Watdi Label On Your Paper And Oont Let Yeur Subscription Expire! VOL. 28 NO. 51 State And ft CondensedJi ?iNaitoitai iNeiVK? Augusta, On., Dec. 19.?Five chil dren, all boys, were misslug and br lldVAlt hlirnAH in rlnaih and ?? ? Aih era were seriously Injured la au early morning fire today at the State School for Mental Detectives gQBUl. IJcut. J. C, Brown of the Augusta Fire Department said five of the 24 Inmates In one of the dormitories were missing. V i ' Washington, (Dec. 19.?The 460,000 pension rotes rolled up last month in Ohio furnish a patent clue to the form which a lot of political promises will take next year. Half a million votes in an offyear election are not to bet overlook ?d. Any Issue that can pull that many persons to the polls can command the respect of politicians. The total represent 10,000 more votes that Charles Sawyer got In Ohio in 1030 to*,win the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. Philadelphia, Dec. 19|?A newspaV?r puzzle contest returned d mur der charge instead ot a prize award today for a 36 year old mother, who Detective Captain James Ryan said confessed suffocating her 20 month old son, sawing up his body and hid Ing the torso, wrapped in the news paper, near a cemetery. Kansas eity. Dec. 19.?George Hamsey. 27, taking his bride of four months to visit relatives, was hammered and kicked to death during a BtcJpoveT (between trains. His body was found yesterday in suburban In dependence. He had not been robbed. The bride, 23. was located hours later at the home of her mother In Evansville, Ind. She told authorities that hre husband had left Union Station for a iwalk shortly after their; arrival from Olney, 111., where ttp was a pipe titter. < ?t Paul, Minn., Dec. 19.?Its only eight days to ChrUtmas but scores oC Mi an e ao tan a golfed over the week cad in the mildest December weather tn 180 years of records. Temperatures hovered near the ^0-degree mark In a land that .usual ly 4s blanketed with snow. The only eamr dfels season was a light fan way Ibaok In October. Duncan MaoRs#. veteran River tear golf pro, blinked his eyes at the weather and a crowded golf course but he said the i payoff was yesterday .when a couple of enthusiasts insisted upon scheduling les ' ' ' Mew York, Dec 19.?Docketing lor trial today of three man on extortion charges revealed the., hot tltnsr op ?y police or a tar-nuns 'blackmail ripe alleged to hare extorted 91.000.000 In two yeara from bond reds of. socially prominent rlc tlms. Police, working in closeat secrecj tor psare than a year, had their ef fort* crowned by Indictment o more thap 90 persons, of whom 2' bare been arretted. Many of thesi bare' plead guilty. . 1 I ? + . ? Laughing Arov With IRVl What the Def Rv TDvrr A DARKY wu up for pleading d log been indicted, he was am against him was called. It then d< -Why have yon engaged no at p.- i. fudre on the bfinch# . "A*v. i v^Jedge," said the defendant, ' <m lawyers. De tell me lawyers ii -Well,- inquired His Honor, "1 the trial of your case? The proa to go ahead aad impanel a Jury an i But the court explained that h about the room and Us eye fell ui r i off on 4*.:. ? ' 'gC'f^- ~. j,&> *- Sj ' * -'' - ir * ' fi *J * -. yJ Kings lational News d Brief Form I ?State .New*? j Albemarle, Dee. 19.?Alter sticki' in>; heroically to the wheel of a wild gasoline tank truck its drive shaft broken and Its air brakes shot i| to pieces as it , plunged down a two i and a'half milo. htll at a speed . of ljm |T . : .'Oe E'es stood by and watched the daucerouNly-leaklug tanker break. J loose front a wrecker' . and crash throui; the show window of an A and P store here. 1 Florence, S.' C., Dec. 19.?Stabbed ( Thursday night at a filling station : Coleman Turner, 21 year old youth : oi the Evergreen section, died here yesterday in a hospital. His . brother. J. I'. Tnrnpr 17_ in hftlnc Hptain. I [ ed pending an inquest. . ~ I San ford, Dec. 