MAO TH? H1RALO i^V A M|| tdL' TO **^ "SSeaee to ladnfel. don't * - *? Kings lational News a n w* n Brief Form j ?National Newa? ij Washington,, June 27.?A Krpubli| con Oemaud t:r a liiOO.OOO.OOt) tu ' In Federal expenses was received In . Congress today while Admiuisiratici t .lettdcisr were irjluft to rush throng1* i new relief and ffirtu fuue'd tn-foretlnfiscal year ends Friday night. * V Atlantic Clt> N J.. June 27.?Mem were resolved today to fight against legislation which does or would proh'Mt in varying degrees, the right of married women to hold Jobs. New York. June 27.--h.p ?>atloned after July 1 at Peitalabo, Ncrth-China resort where many Ainertcan wotiven_,snme Back To Us I S. COBB ry may recall that soma months ago little aneeriot* at the young lady at US awaniag after string the beauties tiK^vtegfc ""* s"...' *:.i" vr ;?-' f.. '... -?.. J. I Mow KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. I TILL DEBT 1 I . MIK^. ? ? 2J Grover Plai Celebration Cotton Blossoms Coming In Hugh Falls, son of Mr and Mi Price Falls of the Patterson Oro< community gets the honor cf brin ing the first cotton bloom of the at sen to The Herald Office. Mr. Falls says he planted the c< ien on April 20tb which allows on 6) days from the time of the plat r.g until the blocniing stage. "V ftund lots of the blooms Tuesdi n.orning, and several of the stall bail two blooms each," said M Falls. aSince the above was written P. J nernooo cat tea manor uynca ana 1 formed him that be found oottc blooms In Ms patch in Nebo sectlo Mtnday morning. And a Mr. Wgly left a bloom at the home of M Lynch which was found In hts fiel i ttcsuay. Four blooms were turned in to tt Herald Wednesday; the ttrst can from Richard Owens' patch net the city lake. The bloom was plcke Tuesday afternoon and the cottc was planted April 17th. The next bloom was presented t Holland Dixon, which was found t the tenant on the Neisler Archda Farm Tuesday mornring. Another bloom was brought In I Alex MoClaln, colored, who has patch near Lawe Mootonia. M Clatn said his cotton was planted tl last o? April. A bloom was sent In by Mr. C. j Gates who has s field near the Sad Mill. Financial Institutions JJay Dividends ^ Stockholders In the three f inane I Institutions Of Klnea Mountain w fce able to really enjoy the Fourth i July ae they have been mailed dh (lend checks totaling about $8.15 T his represents the semi annual d | vidend payment. ^ Jhe officerts of the three instit ins, B. 8. Nelll of the First N tlonal Bank, A. H. Patterson,, of tl Home Building and Loan, and J. 1 Lackey of the Kings Mountain Bull ing and Loan, were very proud < tho earnings for the CI net half ( | 1989, and are looking forward t a prosperous year when the boo I are closed for the entire 12 month OOQ8 MUST BC CONFINED A mad dog has been loose net Kings Mountain recently and a owners or dotgi are warned to kee their d|?ga confined. Several do* were known to bare been bitten b the mad dog, and a oow belonging t 8. 8. Weir was attacked and bttte Monday morning. The oowr will bar to be killed. JDepoty Sheriff Charlie Sbeppar aake that dog owners cooperate c legal notion will have to be taken t protect the dtlsens. ICS CRIAM SOWWER There win he aa lee cream enppe on the Old Mm lawn Satarday nlgt aponeoted by the filesdalil p Chrt The public la Invited. itain H : y-'iVV ; Ml THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1M9 i rr nilP LLC DA D T I I cc - -*jm S L ' v\ # n#. ^ ining Big For July 4th I " .- ' ,- , Ti The Mpii's Bible Classes of the vv Baptist and Presbyterian Churches T of Orover are planning a big all 'l 'lay celebration for the Fottrth of I1"' July according to an announcement ' Wednesday. Preparations are being | made to take care of the overflowing j '' ve crowd which is expected to be be-iV? g. tween 600 and 700. The popular, j 'h ,a prlxe winning Kings Mountain School Band will parade and play P )t. for a concert scheduled for 11 A. M. ^ jy Director Paul Hendricks and his mult. slclans will be given dinner by the Grovef churches. 