iwuiiiyiM - m?vmi PK RE8ULT8 ? LOW COOT #|WI*U> LASSIFIED g ADS tea word for firat Insertion; Wf price for subsequent Inter-J i iiUlh . Minimum charge 25c. Oo not ask for Information retj gardlng "keyed" ads, as they are atriotly confidential, t ' If error la made, The Herald Is responsible for only one Incorrect Insertion. The customer (g responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify. Immediately of any corrections need ' Want ads are always cash In - j; advance except-to--business men r concerns having accounts with -this newspaper, . Wtltt DA MENTALS OF 8TORE , MANAGEMENT. This special com Maatlon Course will solve your pear problem for promotion ? es gteMllj?"newnbit to ' waployeea or anyone aspiring to ' maaagr a Retail Business. Short. t * _ m a. a a . .a . wmu, ana inexpensive, investi( pti this training. U fills a great f | ' edi Call or write P. U Plercy. ! preventative, International Cor. " [ aaapoodence Schools, 409 Emerson Q as ton la, N. C. > mo* ALE ? Small grocery stock. Prick building with fixtures Cor asst. Phone 76.M. oct 28. fWt SALE ? Reefer Pears, $1.00 . per bushel at orchard. Archdale Perm I l " i FENCER CORSETS: Individually signed Foundation Garments Hedtcal Supports. For Appoint! wont call or write Mrs. Laura T. /Bradley. Phone 3301, P. O. Box 43 -Bessemer City. 10-12c. BARQAIN8 IN USED CARS?More than thirty good clean Used Cars i In stock at all times. Fords, Chev ' rolete and Plymouths. We always have lots of good clean Model A Fords. We can save you from $25 ' . *? $100.00 on any Used Car. Look wars ' over before you buy. Every oar Is sold under a money-back .'guarantee. OASTONIA USED CAR EO.. ll-2c W VOU ARE SUFFERING FROM . the aches and pains of Arthritis call at Griffin Drug Co.. and ask Rbr interesting free Sulpho-Kaps booklet on New Colloidal Sulphur method of treating this painful ait ment. 9-14-4tc?oct 5. 'REMEMBER ? oil Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Spltt3 or only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. V One of the main objectives of ExdHulfon Service workers in Edge, { saabe County in the coming year jwfll be a irtllk cow on every farm so |Mtart each family may have an ade?rate milk supply. (Continued Next Week) jfl P^IX I i a M * I ^l V flM E^S?3lB Bu TOM AND GEORGE . (Boorge: "Tom what was the laxi. <?tf man you ever heard of and what ^akea you think at?" Tom: "It was 0 fallow who drove a 1921 Flivver q>.K would jar the ashes off his moaretta." Well, that's ame lazy, hfo one ever flot anywhere In busl iess by waiting for something to %m up; we dont try putting things <m. we're trying our beet to put on* over. , ; yjt D. F. Hord Furniture Co. Buy It For Less At Hord's rtMr ?rs />t a a I ' I nc, CLAIM } f5! &ONT TWNIC A 1 . TtHMieAh'MiS i; aamy*u eve* ee ABtt fD 7A*e ,-jS^ i ?' * . /* *"> '. _ ' " '* .; ' ' tVVj. iSfe? : .' **.?<> /: - . \. v ' . ... t ;* IMMMMMIIMII.I >JM HH THIS H THAT By Alio* Bottom Patterson Grove Section + ?* ? ???# ? Friend* of Mlaa Audrey Bridges will be gladf to beer that she 1* improving nicely at her home since re' turning from the Oarriaon Hospital ' Gaatonla, where she underwent an' appendix operation recently. The J. W. Car rolls had a family re union Sunday, Sep*. 17. The event honored >118. Sldhey Mason: and { daughter, Barbara Jane, of Ware ?!iop.1s. S. C. who spent the week end here. The dinner was served, picnic' siyle, In the yard. The Carrolls have thirteen living; children, eigth of who are married uitd there's a number <of grandchil.