lXHIs'',NTHAf' By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section Time: May 8th, 1:30 P. M. Hel.o folks! It you-,' read last det-k's column, which Maggie Lee. wrote for me, you know that I was u patient at the City Hospital In Viuiiuiua H, uiai iuu?. Il I should wrle enough to fill the whole paper I couldn't tell you InJw good the folks at the Hosultal u?e. Ixrt'a of folks who have been eround hospitals say that the City Hospital is the best place they havtT QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COST HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2c c wrd *or first Insertion: t ions. UI?lns..M nkaaaA Mo t- miniuiwni w?'?' Do n?t uk tor infonnitiwi re|i?tltn| "keyed" ad?, aa they are ttrictly confidential. If error la made, Tha Herald la reeponelbte far only ana incorrect inaertlon. Tha customer la responalble far subaeouent Insertions. Tha advert)ear should notify Immediately of any correction# needWant ada are always cash In advanoe except to business man or concerns having aoeounte with this newspaper. FOR SALE ? stout, we 11 rooted transplanted tomato plants. Leading varieties. Also sweet pepper, egg and pimento pepper plants for sale. Paysotir's Tourist Camp" R-"-' - - - . ... - .. . ? ... ' FCR SALE ? Five rcom house on Gold street. Modern conveniences. A. V: l>pdmoh. phone 78. Nhrlbv or Mrs. J O. Bautngardner, at Belk's Dept. Store. "FOR RENT ? House, Interior newly painted. Apply 402 Goid St. 6-11-39-pd . _ FOR RENT ? Two 3-rootn .apartments close In, conneltlng hath, hot water furnished 500 Wegt Gold St. See W. F. l?gsn. j REMEMBER ? On Saturday yott get one of our delicious Banana Splitj : . for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. FREE1 If excess acW nausea you pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indiges tlon. Heartburn, Belohlng. Bloat ' ing. Nausea, Gas I'afns. ret free Sample. Udga, at Kings Mountain Drug Co. 5-4-p. KEYS MADE, LOCKS. VACUUM rioaners Small Klectrlcal Appl! f anoes. and Speedometers repaired C. L> Ranwey, Phone 126-M Sept; 22tfc (Continued Next Week) I i St S) I w i If' TOM AND GEORGE father the other day that he wae oi L the hog and aaked the old man t wire him a hundred dollars: do yo know what Dad wired back?" 'Knov Ing Simpson as I do he probably sal f that he was short, and to ride th hog back home so they could use th pork." If you want that Hying roor suit that you've been talking aboul and are "short" of cash we can si range It so you can pay It monthl according to what you can spare. D. F. Hord Furniture Co, B..U IS C?r I AS U?e?4i. I WW J ?% ? V" WVIJB IS * " iwi U V I THE CLAN r-j look ay t?c zt i olamon 0 rlmt my v \ mothllil two 1* simply (fluid. They ere so Mead ly and sympathetic. You have aJ seen and heard the words 'hoeplta clean" but unless you have been a coe you caa't realise the meanin( o the words. I'm not good at writing flower speeches but I mint to thank th doctors and nurses for being so nlo to me. I also thank the friends wh *ent or brought he flowers, fruit cards, etc.' Special to the bride and groom, Congratulations and good luck Mgv I announce your wedding 1 the paper ext week? Gee; this business of lying In' be and writing i?n't so easy, so I'll sa good-by 'til next week. Scores Juvenile Lure Of Totalitarian States Kew York May 8.?