null,. . . jmr~ ~rr-Tip|TninriT~Tl^^^ TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN LICENSE SCHEDULE The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Kings Mountain in session June 19,1939, adopted the following license schedule for the year July 1, 1939, to June 30, 1940: Traveling Theatrical Companies, per day $25.00 Moving Picture Show * $30.00 'Circuses, Menageries, Wild West, Dog or Pony Showes Traveling on railroad cars: Not more than two cars $15.00 tm. a # .i nree 10 nve cars $22.50 Six to ten cars ' : $45.00 1 Eleven to twenty cars * ' $62.50 Twenty one to thirty cars 87.50 Thirty one to fifty cars $125.00 Over fifty cars $150.00 Traveling by motor vehicle; Not over two glides $3.75 Three to five vehicles $5.00 . Six to ten vehicles $7.50 ' Eleven to twenty vehicles $12.50 Twenty one to thirty vehicles $22.50 Thirty one to fifty vehicles $30.00 Fifty ewe to seventy five vehicles $37.50 Seventy six to one hqndrwi vehicles "$5tfJflU T Over one hundred vehicles, per vehicle $250 Photographer, per year $1050 Photographer, per day $250 Cdal and Coke Dealers $25.00 Phrenologist $10050 Peddlers: On foot $10.00. With horse $15.00 With motor Chicle $25.00 Itinerant-- ",$100.00 Fortune telling, 'palmistry, clairvoyances $100.00 . Hotel $10.00 Tourist Homes and?or Tourist Camps $5.00 Restaurant or Cafe. $10.00 Hot Dogs aitd?or Hamburger Stand $5.00 Prepared Sandwiches ...s....... $2.50 Billiard Table and-or Pool Table $25.00 Bowling Alley $12.50 Merchandise or Vending Machines: Requiring a deposit of less than 5 cents $5.00 Requiring a deposit of 5 cents and no*, more than 9 cents $10.00 Requiring a deposit of not less than ' 10 cents and not more than 25 cents $25.00 Requiring a deposit of not less than 25 cents and not more than 49c cents $50.00 Requiring a deposit of not less than 50 cents and not more than 99 cents $125.00 Requiring a deposit of not less than $1.00 . $250.00 Music Box or Machine $5.00 Weighing Machine $2.50 na.i. i.. j .1? * * rv uwicsaie aeaier in motor oils $25.00 Pressing Club, Dry Cleaners, Hot Blockers: Where not more than three persons are empViycd $12.50 Where more than 3 persons are employed $25.00 Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor, for t each chair or operator $2.50 Bolt Drinks or bottled carbonated drinks .. $2.50 Fireworks $200.00 Cigarettes, Cigars, or any ; other tobacco nroducts : $5.00 Outdoor Advertising, sign and poster boards .02 cents per sq. foot Gasoline Service Station - $5.00 Dealers in Mo*or Vehicles $20.00 Plumbers. Heating and Electrical Contractors $10.00 Retail Dealers in ic* cream $2.50 Retail dealers in ice cream from motor vehicle $50.00 Distributing circulars, per day $2.00 Distributing circulars, per year ? $10.00 Medicine show,, per day $5.00 Automobile license plate ' ' $1.00 Express Companies $20.00 Telegranh Companies. $15.00 Meat Markets, dealers in fre?h meats $10.00 Itinerant dealers in flags, canes, whips, etc., per Hay $2.00 Peanut or popcorn machine $5.00 Bhoe Repair Shop $5.00 Ice Dealers $10.00 TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN, * PICTURE^ COLORED FREE I' I T With each purchase of three pictures (5x7 inches I or 8x10 inches) we will oil color one FREE. cSm^FREE ptctaire8 beautifully oil I I ilitee 8x10 Inch pictures $5.50. One beautifully flu I oU colored FREE. 1" Tliis offer good until July 15, 1039. -I # ! r v" j\ " .. ,' " . ' .. _ ' , it r . . - tm unm MocwmH rauip r Cknrch Mews Pmhyteriia Church itMw. tr U. PairUx. Pa sun 9:46 A. M. Sunday School, Mr. C. r. Thomas son, Sopt. 11:00 A M. Morulas Worsrtp. Communion Meditation ??