^^^HShn I ? L, n " WHrpN* o Ktm Iroatih spent Brndtr wltl Mr. and Mm. B. O. Gore end family Mr. and Mr*. George Sellers span the irwhent wtth Mr. end Mrs. Del belt Jackson of the Park Yarn. "** Mrg- J. A. Stewart who has beef til dor She past week is much belie at this tlirfe. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Hughes of 8my - ma spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs. W. G. Hughes. Sr. ' Mr. and Mrs. BUI Hughes, Mrs Conrad Hughes. Mr. Robert Hulher nnd Mrs. J. F. Owens went to Cbar lotto Sunday to visit Mrs. Dunlai who 1a In St. Peter's Hospital. Mrs Duniap is the mother of Mrs. Con rad Hughes.' , The baseball game between Dizot team and the Old Mill team wtvlct wns to (have been played last Satu day ?waa called off on account o rain. fo^uSr" Results?Low Coat? HEKALD Classified Ads la ward far first Insertion; I kaH price far subsequent Inser Minimum oharge SSc. On Mt aafc for Information In roftponolMo for only ono Inoorvoot Inoortloa. Tho swots mar to rsopsnslbls for ouhoogoont Ho oortlono. The adveftimr ohonM notify Immodlately of any oorAfant ado am always eaoh In ndvonoo exoept to boolnooa man or ooncomo having acoounto with this newspaper. | 8ee Us For Information abou planting sweet potatoes. Klngt Mountain Drug Co. FOR SALE ? .. Pansy plants and dahlia bulbs, gladioli bulbs at NVal 4ens Flowers, Phone .95. REMEMBER ? On Saturday you gel one of our delicious Banana Split for only 10c. Khigs Mountalu Drui Company. - FREE I If excess acid causes yot pains of Stomach Ulcers, indiges , tion. Heartburn, Belching, Bloat lug, Nausea, Gas rains, get fret Sample, Udga, at Kings Mountati Drug Co. 5-4-p. s? F-EVERAL -HERtfeD Offloi Rooms tor reot. For further infor mat' call: C. F. Thomasson Photie 54. f KEYS MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleanets, Small Electrical Appll anoes, and Speedometers repaired C. L. Ramsey, Phone 12S-M. Sept. 22tfc LOST ? BUNcTi OF KEyT Re ward for return to Herald Office t (Continued Next Week) :*?M ^HKr J mji K vJ ||v TOM AND GEORGE Tom: "I M?, George, that you in sotting your boy up In the bakory business." George: "Yes, ha Is so . keen for DOUOH ahd such a owoll LOAFER that I am suro he'll RISK in tho business. That combination ought to work. Hot#"* another good 1^.4* cuiwtWuffJ.. r^CTfhuaband and wlfo combine the Idea that tho home Is , your Palaoe and It's a good Idea to have It aa attractive aa possible. . P. F. Hord Furniture Co. Buy It For Less At Hord'e THE CLAEt \ THe CXfRWHAH * [m I !N TH WOfUO or MA * i <rhmbb I ^ I 1-H rkMgfc We PMWMa m*T 14 To mphulw eptrltaal i?f?hi | oMt ma mm ?HaUfl to good eitlsen- i whip and good living, North Carolina 4-H Clob members will aponaor 4-H t Church Sunday on May 14, It waa , announced recently by U R. Harrlll, , club leader for the State Coinage Ex , tension Service. It will be a Sunday t set apart all over North Carolina for a 4-H Club members to participate "In the church services In their respect- e Ive communities, he explained. , Several methods of observng this c occasion have been suggested to ( club members and they are expected to work out a program rcf participation with local ministers and other church leaders. Some clubs will sponsor the preparation of the (Church Bulletin, which will include an explanation of 4 H Cub work, or club members dressed in the distinctive club uniform will -distribute it. Many ministers are expected to Invite two club members to sit in the pulpit with them, a girl to read the scripture lesson and & boy to lead In prayer. The collection will be taken in some church by the boys, and team dt monstrations pre being planned) by club members In other counties. The musical program for the service Is being arranged by several dabs. | oilier group* wil conduct Vesper , services. the program being espeel- j ally recotnmmended (or Older Voutb j Groups. Young Peoples' services will be sponsored by numbers of flute Lender Hnrrf has urged ntl 1 clubs to beautify the church yards ' sud to assume some responsibility 1 (or arranging flowers In the church 1 on 4-H Church Sunday. May 14. ' ! Taxes In State Now Equal ! 