J, . ? "I1J? WjJMJl. U A. STEE J Jt4t &HI ?4 .vl>v Platinum an C \Sh2v u>#d v*a ^ * oqiwi wwib o< rw, .tar Mntria . n Stael Gotta Lata kVV Than Wood Par Pound |||^ ^ oH ita^lal0 lujMW" t*m$+u y Ifnltad sioK mf 4? utmrld Keeping Track of - ~ ..... A?pi ?.t?-to M "> "'? prM*t Iwm *r* MM ? k> Dm) ?wten 19 tow k?ck ? *? Mll?a ?l ?o?K ^ ' i PP^ 47 MAKGRACE NEWS lira. Hunter Ramsey * *'.. Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa. Moss had at their guests Sunday Mrs. Mess' brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ledford of Wlnston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Presaley and little son, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Mauney motored ^ to Chimney Rock and Lake Lure Sunclay. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. RRoyster bad as their guests during the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dover and daughter. Mr. and Mrs,. Jessie Jenkins accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blackwelder metered to Waynesvllle Saturday. They spent the night there at Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wodard's and motored on to Knoxville, Tena, and Norris Dam, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ramsey spent Sunday In Oastonla visiting relatves. The Woman's Trl-L Club Is giving a Hot Dog Supper at the Margrace Club House Friday night.. Serving! will start at 5:00 o'clock. Everybody Invited. Palmolive; 3 for 20c Small 8uper Suda (red box) S for 29c Small Super Suds (blue box 3 for 25o Large Super Suds (blue box 2 for 47c Octagon Soap (giant) 6 for .. 2Eo Octagon Soap (small) 10 for .. 23c Octsgcn Powder (large) 6 for . 25c Octagon Powder (small) 10 for 23c Octagon Toilet, 4 for . 10c Octagon Cleanser 2 for 777 9c Octagon Granulated 2 for .... 18c Crystal White Soap 3 for 14c Hollywood Beauty. Soap 3 for 14c Weir's Grocery Why Suffer Long* Dr. Miles Anti-Pain DR. MILES ANTI - PAIN PILLS srere made for Just one purpose?to relieve pain. Users salts that they "work like aaagle^. They contain an effective, quick-acting, analgesic pain reliever. Try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills before you lose a day's work? and pay?or break a social en* gagement because of HEADACHE. MUSCULAR, PERIODIC, OR NEURALGIC PAINS. Miii r Visfrr itn'ifnTi tnn'saiirii 1 LFACTS mtmUt I: ?' la Leading Steel I, /) Nation oi World f . // M*ypndm4a^y]p? wwM'i MaaJ. Sine* 1?14 Hm ! . / jijjaa ore**ci< J7 ear awe ? IroS Mid St?*l ImSityt* ( By Way-Of Mention Loli Bsattle Tho Adult B. T. U. of tho Second Baptist church gave a program over 1 WSPA in Spartanburg. Special mu-' sic was rendered by Mrs. Ernest 5 Hutfstetler and Miss Irene Gladden i and Mr. Luther Hawkins of Gas-; tenia. Miss Ruth Reynclds had as her guests for the week-end Miss Thel-1 ma Lingerfelt of Bessemer City. Mrs. John Gladden has as her gurst this week her husband who; is a patient at Ateen hospital near Aslieville. Mr. Stamey Navy of Woodruff. S. 0.. was a Sunday visiter of his mother. Mrs. 8. M. Navy. .The Intermediate Girls' Class of; Second Baptist church enjoyed a picnic at the Shoals near Oak, Grove Thursday. Miss Geneva Sheppard spent the f'rsi part of last week with her cousin, Mrs. W. B. Huskie of ' the" Margrace. Rev. C. C. Parker and sens, CharI les and Paul, and Mr. John Gladden .nont fhiiroHftv mnmlfHr Wnrlnn Misses Geneva 