^Cr ?. | IMaSeatu* ? c t , Mr. ui Kn J. I. Patterson and L ^',.\ J daughter, QMjrt, apeat Sunday after?eee with relatives in Ka*l and f Bar* la Mr. gad Mn. Lucto Huff- * i Mattar a daughter. Kay Frances, (Konday, May 8th } JIM. John Mltohem spent Sunday , lalth fear mother. Mrs. C C I.ynn ( Mtoa Thalma Price of l.enfor la , ggaadtog several days with Iter aunt J Mfg. V. Wt Balteraou of the Oak J Oner* alt lion ~ Mian Mi HuffateMnr hai returned to fcor home after bMti* In a Charlotte hospital for * minor operation. Mn? . B. Hulfatotler .yd aa her ^^^^gjlte^teodo^jU^raoonll^r^^^m | f tjtjjf'Wl Nonaoa and ^wahter/uo rate Mt ICIoa?? Kveiyn ftlla spent oltornooo In Gaatoota. T. Hajree nod chll BMitt - LOW COBT I Bpwfceeoueut Insert fbrgti tto. Bfer information reHi" ads, ?i the/ are Bntlal. Blade, The Herald la wily one Inoorreet Hhsstomer <4 reaponBpeqtient insertions. Bshould notify Im!Br corrections needKara always cash in ^BE)pt to business men HnO- having aocounts with BT ~ ? stout, wellrooted Hnd tomato plants. DeadBbs. Also sweet popper. Hfapento pepper plants ^Kyaour's Tourist Camp" ? Spencer Sweet Peas [ Ht-Paystrur's Tourist Two 3-room .apartBo In. r.onneltlng bath, hot ^tonlshed. 500 West Gold V W F. I?gan. ? On Saturday you get I ' our delicious Banana Split.* tr 'Mo- Kings Moua'ain Drug . made, locks, vacuum! Hi?rs. Small Electrical Appli K jMtd Speedometers repaired ^6, Ramsey, Phone 126-M. j 8ept 22tfc ? . i Knued Next Week) L -1 % KV.1 mf W a BdH HbI ? BrDw i ^Va7 fl r j Ht have you read in Hkhe Muaailini hae emHectors to remove a pirn. P'Yee; at the same time Hhow many doctors he B If he ever got the meaeBl oonfeee we don't know Hjjh plmptes and meaalea, M our trade as we do, we Hblpate their needs. and K-goodi as wer think they nrd Furniture Co. KFoc Less At Hord e ji^Mu k rrap?**A JBflflflfrj wnj^^ PSB ^B|7 - . 9fHMA\ / B ^L H H vW V^ it H * IfciM m'^SS 0 lren spent Sunday with Mr. and | In. C. K. Teeter d. OaMboro. Mr. and Mrs. Y. W. Patterson and hi Id tea spent Sunday with retires i Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. o.. T. Hayes and Laughter. Dorothy, spent Saturday n Charlotte. Miss Evelyn Owens of Gaatonla pent the past week-end with Miss ixle Bottn. Mr. and Mrs. C W Hullender had is their Kueqts Sunday for dinner drs. Odell liong and ohildren of ; 'Uarlotte. Mrs. Page Lgwjng" and hldren of Oastonla, Mr. and Mrs. ! *aul Hullender of Chester, 8. C., ind Mcl ?nd Mrs. J. D. Hullender, llr. and Mrs. Clvde Hullender . Mrs. leanie Ballard aitd Mrs. 8. F. Hullen ler all ot cf this City. Mr and Mrs. Ben Lon spent the | ?reek-ejtd With the latter's parents, ' Vtr. and Mrs. McKnight of rharlotte. ' Mrs i'. (' Parker ha a returned to _ >er home after, being in the hospital Guernseys Sold . . .I A registered Guernsey cow ha-t recently been sold by P. M. Noisier ( U> K. L. Lewis of Bessemer City.' This animal Is Nelslefr Foremost Glory Lady 379393 according to The American Guernsey Cattle Club, Peterborough. N. H. . Also, a registered Guernsey cow has recently been sold by N. F. Mc0111 to A. T. Randall at Kings Mountain. This animal Is Meadow Brook Queen Flora 544033 according to the American Ouerhsey Cattle Club. jTViy's warns S.ftOO Red Cross delof Impending world disaster i mcitifc oigttulMfrUoa. IT