uv AT r . HOMI VOL. 25 NO. 22 CU(? A.J M uiaic auu Condensed Ii ?State News? Marion. May -8.?C. Plttman of Spruce Pine' said" today he suffered only u few scratches and a 'shaking up" last night when his airplane crashed Intto the top of a grove of Tine trees here. He had been cruls ing over this vicinity and had started to land at the airport here. The plane was demolished. Raleigh. May 8.?The sixth annuat convention of the North Carolina State Rurial Associations opened here today. Charleston. S C., May 8.?Work commenced yesterday on clearing the power house site for the SanteeCooper project near Pinolopls. About 80 men are employed on the frb. Thf ell* jrJU YLX. i"i of a ground breaking ceremony t which PWA Administrator liar* old V. Icke* v'H speak. / " Greenville. 8. C.. May .8 Funeral services were held here today for Laurence McLautin McOirt, 71, former mayor of Max too, N. C.. who died yesterday after an Illness of four months. He moved to Greeovllle twelve years ago end became a merchant and fanner here. Newton. May 8.?Eighty sealers ot the Newton-Conover High School,, the largest class In the school's history, will receive their diplomas Thursday night at 8 o'clock after Gov ("Clyde R. Hoey delivers the literary address. p.<* , V ' , . , . . - . \ Manteo, Roanoke Island, May 8.? I.xperts agreed today that the hulk of an ancient ship found on the outer banks of Cape Hateras waa very old but were not ablle off-hand to aav Just how old It might be. Joseph T. Holzbach, superintendent of the Maritime Museum at Newport News, Va.. and three mem bers of his staff arrived here yestee^ day to make a detailed examination ?f toe ship which waa bared to view by h recent storm. Alpheus W. Drlnkwater, who foond , the ship, expressed the view that the ship might be a 16th Century craft and might have plied these waters vrhen Sir Walter Raleigh established hip ill-fated colony on Roanoke lbland. Columbia. 8. C.. May S.?Administrator R. Brtce Waters Informed the strikers at the Columbia Duck mill yesterday they were Ineligible for benefits under the Unemployment Compensation Act. Negotiations for a settlement o|f the strike, now in its fourth woek. are under way. .. * ' \ \ Raleigh. May 8.?The annual convention of the North Carolina DtoIeese of the Protestant Episcopal Church opened here today. More than 200 delegates and vlslsloes The diocese takes in the counl ties In he central part of the state. Guayaquil, Ecuador. May 8.? Eighteen persons, including the- two pilots were killed yesterday when a military plane craehed, exploded and set firs to a number of houses In I downtown Guayaquil H T . .. -*1 j Laughing Arou With IRVH i i??___? Precisely the By IRVIN COMETIMES a speaker, casting ab ^ on the wrong wort) and vet, pa exactly to sum up the situation of t " sought to describe. I think of a cat i /L/ 0 r |Vn t\ -Jy 1 " Some months ago. down in V) Virginia not asany miles from Rie first name was Lest, mot a violent ai can patch when a thunder shower a bolt of lightning struck the tree and scarcely enough of 1dm was left Neoertheleon, his family and i funeral. A colored minister, with a ported at considerable eost to preae The preacher eery aeon got let awayad sad moaaad and gave eeat m under the sway of his language. Be "Do call hr our pert brother linger leug mesthe mm bedatft |> * Ik ' ' rr ? - ? Kings ... lational News n Brief Form ?National New*? Moscow, May 9.?The Kremlin today studied the lales British proposal for Scviet participation in the firiltsh and French engineered coal:tion and at the same time sustained he niystery over 3oviet Itussian fcrfetgtt policy. J Beth British and Soviet sources | Maintained silence on the nature of j a note handed to Premier-Foreign ' commissar Vyacheslaff Molotoff i yesterday by Sir William Seeds, the j British Ambassador.. Chicago. May 9.?A fugitive Jewish woman physician from Vienna de monstrated today for the first time in America ah electrical model of "tl.r human brain. Bv operating sjritches to controt the nerve Impulses received and sent out by the bran. I>r. Edith Klein j js-r?