> ' uv _ ' .. AT HOMt VOL. 29 NO- 24 State And N r? 1 i i condensed 11 ?State News? Tarboro, May 23.?Joshua RUise. 84. died in a Raleigh hospital yesterday trout Injuries suffered in . a highway accident April 18. Rouse's fcuggy and au automdbile collided. Sheriff W. E. Bardln said the automobile was driven by J. L. Crowd#r .. a rmfmiii . Greensbct-o. May 28.?Dr. H. O. Baity, professor of sanitary' engineer log at the University of North Carolina testified yesterday In the autt of the Duke Pdhrer Company and others to prevent construction of High Pint's propdbed municipal pow er plant that the Yadkin River. on which the project would he built, wae not a navlgableetream. "" . Hickory.' May 28.?Anx^ooacesa.eat was made here today by Lester G. Clifford nrestdsnf of Ik* WCeVorv R& tary Club, that the club would build a patrol cabin at th? Piedmont B0y Beaut camp at Lake Lanier a ear "C ryon, aa a memorial to the late Watt Shuford, whet for a number of years was the modnt spirit behind the work of the Boy Scouts of Amer tea and whd served a? the vice-president of the Piedmont Council in Catawba County. Raleigh. May 23.?Th? Supreme Court will hear arguments tomorrow on a auit brought by J. Paul Leonard of Statesvilte. secretary cf the State Fair Tax Commission, to test the con slltutlonallty of Notth Carolina's 3 1>er cent sales tax. The Fair Tax Association contends that the tax Is discriminatory because It Is not applied tct certain exempted commodities, ft. claims the tsx Is unconstitutional because the Legislature which enacted It had not reapportioned its membership on the basis of the 1930 census. The state collects between $lt,000.00b and $12,000,000 annually from the tax. Cheraw. S. C.. May 23.?Miss Sara jr Davis, fourteen year old Chesterfield _ ""girl, was drowned Saturday afterneon in a-lake near Sugar Loaf Mountain Park, 18 mllea from here, while attending a school picnic. Miss Davis and a girl friend remained at the lake while other mem bers of the picnic party hiked to the crest cf the nearby mountain. Miss Davis lost her balance while walking on a pier and fell into the water. Her .body wag not recovered for nearly two hours, Local Firemen Aid In Bessemer City Fire | Kings Mountain Firemen answer-1 ed an emergency call from Bessemer \ City Fire Department last night ahout 10:15 to aid In fighting a blare that bad completely engulfed a large warehouse which contained ap I proximately 3,000 bales of crtton waste. The building and contents were said to- be owned by the Ooldherg Interests. The new $7,000.00 pumper made the trip In quick order and immedlotcl' -rat Into action to keep the fire from spreading to adjoining dwelling*. Numbers of Kings Mountain citizens, when the flews spread that the fire was In Bessemer City, made the trip, to witness . tthe spectacular blue which was visible Tor miles. Laughing Arot With IRV] Where Their Paths By IRVH IT IS recorded that up in T>u'nth "* light a visiting pro*?.-'final, local entry was masheu ii?v. '4 ( nt&s3^~<21^ i i a c "How did I dor* aald ho to hi to, b tho aoeond round tho amat _. a-_ _ m " fo^ti mnm if am aueomroixr and him. tmaaorarDy. from fori "Ami oSi^UlT* ho faquir "Am jrauT?Til my yon am. m . Tho big stiff caat hart yon. Just m Ma tho hod aouadad for the mmahnmn IMW alimagf 4? K\:-TnJj3EH (ABMim M v a f Kings s ' "' ' | . V . . ational News 1 Brief Form ?National News? New York, May 23.?The Federal Government began presentation of evidence today against Martin T. Manton fc'riner senior member of the V. 8. Circuit Court ot Appeal* and the nation's tcuth-runk'ng Judge until he resigned under fire,, accused frit Mela, France. ,May 23.?Calvary Adjutant Georges JCnvitle of the .Wth