TAKES ALL THREE To do a First Class Shoe Repair Job. It takes good materials, modern machinery, and experienced craftsmen. We have all three and our work is guaranteed. FOSTER'S SHOE SERVICE Phone 154 ' . . . I ^n^/ ( EVI Millions of users feel that ant, more effective relief frorr old-fashioned unpalatable ATiK A**SELl'Zlih is' more other single item in the av We recommend ALKA-S Com on Stomach, Sour S "Morning After," Mutcul in Minor Throat Irritatic I We really mean it Use ALKA-SELTZER foi forts. Your money back if i . In addition to an Soda), ea sICY KIDS Tho r ~ [WATfS IT, I l pi* I7 ^, f- ^ . ?-. ,- ? " ' - ; 'j r . ' . ' fc* THE KINGS MOUNTAIN RMULO, NOTICK OF RIIAIB Under and b/ virtue of the power f f .eale contained in an order made by E. A. Ho user. Clerk of the Superior Court for Cleveland County, Irf the apodal , proceeding* entitled. "Albert ,Morrla. administrator for tbe estate of \v. A. Morris, deceased, vs. Minnie Hord, et at", I will resell a. _ ? 4^^ ? ? - a .4 *t_ _ a _ _ -a iur- oh?a on mo prumnn 01 cue uuia hereinafter described at public auction on Saturday May 27. 1939, at ton o'clock, A. M.. or within legal hours, the follow I.rg described real e?iate. FIRST TRACT: A one-third undl-, viced Interest In the following lots: Ten lots Nos. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 29; 27: 23: 29 and 30 of the Parker drove property, and all of said lota are 25 feet front and 110 feet deep. lot No. 30. whl?-h Is. a V shape lot. and said lota are situated on the , Went side of a new gtreet or alley tunning north and south, and said lots will appear on a map or plat of "mi Resistor of Deeds Office for Clere j t'ind County, reference to which la made for a fuller description.. The Bidding will begin at M* 50. SECOND TRACT: Sltnated on the West aide of Piedmont Avenue In j the Town of Kings Mountain and be-*) Ing lota Nos. 2. 4 and 5. according to s plat of the Parker Orore Property made by E. L. Campbell, surveyor. as will appear on record. The Home Store Is situated on one of these lots. The bidding will begin on Lot No. 3 at $1,050.00; on Lot No. 4 at $229.00; sod Lot No. 6 at $119.09 THIRD TRACT: Situated In the Town of Kings Mountain. N. C.. ana beginning at a atone on the North rf K 'W Street (Now Fjilton' Rrtdees' comer; thencet North 261 (eel to a atake; thenc# Went 100 (eet to a atake. Hullendf-r'H corner: (formerly Myer'a comer); thence along Hullent No. 53 at $254.10; I and Lots No's.. 54 and 55 at $33.00. J FIFTH TRACT: The follc-wlnn i lots are located on Waco Road and I Cannier Street in the Towu cf Kings W RYONE SEEMS)^^ 0 BE USING KA-SFIT7FR \W uM HESE DAYS they get quicker, more pleas1 ALKA-SGIiTZER then from preparations. That's why in demand than almost any erage drug store. ELTZER for the relief of tomach, Headache, Colds, or Paine, and ae a Gargle . I ma. r any or all of these discomt falls to relieve, analgesic (Acetyl-Salicylate ch glass of ALKA-SELTZER tains alkalizers which help to *ct those everyday ailments to Hyper-Acidify, i 90# and GO# packages at your I store. % Family Con? ' '.f.and Up ! J MOTHd?, \ f j yv?HAri?orj k i ^Ut/c/ 'fxi ^ '-. 1 1% W/ff jWTMyXiW ? I % -1 v> r. KHMKuQk VWHIubm/I/ ^ ^.?