r_zz__ MAD TMR HERALD VOL. 25 NO. 57 State And N< Condensed In ?State New*?* | Sanford. Sept. 13.?-A sui' f r Mtj-j 000 has boon filed 1n Lee C'ouniv Su ( ^perlor Court by Roxana Roll us. nog. i w^man of Broadway. against i ' the Atlantic aivii U'wimh Hallway 'i Co, and Dr. R. O. Humphrey of San i ford. Sho^ claim* that her htiaban I < came to hia death on Juno 14; thru the negt'Konco of the defendant a C luuibia. ji. C-. Sept. 13.?The " ant?Miin"jmjs a WIM n. 1 "IA-M pjrtmcot of Agriculture forecast to I ?! i> a cotttn crip |;f 833.000 hairs i for South Carolina from Sept. 1 i t> rditfon*. Thia would bo an Increase over < the 548,000 balea in 1938 and the i average projection of 837.000 balea | for tho ten year period 1928 to 1937.! 1 Cbepel Hill. Sept. IS.?The Unvcrstty ot North Carolina's cars ol 1 19399 began today a series ot con-11 terenuee and teste Intense i to ac- 1 quaint them with their new surroun dings before they settle down to ' class work Frtiby. The newcomers ' number between 750 and 800. , 1 Spartanburg. S. C.. Sept. 13.? A Fourth Congressional District Amer ! lean Legion- meeting will bo held hero Friday night Archie Schlfflcy ! .of Orangeburg, state commander wll be the principal .speaker. M'cre than 1 150 Legionnaires are expected to attend the meeting. * . 1 ' . i Newton, Sept. 13.?Ten white 1' schools and all colored schools of; th?. Catawba County system will end their 8ummer sessions this week and ; early next week and remain closed j during the ejetton .picking season, j Newton, Sept. 13.?Gordon Burrls, j 24, of near Newton is d>ead, and Her ] bert (Deal, 18, of near Ccm:vcr Is in . the Catawba General Hodpltal with oerkftas Injuries as a result ot the j crash of Burrls' car Into a big cak tree near otd St. Paul's Church west . of Newton Saturday afternoon abcut 4 o'clock. I AabevlUe Sept. 13.?The North Carotins Association of Commeroial Secretaries will hold! its 1940 meet, lug to Kfnsbon. ? 4* ?- 4t.i_ - - * 1 iw wrpmwiwn mane una seiec 4 ton yesterday at the closing sessftcin of its annual convention at which Frank Pterson of Durham was eloc- ' ted president. i ; Spartanburg, S. C.. Sopt. 13.? b 5 Dlatrlot Attorney Oscar Doyle said 1 yesterday that former State Senator 1 Clarence E. (Mountain Ltcn, Sloan I probably whild he called to trial at > the October term of Federal Court 1 at Greenville on a charge cf obtaining money from WPA workers on the pretense that he had obtained , employment (en a project for them. I " r. Lexington, Scjxt. 13.?Ted Vernon |, White of Dateeburg was( sentenced . to 40 years imprisonment yesterday uroe conviction of crimdnaliy assaulting a ten year old girl. * ^ Raleigh, Sept. 13.?North Carolina's Natioiftal Guard strength. Ad Jut Gen J. Van B. Mette estimated today Wight be increased to 4.000 enlisted men as the result (c<f plane to boost .the nation's national guard member ship to 235,000. This iwoud: be a 700 ; increase for tbe North Carolina National Guard! Raleigh. Sept. 13.?A 1700.000 road Jetting originally set for Sept. 26, has been postponed until Oct. 3, Chief Highway Engineer W. Vance) False announced'. ' . T Laughing Arout With IRVtt One Right Bel By DtVlN : COME yean ago the editor of a pop He made up a list of men and wt literature, commerce, politics, and o telegram containing this question: " ' more to lhre, how would you spend th the replies in a symposium in a subse Among those who received copiej thought the proposition over for a sp back this snswer: "One at a time." (AsMjffe Uses 1 Kings I'' . *-* . -* * . ' . J / , 1 itional News > i Brief Form: -National New*? ? t Rldgefleld Park. N. J.. Sept. 13. ? ? tlenn'pn \V| 'rid War veterans, u cr j sanitation of men who served in i the Imperial, (iennan army, had a- v r.'eed today to cancel all social nr. c tl' ltlcs- and refrain from dhtcuf "i'? ?f. the European conflict with other persons to avald "mhdnfcoi prctatk'n 1 K our acttona." ' c Port Myers. Kla., Sept. 13.-A 3- * Lraln prctrudlr.R Itl a sac cutKid'- her fkull, was given little chance today to live. !i Physicians saldi most am- ivn? ^ >? surgery knpwn for the rnrc brain hernial Ion probably would prove 4 fatal. The six pound girl was normal ^ La ictbcr respects. I . . E Copenhagen. Sept. 13.?Fourteen men were killed today when the Ku- 8 titeh bark Ollvebank was blown up about 105 miles southwest of KsbJeTg. *l:ufthtwes*Jem Deaunark. Sev ( m men. ptckd up by a Danish fish ng boat, said their ship struck a t:?. 