8646 For Each Fimllfr Taxes paid In North Carotins for support of local, atate and national 1 governments are equal to $446 annu ' ally for ever)' family. In the state, ' 1 a National Consumers Tax Commie*' 8ion survey showed today. I "The vnrlous forma of government' . drain more' than $400,000,000 a year from the* people of the etate," the NCTC. a national women's organlsa' Hon opposing "consumer-penalizing ? taxes." declared. 1 "Puslncsg and Industry contribute substantially to the tax total, but' ( a major share of the burden is paid by all families as consumers." the' rtport added. "They pay ? usually t unknowingly ? through taxes shiftj ed to them in Increased costs of. everything they buy, including the1 necessities of life. 1 s 'These shifted: or hidden, taxes aie levied originally against produo, ers and distributors and then^ of necessity, passed along by each to the consumers. The Indirect taxing ' system produces nearly twice as much revenue as all dlrert sources combined.' The NCTC, a non-partisan organisation with headquarters in Chicago, . is waging an educational crusade through local study groups against "hidden taxes that lower living standards by raising living costs," according to Mrs. Kenneth C. Frailer,' Its president. The report said that groups already are active In 4,000 communities. About 120 In North Carolna are leo by Mrs. William T. Hannah, of \YaynesvtUe, NCTC state director. TOR CITY COUNCIL WARD FIVK I hereby an noun oe myself a* candidate for cKy council in Ward five, subject to the election May 2. H elected I promise my best efforts to the people for a better city government. I am under no obligation to any group or faction. What I own 1s here and my time will be spent here wnere i can neip look after oar town's interest. Your vote and Influence will be greatly appreciated. ? H. Tom Pulton. ~^Bw5TyourraceH I For Business Supremacy I Hf By Advertising JPS ICY KIDS Thai IASH*T A CMANCC. iKlNC A MISTAKE , IN OF THE HONCYOAie 1861 H SOCM A PfiKCUSS CAFCO .1 UNIfOAM S. *-2 fita/ V * I ? ~ " <v r I wF VMM I I Ml* m?MsI M an order aM* ,i ?rk? OdwT?M amlJj'SJS! J a Um vim till I oroea#AMB Mtlllid. ? Albert Mortto, A<MInlstrator hr t be Bstate of W. A. Morris. Psoms ^ i vs. Minnie Hord, et af, I win 0| 11 for cash on the premises of the ' ind hereinafter described at public (n uctlon on 8aturdsy, April M. IMP y t ten o'clock, A. M. or within legal til ours the following described real ,, . . It state: ? First Tract: A one-third nndlvld- 6 ^ Intorent in th? >r-? ? ota Nos. 31. 22, 23. 24. 3?; Y?"; 2T\ f !8; 29; and 30 pf the Parker drove ' iroperty, and all of said lots are 25 eet front and 110 feet deep, except . ot No. 30. which Is a V shape lot, I(' ind said lots are situated on the ^ A'est side of a new street or alley J(, 'tinning north and south, and said ' cts will appear on a map- or plat :( the Parker Grove Property In f?ook of plats No. 1 at page ... J In, _ ,hc Register of Deeds OAlre for Cleveland County, reference to ithich Is made for a fuller descrip:<m. *' Second Tract: Situated on the ?! vest side of Piedmont Avenue In the 1 Town of Kings Mountain and being r vots Nos. 3. 