* Celebra ucn of the Lord's Supper. 7:16 P. M. Young People's service 8:00 P. M. Evening Service. ' Rev. Harper Brady, missionary to Japan, will spealu Monday 7:80 P. M. Boy Scout, Ttocp One, Mr. Carl Davidson, Scout master; Messrs Harry Pajtj? una Pill Thomson. Asst. Scoutmasters. Friday 4:00 P. M. Annual Sunday School picnic at Old Furnace near Long Creek churcr. Boyce Memorial Church YV. M. Boyce, Pasint Bible Scbcol at 10:00 o'clock. . -- Morning Worship at 11:00, The Lord's Supper will be observed, The pr.stor *111 lead In a Communion Meditation. Sabbath la Auxiliary pay. AU orgunlsttooa of the church will meet at 4:30 for their monthly meeting. ' ?. Ivatfesran Chwdi^"? L. Boyd Hamm. Pastor Bible School 10:00, 1,. Arnold Kts er. General Superintendent. Services for the. 4th Sunday after Trinity. j Morning 11:00. sermon by Dr. B C. Cooper. Mffi ?Hi ? - - M ? ? i iicru win or no bitcoiub ovttiw. I/Uther Leagues meet Sunday afternoon 8:30. Boy Seoul?, Troop 2. Monday Krenlng. Regtst ration Day for Vacation Bible School. SATURDAY. JULY hth, 8:30 A. M. SAINT LUKES: ? Sunday school 10:00. James Lackey. Superintendent. * . ~ Wesleyan Methodist Church A, F. Connor. Pastor Sunday ' School and General Assembly 9:41-11:30. Daily Vacation Bible School Conv mencement Sunday 7:46. Teachers rud groups as follows: Beginner Group. Misses Vera Sar scant and Martha McClatn. Primary Group. Misses Sarah Mae Kalis and B. T. Wright. Junior Groups. Mrs. Ray Klrby, Miss Maud Williams. A. G. 8argeant A Special Offering will be taken f. this hour. Second Baptist Church Rot. C. C. Psrker. Paster * I Sunday School 4:41 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m and 7: in p. m, sch Sunda . Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. 8eW, Paator Sunday School ?:46 A. M. Morning Worship 11: AO A M. Bp worth League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick Paatoi Sunday School 0:*R a a B. T. U. i:45 p. in. Evening Worship 7 no p m 7:OA o Ml Preaching 11:00 A M and 7PM Soybeans Suitable As Feed For Lambs . a a. Although soybeans will produce "3ofi pork" If fed to fattening hogs, they are a desirable feed for lainbe ind will not affect the quality of the carcass, reports Dr. John E. Foster, associate professor of the State College Animal Husbandry Department. 'In fact." he said, 'twe have found n our experimental work on the 'tate College farm that ewes and ambs gain faster on soybean pae lire than on any other kino. With soybean production up near y 10 times what It was 10 year* igo. both farmers and scientist* are ocUing for new and profitable usee 'or this soil-Improving crop. We have fed up to three-fourths f a pound of soybeans per day to beep with good ro- ii*s." Dr. Poster ::ated Sovhenn nc i| l? mi excelent protein supplement for sheep, at tie. and even swine. It Is the vhole beans fed to hogs after they each 75 to 100 pounds In weight hat produces soft and oily pork vhlch Is undesirable. Dr. Poster cited results of expend* aents conducted by the U. & Detainment of Agriculture at the AgrV ultural Research Center. RettsriUe, 14.. to support the investigations off hi State College