4 . i t Auchorage, Alaska. Sept 13.?Ma- c tanuaka Valley sheep and cows may Save to seek new grazing la id If 5 t gold mining boom in Uncle Sam's 1 tor Northern , cooperative farthing 1 colony develops. 1 Antone Anderson. civil engineer laid assays showed Massive BtiMe ^ J.vried gold averag'ng 52.15 to the s on ' : < London, Sept. 13.?Ten thousand i Americans still are In the United I Kingdom and Ireland, the American J Embassy disclosed tcjcay. Seven thousand of thrse are In England, Scotland and Wales ami | ] l.nOO of this number do not have i, passage to 'the United States. The other 3,000 of the total are in Ireland. These figures lnllude Americans working ksMie-British Isles. Five s,htpe are ec route to help 3ring faome the remainder of the Americans. Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sept. 13.?Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brewer and their year old daughter. Shirley, were on their way last night to a birthday party for Shirley ? her first. A heavy hearse skidded lntp thefr cat, killing the fattier and) daughter; and seriously Injuring the mother, Ankara, Turkey, Sept. 13.?The N'i tional Assembly convened today for a meeting which informed quarters Bala pikbably would define Turkey's Mtilude toward the European war as one of "watdbfhil waiting."* New Work, Sept, 13.?The Ainerl can Telephone and Telegraph Co. an ncuneed resumption tod'ay of radiotelephone aiervlce between the United States and Belgium, Denmark. Germany. Lithuania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. / , , J** ' Bucharest Sept. 13.?The American Embassy In Pcrtae reported all was well today in & brief telephone canversatHon with th? Rumanian legation. \; Shelbyvllle, Ind., Sept. 13.?Four Shelbyville boys claimed today a new national blcycl endiuionce record cf 1.1S5 hours. Portsmouth. N. H., Sept. 13.? The submarine Squalls was fnucoessfully surfaced at 2:05 P. M. (EST) today pud taken In tow for a Portsmouth Navy Yard dry dock. ? ! > ? A id the World ! i s. COBB ? lind Another S. COBB alar publication had an Inspiration. >m?a distinguished in art, religion. ther lines, and to each he sent a If you had bat forty-eight hoars mi" his purpose being to embody gaent issue of his periodical, i of the Inquiry was a writer. Re tell, sad then by wire, collect, seat 1 mm IMour KIHC3 MOUNTAIN. N. C. Kirst Services In David iaptist Church Sunday Members of the congregation of he newly constructed and alqpbst onipleted1 Dnvld Baptist GhurcV> ?-m he Shelby Highway near Bethware sill worship It the fir % time In heir building Sunday.. The opening crvices will begin at the Sunday Icbcol hour folllwltig with the r? -to iir n*rnlng services at 11 A M. vith the pastor I). F. Putnam \m barge. f Another service will* be held In hv ai'lerlo .11 at St'Qb P, M . 41th l>r. ."tin Wull of the First Baptist Chur h of Shelby bringing the tuetwaae. >p<-clal musical piygram ha3 been n,rnm m, I.I vn.i./tg. <i*ftist?ls ?VY?l'il.lr? t Quartette from Shelby. . The public is cordiallv invited to ie present for either or both ct the let vices. The building will not be formally le-ulcated at this time as it Is not itiite - complete, but an announce; nent as to the exact date will be tu<de later. Services will continue throughout ill of next week with Rev. Putnam n charge. rtRS. THEODORE HUFFMAN 0IE8 Mrs. .Thejcdqre Huffman, age 62, tied at her home near Kings Moun, aln Friday night after several years if declining health. The body was carried- by train Saturday night to the old home cl he family, in Jasper. Ala.. where unerai services and interment toofc dace Monday. Mrs. Huffman Is survived by hei lusband and two sens. Theodore, Jr, ind Frer Huffman, all of Kings fountain Road De fiible Teacher Elected For . ity Schools < Miss Mildred Lowrance of Mooree Jle, who graduated from Queen* .htcora College l*St Spring ham go. :ef?ted the position as Bible teaches n the Kings Mountain school sysem. , Miss Lowrance comes to Kfaigs fountain highly recommended as a ntki? pv-v ???>??