IP" WlMl Lab*I On Your Pmpt And - Oont Lot Your Subocrtptton ' E; - ?% I' Explnl , f VOL. M NO. 2 , M State And N Condensed Ii St ' ?Slate New?- I Gastonta, Jan. 16.?Mien Bertha Clark, 28, of Oeatonla, died yesterday of Injuries suffered In a trainauto crash the day before in which three persons were killed Instantly. __________________ 4 South port, Jan. 18.?Birds lead Since Christmas the cold weather has caused schools of fish to wha deep beneath the surface ?cut of sight of the lookouts on the big parse netters. But the fishermen finally found that they could come In loaded by settlnf blind over a lo , cation where birds congregated. s \V .?* 1 ' I -,1 Ashevllle, Jan. 16?Motor Tall* eray and bus travellers journeying ' eh vacation -tours-throa?h the nentli this winter' are * choosing high war and railway routea by war of Asheville In Increasing numbers this sea son. This hidsouthern resort city is. popular as a stopover point for southbound travellers or southern winter tours. / > | Hickory, Jan. 16.?An agreement. s was reached between v.. Max Watsen of Forest City, highway commissioner in this district, and the members of the roads committee of vsi ? * ? - ?uo nicsury mmnoer 01 commerce. I at ft conference yesterday afternoon thereby highway No. 70 between Hickory and Hanover . te to be straightened end a made ft threelane thoroughfare SO feet wide. Charlotte. Jan. IS.?The Southern - Bell Telephone company announced yesterday - a $3,084,000 expansion program in the Carolines for 1040. -' About $2,600,000 will be spent tn North Carolina and the remainder, in South Carolina. Plans for developing suburban' sections, constructing several hum. dred miles of lines throughout rural areas, building new toll lines, and EMpMtrnctlng many miles of present toll Hnee. " Albemarle, Jan. 18.?Three-yearold Dopnle Dennis, was fatally burn ed yesterday when her clothes be came ignited from standing too close to a heater In' the Dennis i home. I Ashevllte, Jan. 16.?Coe Glade op ?ra star, who began her career aa a singer, In the old Asheville city auditorium, returns here Jan 31, aa the first opera star to sing from the stage of the new auditorium ded tested here Jan. 6. f ' r Gas ton la, Jan. 16?.Bhrvin King, Cherry vllle man, was indicted by the Gaston county grand Jury here Monday for the automobile deaths of Clyde Self and Bill Mom. Cherryville pedestrians, some weeks ago King allegedly was driving a car t which struck the two boys as they walked on the outskirts of Cherryvllle. fiSt* V . Winston-Salem. Jan. 16.?-Robert M. Loftis, employe of a local bottling company, was found shot to death in the basement of his home yesterday. Coroner W. N. Dalton eald the ease was a suicide. Laughing Aroi With IRY Infringing on 1 By IRVI1 > A BRITISH sailor who during tl ** French was. having a heated sailor who had acquired a working [ The argument was warm at th< Eliminating the dialects, the Com somewhat as follows: "To hell with Poincaire," sah i "To hell with King George anc the Frenchman. "That's what I'd give for y Britisher, and snapped his fingers u "My friend,", replied the rem qu*rrei. B.ut aa ior ine ooasieu pn what I think of England on the h torated over the side of the eh In I "Hold onl" shouted the Enulis) at the CrvMfe. You can even corse Imperial Ifmpy. Bat hare a care h ( ||n Kings - \ . . - ' ? ' t*: 4 * ' , t 1 ational News 1 Brief Form , i ?IN agonal Newft? Washington, Jan. 16. The senate ron firmed today the nomination of I Attorney Oenerat Frank Murphy to J I ltd mu utociaie justice or in* supreme court. The uotlon was taken on a voice The chamber then quickly approv ed the nominations of Solicitor Rob ert H. Jaokson to be attorney general ahd Judge Prancta Blddle to be solicitor general. , Murphy, 46 years old, will take his seat on the high court aa President Roosevelt's fifth appointment to the nine-member body. National Scouting Honors W. K. Mauney - W. K. Mauney was honored by be log presented the Silver Beaver Award for outstanding contribution to boyhood and Scouting at the annual meeting ahd banquet of the Piedmont Council at the new headquarter* building in Oast on ta. Only two auch. awards are made each year in the Piedmont Council which covers eleven counties In Piedmont North Carolina. The Silver Beaver wee hung ? round Mr. Mauney'a neck by hie wife. Present also at the meeting I tor the occasion were four of hla boys who are Boy Scouts. Three of these George, Miles and Ernest, were given special recognition as Eagle Scouts. The