MAO . THE HERALD V r . VOL. 28 NO. 32 -**9 - y Former Kings Mountain Citizen Passes I unenai services (or O. B. Carpen. tar. former cltisen of Kings Mountain, whg dded Saturday nl?ht at Mk home Tn Washington, f).. C., were hold Tueeday afternoon at the late residence of the deceased and inter, nient was In a Washington cemetery. Mr. Carpenter had been In declining health for seTeral months, and had undergone an operation In Charlotte bout a month ago. Mr. Caipeaior ??r. Mr. Carpenter was born (n Stanley County December 27th, 1885. During the major portion of his life he took a very active part in politics of the Democratic Farty. in 19M he wh elected register of deeds of Oeeton county (n which office he eerred two terms, resign Ir s: htiore the end of his second term to enter the cotton textile manufacturing business 4n association with John Mseon, the two operating the Meson mill st Kings Mountain. In 1930 he accepted a position on the Staff of A. J. Maxwell, collector of Internal revenue for the State, con tinning In that position until 1933 when he went to Washington to accept a position with the Department of Agriculture in the dairying division. Among the surviving relatives besides his Widow and< two sons 4s a brother. Solicitor John Carpet rer, of On*tenia, and a nelce, Mrs. J. P. Thompson of Kings Mountain. Kings Mount Schools Opei Kings Mountain school children have lesa than threA weeks t-o play around as the openlpg date tor the 1939-40 school session has been set A* Wednesday morning, August SO. * Sirpt. B. N. Barnes. A General Teach era' meeting of all white teacher will' be held at Central School Builda ten o'clock, A. M.. August 29, tor ell colored teachers et David eon High School at the seats time. Soivooi officials are looking forward to a attcceeeful school year. Six new tea chert have already been elected, and a BMe teacher la expected' to "be elected within the next few daya, which will bring the total to aeven new teachers. All new teachera employed come highly recommended and .are expected to fit In well with the school ayatem. Mr, A. R. Smart. Mr. Cllne Farthing, Mr. Jamas Polk Moffett. and Mtea Ora Suggs will make np . the coaching atnff. Mr. Farthing la head coa6h of football and assistant coach in basketball and boaeballl fcr bora. Mr. Smart Is assistant coach of football, head coach of basketball and baseball for beys. Mr. Moffet is coach of athletics for the junior teams. Miss Suggs will be In charge of ^triy. athletics. Mr. Farthing and Mr. Smart are planning to arrive in Kings Mountain on August 21 or 22 and begin football practice on Wednesday, August 23. It is hoped that all * boys expecting to make the football team (Cont'd on Editorial page) - ' I Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS 'TWERE was a Sootchman, of _ A ooursa. Ha was terrible an* aoyad whan Ua latest heir turned cut to be twins, but ha kind a setM^-4 il.w. ?n ka Mdmil ?kni)t It whan ]m heard the office force ' wee going to make him a present of ecmething ' So they had quite a celebration, and the chief clerk made a speech and presented Beady with a bin liver loving cap. Just to sort of eelebrate Mm utte fattier of theee here twine. . lade, that thie cup has two handles, * fltaee Ufa only one cap for the two jL. : Wiiaa. They'll beth get their oate eat of H si whew. But 1 notice that W faweribed with a bier blank do tibe^golf^cups. Kings fi Highway Victim Is Unidentified kork Hilt, S. C.. Aug. 9.?Officers today to' Identify a young about 20. who was killed last night In a fall from h truck on the Pick Hill-Fort Mill highway. The vletlm .was said to have been a hitch hiker. A. social security card found 1n his cluTufliy bore the name Harvey Stew | ard. and the address, 714 7th Street, | Cnarlottesvllle Va. A message from | Charlottesville police esid. however. '.He was not known at the address I Stage-Struck titrhr-VaiTitr- ^ Miami, Flu., Aug. P.?Search was continued today tor two girls, ambitious for movie