-r. ids iBTPBior, snoweu in n?r nresentaton, of the model before he American Psychiatric Assccia ton. Now York, May Crown Prince F*ederlk and Crown Princess In grid of ^Denmark returned today from a lice-day visit to Philadelphia and Washington. They planned a quiet dhy of shopping and private visits with friends. Tomorrow they will sail for heme on the lines Queen ' Mary. Iluchn.er.t. Roumarfla. May $. ? King Carol declared today Humanlas Army needed to be strengthened for defense both rf her border? and her 'ndppendence "In the present troubled times." Washington. May 8.?Carl R. Gray 71. vice chairman of the Roard of he Union Pacific. Railroad and its former president, was found , dead In bed today at his (Mayflower) Hotel. Discovery cf Gray's death v ag made when associates went to his room to awaken him around 10 A. M. Hardin. Mont.. May 8.?For 21 vesrs Mra. C. A. Wort carried the mail over a Big Hern Valley rural route, first In a carriage over bumpy roads and later In an automobile. When she retired May 1 friends v. anted to give her something appro ntlate. So 100 of them got together! and cnose a roc kin* chair. Kansas Oily, May 9.?United Meth [ fdlsu- s 900 delegt-ties Jamming 75 con mittee renorts Into 'he final three days of their uniting conferenco, today received recommendations for setting up a 30-member financial commission and uniting all missionary work under one board. Shanghai. May 8?The continuation of air raids at numerous points In China appeared today to bear out a Japanaese spokesman's statement that bombing would be without restraint wherever Chinese military personnel or materials were found. Verdun, France, May 8.?The Duke of Windsor received hearty congratu Isttons from French officials today for his plea ? broadcast "simply as a soldier of the last war" ? tto 'save humanity from another such devastating war." nd the World Sf S. COBB .t-. Right Word S. COBB out for exactly the right word, hits radoxically, the wrong word seems the condition which the orator has le la question: hltehall, which Is In the state of kimond, a negro farm-hand, whose >d sudden death. He was ploughing came up. In the midst of the storm, under which he had taken shelter i for purposes of buriaL Meads od give him aa elaborate reputation for eloquence, eras Iraki toe sermon. ? his swing while the congregation to muffled hallelujahs sad amens came to bis climax: wufl swift aa' suddbi. He did not i!n an' affliction. He did aot suffer last teehed an electric batten in da ' # j HBilfifilSliUMkiii&lraigdiiihniUlllBknMi&bslti Wmk' Mour . . . . -- : - - ' > 1/ ikirn A a A Ilka ? > i ki a n 1UO myuii I nlfi, IN. . !^i : -;. " , -JM # i ' -3 .. V 'I 1 ' ' ' S - J, K* ' ' fM J. B. Thoi Brother Of Local Woman Drowns Edward W. Green, 2.", farmer of rear King* Mountain and former tex tile worker here, drowned Tuesday aftcrnocn when he, fell into the water while fishing on a creek near hif. home. Several children, were nearby, but were not with him at the time he fell into the stream. Upon returning- to where they had left liim. they found the body. The drowning occurred Just across the South Carolina line in York county. The York county coroner was quoted aa saying be saw no evidence of foul play. The funeral will be held at 2:00 P. M. Thursday at the home cn the York road and Interment will follow In Mountain Rest cemetery with Rev. Turner . in charge. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Mabel Srr'th Green. three children, l? "by T.oo. Srnny Edward and No-, l?r d; bis mother, a brother, and nine sisters one .of whom Is Mrs. Eddie Arrowood of this city. , Til a lock Brothers Now Open Blalock Brothers, the new firm located on the Grcver Highway. Juat below the underpass Is now open for business with a complete itne of groceries and produce. Gasoline and oils will be also carried. Messrs Cjurlle ,.