."1 wu. i'IM|ipil1 . I MAD I *' t % THt HERALD -VOL. a NO. 42 State And Nc Condensed In ?National News? Austin, Texas. Oct. 17.?''Slim Rich ard Gray Gallogly, 30' who learned I to balance a teacup before he turu- b H?a?*d . lag -with thre? friends. l - Clarence spied * gray Ject la r the brash. He Itrrf. Robert fell, wounded fatally. Hie c gray cfeject was hla shirt. ^ ?????? c Font Plain, N. Y.. Oct. 17.?The d Mohawk Indiana turned to ttoeia hla n torlc council today ? the first In a the Mohawk Valley s'nee 1788? to n renew their plea for New York p State lands they left 160 years ago. v Coming from the St. Regis Ueser ration along the Canadian border end garbed in full tribau dress,' the ? ~h gfa chiefs of the tribe sat at a ccun s dl table with officials cf. the Mo- ii . hawk Valley Towns Association. s College Boys A Read The Hers Kings Mountain boys and girls off F at school are well informed on all questions relating to ife "at home." A Looking over the Herald .'mailing E lists, one finds practically all of the larger schools In North Carolina, S and several others sprinkled all over the south, represented by subscrib- n era. ft >a , n ? i 4.tl- U- ? - - h! ?v v vuuiuivu IHIK wuen two Ol CD6 11 femmea meet on the campus < at Greendboro, em) begin with "Wasn't t By Oeorge cute In the Herald today?" (Ed. note: Don't tell me they * read that tripe). Or for a couple of the hoys at Clemson or Carolina to t greet each other with 'Well, the 1 Mountaineers did pretty good Fri. day." It is even suspected that Ap- \ palachlan kids talk about who had a party and what so-and-so wore. I< It is also understood that where there are more than one Kings C Mountain student at one school, * tbey subscribe Jointly in many caa-v C es, therefor, there are actually more < readers than ther are subscribers. Parents find it -very convenient to I subscribe to The Herald, not have to write the local happenings in let ter form. Here's the list of college students I who keep In touch with events in the Best Torwn in The State: F Charles Thomas?on and Bill Davis. Oak Ridge Military Institute, Oak E Laughing Arout .With iRvn Down and Out By IRVINi |~\R. JONGS, a young physician w going night and day for the bet the stork busy in one part of the tow in another. But he kept up his roun demanded a respite. He staggered into his housie in t ate supper and tumbled into bed, t ' matter of life and death, be "-as not t turned the light out he was snoring i At two o'clock in the morning si pinched him. slapped him in the fao roused hfan to n state of semi-consdc him. Mrs. Smith, physically the bi seised with n heart attach at her hoi wnOYM lullUWIItfl| He atruggied to lis feet, threw i clothes, caught up his emergency kH rnsdeUe way te the Smith reside* household led him to the siek-room. mountain of Ink, her features eon< laborous panting. Dr. Jones took he STsmlasd her eyes, her lips and her in n half recumbent attitude upon t ear acamet her left breast and said: Thengst^tjBsg Df.^Jot^ taew^t drad aaft ogtaten Mm > Kings itional News Brief Form ?State New*? Forest City. Oct. 17.?The United >ry Forces of Rutherford Count) .eld their anuuul field day Sunday rith a number xsfcispenkers. -Millar ngagements at the various church? in the county at 11 o'clcck. Monroe, Oct. 17.?Reece Pressle)5. well known Upilon county >as Instantly killed shortly befcrc lidnlght Sunday when struck hv a ar as he was walking on the Con. on gin. .Raleigh, Oct. 17.?There are 4351 ersons and firms licensed to sell eer at .retail In North Carolina, ac ordinc to fimroa AMnnllail K?- ?* r-o U/ trewera and North Carolina | RcOt tlaOrtbutor* Committed. laffney. 8. C.. Oct. 17.?W. C. Ivunt t Geffney was held hero today . In ouneitlon with the hit and run eath ct Hiram D. McElroy. 