uv AT f" 4 '' ' 1 MOMS ' ' , . ' / : t * V " j , ? . i i i i i , ???? VOL. 25 NO. 11 State And N Condensed Ii ?State News? 1 Monroe. April 10.?Faulks 11a p* 1st church, scene of a. bitter faction al fight for tko past several months, was burned to the ground about two o'clock yesterday morning by. parties unknown. Sheriff Nlven and bis dep utles investigated shortly after the alarm and bad blcodhounde from Rockingham on the scene. The dogs ..trailed until they hit the road a 1 short distance from the church and the signs there indicated ear bad been parked. The officers discovered no clues. | . ''. * " . ' Spartanburg. 8. C , April 10.?Conn t> oAcers returned to Bnoree thin n crrnlng where they were to moot n fingerprint espiflfehhfc. obnttnne their Inreakogatloo slaying rcckcorered body^naa tound last - , _ a street* near her . ?aor*p Am aatooni to determine the cause of death ?m? psrlQ?el her* lest night but physician* base" not fi'lree thetr report to eflcnrn Sheriff Ifenry eoid. < ?g; t ??*?? Lexington. 8. C.. April 10.?Oeorge wiUie-Jehewnz-a JBMng etatfo* orator deudned toy county officer* luhi as a coroner's Jury lnveut-: ceded fiMthar Atoe. fatal sbootln* yesterday AW*U Taylor. Negro. The JotT ^fepomtoetfdod that Jcbnmh l?e MU'llter finding that Taylor-met leatb j*~John son's hands. <*.' T I. Charlotte. 4#0* 10.?-Romec- Padsett, onetime JKSla Jerker. rum runner and gun fighter. surrendered quietly last al|lft;t> |ttty and rnral police sad toftay Am |n County Jail r. watting the antMl Of Gaston county officers to take bbn to Gastonla to face charge of highway robbery. Newton. April. 10,?Damage estimated at- ptor> than <4.000 wan nana ed by ttro lait night tar the plant cf the Lenoir Cfcaly. Co,, here- A. F. Clark-, .genera 1 superintendent of the plantr- estimated this moj-olruj.. The fire; of onffnowi* origin.' was dirc&mrcd shortly (More' mfcln^-hi, r brn it .was ragta* MMfrugb the ship ping department. T^O Walla, flooring and ceiling wehfc odttdfderablf damaged and the ato<0fr4fj|o suffered hea vily. Plant offioti^j^Mitruted the rrt ' ptively small -jaaMftfr of damage to the Bprinkier aWen which aided in cent rolling the fHmee until Uw fire departmefff arrived. Charlotte, April 10.?JMre - which started in a charcoal pile resisted the efforts of firemen tor tour hours butjadght at the notching, plant- of ^ lkrliP|Ne Smelting Co. rn Ortfttth -ffjmf'Mmk ft. Boulevard from S to wWlkW dam age was being urre^Hl W, nb,no figure nearer' thousand dollar*' cxxnpteteiy destroyed. arid dsftuiprw ?h done to machinery and Raleigh, April 11.?Ltoeatock . de. \ flopmeot ta North Carolina Imp re* sed Dr. C. D. I/nre, senior ntaaMhi animal husbandman wHh the fedbrPl agriculture department, L. I. Case, heef. cattleaheep specialist with N. C. State oollege egtenstoh SI ..v * - ? V- . ational New< i Brief Form ?National News? Dubois, Pa., April 10.?Sixteen year old I read Spray Levendtaskj wfc.cse 527 pounds made him the "la Rest' P.oy Scout la the United State U dead, a vlotim of pneumonia. ? t , Seattle, April 10.?Hope that tta British freighter. Temple Bar, whlc1 struck a rock near La Push, Wast early Saturday, could be rcflcate< was abandoned today. Los Anceteg,April 10. -The "curs of the Pharaohs" has takon on mors of the party of Lord Carnarvoi ?Meh explored the 32 centur ol< tomb of the boy Kin a Tutankhamen nr. .Iron AhnW Brochet. Los An petal endocrinologist who mi feiife a war* Ago la a traffic accident,wa an.anheoeldtfiot'' iNtl' the Carnarroi (t?aAut had been improving for seme * time. Funeral services were hold at El e I'ethel Church with the pastor In I, charge, aesleted by vteltlng paster , from Rock Hill and Fort Mill. ,j Mr. Ware was a member of a well known family of the Elbetbel secilea. f I ' He wvfr first married to Miss Jive" lyn Patterson, who died la young 1 Atomanhood, leaving three children 1 all of whom survive as follows: km ' Neil Caakey, ( Fort MU1, 8. C.J Mar' lyn Ware of Charlotte-and Harold 1 Cola Ware of Lake Junalueka. .Mr. * Ware's aeccnd wife, formerly Miss " Campbell Boyd. surrlTso. ; v } 4 Aso lunlrtoi ere bts eetkr, Mrt. iryffllj'mtm' lum'umm aim m m TIs table, Mb* Oertrade Ware, Mrs. BewtDaffelCar and Mra. W. H. How rrd all of Kings Mountain; two broo there, Jasper Were of Kings Moottain and John H.Ware of Miami. F.lar h Sam Snecd, 60, Dies I* 8am C. Snoed, tO.'