19.?Beginning yea J terday and continuing today, "Hos' pital Day" fa being observed in Lee ! County. At this time the cltizons ot (Sanford and of Lee County are requested to mae donations to the' Leo County Hospital. i ??f Manteo, Dec. 19.?The simple lay f inx of a wreath at the base of (he | Wright Memorial pylon while a ; squadron of planes passed overhead , commemorated yesterday the 36th anniversary of man's frist airplane j fl'ght. | The ceremony was held at Kill Dovll Hill from which the Dayton, O., bicycle makers, Wilburn and Or! vllle, on Dec. 17, 1903. rocked creak I ily into the air In their aoy-llke ' crate on runners. There were no speeches, '?s has bepn the custom since 1928, when a crowd gathered for the laying of the cornerstone of the great -granite j pylon. The annual celebration is ttponsored by the Kill Devil Hill Memorial Association. Fayetteville. Dec. 19.?John Albert Marsh, 66 year old IVPA. worker, died at Fort Bragg post hospital today attar being struck last night by an automobile on U. S. Highway 24 near the poet. Coroner W. C. Davis said Alec Brunson, a negro hotel porter, was the driver of the machine. Large Passenger Plane Attempts To Land Here The crack 21-passenger liner of the Eastern Atr Lines attempted to land here. In the field near the Kings Mountain tee and Coal Co. daring a recent electrical and wind storm at ' night. M*. Earl MOOUl, night employee of the Ice plant noticed the ship circling the field with tta land' lng lights on. Mr. McOUl qulcklv ' turned on-all outside lights to aid the distressed piano. : Mr. Harold Hunnlcutt, local aviator. In discussing the attempted i landing said the pilot evidently found the field too small and continned south.. Several Kings Mounr tain citizens heard the plane flying - low and feared for lie safety, f Tbe plane la one of the best (hat I passe* over Kings Mountain. It b files from Now York to Mexico City via New Orleans. ' - '-1 T md the World [N s. COBB ? a????we? as m i? <m m . % endant Craved A S. COBB own south for a serious crime. HavJgned before the court and the case rveloped that he had no counsel.torney to defend you?" inquired the "1 ain't sot no money to be was tin' Wnd of costive." ?hat do yon propose to do then about Mating attorney tells me he's ready d present the evidence." so far es I is concerned, you can ; this wodld hardly do. He glanced Mm two striplings, newly admitted to least experienced members of the bar. dir. Smith," he said, indicating the pw. & ot dsee yere-lawyers for a good Immmi ba) . v*; ^ " "*** Mour KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. 1 Jeweler RereiveH Fast Service W. W. Souther, local Jeweler, la praising the Western Union, Southem Hallway and I'oal Oifiee <or the prompt service he received luBt week. It happened this waj. a customer caine Into the store Saturday to purchase a Christmas gift he had been admiring- only to find that the Item had been sold... Mr.' Soutucr told the customer he thought ' he could get another In time for 'ft"mllie'rlied the wire at 1:33 P. M. Saturday and it was sent four minutes later. Thee reply telegram from t'hiladelphia was filed and 2:23 and received in Kings Mountain at 2:33 P. M. just a little more than one hour from the time the item was ordered. The next day Sunday at 2:25 P. M. the gift waa delivered via Southbin i tan way and special Delivery In Klnga Mountain. In just exactly 24 hours and 62 minutes from the -time the present waa ordered It was delivered In Kings Mtountaln from Philadelphia, at a distance of 546 miles. The total cost tor telegram and delivery was from a grass (Ire that had beei started by one of the employees The rack of lumber was destroyed but the (Ire was kept from spread In*. Warning To The Public Mrs. George Moss, secretary c the Kings Mountain Merchants Ai soclatlon, issues, the following wan ing to the public regarding counts felt $20 tills that are in