#*? THURSDAY. MAT It, INI . Mountain: Lou Noa. 1. S. 3. t. It. 11 IS; It} 14; 16 ud It u will ipptU1 oa ? nap or plat mad* by B. L. Campbell, sorreyor tor the W. A Morris estate, dated March 28, INI, at will appear on record. The Bidding on Lot No. 1 will befrit at $412.80; on Lot No. 2 at 412.60; Lot No. 3 at 8887.26; Lou Kos. 9. 10, 11 and 12 at $101.20; and Lots Noa. 13. 14. 16 and 16 at $66 00. SIXTH TRACT: Beginning at a stake in Weet edge of Kings Moun lum ana iom ttosa and runs wttn Carson's line N. (t 1-2 W. 4.02 chains to an Iron stake on bank of gully; thence a new Hne with gully .rN. OS H E. 5 00 chalna to a stake on west edge of said road; thence with road South *00 chains to the'beginning, containing one-fourth fi-4) of an acre. The bidding on this lot will begin a? tlio.oo ' This the UMh day of May. im. Albert Morris. Ccmmlseloner. J 3 Davis. Attyi-adr. way tg Notice of Summons by Publication cleveland county. NORTH CAROLINA. Mr*; Sara. liltile HsyM Plaintiff Petitioner, rs Maurice Little. Jr.. ' a minor. Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an actlcn. entitled as above, hae been Instltued In the Superior Court of Cleveland County, North Carolina, to sell s certain lot located In the Town of Kings Mountain. in said County. for partition, and In said action It Is alleged that the above named plaintiff and defendant are the only children and heirs at law of M. J. Little, deceased and that th?v are seized, possessed iau v.wu t.iid lot of '.and uo icuuhts ' i h 1- !r- tiC'I'd to a one-half undivided interest therein; that said lpt cannot be actually divided to their advantage and it is for tthe best Interests to the owners to sell same and divide, the proceeds, and the said defendant, above nam ed. Is hereby required to appear and answer or demur to the petition filed In the office of the Clnrk of the Superior Court of Cleveland County on or before the 2#th day of May. IfltH^or the relief demanded in said petition will be granted This 2?th day of April. I'm'E. A- Houser. Jr.. Clerk of Court. ?adv?may 25. / ' ' '. * . . X" Undr 'Oh a Blow. ('" - ' I '.' \ . ' V.'v iyl I ^ | j ' V ' TT7 . v . t . .. The Old Reliable Kn the relief of upset stomach, exoe? acidity, indigestion, dysentery, colitis and similar stomach ailments. Separt prescription for adults and children. I _ _ 1 \IN * " \^m H StMGLE-EDCE [ y \^W*f What WILL A BANK ACCOI ? ? < > Your primary benefits arisi count jure that you have km instantly available to buy th ; ready to meet any emergen ; fy your hopes and ambitiocu ; car, to pay for children's ed ; Such a bank account is with :: oiie. | First Natic X Member Federal Deposit | Deposits Insured X I ' ' ft . ' ' v.' "*^Sf Pr mhv ; ' m By I " '" ' 1 M '" "? ;. ? \ZiLLtSts\ \CIP i^p /i'v I I " ' * v< j|H . 9 ? i ? H* * .9 ^ ? i :_ ' r j - B < I | JNT DO FOR YOU? " 1 \ng from m bank acmey in a safe place, e things you want or l! 1 cy. It's ready to satis- | i?- to buy a home, a ; lucation. ;; iin the reach of everv- 1 . ;i 'iff I! < mal Bank ij 1 Insurance Corporation ;; up to $5,000.00 i od Milk I Healthy, Happy Boys 1 , Wholesome Milk from 1 a select herd. ' >t give your children st. Order Golden Guernlay! 1 ^ a Dairy Phone 18 ; " *ERCY L. CROSS? * . '%?< m?*t ?m,,M9m mm/mm** WHAT POYAT "NK S -^th??CXj- 0Hi :T cirs3? < r rw- ' | . 4 L^RV nW #ft?iul/l bS555?^^^^C * jfi" * ir I