W*?ft ukit On Y*f N#w A*i I State And I* | Condensed 1 ?Aiiiimal JNew?? Now York, Jtyn. 8.?Otis Tbomp con, 32 year old uegro, kept his No* YeSrl* defer rendesvo^s twltti th< IS ' l*w. On January 1, 1988, be wut ?r J rested tor assault. H . On January 1, 1989. be was ar restsd tor felonious assault. On January 1, 1949, he a as cha rt ed again with felonious assault in the stabbing of his wife, in\ serous ueh rear, Thompeon has ofen the I ttrat arrested tor I mony bl New 1 Took. ? I y 1?:?- r Jw Wee York, Jan. 8.?Louis ILepke) L ; Busfcaiter, a thlok bodied tidustrl B " tal racketeer whose career id keen ' surrounded hr an aura of lolence and sudden death, settled i I his oM accounts with the Fed< >1 Oovj enanent today and was 4e fenced | to 14 years In prisoQ. 4 P Washington, Jan. 3.?Thi discrm tlsnaij power of the Securl a coil > , Ssisslon to make ptibii prof 1 an/ 1 t low statements of corporal dis us Ik dor Its Jurisdiction 'was up! fd tfday by the United 8tates J elicit ? oourt of appeals here. / i The tAWerfcmn Bomatda obarfuj ; corporation, which owns ajbot Is,* &00 acres of farm land -ir Mansa chusetts, Connecticut, Qtojla and Florida and has its stock'Wed ou [ f the New York Stock Excbsge, had asked the court to overrui< a com-, H - mission decision to pifrMpi a pari of the corporation's profit f/d loss If.' 1ft. statement. Kansas City, Jan. 2.?A /grocer) W employe stalked in zero washer to the home of two octogendHan sisr tsra today to kindle a tlrcf Opening the door, he found Mrs. -Anrter & (on or exposure, b. Jie the *tt>vet uid (Mrs. Margaret ifeml dyv4 tac in bed. She^ died a Jrt time |P th> MlssMBippl^rtvorj^argtd to [ tttbi la the Senate a^the House j Of biluMtintJlhy llaimea UM distinction of T>?1 the 'nation's m ' ;L_?oTJts sJor nyitorlst* ,JPfccjo?7 whistles J slreis pro mo ptinns wc ail monins a traffic fa vy. (jongrntuc*i from) Nation['tOrancil 1? ra who are ?y?dflgllCfaa Clai urg'B "aafest TW AH., Ob. i Washington university (St. htm student, oil uuge Bowl game, i iniured fatally and. toother stu t *?? hurt today ad their autoa tie I left the i X4** curve mr lrundlidge^ Washington, Jai i^ltoporta; cir colated today th Breckinridge I Long, former amft* a# to Italy. would, be named a lAtant eecretary of state to sil -eflbeorge 8. Meeseremltta, who of be fire a m F I Be B i B." T| 1 yy y^MrJ -. ft ijc? | *^r laJonal News n Brief Form "Jf ?St*t? JSewo? Ijjlelgta, Jan. 2.?-R. ltayne Al1 ltd* At, announced today the followi ,lnl' personnel changes ?t/it? employment Service: Joseph H Cfdo. Henderson office manages, to LldMrton as office manager; 1 Lee Farter. Lumber ton manager to l/radereonrllle as office managor; ! deerge Bordelat was made acting i Jiiaager oi" the Henderson office i leading appointment of a successoi i Ion of Raleigh was promoted to Juki or interviewer and assigned to fc the High Point office. I Columbia, S. C., Jan. 2.?Chief Jus |tice John O. Stabler of tbe M?r? I Supreme Court, ft at the Columbia hospital, was reported today . aa much weaker" and very low. Tke (8 year old jurist was brought here last week from bis home at Saint Matthews. . .. ,V : a ' Spartanburg, S. C., Jau. 2.?"Wltts. cut referring to specific instances, I Judge G. Duncan Bellinger of Columbia today condemned the actlvttl es of hooded night riders as a ratnanco to state's rights in his charge to tho grand jury at the opening of the January term of Spartanburg county general sessions court. T9leratlon of mob rule, the jurist declared, Is an Invitation to the Fe? tral government to enact the antl lynching stutute to deal with : mob violence in the Federal courts. Anderson, S. C., Jan. 2.?Corone* Olin Burton will hold an inquest tomorro wmorning at 10 o'clock into (be death here Sunday of Henry* M Kvans, 33, who died of gunshoi wounds. Evans' wife is held In connection with the case although no charges had been made against her according to Chief of Deputies Clyd Campbell. Payetteville, Dec. 2.