fm READ THE mtr HERALD "i - VOL. 25 NO. 27 - Cl ft k 1 *1 ocaie Ana n Condensed Ii ?State New?? Concord, June 13.?Willie Sanders or Cabarrus County died last ulgbt at a Real hospital as a result of Injuries received in an automobile acct dent Saturday night on highway No. ir.1. Cabarrus officers are today investigating the accident in which a man named Vandenhurg is said to have been Involved. Union, 8. C., June IS.?Five store buildings and a dwelling were destroyed and a sixth business building badly damaged by fire In Monarch Mill village here early this morning. The loss was estlmsted to be between $30,000 and 125.000. Durham. June IS.?The asnual con ventlon of the North Carolina Fire Chiefs Association was held here to" day. The one-day meeting was a forerunner to a Southeastern sectional meeting of the International Fire Chiefs Association here tomorrow ' and Wednesday. Greessboro, June 13.?L. S. Mchnl?r addrpanod a mPPtlnr of early arrivals. ' Raleigh. June 18.?The State Motor Vehicle Bureau announced today that a truck reciprocity agreement with Tennessee had been canceled. R. R. McLaughlin bureau director eatd that Tennessee's limit on wetght and sires of trucks virtually prevented North Carolina trucks from entering that State. Rldgeland, 8- C.. June 13.?Ira King. Rldgeland high school athlete who broke his neck at the State high school track meet In Columbia two montika ago. died yesterday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. King. In Broxton, Ga. Raleigh. June 13.?A franchise wss iKOied yesterday to the Edenton Mackey's Perry Bus Co. to operate busses between the Virginia line and Edenton., over Route 32. J^aughing Arci With IPS'] Not FcrcrettUi o ?: IRVW TJJTP-RE are two good Hc'.e1 ; ems. A Northern man v/?k stopping the help naturally was colored. O came Ifocldng at hia ddSr. nfflmni?nrs,? "Who is ttT" ha asked, attttaj "Hit*h me, boss," came the so "Who's wr "One of do boll-boys." "What do yea wsj>t at this tin "Got a telogiam for you, boos "Ob, that's K. Won, it's not whoa I cob ap ia the morata*. la "There was a paaeo. Than, la a tip. the da iky spokes: "T cant?bit's oil a plate!" Aad bets Is the newer one: 4 A freshly hired boll-bop was what pcetaatMas hotel, wkbUlaa 1 I'StHP1"""... ; A... - . . . ' --.-V'-- " lings ' K ational News 1 Brief Form ?National New?? Pittsburgh, June 13.?A slim, brown haired 1st v? '.to ?Mid Ita gave tiiinHt'lf up bcjcaUHv li<- waulI one who lias'ever cad s>mptonis or who have iived in :ii a home with a tuberculosis patient are a'-ked to be present for conultatlcn. The clinic is absolutely free. >y pn.ini I'liwit'.t 1 and Jeenette MsSwaln, all graduates Irene Roberts of Beth-Ware. isissm ' - ? ?* " ." ' ' 1 < itain ? THURSDAY. JUNE 15. 1939 | Lions Club L; Night This I King Mtn. Co-opera i wig / wtza ? 4. - - - - - ' tviui rntiHlij ta.uiiiuh / 1'iograin ( Mayor J |; Thoinassuii has writI I n Mayor lliiu K. iXugias of Chari -' Uf that Kings Mouutain is liuppy | . o io-op. au- witli hi* Friendly Car- ( I oiina* Pi grain. Tbia letter will bo luuio broadcast arom Charlotte Sunday night 7:?0 P. M. Itcth Gov. Clyde H. Hoey and Oov 15. It. May baud has issued proclamaiituis in ibis connection, and at the Invitation of' Mayor Douglas. Mayor Ihcntasron issued the following proc i; uiatlon: PROCLAMATION WH1CRKA8. from our earliest days the Carolina* have acknowledged and recognised the constant need of hospitality and a spirit of friendliness and nelghborllness In the upbuilding of greater cities and greater States and for the development of rur people In the dally pursuit of life, liberty and happiness; and Whereas, a more abundant lite tor our people, is