READ Y THE f HERALD VOL. 28 NO. U. State And I Condensed 1 ?State New*-? Newton, Sept. 26.?A crowded c bit a bridge abutment on the edi of Newton early Sunday . moral] * and killed (our of the occupants ai seriously injured four others. All the victims lived a few mil east of here. They had been to Nei ton Saturday night and were retur ing home at the time <( the acoide ,HarUville, 8. C. Sept. 26.?Doub Jwesnmaroowdbisgiilasi JnJlhsWlHiJVi nlnger, 40. and Joseph C Chapma no who were killed early yeater* moraine in an smtotnobEe accMo near {Monroe, N. C., were to be he at 4 o'clock this afternoon at tl . Chapman residence here. Raleigh, Sept. M.?Harvey A. ^ lima* 34 year oM Swansea, 8. C. o ton bnyer was fatally Jgjart4 In i - automobile ooUielon fire miles son of hers on U 8. Highway No. 1 jre trrday. . v Coroner Roy M. Banks said M Williams' car wad la ooUlslon w< an rutomdbllo driven by Tcmmde Oilllah of Statesvllla. Florence 8. C.. Sept. 24.?Injurl received Thursday when his e plunged over a river bridge pron total early today to 8. O. Haseldi of the Loo section. Kershaw, 8. C., Sept. 24.?An a tomobAe-bttd oollisipn AUled Mr Ruby Jones, 32, cf Kershaw and s riouely injured her hudbaod, EL Rt dolph Jones, 34, last night near he Next Sunday Is Rally Day In Kings Mountain Sunday, October 1, 1? Sundi School Rally Day,, bringing to a c max the drive by all the Kin; * Mountain Churchee to build up St day . School attendance. The <*rl\ which baa been underway (or ti piat month, has been a hotly conte ed one, with first one church ai then another boaating the largest tendance. The attendance has bet reported each week in the Herald. Tbla week a personal iovttath has been delivered to the Scho Children all over town by differ* persons going to the nchools ai talking to the student body of f schools. Persona who have not be reached thru the schools are cordl ly Invited to attend the church their choice next Sunday and help make the climax the blgge doy of the drive. Persons who visited the differs schools were as follows: Cent! School, W. K. Mauney and C. Tbomasson; East School, John McQUl and Haywteod B. Lync West School, W. E, Dlakety; ai Park Grace, W. W. Soother a I. B. Goforth. It Is the hope of the committee get every men, woman and child Kings Mountain to attend the 6u day School ct their choice next 8 bath. Chart** Thmaqson, Genet Chairman of the town-wide mot A X? _?1 _ _ ? A lit. 4Ua . meui, IB wen pieasea wna me a port rseetrsd so far, and he alo with other* on the oommittee ? looking forward to a record bres ing attendance In alt the oburcli for this big Rally Day. Sunday Sdbool attendance repoi for last Sunday are as follows: Plrdb Boot let 304; | Presbyter! 299; Central Methodist 225; Seco Baptist 287; Liutheran 266; A. R. 160. i Laughing Arc With IRl You Couldn't F< '?&' %,WV APROMINCMT fWaidaa of a ? a little daughter, aged six t rA ~ \ a ?wwf in oiDio nutoi m "Do TOO know who the first "Yew, I do," lisoed the boy. I TU bet you dosTtknow theii "I bet I dor replied the Uttl "Well, what were their aaas "Ms* and Ahr ?>wsi sil t Kings National News in Brief Form I ?Aauonai New*? at Lebanon, Ore., Sept. 26.?Weary ot ge waiting tor death. William R. btanifc on 81, disappeared. Pcllce touud nu in ntuuiapal swimming pool | Wbeu hih wife died in 1933, he et hul his own name carved bealdej v. herb on a tombstone and gave 1936 n- an the year ot hi? death, nt Mr*. Joseph Htugheq, who ioered fi>\. G?UMi mn uc irw|uviH\y 61 ile pitssed Impatience ?t hie longevity. * WarreirtonTvn.. Sept. W?The cai) ?'