clrculatlo In thiB part of the state: :: A Federal Reserve note On th , Federal Reserve Dank of Clevelan ' Ohio, bearing a green seal ao ; green serial numbers, with a po trait of Andrew Jackson. On - ti counterfeit in the lower right har corner of the bill's face, there a pears the letter 'K' followed by small number '63.' This Is a very deceptive counU felt bill and is being passed In lan quantities in North Carolina. It's B-. ' ~? ,1 Tir.lt. T U.SI. a.m. | prwiuw 01 mt? vvaus-uuDug ?jut cate broken up In 1935. Kings Mountain Drug Contestants Asked To Report Friday A. M. All contestants who have lak part In the Kings Mountain Dr Co. contest are asked to be prese In the etore Friday morning at 10: A. M. for the aWaf-dlng of the prli Mr. Don Blanton stated that atx 50 boys and girls have parttclpat In the contest, and the 16 wlnn< will be announced Friday and 1 prises given out. All boye and gl are reminded to be present. Lions Will Not Meet Thte Week I The regular meeting of the Idc Club acheduled for tpnlght has bt postponed, do* to the fact that ( toraa bra rematntng open, many tb? member* wonld be unable to lead. Ttoe directors felt It advlna to have the meeting at a later da 11 meadbera win u notified as itain H ' V .. . ?, . ? only 88 cents. Stag Club Ball Next Wednesday Night tHenry Cathey and hlr, orchestra have 'been signed (or the second anneal Stag Club anniversary ball, scheduled for Wednesday night, lie cember 27, at the Woman'a -Club House. Cathey's band, a 10-piecc outfit, features vocal numbers, novelties and well-balanced swing music. Many of the members. were playing last year as the Tar Heelians, the band which furnished the music for the'Stag Club ball of last year. Cathey's orchestra has headquar lers in Gastonia and has played to I many icties of North and South Carolina. The script is $1.00. Advertisements for the dance lis! .the time as 9:30 til? Before the dauce, members of th? Ciub aud ex-members, those wh< have left the ranks "by marriage.' will celebrate the club's second an nlvnrsary at a formal banquet a the Mountain View House. The pro gram beiug planned, includes a re view of the Club's history. The nev slate of officers will be announced. Small Fire Monday Firemen were called but Monda; afternoon about 3:30 to the Elme Lumber Co. to extinguish a fire fa . * nil a of Inmihpr Tho lumhor eanelt HUR8DAY, OEC. 21, 1939 ~.. ' . -t;v> \ THE LETT ER . , UHXHOWN IN OTHCR t HAVE LIBERTIES Thai are t AMEMCAN.THIS iS ONE ItaiJ l?Sfe$E Kings Mountain ! To Have Merry Christmas Citizens of Kings Mountain, the ' Best Town In The State, are look' ing forward to one of the merriest ' Chrlstmases in several years, when the big day arrives next Monday. , Merchants report that holiday buyi ing has been heavier this year than i in the several previous years. Kings Mountain has been neautlI fully decorated and the holiday at-! mospliere Is very much .in evidence | here. College boys ana girls ate al ready home, to gladden the firesides I of their mothers and fathers. 1 All the little hoys and girls can ? hardly wait until that Jolly old man I n?i- am j u viii mic avuu r vie 11113 meir I stocking, on Christmas Eve. I Arrangements have been made to take care of the needy families including the little folks. The ehurcnf es -with their lists and the Firemen r assisted by the Lions and Junior 1 Woman's Clubs will make many a 1 little heart thrill with Joy on that 1 glorious day. i. I, So with it all Ktags Mountain will. [. have a Merry Christmas. ( The Kings Mountain merchants and business houses will be closed all day Monday. The Town Hall will be closed both Monday and Tuesday. .