dependent leas upon the material things than upon the .pplicatiou of the Golden Rule; a rededication of ourselves to mutual k'.ndness and cooperation; love ot' tur felltw-mau; a _welccining hau-u to the stranger in our midst and the earnest search for true friendliness one to another, is my sincere desire .. iL. ^1_ ?L? ft- ?11? ? ?. iui mi- peupu; ui iuc vaiuiiuao. NOW. THEREFORE., I. J. B. Thomusscn. Major 01 Kings ,Mountain, do proclaim the week of June 13th to 25th. 193d, as The Friendly Week in The Friendly Carollnae, and I request the citizens of Kings Moun lain to be guided by the motto: "Be j more friendly to >our neighbors and I more neighborly to your friends." WITNESS my hand and seal of Kings Mountain, this the 12th day of June, 1939. J. B. Thomasson, Mayor. IVAH/ jkHOT BY BAN01T8 Asheville, June 13.?Sheriff's officers searched this vicinity today for >. u iueu wuc Clay W. Loudon 23. and his assistant, Lee Hill, saiu sho, .neiii iu au attempted holdup. Hill said he had gone across the iKguway at Louuon's store near Candler and ?as closing me Ware1 house when a masked man pointed a gun at him and forced hint back across the read. Hill said as he enteted the store he saw another mask ed man in the back with Loudon. Hill told officers he threw a bunch of keys at the man who was near r.iin and the man shot hitn while the other man shot London. London and Hill were brought to .iu Asheville hospital. London was shot through the chest and a bullet itit Hill's hip bone. PEDDLER FINED *50.00. / T. E. Herns bouse to bouse candy salesman of Ch&rlott was tried and found guilty of violating tbe peddler law. He was found guilty' in Record* or": Court here Wednesday afternoon and sentenced to two months suspended upon the payment of a .no of *50.00 and cost. Mr. Herns was planning on taking an appeal to higher court. - > .J < ' t I Will Rogers' Humorous Story ! I i t?y WILL ROGERS TTHE opening night of a new play is probably a lot of fun for everybody except the producer himself. Before the show Is over he tai>. , oughta lhrn about aeveai 11 tm Juat from worryia' If It's goona be a SUCCESS* Hut rmlifi mo of a theatrical manager who was producing a play, and on opoaing might a Tory long wait ooctinod aftor tha aoeond act. Tho orch antra leapt trying to brldga : ducer waa alttiag down In froat, right In tho middle and ooold not got oot wtthontMag aottood. All at cnee a lend aawfagr waa hoard at ho haek ihko atage. A frfond <4 tho nanagor Uaaod otot and aiBM .. UaahmhniMnhftLr v .*" * V'* lerald adies ?. i evening The newly elected officers o! the oti?! * ', !) will be installed this veiling at the Re vend annual Ladle* nik iii by 1 *t?t rii-t IvOlis tl viiiidJ r II. Caiike <>f Sli' lli* # Ch'irlff* k. .'.l'miinshoii will present the LlCna tt/.ensb |i ( up tomo-U public spirit .1 cltisen of Kings Mountain -for the i at yen". MM '.'"V I Ik W vrrr pTeslde during the banquet it which the wives. sweethearts .and inv'ted guests will be honored (leonte Mauney will introduce the guests, and C. D. lllanton will present the favors. I-Yllewing the bmqimt in the Woman's Club Putldtiig. a dance will take place with music by Lewis Cathey and his orchestra. For those who do not dance games will be | ph.yed. The dance Is In honcr of the winner of the Citizenship Cup. Lions Sponsor W ' a as lionkey Baseball iDonkejr nasehr.U. one of the funierl games ever conceived. Is coming to Kings Mountain on Tuesday night June 27. . The game is being'put on for tne benefit of the local Lie its Club to help with their work for the blind and buy glasses for needy children, and the game will be played under I lights." -In selecting the