8heppard and Rubyj Murphy and Messrs Ralph Boone i and Harry Baumgarner spent Tuesday in Granite Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sheppard had as thelp guests ISundiay jMr. ; Cart I I Geen and two childt-en of Salisbury. The community 1s adrry to hear of the Hudsons moving to Norfolk,' Va.. Tuesday. Mrs. Vernon Hlnscn had as her, guests the latter part of last week Mrs. Gladys jDorrty and children of j Norfolk, Va. ,Miss Cleta Valentine sipent the past week end in Shelby. Mr. Joe McDaniel returned home \ Friday after spending several days at the beachRev. and Mrs. C. C. Parker had1 as their guests for tbe past weekend, their ' daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Cuthberson and husband of Marlon.1 .1 . THERE'S 1 /spVff 1*8 mjfi n ?r Than Nacatsary? Pills Raliava Quickly put you bock oa your foot gain "rarin' to go". DR. Mil .KB ANTI - PAIN PILLS act quickly. Tea daat have to wait tarty minutes to an hour for them to take effect aa is the case with many anal, gesics. YouH get action in from ten to twenty minutes. DR MIT .fa ANTI - PAIN PILLS are pleasant to take, handy to carry; prompt and effective in action, arid do net , upset the stomach. Their eost i is small. One, or at moat, two, [ |e usually sufficient to leVeva. g ? gc. m tm ft* PT ' .. . A .. - _? . - i.-. ? . . V?- .1 UK KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD Church News II Presbyterian Church , A??. P D. Ps'rlck. Prtntot 9:45 Sudds*- school, C. P. Thomas* ' ion, Supt. t 11:00 Moraine Worship. Rot. A. R. Craig from Tslng Kiang >u Ku, will bitag a message from 2h!na where he serres as mission* . try from the Presbyterian church. . J fl: 15 coung Peoples Vespers. jt is:00 Evening worship. Sermon by:* he Pastor. 1 ? U Monday. 7:30 Bby Scouts. Troop I. Mr. Carljl Davidson, Scoutmaster; Messrs Har , y Page and B;1 Thomson Assistant Scoutmasters. " I ''t?1- Mrs. IV. T. We'p 7;30-u. Circle Two. Mfs. Hubert Davidson ( C-'rcle Three. Mrs. Don Blanton I :36. Circle Pour, Mrs. HarrM Huntdutt 7:30. > . v .... - * ' ^ ireic r ivp. mp?is sunnay at % it a Mr*. Broadus Moss. Lutheran Church I.. Boyd Hanim. Pastor Bible acbocl 10:00. I.. Arnold Klser I jeit'-'ral Superintendent. Services for the 14th Sunday after ( IVn'ty. Morning 11:00. sermon: Prepared Jiiiclpleship, by the Pastor. 1 Evening 7:30. sermon: After Coo.crplon, by the Pastor. * 1 Luther Leagues meet at 6:00 Sunlay Evening to go to Dallas for a ( listrict meeting. Junior Children of the Church Sun lay 6:30. Hoy Scouts, Troop t? Monday Evening 7:00. Church Council Monday Evening 1:30 In Church office. HINT LUKES: The Service and Holy Communion >:00 A. M. Plble school 10:00. James Lackey. Surerlntcndent. ; Bovce Memorial Church W. M. Ttovce. Pastor Bible School at 10:00 o'clock. J. L. McGill, General Supt. Morning Worship at 11:00. The pastor will speak on "THE GOLJ1EN E.XTRA." Evening Service Is , at 8:00 o'clock. ' Titu paster* theme is: "A Chapter In Christian Experience." Y. P. C. U. meets at 7:15. MM-Week Service each "Wetfnest'ay evening at 7:30. Tltere is an open inviiRTion to ;>ny and every - one to worship with us regularly or occasionally. , Central Methodist Church E. W. Fox Pastor t?: 45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler, Supt. . I . 