| Urehr so you ~oan""lmaglne what a crowdf there is when they all get together. Others beside# members oi the' immediate family present were; I Mr. J. K. Oororth. Mrs. Carroll's father; and ,Mrs. William Patterson, mother of Mrs. J. C. Carroll. Mr. arid Mrs. B. P Green of Phenlx Mills Ultre vlsUrk 111 Mi miinlty Sunday. Pair Week, the week of weeks has arrived and moat of the folks we know are planning to spend at least one day at the-fair. Several visited the fairground Sunday. All the farmers are busy picking cotton. It seems to be unsually hard to hire cotton pickers this year Mhybe Its because fifty cents seems a email amount to be paid for picking a hundred pounds of cotton. It is small but the. farmers can't afford to pay any more when the price of cotton is so low. Speaking of low, the news supply for this column is low this week so wll just say good) bye. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power ct sale contained in a peed of Trust "given by Ila Greenlee, widow, to Willey H. MoGlnnis, trustee for the Kings Mountain Buildind aftd Loan Association, on the 9th day of December. 1932, and registered in the Register of Deeds Qftice for Cleveland County, to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned and default haying been made in payment of same and at the request of the Kings Mountain Builping and Loan Association. i, as suosiuute iruBiee, will sell toy cash at the Courthouse dcor in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday, October 9, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. or within legal hours, the following described real estate: Situated on the East side of Canaler Street In the Town of Kings Mcuntahi, N. C? and Beginning at a stake In the edge of. said street, J. R. Davis' corner and runs with his line East 88 feet to a stake in W. C. Oates' line: thence with Oates? line 8cuth 40 feet to a stake, Oates* and Ellis' corner; thence with Ellis line West 88 feet to a stake in the edge of Cansler Street; thence with raid Street North 40 feet to the Beginning. containing 3,520 square feet, more or less, and being the lot on which is located the residence of Ila Greenlee. This the 6th day of September If 39. m J. C. Lackey, Substitute Trustee. J. R. Davis. Atty. ?adv?sept 28. Samples from the high, yielding r.crn crops being produced by Johnston County 4-H corn club membes this year will "be on exhibit at State and County fairs. , Palmollve, 3 for 20c 8mall 8uper Suds (red box) 3 for 2So Small 8uper Suds (blue box 3 for 28c Large 8uper 8uds (blue box 2 for 47o Octagon 8oap (giant) for .. 28c Octagon Soap (small) 10 for .. 23c Octagon Poiwder (largo) 6 for . 28c Octagon Powder (small) 10 for 23o Octbaon A Octagon Cleanser 2 for 9c Octagon Granulated 2 for .. 18c Crystal White 8oap 3 for 14c YSummitt's Nu-Way i CY KIDS Thp Ooat. -- * \ ' WM5AT?? srrr \r'soNtooor jccr? | At> power of sais^andsr vea by ?? Cleifc of the Superfcx Cot** for Clevetaad, Coanty, * Uu proceedings VoJUtlwJ: jtl*? iTlown ot Kings Mountain, North Carolina vs. D. H. House**, et al, 1 will wil flex each at the Oourthouae door In She! by, Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday October 23, 1933, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. or within legai hours.. the R> Sawing deedrtbed real estate: i Situated on the Kaat aide Of Piedmont Strent and BEGINNING at a stake In the edge of said street Mrs. J. IV Reynold's corner, thence along Piedmont Street N. 90 feet tc t} stake; thence E. 200 feet to c sjfnke In the line of school, lot; thence with said line S. 90 feet to j stake; thence W. 200 feet to th< Beginning, and being a part of th< lot conveyed by Jaseph Klndrtcl and wife to D. H. Houser on Decern bcr 26. 