34, o< ear Gaffney, whose broken 'body as found on a highway Saturday Ight. Lamb la in the County Jail ending the outcome of an 'nquest fbicta will be held tomorrow. Mt. Holly, Oct. 17.? Melvon Johnton, eon of Mr., and Mrs. S. A. Jchn ton was honored Inst week tn be. ag elected, persldent cf the T)nj Hudents Association at Belmont jid Girls tld lid go, N. C. iFred Wright and Virginia Logan, .ppatachlan State Teachers College ttone, N. C. Marjorie Rhea and .Hazel Palls,, feredith College, Raleigh, N. C. James Ratterree and Martin Har. tan, N. N, C? Chapel HiU. N. C. Ray Klser, State College, Raleigh, [. C. Paul Nelsler, Jr., McCatly's Chat, anooga, Tenn. | George Mauney, Lenoir Rhyne iickory, N. C. Sue Ruddock, JJcrothy Hoke) Mai ha Plonk, and Cora Herndon, W. C t. N f? OrMn thnm M O Mary Helen Hambrigbt, Southern Workshop, AshevlUe, N C. Jlmmte Darracott, Davidson Col?ge, Davidson, N. C. Pauline Goforth, Fiona McDonald College, Red Springs, N. C. Charles T. Carpenter and Cecil irook, Clemgon Colege, Clem son, S P * . Marriott PhKer, Erskine College hie West, 8. C. Maude Plonk, Greensboro College Ireensbcro, N. C. Buren Neill, Davidson College )avldson, N. C. Elisabeth Neil!, Meredith College Laleigh, N. C. Elisabeth Plonk, Virginia College IrUtol, Va. id the World I S. COBB ?* for the Count 3. COBB 1th a growing practice, had been ter part of the week. If it wasn't n it was the malaria microbe busy d of visits until exhausted nature he evenlhg completely fagged out, oiling his wife that, except upon 9 he called Almost before die had irith whole-hearted enthusiasm. ? came to his bedside, shook him, b with a wet washrag and finally sumacs. He must get up. she told ggeet woman in town, had been no en the nest street and he was i few garments en carer his nlghti and W a sort of walking trance ee. A frightened member of the There the patient lay, a great rested and her breath coming in r poise and her temperature and tongue. Then he perched himself be side of the bed, pot his right wanting eery slowly? Now then, of brirht -mdrowsily, 1m httrd ft fiftlftlj Wlik MtuU \ m li'iliii iittfiriri ^ ' ' I mm ?Moun _, KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. T Dies In Texas I I ' | i . r > ? \ 4 I fl - - j^H t. l | John F. White | Dies Of Wreck Injuries * * ? *1 . *. ' The Garland News, cf Garland. Texas, In a recent Issue carried the folio wins account of the death of John F. White, former Kings Mountflin mflfl * ?v2o arfo' !rlA?ih ; rod recently: John Franklin White died Satur, day morning from injuries received , in an auto collision with a car drlv. en by negroee between McKlnney and Princeton, where ho had been to wind up a hardware business business which he bad opr ted for the past twelve years. He i jffered a fractured skull and ether injuries | -mid was unable to Over come theni. Burial was in the K. P. cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mix cf the Christian Church officiating. Mr. White was a life-long member of the Associate Reform Presbyterian chur cb. Rom In Ycrkville, 8. C., Feb. 11, 1870 and received "his education in the Kings Mountain Military College. where he won three medals: , debating, military drill and mathematics. He taught school following graduation at the age of 16. At 19 years of age he came to Texas, en gging In the lumber businss, coining to Garland in 1895. He married Lit, lian Cole, December 18, 1895. In 1896 he moved with his wife to Kings , Mountain, N. C.. and entered business. returning to Oar land In 1910 , when he organized the Garland Hardware Co.. which he managed > successfully for a number cf years. , He was closing his Princeton store In order to be closer with bis fatni ity henceforth which desire was so abruptly terminated. . A Knu 1 1 Q1 1 V? A ti?? AIAAIaiI 4WVUV * C ? * ur n?0 CICVIGU IIIA/UI I of Garland and served two terms, being the inapirer and builder of the I first concrete sidewalks constructed in Garland, prevailing on the city co operating in this work and paying a part of the cost. He also started a street graveling movement, which , was the forerunner of the finest sys tern cf streets boasted by any small town In Texas. He believed in pulling Garland out of the mud and was always a loyal, hard working citizen for every worthy work. He also ser , ved on the school board a i1 made . some effective ttiprcvements in education matters. 