HfcRALD PUBLISHING HOUSE. Maywodd K. Lynch t - Edltor-Manajjer | atered as second clans matter i I the Postofflce at Klncs Mountain M. C* under tra Act of March S. UTS. ' J . SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Oaa Yaar |1.6?i I In Monthc i 7? . A weekly newspaper devoted to [ the aromotion of lhe w?i i Dm and published tor the fenlight* sat. entertainment end benefit ol the citizens of K'ngs Mountain and tts vicinity. FRICNDLY SORT OF WAY If you should know ot a spirit low, il Of a heart that achee today. Try warming it Just a little bit, II la a friendly sot* of way. ..A To see the bright of-a slowing Ught Tou have fanned within the eyes Of someone down with a worry . frown, y i ^ la Is royal sight to prl*e. To know the gloom of their dreary YeK_fcdve change# to rainbow hue, pwrw VK arf"' frit * friend so good and true. tl) watch the read for n heavy load Os aa aching heart today: Try warming It Just a little bit ?a friendly sort of way. ? Onrdon. f * TMI LITTLE TRAIL &; ' ~ TO BEING FRIENDS tie trail to being friends that never, never ends. you may travel fur -e the nicest places ere. for yon great vistas fair, >.'lt fields and fragrant air. AiH beuer views around the bends; The Httle trail to being friends. J \ . ' . THE HUMAN TOUCH YouH fhid It pays big dividends To apeak a word of cheer; !( malUpHee your list of friends And brings good fortune near. |t always is well worth the while ^^^^ Jpfcad-dPests not very Wpo not forget that tender smile, The hearty, human touch. ?'Texas Training School News. I TRUE RICHES Too are richer today than, you ?.%*re yesterday If you have laughed Often, given something, forglvenrt ev \?a now, made a ner^JMend. or made on Very well." Tho, (tor , gosh sakes, not for too long at a ' time. i And while we're on the subject, , that guy Stowe is getting db be quite ; a maestro. He certainly proved hisI ability to quip with the best of them Monday evening. II was duolargeiy . tq his wlttlaism, and very mulh to hie music that the very informal af fair was one of the most delightful affairs of the season. As Carl Finger put It. "That was tre event of the . ycat." Everyone was running around tiejesg and In shirt sleeves. And the '1 fnmmes wwre; dressed Jnst as comfortable as they could be. The jitterbugs had their night to l.owl. and put on quite a show fo.) those who haven't yet learned ihe manly art? Or Is it an art? It sniuld be. especially If everyone did It like Wleowv Parton. HarbJiT1 Hit rRer' v ho hnnB on to him nnf on a rpal show, and t^ie voting cmtple from Ocrtonia wasn't baad at all. Moloney. the radio man at Went ern Auto, finally rnnvinocd. m# that Tues day would be a grand day for fisrlngj fn wo wont out t?j the Cltv I^ake and sank our hooka In. Wo aat out there fr r six hour*.' and wore Justly rewarded with two or three five-Inch-j long brint. and several little cnos. -?_ The hand, as usual, made a big lilt flip, the (Jrover people Tuesday. Mr*, ('ha* Kveroij.e of that town cn|l^ hi and sa^d that-she wanted lis toj ev press 'the appreciation of the whole town for their pontine down to holti them with their ceiebratfhti Mrs Kverette said" that the band hist "won the hearts" of the Grover 'elks. Which Just goes to prove out contention that its the best band In he si ate. We wool 1 n't have missed It" for anything if we had know It wan no 'n't? tdl happen. We mean, of course 'fr .l^ihnnv McGill playlne tennis. Vctt. he went down to the court the other nitrht. and he maintains that 'he ontv trouble he ha,d was keeping up w'/b the ball, so he must he pret ty good. Tro rumor came floating into the office from somewhere thnt there had been a fieht o\er on the 'allroad Mte other nicht. and as we have to rathev the news this week, the edl 1 'o? helnc 'n hed sick, we decided tc j num ?p Cbler Burns to verlfv It. to wi> wont up t/> tils office and' arkI -d him about It. But It gpfmed that j ifr. Bonis hadn't heard anything and 1 d'dn't have annbodv tp jail on such a ch'arce. so we decided to stick to 1 n.nff that's done In broad open dayMailt, or that someone knows sometatne about, such as the fellow who l-rrke In Tl. O Staraea 'rouse the 1 o'ber nlcht and ate uo hl-s three ' ?viind "nork roast and1 drank his quart ?