11:00 Sermon by the pastor who t will use as his subject 'Our Greatest j Need." * I 7:30 This will be the first ol a series Of services to continue about ten idays. Rev. it. M. Robinson, peator at Bessemer City, dill preach ant Mr. F. C. Tcdd of Gastonla will lead, he singing. The circles of the Woman's Missionary Society will meet at 3:30 Monday as follows: C ircle number one. Mrs. I. Tl.' Gcforth. leader will meet at the home of Mrs. J. E. McLaughen, on j King Street, with Mrs. Claud Ware joint hostess. Circle number two wil meet at the . home of Mrs. Howard, corner Mountain and Gnston streets. Mrs. O. O. ! Jackson is the leader, j Circle number three of which Mrs. | C. A. Gofoi th is leader will meet at tll-? home cf Mrs. Fred' Wright on Gold street. Circle number four of which Mrs. E. W. Griffin Is leader and which was scheduled to ipeet Monlay night has been postponed en a< count of the revival meeting at the ehnrch. It v-lll meet at a time to be announce^ Isicr. .r First Baptist Church A. O Sargeant, Pastor SurtcTaj School 9:40. Sunday morning worship 11:00. At the clcae of service we will have the Lord^s 8upper. Paetor'a Sermon subject: "Mystery of the Atonement' Sunday night 8en Ice 7:30. Sermon subject: "Thy Kingdom Ccme." Junior Worship Service 8umlhy morning 11:00. All boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 12 years are heartily welcomed to attend this Junlcr Service. Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Paator Sunday 8chool 1:46 a- as. n. T. U. 11:45 p. m. Evening Worahlp 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. vs. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7 PM. GRACE METHODIST 8. W. Johnson, Paator 9:45 Sunday school. Frank Green, Supt. 11:00 Morning worahlp. 6:20 Kpworth League. ";TP. | 7:30 Evanlng worship. sT' THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 1939 Notice Of Sail For Unpaid To In pursuance of law I will Town of Kings Mountain, M Monday September 11, 1939, ;s. the following described 1: icription of land and amouri ands owned by the tax pay Mountain, N. C., April 1. 193 h0o feet, 1 lot 110x?>u5 ft, 7 1-2 acres 129.39 rSsirrett. Arthur,?1 lot 103x214 feet, W. S. City St. $15.701 farreU. lie race ? l'lot 112x125 ft..' Cattsler Street .......... $5.61 tee in. K. L.?2 lota 25x173 ft., bought from N. B. Nolan ...... .2ft Bel?, M. J.?2 acres near Waco Road ............... $17.81' Bennett. Clyde ? 1 tot 75x1.10 feet w. S. Cleveland Ave.; 1 lot 75x160 ft.. E. S. Cleveland Ave., 1 lot 60 x 150 feet $51.11 Ren net t, Carl?1 lot 75x200 ft. bought from Margaret Bennett $20.65 Bennett, Wade?2 acres York Road $5.61 Bennett, W. Arthur?1 lot 70x210 ft. Waco Road $7.72 Bridges. G. R.?1 lot 100\150 feet, S. S MvGlnnis St. . $14.74 Bruce. J. B. Estate?6 lets 25x150 ft. Fairvtew st $2.13 Burton, R. L. ?1 lot 125 x 130 feet Fulton and Alexander St ..$12.80 Carpenter Brcs. Estate $8.2i Carpenter. C P?1 lot 160x 150 feet $12.90 Carpenter. W. H.?1 lot. 112x136 feet Phenlx St $50.54 Carroll. J. H? 1 lot 100x220 feet. S. S. McGinnis St $17.25 Dickey, Bessie $18.53 Eaker. Mrs. C. A.?I lot 60x175 rt .71 Bdens. C. C.?1 lot 110x140 ft $43.99 Fietcher K B?1 lot 75x200 ft Grace st. $11.12 Gatfriey, L V?1 lot 70x210 feet. Waco Road $14.00 Groves. Sallle?2 acres $8.42 Guyton. L. L.?1 lot 75x150 feet. Cleveland Ave. .......... $9.41 Huffstetler, A. R. $13.6b Ilablb. Mrs. Nora?1 lot 75x235 feet, E. S. R. R. Ave .. $27.36 liayes, O. T. and Geo. Ann?2 lots . . $3.53 Herd. Mrs G W.? 1 lot 70x75 feet, E. S. Railroad $16.83 Hord. J. O. Estate?1 lot 115x200 ft K W Cor Carpenter St.; 1 lot 70x7( ft.; 1 lot W. S Cherokee; 1 loi King and Carpenter st,; 1 ',ot 40j 100 ft. S. S. Ridge; 1 lot 40x100 f 8. S. Ridge; . 