? of thre? sooially promt Deal at young men whom Count Igor Culm Id <2 year old Washington newwpapet he columnist and grandson of .a formei Russian Ambassador to the United States, accused of tarring and tenthn cning htm after a country club danM ce last June were docketed for cou? side ration of a Fauquier County ^ Orand Jury hers today. *" London, Sept. 31.?Anna Freud | Ir daughter of the Austrian psyeboanmll lyst. 8tgmund Freud, who died here & Saturday night, may edit and pub. Itsh hie views on the mentality oi Adolf Hitler. H Beverly HlHs, Calif.. Sopt. 26. ? M Carl Laemmle, Sr., who started in ^ the film Industry *s a nlckledcoo proprietor and became the first tnan to make a million dollar picture ? Fcollsth Wives ? died yesterday at u. the age of 72 years. a " ? Passaic, N. J., Sept. 2 .?The Rev I William V iDunn nursed today slight irm burns received when he tried in ' vain to save holy Hebrew ScrolU Pom flaming Temple Emanuel, an Imposing white building s Angeles, Sept. 26.?A tropica. ij storm which brought 65 mile an hour w,.nds wrote a tragic finale to. ^ day to Southern California's- worst j0 heat wave on ecord. -a Five person* were known dead and at least 26 other* were reported vt drowned a* the heavy rains swept 1(j Southern California ana parts of Ari at <-oua and Nevada. The *borm ended a week of 100 degree-plus temperatures in Loa Angela*. m Sheriff Howard Durley of Ventura *>; county said there was no hope thai Bt the 26 person* aboard the pleasure id fishing boat Spray, which capsized he In the surf near Oxnard, would be bq found alive. . . Lai ol Huntington, W. Va., Sept. 26.?Dr. tc George Nicholson Wakleck, 67, died tai jesterday, proud to the end that in his 44 year* of medical practice he nt never rendered a hill or refused! a ?" cull. During two years he assisted at F more birth* than any other physictny an in the state. h; I nd Camden, N. J., Sept. 26.?A 4i nd > ear old minister goes on1 trial today changed with plotting the slayto Ing of his own daughter to collect in ?2.000 insurance. Ill- ?? ii ab West Palm Beach, FUu, Sept. 26.? *1 Charles Jefferson, erstwhile theatre's cal director and script writer, today irr van the central fienra of a court. ng room drama in whloh he wu cast ire as the slayer of a girl to whom he ik- posed as a talent scout and promtsim ed a movie career. rt? Phoenix, Arts., Sept. 26.?Hosplta* officials expectantly await the thleran es who stole six rabbits and 16 gunnd na pigs from Lois Grunew Memorla P. CI'isle. The animals had been inocn I a led with disease germs. 1 und the World ftN S. COBB xrf That Youngster. INS. COBB certain Southern dty has two children i and a small son, agsi four. Ons day if bar brother through pa oral sxammsn sad the first woman were?" r names," presssd the sister. Is fellow. m than, Mr. fimarty?" he Uttle bey. Sws VhsSasM, Mel iiiiMfiiirrii i i .. .. I .,.II|JPHUII^IW,IU1I)I IIJU I Mouii KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Tl Aged Confederate Veteran Passes i , Monday John A. Sims, aged Confederate veteran. pa**r.d away at his home on West Mountain street early Monday evening Mr. ^|n? died at the nge ol 07 1-2 veara after a long period ot tcrlileiicss and luftrinlty. Mr. Btma suffered a strpke of paralysis last i'i i ;;?> afternoon and grow steadily waiker until the end came. _Kuncrai services were held at the late residence nn Tuesday after* n<>? n. with Rev. E. W. Fox. pastoi 'pf iw/nf iimm mi/urn; charge. Music was furnished by numbers of the choir assisted by neighbors of the leceased. Interment was made in Mountain Reet eeme ttfry. Pallbearers were Cleveland TidweU, Hoyle McDanlel, Mr. Hoy* af ml tnhn WU??t n*' per. South Carolina. Mr. Slma, a native of Bnrfca county. spent almost Ma entire lite ta Cleveland county anl it la thought' that he waa the oldest Cleveland County citizen at the time of hla death. J He waa a Confederate Veteran, a member of Compear D. He looked rorwarl from year to year to the re union cf old soldier* and dinner aer ved by. the United (Daughter* of the Confederacy, a number of whom did much to make hla declining year* mrre pleasant. He -was a member of Bethlehem rapt 1st church. For a long tftne he has been nursed and cared