\nd Wyatt Blalock extend a cordial invitation to everyone to vie'.' their bow business where a friendly welcome awaits tbem. Mr. Charlie Blalock is also owner of Blalock Grocery and Market located on Mountain Street, aud with liis ccnnectlon will he able to offer real values in both businesses. The Messrs Blalock are experienced grocerymen and with the addition of this new store will be better prepared to serve housewives of Kings Mountain and community. The opening as appears in this issue and a I'st of specials are offered for thrifty shoppers. U. D. C. Observes Memorial Day The local chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy observed Memorial Day, May 10th, by meeting for the usual exercises at Mountain Boat cemetery at 10, o'clock. with. Rev. E. W. Kox. leadinar. After flowers were placed on the graves of Confederate veterans and their wives the group repaired to Central School auditorium where Ttfth grade pupils under the direction of their teacher. Miss Willie McGill, presented an appropriate pro gram. The stage with its lovely decorations of red and white flowers, arranged by members of the chapter furnished an effective setting for t'he exercises. At the conclusion of the program >lrs. J. G. Hofd, chapter president, vm in charge of the presentation of a book petralning to Confederate History, to each of the three schools Of ntral, West and Bast. \ I I OPERETTA THIS EVENING The Operetta, "The Frog Prince", wll) be presented this evening In the Central School auditorium at S:00 P. If. Jackie mil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olllle Falle will play the part of the prlnceaa and David Neill son of Mr. and Mra. A. 8. Neilt will play the part of the prince. JCtsa Caroyn Cariyle haa charge of the operetta and the paMU M cordially Inrited to wttneea the product Ion. Admlaalon will be charged. "I . f itam i THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1930 THE MAYOR " K' Mt r -, v. n l ftk m I H' I I' -'1 H .1 niMM MAYOR PRO-TEM % * II I ^ PvT . Jfl I yT '' ' '^H Bt -?^R1 v, fl V ' sjp& iF .& $|j|f jf / _-yy ^Tr-"""** | H. Tom Fulton ? i r*' \ nana uiven i Rating In Nat Radio Booster Program j For Kings Mtn. From Station WGNC A full hour of radio time from Gestonia Station WtJXC sponsored > ii>- the local merchants will be. devr.ted to boosting Kings Mountain, The Best Town In the State. The program will be broadcast from 3:00 j to 4:00 P. M. Friday afternoon, May ,12th. 1 "The Old Philosopher" who has j been connected with the large broad costing systems will have charge of the program, and Kings Mountain radio fans are invited to listen In on (his booster program for Kings Mountain. t ~ Will Rogers' Humorous Story ' * " > By WILL ROGERS fyfOST of the tourists are back iV1 now. The snapshots have been handed around until they are getting a bit dirty already. The romances that the staid old fellows had on the ships have begun to look kinds phoney, even to them. But they still keep on telling about their adventurea in foreign fields to anybody that will listen. There was a good-for-nothing ruy from Michigan that was telling how much he enjoyed Italy on such a little hit of money. He was i traveling with some mends of his family, he said, and it was awful easy to got along. "Well, ?e jroa uw let et ! Rome?" says en ether returned tourist at the Country Club to him. "And did yeu get anything out stf Florence T* "No, 1 can't eay that I did. But her eiater, Fannie, the blonde one, came acreee with a hundred bucks when 1 told her I'd have fee leave the party aad go to work la a restaurant. s V. ' lerald ?r- : ' J. B. Thomas Mavnr Fnir T V* ? V* ?. Work Progressing On Street Elevation Here The building of gradual "slept.i.tiiys" froili III.