f SOCIAL t i Of INTE PHONES IO-R A BRIDE HONORED AT BHjDQE PARTY Mrs. Howard Jaufcson was hostess at fourteen tables of bridge entertaining at the Woman's Club on last i mirsuay evening, Honoring Mrs. Harry Warren, a recent bride. The club rooms were arranged with Iris, i epfrea, and other spring fkrwers. The chair for the guest-of-honor was marked with a spray of Easter lilies , tied with white satin ribbon. On arrival the guests were greeted by the hostess, wearing a dress . of black moire with lace boleso ptg^ ' sented to Mrs. Warren who wore a lovely dress of fuchla taffeta and her mother, Mrs. F. E. Finger, wear- i ( in* hliiA Iqpa At the conclusion of the game the bride waa presented a gift by rtve < " hostess. Mr*. Aubrey Mauney receiv i od price for high score and Mrs. ( Hugh Ormand tor low score. ( , A tempting salad course with ac- , oessortas and a sweet course was m HaWMMtuiMaauMMiil Quests included Mesdames Harry Warrsa, K. E. Finger, Haul Noisier, ' J*mmy Hord. Aubrey Mauney, Robt. 1 Miner, Joe Nelaler, Eugene MeCarter, Hunter Nelaler, Prcc'ir Thompson. H. E. Lynch, Fred Plonk, M. H. ' Biser, Lester Hoke. W. T. Weir Hen 1 <3 (.forth,, Claude Ham bright, Vera 1 Ramies, Logan Stwwe, W. J. Fulker- | aon, Jacob Cooper. Harold Crawford, Jchn McC-111, John Gamble. Pete Gamble, Charlea Thoroaaaon. Percy Dilltng. O. O. Jackson. M. A. Ware, 1 Byron Koeter, Paul Mauney. L. C. M'nch Hayne Blackmer, D. M. Brld- 1 gee, George Mosa. C. W. Harper, . tmm for your wfl trip to the hl^: new york world's c w.vgr j?, PAIR it will be wiae precaution 1 be fort you leave home, to ' change the cash you had ' ( planned to carry with you ?inw> protected, spendable I AMERICAN EXPRESS I , TRAVELERS CHEQUES I I 1 The* Cheques are known I i and accepted everywhere ?and H lost or stolen a prompt reload is made. * laiklm IxifHi Trsvetsrs I ttusn tw tils st IMs ksak Is IS, #?, 591 rss SIM dsassdss*?* dUDiw KM M'duii I nm NATIONAL BANK Your Friendly, Helpful I Bank I Deposits Insured Up Tol ts.nnn in v tv i rv I " '? ?l TO VOTERS The f riends of Tom Fu the polls Tuesday and vol ' ed in our town, knows th man, and has plenty of 1 service to ,t^e citizens of . .. .... ' j ' *' Vote For H. p ^ This sd paid /or by f v V # . ."fH . A..,..- I II-1 IND PERSONAL HAPPE REST to ND 88 MRS. A- H. PAT Hugh Ortnand, Bill Tbomaon, J<x Mauuey, Tom Kulton. Jlin White Ted (iambic; Misses Nina Jackson, Helen HumbrighL, Adline Warllck Louise Morris, Pauline Nelsler, Eva Plonk, Sara Kate Ormand, Martha b railces MeCU), Mildred Mess, Mar Smith. Mary Mitehel, Ruby Ware and Eva .Mae Suber. < . .1 ... , CELEBRATE GOLOEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY "Seven Oaks." the stately home rvf Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cobb, was (Je scene of a lovely afTalr, on last Saturday evening, when they entertained more than a hundred friends at a leceptfen given In celebration of their fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. The entire lower floor of the home which lends Itself so beautifully for such occasions, was thrown together ind artistically arranged with snapiragons. tulips,, daisies, roses and :-t. 11a lilies, all Id tones of gold and yellow, forming a floral setting of wfttri-hssnstt s?d eHson The guests were greeted by Mr ?nd Mrs. A. P. War-tick and presented to the receiving line, by Mrs. L. r> Shu ford. The line was composed of Mr. and Mrs. A. B Ccbb. the latter handsomely gowned In black lace and tulle with shoulder corsage ol talisman rosea A. B. Cct?b. Jr.. Mr. end Brs. Frank Harmon of Onstonls: Tom Cobb; Mrs. IjoaMe Cobb and Jimmy Ccbb, of Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Pill Rhyne and Mr md Mre. Juno McClellan of Belmont! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plonk directed [he guests to the register where Mr mid Mrs. B- S. Peeler, presided. Miss Adllne Warlick received It (be dining room. The dining t&ble was spread wltt a lovely Imported lace cover. Th< centerpiece was n beautiful three tiered wedding cake. ' Brass candel ahra, holding lighted yellow tapers ciyetal bon-bon dishes, tipped witl (told, filled with yellow mints, com pletod the table appointments. Refreshments consisting of ice 'ream, cake and mints Ut shades ol rellow and geld were served by Misses Rachel Smith. Saltna Parton Sancy 8uber. Mary .Tnlla Pollock md Man* Evelyn Ooforth. Favors were miniature wedding bells and dippers in grid. Punch was served in the hall by Misses Elizabeth Klengmeycr and Eva Carpenter of Bessemer CityMrs. J, E. MoXnughen received a! the door of jhe library where" Mr *nd Mr*. I. B. Ooforth presided ovei 'be display of attractive gifts in gold end crystal. Goodbyes were spoken by Mr. ant Mrs. H R Parton. Music was furnished for the oecai ion by Mrs. Tom Jackson of Besse B?er <Mty, at the piano., t MRS. BLACK MONUHtU On Sunday Ajpril 23. Mm. Clarenct Plack waa honored with a> surprist birthday dinner by Ihor re la Uvea She received many nice gift*. Thoe< enjoying the dinner were Mra. Clar etaoe Block, the bonoree; her father Mr. J. K. McMaJhon, her stater, Idle Barney McMnhon o fAnderaon. he rater. Mra. J. B. Hillbank, her brc tber. Mr. Orady McMahon, Mrs. B KM Wtoten, Therm an Will bank an< Joe MoMahon all of Oreenvllle, he aieter. Mrs. Brook Delton, Mrs. Wll McCelVan, Mra. N. V. iHemhree. The ton .and Hugh Hen three all of Eno ree, 9. C., (Mr. and Mrs. Hilliar Black. Mr and Mrs. ramee Clonlge Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Self, AJeen aa< Jhnmy Black, Mr. Clareu.ce Black, Barney and Huston Black, all c Kings Mountain, ? ' " :^ 11 OF WARD 5 " Iton urge you to go to te for one who was reare requirements of aldernme to render efficient Kings Mountain. i / \ "'\V ; H ii. Tom Fulton Heads of Tom Pulton .i v < ' J I I 11 I > i r**i ~ r?n, : 5 NINGS J WUMliN , - " .' ? - ? > TERSON, Editor i: > < > i > MERRITT-RICE WEDDING TO , TAKE PLACE SATURDAY , The many frfcnds of Mlsa Emma i , Rice, of Ashebofo, a former music < i teacher in the Kings Mountain < \ Sc-htAds. will be interested to know < that her marriage to Mr. Hugh Merritt of Mt. Airy, will be solemnise*! at the Methodist Church, of Ashe- 1 bono, Saturday afternoon at four J ooloek. Rev. E. W. Fox of Kings Mountain -will perform the ceremei ny and Mrs, Aubrey Mauney also of i Kings Mountain will preside at the . piano. I Since leaving Kings Mountain t , Miss Rice has been studying music 1 In New York City. .1 ; , ' - I critical moments ; and . Howlarious Scoops Scoop: C. A. G. writing a card | | from Greer jtooro and telling a cor- , 1 tain little girl whose Initials are M. , , \V. that he wished she was up there so that they could be dose. I > He emphasized tne "close." Dates for the Junior-Senior seem to be plenty scarce. Here are all . I that my cohorts and