> milk And then, because Mr. mames got curious and wanted to " fitch h'm. haneed Mr. Stamen on ho brad and left his sroes for consolation. * 6K ' KrITICAL M oments 3 AND ' Howlarious Scoops ? (By The Tattlers) i i i?? Starting out with a bang, >ve hope wo don't end up with the gong. Flash: A certain child who likes tj spc her name In the papers is *> nits to get over the shock of losing a hov with brown curls and got little Charles A. Ooforth on the re . i.?crtnd, Oddly enough (or is It, for hit?) she likes being a "cradle roh her." ?0. savs Margaret Ware, that's why Charles A. hangs around the r show so much? Maude. Bdsrar. Peggy and Clara r are all at School In Ashevllle. Wt 1 wonder how things are going? 1 At the dance the other night the 5 J'tier bugs took the cake. With hop f skipping and Jumping going on all ) ever the ptnce, everybody had a 9 whooping big time, t Skimp Stowe was probably the Mggcst cause for the big time. With Mm furnishing both the music and 'he humor. Why shouldn't it be fun? ' Hardd Barber and the gal he had were plentv good. 80 were the cou' pie from Oaeton, as were Charles ! k has become a nightmare. Will w# i lose our library? Must we. as Char 1 feotte, give up that for which fe work fcso hard and waited so long* aBfrw^ wc charge each member a ! yearly^a or try to raise the money ' otherwlee^Uugt what can we do? j It's a ti^My queatlon, and on* which we MM better consider serf1 ously witihy the next fear weeks. 1 I -J ^ - 1 . " ' J, .. * burglars while the famili ; way to avoid this calamity ; perfect safety ? is to rei ; Hie cost is very reasonab ; vacation more when you 1 ; safe. i > I First Nati :: 1 Member Federal Deposf 4 > *. Deposits Insure* ? . (IB KINGS MOUNTAIN HIltAU> TH1 TIiuhmhmi and fete ski i Pelieve K or dont, Bo took a no t'on not to 4m?, ao Bob took Gocle, 1 una didn't teem to regret it bit. | Bill Wilson ae?nts to bo the latest I . uv?5 for the females. Bill ia quite a ' ' atwl ffMtM w: ??V V , nuu ?I VIII luc luiufis wv nt'Mi and heard since, seems to be alright otherwise. Facing Bud Huffman: If you're .11 in town, why don't you let yo?A self be seen once in a while? Why does a certain girl (one wh< is out of town at present) like blacY hair and blue eyes so much? That IDWill iNAii AOOLPHE MENJOU I ,i" . ' - ? * ' .'** * WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE: Among the hungry-on at the Buiatoga racing meeting ie a disreputable drunk whom oldtimers knout as Jim Maeon, one a a fabulously successful stf f fortes won Mm the title, "King of the Turf." Now he ie down and out, hut stUI privately cherishes his SeHe/ in the principle* of square dealing for which he teas respected while in hie prime. Mason, having spent his last dollar on drink, hope a freight train at night in a rfriciito downpour and finds himself in a Horse freight ear presided over by fifteen-year-old QoMit Smith, a jockey out of a fob " because he refused to "throve" a rdcc. TV/ie?i CoMie finds out uho his truest is he is overn red. and they become fait t friends. ' Chapter Two "Mr. Mason, this is Mr. Tay loi The horse train hod pulled Into the siding -.lico, and Tayloi;. a "hord-bitten trainer with a facia1, expression hot unlike that of a "1 wouldn't take a million rodent with dyspepsia, hod boarded the car. while he scared unpleasantly, Mason, swaying from his early morning libation, drew himself up with unsteady affability. "How do you do?" "Why, you little tramp," Taylor growled at Goldle. "Wbai do you mean, riding a bum like that with my horses?*' "He ain't no bum. Mr Tuvlnr He's Jim Mason. He's a right ?uy.M "Oh, he's a right gay, is he?" The trainer struck out viciously with his crop, hitting Goldie across the side of the face. Mason at once lunged Into the fray, to be knocked clear through the open door of the car with a blow to the jaw and another one under the eye. Meanwhile Goldie came charging In, his fists flailing. Taylor caught him neatly In the eye with his' fiat, and Goldie followed his friend through the car door, falling in a heap In the straw outside. e e It took more than a week In the city hospital to bring Jim Mason around to some semblance of physicsd condition. But Goldie came every day to visit his hero. At last the boy came jubilantly bringing the news that his friend would be discharged on the morrow. But Mason's joy was dampened by the realization that he lackey money to pay his bill. Thoughtfully he reacned under his pil!"