&ed Monday ef>1 teraooa at bis home Mre after re 0 lllnese of four weeks- Puberal serri1 ces were conducted Tuesday afterr uooa at the Mecedonta Bapt let church beret and burial was la the Black t- cemetery at Ohetryvllle. Surviving ere the widow; three B daughters, Mrs- Otto ICleer, Mrs. Mel ten Hope, and Miss Mary Sneed oil . of Kings Mountain; two brother*. I Wallace Sneed of Cherryrille and Esley Sneed of Bessemer City; a balf-brcthr. Houston Black of Cherry vllle, and fopr slatera, Mrs. W. WL . Cobb, Mrs. Harrey Roberta MtW. , Johnny Mom, all of Kings Mounts !rt 1 fnd Mrs. C. A. Martin of Cherryrillt^ t ?>. 7 M. L- Harmon. Jr.. Named ii Editor of DaHy Tar Heel (> ^ " -Martin ' {+ Harmon. Jr., -? t. the' University of North Carolina, ,f ha* received the student party now ( (ration for the odtcrship of the XL N. C. Daliy Tair Heel next year. He was indorsed by the publlcn^ t:on staffs of the Tar Heel, the 0*'r( oilna Buccaneer and the rCarollna 9 Magazine, respectively, syhlch vlrfu"I rity means his election. f He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. ' L. - Harmon, Is a rising senior and for the pe?t three years ha* been on Ik the staff-of'the^oeWigg. 'dailyf ? - He 0 h a journalism- major at the unrttwr* r Kitr, and- while In high school waa ' Interested- fa? willing. * He ha* done coasiderablo writing fc? Thenar aid, .'*? " V '-"if m ? _ n Tow Fulton Carries f. Ward Meeting .. ? Tom Fulton, announced candidate r' fiom Ward 6 la thp earning ot(y elec r Hon to be hold May 2nd was given a big majority by the edtisen* pree,p ent from tho .Ward meeting held Monday night at the Cleveland Motor Co. Charles Thomsaeon. a dlslnl' terested witness frctn smother ward lis 9 S-iT- *-W_v- laa^_ _ 1 - pietuea at toe mpeong ?oa counxwi tr tbo vote* of the forty-fOur persons * present. Without anyspeedhes * KH Aral npgilnation* cfltjran* present wrote the mne of their choice for the' office in slips of paper. ntth I Mi. FultoA receiving 27 -votes. W SI JLf>gwn^y?votes and R. C. Gold a Bl others received one or Hues1 was a given a big Br the school board candl Rpard 5. PTKRS MUST RKQI8TBR . Kryone to be sllglbl* to vate in foaming City election to be MM Bn Tueaday May 2nd, imjat register. Bpeglatrara adH be at the reepeaMve Ef voting plMdt In oaoh of the five [wardsMfthe next two Saturdays ar nit fay contact their registrar at My tlfT\Bo l ij ^ I Voting ploeea am: Wands on# and two, City Hall. . imra i m?mx miii gcort; win ?4 Klngn Mountain Mf(h Co. Mora; yard Ward 5, Clavatand Motor Co. tTTCNDtNO CHURCH COURT Phot. W. M. Royoe with Eldera W Crawford1 and W. A Www left for Katrine College at Duo Weat, 8. C., ^ bfcaeoday afternoon for the meetIfef of the General By nod of the A* ^ *\ -T Mi ?,?u*??.?, IUAADAY. APRIL 19. 193* * . 4 * 4' . , " Band learn IJ^. r-a-i t vf vomesi Tuesday Member^ of the prise winning Kings ^fountain .. Scbocl Band and itinir loyal supporters are getting verything lined up for their depart ?re Tuesday for Qreensbcro to enter the Styrie contest which takes place v\ edndsdajr. The seventy members of thd bMtt and their parents will ixjRo'hp a party of about 100 and leave Kings Mountain shortly after luneh Tuesday. They will apend the night 4tt the O'Henry^Hotel and have Scar meals there at fc'tSTat coat of only ft.M per person Including adult*. .V HtH The-party w4U iMro after supper Wc-dbepday and arrive home lata Wed*ea#ay sight Maksim fa of tha Glee Club will also AhTddV-iesiring to make t be trip I a lahsjdd to call liM fiamriek who wwy?*aa|k4e e ?