Watch Label On Your Paper And Don't Lot Your Subscription j[-. VOL. 20 NO. 52 State AiidJ Condensed Ii ?National MeWn? gr*. Worcelier, Mass., (Dec. 28.?Plead las nnocent to three counts of a? sault with Intent to kill, Mrs. Stel la Jaquee, 42, was held In 930,0 reach England since the war start ed landed at a south coast port to^day. All were members of the Air , ? 11-1 mi i - ? W/HEN I hear of medical ex per juiii^Duatiif *^agnoeljjuh|^h w^j V Kings lational News n Brief Form I ?State Ne??^ Ashevllle, Dec. 26.?James J. - Brltt^ fortner Republican Rcpresen tailve from the Eleventh District > HUd former chlof counsel of the Fed i eral Prohibition Bureau in Wash' Ington. D. C. died at his home here i carty today. He was 79 year* old. i u tnf> ' tham, 21, of Winston Salem. died ' yesterday in a hospital of gunshot * wounds 8herift Ernie O. Shore said he received In a roadhourse brawl I near here Saturday morning. Sheriff Shore said he was holding F. J. Thompson, operator of the road house, on a charge of murder pending a hearing in Municipal Court. The Sheriff quoted Thompson as saying T,atham tried to assault him with a tire pump and that he fired at the youtth In self defense. Thompson, the Sheriff said, told him he bad got out. of a sick bed i to go to the front of thef roadhouse and try to quiet 1atham and some of his companions who were creating a disturbance. W!nston-8alem, Dec. 26.?Charles J. Zimmerman of Chicago, president , of the American Association of Life Underwriters, expressed opposition in an address here yesterday to fed eral regulation of life Insurance com panics. V- 3 i Zimmerman, speaking at a luncheon meeting of the North Carolina / Association of Life Underwriter^ fald that, "it is quite true thjft ' 'here have been at times breadI downs in state regulations, /nit state regulation has > its advantages in that if the breakdown corneal It is limited to the state." _ Washington. Dec. 26.?The war ( department anuounced today Charleu David Folsom of Asheville, N. " had accepted appointment as second1 lieutenant in the infantry re 1 serve. i Raleigh, Dec. 26.?Bankers in Nor th Carolina are no" longer "lb the dog house." Why? Because after the thanking holt-, \ day in March 1633 they carried on a t magnificent offensive to rebuild the capital structure of their icstlto* i tions to the point where they would ] fully meet the requirements of sound banking and demand the re- j spect of the public, and, aa a re- i suit, alt of the banks In North Car- i olina that applied were admitted aa < members of the Federal .Deposit to* i mrance Corporation. , Trenton. Dec. 2d.?Tragedy ended the Uvea of two J one* county men during the week end and In each case Sheriff John Cresch said : the victim wis a suicide. . Sheriff Crench said today that J. V. BrlnkJey. a farmer residing near Mayavllle. hanged himself In the county Jail here Sunday night, while Dr. Charles L. Perry, holiness 1 preacher residing near here, ended I his life with a shotgun charge in the head Monday night. Southern Pines. Dec. 26.?J. A. Gargts, police chief here for the last ton years, dropped dead yesterday a few minutes after arresting a bus driver for a traffic violation. His death was attributed to a heart attack. i. n i, n . nd the World N S. COBB ' h t Opinion * e S. COBB H s ta disagreeing in a consultation I p ?*" WM? mm PKH to hauffeur and be professed tolas 4 rentproved, M reasonably prudent a tpki. 01 i master for * Mil ottr on Lose n tUSi&x,a,ss.'? - Stowed end tiakerwl for twenty Pr ' ' 'ta KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. T THE OLD UGHTHC ENTgRpRjizc Jjjjj Fred Finger Eh President Of 5; ^ Fred Finger, charter member air\| one of the organ leers of the twP*\ ear old'Stag Club, was elected pres M Ident succeeding Otto "Toby" Wll-1' hains, president for the past t?vo -y years, according to the election rejf suits announced at the Club's anpsF it formal banquet last night. . ?Mr. Finger Is a former student of Duke University' and Is graduated from the office of "Buck", the mar. who keeps order, similar to the ion's Tall Twister, to the presidency. Kotirlng President Williams has guided the club through its first l^car, and he . was re-electo J last -ear In a run-off election. Other officers for the new year ire Hoyle "8nooks" McDanlel, vicepresident, re-elected; BUI Fortune, iccretary, succeeding BUly Weir; reesurer, Jack Fortune, succeeding Hubert Aderholdt; and buck. U M. Logan. , Alter last night's banquet at tthe Mountain View house, exclusive for nembers of the club, the members ittended* the second annual Stag :iub anniversary ball at the Woman's Club. Among those honored at the bantuet were. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDanlel and Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr., who retired from the snks of the clitf> aa "benedicts.