I could find out ' ( al>out: Hazel and Jones; Bobby and , ; Jackie; Colllcen ar.d Epple; Jimmy J D. and Mary Evelyn; Red H. and [ Kay; Dan and Maude; "Beau" and , "Gogie" (and let us congratulate the latter right here on her Greensi boro victory); Menzell and Patey; Ladd and pot (Hoke); Eoline and 1 U- lioone; Marie and Johnny; Peggy 1 ' and George T; Julia and Clarence; 5 That's all, It seems, except that ru- ' " i:<or al<-o is that Alice Betty baa one. 1 Sump'n must be very wrong when 1 > cut of more than a hundred Juniors 1 1 and Seniors, only about thirty, or " less, have dates. Of course, Lawrence P. will have ( J Cyclone. It's too bad she's Just a <w.ph. but she'll be at the dance. Goo'bye. . - RUMORS WHY I AM RUNNING FOR TOWN COUNCIL It Is rumored on the streets that , I was brought out to split the ticket I between Thm Fulton and Mr. R. C. f.old. so Mr. Gold could he eleetML . I want all the people In Ward Five ' to know, I was dot pulled oat at gll i for no political trick, to elect any 1 roe or to do any dirty trick to get elected myself. I I am running on ray own free will and accord. And 1 think I am as , w?u worthy nod as well qualified as . "Pom Fulton or R. C. Gold, for I hare been living in W*rd Five for twenty ycr.t ?. Most all I have 1* in Wan) Fir*. Tom Fulton to living in out Ward i and he la a good neighbor and friend i. of mine. I don't think Tom has any ? property on "our Ward. Mr. R. C. Gold i in my neighbor and friend, but be ?, has his business In Plnevllle. N. C., s so I think I will have ee good chanr co to know about our town workings >- aa well as either of my opponents. L I never have bad any voloe in the J town government so If the people r want me 1 will appreciate their vote 11' May 2nd and if elected I will as stat1 ed In my announcement, will give - uiy time and beat Judgment and aWL d Ity to make our town a better town r In which to live In. & W. F. LOGAN. . The Herald Publishing: |j House ?PRINTING OF ALL KINDS? a ?INCLUDING? ?Letter Heads ?Shipping Tags ?Special Rule Forms ?bireuiiri ana riaoaraa ?8t*t?ment? and Mil Forma ?Book lata and Pamphlata ?W adding Invitation# ?Vloltlng Card* ?A nnou noaman ta ?Envalopaa t ?Mall Ordara Ivan Frompt-r Attudlaa - ?MlMM Itr? - J .' . . ' * ; -S - " * - State And National Newt j! Granite Palls, April 25r-L<loy4 Wtl ' lia Peague. 9 year old son of Rev. >od Mrs. -L. W. Peague. banged him elf accidentally yesterday In a voodshed at the home here. He tad been playing in a swing In the voodahed, It was reported, and when itsmothe r went to call him she ound the body. It appeared that the (rpe became tangled about bis neck. Raleigh, April 25.?North Carolina itrawierry growers have already re- | jelved nearly >500.000 for their 1939 rop. the Slate Department of Agriculture said today. ( More, than two-thirds of the crop -emains to be marketed. At present prices, the growers will receive a>out $2,000,000 for this year's crop. { ' | ? j Asheville, April 25.?The HighMid Hcepiial here will become the herapeutlc unit of the new department. of psychiatry to be established it Duke Uniyerslty Medical School n Durham. OUt of the hospital to the Uni- ! irerslty was made bf Dr. Robert 8. Carroll, founder, owner and medical 11 rector of the hospital. New York, April 25.?In a move x> end nUcht club Jjrawlins. Maror mimrau IU d^iraw^1! icons.