(IPS).?Ame can youth will be saved from th 'juvenile traits" of totalitarian pol tic* became Its traditions ate base on "rational attitudes, sensible kc al relationships and Americanism Rev. John Water flouck declare i here recently, emphasising the In port ant part that rellgfcn must pla ,n achieving this' end. " fascism. Nazism. Communist i;now what they want and go after directly." he said "These 'Ismi know how to make their (tclttlcs lt>( ) n religion, and millions of men 1 vnunr nipn _ tn mdv tin die ft their beliefs In these 'lame'. "Religion calls American juulh 4 rational attitudes, sensible soolsl r lutlonshlps and Americanism beat uprn spiritual Idealism. This ca will last and America wll be save from the Juvenll traits that repr rent totalitarian politics." Pump Priming Theory Declared Ineffective Now York. May 8.?MPSV?Fed< al "pump-priming' dollars have bee only 64 percent effective In v icacl I :ng the nation's spending chnnne acocrdine ?o the National In dustri I Conference IVmrd. The N. I. C. B. I ?-'vdv covered five years of d'eflc j spending from 1934-1938. "Th" theorv' of pump-prlmlng. u rn which our fiscal policy has bee bused in rerent years, is thit tl government borrows a large anient of money, spends It and thereby I' crenses purchas'ng power." tthe n " ? * -4 11 . ronncemeiu saia. Dveniu?n?, h cording to the theory. a higher' r ' turn of taxes from the greater ti tlonnl Income will pay the cxpens* rf pump-priming. "Aotn&lly in the five years tl irovernment Increased the nation > debt by Il4.ano.000.000. Instead i the vast increase In national Incou which the fiscal theorists erpete however. the gain in yearly inoon ' eliminating the effect of price cha ge?. was ouly 0 billion .dollars." The t* S Department of Agrtc tnre estimates that American far era received In March a cash lncot Including benefit payments, of |61 "too.000. an Increase of 13 per cent ver February's estimated $486,001 000. I ^ J Unwh.5 choice * of vocation may mean failure and nl despair. To help you choose o wisely, here are "previews'* u of fifteen fields with bright v futures?written by experts d in each field. Mark and mail e the coupon. n ihtiiutionu eottmoRicNct tCHOii t. Sm MM, Stftataa. N. PIMM Mat a* at mm a mot W (Sa y MM 'What VNitlM saall I Ckm ' '-'v> - / ? " - V'.'iA ' rmt kiNCM koontam hhuia,thom ! " "otic* or sals jjjj r ' Under and by virtue of the power NO of estle contained In i mortgage deed M j given by Minnie Frnltt to the under1 signed on the ?th day of October, ' 1937. and reglatered in the Register of Deedi O ce .for Cleveland County in Book 148 nt page 336. to secure y the Indebtedness therein mentioned. T 8 and default having been made In tnk 9 I ne payment cf same, I will sell for 0 cash at the Courthouse door In 8hel S|| * by. Cleveland County. North Carol!- ^ol nn. en Monday. May 22. 1138. at ton ~ o'clock. A. M. or within legal hours. ,H,J '' the following described real estate: an(, I Situated In the Town cf Kings ,jle . I Mountain. North Carolina, and be- j{r i clnnlng at a rock, corner of Have's hf>, * lot on Oaston Street and runs thence an(< Kast two (2) chains and 38 links to 0n( u rock on Parker's line; thence * s- j long Parker line North 1.09 chains to pl)( a- reck; thence West 2.38 chains to of an acre, mere or less. tjl ie. The sale will be made subject to a|)( 1- prior encumbrances. d] This the ?0'h day of April. 1939. 1*1 Charlie Carpenter. Mortgagee. 1^ i [i. R. Davis. Atty. ?ad*?may 19. Su; di,IBAOMffNS T5A9oWM!o?^?^1B-, #- I Having qualified as Administrator f y ct thr estate Mrs Mary K. Riser. do- ^ rfirnod. late of Cleveland County, m North Caretlna. this to to notify all I H prraooa bavta* claims against sate 2 r, eaaato to nhWl the same to ma, a the undersigned Administrator on or I ? before the dth day of April, lMd. or I >r thla notice will pleaded ha bar of nay I recovery therooo. - i I 0 All persona Indebted to said oe I 0. tate are hereby notified to make tan- I id mtdlAte payment to me. 11 This the 6tb day of April, 1939. j A. 8. Kisor, Administrator. I --adv?may 