*' Married couplet unable, to be present were fir. and Mrs. Earl McGlll ind Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Bridges, loth Mr. MoQUl and Mr. Bridget vere charter members. In his retiring speech. President Vllltamn thanked the members for 'cooperating with me to the nth legrpe" and wished Mr. Finger , rreft success during the coming ear. Thornton llarrill announced the tew slate of officers and each ol he out-going and in-coming officers iddrdssed the club. Those attending the banquet were Resident Williams with >fiss Jeautte Walker of Bessemer City; Vice 'resident MoDaniel with Miss Jean Vnrc; Secretary Weir; Treaso'rer iderholdt; Buck Finger; Mr. Wi!urn White with Miss Madge Mc)anlel; L. M- Logan with Miss PauIne Dickerson; Mr. and Mm. Bruce tic Daniel; Mr. and Mrs. W. K. launey, Jr..; Clarence Smith with lies Victoria Hughes; Bill Fortune tith Miss Mary Sue McOinnls; Rob rt Wright with Miss Boots Payne; lumes Houston with Miss Bva Mae uber; Jack Fortune with Miss 'hylls Patterson; Wilson Crawford >ith Miss Elolse Summerford of !lover; Thornton Harrill, James .nthony, and Martin Harmon. lien's Club Meets Phis Evening The final meeting of the Men's 1Kb for 193* will be held this vening in the Woman's Club Buildag st g;M. No ptoginm has been rrsnged ne the meeting will be pen for the transaction of buatess. All members era invited to be resent. AFFNEY MAN fHCS Hffffff ' William M. Godfrey, M. textile Ian of 0*cn?r. 4Ud at tlw hoot* of I fcrotfcar, JU U. Oodftar, kar* Mitjr I. ator+ay - f- |y - ?y tt-i4J6fe | .gjji* , v^3jST ' )*. '4? ':V ; ;. . '.. >.. - if .: v .. itain I HUR8DAY, OEC. 28.M969. )USE STILL STANDS ^ ^ - jyrT^TM|i^^O^Bifc ; "^1>' V ,;' acted ; ' ?? Local Man Dies At Residence m I Mrs. I.. C. Hord, 44, prominent 'Kings Mountain woman, died at her home here Friday afternpon. She had been 111 for a year. The funeral was held at two o'clock Sunday afternoou in the First Baptist church with the pastor, the Rev. A. O. Bargeaut, in charge, as slated by the Rev. James L. Barretr of Rock Hill, S. C. Burial was iu Mountain Rest cemetery. MpS. Hord leavtest her husb^ ;d; two children, Mrs. James Byars and Miss Virginia Hord, both of Kings MOPTUS In; ejeyen stepchildren. Tax Listing Starts Monday Tax listing for both town and county Degins Monday, January 1st and all taxpayer* are requested to (lie as early aa possible. Mr. 0. T. Hayes, County Lister, will be attbe Town Hall, and other places In No. Four Township. The (complete list appears elsewhere In this, issue of The Herald. The clerical staff of the Town will have charge of the listing for Kings Mountain, and listing will be made at the Town Hall. BANK TO Be CLOSED MONDAY The First National Bank will be closed all day next Monday, Janu ary 1st in observance of New Year's which is a legal holiday. Will Rogers' Humorous Story V H% ? II1.I H ?* ?? >? .*? irT5fr"lM| I the services. I *1 Active pall-bear*t1* were ar, Chas. Williams. Hugh Or! P. D. llcnidon, Paul N'elrler tW H Hunter Noisier. Honorary pall-bearers were O. tt. J'Parrel 1, J. M. Williams, A. H. Pah terson. T. P. McQill, Grady KfaK I E. W. Griffin. Arthur Hay. J. ML Anthony, C. T. Cornwall, R. L. Mw ey, C. E. Nelsler. W. A. Rldehhaas^ B. S. Peeler, A. E. Cline, I. B. Goforth, Charles Fulton and F. TM well. Mrs. Dllllng had been ill for m. week .and preparations were underway for carrying her to a hospital* when death came. News of her pass Ing came as a great shock to her irienas. Mrs. pilling was the widow oC Charles A. Dilling, Sr.. who WU mayor of Kings Mountain at tba time of his death. She was a" nathro Edgecombe County ibut carae ta Kings Mountain In the early part or 1.&74, with her parents the lite L Walton Garrett and wife, who wero among the first settlers. Her family were active in the religious and civic interests of the community. Her parents were charter members of Central Methodist Church aaft with a few others of like faith wen .liibirumeiiuil ' in perfecting the organization and in the building ot the first place of worth lp. vrp. Hilling wns a metWher of ser % eral civic, patriotic and social or- 3 ganlzntiohs; but none of these lo? .3 ten I lowing an illness'of one ww* I The funeral waa conducted la St. Matthews Lutheran church, ?t which she was a member, at 3:MI o'clock Sunday afternoon by Rev. L. Boyd Hamm. Interment allowed in the Only ehurch cemetery of South Gastonla, where her hue band Is burled. Mrs. Hullender was born an* reared In Cleveland county and always had been an active church aad Sunday school meirtber. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. IS E. Kennedy of Kings Mountain sad Mrs. Dora Felmet of Qrover; on* daughter, Mrs. Paul Saunders of Kings Mountain. r | .Opinions Expressed in This ColunMS Are Net Necessarily the Views of This Nsfctpaocr.) With Congress 'soon to detormina v.hethor it will continue the JMsa. Committee investigation of "Isms"" the real story behnd Representative Martin Diea is one of Washington's, moat interesting. The story starts back before 1Mb with a gangly youth whose fatherwan an outstanding member of tha House of hsgessSPtaUvbs Yoahsr Martin, who wdn< to WashtngtMa wUb hU father and was graduated, from Urn school there, caoght tka polities* bug His ambition was tm follow la hi father's footsteps. la mi after his father bad Maftin Die*, then