twins, Miles and Ernest, gave an exhibition of their skill at the piano by rendering a auet. This was much enjoyed by the Scouters present. The dining hall of the new Scout Ing headquarters building was filled to its capacity ? approximately 400. Men Interested in Scouting from over the eleven counties gathered for the occasion. The speaker of the occasion was the Honorable Melrls Purvis, who is famous as "G" man. He wasi with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for eight years and is now editor of the Florence. S.. C., newspaper. Renorta were heard concerning Scouting in the area. W. K. Mauney made a report aa chairman ot Organisation and Extension. B. N. Barnes. superintendent of our schools, made the report as chairman of programs and Aubrey Mauney as chairman of Soouting In the Lutheran Church. The report for Cleveland County was made' by Ben n or talnh Gardner of Shelby. Senator Gardner was re-elected ns a Vice-President of the Council from Cleveland County. Others present from Kings Moun tain for the occasion included; Joe Lee Woodward, H. C. Wilson, Arthur Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson, Rev. L. B. Hamm, J. E. Herndon., Jack Hullender, L. L. Dav is, Hastel Wilson, Laney Dettmar, liobtoy Dettmar, William Cashion, Paul Oole. O. W. Myers, Wood Jack son, Hunter Jackson, Charley Moss, Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr. Mr. Z. F. Cranford, 8upt. of the Cora Mill, left Wednesday for a ten dav trip around Fort Lauderdale Fla., in an effort to recuperate Trom a recent attack of flu. md the World IN S. COBB . * v * Private Property S. COBB . le Great War had picked up a little ' international debate with a French knowledge of the Engliah language. ? outset; it very soon became red-hot sluding phases of the dialogue ran 1 the Englishman. 1 the whoTa Royal family," countered our blasted nation," announced the ' nder the Gallic nose of his adversary, shmaa, "with ypo I have no personal Mentions of your nation?weu, here's iigh seas." And with that he expecnto the water." tman. "too ro too far. Yon on hum i the Army. Ton can mt damn tha ?w y?. - ){t in our ocean I" ? Vhatar**. ImJ " , ' ... 'fir Meun . f KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH Funeral Services For || irirs. Amanda Glenn Kuneral services tor Mr*. Amanda . Ware Glenn, age 82,were held Tuea 1 nay aiternoon at t'ord and Douglas I funeral Howe, Qaatonta. Interment ' MH^mauu beanie the grav?^fc> bar _ daughter, Mra. Ruby Glenn Orlgg. iu Hollywood cemetery'. t I'ull-boarers were the following | nephews of tbe deceased: 4. Wblte Ware of Gaatonla. Luther, ^Calvin, Leou and Kalpb Ware of King* .Mountain, Edwin Ware of Charlotte ? former pastor ot Boyce Memorial, Kings Mountain, conducted the aer vices. Mrs. Glenn had -been living at the home of her son-in-law. Will Orlgg, In Gastonia, for the past two rears. Her death occurred night fa City Hospital. Mrs. aienn was a native of the Blbethel section of Cleveland cow 1 ty and a daughter of the late Al- ^ bert and Salty Dixon Ware. Her passing' takes, away tho last , of the Immediate famtly, all of i whom were prominent ; dttxons of 1 this vlolntty. ' Mr*. Glenn was the widow of Dr. | James Allen plena ^wfio practice^ ' ' dentistry In Oastonla and Rock Hill many years ago. Surviving are three stepchildren, Paul H. Olenn of Columbia, S. C., J. R. Olenn and Mrs. E. R. McDonald . of Charlotte. Mrs. Olenn Is also survived by a large nunfber of nieces, nephews and other relatives from this section, many of whom attend* ' ed the last rites, Tuesday. . v Credit To Finland Wont [ Violate Neutrality " c E Washington, Jan. Id.?President 1 Roosevelt told congress today that c an extension of credit to Finland 1 "at this time does not In any way j t constitute or threaten anw so-called e 'Involvement' in European wars. D In identical letters to Vlce-Presl- s dent Garner and Speaker Bankhead. t the chief executive also declared that the matter of giving the little p Baltic nations credit, and the s-j a mount was Whollv within thn inria. a diction of congress. | c TOWN-WlDE WPA T Mayor Pro-Tem H. Tom Fult* A. L. Bulwinkle yesterday afterm town-wide W. P. A. project had fa President. The Government grant $54,M&00 with the total ooet beli inoludae additional sidewalks, tar aewer and water lines. The town-wide improvements men, and will mean a great dea fare of Kings Mountain. Mayor Fu begin right away. Congressman's Bulwinkle'a tel reply to one sent him at 1:00 by commenting on the