed Instrument originated by Mr. Slme and perfected by the late Knute KeJndahl. famed violin maker and wood carver. The "Nordlo-vJcl la al w a MiMtrincMl instrument used harp" hi an toatruxnent related tr ii'm psaltery of Old TmUibmH oii gin The "Staging Electric Guitar* . hi* a beautiful organ tone. Mr. Htme has been engaged in concert work 0cr the paat M year*" anv ia an Instrumentalist of unu*ua< ability. His concert will feature the grand chorales and hymns of thf church, delightful to. all lovers ot v>od music. lie will also present a number ot vocal "soles, in the .American and) Scandinavian or German languages. Sinio is generally knows as the .Missionary of Music and Seng, and the Lntheran church feels especially happy in being able to arrange tbit concert. > . A cordial welcome ia extended tci the. general public. A free will offer j nig. will be taken to defray .the ex! IH'iises of bringing Mr. Sline here. School Takes Music Honors i ' I Kings Mountain school t:ok lead itig share of honors at the dlstric music crntctt held at Llncolnton ot Haft* 0a?:?-rArtpg -three first place Iu the octal numbers. First places given Kings Mountali included the girls' glee club witl honor rating of 1, girls' trio com posed of Misses Colleen Campbell Gloria Corn well, and 8ybll Davis honor rating cf 1; alto eolo by Mis? Gloria Cornwcll. honor rating cf J. ' Kings Mountain coaches are Mis: Virginia Parscna for the girls, MisRachel McClp'n, accompanist: La timore's direct:r is Miss Mary Frat 1 ces Warlick. Kings Mountain also won secont place in the mixed- chorus, iu tnt toys' glee club and soprano solo. Miss Rachel Smith as soloist. King* Mountain's entire band will go to Creensboro. .Junior Club Member Wins Loving Cup .- Mrs. Aubrey Mauney, niembe of; 'be local Junior Wonian:a Club andi tlso a past president of the club,! tas been announced winner of the "arietta Sanders leaving Cup award d for the beat, musical composition Mibmlttcd by a Juunfor club * mem' < r of the State. Mrs. Maunoy's coinpreitlon was an oYgnn solo. Christmas Masquernders.| The loving cup will be presented nt 'lie meeting of the State Federation which convenes in Halelgh. April 17. The above announcement will be gladly received by Mrs. Mauney's many friends and Is a distinct honor tot only to the lcl club but to Kings Mountain. ? Sunrise Ice Cream Store Opens The Sunrise Dairy lee Cream Stcre opened for Its aecond seoson In Kings Mountain this week. The store Is-located in the same building as last year, which Is neatt door to the Tilxte Theatre on Railroad avenue. A complete line of all flavors of delicious Ice cream made from grade A milk will be carried at all times throughout the summer. The management extends a cordial invitation to everyone to ' eK't their store and be refreshed with Sunrise Ice Cream. Merchants Association To Meet All members are urged to be present at a. very (Important meeting of the Kings Mountain Merchants Association at the City Hall, Thursday April 8. at 8:00 P. II. The secretary V til bp propared to receive April dnee at tbli time. * -? *' ' I I ./y- ' v- T . *;i] i???^ MCAD HERAI O T? / ' III II FIVE CENTS PER COPV . ^ , fc' Easter Sunrise Service On Central Lawn X For tlio fourth consecutive year, the people ct the city and community" arc Invited to an Faster Sunrise Service. sponAored by the churches of the town. Rev. L. B. Hamm, chair man of the Ministeiuil Association, will preside. The message will be de llvered by Rev. E. W. Fox." Other iiihiisters will participate in the s?rvice. Miss Virginia Parson Ls dllecting the music, using largely . our h cal High School talent. This, service will start promptly at d.tlO,- lit caso of inclenveut weather, th<>. worship wlii bo held in the High Sihool auditorium. I^ast a grateful group of 500 swelled their voicea hi the Faster anthems as the sun rase to its rightful place In the sky. The sponsors anticipate the day when 1.000 of cur Christian etiiaenry will assemble to pay homage to our Ris if ulm.Is.bi mil imauWftrs?isisi i i Atnoriuans will be assembled out undo i the open sky at this early nsoraittv -hone- IUmSAm fluiiib* minister* cf the cttv Invite the entire community to Jcln in this . ! t ?. . W. A. Ridenhour. who served for 11 years as chairman of Cleveland County School board until four yews ago when he resigned, was sworn In Monday in Shelby for another tens. Mr. Ridenhour ha* taken an active part and shown a big interest In pub lie education. Other member* of the board art: T I, llnrd nf Wa^v. n c? ?. ?. W? navv, v# t/. rwiucjr Ui LawnUale; O. F Auatclle of Kir^ and A T. Hamrlck of Poplar Springs. PRE-EASTER SERIES AT A. R. P. CHURCH Rev. W. R. Echols of Charlotte l? preaching each evening this week At Boyce Memorial Church. The public is cordially invited to this privilege of worship. Encouraging audiences ar? appreciating the ministry of this \isltfng messenger.. LIONS CLUB MEETS TONIOHT District Governor, Robert H. Cooke will address the Kings Mountain Lions Club tonight at 7:00 P. M. nt the Mountain View House. All meha hers are urged to be present and