1895. and recorded In Bool TT at page 414. The above property Is being soil fur the purpose "of paying street oavLnir tax. This the 16th day of Sept.. 1939. J. R. Da via, Commissioner, -whf?oct 12 ncWth tUnoiir^A - - j i_ CLEVELAND COUNTY. In The Superior Ctourt . Susan Slnkler, Plaintiff, Va. Jake 8Inkier. Defendant.) SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant wll take notice that an action for 41 voroe on the grfunde of erwo yean separation has been Commenced li the Superior Court of Clevelant CTunty, N. C., that the eaM defend ant will take notice that he le re quired to appear at ttee office of th< Clerk of the Superior Court of eafc County In the Court House In Shelb: N. C.. on the 17th da/ pf October 19?9 or within the time prescribe* by larw\ and answer or demur to thi eald complaint in sefd aotiob, or lh< plaintiff will apply to the Court fo< the re Kerf demanded la the said con plaint. , Thde the 18th day of 8epL, 1939. . Max Ham tick. Deputy Clerk of Superior Court ?adv?oct 12 NOTICE OF 8ALE Under and by the virtue of the powei of sale, under a Judgment given b: the Clerk of the Superior Court foi Cleveland County In the proceedtngi entitled: the Town of Kings Mcun tain. North Carolina vs. John Oallo y/ay and. wife, Julia Galloway, .1 wll sell for cash at? the Courthouse doo in Shelby, Cleveland County, Nortt Carolina, on Monday October 23 1939, ?t 10:00 o'clock A. M. or w*M In legal hours the following descrit pd real estate: BEGINNING at a stake In the Pai k*r line, Will Harry'* oorner ant runs with Ms line N. 65 W. 2.04 chains to a stake; thence a new lint S. 41 1-2 W. 2.60 chains to a Pine; thence 8- 65 B. 2.00 chains to s stake in the Parker Une. thenoc with said line N. 41 1.2 B. 2.5C ohalngs to the Beginning, containing Oe-halfe acre. . The above property la being soU to satisfy town tax against same. This the 16th day of Sept., 1M9. J. R. Davis, Commissioner ?adv ?oct 12 Grocery Neec FRYERS ? MEATS cBLES AND PRODUCE CY GROCERIES ? Plu prompt delivery service select your grocery need Blalock Phone 58 A . I i Have a Mouthful. ? rz>r\ Utct TH* fi.fi r*r*0LtA*t\ fiLr TWw'tu curl t: ounvn**. J . , - - . r:, M> THUMRNLY 0BPT )f 1910 nonce Of iah >W.M n^LZ 1# *uJ . tor Court tor Cleveland County, In ,tk* special proceedings entitled, Albert Morris, Administrator tor the {estate of W. A, Morris, deceased, ts. , Minnie Hdrd, at al, I will seU at I public auotlon on the premises hereII natter described, on Saturday, Oc, tober 14th, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. I, or within legal hours, the following described real efctate: I FIRST TRACT: All of those cer, tain lots located on the East aide of Cansler Street and the South side of Waco Road In the Town of Kings ' Mountain, North Carolina, including : nil of the lots numbered one (1) ' to one hundred and eighteen (118> Inclusive, as shown by a map or plat > made by EL l?. Campbell, surveyor ! for the W. A, Morris estate. 4?'ed ' the 12th day of September. 1939. 1 ao will appear on record In the Reg' 1 Ister of l>eeds Offlcj}. tat, Cleveland 1 County. f SECOND TRACT: All of those lots ' situated on the West aide of Csns' , ler Street and the South aide o* Waco Road in the- Town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and including all of the lots numbered one (1) to ohb hundred and sixty I fiM)' IUIIUIIK. 1 mil win is in* anoear on man or olat made by E. L. Campbell, surveyor for the W. A. Morrte estate. dated the 12th day of Setember, 1939, as will appear on record la the Register of Deeds Ofrtce tor Cleveland County. ) " THIRD TRACT: Situated la the . Town of Kings Mountain, North CarI olina, and being lota Nos. 29, 27 and j 38 according to a map or plat ot the j R. r. Blam Town Property made by .1A P. Pallet surveyor for R. P. dam , on the Sth day ot October. 