RIAO TM? l- HERALD VOL. 25 NO. 31 State And N Condensed Ii est. ?19WIC Aiew?? Oreeuville. S- C\, July 11.?Corouer George W. McCoy auid today* that tUe death Sunday of Francis Aubrey McGee, HI, was suicide. McCoy 8U id McGee hanged himBelt in the oity Jail a few hours after he had been booked on a charge of refusing to pay luxJ fare. The officer said no iiuioest was planned. Oastonla. July 11.?The case of R. K Seutelle, 63. attorney and Cortucr legislator from Southpcrt who was arrested for drunken dft\fng here one week When called in City Police Court, aud aet to come up uext Monday, July 17. Morgauton, July 11?Twelve persons were aericuitly hurt by itytng timber aud glass when s dynamite ex plosion shattered the livestock barn of the North Carolina School for the Deaf after it caught fire from an undetermined source today. Many others among the hugs crowd of spectators attracted by the fire, suffered lesser injuries. They were given first air treatment in doc tors' offices and at their homes. The fire was discovered and the Morganton Fire Department called about S o'clock, shortly after the 7 horses and mules .stabled therein had been taken to the field fcr work. Charleston, S. C.. July 11?The fut-eral of Mr. andMrs. Frank W. Cooper, who drowned yesterday at Folly '-Beach, was planned tcday. Cooper, a real- estate broker and insurance agent, succumbed as he * attempted to rescue his wife, who had ventured beyond her depth in the surf., York, IS. C., July 11.?Policeman Jim Miller said lodiay a man who gave his name is Albert McDanlel 24. of Uastoula. N. C., was suffering from gunshot wounds in the York }" County Jail following g robbery at^ tempt last night at a drug atore in Sharon. Miller said he shot McDanlel when he surprised burglars in the store. MoDaniel. he aadd, appeared to be' on lookout while the others were Ins.de the store. All escaped at the time bat McDanlel was captured early today, htae said. Chapel Hill, July 11?The third annual North Carolina Bankers' Con terence opeped here pt >t: 40 o'lcock this : morning -with bankera from all over the state In attendance. The conference will last through Friday. Blowing Rock, July 11.?Blowing Rock's beauty festival, 18-14 Is expected to draw girls from all over the state to oompete for "Miss North Carolina," and a trip to Virginia Beach, Va., Aug. 21-25. to compete for the title of "Miss United 8tates" The closing registration will total nearly 100 beauties. Mt. Airy. July 11.?Roads. were Washed out and crops were damagea by torrential rains which fell here over the week-end. Officials of the waterworks plant estimated four and a half inches of rain fell Saturday night In a ninetyminute period and two Incites In a 30 minute period yesterday afternoon. - . a . Laughing Arou With IRVB One of Those Hi .By 1RV1N A ITER Julia Ward How* died, a ** la a dtp on Um Pacific Coast. troop attaodad ia a body to Hf a P?*Tto eommttta* to chart* ?f to to prasida. Now, 4h* ytaa ehoseo t fid paHttciaa aad ha ka*w about bod I At toa mar htm, h? adraaoad to tl which waa lam, ha tewad tow aad I "Taar bate' bat* today, ladias ihowi th* ippriclatlf tor mtt dti int is a aiagjaHWaat taaHmaatal t< c?mfli?Y aaaaa la a baoaaSald won lmmortt author of -Uaeto Tom* v w ^ Kings r Kt ational News i Brief Form i ?National Ncwr-tWasbiugtou, July II.?Secteary Hull was reported by welt-uilvisul ocuatora today to believe that iliacl'.tlnuauce of the, Treasury's foreign silver puicliases might hamper Mexieuu-Ainerieun oil uegotlaiIons. ' " i Portsmouth. N. 11. July 11- A sur ' of air bubbles breaKing the surface of the Atlantic has been set as | a signal of success this week by a weary crew of navy then 15 files ( oP this port ? a signal that the' tmuken submarine Squalis finally has' . * ' i New York July 11.?Without know j lag If. Thomas Wolfe wrote hit own . epitaph. The North Carolina novelist who j ix-ureo out nianj- worai in nis 31 years Is buried In Asheville, N. C. After carefully searching bis novels, , hie faflly han chosen this line for ] the- atone whlc marks his (crave: ( "T>eat bent to touch his chosen son with mercy, love and pity, and he ( put the seal of honor on him when | he died." It Is from his posthumously puh lished "The Web and the Rock." New York, July 11.?Mrs. Lillian Schrein, convicted of forgery anu j gruud larceny on wmplaint of Mar | tiu Heck, , theatrical producer and [ her former employer, vt as sentenced today.to serve from two to four years in the women's prison at Auburn, N. Y. Mrs. Schrein, who is 38 and the fetter of two children, was accused cf stealing $60,000 from the aged pro dv.cer. .. Carnesvllle. Ga.