Regiment of Dragons today waa found guilty of eapionage and aenten ced to twenty years Imprisonment. Washington, May 23.?Members re ported today that a Joint SenateHouse Committee has agreed on a ct'mpromise bill authorizing a $100. (H'0,000 purchase of atretegic war ma tciiala. Washington. May 33.?An author! tatlve report that President Roosevelt baa decided to let Cctogresg take the Initiative for any new Federal upending coincided today with an an eertlon by Senator Byrd. O.. Virginia. that additional . expenditures wchildi not promote recovery. Washington, May 2.1.?Officials of the Hnrmonle Cltfb In New Yorg City Joined Dies Committee , agents today in seeking^ a myatcricus ctub waiter who supposedly furnished tna terlal for antl-setnetic propaganda. Cleveland. May 23.?Republic Steel Corp., principal target of the Cctaxless of Industrial Organlzatiotas in Its 1937 strike against "Little Steel."' struck back today with a $7.600,00ay. Tuesday. May HO, 1939. at the Kings Mountain National Mill tury Park, near Vork. South Caroll pa. Thin Is th? first ceremony of, this type held on thr national military tark of frur thousand new. nnd l? 'a certain to hold a groat deal of InThe ceremeny will net under way tt 1:00 o'clock. P. M., and will last r bo tit one hour. Men of prominence a III speak wlile wreaths are betas laid on the monumenta which have heen erected to the memory of the Americans who fought and won the Rattle of Kings Mountain. October 7. 1780. It la expected American Logicn Porta will attend from many nearby owns In.the Carolina*, some with their dash Inn .Drum and Bugle Corpa In their brilliant un uniforms. T%e Kings Mountain National Military* Park was established by an Act of Congress In 1831. It Is one of the park unlta administered by the National Park 8err1ce. that branch of the Department of the Interior which administers all the ' national parks of the United States. Finals Beerin At Boiling Springs May 25th The scedtile of activities fcr the eleventh commencement season of Collins: Springs College have been announced by Mr. Hubert C. Dixon. I lean of the college. The first event of the commencement season will he a reclal at 8:00 o'clrck on Thursday night May 25. This will he followed at 4:30 on Friday afternoon. May 26. by the May Festival. On Saturday night. May 27, the annual Alumni Banquet will be held j with J. R. Cantrell. newly elected president cf the colege, as the prin cipal speaker. Oil Sunday; May 28. the annual missionary pennon will h delivered* by Rev.' W. A- Ayera ct Forest City. The baccalaureate ?eruion will be delivered on Tuesday night. May SO. by Dr. E. V. Hudson 1 Cratnerton. . I The Senior play. "The Charm ! School." will be given on Wednesday ' night, May 31. under the direction of Miss Ada Ham rick. Included la the j r est is John Hicks of Kittys Mountain. The college year . . * A AND iNVITKD TO PLAY AT QASTONIA COTTON PCrnVAL Oedrge Jenkins. Jr., general chairman of the Qaatonta commerce has announced that Kings Mountain prise-winning band baa been invited to play in the secdnd annual Cotton Festival to bo bold in Oastooia during tbe weak of Juno-It. Governor Clyde Hdsy will bo ths speaker at tbe coronation banquet of tbe King and Queen of tbo Cotton Festival. tain H HUR8DAY, MAY 25, 1939 1939 Grac Largest In Saturday Will Be Poppy Day .Saturday Mav 27th. will be Poppy 'ay {q K.hk- Mountain, according to j lr* Paul Muuney,. who Is chairman. I'he popp'ea which are mad* by tb* i red f(*r sale on ihe streets la the' .uniii :ss section. citizens are aaked o.observe the dav by wearing a memorial poppy in bonCr of those who tuve their lives In the World War, xi.d to contribute (or the welfare of the disabled