*" and took out a gold watcfi. much do you think this is W?v ** . looked at ft. It was a b? > -*"thing; but its intrinsic I GO AWAY WITHOUT A t RENT A SAFE DEPOSI' + Do not leave valuables lyi I ttlKsn doll leave on vnnr T* / VM BVWT v via J WUI | trip. Too many homes ha Click ?iMd at Artwrflli. Doc Campbell Is mightily Interest e*j In s gal from Oaatoola whom bt met at Montreal. I>add Hamrtck ha* more fun being followed around by a gang pf kids than anyone we know. Pete Suber had a date with thi ADVANCE! NOTICE: The long (almost hopelessly) awaited Professor Paul E. Hendrlcka-Helen Croalouc nuptla's will be announced sometime thla month. The wedding, according to a ' 'confirmed report will be aoinetime In August. r.er>y - ex*LH?L U ?A A A ?>i gi iiri iiJ,J q y-y BBWaB^M^pllaiSaaaei^^mSaaSO^SaSW^na beauty moved blm scarcely at ail in comparison to tlie thrill he fell on reading the inscription on the case: TO THE BOSS, FROM JOHNNY". "I wouldn't take a million doljari^ for ^that ^wat ch/j^ muUercd .. .But now ? well, maybe Johni/y Downs would understand. After ali It's a hospital." "You couldn't do that, Mr. Mason. Not Johnny's watch." He ftrhed Into his pants pocket. "Look at thle." "Why, this Is a receipt ? the hospital bill?" "Sure.'I forgot to tell you ? I got a Job. Tico jobs." "You mean ? you used money you earned ? for me?" "Well,", almrst defensively, "I had to fret you out o f hock, didn't I?" < ? "Twenty-seven fifty I've got; 1 twenty-seven fiflv I've got," chan*.- ? ' oti tlie auctioneer. "Twcnty-iiovtni i 'iff*/ for a T'.lark Tonv colt out n# Midnight.. .r>o. I hear three tnotsawt? Who'll give three thou- 1 sand?" I Mason and Goldie, with two do!- , lars between them, had home out to the racehorse auction to kill an 1 afternoon, '/i'hey listened to Use. : i i i dollar* for that Watch." auctioneer for a f jw mn.utes. then < sauntered over to the V. Volet. r.. ar the paddock, where anc'her horse . ' was being made ready to be 1 ut I up. The groom, ; p atently afiaid , of the animal, hai died him t ingerly while muttering soothing 1 words. "That's the one 1 was telling you about, Goldie," ob: ei ved Mason, watching casually. 1 "He looks sound. Good chest, good legs, good looki'.jf. But he# kind of on fire, ain't lie?" "A good race horse can't be too 1 lively. And ho ought to be. His name Is Red Gold ? he's the son of White Gold out Of White Queen. That colt has one of the best blood lines In the world." Meanwhile the horse kept pawing stamping and rearing wildly-, making his groom more and more littery. The auctioneer's voice be van again In the paddock nearby. "Now, ladles and gentleman, I cail your attention to the last and most Important offering of the day. A maiden three-year-old eon of White Gold out of White Queen. Bring that horse In, boy!" The two friends followed as the groom led the horse, still pa v. ing and fidgeting, over to the auctioneer's stand. As he came to a stop, Red Gold put his ears back, snorted, and pawed the air with his front legs. The spectators grinned knowingly at one another. "A thousand dollars, gentlemen." cried the auctioneer, for what may be another Zev, Morlch, Cavalcade ? or I might even aay Man O' W- r." The horse reared again, and the erowd laughed boisterously. (To he continued.1 JMY WORRIES :: r BOX! ing around the house vacation or week-end ve been ransacked by es are away. The best r ? and make sure of f nt a safe deposit box. le and you'll enjoy your enow your valuables are ' ' ' M |[ onal Bank i 4 t Insurance Corporation 'J I | up to $5,000j00 Jil ** JUST HUMANS "Aw, Y'likc AM the Jam (Cont'd from front pace) . I <1 A .U- * - urn 111 ini ui iuii wi up. .me ruie UJHJL ?m abide by no rules oiber than heii own, and figuratively tbuinb their noses at the courts and Const! intional law. Hero is the baVb in the committee's report: "....the prime consideration ana emphasis has been on strengthening the powers of the Federal Government .so as to regulate and control ihe governed with practically no con sMeiiUicn being" given to providing Means and methods whereby