speedy ser}rl< gave ua prompt aorvlco, and wa a Bound Over For J Breaking Into School t Five white men were bound ovbt i to Superior Court here yeeterday at 0 ternoon in Recorder's Court by Judge Audle Powell for breaking and entering Central School. Clarence Clack, Johtmle Smith and Bill Barrett were charged with breaking into the building on the 24th of November and Jamea West and Jack Norria on January 2nd. It la under stood that ail the accuaed men have confessed. Articles taken from the building on both occasions Included clock, electric iron, knife, scissors, and a quantity of food stnff. The men had been rounded up j through efforts of the local police, department who had been working | on the case for some time. Five other jail cases were heard In court yesterday afternoon, whlck brought the total to ten the largest number ever in Jail for one court. Tko /vih Ar naafta was*/a fTVvtn Ueriin am? w%mvi wwd " v * . It was thought the modern typewriter would reduce the number of Jobs tor stenographers. Actually the nUndser has tacreased from 20,000 in ISM to 770,000 today. _ - *. ' r ' * -. 'W g > ) "\j. . -Vv ' '-* " ? tain K URSDAY, JAN. It, 1940 First Baby Held This Coach Jesi Jess Mealy. Clemen Coach Jam Neely. who has been thletlc Director and Head Footall Coach at Ctemson since 1931 rill be the main speaker this .evenng at the Lions Club Supper to be eld In the Woman's Club at 7.00 'clock. Coach Neely's teams have uule an excellent showing and he i considered one of the foremost ooches in the South. Coach Neely i an interesting speaker and will tirill local football fans with his xperiences on the gridiron as both layer and coach. Besides the peecli by Coach Neey, picture of lie Cotton Bowl gabe will be shown. aa a a >J al a l L t M Me mo era or me uiud ana invuea ;ue?ts are looking forward to the cession -with a great real of internet. Howard Jackson will be In barge of the program. HdJECT APPROVED >n received from Coogreuman ton a telegram stating that the een approved and signed by the . on the project amount* to rig about #67,000.00. The project and gravel streets, additional will employ approximately 140 I to the attractiveness and welIton stated that the work would I legram was received at 3:30 In Mayer Fulton. Mr. Fulton In :* said, "The Major certainly pprsdate It very much/* IANK TO OBSKRVE HOLIDAY la observance ot Robert R. bee's ilrthday, which la a State Holiday, j 'he First National Bank will not be) pea for business FT May, Jan. 19. i < > Will Rogers' Humorous Story n By WILL ROGERS THE professor that was viaiting A with some of his friends, in San Francisco, was kinds proud of himself, so when the little girl - uktd 1dm what Had of work ha did^ha mid, "Why, I'm a geolo"Thafs funny," the aaya, "bacmm I'd Ilka to know what a gaolorist does for a Urine." ^Oh. I Juat carry a Uttla hamayt around with ma and oaa It to enek opan rock*." "Now I know," aaya thsMd. "I' got a unela that's ajreolorlst. Ha |vv uwv wmy ior unving inn cmr 1 wfa?h )m kid a ban on. What did' t" ** > ' - ? ; s%. -" r';i.:'v/.. - ' < " / /. ' 4 ? F1 Kf*. " ' ' ii<' lerald * , r .... ' ' ". . _ "* ' 7.-.V ' ' '' '. ' ' *j Count Wi Saturday. U - ; * 5 Neely To sJOaaighL Lutheran Church Installs Officers At the Congregational meeting of the Lutheran Church laat Friday er enlng Messrs s. A. Mauney, Paul hlcOlnnls. Jacob M. Cooper ;/id W. Arthur Beqnett, were elected for a three-year term of office as memH*Pa Af Iks nv.?w n ?? ...v v? vuuitu cvuuvu. mesc four men succeed Messrs D. C. Maun ey, Paul Moeller, W. A. Kldenhour, and P. ft Summers. The Pastor, Rev.! L. Boyd Hamm, Installed the newly elected members at the Morn lug Service last Sunday. Reports beard at the . congrega-1 tional meeting showed that a total of 74 members were received into the Church In 1939, 56 adults and 19, infant baptisms. The financial reports revealed that a total of $13,500.00 was raised, and that $3,400.00 of this was used for benevolent purposes. The Church Council held its regular meeting last Monday Evening and selected officers and Committee chairmen as follows: W. K. Mauney Chairman of the Council; Carl P. Mauney, secretary; J. E. Herndon, Assistant Secretary; J. C. I-ackey, Financial Secretary; L. Arnold Ki ser. treasurer; and Mrs. W. A. Rideahour. Organist. Committee heads j were chosen. L. C. Dettmar. Evangfi Ham; A. S. Riser, Parish Education S A. Mauney, Church Property; Jacob M. Cooper, Finance; Paul Me-Oinnis,. Ushers; Mrs. J. E. Hemdon, Altar Service and J. E. Aderholdt to Assist in Administering the Holy Caxmnuntoa. Mr. W.