veterans and dependent families of veterans. Kings Mountain has always contributed generously this cause ar 1 lira. Mauney hopes oven more ?an be raised this year. ' . ; Mad Dog On Ramnato (?0 A stray hound doit whirh was bought to have been , mad was kill?d by B W. Griffin Tuesday. The* dr? was foaming at the mouth.and -ad been all over Kings Mountain biting every dog It met. The heed of be dog has. been sent to Raleigh for Inspect let* by State Health authorities. but. a report had not been revived late Wednesday night according to Chief of Police Jimmy Burns. Members of the police department killed a total of 1* dogs Tuesday which had beep bitten bv the rabies Infested animal. More than 35 or 40 bogs wore known to hare been gttr.cked by the doe but owners of the does not killed hove them confined at their hemes and at veterinarians 'n nearby towns. Owners of dogs are vanned to keep their dogs confined and not allow them to roam th# s-reets. All dogs are required to be vaccinated yearly for rabies, and Chief ttiirnp asked -that all owners who b.nvewlfet already attended to this -natter to do so at once. RINGING CONVENTION AT OAK GROVE The regular singing convention will bo h'-ld Sunday, at Oak Grove according to an announcement from | ''harlle Spearman. Memor'al Day I ?wrvl< es will take place In the morn 1 'tic -*lrh a plrnic dinner being gerv. od at noon. The public is invited to it tend either cfae or both of the services. ' 1 " 1 K ' Will Rogers' Humorous Story ^ _ By WILL ROGERS 'j'HERE vh a Sootch author that oomt ovsr to America to leeture a oouole of years ago. Ho made a killing, telling American audiences how erode America still Is. When'he was fat New York, setting ready to go beck home with his dough, ha lost a nickel In Columbus Circle. When ho was handing the nickd to a taxi driver for atiy his hand trembled at the thought of what the taxi driver was about to say, and the nickel rolled away. The Scotchman and the taxi driver both hunted around for the c a long time. They couldn't fln jSfcjrrpMsrtts ^KlWitSa^ m^rl S&'SS^S i gfari,Yw sa ^ .... . v', -v,; \Y*'i v", * [erald luating Cls School H Merchants Vote Against Half Holiday The members of the King* Mouu; M-Tiltnnts Association In a meeting Motidav night a*.the OftY of (be merchant* cculd clone one lay. j?nd oiuer* could close another. ho It *a? decided not to close at all. According . to an announcement I'tom the Secretary's office the folio* ing opening and closing hour* for he different atcres will go into effect .Tune l*t. Merchants representing each line of business met la troupe during the meeting and decided on the hours which ace an follows: .Furniture Stores. during week cpeo 1:00 A. M..close 6:30 P. M, and Saturdu). o;>en 8:ted will be transferred to th< Marine Rarracks, Parris Island, 8 C?- for the usual training prepara tcry trt assignment to some ship r-t hpol or barracks for duty, Jean Ware Hostess At World's Fair 1 f Miss Jean Ware, daughter of Mi /und Mrs. M. A Ware has been s< f lected as one of the twelve hostesi es to greet the crowds at the Mat Faddon Building at the New Yof World's Fslr. Miss Wsre has pose for nCme of the leading painters an designers In New York, and this net selection Is a , distinct honor to yj ^ Rings Mountain lady. EXHIBIT AT WOMAN'S CLUB An Interesting exhibit of work t Adult Schools will be given at th Kings Mountain Woman's Club c next Wednesday afternoon from fot tc six o'clock Miss Clara Dale. Mrs. M. L. Hon er sad Mrs. * P. Oltos wftl be I chares. The public la tsrltsd to a tend and a special tori tattoo 1s tended V . . -. *' v ' *.: - v. ' - ' '. :'. .v.,. "-. . . ' . :-- .- ;" ' .; . ' ;r.V; 11 ??