4. and 6 according to a *' plat of the Parker drove Property rede by K. L. Campbell, surveyor, is wtl appear on record. The Home ' Store is situated on one of these M ots. " ti Third Tract: Situated In the Tow* rf >f Kings Mountain, N. C. and BegntitagL-at a stione on the North side >f Keller ipti i ii j Rrtdgea' corger; thence North 259 eet to a stake; thence West 1M test lo a stake, Hollander's corner; (formerly Myer's corner); thence along Hollander's line South 255 feet to Keller's Street (now Pulton street), thence along said street 100 feet to the beginning. toontainpng 36,100 Kiuare feet, mom or lees. Veitedla * * ' . > rw4< ouuaiea on notn ildn of Lackey Street In tke Town ?r Kings Mountain and beings lots Wos. 1??0. inclusive, as wit appear 01; a plat or map made by It L Campbell, surveyor, as will appear fTT] Durii BO LIST I I GROVER V-NO.,3TW Davidson's Service Station Jimmy Blanton's Service ? Wells Ldwery Service Stai Patterson Springs Earl (Southern Depot) ~v At home remainder of mo Forrest Tui AH Real Estate and I and 50 are required t< Farm. Dogs Must be 1 'cam's Uniforms Have Arrlv O* V i ^jppwpv ins? Mosstsls s&O Msg lots ltos. -41, laelnatra, m wtn i?i>r cm map qt .plat mate bjr 4 L Campill. burreyor, u wlU appaar on recd. Sixth Tract: Beginning at a stake West edge of Kings Mountain and >rk road and runt with Carton's te N. 88 1-4 W. * 4.01 chains to an an stake on bank ot gully; thence new line with gully N. 55 1-2 E. DO chains to a stake on west edge said road; thence .with road South 00 chains to the beginning, con lining one-iourtn (1-4) of an acre. I There are some splendid dwelling] >uses located *on some of the above >ts and there are some splendid Vaunt lota, which are suitable for retlences. This the 29th day of March, 1939. Albert Morris. Commissioner. H. ,Davis. Atty ?adv?apr 22. ~ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator r the estate Mrs.,Mary E. Riser, deraseA >*e of Cleveland County, brth Carolina, this Is to notify all f-rsons having claims against eala state to exhibit the same to me, le undersigned Administrator on or efore the 6th day of April, 1940. or Hs notice will pleaded In bar of any oovery thereon. All persons Indebted to ssld eeite are hereby notified to make hnitdtete payment to me. This the 6th dey of April. 1939. A. 8. Riser. Administrator. lOppermnh^ | BEAD the ADS . | ( Li ng Moi OKS POSITIVELY WILL IN YOUR Tl I?NO. 4 Ti April 7,14, 21 and 28 VNSHIP? I l Afternoon, April 3 itation afternoon Apr 4 Hon, afternoon, April 5 April $ and 7 April 10 and 11 nth* rner, Lister Property Owners are requir ? List Poll Tax. You are re Listed. ed. 7 jr^ _____ r ;: :7 V-. j^ggnB : , ''" '' ?? ti? city >M?ttc? ? 1m ImM tm Bap 1 sJ Hvmtm* mt t*. n *PiH|Wi? I ^ IM to .U* a, Um MTTto* to ? _ contact af Dm e*ty iflkin. Tow tm |W * flueace u4 voU will bo grwUy appreciated. R. C. Gold. rif, MY^(USC ur * AN o ? s otM^BR^me ^ PAINS IN MV MCADJ] SAMK WAV UN-H INSTSAO Of our "jl TtL^I^TOUNO^ BPU-^B 45Rilv *jk ? ^ I. y^^Si RhI^ D'^BKM l\^w <$ &<^ ??safire;gjus, isTii nth of A| BE CLOSED APRIL 30TH DWNSHIP PLEASI - )WNSHIP? KINGS MOUNTAIN, City Hall, > s ' E. L. Campbell I ?NO. 5 TOWNSHU ? T hompson Wright's Store Gsfoiih'i Store Baker's -Store ' Wmo v"" At home remainder of month. ' M. P. Harrdson, List ed to List. Mhle persons between thi quired to make Farm Report also if ; By PERCY L ' (wwukco' 1 i : * " 1 ' anti-ftmn pjus beyond qi*st??h RELIEVE oontt cause indisestiou ' , ..' jb /^j^h il vs ,te?rst 9 tiaSusr^! I ??? mm Kfc M . ' 'Si IBnaHn- jS . U jril 1 M L 1 r J ! y; i y-.-M All Other Days. Jater I ? .9 % '-9 April 6 April 7 J April 10 * April 11 / '9 er ' "1 e ages of 21 foa live on a ;i CROSBY ? 1 y I '\ \ ITS UP THIS WAVY HO- fa co/Suf I 1 "WAT WAV. t?J 1 ^sr rt jlh I hfif' 1

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