r?? I Watch Labal On Your Paper AM V OaiYt Let Your uheertptfan L Kxpirol VOL. 25 NO. 48 State And N Condensed Ii ?National News? Lodgepole, Neb., Nov; 28.?A man ?' courge and resourcefulness if Dee Ward. While hunting between Lodgepole and Chappell, hla home, he fell and hroka hla leg. Fearful of the cold, he aet fire to leave* and brush along a nearby fence, hoping to at ?*?... ia**. As the fire moved along the fence he crawled along with it. Two hours later. Ward said, farmers T. O. Carter and Oro Kauffmaa saw the blase and came running. They found the injured hunter near exhaustion. ' t Washington, Nor. SO?Cities Strug Sling to make both ends meet were Ufggd by a committee of their attorneys today to demand SO per cent of State income taxes collect ed within their bordere. A committee on taxation of Municipal Law Officers, declaring that trom 1016 to 1937 cities over 100, 000 population were drawing 00 to 06 percent of their Income from property taxes. Khngstre* p. (C,, Nov, 128.?Mrs. uktr*** Phillips, often called the' i|ngHPf hngnan fisherman - and farmer eff-* Williamsburg County, .MA. nuA... ?? i ??ca iwoj ?u?^jr ? 1UU5 mucai. 0110. 1 Phillip#, who was 86 years old, was the widow of Tom Phillips, and be. fore her marriage was Mary Jane Boykin of Sumter. Georgetown, 8. C.. Nor. 28.?*A fa ther and his 10 year old son were drowned in the Santee River, 14 mile* from here when their boat ' eapaized yesterday. The victims were Hugh L&wson Oliver, 42, and bis son. Hugh Law. son, Jr., Lawson was county service officer of the Veterans' Adrninistra "tlon. San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 28.?Po litlcal Daredevil Maury* Maverick, e lected May or of San Antonio eight months after losing his seat ip Con. xreaa, goes on trial today on a charge of illegal purchase of poll 4ax receipts. Hawthorne. Calif.. Nov. 28.i?It I bombs start dropping la Canada, Hawthorne will be glad to take care oI the quints. democratic Club No. 197 address ed a resolution to President Roosevelt offering to "remove the Dlonne quintuplets from Calendar, Ont., to Hawthorne and provide complete care and protection for them for (he duration of the war. Ne?w York, Nov. 28.?Business fall urss fit the United States during the week ended NOV. 23, which included a Thanksgiving holiday celehrat *Vifca kww J ens IV? urj ? ?i?m, icuaieu ivi, *jun and Brhdstreet reported today. This compared '-with a like number In tbe 'comparable 1838 week, which In. eluded ft holiday in all states, and 223 In the preceding week. ' ( . Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 28.?Heartened by the realisation that Winter soaring is winthin the realm of raotorless flyng, 43 glider pilots relumed to home hangars today after a three day "snow bird contest or er the Chemung Valley. Ttfcyo, Nov. 28.?Representatives of six American cot Ion picture com panies, accusing the Japanese Government of discriminatory tactics and restraint of trdae, asked U. 6. Ambassador Joseph C. Grew today to file a formal protest. f I T annrKinrr Arnti With IRV1 War Upon By IRV1T TT SEEMS that Mr. ShapingVy i off at a tangent, descended in bunker there came to the earn of tl \ as Mr. Shaplnsky with hi* niblick t J - "VeH," he said, "net so bad, 1 f U gat oat af that pit." ?UK?ThOT?iiZd"<^^dtrad PSS ! * Kings ' v.. .. \ ?. M lational News Pi R?*ia4- C A?*m LA UI1U A Vi lli | ?State Newa? J It sleigh, Nov. 28.?A week's en^mpmcut tor maneuvers was begun I here yesterday by Companies L of . Parkton and M of WllaOu. and a seven man medical unit of the 120th infantry, North Carolina National Guard. The troops are under the command of Major Peyton Mcof tfhtu1 j1 Greenville. N. C.. Nov. 28.? Gov. Hoey will be the principal speaker at the dedication of a new 8340.000 class room building at Best Car ollna Teachers College. March 9 Gastonia, Nov. 28.?A young man tentatively identified as Jack Clark of Atlanta. Gd.. was fatally burned in a cotton warehouse tire last night at Bessemer City. Yes, Today Is Our Day i Of Thanks I In case you have forgotten and arc confused, {today Is TOtanasglr. ing in Kings Mountain and North Carolina. That meapa that for most folks it will be a holiday. Kings Mountain will observe the day with special services