-. July 11.?One Ne gro was dead, and 50 were In jail here today as the result of what Sheriff T. W. Andrews said waa a p tched battle between metnbehs of mm m iM m m m i nd the World / N S. COBB - / ,v I i V ousehold Words s. COBB ? * memorial service was held for her f The members of the local literary < tribute to America's moat brilliant : n affair asked a municipal official T or thia honor was a highly snocess c [-makers hot set moeh abort hooks. b M front of the platform to fasaagur- . toeen eulogist. Before the audience, K epeke aa follows: . and gsnts, in sack lam a ambers " has for good readla'. TVs gather> the memory of a person whose ^ I In every heme. I refer to the d I Osbfa"?the lata Julius Ward T ibstema. H* 1 " v (CI If Moui v -w:- _ NGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. T MEN'S CLUB TO MEET AT 3ROVER TONIGHT This evening at 7 -o'clock th< Men's Club and invited guest* Mill jo to Grover for their second outing >f the season, it was announced yes urday. This is the first time that thi men have gene to Grover on theit outings. It is hoped that there wi| be a better atteandance at this out ng than the first of the season. The outing will be helu at the Gro ver Presbyterian Church with ' -th< '7r?*n c? that ct-urch in charge o1 serving the men; Series Of Ban 1 Concerts Start Friday??: Tl e Klims Mouuta-ln school banf bi gins -a series of concerts Frldaj evening which. It 1* hoped, will cm llnilsi ihrntlfrhoiil thn .nminor I\l * " ?""" I ? M 111 UIIIIV I . I' iector Paul E. Hendricks Rays tl?a' concert* will continue as long as th? people of Kings Mcuntaiu will romt cut to hear them. The' concerts will be presented gratis. at the band stand near th* ball park, at the corner of Cleve land Avenue and King street. The band stand was dedicatee Tuesday. July 4th. One of the larg est crowds ever to attend a concert In Kings Mountain was present, with several hundred autos parked oi 'lie hill In front of stand. Mr. C. F. Thomasso'ii told the as sontbled crcwd then that the bant yould give converts as lcng as tht people wanted them. Th's rerriarV was greeted with a deafening ova Hon of nutc horns and vell'ng sr t large crowd Is expected for the Fri day concert. The time for the con cert Is set at 6: SO P. M. Tennis Tournament Postponed The annual mld-sumrrter tennli tumament, which was supposed t have begun this week haa beqn post prr.ed for a couple of weeks be muse of rain, lack of practice 01 i lie part of contestants, and a short age of entrants. Buddy Huffman, Jones Fortune tint Skimp Stowe still are holdlni open books, and those who wish t< enter are asked to see one of the* three and pay the fifty cents en t'ance feeAccording to 8klmp Stowe, pla; should begin In about two weeki \\ inners in thiB tourney will be a ivarded prises. Lions See Films Of Cptten Festival Representatives of Oastonla Junloi Chamber of Commerce brought mo Lon pictures taken during their an nua) Cotton Festival to Kings Moun a in and showed them as part of th< rtiguLar-UougClub program tor Julj li^y'fhe pictures " tteie SnsHlBt in contained some good shots of oui < tal band. After the showing of the films Mr dosll Whitener made an Interesting ulk on the work of tre Junior Cham h.t of Commerce,, both In this state ind in the nation as a whole. The members of the Ldona Club ippresclate tTe courtesy shown by his organization In our sister cou iy and welcome their visit to our :ty at any time. Hera'd To Feature Homes >f Kings Mountain e Herald begins o unique new ature in the next edition which vill run for approximately fifteen veeka. It will feature the beautiful icmes of Kings Mountain, with a licture of a home ruunlng In each flition until the. fifteen attractive ir>mes have been shown. "mtTTimothy Hnrd. local photoirapher, will have charge of photo;raphtng the homes. He and Editor iaywood E. Lynch will be busy for he next few days, deciding which icmes wty he photographed and eking the picture*. i Heps.ierifl W L Blackburn, war killed Instantly Sunday 1110m Iny ab lit _ :.t.nl n'\i>o w I.