players for the unite the committee in charge will ; use great care tT pick men who ' know "Donkey Psychology." Let the Herald know some men j >cu would like to see play?big men j like Tom Pulton, and little men like 1 Haywood' Lynch. We will give full i'ne up for both sides in tile next. :ssue cf lite Herald. Watch for it. The Rar-X-Rauch team of Mountain Donkeys have been trained to piny, in their respective positions and the spectators are guaranteed the laugh of their lives In watching ;he players try to score. The game la scheduled for 8 p. m. sharp and will he plaved on the High School baseball field. If you want the laugh of your life come and bring the family. Admlss on charge for adults will be 25c r.t.d for children under twelve 15c, NEW JEWELRY STORE OPENS Ccudry and Tate, Jewelers, is the name of the new firm which is now open for business in the Tom Fulton l.uilding on the corner of Cherokee and Mountain streets. Messrs C. O. Tate and L.. C. Condry, proprietors of the business are both experienced jewelers with years cf training in their profession. Mr. Condry has I made his home in Kings Mountain for the past five years, and Mr. Tate is a native of Forest City and has lived here for the past five months. Ilie new firm "will feature fatclt repairing. Messrs Condry and Tate extend a cordial invitation to everyone to visit their place of business where they will always be welcome. Attend Tri-State Conference Several cars full of young people from Royce Memorial Church have made the tr'o to Due West, this week tc attend the Tri-State Y. P. C. U. Conference in session at Erskine College. The three states included In the Conference are North and South | t'iirolinn and Georgia, and the meeti ing is held at Erskine as a part of the Centennial Celebration program ef the co liege. Miss Elisabeth Ware, president of the Ncrth Farollnn Fnnfprpneo Mnr riott and Menzell Phlfer, Garrison Goforfh, all of Kings Mountain, and Hazel McCoy of Charlotte, are among those attending. MEN'S CLUB MEET8 THI8 EVENING AT PISGAtl The first out-door Men's Club supper of the season will be held this evening at Pisgah A. R. P. Church In Gaston County boginnisg at 7:00 o'clock The ladles of t he church hove been busy for several days mak Ing arrangemesta for thh supper and a "feast tit for kings" is contemplated by club members. Wives and sweethearts of Club members will be invited guests. SMALL FIRE LAST SATURDAY Firemen were edited last Saturday afternoon 5:30 to the waste house of the Mar grace Mill where slight damage was done to the contents of out upon arrival of the firemen, anasi... P !,.,,,,.'. I ,, ,, JMipgWip.i l II 11.11 BUY AT ,4 HOME FIVE CENTS PER COPY ' 1 ? ? r Lets Have A . Clean Town Says Mayor .1 V. I in.tiiadv 11 v. iiu ha* i.i yilkt, u ii-i.c iumif U1.1I1 x ' iijm li lia^ M ;ii' il t'-ni av ail tn has / f.l .Ilia lb I'llil UlOl lln O |!lie toe t.i'.vpa} era the hlial n't jji.a I mill O' IllYi have a rlK'" to expect. One of ia* main ihluji* he liut* stalled iu i m aln.i1 ltine he has been Mayor, i that King* Mouiitain is to bo a g^ iil /in'miMi"'l ?i-.-.,i.,ii.'il?*>ijili Hi )Vi.ii?1i nin 1. 1 > 'I hoiiiHSBOU a?Ks the eoaiperallou of ' t citizens iu this coitnectlon. Ha li'iit mnuf nf iha ?i>uuts and invited them . to assist h.m iu keeping the back lots cleaner and more sanitary- Ho has instruct I the driver of the garbage truck to be more careful in the collection, and also make his collection regularly. ' Mayor Thomasson saia, "We hare rot completely worked out our syst :n of keeping Kings Mountain ( - aa. but with the co-operation of tiration branch of govrnmsnt, sad (Cont'd on Bdltoiial page), < \-2