for by F. Tldwell and ramlly. hla next door nelgbbora. * Mr. Sims is survived by his widow vho was before marriage, Por' , Back Taxes 1 To 1935 To B Town officials have been very busy for the past several months collecting back taxee for the years 1936 *37 and *38 and now exerted effort will be put forth to collect the three prior years, namely, 1938, '34, '36. A Town official said, "We -started chocking on the years before 193( and we found that lots of people have not paid what they owe the town, and we want these pecple to pay up without us having to take legal atepe," me oniciaf pointed out that the only way for Kings Mountain to pay Its bills afid keep the tax rate tfowr is for everyone who owes the town to pay up. Thta second drive ia start ed to try to clean up as nearly at possible the back taxes tor the past six years. A large number of oitdzen* whc owed back taxes were garnlsheed in the first drive. , and town officlalV expressed themselves as hoping this would not be necessary this time as the e*tra.cost has to be paid by the taxpayer. . Injured In Auto Collision Rev. E. W. Burke, Negro preachef of Gaatcnia, and Minnie Ralney, ter ant of the farm owned by Bright' Rutterree, local man, were injured fin tan ktutcyiobilejwitoon collie!on cerlv Saturdav mnrntne on th* Kings Mountain - Gasfconla high, way. ? ' .r'.vsp The auto waa driven by * Robert Furke, #>n of the preacher, and the wagon by Jake Rainey, Mr. Ratter.j tee'a tenant^ the aoclderf: ocourlng when the wagon pulled Into the high vray In front of the oncoming auto* Minnie Rainey received treatment 'orr brulaee at Gaston County Negro Hospital, where Burke was being treated for alight Injuries. The mule pulling tbe wagon was killed. This Is the second mule that has been killed within the peat two weeks In or near the business sec. tton of Kings Mountain, the first ac ctdcnt occurring on the York high, way. Presbyterian Mien's Sapper Next TaeedUy The Man's Bible Class of the First PisstgtdrtSk Church iwfH have a supper next Tussday evening In the Fellowship HsM honoring the winning group, of which Charlie Moss Is lesdsr. The supper will he served at 7:00 P.M. by the ladies of the church. f \ A special musical program has bean arranged and R*v. I. M. Bills or Gaetoala wtt be guset speaker. O. W. Myers, President of the CUes skated that he wanted ?rery nesdtr to be present for the sap r. f itain H -IVRSDAY, HPT. 28, 1838. ?i?. ;? i i Fair Program BALANCE OF WEEK . THURSDAY, SEPT. 28 ' Gates Open it I A. M. . Grandstand opens 12:30 P. M. ? Horse Races begin at 2 P. M. ? I 2:20 Trot. F. F. Paoe. Free Attractions I Pony Races at 4 P, M. j EVENING ^ a Grandstand open* for Evening J Show at 0:30 P. M. Presenting the: "Fantasies of 1838' in an entire1 change of program and costumes, j ( FRIDAY. SEPT. 28 f i gMlty.EJHI WWJMUiH Gates Open at I A. M. Pullinq Contest, Horses and Mules 1 Grandstand opens at 12:30 P. M. 1 More Raoee begin'at 2 P. M.?F. F 1 Tret 2:20 Pace. 1 4-M Calf Scramble. Many Rapes at P. M. 1 EVENING ( Granrfataiul Omm at 0:80 P. M 4-M Ppojram ftgltu at 7 P. M. .Revue and Grandrtand Show Follows. ' fireworks Display at S:SO P. M SATURDAY, SEPT. SO A. A. A. Auto Races, Sanctioned by Contest Roard of American Auto mobile Association. Oatse Open at S A. M. Grandstand Opens at 12:30 P. M. Time Trials begin at 12:30 P. M. Races Start at 2 P. M. Sharp. EVENING Grandstand opens at 6:3-) P. M. Revue and Grandstand Show fol lows. Fireworks Display at J?:30 P. M. | rrom 1933 e Collected Men's Club Meets This Evening: at 6:30 '* > ?? The time of the Men's Club supper has been moved up to 6:30 with the meeting ithts evening iu the Woman's Club Building. An Interesting program has been arranged with the following in charge: J. B. Ttiotnasson, Chairman, Sage Fi.lton. R. C. Gold. Harold Crawfor! and David Ham rick. U <1b understood that the nomlna- 1 ting ocmmlttee consisting of Hayne 1 i-luckmer M. A. Ware and R. C. Gold ' will not make their report until the f'rst meeting in October. The olfl- | rein elected will 'be installed) during i the firet meeting in November. Program Chairman Thom&sson announced that p. Z. Newtcn, prominent Shelby attorney, has been secur rd as speaker. The committee Is very anxiouei for a large number to be present as the supper wilt be over in ample time for members to go to the fair if they dieslre. HELD ON MURDER CHARGE Morganton, Sept. 20.?