1920, ej as will appear on record In the Reg. j later of Deeds Office for Cleveland / County gnd said lots are 60 feet ?, front and 176 feet deep. ] FOURTH TRACT: Beginning at c an iron st^re at the corner of Effla Cllnkecales lot in the Town of Kings r Mountain and runs West 198 feet to i au iron stake on the. line owned by 'ho Odd Fellows; thence North 78 feet to an iron stake on Watson AU ltson's line; thence with his line 198 feet to an Iron stake In Etfle Clink, scales line; thence with her line 72 fee to the Beginning, containing 15.758 square feet, more or less. r FIFTH TRACT: Beginning at the f corner of King and Tracy Street r West 126 feet to a stake; thenes , North 40 feet to a stake. Miles Boyd's corner; thence along his line [ Kast 126 feet to a stake on the West side of Tracy Street, Miles Boyd's r corner; thence along Tracy "Street , South 40 feet to the Beginning, con(talnlng 6,260 square feet. The terms of the sale will be one. third fl-31 cash, balance payable to six (6) and twelve (12) month*. f This the 13th day of September, 1 W33. Albert Morris, Commissioner. | J. R. Davie, Attjr. ?adr?oct 12 Have Your Eyes Examined, I Glasses Fitted ' [ ?By? DR. D. M. MORRISON Optometrist . Eye Specialist Will be In Kings Mountain Offles on Every Tuesday, and Friday afternoons. Hours 1 P. M. to P. M. - Is of oeeoeoo I FRUITS ? VEGETA? STAPLE AND FAN s a reasonable Price and make an ideal place to is. Just call Phone 68. Grocery - We Deliver ^iH m*. . ^ /; ' 14 k-! ' ! | vV 1 ^ r. 1 - > 1 ' 1 WWIM MLI Under sod by Che riitoe ?( th* pcwer of Mle contained la mortfhgS giroa by W H. Jackson ud wifis, Annie Fiancee Jackson- to the ante a^aat, on the SOth day of December. 19SS registered In the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in Book 148 at pace 260 to secure the Indebtedness therein mentioned sad default having been made In the payment of same, I will sell for cash at the courthouse door in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday October 23, 1939, ai 19:00 o'clock A. M. or within lega' hours, the following described res: estate: , Situated on the Raat side of Cam ler Street in 'the Town of King* Mountain. N. C., and BEGINNING ai a charry tree in the edge of salt street, J. R. jDavtS' corner, and rum with said' street 8. 70 feet to an iros atake. a new corner; thence a' nev line Easterly 60 1-2 feet to an iroi pipe, the potato house and J. O Plonk's corner; thenoe with the pa tsto house line N. 124 feet to a hickory, J. R. Davie' corner; thenc* with J. R. Davis' line 8. 48 W 75 1-2 feet to the IIwhining ant being the same lot convoyed by J MICKEY AND HIS ] |gwihjvt worn* II t / . ?. ' I Yoo Gtt Better-Li I WHfc TUs New | &$<* Ji ^ J : HBlLaMfl^P . -jm tKM BM I SU .; ;i ">9 j:^ ^g^wTTWf^wWHn ^rwfflp I ' A2VM' ' gy i . / A > ^ 3 vRfBA xm. t|ri#-+ .s5T-.' -A',"* . ^'*;. > " : ? -r , ; ?ii^?I?WpE ?v a^^<ac5 County, N. C. Hiti the 19th day of Sept., 191*. J. R. Davis, Mortgagee ?adv?oct 13 ' 1 ' ... . : ; . 1, W/ffFrKSTTfT^mfk \ % 11 i t'nml i i1 if. ill , ' Used many years for the relief of ' upset stomach, excees acidity, indigestion, dysentery, colitis, and rei lated stomach disorders, i Separaee prescription .adults and t children. , " THE OLD RELIABLE I ; i check* l /?/?/? MALARIA . 1 11II 1 In 7 day* and relieve* , COLDS . ' Liquid. Tablet* symptoms first day t Salvp. Noee Drop* j Try "Rub-My-Tl^m" - a Wonderful Liniment ?-y? MA ^v/Ani r l\WnJ EUOUmmmJ LrqaSHpJUimHbHMiiy IUNRI8E PASTEURIZED MILK ?i bo greatest food bargain you can ?uy. If* tha completely balanced ?od for Infant and adult and forma be baa* for many tempting cream, id dishe* that are so economically irepared. _ . v. > MUSS (BuUt)uM\' I wr??*/ \ OWWCHCt 7 r , x>king Shoves Faster fe Blade At Price! 5*OR first, good-looking shaves at a worthwhile raving ... the new tiin Oillette h the blade for you. riling at only 10c for 4 ... this-blade a super-keen edgee of a radically I iproved kind. And ifs made of eesyizing steel hard enough to cut glass, aafs why it shaves tender Slda * > smoothly without smart Ao or burn... out-performs ML and outlasts ordinary L blades two to onel Buy |H a package from your dealer today and enjoy Hp real shaving comfort. ?y PERCY L. CROSBY T *,*???? ", oncy^a heu:t\e<mtHf ATS^vt HO MUTOOK i iH^ceMCMrr FOR I ^iPAfiiitou if - 1 < i ' ? I ' v' V ' :- : % ' 1- ;.. '* _ . t,

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