? Wateh Label On Your Paper AnE Jitft :\ . Don't Let Yeur. bubecrfptton Expire! VOL. 26 NO, y: ' . V] Kings Business Meeting of i ijuuieran Church * , t Tlits Annual Liualnebb meeting of , the Lutheran Congregation will be ] i-i.i ibis Friday. Jan. 12th, at 7:10 in tbe Parish building. Reports iiom leaders of the uuxiliarv organ1 .at Ions, the PaatAr and Officers will be given| Flections will be held to. Mrs. Francis Houser Dies At Age Of 95 Mrs. Frances J. Houser, 95. died early Monday morning at th?t home ?f her son, Horace Houser, ou Parker street. Mrs. Houser had been confined I to her bed for the peel two weeks, ft* "ft" {*><"? attributed to t^?e in ftrmtties of ige. Mrs. Houser, widow of tho Ute Henry Houaer. waa before marriage k Mies lx>wrance, member of s prom > inent Lincoln County family. Her father waa for many years. Sheriff of Lincoln county. She waa the last member of her immediate family. Since the death of her husband. 20 years ago. Mrs. Houser has spent V; most of her time with her son and ' family: During her residence in Kings Mountain, she has been a faithful member of Central Methodist, but has been pnable to attend services in recent years. Funeral services were held Tues day morning at 11:00 o'clock at Bethpage Lutheran church in Lincoln county and interment made in -the family plot in the church cemetery. Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, pastor bf Central Methodist church, was in charge of the services and was. assisted bv Rev. A, O. Sargeant, pastor of the First Baptist church. Hji ; Palibrearers were the following (Cont'd on Editorial page) \ : ? PARENTS, IF YOU V I . ' '** *' fl Photo by Horxf Studio, Shelby, N. C. CHARLES MAUNEY Kins* Mountain This young man could be elected to Congress on hi* expression alone. Anyone can see that he Is a born pasnpst;(.eAr and rfhould have no trouble being right "up there" among the winners at the finish of the Baby (Derby. Charles is almost six years old, has rown eyes, brown hair, and weighs 48 pounds, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Kings : Mountain, and tlie grandson at jMr*. F. L. Herman and the . late Dr. F.' U Herman of Con over, and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mauney of Kings Mountain. Laughing Arou With IRVT A Plea for By HtVIN 1*1'HE LATE Colonel W. C. P. Bre tuckv's orators in his generati - sj < P' ' Bra Photo by Hond studio, Shelby, N. C. nell Elizabeth mauney East King Street How can anyone become so hap py In 23 months? It muBt be possible for that Is the age of Nell Ellz abeth. the smiling daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mauney of Kings Mountain. Perhaps the thought of winning the beautiful silver loving cup is the answer. Nell has brown eyes, brown hair, and is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T,. , Rhioehardt of Belmont, and Mr. and Mrs. D.-C. Mauney of Kings Mountain. Remember folks, the first count of coupons will be Saturday night, January 20. nd the World n s. COBB the Invalid f S. COBB 4 IS* - 1 M - M .M ?* cxennage, moss iamous 01 au rvenon, had a feud, in the latter years of the Blue Grass country. At one riends, political and otherwise. Also 7b. Him ft) in the Confederate Artny. But the in Colonel Breckenridges' last race famous Ashland district, and therestrained. id handsome and very dignified. He never missed a large public gatherplace; but, curiously enough, before iid come hot-foot to summon him to iaL Bees rumor had it that the cell tat the messenger was employed to , sor had an enormous practice. u aetJn* aa chief rnmn?1 far the ' ' ' v ' V * ..**. Moun K1NC3 MOUNTAIN, N. C. THU ? W. K. iwatmey Highest Scouti I BH I^^HH K'l W, K. Mauuey wili receive the !>'!..?,? n-^ ?J ? Jiuii_ t_%_ t 3.iter Dtrnter uwuru lor uiHiiuguwju i ud service to boyhood for the year! 1939 and presentation will be made in Gastonla at the annual meeting j nd banquet of the Piedmont Council Boy Scout of America, on next Tuesday night Jan. 16th. The Silver % I Group Of "1 IE AND PU 3LI8HED IN THE HERj 1 ' I -T ? b Photo by Howl Studio. Shelby. N. C 9 JUDY JENKINS 301 King Street H Here is Judy* the two years and! six months old daughter >f Mr. audi Mrs. B. Floyd Jenkins of Kings? Mountain. ? Blue eyes, brown hair I and even at her age she doesn't llkel Va I?Iaa a# oriulnn liar a'aloht GtllV 1 iiiu moo w* b*' a**0 "*-? ????