160 pounds of bar- . ^ iy becue and SO gallons of Brunswick >t tg slew has been purchased for the oc- rr IT. ?M,on- 1 tttisena frcm Kings Mountain and -1 smroundlng territory sre cordially d0. I fnvlfpH ff\ PAmo onl Krlnw wall "lltwl , ? n- bankets for the picnic "Vflnner which in r r. Kincs Mountain present. Id The program for the celebration -i as planned follow*: M 10:00 A. M. Horse 8hoe Tourna- ni ie tnent, for men over 40 years old. w ie 10:00 A. M. Marble footing con- t), ir test for boys under 10 yeans old. >d 11:00 A. M. Drill and Concert by in Kings Mountain School Band. al 12:00 M. Picnic Dinner. ,n iy 1:30 P. M. Sack Race for toys un- fr iy der -16 years. Wl le 2:00 P. M. Potato Race for girls unnder 16 years. ha iy 2:80 P. M. Cllmbln? of greasy or a pole contest. th c. 3:00 P. M. Oressy Pig Race. 1 ? te 3:30 P. M. Rolling pin contest for married women only. 4:00 P. M. Soft Ball target for p l? girls. 4:00 P. M. Soft Ball game between the two 8unday School Classes. 5:00 P. M. Double Header Soft p{l Call Game, first game Blacksburg ^ Vs. Union. S. them now. The partv ? ?1 JL if miccass if George blows in with his head in a sling and says R ?- fee has Just had a light with the bt police and the marine corps. Or a is wreck often helps a lot. "We wfirm I ? 4 Just poking along at fifty," the hero can explain, "ana we happened into t a tree or something. Want to ?f1 com# bade and help me get Mar- ei Jorjr dawn eata the treet" bo 5 fL.^ Nh i?c : I 1 i^gigS?jSSV M, - w- ?; * -NutWa' krong with me,", he '* ? ta^S?4i?;iS! v? Yep. tired ^ i v r *--.w x - - ? ' - r l l [er aid " ? . 11 _ " " L 7"." ? Effort Being 1 Collect Back T : : T USINESi.ES TO BE CLOSED "i ULY 4TH Mo -? ?" . i In keeping with the custom ?ia foe, previous' years all the stores . ii, and business houses will be clos- pan ed all day July 4th. The Post ' |M. Office, Bank, Building and Loans atui Freight Depot .and stores, will .. observe the natiohal holiday by 'I closing ?and allowing the clerks day of ratt, rruck Turns )ver ?, ???WIIHI mi i 111 .mm Sal Charles HsmrkJt. of Forest Citr. n0< , . ? tnm .racuitmsiy escapcu wiui tils lite sterday afiemoon about G utf P. M hen the dump truck ho wak driving unpletelv overturned on tre lawn ''' ' C. Q. Rhyno at the Corner of . r mntain and Tracy streets. Ham- . k did not get a scratch and hie tick after h?lng turned back up *'[ as able ?o leave by its own powei . *1 he trnok was loaded wilh crushed p.?r >ck and cement which was scat- coll red on the Rbyne yard. Hainriek thins the onlv persen In the truck. v'li Hainrlck was hi "ded we-as on Vk-P ountalu street when hl? brakes ^ lied and he tried to turn Into racy street to avert a collision I 1th another tyuok ahead c.f him i ' B he truck could not complete "the in and turned completely ovet 7>uuagan of Kins street. Tht R ir In some manner got caught a Pal >ut 20 feet In the pipe and conk ?t torn arcund to Ret out and he ?'r mid not go-on -through because the pr was closed at the other end p' s r. Welch dug a hole beyond the | r" ee where the dog was lodged, and !th the add of eower line backed t0 e dog out to safety. ? . ? full The dog had. been In the pipe foi ach x>ut two days and was so weak at he was uuable to bark, but aftbeing fed he was not any the t? urse for the experience. Mr. Dunagan remarked that heJw id been offeredi 17.00 for the Gag, id after be receives the bill from 1" e plumber he . will wish tha/ tat ',('r id sold. [ at I \ and lissionary To Speak At\ J}"M resbyterian Church I win V the Rev. Harper Brady of Koctai, J*h ston. u, will speak at the Presbyterian grlh urcta Sunday night at 8:00 o'clock, r. Brady is a native of our State ^ graduate of Davldsln College, , and r Union Treologlcal Seminary of cbmond. Va. He has been In ' Ja- " T in for about 20 years as a mlsmary of the Southern Presbyter!- fi'c church. 7rA. < Japan Is so much !n the limelight gvai aay that we rejoice to have this fted missionary bring us a mesgt direct from the Sunrise King- d im. The public is most cordially in U "a . ted. i ervices Are Held For * ings Mountain Man I Funeral services for Katchford *?p snry Payne. 