- of El Morocco, a leading ree lezvous of .Vew York City's cafe sor'.ety revoked. Sacramento, OaMf, April 25.? Reported threats of the Workers Alliance. A CIO WPA workers union,, 1 to picket homes cf members of the &tate Assembly economy bloc, today J brought a counter-threat of retalia- 1 tcry action by the legislators. ! Pullman. Wash., April 26.?A bedtimerromp with a> punching bag was | Fatal to ten year old James Graham. < The boy died last night of a brok- J ifu neck but exactly how he received < the Injury was a mystery. He became 1 L-ntangled In the rope of the bag, ; *hlch hung from pipes over his head < San Francisco, April 26.?The man < who carried "a message to Garcia" - as 82 >ears old yesterday, but | there was no birthday celebration ! because for the second consecutive ' ear he was til in a hospital. Colonel Andrew Summers Rowan, FINAL ; - t * Our coy V. ' ?> EN fVi " ! "V?v ' . ' ' - * ' v v . 'j i JC# This is an excellent opj or Ensemble and save 0 V great Clearance Event duct ONE HALF from ' ' V ' 1- " . "v .yA ' ; i vi: t 1 * KEETE1 ,< I ? *m tt 's tr. ?rf j VALUE ^ f f ; I rwfi > l rrK"^ ' I *}a ' f? i V - -. f , . .</< . _ ;- . U. 8. A., retired. took a ?oawi from President MoKtnlojr to Cuban * rebel leaders, telling them of tbe I United States' Intendeut to tend I tioops to Cuba to fight the Spanish. I tTnlcn , S. C.. April 26.?Uouglaa I Harris. wun h?i.i t.? t?n ** Is ' -- ?' J??? UVI V IV tluy on a charge of fatally shooting Hoke 8. Scales. 32. a fanner of the Adantsburg section.' Scales fas shot Sunday morning at Harris' home. Sheriff James Q. I'nucett said.- and died a few hours later In a hospital. A coroner's Jury returned a verdict last night naming Harris as the killer. MOTHER'S DAY MAY 14TH % ? Give her a picture of you Quality Portraits At i Hord's Studio Quick Service On Kodak r h i rfiTTfirViirg ! ii I i 7 ? , i Over Western Auto Store "JUST LIKE MONEY II I Is the assurance you have 'I ed ones get sick, that Kin doctors, and we can fill tl '} fresh, pure drugs, exactly cerely hope you will not b member we fill any docto ; ' liver promptly.. i Kings Mounts !? ' The Rexi Phones 41 ? 81 CLEAR Entire St< of Spring kTS-SU and SEMBL \/1) (kortunity for you to select y NE HALF. Every Spring fat . Avnnrinal nnM tairo ? VH^UIIU |?I ?w A VUI the regular marked prices ?ALL SALES FINAL? R'S DEPT. JOK VALUE NEVER UNI g H Km I B ^JB On* W*jr Co?oh r?n* to; Belmont, N. C. Bescemer City,' N. C. .... t .15 Blackaburg, 8. C .13 Charlotte, N. C ? -SB Cramerton, N. C $ 31 Gaatonia, N. C. $ .SB Graver, N. C. 5 .15 Gaffney, 8. C t 55 Greenville, 8. C. tt.W Greensboro, N. C. ft 55 Spartanburg, 5- C. t 85 Washington, D C (Ut fnsatt Safety. Seat J Highway Fasaxde, Travel By Train, AltCeatltieaet Caackai eg t Threwgh Traina.y - n?i>Bff?fcnriTHfl i .D vinan Saeaewger Agent Charlotte. N. C >t??4ttt?tt?t?t???|.ttUt*T * THE BANK" | >, when you or your lov- ? isrs Mountain has eood * heir prescriptions front | j as written. We sin- | e sick, but if you do, res | r's prescription, and de> | . - ~ I iin Drug Co. ;> ill Store :; We Deliver < ? ANCE Dck v . v. 1 ITS v : ' ' . ' E S j . .'J\ y. i " :*-i . h* _ .'. 'i ' *4 *. if . . * * . <* ** - .. k ou a Spring Coat, Suit ihion is included in thin I am and you simply <fe; * 'JM fe,-- ' . . ? 'y '-3 V , ' ? " K'SvA.*'' STORE HESS0U) . , 1 '4 ' " ' . ' * " . ' <V/' : ' . "-NB 4 a

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