/ serves to enhance the beauty off this pretty little lady of whom we J expect big things when the Babyl Jlerby comes down the borne stret-j ch. F. C. Roberts, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jenkins, all of Kings Moun-f tain are the grandparents. Have ^ you entered your child in the Derby yet? Why not? ; ' T Five New Members Join Lions Club Five new members were accepted Into the Kings Mountain Lions Club at their regular meeting last Thursday evening at the Mountain View House. The new members were Rev. L. B. Hamm. W. M. Oantt, C. F. Stowe. M. H. Blser. and Haywood E. Lynch. C. P. Goforth, Chairman of the Fyeglass Committee reported that a total of 31 children had been examined amd 29 pairs of glasses bought by the Club gt a cost of $115.50. One child did not need glass es after tbe examination and the c'her child needed to be treated by a specialist. One of the main lines of endeavor of the Lions Club la to aid those wbo bave defective eyesight Past District Lions Governor Rob ert Oook of Shelby made the main address bringing out the highlights bheit? AeoanIsvm rv# T Jam* Tit. nuuui uiv v? b?uim?ivm v? aj*vu? w ternattonal. Mr. Cook ?u Introduced by Tom Fulton who along with W. C. Carenjr had charge of the program. 4 ICeasra Charles Thomaaaon and Howard Jackson made announcements about the next meeting to be held Jat j?rjr 18th at whM time Clomaon College , head football coach. Jeee Neely, will ahow . picture* of the Cotton Bowl Game, and talk to the club member* and Invited guests. Latum will be awarded to the members at the High School football team at the meeting. which ft to be held la the Wo man's dak MMht in m iT, i - ?me?- tae%?ige040^*,-*- ' ' * ' ; * . v ... V , / ;>; ? . i.- ..-X', e k V- < > "i' fain H RftDAY, JAN. 11, 1940. To Receive ng Award \ir award is a national rocognl- ] lion Kruntfd by the Boy Scojls of \ipou the tL'conunondatlou in ti.e local. Boy Scout council, two lu.Ii uvwird* nr?: allotted .each year to tho eleven counties of the Piod- j inniit Council, fltWriVy "4iuj ?i m ted lu the work of tho . Piedmont ' Council since 1924 and hat) nerved the local community and tho countil In various leadership capacities. Me ?s fiow chairman of the Kings Mountain district which leads the eleveu counties in the number of Scout troops on a population basis, and is chairman of the council com mittee on organization and extension. . Mr. Mauney is the second Kings Mountain Scouter to be honored by iccelving this high award. Mr. Carl Davidson, Scoutmaster of the Presbyterian was presented the Silver Beaver award for 1937. The Herald congratulates Mr. Mauney on receiving this outstanding honor from the Boy Scouts of America. Westminister's Abbey's Poets cor nfir r-nnt.'iinc a huot nf T nn?rfollnw "? ? ? ???> I and tablets" to Lowell and Walter Hinea Page. , j 3aby Derby D \LD WITH OUT COST, THEN ENTEf Photo by Hord Studio, Shelby, N. C. ROBERT EUGENE NEI8LER Kings Mountain The Baby Derby Editor claims that, the moat beautiful children of Cleveland County are entered in the Baby Derby and Robert helps us prove that point. Robert Eugene la the three-years and five months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nelster of Kings Mountain, and the gvandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Miller of Cheater, Va? and Mrs. C. E. Neisler of Kings Mountain. lie has blue eyes, red hair and weighs 30 pounds Remember, there is a $10 special prize for the moat coupons by January 20. i Babies Undei Eligible For4 Will Rogers9 Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS T GUESS they still use switches on the school kids in some parts of the world. I've read something like that now and then, although I'd supposed theyM stopped licking kids at school a long time ago. Anyhow, I heard about a boy that wasn't very good In school, fis came bom* terrible wand on* nlfht and told Ui aotbw ko didn't nut to jo bock to oebool oaf mot*. Wbon tho author aajted Kim what ' waa op, Ko ian. "WoB, 1 dent mind gattfej alappod or whipped by the principal onoa la a am . But Sere waa a conple of wottcaeaa otw at the achoeft when I eaaie home topirht, and I heard one of tham 4*11 tha 4V a f fVaap mi onhntlk put ia mn webfo Mitah " mi1 - " .'* ?' . ". ? r 1 i Lerald . . * ,y T. A. THIS MONTH ^ On account of the bad weather he regular P. T. A. meeting tor the f tenth of January which was Bohetlu I led for last Tuesday night was call d ..-Y, president t'hai les Thomas* i .in. announced that the next meet , * y',11. he the second Tuesday in February, and he would like to havo i ...-> litu.iy present to make up t or the meeting that was missed,. v * * Negro Confesses fcocal 'Robberies?" Mayor Pro-Tern Tom i'ultuu aud v ^hief ui Police Jimmy Bums re- . . ^ueii 10 Kings Mountaiu last i .ught from Warrenion, N. C., where .hey went to return Charlie Watkins t ..cgro, who confessed three ot the , local robberies coinmitteed before , Christmas. The negro is lodged in { the Kings Mountain jail awaiting trial, which will be held Friday in ohelby. The negro was arrested in War ten County for burglaries similar to. the one in Kings Mountain. His | finger prints were identical to those t taken, at the request of the local police department from the window sill of the Horry Page home on Mountain street .which was