^ READ B *' HERAID .. .1; '>? /;.' Five CENTS PER COPY I t ' . "" * " LSS Is istory I Tilt* br^>*>(L * i ?tiim iaiu < !?*-- *? .h'hislorv of ttie Kings Miuitfain. Schocl will revive their diplomas next Tuesday e veiling in tile Ceutr.il | School uudtir riuin The 64 seniors cln??'d in their caps- and gowns will man. professor of Hible and I'hiloeo I |.h> at Davidson College will- be tho , | main speaker. Dr. Foreman gr-adua; red from 'Davidson College and slnco ' 1 1 that time received degrees from F'lnreton, Wavhlnetcn and I.ee, and Yale Universities. He la an outstanding scholar and public speaker ;:rd school officiate are very fortua ite in securing his service* for tho graduating address. The nest largest clsss In tho I Story of the gchrol was last year's . with 48 graduates. 'I he commencement services will lie held Sunday evening In tho School Auditorium with the sermon by Dr. Walton II. Greever, Secretary oi the United Lutheran Church, head ourrterg In New York City. Dr. C. -cever. before being called to ho i eccretary 01 tae iimieo uuineru I Church. served the Church as Piinr ! In hi* native state of Virginia and j tn South Carolina. 'He wa'a one of tin- leaders tn expansion of the Southern Lutheran Seminary at. Columbia and a member of the. faculty foe j a number of years. Dr Greever la | our of the outstanding leaders la ! Lutheroc Church. ' . Ue?. ri. W. Kox, pastor of Central | Methcdist Caurch, has been selectI ml as the main speaker lor the grad[.us-.ting exercises of the Grammar i School which will be held Monday evening at tbe Central School Audiccriuin. Superintendent It. N". Jta riies ex ! tends a ctrdHI invitation to the citlj /.cue of Kings Mountain to .be pres ,] 1*t for the thre? exercises which j nil' begin each evening at 8 o'clock. . Complete programs for the threw | inghts arc as follows: ' ' Comtuencement Sermon Sunday May 28. . Processional. ' >. Ihvocation r? Rev. L B. Hamm Hywm? ''Couif Thou Almighty | King." 'Scripture Rending ? Rev. \Y. M. ? | P.oyce. "Lift Up Your Heads" ? Hopkins i lit wiling ? 'Girls. Glee.Club. I Introduction of Speaker ? Rev. L. | It. Hainni. ..? Sermon?Or Walton H. Greever. "God's Treasures" ? Roys Gle?> Cub. Benediction ? Rev. W. M. Boyce. '' Recessional. Grammar School Graduating Excises Monday. May 29. Invocation ?"Rev. A. G. Sargeant. "America The Beautiful' ? Audience. Address ? Rev. E. W. For. Grammar Schcol Glee Club. Presentation of Certificates ? B. N Barnes Presentation of Medats ? C. Q. [ White. Benediction. Graduating Exercises Tuesday. ^ May 30th. Processional. "Ant *.-a" ? Audience, liitreduction of Speaker ? Rer. P. , 1"). Patrick. i Address ? Or. K. J. Foreman. "O lively Night" ? Girla Gic? > Club. i Presentation of Diplomas D. M. r Bridges. Presentation of Class Gift?Jonen - Fortune. . . t'' Presentation of Medals.? C. F. s Thomassou. . . * | Benedicticn I. K y UAT1I9 rKHTOH r (Opinion* Expressed In This Column > We Not Necessarily tho Viowa of 1 This Nowopopor.) s- U Senator recently shouted during k a (debate on the Senate floor; "It to d difference of opinion that makaa d worse racing." So It ia that a defforw Ance of opinion appears likely to y n.ake another kind of race In Washington before Congress finally goes home for a rest. The difference of opinion in this case will be over the subject of tan>f alion. In Congress the opinion W S e growing that taxes must be reduced ' ? if recovery is to be accomplished, ir lut In "downtown" Washington ? that Is, In the chambers of the Braha s- Trust and the thinker-uppers ? tho In cplnlon Is still steadfast that Amert lea can spend its way out of debt w\ and depression, with the taxpayer (Centra en Bdttorlal page) i 'in ?i in film >in'J i i m, i uri'i'nmifi