contracts who dlsappfhPtd earl - Monday with a man cluinuug to be a talent scrnt. .The three left Miami In a tan coupe with California license plates fcr an unnuinedi Palm Beach hotel where they were to meet a photographer. No word has been received irom mem since. KEETER'8 STORE PAINTED The Interior of Keeter's Depart, tncnt Store :s all afresh, with a new coat of paint. The ceiling and side waits and' p ets were painted Monday night. Painters started after closing hours pionday and. completed the Job br opening time Tuesday morning. Mr. J. B. Keeter invited everyone tc visit his "renewed* store. ain Public 1 Aug. 30th McGi'l's Esso Service Now Ready McOUl's Eseo Service, which has recently *ecn enlarged and cd is now ready Id serVd cat owners r.* Kin-;? Mountain and sorronnding territory. Mr. N. F. McOUl, popular manager, extends a oordial invitation o all motor) ste to visit his renewed station for 'prompt efficient service. McOlll's EJss'> Service features at all times a complete line of Bsso prodnets. A modern wash pit sad lubrication :>*ji nan wen aouea to make the e tat km one of the moat modern tn this section of the state. The renewed station represents the last word Ijv uptto-theHtn4nu|ip don strvctlon and is admirable in every respect, and affords the newest and most modern facilities for efficient and "happy motoring." ' Mr. McGIU announced that Saturday Aug. 12th, every purchaser of 10 gallons of Esso or Bseolene will be given absolutely free their choice of a can of Bsso Handy Oil or Eaeo Lighter Fluid. cO^l's Flifc'p fidrvjl'ie apeoiallsee tn washing, polishing and lubricating care of all makes. The following firms furnished materials .and aided in the construction of the modern service station: Elmer Lumber Co., L. A. Hoke, Electrical Contractor, Itrldges and Hamrick, Hardware, Phlfer Hardware Co., Hardtn and Cash, Plumbers, Kings Mountain Tin Shop, and J. R. Wad<1<1', General Contractor, .of CharloUe L'ttMLU! Kings Mtn. National Park Gets Big Grant The third deficiency bill passed by congress during its closing hours included 940,000 for administration and museum buildings in the Kings Mountain Battlefield National park. "While the bill was being shaped into form, Senator James F. Byrnes of South Carolina offered an amendment which proyled the funds. The amendment was accepted, agreed up on in conference, and passed by ' both branches of the congress. Work on the projects probably begin at once. MOUNTAIN MOTOft TRIP , Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Boot, Mr. and Mrs. C. p Ware, Mtle Miss Phyllis Ware, Master Bud Ware all of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. Irene Hultt oi Qastonla, motored to Blowing Rock, Cruets Valley and Boone, Sunday going especially to visit Miss Chaf lotto Muriel Boot daughter of Mr and Mrs. B. C. Boat, who Is a stud u~ ant if - the ABththa State Teachers College, at Boone, fer the sum mer torn. A11T1 If Mvllll KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. 0. 1 ^ State And Nj Condensed In ?State News? Creodmore, Aug. 8.?Mrs Emily Mtdrlck (Ja^i IS was shot to death t "ill "n (Tiling station, near hero late I yesterday. f OTanvllIe County authorities said s no Inquest would he held. They quoted Jack Campbell of Crsedmore t as ktying Mrs. Cates was toying unionc'iutlly with a pistol when It c discharged the piercing her 1 AtSS&m j. - .. i ? j 8cnfrt>d, Aug. 8.?George Saunders 81, cf Southern Pines, was killed ' u'hon hla aiihin'fthMo laif (Ha re&l ii'ur here and struck a tree. t Dcurln Car! Ritchie. 21, of Sou- <1 them Pines, was Injured. n Sum'era. formerly of Massachu- t setts, had lived In Southern Pine* sevf.rr.l years. He was a caretaker. t 4 c Wake Forest, Aug. 8.?North Carolina soon will have two four year medical schools. At present Duke University has ^ the only lour year school; now Wake Forest will expand from a two year ? school to a tour year school. FayettevlUe, Aug. 8.?