-^Police to I ' vh^ arfest eCVn?tf* \ negro men on murder charges in connection with the death of Alberta Cobb, negro woman, ' who *? found dead in a field here or Chrietmas eve. Thoece arrested are Murrel Avant, Eugene and Harvy Kv?n?. The throo admitted being with the woman officers said, but the Evanses said they left hei with Avant. High Point, Jan. 8.?Leaving a puxzling note scribbled across the -bottom of-a. " newspaper, ChaYlcs 1, Elliott, 61, ended his life by hanging himself in tbebara at his home hqr? this morning. County Coroner Wallace O. Freeman said. (Members of his family said Elliott had been grieving over the death of his wife in November. 5l- .. v.. * ' > Pembroke. Jan. 2.?Georgia Mae Oxendine, three year old Indian girl, waa Instantly killed near here this afternoon when a .22 caliber pis tol In the handa of her five year bid brother went off accidentally. Ma. * -- will hn ? ivu ?r??? tNiivi Sheriff Clyde Wade said, after 'being informed by Coroner D. W. BK-g that the shooting was accidental^ ' '' .V Salisbury, Jan. 2*?3yOy Britten and-'(Dave Hoffman were arr-estcd Saturday in Stanly county on charges of vlolattlng the Internal reyphtte laws of the United States by Tom 0. Blalock, deputy United States commissioner, he reported. :?: :?i ? ' ? id the World I S. COBS t Sincere i S. COBB elderly widower. hating V returned ont porch :t his small New HampA neighbor passed and saw tha I'M IH I . _ _ I ritii to*put *tfjfcj8rW kb t ipoi^dly b?W4T?l ofte, Cheerfully. jww*w ?F to*""1 f MnJW tat) ^ . - ' T". y. j ft ; " Alk AB| "jET? -i 1 ,-*' * \' i.? . v?'4^y i IviVrUJL . I . . I ? *. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. t ; .i .. ? il I I I i I I VI0.00 SPECIAL PRIZE *' IN "BABY DERBY' A $10.00 special prise will ke awarded to tha babw wKm. - ? , ? renu report the moat "Baby Derby" coupons by Saturday night, January 20. Thle will be the first count of Baby Derby coupons. Fotkq, */rt fcfcing for Baby coupons with each 90c purchase at the oo-o pare ting stores and help your favorite baby In the race, win thla apodal prise of tlO In oaah, and the first prise of 9200 antf beautiful loving cup .or one of the twenty-nine ether funeral field for Mrs. Navy ^ i *, ^ Funeral aenricea tor' fin. Sarah Navy, IS, who died. at. the boats of her daughter here, wore-held 2:94 Sunday afternoon from the Grace Methodist Church. Rot. 8. W. Johneon wm assisted by Rev. C. Parkdr ot the* tfeeond Baptist Church sad Hot. R. J. Johnson of WOodruff, 8. C. Burial was In Mountain Rest cemetery. ' Mrs. Navy died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Artie Meacham. -Saturday morning at 12:12 A. M. Mrs. Navy had made her home in Kings Mountain for many years, and was well'known throughout the county. She was the daughter of .he late Hev. R. R. Broohshlre, Methodist pastor, and during her ac live lifetime was a devoted church member. She had many friends and was a good mother. f Mrs. Navy was preceded to the grave by her husband 34 year* ago .'Ud by one daughter, the late Mr*. M. L. Connor of Kings Mountain, Surviving are three daughter*, Mrs. Meacheam, with whom she made her home;. Mrs. K. C. Genu, ot Kings Mountain, aud Mrs. W. C. McQee of Qantcnla; five sons, Ro j?nd J. Prank Navy ot Charlotte Reuben. Navy of Charlotte knd Kings Mountain, Lackey Navy ot Kings Mountain. J. Stanley Navy rw. , f Oil Company Asks % Damage - The Pure Oil Company of ;?* -the Carolina* hue filed . $x ^spperfor court at Shelby a special proceeding asking for damages from the Town of Rings Mountain and ,'tbe State highway and Public Work* Commission. The company asks that a cam ml* olon toe appointed to tlx the amount ot alleged damage done to . the cam pany In the construction at Kings Mountain - of a new highway bridge and approaches. A similar action was filed by several Individuals sometime ago. J ' >1 M MoELVEEN BACK AT HOME STORES - B a, r t s -v ' * Mr. W. N. McElveen, former manager of the Market Department ?t the Home Stores before he was transferred by tola company Is no* back In the same capacity. Mr. ",Mc Blveen says he la glad to be.