- wiiti Blackburn were talc-' m Vti to Tf"'*?^ell>y "Tfiospltal 'for rt real? rpent. Tommy Harry. 17. one of the ( wounded. was driving the car. \V. I* Blackburn, father of the - ''ml youth v.as foijnely a policeman here. He has been a deputy sheriff t at Grover for the past several years. ? f'lvde had returned to Orover In s April after serving more than two .irs In thi> U. S. Artny In Panama. I I He had Leen working /-it Hi? foth-*'- I ? ?>-tr npr?r r.rover elnce that time. Coroner Ro?eoe Lutg said that no charges had been brought against I my of the vcuth. However, an in veetlgat'on will be held. L Funeral services were held Mopi day afternoon at 2:30 at the Betidei hem BTptift church, near here. Rev \V. A. Hoffman had charge of tffe services 1 Surviving Blackburn are thtee bro>! there: r.roer. of Kit' Bragg, aul c .1. D. an1 Edgar at liome; four sis. tors. Mrs. Darv.iu Karl of Grover, i Mrs. Elmer McMurray of Kings Mountain, and Mar^- Sue aud Ttebec*- j - cn. at home. ' interment was in the Bethlehem cemetery Union Services For Summer Months n 0 The Ministerial Association announces iue following schedule for I i" tie L'uion Services this summer: | 1 July 3u at Lutheran Churcr with itev. E. i\V. - Fog preaching. August. 6 at A. K. P. Church with itev. A. G. Sargeant preaching, j August 13 at Methodist Church ? with Rev. L B. Haram preaching. | a August 20 at Presbyterian Church with Rev. W. M. Boyce preaching. August 27 at First Baptist with Itev. P. O. Patrick preaching. y This announcement will be receiv-j k ed with genuine interest when the' public recalls the pleasant visits to neighboring churches in the preced' iiig summers. "IT PAYS TO ADVKftTISK" Another convert to the proverg. K "It pays to advertise" is tht Mrs. A. 1 A. Pollock. Mra. Pollock walked Into the Herald Office the other day and informed the Editor that she wished T to insert a classified add. putting her j Chevrolet up for sale. ' The add ran In one issue of the paper. The day after the paper came cut. Mr. L Will Rogers' Humorous Story Dy MILL ROGERS r\N? school teacher was pretty hard-boiled with the kids. That's the rsason why I think maybe this story ain't true. Teachers aint hard-boiled any more, are theyT Bat when George was late for school the third time, and he hadn't any ascoaa, the teacher sent him home. " . t . " r~= * "Remember to toll ywr mother that you moot Koto o written excuse. Ami don't forgot to toll her that It mustn't happen iftln. She ( most giro m the cause for you being late, and wha terror the cause is, ft mustn't happen 00010." 80 George soma back in 0 000- 1 pie et hours with an excuse. It ! read: ^ gwlsn. It yoB h('Pj?wp^Mwp eat* gojJt*** < tea t J. . _j"' 'V lerald REVIVALIST t - : I . 9 fSllp -IB *' ' '* JHT - jsft f I &^ \ ' 'K>&' js>4 BkI b~ ft m Rev. C. E. Brook* of Gaston.a who vill conduct a aeries of revival meeting* at Oik Grove Baptist Church beginning July 16, at 7:45 P. M. Meeting At Oak Grove Baptist Church Beginning Sunday night, July 16, it 7:43 tIn* Oak f !r?ivc Uap.'i..i chur.h wl|l lit id a series of Revival and (Evangelistic services. Rev. C. E, Brooks, pastor of the [M.ssion Baptist Church of Gas'ntilo, v ill do the preaching. Music will be I ijt charge of the paster. Rev. W. LuI tS er Hawkins and special music will a feature of each service. Among hose expected to render special mu| sic during the meeting are Mission ] Baptist quartet. Davis TtIo. White's "iiartet, and the Junior quartet -of Mission Baptist Church. Services will he held each morning and night, and the meeting is expected to last a week or ten days. Tax Proposal Is Shelved Washington. July 12.?The House 4\a>s and Means Committee voted today to sidetrack until next session legislation to prohibit future issuance of tax exempt securities aud to reduce surtaxes cu Individual inclines in the higher briukets. Thp Treasury Departfent hail recommended a ban on future tax exemptions on the ground tnat they tended to deprive industry of much needed investment capfta,! and interfered with the Oovernfent's tax system. Treasury cfficials explained that white surtaxes on Individual in comes ranged as high as 70 per cent investors were Inclined lo upt their money