>U. 3. Commissioner David G. Breece ordered three fuen held under bond today for ? a. licarlhg Wednesday in connection, with cn alleged counterfeiting plot. The men were listed as E. D. ' Spurrcw, 41, Dumber ton., engraver.; and photographer held under 821000 1 bond; S. W. Sparrow. 34, of Wll- ' llamston, held in $2,000 bond; and. ' R. D. Taylor, 40, Wllllamston bookkeeper, released under $1,000 bond. Secret Service Agen D. O. Padget sold the 8psrrcws were arrested at p Fairmont and Taylor at Dumbarton. n He Mid about $125 In spurious fivedollar bills were taken. ^ r*A1..mVla CI ft A hiv O ?ftUetna vutuiuwm o. v/m v* a-a vr ****** | niUard, 11. cf Atta VUta. Va. was, injured fatally Sunday when struck >r b7 an automobile on the; Columbia- j* was walking to church with two ' yismg friends when he was hit. t I ?' | Florence, 8. C., Aug. 8.?Today be n pan the first day of a full week's fS sales on the sixteen tobacco mar- c kets of the bonder belt, and tobacco- ti nlsts expected large sales as the result of prices which prevailed at the opening of the auction season Thurs ' tl day. } i Reports from over the belt fnrtlva-; C ted that the prices averaged about; * 13 cents a pound on the first two c days of sales. Thursday and Friday. C ThomasvlHe. Aug. 7:?Arthur a Wliltehurst of Charlotte was elected 'e president of the Mills Home Alumni t< AsroolatJon at its fourth annual < homecoming here yesterday. jp ATTRACTIVE HOME 0 The beautiful home of Mr. and f enuc Is built of stone, and Is consldc i'Jonces of Kings Mountain. Photo b -- - - - - - j Laughing Arout With IRVtf He Hadn't Had T By ntviN A NEW office boy wont to work 1 " West Indian youth, juat arrived Kpgttah accent*. **>/>% The bey bad beam en the Job ft reporter handed in a batch of copy i Somebody who was quoted a* ?a aul name was a strange on to the city : -'siftfjjr-*-*-' ; ~ tain I: rHVRSOAY. Aua ia IM? itional News i Brief Form ?National News? Rav. ne, Pa., An* 8.? Bodies of wo more miners ' ;'.-~a4* iv. ^.jkeah:;' >ennbylvani-? mine workings were ecovered today only a step from aXet?. fltf'e irougtit to 22 fatalities in' he Beau skill County fields a'.cue Rescuers who dug out the bodies f NojIi Kohr. 37. and Robert Fldder,. 4S. said they apparently beard ' it ^ 1 ere Funning up the atope last Fr!ay when caught. I Washington A':?t. 8?Thy Capltot ook on .a tomb-like appearance to- , a.} as mentfbers of Congress and (test of their aides quickly left the Hy fbr homes and vacations. 1 Lees than a dozen of the 06 Senacrs vmalaed, and about SO of the 35 Hoi'so members stayed on to lean up last-minute business , Washington, Aug. 8.?State WPA | dminlstrators got now orders today . 0 cut from the work relief rolls all . lerscns who had been on them conInuouslv for eighteen months or tore. War veterans are exempt. , I Portsmouth, N. H. Aug. 8.?Navy , ffialals said today a second attempt ( t.lirtine the . sunken submarine , iqualua might be started at the end f this week as Salvagers prepared , 1 lcwer pontoons. If the weather Is good, the navy j lans to attach six pontoons to the . tern ef the Squalus wlthtn the next , hree da j 8. An additional two days -ill be heeded to lower four other pntocns to the forward end. j Lifting chains already have been , laced beneath the stern of the sub- . i&rlne which sank last May during . test dive and dropped .to the hot- < am again Jnly 13 during the first ftlng attempt. | Prescott, Ariz., Aug. 8.?As though | eapondtng to Hopi-lnsplred suppltattons of staid white business men ad women of the Smokl Clan, the drought-stricken Arizona The white group thrilled more (mn 2.000 spectators with its annual lurpretation of the'a most fa*ions rite, the snake dance. The moki's 260 act.9ve members are lodged to perpetuation, of Southwest nulan folklore. t Washington, Aug. 8.?Admlntstralon farm official props under prices najor agricultural products after 'ongreas. in one of. its final 'acts, \>;<d 19,000,ooo to restore ithe > apltal stock of the Comfcnodtty ] redit Corp. The appropriation gave the agency bout $260,000,000 for loans to farmrs on surpluses of wheat,, corn, cot rn, wool dslry and othpr farm prod- ' mta w'tbheld from markets until ' rices Improve. F KINGS MOUNTAIN j 1 ) k. t i* * ijvv i i ? 