the governors could be governed and the regulators could be regulated. The iute has ccnte when some oT these regulators consider themselves at'-ove the statutes and when they show contemptuous disregard fo\. both the Congress and the courts. L'nless this country Is to become first a parliamentary and- then a totalitarian government, with the 3tates reduced to mere police provides and -with both the legislative ;nd Judicial branches of our Govern tnent dominated by the administrative agencies of Government these administrative agencies must be rejuired to both observe the terms of Jtatutes and to exercises good . faith In their administration of sucb stat ites." Best indication to date that Congress really wants to adjourn by July IS is the recent mood exhibit ?d hy the House. That chamber has suddenly begun meeting at 11 A. M every week day, which is an houi ?arller than usual. Also, several. of Its sessions have lasted past the din r.ee hour as compared with the usual "about five o'clock' recess. More Saturdav sessions also are In pros l>ect. which Is a definite home atretch hint. There is more significance than lias been printed behind the announcement of the OTO that It will begin b major unionization drive In the altcraft and shipbuilding Industries ?oon It is these industries that will carry the heaviest load In the National defense program. And here Is the background for the announced riO drive: Se.veral weeks ago the CIO almost succeeded In sHppnng a J OK EH gg|p I Dr. Mile (Liquid or Effe Soothes irritated ner , sleep, helps you to "j w.EARLY everyone is n I IN worries, street and h work and exciting recreati ous system that brings on f - I ache, Nervous Indigestion, An attack of nerves m quarrel with your husban to your children. DR. MILES NERVINE hi of the nation for nearly <0 get a bottle or package at yo your money if you are not < fit | t A m JjS* V V ? ?? *? ^ ^ I 4lN?. <&* , I cs, It's Gimme, Gimme I' lapshots?????fhiough Congress which would hav* given labor agitator* (or even foreign spies) enough power virtually to shut down the nation's defense Industries. The JOKER was in the form of an amendment to the Nato the Natonal Defens Bill. It would have voided any government difenw contract if the firm holding ; the contrnct was engaged in any laj her d'spute. And a labor dispute cafi InVatt n dispute between an employ* j < r and a single employee. The i amendment was tossed out of the do ! f'-nse bill when, at almost the last tilt tite. the joker was discovered Tims, many at the Capitol interpret the CIO membership drive in the defense industries as a show of ''^-termination to gain control of these vital units of industry ? with or without! legislative "cooperation." Many at the Capitol, too, -are a b't worried over the prospect, fot they remembeh?all too well ?some rf the violence and long shut-downs 'hat have accompanied othtr CIO t'rivts. PERPETUAL, MOTION DEPARTMENT:. The Home Owners' Loan Corporation, seeking to mollify some rf its distressed borrowers who are in danger of losing their homes tot the tax collector, hss hit upon a hew lending scheme. The HOLC has announced it will now lend money tot delinquent taxpayers to help them avoid foreclosure?. The loans. ? of course, will be made only to homeowners already Indebted to the" HOIXh Thus the government will take money out of one pocket, give It to , the taxpayer, and then take It back and put It In the other pocket. All he taxpayer gets out of It Is a bigear debt to the HOLC?and he still he* to nav other taxes to support the HOLC. ? . . I I - l I f , l IS T'sed many years for the relief of upset stomach, excess acidity, indigestion. dysentery, colitis, and rela! ted stomach disorders. Sena rate prescription adults and children. ! THE OLD RELIABLE ? .?? ?s Nervine I rveacent Tablets) ves, permits refreshing get hold of yourself." ervous these days. Financial ome noises, late hours, hard I Ion put a strain on the nerv- H Sleeplessness, Nervous Head- I Restlessness, Irritability. ay make you lose friends, I d or wife, appear tyrant is been soothing the nerves I years. If yos are nervous, ur druggist He will refund H mtlrely satisfied. nil I. '? . ' ' ? . . ?: .y . r 1 r -' " ' * . > '. I ,-^.^ <1_ ... v. ... .*