-Mr. Charlie Cash will entertain R' all the boys and girls under 12 *' years old at a free show at the Dlx r le Theatre, to make the morning a n real joyous occasion for the little folks. v., / ... ie| " 7 ' , ; ? A ?y iu ' id _ : r- !? ? i i * Will Rogers' * Humorous Stor/ * -[ , By WILL ROGEttK 11* rpj'|,;Y got ao i?win electric stuff A In the modern houses now that Mfe 1b a lot easier to live. Ail the ork just does itself by electricity, ! end then hare's the redio. But i heard about a guy that had n gen| eral short-circuit in Ids house cot long ago. He'd been entertaining some folks, but they'd all gone to 1 * g int if 1 ** JSL 3dj?IQiIq tut ed sleep on their chair* after tha third >n> cocktail, and the boat woke up when , ho heard an awful noise. Ha ran , out !n tha street and hoUw.ed for a cop. "Say, officer," he says, "coma up to my apartment Quick I They s something wrong with tha wires ar the static or something 1" "How do you know?" "Well, tha vacuum sweeper la going around tha Using room ringing ins alto, and tha radio la all ru0 hot ?o vA top and tha refrigerator has lie burned ap tha meat in It Tha aaw> or lag maehiaa la telling a bedtime < EWrt&ttSNttSS to Amsdma Mm Man Im, J- ' .. ? . - , ' " ~ WW "UST'-*? "J ?''** " erald i r> : TO SANTA ^ f -* -*?~ ~ - * _ 1 ^ ** ^X/ST,?MjUUKam^ T -rvWU&S Chief Warns Fire ' C'raeker Shooters i Chief of Police Jimmy Burus has i isked The -Herald to notify ycrsous 1 [hat it Is a violation of the law to shoot firecrackers In the business section, :or the fire zone. Chief Burns says if people hava^to cele-; urate Christinas hy shooting fire-1 crackers to explode them on their own premises. Shooting firecrackers is a very dangerous business and every precaution should bo taken to prevent serious injury 10 some inuuceui per- ^ son. So the beat advice is . not . to slioot fireworks, but if you Just have to explode some anyway, to do It on your own property and then be very careful. Oil Ship Flees Into U. S. Waters Fort Lauderdale. Fla., Dec. 19.^? Coast guard headquarters reported an oil freighter, believed to be Gorman, was entering the harbor at Port Everglades apparently with a Prlilsb cruiser in pursuit. Lt. J. W. Malln,. executive officer of the coast guard base, said he baa Wept the two vessels under observation since mid-morning. Shortly afternoon he left In a coast guard boat to establWn their Identity. /The ofl freighter, whose name was not visible, was seen to break out Its quarantine flag as It approached the harbor. To Present Pageant "The VUlt Of The Wine Men." a Christmas pageant will be presented by children of the Sunday School of Central Methodist Church, on Friday evening at 7:00 o'clock. The pageant will be given under the direction of Mrs. L. D. Shuford and 1 Mrs. W. H. Howard and will be in oonmedtt^a with the r^prular treat for the children. Gantts To Have Christmas Carols ~??? # Mr. and Mrs. Max Gantt who have beautifully decorated their home on North Ptedmc^uj iWetmue are cele4 brating the holidays , by the reading of Scripture an;} poems and the nirseing of Christmas Carols. The celebrations began laat night. Wednesday, and will continue through the rest of this week, each night from eight to nine o'clock. The pub> lie la cordially invited by the Gantts to be present for the exercises. ILL IN WINSTON-SALEM Friends of Mrs. R. L. Mauney of Ktnes Mountain, will regret to krtow that she ts a patient in the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, where she Is being treated for Influenza. Mrs Mauney was called to Winston-Sal em recently on account of the ill neas of her daughter. Mrs. Garland Still, who is also a patient In th? hospital. RFNERAL D^LIEF PERCENTAGE DOWN eMaaari* " y ' Washington, Dec. 19.?The Moid1 security board said today that rg norts from 110 urban areas shews* it aecrmi ot * pereeui in luc uuui hor of c*#?? tocelvbif poinl roll? from public fund* from October ti NoT?rab#r. Th? amowtt of obltM'ton# Inoormd troppod l?u ttun wiwttt hovwtr. ' w Read The Herald And ' T Buy At Home ( FIVE CENTS PER COPY toy Kills Father klin^AV Ninrlif Lo>d riow.TT."