Experiment Stolen Three lota of lambs were fed at lettnvtlle. One gronp reoetved the P?al ration of cracked corn, cotton-II tad meal, end alfalfa bar. The seend )ot reoetred only cracked way eena and alfalfa hay. The third lot enetrod a ration of equal parte of racked aoybeaas end cracked core, t 1th alfalfa hay. 1,1 1 Benjamin Franklin was tke drat tree* to u*e a lightning rod. He . astaUed one on Ma honae la 1711. ' 4 */. [ " '.J L.vr ''V? . v jV. < ? THUMPU.T. ilWI ?. tm. Un CmUm h Ontingv And YmemtSmm RAUHOH. June ST.?Or. Cart . Reynddo. State Health OUnt tot North Carol In*, baa linit th? Col. lowing to which ho hai requested that wide publicity to gV. ven: "In vlwvr of the extended bnalneai ond official holiday leave wUch this, year will to observed In connection w th the Ftourth of July, and be I cause of hundreds of Inquiries 1 have received from North Carolina end throughout the country. 1 fee i it my official duty at this time tc. crge our pedpld '| refrifyn from plat ninp themselves to go or to carif their children liVto sections -where there Is an unueual incidence of tn fanttle paralysis. "The purpose of this appeal 'is no to, ask the people to shun any onr section In preference to another, bu' tc avoid unnecessary exposure b> .not going Into a section where then u a known pros alfjlw of Infantile e? re lysis. "I am mire that upon caraful re ill clloii anyone will reel is* tha are many reaorta free fro? suspicion of Infantile paraKsls ?iw hat auch resorts will he selected la l-ieference to thnao that may b* awrtroMg iwr ner fir?wjfrMP <f presence of this disease. "In other words, why aell your t.hthrlght for a mens of pottage? At he same time. I am convinced that those who live in areas whare tha incidence of Infantile paralysis le above normal are doing uninfected ccttlons an Injustice to go Into than! end It Is hoped that, during this sea??n. persons from auch areas will r.o' in Crder to shun danger at h ine. com- to North Carolina rtfsorts. Let it be remembered also that there ate acme who, although hey do not develop Infantile paralysis In Its active stage*. serve as car* Hers?as in the case of typhoid fever and dlptherta ? and that these may communicate the disease In its virulent form to ethers; to those perhaps, who may become'-Incapacitated for life, as the result." "This Is an appeal for the selfpreservation of our people who are" urged to stop, look and listen I" Farm Questions Q-?How can I keep cream from spoiling between Rhinmpnt#? A.?Itmmediatejy after separating, place the can containing the cream in cold water so that the cream Is below the surface of the water. The cream should be stirred occasionally to hasten cooling. Keep the container In cold water and in a Vmr .age place free from dust sndodors lentil ready tor market. Do not add warm cream to the cream that has been cooled as bacterial acticn of the cold cream wilt be stimulated and the quality of all the cream eadangered. During the summer months the separator should be adjusted to deliver U to 40 percent cream p* high test cream keeps In gcod condition longer than that with a [-low test . ii 'a ' V : I \ mm" UPSBT STOMACH Try the eld faithful remedy. For over fifty years used tor relief of minor stomach disorders. S ARRIVED ? .Al WiU ( BEGINNl 'Iii: 150 G Mod . * * '* 1-2 These rugs have come from Ind oue India dyee. "Water and eun tlon you'll be Interested to aee. . .... i- 1 1 ijuc iu six weens delay l quick clearance. There it Summer's use ? or it wi these prices. 