>? ..a i? uuwcit vi DIUIU. cue ywiaiutnu in English and Bible In College. In tbe High Sctyopl, Miss Lowrance vUl teach tax) Bible classes daHy ach student taking a straight five laj a week course, which constitutes a full unit of work for a year n tbe elementary school, she wil each 8 classes, two at East, twe it Park Oraoe, andi tour at Central ihe Will teach each class twice a vueic for one semester, and threr limes the other semester, giving j'ementary students a half unit "ci .vork. Only students from the sixtt trade upward are allowed to tak< he course. Bible Is being taught In th< ichools of Kings Mountain for th< first time, with the Churches of tlx town and the other civic organizn :icn? <i:ntributing to the cost of th< course. {' * WHEATIES AND SEVEN-UP OFFER 8PECIAL ' 1 V Wheatles. that .delicious cereal and Seven Up have joined togethe to offer Herald readers a super spei ial By clipping the coupon in th! lsuue of the, Herald and taking it t< your favorite grccer you will be gi en abeolutelf freo six bottles of Sev en-Up, the drink that Is most invig orating, with the purchase of tw packages of Wheatles. This offer ' fcr a limited time only so clip th coupon rlglit now, before you ror get it and get your free bottles c Seven-Up. SMALL FIRE SATURDAY AFTERNOON Firemen were called out Snturda afternocn to entlngutsh a small fir at the Victory Gin. It waa reporte that the blaze waa a "small cot to fire" which did ver>' little damage. When the whistle blew, calling th f'remen, the buttons which manipu late the siren became hung and th whistle tilaw for several minute disrupting business down town fo sowdtlme. ,7 MEETING AT METHODI8T CHURCH The meeting at Central Method!? church grows la Interest as Rev. I M. Robinson brings stirring mesne ges. The meeting will continue thr the present week with preachln each ntghL including Saturday, at 7: SO. 8et ilcen are being annocnoe at least through Wednesday ntgt of next week and may continue long itain K THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1939 Bids For New Post Office Opened yC\yC" Pcnnolt. Veal gen ral ron^ factor. who submitted a bid '.or ttaci Xcpa'racti&u ol ih*' new j>< *! >Y',< building for * K UtgV&ftAXUtSffii r<-?;v-iv-> ( ? > ilif tinj wIiik cotiimuriii ailpn 1 i from Washington officiate: The tolli 'WitiK bills were CjinirU Hep- :i)h? f (v jlKSf bi I*?1 !..! WOtl.s Agency. Public f?Ui!(lit:ii< A-i; winte'ratIon, Washing ?'?. b. tor tbe construction of th? lf s 1'iwt <># !.. .. ?>l. . - ?? - ' * mil i urnii mi in,-,i ,, ij,,, Bidders Amount , O. J liuvird & Co. $43.oo<i Augusta. On. * Ij H. Galllmore #46 !K?0 . Greensboro. N. C. .' H. K. Stewart A Son $47,952 High Feint, N. C. !*' E. P. Date Construction Co. *48,000 Morgan ton, N. C. Clyde T. Bennett 148,736 , Kings Mountain. N'. C. Algernon Blair $48,933 Montgomery, Ala. (Southeastern Const. Co. $49,505 I Charlotte, N. C. V, P. Loftls, $49,833 , Charfctte, N. C. A. Farnell Blair. $49,897 > Decatur, Ga. J. A. Jones Const. Co. ' $31,700' i Charlotte, N. C. f Blauner Const. Co. . $36.9ot? s Chicago, 111. The ct-mnunlcatlon did not sa that the bid had been awarded but ' had only been opened. but it 1 thought that the contrac'. wlil b > let in a few days and the actual i wcrk begun. dication 1 . < Woman Injured In Auto Collision Mrs. TltCrman Moss, local woman . received serious cuts on her leg , a neck injury Saturday night t > wfceh the auto in which she was j . riding collided with another near, Gastonia. Her eight year old daugh' . ter was more seriously injured, re k cdving a broken cellar bone and a , fractured shoulder. Mrs. Mo&s was visiting her father > Teff Davis, who was also In the auto r when the accident occurred. It was > reported that Davis received minor .cuts on bis arm. The driver, whose . name could not be learned, and Mrs. Mobs' twin daughters were itnlnjur> ed. S Central P. T. A. i Elects Officers r ' The Initial fall meeting of Central " School P. T. A. was held Tuesday j In the high school auditorium with s a representative number In attend> I ance. ' ,Mrs. W. K. Mauney. first vice president, presided, and during the : | business session a president and i : vice president wore elected to fill' i vacancies left by the resignation of j Mrs. Aubrey Mauney and Mrs. \V. i K. Mauney. Mr. Charles F. Thomas I son was- elected presldeit and Mr. I- G. White, first vice prosldent Splendid. music for the evening! c | was furnished by the school band | 1 under the direction of Mr. Paul Hen- j ?! tiricke. 