entered I ctcun;. j The negro confessed that he en- i tered and described how he did It i and what he stol? from each of the | three houses here. .At the J. L. Mc (Cont'd on Editorial page) I ar lings" I HIM OR -IER AT ONCE AT THE lMiuto by Hord St'/Jlo, Sheiby, N. C._ ] MARY ANN BEAM 202 Goforth Iatroducing a real contender for championship In the Baby Derby In the person of Mary, the 13 months I old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben , F. Beam of Kings Mountain, and ' the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' E. E. Beam, Bessemer City. She 1 has blue eyes, brown hair and < weighs 25 pounds, and if her many supporters are any criterion, she * should have a very envious position 1 on the first Honor Roll. There are 1 30 cash prizes to be awarded at the 1 conclusion of the ? Baby Derby Mar- ' ,ch 9_ * It ' Seven I/U UJ $500 In Prize* To Be Awarded In 1 The Herald's "Baby Derby." CONTEST NOW IN PROGRESS ENTER YOUR BABY TODAY 1 -I 10 Special Prize Offered For The ' Moat Coupons Reported Jan. 20. _ ' i Your Child Can Lend Much Interest ' To Unique Contest By Becoming Entrant Several New Merchants Welcomed To The Contest Will Be Found In The Baby Derby Pages. Many people "who read last week's ' announcement of the Bstby Derby are still in dbubt as to what it's all abont For that reason we will give a brief account of this most interest !ng project. The Bbby Derby is a competition for babies under seven yearn . old, Itvtng la Cleveland or adjoining counties More than 1500 In cash prises will be adanded to the winners. The first prise Is $200 and.. a beautiful aeiver loving cnp. The winners will be the babies who have the most "miles" to their credit when the Derby ptoses on March 1 Naturally, the babies do nothing themselves toward winning the prises, eaeept bn their own beau {Oomvi m ?MkrM*) < I J-+ ^ *''-+**?- ? - H *4' ?y> 4 ' % V - > "* * . '.' / . - ... . . * fill , .-? I - * '" ' ; ^KmmammmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmammammm R??d The Herald And , Buy At Home FIVE CENT8 PER COPY | . >tock Holders le-Eiect Officers )f Bank **lhc stoHihAlders of the First Naionul Hank. at their auuual meetti#-.'. Tuesday afternoon In the di cfctpi's room of the bank re-elected I) officers and directors. The offtera re-elected wero Jj. M. Baker, 'resident, H. L. Mauney, Vice- Pr?t lord. Assistant Sashler. The lMrectors were: I). M. Baker, .. A. Bridges. W. K. Mauney, B. L. iiaui,ey( l?. M Neisler. F. It. Summers anil M. A. Ware. the stockholders were well plea* d with the report of the husineaa or the past year and were very op huistic for the outlook of business onditions for 1940. At the conclusion of the' meeting 'ri shlent D. M. Baker "set-up" ' all >resent to 10c cigars and 10c drinks. Men's Club Meets 1'nis Evening The first meeting of the New Vear of the Men'sc Club will be teld this evening In the Woman's "lob Building at 6:30. The program committee for the evening Is cornrosed of Glee Bridges, Hunter Nels ler and Haywood E. Lynch. All members are Invited to be present. , VEI1BT OFFICE * - ' > ' K i |j| M*^fcik :&m <^P? _T ,? 'lioto by Hord Studio, Sheibv. N. C. JIMMIE ROBINSON 607 W. Mountain Jiuimie has assumed a spectator's lose in this picture, but- be is a long f/ay from being one in the famous iaby Derby. We feel thut be is .ruuuu iu ue -way up mere" on the Hbnor Roll when his friends atart lepositlng their coupons for bhn. limmle Is three years o\fi, has blue ;yB, blonde hair and weighs 42 pounds, and Is the son of Mr. and VI rp. E. C. Robinson of Kings Moun ain, and the grandson of J. B. 8hlmr, Columbia, S. C., and Mrs. J. T. toblnson of Kings Mountain. dpwuons Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Who Owtens Who and How Much Is the thfufte of a little game being played between the WTHte House and Caultol Hill. It Is a friendly game. No one will get shot over a division of the stall* es. Both sides 1mow the rules Drett* well for a game of this kind !s play ed every year when It becomes necessary to may out & new budget for the federal government. The only winner in the game to date the Farmer. He already has >/ the nfoney ?and probably has spent if ft. I ?. Now the Whito House is trying to move its chess men over the fiscal chjscker board to show that Congress gave this money to the farmer and make no plans for repaying the Treasury. a Congress has Issued no offelal statement. But ft is known that some members of Congrsee felt that the farmer was entitled to his share of the federal money lost the seme as the city reliefers. Boiled down the situation Is this: The federal debt fa 941.S bllllona. ' Under present tear MB billions W the max fin ?m the - federal government can harrow. Federal speeding exoeeds federal Income by sash **opottfc? that (Cont'd eh WWII 111 pan) ~ fe , r" ' I'V^ajr . . ?