^*ahoS?d^ln^thl mate testesta and even bigger acC^pmhtsesls at* expected Ula tin*. Certr^T. A. Kfoeta OKtn Mrs. L. O. Bhuford was elected president of the Central ParentTeacher Association. to succeed Mrs. Paul llasaer. Other cflcers.. elected at the meetlbc Tuesday ir'cht were: Mra. W. K. Jiauncr, Vice President; Ml a* Helen Lotto Treasurer; and Mtse Helen OresLutd, Secretary. . All oHcers. elected are for the mining school year. Kinrs Mtn. Merchants Amu. Incorporated v1 -? f SaJHgb. April 1*.?Secretary of ' tttath Thsd Eure haw 'eaucd a charter'. fd Kla*" * SftmotVn-- -Merchants A sec clarion. Inc.. of Kfogs Mountain.' The aetadtoek merchant* croup,' m prM^' better buwlMas aswocH''^n^s^nga Meuutaln. had O. O ?* InooipoiAra ii i i ,, CHOIR TO SINQ AT PRESRYTCRIAN CHURCH .MMcneu ucueme a. impeiia cow w.li tteig *t the First Presbyterian cureta 8undir afternoon it tear o'clock. The public la cordially invited 'o attend this service fn ecng an# enjoy the music of tb4e choir ho plcndldly trained by Its director. Mr. B. B. S the eon. Crystal Show* Here For Week __ The Cryetftl Shown, which. boost f the "World's Cloaneet Midway ->U?na Saturday for a weehla eugago r.cnt at the corner of King timet -?nd ClereUnd Avearue. Thin la tk* some show that played Kings Moon'oln last, year under the sponsorship ' or the American Levi on. an Is the re* ! turn engagement. Mr. H. . .Allen, representative of the -how baa been la King* Mountain , for several : i . . < III Ill I I I M I ' Will Rogers' Humorous Story . I I S.I > I I I ' By WILL BOGE2B 1 COMETtMES folks'send me la a Amatory that I think la pretty goad, some times they're net so good. Yoacan be the Judge of this one. A patient who complained et dig. estiva troubles was told by a spa* eiallst that ha was drinking tbs [ much pad would have to kaock it - nU fK> O.V.* ) am I to Ml my wifof" t , , ; ' Hm dwter thawgkt im a few nhwfea ud tteo Mid. -Tail bar THa aaWant did 11 1m vu tatd. "Wbat la ayaeapatfamf- aakad Ida .- jj . ? -, - i_?. '. y -ii ? I ..1^1. , - ' . , i*r v. t f f b .J ? ' 5 . fc . I*. . > tWto - _-j . % HP V HI H I ^B ^B ^B yi .. ' The Herald Cooking School Next Week bbh^sb < 111 M I 'k HI1 Khlal Psf: 4 P|5't- ' \ Br Wte T m/m - B Ta ^HHk?&3?^ | < J nmittlaJBlTH KMKftY Tk? H?nl4 Cookln* school will be ) under the perecnal 41 root too of Mtoi ' EMkbeth Bbmrr. wttrmntoy grain* ata la H?m Bonoalji, sipeclal reprtaeatathre Of the Spry Research 1 Kitchen la Caabrlffe. Masa., lectorcr sad writer on ford subject* and ] wor'a: "^ *'" '" |* Thin lecturer i? a n>frb cook. la ike course of bar dtaoottntloii she turns cut Mtetwu tight cake*. teader flaky-pantry.. nod a variety of mpr*tl?h?r mmMmI foods that dolight her audience. Beat of all aha hows yon bow to get the sent* re- t anlta. A. trained Ilcrae Economist, her lectures are authoritative. and in I'ne wdth modern feed ideas. As an extension worker for the 8pry lbssearch Kitchen, her demonstration technique Is faultless. Sloan Says Uptrend Watches Government Hew Ycrk, April 3.?(IPS).? Hot fer the present, recovery movemen w.ll go or how long It will last oan i:C4 Tie determined now. Alfred P 81ev?. Jr., Chairman of General' lfo tors, said recently- hi observing tha the treed of .general business activ Itjr bis fcieen roplace those that barn beccme ou of drt'e. The result would- be. h wUd. lower manufacturing costs an lower price* to tbe consumer. If Investor* felt sure enongh o tbe government piosiiui to go a bead. Mr. Sloan maintained. Milton of dollars w:uld be put to work mat tag equipment to manufacture prod nets more rheapW ami thus * larg< J r umber of perrsoa now uoemploye* { would" find Job*. Inhalator Added To Fire Dept. Equipment An Inhalator baa been added to the equipment cf Kings. Mountain's modern fire department. The. Inhalator Is a scientific alp* rat us ' for treatment when' one 'ts overcome with smoke, electric shock. drowning. gas -?nd la sometimes used in the treatment of pneumonia, Tbe Instrument contains octagon tanks, and tins been known to nave'Uvea In an . emergency | < SMALL FIRE TUESDAY ' f < Firemen were ,' called Tuesday mprnlnp 0:84 to the home of D. O: Liltlejohn to oxtlnkulsh ft fire on the rocf which had started front a spark. Only Blight damage was done. * - * ? OPERETTA AT WEST SCHOOL An operetta. "The- Magic. Piper." ' will be presented by the children of West School Friday nhrfat, April 14. About forty children are to take part In. the presentation. Admission will c be 16c and 20c and the public la f cordially Invited to attend. __________ i t MEN'S CLUS MEETS TONIGHT f The regular semi-monthly meeting ' Of the Men's Club will he held this evening hi the Woman's building at ? 7 P. M Members are asked to make * not* of the time and be present.! * r? t JUNIOR CLUB TO < SPONSOR PICTURE < The Junior Woman'* Club will t sponsor the notion picture, "Teat a Mr Darttn* Daagtter" which win be i ehown at th* JMrle Theatre next Tfcoradar and M4?r, April M apd < 4)., PrtcWa lan?v take# the Uadfni i rdfc, in ?bp Mrtarlam Fulton nc R. C. Geld. School Board: Ward 3, GHaasa While; Ward i. Clew Bridges OrwanJzod eouca improvement croup* may apply (or tree cleasKl:aU?m of tholr 1939 crops under the Intended Grade aad Staple StaUaJea -Acta. say time but not later Yah' Sept. 1, J. A- Shanklln, oottoa ipedal 1st of the State College * ets'.on Service, announce#. ShankIn bus been cooperating with omiuf farm agent* In the organfaattoa. >1 one-variety cotton orxmm unities hroughout tjie Slate. and than* srcupa will be. entitled to tree cllaal ' nation. Regulations now require that Improvement organizations (tie their ( quests for the eerrlce after their in Vver-menibers have completed Renting. 'This requirement was not a efTect for the 1938 season, the rirat year the service was offered, nit will apply for IMP u that eaah aartlzed grcup may grivo detailed icre&ge- figures upoa which the V. 1. Buroen of Agricultural Kennedies'can plan its services for the li'SMP season." Shaakttn satd. Organise groups approved In IMS mss^ms^SmSr iay time after thetr ertta* l? ptant d and V latest the date* apectfled > 'or new appMcettctos.: iDecanse there is a poaalbflfty thatunda allotted by the B. A. E. fer ma wont may oa uueQuata U? mpplv the **TTtCe to all croupe v?> meeting it fbr the 193? crept the err cevfon . specialist nrgrt thtt the OM variety cpgnmnnttSee magi* iiflife Joos a* ems u possible; sinoe they kill bardoavNfcted for approval te lie order in which, they ere received Tith ajlonrance for planting dntee to sach seeded of the cotton belt. Barter Fba.ii A?wwl (ttini Fmror Washington, April 11.?The adnata titration, it wee learned today. *eady ban sounded oat Greet BrUaia ftelgium and the Nothertaod* on * impose! to barter surplus American sotton and wheat for two strategt? rer materials, rubber apd tin. Formal n egotist tens nil be undereken by the state department wftho a few days. The plan was tUmloeid last night by ftehetor Byrnaa (D-SG) who "aid the, barter arrange, uept could be extended to,.other , aalone which supply essential maitert ils"'that might be difficult to obtate n case of war abroad. f ' ' . . - -r a * - ?%'x * U-M A M Tf* ' James PreSton_ [Opiniona Ixpraasad in Thla Column. Ara Not Neoaasarliy tho Viawa af Thla Nawapaoar.l j A G-man babtnd the counter of er:rv snccrr atom in ik* n?n?s IraMfc;'"V " That tg J lift pip* too* Waahla*ou obearmra gap ahead tf the oom >1 lea ted food stamp* tor reliefer* >an of til* Agriculture Deporta*at a to b* a aucce**. "Hie plan' I* to so Into trial pe'loo *oon la a tow haod-plekad oiU *. Relief clients will be |lrw ha uldltlon to cash, stamp* with which 0 buy food. There will tf> two ktode if atampa One will be for the par has* of ordinary food*. The oth*r 1 ill be fer the purchase of foods be sorsrnmMt . earmark* *a *aar plUae*.' yThe gowefTfseet wouAd r* leem the a tamp* from the groosr*. If the trial pwtoi show* say aa* m at all, H will be pat Intp pas** il operation throoghoat the odaatry. (Cont'd aa Editorial page) * * v" ,J A : _ ?