in moat of the various Churches. Some ivmgs Mountain citizens will try their luck in theflelds and woods with their dogs and guns while otb ers are plauning on taking In a foot ball game. Several families are 'pending the day with friends and relatives in nearby tiwns and cities, hut the most will ust stay home hoinr and take the day easy with a big dinner to break the monotor.y of the day. Most of the city's stores will be closed. Banks and public buildings will not open during the day. Junior Red Cross Completes Drive The Junior Red Cross of Kings Mountain has just completed the .nosi successful drive in its three yoars history; , The City School System, compris ed of Central High and Elementary, Tast, West, and Divldson, has not only met the requirement for 100 percent membership in the National Junior Red Cross, but has gone over their quota with a smalt sur. plus. The service fund will be used 1 to help needy children tn the Im' mediate schools. > The Park Grace school has alifO re-enrolled with 100 percent membership. On ,Dec. 1, 1939, the sale of Tuberculosis C.hristmas seals will begin and the Red Cross solicits your patronage in the drive to help alleviate this dread disease. Dies In Pennsylvania Mrs. Thomas D. Humelbaugh. died on Wednesday evening, Nov. 22nd at 6:30 in Harrlaburg, Pa-, after an Illness of several months. Mrs. Humelbaugh was a sister of the late Mrs. C. Eugene Nelsler, Jr. and news of her death was received with regret tn Kings Mountain, where she made many friends during her visit to her sister and family here. Mrs. Humelbaugh was the eldest aaugmer 01 Mr. ana Mrs. a. s. Maker. She is survived by her hus band and two daughters! Also surviving are three brothers and four sisters. Mr. C. ft. Nelsler, Jr.. attended I the funeral services. . ' ind the World [N s. COBB the Reptiles 1 S. COBB illced his drive and the ball, flying a banker. Over the parapet of the \ :\M - ?? m M watttMr Mr. Cohen mnfflod eovnds lor into the send. huh? It only took me three etrokee eT- demanded Mr. Cohen. "MymU I oetly heard yen hit the giwd mlt UkDk|IMh" * hmkM * Ml I, fffrnft I I iiiiehe ireMM.1 Morni i . . ... j. ... KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. T , ; n /mi Santa Uai Central Methodist Loyalty I Crusade Calendar __ Below Is a list of special sermon? for the "Loyalty Crusade" to be conducted by Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr.. pastor of Central Methodist Church: Dec. 3: FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY. A 'warm welcome aud a pleasant friends to these services. 11:00 a. m. 'A Fellowship Church' What can we do to make Our Chur ch a real Christian Fellowship? 7:0" p. m. "The Friend Who Lifts". Are you alive to the saving fellowship of Jesus Christ, the Fricud of sinners? ' rv?o 1A> ItvnfWhoit AU . V bXVOAli DlliUb SUNDAY. Bring old or unusual Bibles for the exhibit on Sunday even ing. 11:00 a. in. "The Book of Pooka." What have you done with the Book your mother loved so well? 7;00 *p. m.. 'The Sca?et Thread.* Have you' followed the thread that runs through the Bfbte and holds it iogether Dec. 17: FAMILY RELIGION SUN DAY. Parents and children are urged to sit together. A present will be given the largest family in attendance at the evening service! 11:00 a. m. "Building a Christian Home.' Is your home a place where the Spirit of Christ abides and rules 7:00 p. m. "The Prodigal Son." Can you forget the teachings of the most beautiful love story ever told? Dec. 24: CHRISTMAS SUNDAY. Celebrating the SaviourS birth i 'here will be Christmas music, j Christmas decorations, and Christ I inns sermons both morning and evening. - 1 11:00 a. m. 'No Room In the Inn.' Is there room in your yife for the Highest? 7:00 p. m. "Gifts for the King. What are you planning to givo this Christmas?to Christ? Dec. 31. EXAMINATION SUNDAY: The last day of 1939 calls for solemn self-examination. The evening service closes the period set a-, part for the Crusade. 11:00 a. m. "Time And Eternity." Have the experiences of 1939 helped to prepare you for eternal life? 7:00 p. m. "Watch-Night Service'' An old Methodist custom In a modern setting. Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 P. M. i A sertes of studies in THE LORD'S PRAYER. Thirty minutes of prayer meditation, and fellowship. Xmas Seal Sale Begins Friday The annual sale of Christinas Seals will begin tomorrow-, Friday December 1st, according to Mrs. G. W. King who has been named genoral chairman of the drive. The Woman Club is sponsoring the sales again this year as has been the custom for the past several years. Besides the club members who will have the seals for sale, they may also be purchased from either of the two drug Stores in Kings Mountain. IThree fourths of the money received from the sales will remain in Kings Mountain to aid in the fight against the dreadful disease, tuberpnlnsis Christinas seals pay dividends throughout the entire year tn pro1 tectlng the (amities of Kings Moiin aln from tuberculosis, and It Is hoped that everyone will use the stamps on their Christmas mall and help this cause. Father of Kings Mtn. Man Buried at Zoan Monday Marshall D. Humphries, 53, "Well known farmer of the Zoar communl ty died in the Shelby hospital Sunday morning after several month's of Ulnee#. Mr. Humphries was born and reared in Cleveland county and had lived In the Zoar section for several years. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at Zoar Baptist church at 3 o'clock. Rev. Rueeel Padgett was In charge assisted *>y Rev. J. W. Buttle. Among the survivors is s son, F. C. Humphries of Kings Mountain. COTTON RKPOftT J Census report show* that M.4S4 hales of cotton were ginned in Cle roUod - County from tho crop of 1M9 prior to Not. 14. 1H4, m oomftr?4 imtk *1381 bo Wo tor th? crop of MM. 'pi , itain H HURSOAY, NOV. 30, 1939 lsWillArri A GOOD THAI oaiu old gentleman Guy, "On a Tfci H you want a good time, then give K > he sent a fat turkey to shoetiu And the shoemaker said: "What a Ajid since such a good dinner's bei To give poor widow Lee the small "This fine chicken, Q seeV said tt "And the kindness that sent it. h< "I i wbultf l:ke to"nTaice some one as I'll give washwoman Biddy my bi| "And O sure." Biddy said, 'tis the Jest to look at Its yellow face gla< Now it's ray turn. 1 think: and a For the motherless Kinnigan chlldi ' A sweet cake all our own! 'Tls ( Said the Finnigan children. Uose. 1 "It Amelia of sweet spice, and we' To poor little lame Jake, who has "O. thank you and thank you.' sal "What a beautiful, beautiful, cake! And such a big slice! I'll save all And give them to each little span And the sparrow*, they, twittered > l-ike old gentleman* Oay. "On a It you want a good time, then git Thanksgiving Service I Lutheran Church I The Thanksgiving Service at Lutheran Church will be at 9:0jf 8 Thursday Morning. The Pastor, Rrv f L. Boyd Hamm, will give a sbdrt 8 meditation appropriate for the day, 1 and the choir will provide Thanks- 1 giving music. A cordial Invitation Is V extended to every one to worship 1 with uh In this service. \ Marine Men Wanted The United States Marine Corps 1 has recently established a perma- 1 rent Recruiting Station at Room; ' 227 Post Office bu'ildiug, Charlotte, j 1 N. C., with Sergeant J. A. Dunagaa, * ' formerly of Kings Mountain in Young men of good character, grammar school education, will he " accepted and given transportation 1 l<? tUe Headquarters Station in Rnl- 4 eigh, N^C.. for final examination 1 and .enlistment and for further trans 1 fer to the Marine Darracks, Parrls 1 Islaud, S. CJ., for the usual six c weeks recruit training prior to be- c ing assigned to some post tu the * United States or foreign country or duty with the United States Fleet. t (The Marine Corps offers unexcel- * l?d opportunities for ambitious 1 young men who desire travel and " education. The Marine Corps Instl- 1 lute at Washington. D. C... offers B ftee of charge to all Mariues 167 different courses. Young men who 1 did not have the opportunity to ' graduate Erom High adhool may continue theJr studies w<htle fctnr- I ' ing with the U. S. Marines. I 1 Any young man desiring informa- j t!on regarding enlistment will glad j j ly he furnished by calling on or j i writing Sergeant Dunagan at the j above address. 