- new bridge and the buildlne of appioxiiu,.! tel> a mile of! concrete paving *Trom the bridge to I the Sh.-lbi highway is ex p.-. red to' be .completed ill utiout eight weelcs"' in cording to \V. It. Jtliei, nupt-i iu ' II dent. Approximately iioiddo .cubic yards uf din will, hie-required to build up rite five a.<p-out her. to the -bridge. . t'ue arrival if t "'."XiLjUMf jt .'? ??" *? ?u<r hauluiK of dirt 1 I .1 at once Itoiliovai if MNIIU patlugi, iiotn approaching street# Is " now! ,i | n jr[ .M. n r r - >... *. ' The project la dealgned to elltuiuuto the da ng ere us -all mm I ct?>tsilg on Mountain e ie<the turn ofl L inn aim. .? ...?i l>.. .1 ^1.. J 1 x tfs MIII nu.nu iu I end the nun ai the crossing new nec&Mary fur traffic travel,on to- i ; ward and "'-ont Shelby. It ?* unoffl-' i cially reported that the Mountain J< atreet cro^sinu Is considered the sec j I end inOat dangerous crossing lu j I Mirth Co;olit?:i by the state ht#h-jj way department. j1 Twenty-five or thirty men will be ( engaged In the work. . i Open Air Revival Begins Thursday Night i Rev. T. J. Mortis. "The Village I ( Parson" will begin an open air re- j , vival this evening at 8:if? P. M. at |, the Pheuix Mill Ball Park on the | , J'essemet City Road. The public is j Invited to attend the meeting. The!, Parson claims to be the only ntan in i. the United States who attempts to I, '.Mild old time revivals In the open 1 i from tic same place each night on I foith almio Tho miuvt Intru will Ion 1 UlkU ? ? < ll|\ Vllll^o " III lUtl I forty-five minutes and a chpir and ?ong book may be.brought. Highest ional Contest Kings. Mountain School Band was adjudged the best in Class B bauds it. the Eighth Region Music Festival held in Charlotte last week. The local band was the only cne given a rating ot one, the highest possible, in both marching aud music. The DeFuniak Springs, Florida, band was rated cne. In marching but tw;o In music, and Morganton was rated one in music but did not compete in! inarching. Kings Mountain was thd only band from the entire eight * states competing to win the highest rating in both contests. , ' The Festival will be held next , year In West Palm Beach, Florida, , May 9. 10. and 11th. < Intricate drills, novelty steps and ' classy maneuvers were the feature cf the marching event Friday night In the American Legion Stadium before a crowd, estimated at 10.000. A large number of Kings Mountain boosters were present to see their , band out step all the rest in their ] class. The local band also marched , In the parade in ehe business sec- j Con of Charlotte Friday afternoon In which over 1,500 musicians took i part. D. P. Hord. Jr., the only solo enirant from Kings Mountain won a rating of one, in the alto clarinet rontest. The rating is the highest possible to make. According to the Charlotte Observer. "The , Kings Mountain band 1 ilrew ovattion after ovation, with intricate maneuvers, and presented a veritable three-ring circus with two ( high-stepping drum majors, a hand springing arum majorsue, ana m cmton-twirllng mascot. The band brought the audience to Its feet when it " formed an "N. C." and then played 0 Dixie" in front of the West stadium/ ( Director Paul E. Hendricks has . been receiving congratulations from ihe entire cltiaenehip of Kings Moun t lain for the 100 percent victories of Ills entrants. Kings Mountain was in I nn uproar when the news reached i here of the accomplishments of the I t>and. Words of praise was on every- < one's Hps for the band members, their director, and the loyal support- i >rs of the band who have contrlbnt- I d In a large measure to the sue- i sees of the band. "Kings Mountain ^ oas received more advertising frort he bead than any other eonrce' said t >ne booster who followed the band I bona the beginning. - O' ' -V. * i READ THE , HERAI.D FIVE CENTS PER COPY . r ? sson Named wo Years J II. Tliomasson. Councilman tiom >.' Ward 2 was unanimously Major -l Kiiiks MouUiaJi t?