1 i ?: Will Rogers' I ' c " - Humorous Story * .? ???? By WILL ROGERS TP YOU'RE anything like mo yon will be about plumb sick of f i Scotch stories. Everywhere I go e| people seem to think that the only d kind of a humorous story there Is n is one which deals With the people that wear kilties. However, sometimes there is one that seeps * through with a grain of real humor i- In it and that's the only reason e I'm passing it on to you. '' Two Scotchmen went fishing with I the understanding that the one who u caught the first fish would have to u pay for the rent of the boat Sandy - had hardly put his polo la the B water when ha got a bite that al. ssoet broke his Use. bat Us refused [. without bait ? M toMMtawMweairiiirt/ir t hit lerald I Prospects Fc Not Encoura M. t* Lockrjdge Dies I Maxwell Paul l,nokrldir?, aue 34. nied ar**lff^hcmo lit Kings Mcuii'a:i Saturdnv afternoon. ( Ilow :?iu :i week's illness. Funeral st-iAics ?.'re eon ! noted 1 at Bethany A. U. P. Church with J iiev: \V. M Itojce. pastor* of thej deceased In choree, assisted ! > a ' l.nwoll minister. -BuHal ttok iilat'fj Mr. Isoekrldge Is survived his' widow. formerly Miss Annie Wells, u daughter. Jewell, his .father- V. A l^ckrldge, all of Kings Mountain ad a sister. -Mrs. Frank (Iris i ill. formerly of K^hgs Mountain. now of Lowell s Local Man Honored Dr. W. 1* Mauney, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mauney. was recently honored by members ef. his profession by electing him Secretary.'Tresis urcr of the North Carolina Pedit Association at the suite meeting held in Winston-Salem where X>r Mauney practices. Dr. Mauney also appeared on the program as one of the speaker, .for the morning seeMon. The Herald wishes to congratulate Dr. Mauney. a Kings Miuntain ctt'zen, who lias been highly hcuorod by his associates. ' omorrow Kings Mountain's new JlnO.OOO highway and bridge. diirectly linking highway number 29, South, and 74, West, will be formally opened and dedicated! tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 3:00 P. M. ? , Main speaker of the occasion will be Congressman A. L. Bulwtnkle of GaStonia. Alao on the program will be T. Max Watsim, Division Highway Commissioner of Shelby; H. E. Neell, Division Engineer of Rutherfcrdton, and Mailer J. B. Thomasson, who will cut the ribbin, opening to traffic two of the chief highway cutlets of tbls section of the State. The Kings Mountain School Band will form a parade at the beginning of the section of new highway on East King Street facing the bridge. They will march Uo the new bridae. where the ceremony will he held, aud where they will play several ei-ledtlons. A^Jcr ,Mayer Thoinasson opens the highway, a motjcreade will proceed down the new highway to Uie point at which it meets he o!<! Shelby highway, and deme hack up Muontaln .street. Tlie new highway has been finish ed alter almost a year of construction on both the new overhead1 btidge and the streets .which had to be filled. The contract for the hritdge was lot last September. Construction began in October, and the bridge w'as completed in April. Th j highway contract was let In October and construction began when the txlnge was completed. .During the process |ct construction 130 men were employed steadily, by the Construction company. These men laid 23.000 square yard'3 of con ctete In the highway. Slctewalks re, quired 3,300 square yards cf con crete. , Battleground Avenue, formerly known as Railroad Avenue, on the epst side of the tracks, and RailrceJ Avenue., icn the West side of the tracks, had to b? filled to como up to the level <*f the nefw highwaiyi Several sections of th? new highway itself, fit>m the bridge to Piedmont Avenue, and Just out from down, required filling. yrhls filling required H1.000 cubic yardto of dirt. The banks of the places filled in on each side fcf the railroad have been sodded, lending the view of the bridge from the. business section a much more attractive air, with the green grass hiding the ugly rod banks which formerly greeted the eye#. ,The new section Is one and. twotenths miles In length, making