3 T? > Will Rogers' j tumorous Story V > ' :*y WILL ROGERS ( nr'fKRE was a fellow from my , country, ?ut In Oklahoma, that i , . (f- il t'me. When it came time to I went, to New York and had a pretty P'"-k up to go home, he romem- | hm'd that he had forgot all about having a present for his wife. So he went into the pot store thet w;?s right around *ne oorner from 1 h'S hotel, and he began looking at i things. He had been buying hir.t- ( re'f a lot of stuff In a speakeasy, so ha wasn't sure just what all the things in the store were. 1 Things was going around anu around quite a little. i But he saw a real bright-colored i parrot setting on a perch, and it i attracted his attention. It kinds i furnished him a center of gravity, . and he folt good. Ha walked .up to Um parrot and looked it over as well as he could. Then he says, "1 < reckon this one will do. How much I la it T Anyhow, wrap it up fot .. . Tha parrot hpd bwn looking at Urn, and I |B*u tha bird thought 1 tha customer waa acting thick. So , tbo parrot aaya, "Wk??a tha matter with mr Thaa tbo gmy front Oklahoma teajk/aiMBa hat and bached awajr. thlShTteTwaa abbtft ^ ^ ? ] [erald ve T uesdc VKSGIVING ankagiving Day. '? i something away." ikor Price; big bird! How nice! Fore me I ought chicken I bought.'" le pleased widow La*. >w precious to me! muw<w?niai'i > auMW?WfWWflWW" happy aa 1; j pumpkin pie."queen of all.pies, tldens my eyes, sweet ginger cuke ren I'll "bake." too good to be true." Denny, and Hugh: 11 carry a slier ?Atki ? _ _i uvmiug umi. H nice. Id little lame Jake: the crumb* aw that come*." as If they would say, i&nksglvlng day. e something away." ?Marian Douglas lev. W. M. Boyce Installed n,X*harlotte Church :Dr. C." B. Williams, pastor. of PI*' ah A. U. P. Church and Mr. W P Jrar. superintendent Of the city caools, formed two membera ol he commission, from the First Pret ytery of' the A It. P. Church which ock part in the installation of Rev. V'AI. Boyco, as pastor of the Firsl Vssociate Itefoymed Presbyterian 'hurcli iu Charlotte Sabbath even ng. . Dr. Williams was chairman of tht ominlssion and presided anJ pro lounded the constitutional quesions to the pastor and congrega ion, iu the anssvering of which thej juvenated together in the new re^ ation of pastor and people. L>r. Williams referred to the per. oual relations between him ' and tin icw pastor, and said besides othei .ojuieciioo# he had performed hi' narrlage ceremony and baptized bii our children. He urged the ne* instor to fulfill the place of pro diet and pastor, and keep close tc tod. He was to act as a man ol Sod and a messenger to the people Mr. VV. P. Qrler delivered i bulge to the congregation and tirj d them to follow their pastor, coi^crate pud sympathize with him nd refuse to criticize him. lie said hey must also be regulaV In attend nee on the services. The new pastor pronounced th? jenediction and was welcomed bj he officers , and the congregation. Rev. P. L. Grier. pastor of Sardli hurch. preached the sermon.?Gas onia Gazette Bugene Arrowood Dies In Sastonia Hospital Eugene Antlionly Arroiwood, -2' tear old son of Kate Arrowood. whi Ives two miles south >f town, die< n a Gastonla hospital Sunday nigh Re had bee ill with pneumonia am leart trouble. The funeral was held at Bethle tern Baptist church at 2:-3t> Tuesda; tfternoon. with tlie Rev. Carl Maui r.y. pastor, tlie Rev. \V. G. Camp of Mooresboro, and Rev. Rhlnehar jf Gastonia, in charge. Tlie young man Is survived b; h'.s father and several brothers an slaters. Ralph and Cregg Arrowooi who live at home, Mrs. Ideate Camp and .Mrs. T. L. Camp of Pal lerson Springs, Mrs. Dixon Harder if the Bethlehem community, ant MlssC Reutha Arrowood. who is a home. , The young man was employed a Itae Margrace mill. n mm ^ UTmaaU ACinn A MA DUN Tf i ca,iv vaocs m c Settled For $9,000 . - ' Gastonla, Nov. 27.?Suits again* Atlantic Greyhound Bus Linos, Inc asking damage* totaling over hal i million dollar* for the death o five Charlotte people in the btu into crash on Wilkinson, boulevari near Belmont croaaroads the nigh yt Sept. 3. 1338. have been settle l>y the ibns company for 19,000. Paying off In five separate con ^ent Judgments, the bus com pan paid $2,000 to W. P. Benton at ad mtnietrator tor Mrs. Howard Rho4 aa, and 91.000 to htm as adminUtr tor of the estate of Hall Aastli plus $1,000 to W- B. Parker, as *1 mtatstrator for Mrs. Hall Aaette, ft) potior Court Clerk Charles B. Han ttoo dtoclot#*. " <T :! ; - 'V " " - .