3. F. White was a man of unusual ability and attainments, and while he was nown to hold decisive ideas on public questions, was always con structive and looking for better(Cont'd on back page) Reformation Service In Kings Mt. High School The Lutheran Churches of Lincoln Gaston and ' Cleveland Counties will hold a Reformation Service, celebrating the Protestant Reformaton, Sun day Evening October 29th at 7:30. The Reverend Martin. Luther 8tlrewalt, D. |D., professor at the Southern Lutheran Seminary, Columbia, S. C., will be the speaker for the occasion. Invitations have been extended to all of the down town Churches in our town to Join With us In ttils Service. A combined choir consisting of members of other Lutheran choirs in these . three counties wtll furnish the music. The Lutheran Ministers began such a service as this last year holding It In the High School In Oherryvllle. - Dr. Btlrewalt Is one of the outstanding Lutheran Ministers In the Southern Church and an able speak er. The public Is invited to attend this Service. A CORRECTION Due to an overplge one group of flowers for the Floral Fair was omit tad from the Hat published hi the Isgt Issue of The Herald. The groups omitted were: Beat collection of daisy 'mums, and second heat collection daisy 'mums. Rest arrangement fn, white, pink and yel low. three separate groups. Rett miniature has -bean added to the list Mi^dimiBimiidamamihmdteMiiahj'tisaisiii itain H . . '-~i MUR8DAY, OCT. 19, 1939 Tax Rate Ladd Hamricl President Me It f ' I. \V lli'inrhk, prominent Kings ' Mountain TextII9. Executive. was I C-1e,,Tc I President of the Business Men's (vjub last |rh?rsday evening to m:< ? ee| Arnold Klrfei^The nomlnat/iutf ccuiniittee ?nposod of i i Utf Vlit> Wft ii li'aSUi?W?M?dl I Ware and H. (*. Oold, made their re port and upon motion of P. D. Heraden and seconded by Jce Thomson the complete list was unanimously accepted. , Other officers elected were: First . Vic e-P resident, |>ostfnasfeT \V. B. Blaloly, Second Vice-President, Hsr ry Page. Secretary and Treasurer, n ins a WW a ? - - ? uuurn noro, ucrrespooojng Mcrftary. J- R iDavlg. Directors, W. K. Mauney, P. M. Nelsler and B. 8. Peeler. Out-going Secretary . Treasurer, B. S. Nelll, made bis annual report. Arnold Klser who has ably served as President for the past year tbank ed the club members for their loyal support and cooperation. President-Elect Hamrick made a short speech thanking the cl_b mem bers for the honcb bestowed upon him. Tie Invited members to be . "kicker" so that the club may render a bigger service to Kings Mountain.. * . r . , President Ilamrleli is Secretary and Treasurer of the Phenix Mills, I and is one of Kings Mountain's most civic minded citizens. He has been very active in Red Cross and Boy Scout work and has been a toy al supporter cf the School Band. Mr. Hamrick 1s also a member of the Town Council of Kings Mountain. L. H. Hendricks To Manage Belk's Woodruff Store Mr. Fred Stall worth, manager of Belk's Department Store announced Wednesday that Mr. U H. Hendricks who has been assistant manager of the local store left Tuesday night for Woodruff. S. C., where he will be manager of Belk-Simpson Company. Mr. Hendricks has been connected with the local store for the past three years and has made a host of friends In Kings Mountain I The popular assistant manager of iipik's was a member of the First Presbyterian Chtfrcih. Mr. Stallworth said Wednesday morning, "We *111 mtoa Mr. Hendricks from our organization but we are always happy for members of cur staff to be promoted." Mr. Stallworth also announced the appointment of Mr. Herbert Humphries as assistant Manager of .the local store. Mr. Humphries has showed marked ability since his con nection with BelkV and his many friends wish for him success ji his pre motion. SMALL FIRE Firemen were called out Monday afternoon at about 2:45 to extingr uish a burning haystack in front of the old Jail house on City street. The haystack iwas located in the vacant Hot Jurft ofT Mountain street, and belonged to a Mr. Owens. No damage was reported. ? I IIMI | | Will Rogers' Humorous Story I . * By WILL ROGERS VTDS is getting too smart altoIV aether those days. ^Seeiq) Uko something ought ta bo dona about It or hlselhfere won't bo any need of having teachers any mora. In a school out fa Now Haven, Conn., the other day a teacher was testing thb mental speed of her pupils. She would lay an object on the table, cover It with her hand and call en Willie, saying, "Willie, what is this?" aad the kid wm supposed to answer prod to Under. Finally she