11, 1839. . - I WIN YOUR RACE! I For Business Supremacy I |f By Advertising I ; 1 I FIX THEM He knows how and has I ? i the machinery to do a J* I proper repair job. 1 FOSTERS * | SHOE SERVICE X Phone 154 I d. \4U3r"r7I!Z auMOli 1 l m- Ell j j | ^^ 7 Rf\U fjj I o Stop it with Alka-Sehzer Does Headache "alow you down?" You are a Tare as* caption if it does not. . Ona or two tablets of ALKASELTZER in a glass of water mahaa a pleasant alVaHrfng solution that usually brings relief In lust a few minutes. ALKA-SELTZER to also leeom. mwiii Tw^'^i'ttetojMhwt X?US"*i>k2SUZl& rttwiKiif to water, contains m ete>.g"in addmS ^haVa1hen5na Mere those erorydey dtoor. XaM m M II f t t "ir |, ? | -, r &a gjjgEE^S People Who "Dig" Must E) (i; tM DAY. MAY 11. UN ?rlor Court o* Cleveland Count' 1*. or the relief demanded in aaid 1 Itlon will be granted j rhl? 2ftth day of April, 1Mb I . CLEVELAND CQ H The County Commies May 4, 1939, adopted 1 June 1, 1939 to May 3: Amusements ? Trave Amusements ? Circu west, dog and pon Amusements ? Carni Photographers ? Age Real Estate ? Auctic Dealers in Horses or Phrenologists Pawnbrokers Sewing Machine Agen Peddlers?On foot Peddlers?With horse Peddlers ? Ton tn Peddlers ? 1 Ton tn Peddlers ? 1*? Ton 1 Peddlers?More than Gypsy ? Fortune Tel Fortune Tellers other Lightning-Rod Agent* Billiard Parlors and City Limits?Per Slot Mitatr Mnrhinps k/BWW ' Slot Amusement Dev S'-t Amustment Devi Slot Pool Tables Slot Machines Requiri ing Merchandise C Bagatelle Table, Mer Rink and other Ai Newspaper Contest Newspaper Contest Dealers In Pistols, E1 Dealers In Blank Pis! Mletallic Cartridges Dealers in Cap-PistoU Laundries Motor Advertisers Oi Motor Advertisers ? Loan Agents or Brok< Employment Agents Service Stations, Rev Service Stations, Mor< rI^MA Q^ASIAO A l?/n 11117 ftjl VI CO) nuui ?A|I Cities Less Than 1 Cities More Than ! Wholesale Auto Suop Motor Vehicle Dealei Trading Stamps - Marriage Licenses Board Of Comi > - .''' ' ;4' u .. "i cpcot Some Dirt T" Nue WOUCPNVTit rOT B J^k )}* : ' '1 . V ' ' ... E. 1 Houmt. Jr, Cler* of Court. Cash At -mar 2?. YOURO Ring*, W. Teeth an many yean, for the relief of stomach, excess acidity, in44- GEM JEV i. dysentery, colitis, jmd reUamach disorders. * i?e prescription adults and: QA8TOI m. THE OLO RELIABLE | Is??? p A1 ft MINIM WRCATIO CRMtt ^ iREVHOI V ? k. I Drioo Mraicfct down rtw FAT*Xk'Vv WX* *" * to^?^kU" Amm *' li ^ Round Trip To y^ml Rhpn* i fll yi Vn Sales $: Mules >. ft v.;: ' ' $1< $21 ts ! : $ tck V-i I ick $' ["rucks $1; l'/? Ton Truck $21 lers T? ; $5i than Gypsies $2i I gj Bowling Alleys Outside City Alley or Table .... < ices Less Than Five Cents ! ces Five Cents or More $ I ing Five Cents Deposit and VendIther than Soft Drinks ry-Go-Round, Swimming Pool, Ska tin nusements of a Like Kind $ - Daily $ A?H Til n.!l.. ' A - Winer man uauy ^ *. $ tola $ - Dealers \ and Fire Works $1 - % ther than Local 5 Local jrs $1 $5 air Shops?One Pump i than onePump lipment: .0,000, 10,000 ly Dealers $ * ? $ 1 misioners, Cleveland Coui . ' . ' '.. . . , - '. . - s By PERCY L. C ? ^ [*No! NOT UrtCN^-x ? , mc) fri? ?c'rATHRCt/? / ray/ wio NJN6 CCNrj \ =, T1 Once For LI) GOLD II itohaa, Pint d Trinket* fELRY CO. , | lain St. MIA, N. C. MISTS IND ?aejr ?o Haw York >w Crach?Mvtng a natal $15.00 Vl<*t ^Bj| j-;,' DULE ft year I* 25.00 m 25.00 | >0.00 25.00 My 12^0 12.50 )0.00 30.00 "M $5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 ? 75.00 25.00 m 30.00 m 00.00 . ' 00.00 20.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 M 10.00 m m $2.50 H $5.00 10.00 . K 50.00 ' 25.00 25.00 I 50.00 $5.00 W ' J 00.00 ; ,jf 12.50 m M 25.00 \ $5.00 ^ oo.oo H 00.00 ^ 25.00 I 10.00 > p / f \ "*5 & r W ||