3' x 6' Regular Price $2J*8 6',9 x 3'9" Regular Price $.98 T x 4' Regular Price $5.95 THESE For Parch?, Sun MWlj Mm trio wS Pl?al Pattern* In i CoioHwgc. Cam*, Crte# Ynr BELK1 V'\\; - ?r:-.; > /.[' '': A.'-'/\" &2si . AUTOMMIU IHIN ON I tMUlO COAL- NOW BR r U* < ChloMpo. lit.. June N.?(IPS).? , An automobile wu opmted on "II- , quid coal" here recently. poiottos i to ? possible new Industry In th? t pear future and the existence . of uew fuel hitherto untapped. , "We have about a year's research to do before 'liquid coal' will be ready for the market,'l (Dr. Francis W. Godwin, the Inventor, declared, rrtie proluct la expected to oom pars roughly In price and porforn.-' audce with fuels now on the market according to tta sponsors. ' MICKEY AND HIS I [ hkve t *NV 1 or cow for' thai . ,. ' . . * I I HAVK P*ms IN % | us*o -no i a4v musclvt AND SUMBR tmi 'AIMS ?N /AY MCADH SAMC WAY C (NSTCAO or our H TIL, I ?>ONc shoppino- t jiquick rclii l^tHOULP 6A INjfcg IN AN ANTI/?S Did you ever take a (/ J ache and hare the hea< ^ ach ache start? Well wager you dk PIIL Anti-Pain Pills c _ ach. They take effect _ ^V\ teste like winterareen VJ' You can't do good ^ a food time whan jrOa O sssffi >> Whr don't you try tl? (N \ relief? We believe you u \\J rwulU. Thousand* of ol It will not coat much, one cent each. Ota in one pill usually relieve* CM A ad-rain MOa I gefulae pkf. 9 fee Sf. I | . _ * ; FTER TRAVELING 12^00 1 jo On ! NG TODAY ? DOORS OP1 ENUINE, IMPORTED HA* irzouk R AT 5 to 1-2 Ol REGULAR PRICE o-ur : a, maoe under water by hand an " aistant, besides washable. Tasted fo n arriving we have made this ) still time for you to choose U pay you to buy them now 1*1 AO 7'4" x 9'6" R f 1.TO Price $7.95 *0 QQ y * y Regul Price $816 *o OC * re* *Oe7D Price $11M RUGS WILL LAST 40 TO 60 > Livrina llaenw, li?iisi and Meurt I Wide Variety ?d Osiers and Camp laal frnanda. Yew May Nat Have This Op } DEPT. S 1w Hom ti Better Vaiaes b * . x t ! ' . * '' m\ . . ' . / v * ^ ; ** J ' V*V . ? i ?.-#?* / I .. MOTOHMM OOfTT CUT The oU Waetrr. !?? *?? I1S.000. AH) aaraty * mnr*. Ui nMosd tb?i price of gaeollat (rap u ar- _ j. trace of SO cent* a caltoa without ax, to 1920. to approximately 14 1-Sc odar WIN YOUTRACEH . Bf By Advertising AA Morr.nvcKt^JI 8SJC*uw OURUSVMM ivwr idea xotnri wns taouT i Hens fr ^EOPte ??r iHgtu. r-. ,, V CHIUCftSN'S <" ? that IfMim are over and Mm to. *** , Mar an extra ^Mrt af SUNRIII IMV MILK awry day. Cold mNK i |Mlato oleaelng thlrat axawaMar the children and it'e aa good Mr *- ANTI-JHIN PILLS I BEYOND QUESTION. "" relieve - but ixh don't cause ^ indigestion ntdidiM to ?top haadiache stop and stooa- I In't take an Anti-Pain H lo not upset the atom- B quickly too?and they wafers. work?you can't base H are suffering from " Headache 'H. r Periodic oaitu Anti-Pain Pin way to H HQ ba dalightad with the haro aro. Anti -ftktn JPm^^wn far ei?' *? hmr pk^2SfaTh.?A MILES AND I SALE EN 8:30 A. M. ID MADE I ugs PF I id colored the world famr color fastnea*. It'a a colleo i drastic Reduction for your Patterns for this for next Summer af ^....$4.95 ,w $5.95 ^*$8.95up iYEARS In Hmm*. A Ch*lc? mf Oww t a,| a|, f' * /UdMfXMftiuA pftwnlty Aflw Ffcr Yi?ft STORE i 1 ?

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