an almost straight section of highway ftora the East CUy limit to the .West, and allowing persons who are headed from Oast oris to Shelby or vice versa, to cnoes the railroad over the new bridge eliminating the hazard which formerly eclated. Of the one and two tenth miles half of It a U feet curb to curb The remainder is regular width. - ' - ' ??????A??. BUV AT HOME >, 9& . . . ' , ? . . " ' ' FIVE CENTS PER COPY >r Hotel ging V . . _ . - Members of the Finance Commit, tec of the lltlel project met Mohdoy night in the Town Hall and aepcrted that less than $lf),00t) had. been definitely /pledges' for stock to promote a new modern hotel fcr King* Mountain: A total of $s,*uiO wps plcdiivi but acvcral members of the committee had n t been, able, to contact their prospective ' * l-uekar*. and their reports were not tnad<*. committee the locafon- of the proposed betel would have a meat deal to do. with the amount of stork different citlaens would take. One member sstatej. that his group A V..IJ A ? 1- _ a?i. '- Te - ?uuiu mf ?hm<ou wonn or stock ir tlu hotel was placed on their'proper I)', hut they cculd not take any where near that amount unless It was. Another member reported his connections would take stock If the location was at a certain place but could not promise anything unless It was. Several members of the committee were very disappointed at the outcome of the -first- effort to promote stock. In fact one member who has been very much interested In the hotel project stated that it looked like to him the promotion war over unless the citizens came across more liberally in stock; or leave the selection of the location en tlrely to a committee. A committee was appointed of the Plonk Interests Mauney interests to see Just what could he' worked out and another meeting Is to-be called when they are readv to report. Dr. L. P. linker, a member of the committee, stated that he would bo glad to sell hisi lot cn King Street for a hotel at what he paid for It, as he purchased this property sever al years ago with a hotel In mind. Citizens cf Kings Mountain have shown a great deal of Interest In a new hotel; and with the enthusiasm that has been manifested it seepna very disappointing that more\ have noi. shown stronger financial Interest in It. Persons Warned Not To Follow Fire Truck Too Close Police-Chief Jimmy Burns yesterday a?ked the Herald to announce that beginning immediately, all per. , Bona following the fire truck tco | cloBely to fires will be prosecuted, according to section 119, paragraph | (P) in the Statute Books of North Carolina L>aw. The Law says: "It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle other than on ocicial business to follow any fire apparatus traveling la response to a fire alarm closer than one block or to drive Into or park such vehicle within one block where fire apparatus has stppped in answer to a fire alarm." In making the statement, policeman Burns said that hereto'ore ilrlvern have violated this law and plended -ignorance In several instances. the drivers have become so bold as to drive over fire hose which were in the street. The foregoing statement was issued after an | arrest Saturday cn this charge. . CWzrthutg&n f&^napshots James PreStoh (Opinion* Expressed In This Column "ic 1101 i?eccaaarny ine views of This Newspaper.) Washington doesn't, as some may surmise, merely hum and , wroWeo and swat files between sessions of Congress. A great deal of important activity is taking place these days on the banks oT the sluggish Potomac. Late summer and early fall avttvl ty at the national capital might be conveniently divided iuto two gener al classifications. The first of these might be called "fireworks.'' That'a the news that goes off with a big bang and thick, dlack. Ink)' kheadlines. Into this group would! probably go much of the governmental hard work that results from the present Jangled1 state of Eiirofcean nerves, work that has kept State . Department windows nblade with . light many a night lately. Also included here would be the Investigations of the Dies Committee., aiming to show the Identity that ertsta . among all the foreign "lama" an* making It clear that all of them am (Cont'd on Editorial page)

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