- ii i V r ftffifiir' ^.-,1- ,.v. , -. . !.' ' : . ^-1?: m \v~~- ,? ^ Rh4 The Herald { And . ( Buy At Home ^ . _ < FIVE CENTS PER COPV W"1 ly tvening oaiita Claus, that jolly old m>n trom tbt. Ncrth Hole wll arrive la , imiirh Mountain,-T4>??lle?t Town in ? toe Stuie, next Tuesday evening tot o.oo H. M. All good little boya as* gals- are invited to bring ttoelr into ....is ana pupus atiu do on lue streets whoa Haul a arrives. Sautu's personal appearance has teen arra .(fed by tbe Kings Moun.."fin ^nrrr'rirprn frr, tun. opening of the Christinas season, rbo street', in tbe business sect lota have already been decorated wltlt colored lights, and will be turned oa for the opeu.ng. ' Santa Claus will have gifia (or the tittle boys and girls wr.o bar* teen good. The gifts will be distributed in an area that will be roped ! off near tbe Womans Club 8uildl*d on Gaston street. One of the big highlights of th* laborate opening will be tbe march ing and playing of the tbree bands, .wo front North Carolina and on* rom South Carolina. Gaffney, 8. C. Shelby.. aud. Kings Mountain Band* will be present and put on. an exit* fino exhibition for Santa Claus and those In town to see htm. Charlie Thomasson, Parade Chair* man. and his committee. Harold Coggins and Claude Hambright ar* - making preparations for a full half mile of units. The parade will form , oil Gaston Street, then march t* , Mountain, then down Mountain to . Battleground Avenue, then up Bab( tlegsound to King Street, tnen acrosi Overhead Bridge, then dow* Kailtoad Avenue to Gold Strett. I theuj across to Battleground Avenue, And down to Mountain Street, th^i buck up Mountain Stract to Mcdmont Avenue where all the pa-"lude will disband except the threo > ar.ds and Santa Claus which will proceed to the vacant lots acroe* from the iVonian's Club Building. Santa will then distribute his gift* r and' the three bands will render * thirty minute concert. Following the concert the visiting hands will be entertained by the KiitRs Mountain Band members at the Higts ' School Cafeteria. Sandwiches and drinks will be served. s Santa Claus Will make nis apt pearance on a Christmas sled pult ed by a beautiful prancing black ) horse with snow white harness. , i Kings Mountain Merchants . are , planning for the biggest openlns i ever held iu any town of the sam* [ size in the State. Chief Jimmy Hums and his able assistants wilt , nil he ou hand to take care of th* 1 crowd ar.d handle the troffic. Th* I public is asked not to gather at tho beginning of the parade but to park ! alonir the route srheAilAd nhnv. ' The parade will uoi stop anywhere along th" route. Plans have " been i made to take care of an enormovs ' crowd and .those who have been working for the . past several weeks to make the event a success are looking forward to a record breakl lng. happy, jolly throng. Besides the parade committee J mentioned above the following com Imittees are responsible for the arrangemet.s cf the gala affair: j Transportation: P. D. Herndo*. and Cha.s. Thomasson. j Deroriti >ng: O. O. Jackson, O. A. Bridges and Wilson Crawford. Securing Gifts: Mike Milam, Chairman. and all grocerymen In Y the Association. a Everyone is invited, so be surei, to come. t &QnupshcU jj by JameS Preston it (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of it This Newspaoer.i Farm Power Is becoming a definite factor in war planning. The phrase "farm power" is seldom used. -|The ecorajjiists employ p more intriguing phrase: "Economic Power." In the days of small, professional >? aipnles, economic or farm power * was not si Important. But now that ' whole nations go on a mobilized ba k sis farm pcfwer becomes all lmpor* tant. ' * The key to. farm powml I a this: 4 It is the percentage of population quired to produce food for the total population. In either peace or war a nation must feed itself first. Napoleon summed this situation In hte " terse remark -that "an army marches on its stomach." notw aic buuiq II^UICB -m ww? l tnlc p?r?r. B ta tha U. ?. It raqolrea only , perraat at tha popalattoa to fae4t (Cott'd oa baofc ?*??) I > ' J. "V ' " .">S -J . t ' . ' ^ . y'l; 1 i \*?i

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