-ftsck In Kings Mountain and1 extends a cordial Invitation to bit friends and custbmer* to come In and see kUn. Mac" also stated that he Jsad llv ed in three towns In Sooth' Carolina since leaving here about March 16th and he is now, firmly convinced that Kings Mountain is the Best Town In thA iTTwo States. I ? Lions Club Meets This Evening The Uoni Club will meet this evening at tthe Mountain View House, at . 7:00 o'clock. Ctoto President J. W. Milam is very i anxious for all members to be present at, this is the first meeting of the ne* year. An Interesting program . has been arranged. Miss Ula Webber o( Kings Mopn talh and M>". JarneS Connor ot Shelby vletted Miss Weber's slsfor 01 Splndale. Mr. and Itft 8 Pendleton tapt Saturday. CHRISTMAS OS CO RAT {OR 0 . TAKER DOWN XlMfcl Mi #??ll | ~.?^K - . .flHg I B1 g^W H ^b H ^H| r,? * .-.Wr-' ' ' - - ?*HURRAY. JAN. 4, 1M0 : *.. . *' BP ? : ! r~ ?L ? ? ^ I ~ M -- "Baby" De E^y Mercha ELL, WELL, Lp< ^vjohkiM Local Neu Of 1939 fHf' cltixeua of King* Mountain greeted 1940 (with bright hope for -he -future.- From the pages of The K.iiMP Mountain Herald come* the story of . the Important that took place last year. jhall Ifkv Plai for Town ernment Artkhtyneed. To DtrMf Town l?to F*re Ward*. Jan. IS: Merchant* Association Formed. J. B. Keeter Elected Pre* Ident. Feb. 16: Kings Mountain's PriseWinning Band Receives New Uut forma. Feb. 23: (aw Passed by State Legislature Dividing Town Into Five Wards. . March 2: Murray. CaUtmui, Mfner ESebtroOutod near Kings Ml onto tain. March S3:' American Legion entertains Band Members. March SO: 50th Anniversary Bdllion of The Herald Ppbjiehed. April 6: W. A. Rldenbonr Bleated County School Boarfc Chalrmtn. April 13; Martin Harmon Elected Edttor of Dally Tar Heel at U. N. C. April 20: School Band Wins First Place ib both Music and Marching at State Meet In Oreensboro. April 37: "IT Candidates File For Election To Be Hold May 2nd. May 4: Town Election Returns Announced: Ward *f? W. K. Mauney; Ward 2, J. B. Thotnaason; Ward S, Ladd Hamrlck; Ward 4. C. E. Nelsler. Jr. Ward 5, K>uTom Fulton. School Board:t Ward 1, A. H. Patterson; Ward j,' Paul Nelsler; Ward (Cont'd on back page) - > ? . . * Will Rogers' Humorous Story T. , 14 By WILL ROGERS TfHEJRB *u a Scotchman that had a boy going to aehool, and the boy didn't do very well fat his , studies. So the principal suggested to ail the parents that they might make thsfrUdi study harder by giving them money prises for be ?l_i . ' ^ .i ' 11. . rby To Be ( ints And Ti ^ DK WHO'S H E R SI ! OUGHT VtxA/^H o NEVER ) IT MtKC. 7 ? Events "**-? ' '.< * f V 3, Ulenit White; Ward 4; Dr. L. P. Baker; Ward 5, Glee Bridges. May -11:. J. B. Thomasaon Named Mayor and H. T. Kulton, Mdyor Pro-Tem. t. May 11: Band Given Highest Ra- " (May- M: UJ? Graduating Class Largest Da School History. June 1: J. R. Baste Sleeted Pree .? January and *> j*maky\a<M#d tot Asm who hat# Mt <li*a fa their ^T* J* - J ' BWT BfltHlfi ? . t? .? >* .^V,"' F ? ^ ir ' *&& Li ... . . , ?5*v .A^??>'.n Ident of Cleveland County Bar Association. June 8", J. W. MUtUO Klected President of Uons CtuB. June It: Band Director Paul BL Hendricks Presented Lions Citlsenshlp Csp. July 6: Band Stain) at Corner of Cleveland Avenue and King Street 'Dedfeitedr. - -- " Aug. 3: Movement To Secure New ' ..Hotel Started. . . % Aug. 3: Water and Light Rates Reduced. Ang. 3: Hosiery Plant at Meoeey Mill In Opemtkm. Aug. 34: Vance H&rreleon Billed by Train en Battlegrownd \venne in Heart of Bustnese Section. Aug. 31: Joint Hete) Mooting of Ldooe sod Men's Clube Hold. Cltfc ten* Endorse Movement.' Sent. 14: Overhead Bridge Dedicated. Congressmen A. L Tlul winkle Sneaks. Sept 14: Bids Ftjr The Construe ion of New Post Office Opened. . .. i . i" " . r. .jf " . e . ' 1 ' POUNDED TO DEATH NORTH WJLK8HBORO. Jaw. .3.?. Punerel -service* for Wnr v. s?i<: dreu well known cHH?o r>f Bushy Mountain township, who met violent death at his mill yesterday aft ernoon, wl|l be held at Bethany charch Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. Mr. Hendran was killed while working with the machinery of his com mill and no one wae present at the time although there was ample evidence to Indicate what had happened Apparently, he <waa oiling n Hue shaft in the basement of the mill which la ran toy an overahot water wheel, whan n net screw ha the shaft cought hta clothing. TAX LIBTIMO TIME busy thin. Wash Mating taxes for rMh. Ideate of Number Tour Township. 1 The -Hating than baring been chajW ed from April to January. The Matem emphaafced the fact that the basks will ha elaasd the leet dan FIVE CENTS PER COfV '$ ? Conducted! 1 h? Hofald . r mmm mma ? ? unusual CONTEST Will take PLACE IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Beautilul Loving Cup and 1100,00 ho* ?' .4 Cash PrtMa To So 6>vm Away Ho . Tha "Baby Darby.' , The Baby Derby comes fo Bom. .11. juAfe rortSepeople of Oaralbol' Hi *- -inlnlno *--* '* "U ?yMiwa VWW1VIOI HI WllBfW Interesting race one etiM inutM. Competitions iavolHai UiMe have come and gone in thie section's history, but tble in U? flie* time in the annals of the Men tbM a Baby Derby baa pot in an appear?nce. . .. Tlio limelight will be tprpgd sm the little'tots in every community in tbis area as sponsored by ilemi i merchants and Tbe Herald. Each weak several baby plcturem win be run in Tbe Herald, permitting over fifty thousand people t? view the beauty and charm embodied in tbe tiny entrants under Ntms years of age. Applications may barmade out this week so that in neib week's issue tbe first pictures oTtlie babies will be shown. As many pictures as possible ebould be taken tbis week, and the first days or next week, to make tbe Baby Der? by successful as It has teen In thmcltle* that it haa been carried oaa in before. * -a $600 In Caah Awarded $600 in cash will be awardod th? 30 winning babies on March ?. hen the Baby Derby cornea to a. dose. The parents of the winning baby will receive $$00 in easts andfcv a 30-inch loving cup which symbo? i'v.es supremacy in the land or Babies in this section. In Judging bowl this cup would be, remember that, this paper is 22 inches high and thwcup la 8 ches higher. The baby polling the highest mileage credits will receive th? $20^- " j, ttv^^Bw seeoan mgsesc After these high prises have tie em 1 warded, the remainder of thgr. casta nrlzee will be awarded in the orde* of the babies' finish, rsprtgw ?T the location. How To Wis Derby ' First, let us explain tfcet^.thf*Baby Derby Is a race of myfh<leaBi*v? "miles" and the befcy having thm j| greatest number of "miies" to ltttw- : credit when the Detfcg ends uriH declared the winnpr. Turn to liw twopage advertisement el - thm? Baby Derby. At tfrd fottp* ?a*?Mm of the pagV Top wit} (tad listed an group of co-operating Stores. Tboees. stores are now ready' to issue Behm Coupons on eeebftOe cash purchase, or payment ea account. After ea- . " -M terlng your baby you ehoeM - aotttp eU the bsfby's relatives and, fttendm to be sure to .uk for BABY COIN - ; ^| PONS when they boy hi these atones. Bach coupon at thno wOBfcc. advance the hub; A aoilee In the Derby. I*ter the value of each cowpon will drop to * mile* mod thi?v. J only to 1 mile. For that reason, wise parent will, upon entering therbaby, see every one poesfete aoBBw enlist their airport'in the matteroKr $9 saving BABY COUPONS. Be ' sure^. however,' to impress upon the pete- ... 3 pie who art gold* to help yoer bate* "9 that* they meet AMC FOB COO. (Cont'd en Mitoiial-pnca) ; EcpBomtc; -sm Highlights ????? Bill* of Evory Individual. NottowoB ^ A \w ^ ^ ei^RV- I DO jyRHjHHB^ilMI v VNpHp|Bi^ wa

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