52, native of Kings nuntaln, were In Charlotte-1 uesday ternoon at 2:30 at tho Crouch Funat home and after the service the ar dy was taken to Kings Mounta'n * r burial. Mr. Payne, a Standard ^ e and Fuel company salesman, ma fcd suddenly Sunday night at his *on< me. 422 North College street. For :m me months Mr. Payne had been, in ' cllnlng health. Iy*' a r Mr. Payne was a son of Mr. and the pi. T. D. Payne of King* Mountain, tree irtvivore include two daughter*, oun 0 brothers and four sisters. gvill , ?, i. N 3TOR BURNS AT title IIPPIN ORUO Of i Jud| Firemen were called Sunday morn In < 1 at 1:20 to Orifffn Drug Co, bat tare 8 mull electric motor was already la 1 t upon arrival, the motor began tlvti oklsg, but no aotoal dm started. uv AT HOME ' 1 FIVE CENTS PER COPY Made To own Taxes .ia\ ( ilii'i;in>n o'tfee foi I\.y^3 untaiu has beiu extremely busy tile p?ut Severn I day s p--'*parin)f tetnents for those who have not il 'heir taxes for either of the t three years. Several batches of bills have already bt?ii mailed I seme haVc come in an made pay lit. 'he Men's ?hib at their- last meet " : approved and endorsed the move nt of Mayor J. B. Thbmnsaon and Town Council* to collect the taxdue Iccordlng to figures compiled by ivn Officials it ia revealed that persons did not pay their taxes the year li?36 which amounts to rfaWniii >| haft sin. Ij.iti Ijneiei. > n paid- their 1S37 taxes which aitnts to -4.540 and for the year h about 1.200 taxpayers at ill owe und $16,000. The total tax uncoiled and still due the Town of ics Mountain amounts to about 000 which will x? a Ion* way told the operation of the Town for ther year. 'own Officials emphasized the instance of having these back taxes cited, as if more . people pay ir taxes the burden on all citizen* 1 be lightened. "The town nowj* money and is entitled to it, so , are going to collect'. We hopu so who owe will co-operate by inc if not wo will have to tak-? il steps to collect the money that , itfnllv belongs to the town." said official. rus Falls Passes lother Milestone In S. Attendance 'cms Pulls, -member of Pentrat ihodist Sunday School, who roved a letter of eongratulationx n Governor Hcev last year after article appeared In the Kings iniain Herald about his 25 years perfect Sunday School attendance, passed another milestone. He i presented a 25 year medal last r and next Sunday he will be en a bar which represents ano? r year of regular attendance. ? presentation will be .made by S Peeler. Superintendent cf Cen1 Methodist Sunday School. tr. Falls' record no wstinds at 2 consecutive Sundays wl.hout a s. This recrrd Is one fo* both Falls and tbe Sunday School be justly proud, and it Is thought >e a world's record, be Gastonta Gazette carried a column article on Mr. Falls* ievement. In Its Tuesday's issue. ind Stand To Be ttftated July Fourth re Kings Mountain Recreation I# onJ -UUU 4- I-.? *-* n MlMi IMIIIUIIIA TTIIIVJII 19 the corner of Cleveland Avenue Kin* Street will be dedicated In rial exercises July 4th at 6:30 P, The Kings Mountain School band christen the band etand and public Is cordially Invited to the d concert and dedication pron. ? 1 ho grounds have been beautified the building erected through the peratlon of the National Youth linlstratlon, o Mr. Aubrey Maunev gees the lit for the park and handstand. Maundy has worked with N. Y. ifficiais in seeing that the' pron was started and completed. l5)ri\h ^snapshots y James Prestow^ inioni Expressed In Thla Column re Not Necaaaarlly the Vlevwa'of Thla Newspaper.) ?lHnvestigatk>n la growing In pop 1ty around Washington Irst to try it, of course, was the A. When serious charges were le against the relief spending a:y several months ago, the WPA lOfllntalw aai an * * a. Iniraailneia vumvui/ *vw wv iv 111?roi ifsaiq If, The remit (If you haven't ally anticipated the answer), wai efutatton of the charges. Said WPA: These charges are not i. We have carefully laves''rated wives and our verdict ta not tf." Ow the AAA, the plow-under prae ?er, baa set out to play the rote defendant, defender, prosecutor, ie and Jury all at the same time, ether worn. It la another ' selfwtlgattoa. The charges here, as WPA, center about political soty by. government. agents , sad (Cont'd oa Mttorlal pars)