1 r Mrs. J. E. Mauney on Cleveland Avred one of the most attractive resy Hoed Studio. id the World I S. COBB ime to Learn Yet s. coba For the New York San. He vu I, who ipok* with the broadest of . .* t Mr obeat a week when we night In which ho laitinJ a Prifiww thoritjr cm mom thing Or other. The editor, and he doefled to leek ike ^"" i ?- 5 lerald : ' : ' I American Magazine Honors Kings Mountain Young People f -A spiencld likeness of Mils Jean Ware of Kings. Mountain and New York City, U. shown on the cover pog" of the September American Mnaailn". The picture Is a natural color 9ho'oer.njJv-by.^J?iJ?eMxuSelmyn I New York. Two other young .people from Kings- Mouutaln are honored in the pi-a.t- t Anseiiean. the?e are E. \V. Neil and Mfise Mary Julia Polloc k, v ho were listed among the twelve North Carolina High' School iindents receiving honorable meit> American Youth Contest. The August American gave the name of Miss Mary Helen Hambrlgto*. as one of the winners of a 15.00 osh a ward In the same oc trie st . . Rev. R. T. Baker To Preach Here Rev. R. T. Baker, pastor of Dun- I fans Creek Presbyterian church wilt preach at the First Presbyterian 1 Ciiurch Sunday morning and will also speak to the Men's Bible Ctass it th. RnnSav Q.IiaaI I1..1. Mr. Baker- Is doing Heme Mission i.rrk in the mountain's?the only mountain mission in Kings Mouiv tain Preafrytery. His work had been at outstanding interest nnd wonderruUy blessed. He will tell experiences from his mission work at .the Sun I lay School hour. The Woman's Bible 1 Class is asked to meet with the < Men's class for this talk of Mr. Ba- 1 leer. ( : I tlcGILL REUNION AUG. 16TH I The McGill annual reur'on will be ] ttehl August 16th at Bethel. Hela- j lves ani frlerds are Invited to be I . resent and bring well fil'ed baskets, t Bids For Posl To Be Openec "-fV ? *' "?.? ': ' MEN'S CLUB MEET THIS EVENING The Man's Club will again entertain their wives, sweethearts and Invited guests this evening at their outdoor supper at Bethlehem Baptist Church. The supper will be served . St 7:00 P. M., and members are asked to please be on time. Shooting Exhibition Here Next Week Ken Beegle one of the world's fin;st marksmen, will put on a shooting exhibition her? next Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 In the Kings Mounnin Pall Park, according to an anicuncement from Glee Bridges, of, Rrldges and Hamrick, local dealers for Remington firearms and ammuiliiori. Mr. Bridges extends a cordial Invitlon to both ladies and men to v.'ii.css the fancy shooting demonstration which is absolutely free. Crack-ehot Boegle will blast oran- I ges Into Juice, cabbage into slaw, cii that Is net all he will flip a pen i :> into the air and hit It with a .22 rifle. The exhibition will a'so Include a brief talk on safo handling a fire- ' ?.rms, as welt as expert instructions , on how tt> improve your markmanphip, and Mr. Bridges is very anxious for everyone to witness this i free demonstration and lecture next Wednesday afternoon. Mauney Reunion .To Be Held Saturday Tlie annua) reunion of the descendants of Christian Mauney, pioneer, will be held at the site of the old Tryon county courthouse on the Bessemer City-Cberryvllle highway Saturday, Aug. 12. An Interesting and , nntnvshiA nroaram has been arrang-1 od. A picnic dinner will be served at neon. All members of the Mauney clan and their friends are Invited to come and bring picnic baskets. Program follows: Opening devotional. Rev. D. P. RodUlll, Morganton; historical address, Joe R. Nixon, superintendent Lincoln county schools. Llncolnton; music-memorial services. (Dr. E. C. Cooper. Kings fountain; music, dinner, Informal gathering. 8PECIAL PROGRAM AT MACIDONIA CHURCH A prgram, "Parmer Brown," will be given at the evening service Sunday, August 18. 