1 lot 50x200 ft, Cor Carpenter and Ridge St.; 1 lot 60 : 200 ft. N. S. Ridge st.; 1 lot 50 ! 200 ft. N. S. Ridge HI.! 1 let 50 : 200 ft. N. 8. Ridge St.; 1 lot 50 : 200 ft. N. 8. Ridge St.; 1 lot' 60 215 ft. Cor. Gaston and Ridge St 1 lot 90x125 ft E. S. R R; 1 lo 40x70 ft. S S Ridfe St.; 1 lot 40 100 ft S. S. Ridge St; 1 let 40x10 ft. S S Ridge St.; 1 lot 79 x 11 ft. S. S. Ridge St.; 1 lot 70x115 fi 1 lot 70x115 ft.;-1 lot 70x115 ft; lot 70x115 ft.; 7 acres Todd Place i acres Ringdon; 3 acres Orieuta Ave.; 1 let 100x250 ft. King an Piedmont Ave.; 1 lot 50x88 ft E ! Cansler St.; 1 lot 27x110 ft E. S R. R'. Ave.; 1 lot 125x150 ft. E. ? i Cherokee St.; 1 lot 178x200 ft S 1 I King St.; 1 lot 150x165 ft. N I i King St.; 1 let 125x175 ft. S ! King St.; 1 lot S S Mtn St.; 1 lo 80x275 ft. SS Ridge St.; 1 Jot 15 *202 ft. NS Gold St.; 1 lot 230x25 fet Back of Gantt St.; 1 lot 308 225 ft. Fultdn and Alexander St , 1 lot 100*160 ft. W. S. Cansler St. 1 lot 138x117 ft. E. S. - Pledmor Ave.; 1 lot 100x250 ft .... 1945.0 Huffatlckler, Clyde?1 lot 70x140 feet Cansler St. $9.8 Huffatlckler. Mri. J. W.?1 lot 160 210 feet ...110.9 Huliender, C. W.?1 lot 166x250 f Fulton at. $12.9 Jackaon. W. H?1 lot 62 1-2x124 ft Carnaler St $11.1 Jenklna, Carl and Cornelia?1 lot 7 x 152 feet Parker and Watterdon Street $17.1 Julian, Mr*. Lucv?1 lot 375 x 1000 ft. King St. . 98.0 Lay, J. B.?1 lot 100x150 ft. Grace St ..... $12 9 Logan, W. F.?1 lot 109x194 ft Gol and Tracy at.; 1 lot $0x150 fee Lackey at; 1 lot 50x200 ft, Gold an Sine it; IMa 26x14$ ft . $120.4 rJj... .. f II l Of Property iwn Taxes sell at the City Hall in the 1. C., beginning 1:00 P. M. for unpaid 1938 Town Taxands. Name of owner, deit of taxes are in each case rer in the Town of Kings 8. There will be in each case lty which must be added to ontinued from day to day oi J according to law in the completed on the date above of August, 1939. tiCvell. Mrs. Goo. E.?1 lot 1W> x 150 tt $2.13 Mnihis. Mrs. Mary Kvrr?1 Tot 88 x 187 ft 38 74 Meltou, Geo.?1 lot 88 x!60 fv.-et. Cansler St. !... fo.i? SlcCorkle, T. O?1 let 59x150 feet. York Road $13.3f McDaniel, J. B. and Edna?1 lot 10i X205 ft. Waco Road ...... $25.2? McDanlol, Robt. G.?1 lot 65x155 ft Fulton St I24.3S McG.nnls, Wiley H.?1 lot 98x200 ft King and Billing St. : ?45.6( McLaughen, J. E.?1 lot 56x200 ft King St. $27.6! Nauce, June?1 lot 100x100 feet. Grace St. $12.61 Pnrton, Ethel?1 lot 45x195 ft., Car. peuter St. $52.31 Patterson. Miss Mae?1 lot 93x139 fl Piedmont Ave.; 1 lot 50x93 ft. rear -.. * $63.11 Pujsour, I) C.? 1 lot 100x200 feet Church St. .... .... ..$24.35 ] Peterson, David?1 lot 50x100 feet $8.31 Plonk, J. O. and J. U. Hord estate Hord's part: 1 lot 1000x75 ft NVes of R. R ...... $7.0: Putnam, E. W.?1 lot 76x310 feet, Church at $22.3 Ramsey, E. M.?1 lot 50x150 feet, Hord Survey . $1.2 Roper, Jasper H.?1 lot ?5xl50 feet Highway No. 20 : $4.8' Ross, K? 1 lot 50x150 ft $1.4 t - . , Siak. Z. F?1 lot 75x237 feet, ! McGlnnla St $13.9 Sparrow Mrs. Sallle?1 lot 60x150 feet Waco Road .......... $21.7' Sparrow, T. C.?1 lot 75x150 feet, Waco Road .... $16.9 Walker, Jim?1 lot 75x150 feet. Northern Suburb $10.5 Wallace. W. A.?1 lot 50x E. ? Piedmont Ave $29.3 ' Whtstnant. J. C? 1 lot 100x175 fee C ' 19 1 I Hi. 0. X" flil Terr I 1 White, Albert?1 lot 70x150 ft. Ram * seur St $20.0 I White, W. K?1 lot 18u\160 ft. Ful ton St $29.0 ; Willis, G. W.?1 lot 128x150 feet Ga ' ton St. $11.5 < Wright, J. A.?1 lot 125*110 t Ft. Waco Road $7.1 b - I ' Wright. Vance ? 