-Charged with the slaying of his 21 year old niece, Mrs. Bertha OocdSson Self, tc [ collect a $500 Insurance policy, Sam Fiedelt, 24. Gaston county . textile worker, was held today on a murdei warrant. t _ _ ? Will Rogers' Humorous Story J_?n,-, - ' 1 Br WILL SOGERS A MAN lost Us wife. Her body was boms to the grave by friends and neighbors, the husband walking behind the coffin with his face art in a melancholy east. The ' gate ex the Churchyard was very narrow and the coffin was iarred against the gatepost. From the Interior of On coffin caps a hollow *7a*taatlv there was a great eotamotion, the lid was torn off the coffin and the Deetor was sent for. As a result the wife ceeepletely Teeerered freu the attsek of catalepsy which had besa mistaken for death and was installed to her husband. film lived for It pears before dying again. Onee again they bore her body to the grave, with the hasbeud walking slowly behind. Just as i^r?L3--nar2 ? is*- ;yl7"'.yfy * * ' v mmmmmmmmmrnmrnm [erald f '- : - , ' - ' Rev. W. M. I Is Called To Local Band deceives More Praise I' Gastonia uilizen* are almost as loud of the Kings Mountain Handji is local boosters. . Ever* time the vm, ty ti Ui'ttWiirtWet wr'.Wt J vorls of .praise are heard: from many 1 Ips and the Gastonia Gazette never I . Uses an epportuntty of lauding the I it Ire.winning outfit bf w hich ail ? Clngs Mountain la justly proud. The followng appeared in Along t rhe Avenue Column: * t "I declare that Kings; Mountain ' and t? about y the champions at the football 1 pirae here Friday 'night between tht 1 wo high school teams of the twe 1 owns. I "I went to the game mostly to see , hat band 4n -action, and I Imagine ( t good many others of the 3.500 that { vcre present went for the same pur j ?ose. It was a sight to nee the man- . ier in which .they wheeled' into ac , Ion once tfioy got cut on the field, , nnrched and counter marched, form' >d letters andi figures and ended It j vltli the magnificent spine tingling , 'Cod Bles? America. , "As they and the GaaPonla hand 1 ilayed that thrilling patriotic song ! -the locals had It on their repor- ' o re, too ? I could not help but 1 mt think how true the words of lie song were. Here In America boys 1 ind girls! and men and wemen were met in liappy, caret Yce recreation, ' 'uu and play, while over in Europe housanls were wracked by the fear 1 >f war. of bomibs and airplanes, maIV flf>plfln(r rpfmrA In hnloo In ground and in oonorete shelters 1 ivlnle their brothers, fathers and nners -were somewhere on a battle front. "I understand Kings Mountain has ibout 96 in itbe banl when they have Ihe full complement. There were al>out 60 or 70 in It last night and 1t vas wonderful. It must be more so ivhon ihe full quteta is there. Therd Acre so many tiny chaps, both boys ind girls. These little telowa had a fime keeping up with that fast tempo set by the drum majors. "There was a One apirlt shown between the twv> teams, the spectators from the two towns and' the two fbanla. Both cheered the performances of tho other right lustily. "And the Oastonla band Is improred over last year too. It Is> much larger than last year's and shows more precision and more polish." The Kings Mountain Band also p'nyed and marched both, afternoon and evening of the opening diay ol Cleveland .County Fair in Shelby Tuesday. The band will repeat the 3ame schedule tomorrow, Friday at the Ikfvrmtd, Presbyterian cliur:l? of C'haiiotte voted Sunday to exeiiu a tall it Rev. William Moore u'oyeo ot ivtng> Mountuin to become pastor. The vote was taken ut a congregational meeting after the morning - t?