*^l,"tT!ot unl killed is 4S,ycar-old father, Will T. Howil, at the' home near Archdule aoui 1:V9 A. M. Monday morning, he shooting climaxed domestic dlf cuity- between the tatlier and thn ouug' man, sdioriff Clino stated. Accord lug io reports, the younger l'WY> veiling ufter having lived apart om his family since. May when his ttlicr reportedly "ran him off." Tail' youth was ia bed in a room l the Howell faint house between rover and Kings Mountain when Is father came home about 1 a. m. ud enterod by the way of the back oor. officers reported. Mr. Howell rent to the front room in which his on slept, asked him why he was he -e-and 'h?n went to the room vhere his wife and several children lept. Boyii Howell said that he heard alking from Ike room which in? Licuieu his lain or, whom officers ro torted had Leea drinking, and tnwher were having an argument. H? .aid he obtained a pistol which wan wider his pillow and went to thd oom to find his father attempting iu gei j?vrs. nvweu id go 10 snoiasi; icom against her will. He said he pointed the pistol at his father and told him to leave the room and stop trying to get hie mother to go, with turn. - * . .'* /' When Mr. Howell saw the pistol, young Howell stated, he remarked; "So you have a gun ? well, I'll get mine too." When the father went to another room and started toward a shotgun, tho son' told him not to get the gut- the latter told officers. He added that he shot once to tho right of his father "10 scare him. and that when "his father started to pick up the weapon, he fired at him toppling him to the floor. H i died within a faw minutes. Sherif Raymond Cllne, called to Investigate the occurrence, brought young Howell, who had been working at a mill in Grover and living not far from his father, to the Cteve land county jail. Mr. Howell was a carpenter t>y . trade, but had been living on the farm. He Is survived by hia widow rind nine children, seven of whom live at home. . The funeral was held at Bethlehem Baptist church nt 3 o'clock Ttteesday afternoon, with the RevCarl Mauney, of SbeBby, officiating. Survivors are hie widow, the former Sarah Dixon; nine children, James. Boyd. Robert. Mabel, Cathe* ine, Roy. Grace, Ray and Bottle? two siBtere Mrs. Grady Dixon of Klnxs Mountain, and Mrs. Booth White of Newton; one brother, j George Howell, of Gastonta. Young Howell was allowed to fS I tend the funeral In custody of Shet^ | Iff CI Ine. ? - - ' LOCAL RED CROSS TO AIO FINLANO 1 - 1 Mrs. R*j*h Gamble, Executive Be* rotary of the Red Cross, asked Thw Herald to announce that boxes will be nlared In the First National Baik miu aryerui Biarwi, WD rft ftnyOpt 'leetrlne to contribute to the fund to aid Finland may de so. Finland, tha only country to pay her war defcrtn In being Invaded by Russia, and had the sympathy of the entire worjd. funds raised by the Red Crata will not be spent for army or at?y use but will be used to relieve suffering among the civilians. ' I Cfraihinqton IkQnofuhcU by JambS Preston (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of his Newspaoer 1 Washington la beginning to realize that a growing proportion of the nation looks to business and In, dustry rattier than government par , ternalism for leadei^lp out of depression and unemployment. Hence Washington 'eyes opened to 1 rend and ears perked up to listen to discussions of puggestiops made by the Congress of. America*. Industry. I for these recommendations of steps , to Improve business odjhe from see eral thousand eortoua-tafgfcled manufacturers ' ' Thankful that Ifctiitortei ihas escao ed war, tbep* n*d#|jfacturers thta year did apt lliattffbilr big annual I convention to a a^Tfo dlacusalon ot ; problems within JfkMr own fieM. InJ atead,, they looked at America ownpared it with the net ot tho world r and tried to ttad;^ *h?* Arnertom , baa, how H got K, and Whr it set* . keep It in the fature? 1 They talked freedom against din sum ? a (Cont'd en back DM*) M

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