Extra Bread Eating h< To Consume Wheat ' i" U' New Yrk, May 22 ? (IPS).?U ev- l( ery person 111 the United States ate y( an extra alee of bread a day, ft would require the production of an additional 8.000.000 barrels of flour , 8l In this country every year, according j to Dr. James A. Ttfbbey, prominent | t.: I tr OY8ENTERY! Don't let it sap your energy! GET at KEGUIjAR With Ante-Fermen ? an u ... .. "id prescription used for minor atom- sj uch disorders for over fifty year*. p? It's Too H wmtmmm Tr V"ff *11 K son ally select your grocerl pnd stay home ahd let us c right to your kitchen tabh ?*AU/I?r UAMr A ?fA>? icout iv rn:j c jvu., BLALOCK < AND MAI Phone 58 mrnm?mmmmmmmTmammmmmmmmm?mmm?mm ' ' * > raB V - ' -V ^ 4 I ? m b I Xjl \ 1 iDH - * "vi # Ml / ^^^3 / J ' "- }.:^ . > > YOU'LL WANT TO REMEMBER! i ' Because their graduation p can never oe lanen again, yi very best possible. We arc ti fine portraits. HORDS Over Wester WAVES that are FLAl 4 B V, Every Nestle Wave is adap I! quirements, making it com] own appearance. For Appointment i Ruth's Beau I ;?t, ? ' ? * ... ' ' >. y - 1 with authority bar*. Ai the raault ot this Increase la n use oi ttie staff of life, the aposiiuate.y 28.ouo bakers of Ameru vsculo bake nearly two and a ilf bllliri more leaves of br-id n >ar, or an average addition to their ri ^iUiess < touted iter baker per . * *1 tt /I - !<>> r\r<\.)>lotit #>4* /atie uihaol J j, uiiu . lie (ii uuiciii vii vua " iica? uplus v. Mid be solved, be said. For the (frst time, in history, every ,gt it ton organization in America is vimt active support to a *reat cot m sales 'even ? National Cotton ; yj eek of ? More tlnn lOO.pOO retail stores m e scheduled to participate in Naonal Co:ton Week ? the biggest' !es t vetit- rhat-tvrran "tms 5vVf ??-"Y " rlenced. lot! |j= es, why not keep cool. m leliver your Groceries Hl i. Just call 58. We are I ' .) &l GROCERY l RKET We Deliver el" i>3 IHl B B\ ' "wil ' ?. ' ' V Or hotograph is one that ou'll want it to be the alented in turning out TUDIO * ? ? ? ? II \v< n Auto Store F \ ma r I J - * JjeiigMal lis 3UMMER II ;; teii i > fee ion dances, wedding fes J; tic week-end dances ?all niT*T - A- 1 * - mer ruw evems ? oe- ;; iar month! You'll enjoy :j| >re if you look the part j j ? ? oJL > t \ . IPPWWPWJI.lll.JLII., . I ! E KINGS MOUNTAIN HIRAU) Church News Presbyterian Church Hillt.'.. r'ntlVl l?:45 A. M. Sunday school, C. F. joinaK.xoii,- Suiit. i .v J A. M. Morning Worship. Sub 'i. f-'lying Kire." Ex 3:2. 6:45 P. M. Young Peoples meeting. M. Luicn Services at High :hool. i.u:?y: 7 I*. M. Boy Scouts Troop Mr. c'arl Davidscn, Scoutmaster; t. Harry Page and Mr. W . U Thout i.i, Aral. Scoutmasters. \Vedn? sday 7:45 P. M. Prayer meet g at Mnrgrace Community House. BOVCE MEMORIAL* CHURCH * W ' M Rorce Pa??or B:ble School at 10:04 o'clock. Morning Worship at 11:00. The istor will speak "of: "Abraham, the an Who Found What He Looked >r" p congregation uniting In the Coin pnceim-nt Service at the High hoH. V. P. C> U. meets at 7:00 o'clock. Mltl-Week Service Wednesday evr.t i .at 7:30. w ' j LTHEHAN CHURCH L Boyd Hantm. Paster Bible scbtol 10:00. L. Arnold Kts : , General Superintendent. 1 Services tor Whitsunday Morning "11:00. sermon: The New ' . I Evening 8:00, High School Com-; nceu.ein- in Central School Audi- J aim. . Hoy. Seouts, Troop 2, meet Monday tiling 7:00. . iMT LUKES:? liii Service 0:00 A. M. Uiiile .school lA:'00, James Lackey, periuteiident. I ENTRAL METHODIST J CHURCH Rev. E W Fox, Pastor k:45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler,perintendent. 11:00 Morning Worship and ser:u, "Recovery," by- the pastor. 8:00 The pastor and congregation' il worship at the High School ore the commencement sermon II be preached by Dr. Walton H. eever. First Baptist Church Angus G. Bargeani, Pastor Sunday morning worihip 11:00. Junior worohip 11:00. Sunday School 9:40. We will Join In the Baccalaureate rvice at the High School at 8:00 Jock. Teachers Meeting 7:45 o'clock bdnesday night. vnr i iv i w?i wnwn Rev. C. C. Parker. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:36 p. m. cb Sunda . 'ark-Grace M. E. Church i C. P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Spworth League 6:30 P.. M. evening Worship 7:80 P. M Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M acedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastot iunday School 9:45 a- v. 1. T. U. 5:46 p.'m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m 10 p. to. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7 PM. irm Questions 2.?Does the feeding of a moist sh aid in egg production? K.?There is little to be gained by ding moist mash contlnuofculy* ough the year, hut it has ato tm tant place In feeding laying bena ring the summer months. It will mutate production In laying hena ta June until October by increas: the consumption of animal pro* n and prodnctng an appetising eft on the birds when eg gproducn Is subnormal. The best time to d the mash Is about two o'clock h day. Three pounds of the regulaying mash moistened with hot ter or milk for each 100 birds 1 given excellent results. r TAKES ALL THREE* 'o do a First Class Shoe tepair Job. It takes food materials, lodern machinery. and xperienced craftsmen. We have aH three and ur work is guaranteed. POSTER'S SHOE SERVICE Phone 154 / ?r: .. > . j THURSDAY, MAY 26, 183? >n Tin oiitrict Court Of The Unite* | State? Fc* The Western Oiatriat of i North Carol ma In Bankruptcy- No. 12M X In The Matter of tOBERT A. HOOIN, (Shelby, N. C.) Bankrupt. Notice of Meeting For Examination of Bankrupt, Time For Filing Objeotiona, and Hearing on Oiacharge Ill Alii. I KKUinntS A.NLJ UTHBR 5 .'AJIT1KS IN INTEREST: V'V a 'd etch of von ore horebv J| u lifted that a hearing will be beld v ! ? fore the tindefslgned Referee or !! Special Master, at 200 Law Building, jj 'harlotte. N. C.. on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June .?? 12: '0 o'clock; * j s? i.? at which time and place all " creditors and other parties in Inter- \ cet or any other party may appear J1 ind examine the anid br ikrupt, and Special Master, at 200 Law Building . Charlotte. N, (*.. on Tuesday, the * -0th day of June. 1039,. at 11:00 .?Mo?k A M. at which time and P lace the application of the said.hank j rupt for hiH discharge any .objections 11 > I 41 K:fl Kjl - -* ,w "** VA Sm how much more G m0n*^ with SELE AIRCOND jvx tht Ins&JmH-? \x ir." ???'y wcthh he gesf and ah D. F. Hord I ' ' * T "> " Buy It For L 9 i Mens' 'Rivercool' Suits .-AN j N _ ? . ( * MADE OF SPUN RAYON ^ if ( As advertised in "Esquire." Dressy and Cool, $15.00 value. ' - $10.50 I I T? W* \ ' " My^s' Dept. Store V-, < ? Your Friendly Merchant MENU TIP \ cjTNJ LICffMMD /. V ? ?uew* v y i;iVE THEM?? <;OLIiEN (ilJERNSEY MILK With Evprv Mpal ' - ------- ??- ? i Your children need all the energy and vitality they can get ? and they get plenty from wholer some Golden Guernsey Milk! This fine product simply abounds in healthful qualities. It's tested for purity, too! Make it habitual to have a good big pitcher of Golden Guernsey milk on the table at every meal! Margrace Dairy Phone 18 ' Kings Mountain, N. C. Rr Hk1 Mr H:' K f rauty and a Bargain T Rofrigorcrtor you ^=r=^ :Vf SH Hwn ovor boforo CTT I I IB ??h m?'<" * "** B *!*."? ' "' I ,ur. storoo*- mmn . So?^-low*><0r0fl<' J hH J H lit better refrigerator " ? I luc-ribboo refrigerator ' temperature end rullest, io?M flavor, preire you tbe moet prmcti- ? lowcoit. Both your food J-B?it"# "built for keepeT ^"^^^SSSsg I FWttP Co. SB Hlj'o :Pt '. J ? JjiAt'V, - - I. 'r'i11 ^ ^ W'ili'Ai'ii^i^iiiii a b w;nM??ri 'i ifftfrfdii - uW^Ji*HMli8iilii^W I n rt- li ii It ? "'i' ialifcUdlil aUli' >