in tax exempt bonds rather than risk it in venturesome enterprise. Cha'.rfan Doughton, Democrat, N. C., said the committee fell there v.as too little time left before adjournment to attempt passage of the legislation at this session. The committee's action elimnated another barrier to adjournment. Doughton said the question was referred to the Tax Subcommittee for study during the recess in' connection with its consideration of the AJininistration's proposals for thor ough revision of the tax structure next year. State and local go'vettimenis fought the proposed e{imi:i.IOol?t v\ Oell wo tier, toes decided that mattera t- tiuiifl Ik: settled 1" ittvlll (tit-'lt lit i...thy fiiVhiou. Knives flashed for ft | >? minutes before the police arriv;td; with file result that Charley Cole n, ?wt-H;kncwii colored truck drivhad to he taken to the doctor to J w.k.ih.Vyirk.sl?a>k^'..h.', - d Several stitches were required to pit- hint Into condition to resume his ;; usln- ss. In the rush of taking Col? i -.ah to a doctor, the other negro es ' aped, hut police expect to appro! < rnl him at ahv time-. thai lie Unbelts was apprehended .lest Wednesday night at his home, aril placed In Shelby jail, crarged ?. It it uieukiUg-and eiiici.ns, and as tnull on the person of B. O. Startles j in a Hearing atShelby Tuesday I i ncsdny morning Judge A. A. Powell ! in iiiiJ Huberts over to liie July term o superior court without bend. Powell incarcerated Roberta on what v a- termed ''probable cause (or ci-urges of first degree burglary. It. berth pleaded net guilty, saying at lie had been drinking and had j spent the niglii in a nearby barn. ,i> said thut lie was asleep during ' Uie time the alleged crime took i p ace. However, lie admitted owner{ ei'ip i?f a pair of shoes left at tha i m ene ol the crime. ?! Police were called out to Invest!! gate a wreck at the corner of Kidge I add Gasibn streets late Saturday >' night. No one was hurt, howevr. [ Slight damage was dbue to tile auto, II one of which caught fire Firemen J v.ere called out, but the fire was exPtiguished by policemen before th-i . fitemen arrived. ' George Wright, local man. was nvicted on a charge of grund larceny* in Shelby Tuesday morning. Wright was charged with "having stolen a bag of flour froth the Bonnie Mill Store, here. He was arrested . by Chief of Pcltce, Jiftny Burns. , Wiight drew 60 days on the roads. Kings Mtn. To Be Repre- r sented At Blowing Rock Beauty Contest I ''Miss Kings Mountain or 193s)"? ant. 'Little Miss Kirgs Mountain ot 19S9' will join with a host of other beautiful girls froin North Carolina as they register at the hotels ia mowing Rock today to compete for the title. "Miss North Carolina of 1P3P and a trip to Virginia Teach, V rginia. K Mss Kdna Hoffman or little Lou Anr Logan should win first place ia fiiowing Rock, they will go to Virginia Beach where other state winner:. will vie for the honor "Miss I'nited States' and an all-expenr? paid trip to Hollywood. Today only registrations anl chfck-lns will be taken care of, but Fr'dax night at 8:30 at the Yonahlo;,er theater in Blowing Rock thesn North Carolina beauties are scheduled for competition. Kings Mountain Is expecting to compete wltff the best cf them and to place two young ladies in the National Contest at Virginia Beach. I C0a Jiinqhn wQnapshots by JameS Preston Opinions F.xpressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This NswtDaoer.l If John Public' has a comfortable feeling because the Congress rejected a suggestion that the tax base be broadened, it Is a comfort that la likely to be shortlived. On the surface, the Congressional vrle on the tax bill might bo Interpreted to Indicate that Congress has put the Indian sign on any schema to collect more taxes. That, of ooursa does lend comfort to the taxpayiag Mr. Public, but If one goes below the surface and catches a glimpse of the d'lemna behind the stage door, there Is plenty there to disturb that feeling of comfort. Here is the dtlemzna: Almost everyone on Capitol Hilt will admit ? at least privately ?. that the day of reckoning Is at hand, or not far off. They know the bill for the spending orgy of the last few years is coming due. They know the only way that bill can be paid la through more taxes. They know the (Coafd on Editorial pagd) ,