> tin* Tuwii Council in tin- flrsj nicotine of th. now buiud Thursday imitni.u Cpmii iluiuii C K: Nslslttr, Jr . it nrrated Mr. Tlioinasciou lor Mitor on.I I. Tom .Pillion fir Mayor l'm-Ti-iii,_ tills iniiiihativii was sccoiuli u )>/ ' uiii'iiiuin w k .Muitiii y Without funtuT disruption these aciiiiii* lions cxitM unanimously I'ast Mayor J K Hcrndoii presidr . it til thin |MI III Alp II III ,, ui Ull ?^ "i.-ljnc n&.tif* rtSni /Attorney J II Ifctvia ? wore tb-? > * ?,v officers in Town f'lerlc ill II I l?l ' o^h?^oieetliiR^Oiily^>thert?^|H^^ liini HayAO'.-d K Lynch of The Her. . M Members of the School Board % ' ' ?"J mme in a( different .Intervals and ovc div.-n the catb of office by Mr. Imvin Kollouiuu the . elect ton Mayor Thorn asm said. "I appreciate the confluence-ycu have placed in me. and I a tint to thank each one of you We must work together for the irood ?f the Town. We must use good Judgment and co-cperate. In nil matters [>t the Town we have got' to know ft e are right, not Just think we ar* riuht. We must encourage every own enipoyle to do their best. We mist study ways and means of Improving our town and must co about it in a business-like manner." Mr. Fulton made the motion to temporarily rehire all tewn employes until tnore study could be mad* if the different positions This molt n carried W. K Mvuuey said. "We have got to do what Is the best for the Town ts a whole. We must have harmony tie must give and lake, in a family, u a business, and in a town." Former Mayor Hemdon pledget! Ids support for a bigger and better Kings Mountain. W K Maunev said he was (coking forward to the citf-tnanager form of government for Kings Mountain. "We need a bess." aald Mr. Matmey, The bp9lness o Kings Mountain is too big to be min without a head We need to have cne experienced justness man in charge of all the iifferent departments of our town." Jim Herndon said., "We need m. . t A SIX-- ? - ? ~ - wan jimi iiHf any omer nuccnsmt Tusiness baa to have a boas, and ? Mty manager for Kings Mountain Iff" vadly needed." Mr. Herndon asked Mr. Nelsler rhnt he thought of a cltv manager uid ho answered, "I think It Is m tood Idea If you get the right man." Mr. Fulton made the motion to Itnve two meetings a month Instead >f only me as heretofore. This moion carried. All five of the newly elected connrdlmen were present. C K. Nelsler,. Jr.. nnd <W. K. Mauney who were rejected from the previous hoard, and f. Tom Fulton and ,f B. Thomaason vho have served on the beard In forner years, and Iiidd Hamrlck. the >nly member who has not had previous experience on the Council. 3APTIST BIBLE CLASS TO 30.T0 THOMA8VILLE The Berean Bible Class of tb? ?"irst Baptise Church will go to riiomasvllle. Sunday, May 14, to licet at Orphanage there. Member* ?re requested to keep this date In n nd and make plans to attend. C0aiJuftgton by James Preston [Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views ef This Newspaper.) A novel idea has been advanced at be Capitol. It Is that anyone who has anyhmg to do with getting the United States Involved in nar must do one f tvdo thinge: He must either serve in the front ine trenches, or . 1ms uzFe . fakdv nU ? ? ? He must stay In bed for the danion of the war. A Congressman has introduced a >111 to this effect. Of course, there is 10 likelihood M Its being enacteo >ut it doee point up the seriouanese it what war means ho a people. Millions are still alive In America rho remember the hist war ThoeV tettleae, meatless, wheetlese days ire nothing to the sacrtfce of what ear today would mean. Newapeper storiee tell of the steps wo other greet Democracies are task ng to prepare. Badly enough these (Cont'd on Editorial page) * < '?f " i

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