called on Eddie aad slashing a dime an the table she seidT-Rddie, what is HTW tuadeven Hbspb VWatefM* iMhB [erald . ' "i " Reduced i ! ? i -i k Elected n's Club I ' I President Men's Club ' ?? aH Ml^rS t ?! Ladd W. Hamrtcfc, prominent Kings Mountain leader who - was elected President of the Men's Club last Thursday evening. Preaching Mission At Lutheran Church The laitheran Church is conducting a Preaching Mission next week, beginning Sunday Evening October 22nd. at 7:00. Rev. Wynne C. Botlek Postor of Reformation Lutheran Church. Columbia, S. C.. "will be the visiting Minister. Rev. BoUek has held several such missions In Kings Mountain and is most pleasantly re. membered. His messages will be profitable to all. christian and nonrhrlstlans. The men of the Church Council are conducting five group prayer meetings this week. Wedneedav Evpnlnir nni> wilt h? tislit In lh? Church at 7:00. Thursday evening two will be held, one at the Mauney Mill Club House at 7:00, and the other at the home of Mr. Carl Ramsey. Friday evening two will be held, one at the home of Mr. Arthur Ben nett and one at the home of Mr. Ray Cllne. A cordial invitation 1? ex tended to all membera and friends to. attend all these praVers services. There will be Services at the Church each evening beginning at 7:15. with a song service before the sermon. A lordial invitation is extended to the people of Kngs Mountain to attend and' take part !n this effcrt to deepen the spiritual life and to win losr souls. Rev. Bollek always brings helpful messages In Gospel sermons. The list of topics for the week's sermons follow: Sunday night, "Facing Ldfe'a Icsues.' Monday, "Losing Jesus.' Tues day. "Second Rate Religion. Wednesday, "The Right Hand of Religion." Thursday. "Individual Worth Friday, "Life Investments. 29,500 Visit Kings Mtn. Park Rock Hill, S. C.. ? A tctl of 29.500 visitors registered at Kings Mountain National Military Park In Western York County during the travel year closing Sept. 30, the office of the park superintendent said today. ; The figure was the largest ever recorded at the park. ' Those making calls at the park came in 7,060 vehicles and were from 41 of the 48 states In the union, from District of Columbia, Burma,. Cuba China; England. Peru; South Africa. Canada; Prance and Mexico. North Carolina sent 14.2$9vJsitors and South Carolina 10,363. BROTHER OP LOCAL MAN DIES Puneral services for J. T. Cole, 72 prominent Albemarle citizen, were held Saturday morning from the Flrat Street Methodist Church In Albemarle, ifr. Cole dlfd Thursday morning after a serioua Illness of several years. - Among the survivors is J. F. Cole of Kings Mountain. _ . - 7. -.I " . 'v -- " ' ' ' > ' ; . .^V,. . . s .... , --,S BUY AT HOME * ? ^ FIVE CENTS PER COPY To $1.60 / ? IT he Town Council in an tntporUH meeting Monday night slashed -' cents Per $100 valuation front tha tax rate reducing it tc Tho figure last year was raised from tha f $1.57 rate-which had been in effect lor several yearn to $l r7, and the present- reduction will be .welcomed by taxpayers of K'ngs Mountain. The budget for the ccntlng year was approved at $156,629 which rep. I*t Rents a rejui'tijii cf "bout $2,000 i " uud?- the budget last year. Tha reduction In a sum total of small amount v saved from dvfferont de. TTgimrrf"~TlTS' gnffnTIBr r" " it calculated to raise 107.319 of the needed 9156.620 to operate the town. The difference, $69,301 will bo raised (rem other sources, mainly from water aud light revenue and licenses. . ? . .. The biggest Item fn the budget 1* for debt service which is almost half ef the total spent by the town. Th? amount sot tudde for debt servio* Is 971.000 leaving 984,000 for the operation of the local government. The reduction of the tax rate la the second "present" to Kings Moun tain citlteus of the new admlnlstns tfon. Several months ago a reduction which will amount to about 95.009 per year to water and light customers was announced. Members of the Council and Mayor J B. Thomasscn are to be congratulated by taxpayers and cfti- ' : yens of Kit! Mountain for their untiring efforts and study which made these reductions possible. Several property owners appeared before the 'board In reference to? damages along the new highway an