SOCIAL I Of INTE I I ^ PHONES 10-R J < > J ? ATTEND WEDOINQ IN LINCOLNTON The following from Kings Mountain Trent to Llncolnton last Wednes da) evening to attend tlie marriage of James Hunter Ware of Mount Holly and Mine Jane Costner? Lincoln ton: Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Thomaeson, Mr. and Mrs. J. K Upford, Misa Margaret Kendrick. Mies Carlyle Wore, Mr* Flossie Ware, Mr and Mrs. Paul Ware, Mrs Flossie Ware, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ware, Mrs. F. E. Finger, Mrs. Harry Warren, and Mrs. Joe Neisler. +m. n .y^nj nt'idhtgtnhni'iiS 'ii'BcH and Mrs. T. L. Ware both of whom were formerly from Kings Mountain. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Beverly P. Costner, the latter u member of the Nixon family, a number of whom are well known In Kings Mountain. The marriage took place at Em* ruanuel Lutheran Church. Wm Jr^^r \?m When year friends i . get together j ARE YOI LEFT OITT If you haven't a telephone, it may be difficult for friends I and acquaintances to reach I you readily, and they may be forced to leave, you out of ^ many pleasant affairs. The fun, the social advantages, the comfort and ptotection a telephone affords are priceless. Yet you can have one in your borne for just a few pennies a FdayT It just doesn't pay to i try to get along without It , telephone. Order your telephone today. i< SoBTHERn BellTelefrbre ?U TELEGRAPH CQfllPAIHJ i I INSOKPOSATCD ' . ? t . . ' . All Nationall lyfAWiiltAMjlsaA AM CJnl A f ?IA? ATiticuanuioc vit oaic iiui 25th at the lowest price* States. Stock up now at maximum values. During advertised items will be where in America. KINGS M0UN1 Your 1 Phones 41?81 TI ? ? AND PERSONAL HAPPEN 1REST to 1 \ ; ; " ... V'. > ;* 1 i. iND 88 MRS. A- H. PATH MEETING OF ADELPHIAN CLUB Mrs. Manly Mcrehead hcste?s to members of the Aieiphluii Ciub and. a number of additional jruestsj entertaining at her bottle on Pied-' snout Avenue last Thursday after, neon. Colorful dahlias. zinnias, . mu and other fall" flowers were atfecltye ly arranged throughout Use rooms where six tables were at ranged lor rook. Mrs. Antiiie ;DlUsHy scored high and jMrs. Pride Ratterree,'low with Mrs. J. K. Antony receiving floating prlre. was sorted. j Ouesis and club members p.* .is includvd M'sdames It. L Mauey, W. K. Mauney. C. W. Has-pct. J. ? AilI thony, Troy Carpenter, W A Kidenhour, J. B. Keeter. Ladd Hasnrick, Harold Crawford. (Jrady Putstt!".:i P .McUill, Lawrence Love!!, \V. T. Wuk, Paul Hendricks, Bill Craig; i-riae itauerree. k. w. unn.n, u Jnckson Ann>!.e Dllling. Billy Muvney. j. o. Hord, Aubrey Maunty, N. M'saes Janet Sccggiue ani Suggs. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. CliaV-fcs Dilling enterlajned ber bridge club at her borne Tuesday afternoon. l/ovely flowers were. arranged '.a the living rcom .where two table* of ccntract were In play. At the conclusion ur. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mrs. A. L. A11 ran aonpuocea the marriage of her daughter, Frances, to Mr- Henderson Heradton on Saturday evening, Aug. 9, at Oaftney, South Carolina. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. A. L. Allran and the late Mr. Allran, is a sweet and attractive young woman. The bridegroom la a son of Mr. and Mrs. Maxle Hemdpn. The young couple have many friend's in thla section. They will make their home' with the bride's mother on West Mountain street. ly Advertised n September 15th to the i possible in the United the minimum prices for * .r \ this week all nationally sold here as low as anyAIN DRUG CO. Rexall Store Prompt Deliveries HB KINOS MOUNTAIN HBRALD. <. riNGS i; WOMEN : *ERSON, Editor ; ? ? ? ~ Personals Miss Elisabeth Plonk left this week tjl resume her studies si VtrgiiHa-Inter Monte College. Mrs. Annie MfrssBiowie spea' -*vcra' days last week at her old home r.?ur Monroe. ?o? Miss Frances Qoforth left Wednes cay to resume her stulies at the University at Chapel Hill. * ?o? Miss Barbara Summit! has begun School. Mrs. Arthur Crcuse has is her guest for.the week her sister. Miss Annie Rudlslll, /of Gastonla. o-? Mr. and Mrr. Jesse Klser of Charlotte spent the week end with relatives in Kings Mountain. Ml as HaSel McCoy of Chalfotte, was a guest of Miss Elizabeth Ware for the week end. Mrs. Hugh Hoke of Llncolnton la a guest of her parents. Mr. and Mri. /"* T- Po 11 AM f Am B.MiAKnl I,- ' ,. -W-/;-,;J^y';.'4^,.- 7 .j . iMMI^^'riiiltoi I" I i ll 'T I n? THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, ItH of North Carolina. ill. and Mrs. O R. Long and two sons, Edward and Perry, of Council. N. C.. visited relatives In Kings Mountain during the past week end. ?oCecil Crook left Wednesday to enroll as a freshman at Clemsou College. He was ahsompanled1 to >Clem son by his mother, Mrs. W. K. | Crook. ?o? Drade Peeler who hail been a patient at city Hospital, Oastonla, was brought home Tuesday and Is shew, log considerable Improvement. Mrs. Nell Patrick Is on an extend ed visit to members of the Patrick family at White Oak. 8. C. She was accompanied to White Oek Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Havne Tllackmer who returned Sunday afternoon. r Mrs. Dewey Fal's and children of Lumbcrton visited relatives in King* Mountain last week and were accompanied home during the week end b.v Charles Falls, Sr., who had also ifciw.v* m > sr?'?U 4, wa- srtVf n I'*.'* ? IMPERIAL THEATRE ; PHONE 184 Kings Mountain's Popular Play House TODAY?THURSDAY Bob Steele in "DURANGO VALLEY RAIDERS" Also Anne Shirley in "A MIAN TO REMEMBER "Buck Rogers Net. S. ?Only a Dime? FRIDAY and SATURDAY /Jack Randall in 'DRIFTING WESTWARD' L/ee Tracv in "THE SPELL BINDER' 'Oregon Trail" ? Cartoon 10c and 15c COMING ' MONDAY and TUE8DAY Double Feature Program Anna State te "EXILED EXPRESS" * also "TITAUS OF THE DEEP* March of Time?Cartoon 10c and 15c I TIE YEAR ? "Prompt Service* onable Prices r service, and it will be to serve you, as we have Ve keep our Quality up lot down to a low price. hoe Service s Any Color? We Deliver ??J V \ > - f ? RTHER AT A * 1 RTW" ) OHVlllE ^ i ^/ ^,.s $lOfc V THESE MITELS ^VX ARE CONVENIENT !*&. W TO All RESIN? ACTIVIIIIS %%&&?+ \ * "S^MoS .jini ihwiiji ,y.rv.'vt";'. 'N/. >" '. ' v?- ' "V* : ?'"'"' '\^\\? ';' * ' * ';" ' . THE PERSONEL OF Myers' I Dress Shoppe Offers a sincere "THANK YOU" to the large group of Patrons and well-wishers who have visited us since our Opening. f ' A ' '"r''1 is '''* j It is our desire to render a complete Ready-toWear Se irvice to the Ladies of Kings Mountain and vicinity and with this aim1 in VIEW, our dock is being constantly enlarged and improved. You will find here a complete line of ?DRESSES? . ^ 7.98 to 16.95 ' t / .' ' > * ' ' ' , - " m J LADIES' and MISSES' COATS 5.00 to 49.50 ' v. CHILDREN'S COATS and LEGGING SUITS 2.98 to 9.95 it ?HATS? 97c to 3.98 A lovely selection of Sweaters in all colors and styles. ? Lingerie, a complete line at all prices, including the famous KAYSER line. No Charge For Alterations MRS. R. D. GOFORTH, Manager. Myers' Dress Shoppe 2nd Floor Myers' Department Store ___________________ ". ? . m I . m