1 lot 50x150 fee * Piedmont Ave $11.1 t K Herd Estate $1.4 K Hullender. J D?1 lot 66x225 feet. K Waco Road $14.1 j Griffin, W. 8?1 lot 75x150 ft.. t McGlnnis St. $9.! x Adams, Joe Rill?1 lot 150x225 fee 0 Ridge St.; 1 lot 55*130 ft. Ridge 5 Street $28.1 1 Al.ison, Watson?1 tot 50x180 ft . Ridge St $9.: j Am.erscn, Annie?1 lot 60x100 ,1 feet $9.1 S Hennlck. Sara ?1 lot 50x125 fe< (. Parker St. $5. i. tlanion, John L.ttBtate?1 'lot 1 ^ x 250 ft. Ridge St.; 1 lot 75 ? x 300 ft 513. ,t Poidonrs, Corlne?1 lot 50x100 fei 2 Watterson St. $5. 0 Brown, Riley A?1 lot 100x200 fei * King st $4. .' Brown. Roy?1 lot 50x75 feet ,'t Ridge and Cansler St $13. 0 Carroll, Jim?1 lot 120x110 ft. Tra St.; lVot 60x110 ft., 1 lot 120x2 ;2 Pet * $25. Caldwell, John, Estate?1 lot 60x1 * fret 116. i4 t. ? Have Your Eyes Examined, Otaaaea Pitted 2 1 -Ey7 DR. D. M. MORRISON Optometrist Eye Specialist S Will be in. Kings Mountain Offlc< 2 on Every Tueeday and Prlda] J afternoons. Hours 1 P. M. t< ? 1 P. M. i i _________ *"' ' I r\Up Corrle?1 lot 115x150 feet. King St Galloway, John ? 1-2 acre .. $13.92 Greenlee, John, Estate?1 lot 50x160 feet. Cansler St. 19.11 Holland. John?1 lot 85x160 fe. King St. Ill 95 Jackson. J. L.?1 let 300x175 leet. Ridge Street 64 22 Klbler. Charlie?1 lot It K ave |8.43 Kitler, Luther?1 "lot $8.62 Lewis. Gertrude?1-2 acre .... $1.40 Lewis. Rogers-irl-2 acre; 1-4 acre $13.92 Londsay. John ?1 lot $7.94 Mi ans. W. F. und J \\\?1 let 143 x x 142 ft. Ridge St. .......... $1? 61 Moeks. Tom?1 lot 50x150 feet, Watterson at 415.52 M'.tchcm. X. W.?3 1-2 acres ..$7.49 SfcTTary. Fred?1 lot 80x90 feet, King St. . $11.93 MiCulloiigli. Thomas ? 1 lot 169x175 ft. Ridge St $15 09 McOullongh, Willie?-1 lot 50x100 ft. Cansler St $3.51 Pressley. David ?1 lot. 40x125 feet $6.61 " TffTJT*WiliTvr Pur.trm^T??-v-" 100 feet $4.91 I Rhodes. Margaret estate?1 lot 70 * 100 ft. Ridge st. $8.85 Rhodes Kilt M ?1 lot 60x80 feet Ridge St $?.$ ' Rippy Pearl?1 lot 45x200 ft $9.46 Rcfclnron, Bertha?1 tot .200x100 ? feet $3.2T I Thompson David?1 lot 25x125 , 'feet $6.91 Williams Clarence r?1 lot 50x110 ft. J Tracy St. ..." ;.... 413.4*" Wright, Curtis?1 lot 50x150 ??? I ? ? ' V. ?, fWiAP Town of Kings Mountain, ' Chas. G. Dilling, Tax Collector. 1 Paint With DUTCH BOY 1 WHITE LEAD ; Kings Mtn. Mfg. Co. Store ! Week-End 0 ?SPECIALit - >>' ;. ^ 4 Thursday, Friday and ? Saturday Only 2 Men's Half Soles and E Heels $1.00 5 KINGS MOUNTAIN 1 SHOE SHOP - i, I. I .? 9 We Feature Invisible 'j Soling i\ ' ? I M.. . . 7 -v '2 you suave Quicker.! S Easier, With This New; 10 i Ah ^ w W V pppp; <5J?^U ? At ^ Price! cy I 4J I I 80 I XTOR good-looking, comfort10 I * ibk dwrM that aava both I tima and moaay...gatthanaw Thin Qillatta Btada at only 10c I for 41 Mada of aaay-fiajringataat, it haa aupar-kaan adpi of a I radically unprovad kiod. You'll I find that it out-parforma and I but lasts ordinary bladaa two to I ona. Oat a packagt of Thin I Oillattsa from your daaiar today. ' fl *9