1888, by the Young People of Macedonia church. The subject will be ' Missises," The enI tire ssrvioe will be taken up by this I play. The public Is oordtaQy Invited. v* .' ' ' . * ' -. -. ' . ^ Vra BUY at home ' s. - .. ;v ' v.' <.-. .... a five cents per copy ? Hotel Committee Has Second Meeting The' second meeting ot Hitl' Committee formed from members of the Idens ondr Mfit't Club was held Tuesday r.igh.'. In The Kings Mouaiiin Hew id with Charles TTcmnsscn, Chairman, presiding. Mf Charles c. Beaton of Benton and A >n. Architects of Wilson. N. C. met with the'committee and discussed at fcr n new hotel. Iu Kings Mountain. Mr. Benton'* firm specialises in hole! buildings aud he is financially in!crested in several hotels in tho utate. Mr- Be-.ton is. going to meet with the ecmmit'ee again at its third meeting neat week. Glee Bridge* ar.d Aubrey Mauney who had conferred with Clarencd Kuester, of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce reported that he warn k'reatly in favor of a new hotel for Kings Mountain and would aid in the movement in any way possible. . ? Charles Thomasson who visited lie manager of the hotel in Rock II111. S. C., was responsible for the v.sit of Mr. Benton. Haywood' l.yneh reported the results of a check on the number ' ' of oars that passed through Kings Mountain last Sunday ?howed that f.r25 passed the corner of Moun~ fs<ir> Street and Piedmont Avenue between 7 A. M and 9 P. M. The check was msuie by the Town at the request of the Hotel Committee. The check wae kept by hours and between 5 and 6 P. M. a total of 770 cars passed the corner. Chairman Thomasson was well l/leased with the reports and pro .rcss made thus far. Another meetn? of the committee U planned for jext week. t Office 1 Sept. 6th Bids for the construction ef Kings Mountain's $73.rtOO.OO Prat Office flulUHng will he opened in Wasuingon September 6th according to a egal advertisement In this issue of he Kings Mountain Herald. Th? tew Federal building will be located >n the corner of Piedmont Avenue met Mountain Street. Hits property a? i-eon-a ia?i uciooer rrom Mr*. M M. Carpenter for $6,247.50, ia& Mr*. J. O. Hord for $1,600.00. The wo lot* are 119 feet on Mountain Street and 170 feet on Pihdmont \ venue, with the tetal coat being S7.747.60. The complete cost of the julMlng, real estate and equipment will amount to $73,000.00. According to tlio advertisement Iran-logs and specification!! will bo submitted free to general contracts interested in submitting bide. It is understood that It will take ibcut one month front the opening tf the bids untli the contract can be let end the actual .construction bei?nn. according to' this, the work should begin seme time during the first part of October. iTHE ANNUAL HORD REUNION ( ????? The Hord reunion will be hel<2 Thursday, August 10, at the late Jesse Herd old home site four mtlee fact of Shelby. All relatives ana friends are invited to come and. rpentl the day together. A plcnlo itttch will be apread at noon. y ? (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not NeeosMrlly the View* of This Newepaper.t Net all the ghosts In Washington write speeches for big-wig tongue w aggers or haunt housee, It now seems. There are other ghosts who fill In nicely when there fa need tor in anonymous pronunclamnto. * ' These mythical figure* have been called to duty quite frequently of late. Moee recently, the ghost has keen playing the role of a business man. And in that role, the ghost has been making some strange butt Important ncieee. The person to whom the mythicsl figure has been talking Is no less a personage that the Pres ident oftho United States, and l)o has passed the statements on for sll to heed. The latest word the President has passed on from the ghost is that the United States Senate has dons tfcs ? business men an mil torn by not followtg the wishes of the Whit* Cont'd on Editorial page) .? . . . ,

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