-?vlcc pre?|ibl over by Rev. Eben?zer Gettys, missionary to India at tome cd furlough. The name of Rev. Mr. Boyce was ur.?uitivi?? mm\mu i? i ?? nail of the committeo appointed by the congregation to recommend avtor, aud Julge J. H. Mario*. Mao t member of the commHttee. "The man that we suggest la the lnanimous choice of your committeo Mid Mr. Ulytbe. "This morning when we presented Ms name to yout lessioh our selecticn received their inanimous approval." Judge Mariou'st report aet forth, the fellow lag facts: Rev. W. V. Royce lis a native of LancSater county, 8. C., but lived practically aril lis life In Due West. In 1923 he was , graduated with honors from Ersklne Miiete. |tie sruaieo at Princeton, where he receired his master o#~ theology legree. He taught school for several years until called to preach. He haa served) as pastor of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian chur sh at Kings Mountain for a number >f years. r Mr. Boyce is 36 years of age. He Is married. His Wife is Ipectally trained for religious work, having it tended the training school of the Southern Preaibytenian church at Richmond, Va. They have four small sens. Mr. P.oyce Is represented as a tireless student nnd an enthusiastic worker. He is now director pf young people's work in the Synod. Members of the First Presbytery > of the Associate Reformed Presbyteilun Church at a meeting held at the Tabernacle A. R .P. Church In Charlotte Tuesday agnpolnted Dr. Ebcneror Gettys to preside over a meeting of the First Associate Reformed Predbyterian Church next Sunday morning, when a formal call wilt be extended to the Rev. W M. Beyce of Kings Mountain to become the pastor of the church. The pulpit of the First Church waa left vacant by the resignation last June of Rev. W. W. Boyce, D. D., who accepted a professorship In the Theological seminary at Due West, S C. Dr. Boyce continued to eerv? the First Church as supply during the summer. He preached Ms farewell sermon last Snday. Mr, lVyce when Interviewed by Tho Herall Tuesday morning stated. "Until the call is officially presented I cannot make a statement." The Herald 'is haDnv for Mr that lie has been called to the larger field of service '>ut regrets very much the less that Kings Mountain will suffer If he accepts. Local Boy On Cadet Band t (Special to The Herald) Oak Ridge, N. C., Sept. 26.?It wu announced today by Papt. Carlyle Whitaker, Director cf the Oak Ridfett Military Institute Band, that Charles Tliomasscn, Jr., has been appointed to the cadet band. Charles l? the son nf Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Thotnasaoo ol Kings Mountain, and Is a second year cadet at Oak Ridge. by^X^E^EST^ (Opinions Expressed m This Column Are Not Necessarily th# Visum of This Newspaper.) The President has declared this country of ours to ho In a state oi "limited emergency" as a result of the war oluoda and the thunder oi th? Mg suns on the far eMe of the Atlantic. And for a number of reasons It's Important to define that phrase between the quotation maths for it's a new term to Washington lawyers and statesmen, end to those of other nations also. Washington observers shsoms that the President, by adding that wort "limited" to the usual form of the declaration, was seeking to direct av tenUon to the fact that we should not let events In the other bendasphere completely destroy our own American sense of proportion, out own American way of life. For nc one who has viewed the frequently unpleasant h appending* that make up the story of the wortl since in* can fall to realist! that the greet as enemies of democrasy are war and. (Cont'd on Editorial page) - kjH