-K. Mauney was elected to serve as the Lay Representative and Mr. Aubrey Mauney as Alternate Lay Representatice. All of the om mittees with their memberships haVe been named for the year. Mrs. Fred Hope, 28, Dies Here Mrs. Fred Hope, 28, died Saturday night here after a long illness. Lefore marriage, she was Miss VInla William* Qho u w? w-v 9UI TtfCU UJ ucr husband; three children, Joe, Ted, and Betty Ann; five brothers, Houa ton and Cecil WllllaniB of Klhge Mountain, Paul of Hawaii, M. L. of Charlotte and Jack Williams of Charlotte; three sister, Mrs. Aileen Murphy of Llnoolnton, Mrs. L. E. Smith and Miss Mildred Williams of Mount iHolly. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the home conducted by Rev. E. C. Gore. Interment was In Mountain Rest cemetery. | ' ' I m m i Sister Of Local Lady Dies The funeral of MIh J. B. Ellis, 4 . prominent woman of Grover, was held at Grover Presbyterian church at 2:00 o'clock Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ellle died' at 7 o'clock Saturday night after several months of illness. Before her marriage, she was Miss Myrtle Falls, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Falls of Gaston la. She is survived by her husband; a son, J. B. Ellis, Jr., a student at Mars Hill college; three sisters, Mrs. M. li. Ponk of Kings Mountain. Mrs. .Florence Grief of Gastonla and Miss Mllcfred Falls of Columbia. S. C.; four brothers, James Falls of Los Angeles, Calif.. Labin, Hope and Leslie Falls of Gastonla. She had resided in Grover since Hap marriflffo In 1010 QY\n woo member of the Shioh Presbyterian church. /J :?? . ! Methodists Meet In Boston Boston, Jan. 16.?Methodists from all pafts of Now England assembled In Boat op today for the first days* work In the Methodist Advance. a movement designed to carry the message of the unified church Into . 74 . population centers throughout the nation. Four bishops participated In a dinner last night which launched the advance, with Btshop Paul B. Kern of NaahrHle m the chief speaker. * ' ' . ' ' . < ' " ' ! * ' r . . i I ? -* m , * . ' ? /' l * ;> .t - > ?'..... .", * * 4 J R??d The HiriM And Nuy At Horn* ., ' ? ____ FIVE CENT8 PER COPY 11 Be Night Thirty Leading Babies WiU Be Listed On 1'ae Honor Roll Board Monday in the Baby Derby Office' Window. .1?? WrfStV">*?' The first count of Baby Derby coupons in the ballot box will be .n.'ade after the Baby Derby office closes at 8:00 o'clock Saturday right. January 20. An honor roll listing the 30 highest babies In that count will be carried In next week* issue of The Herald, and will be dis played Monday on a large Honor Roll board In the window of the r>aby Derby otTlce, at Hord Furniture Co. Parents, no doubt, realise the tat I portance of having their baby land [ p. high position on this first Honor Roll, for this will give the public tta I first indications as to which pat* cuts are out to have their baMea . win. The public likes to be with , the winner, so naturally many new supporters will flock to the babies who hold the highest positions. You have tin to s?tmvi?v b-aa n __ - ?m- ?? ? I w?wv Mm M., to ballot coupons for the first count. Bo sure to round up all possl* ble coupons for the first count. And remember, a $10 special prise will be awarded to the baby who has the most coupons reported for htm or her. If you have a child under seven years of age, why not enter it In the Baby Derby? Remember, babies are babies just a short time, so while the opportunity is presented to have your baby's picture publish od be sure to take ah vantage of It. We feel certain that you will guarr and cherish for years to come the copy of The Herald carrying your baby's picture. The Baby Derby has taken the public's fancy lu a ntanner far exceeding any other competition ever, known in this section. The bevy of baby pictures in the window of the Ilnlk.. 1- ? -* * ? 1'MWJ |UC*VJ WBIWJ, lULttltM HI nun Furniture Company. Is attracting , much attention. Now. If you have any idea of entering your BABY. right now fa tha time to do it. Another Hat of the Baby Derby entrants will be carried in next week's Herald. Mr. Hord. Baby Derby Photographer of Shelby, will bo it Hord Furniture Co., Saturday morning from nine until twelve o'clock to make more babv pictures or any one else wishing to hava their picture made. Parents, don't be Idlers or dreamers but get your baby's entry in by Saturday. Det us emphasize the fact that entering your baby, having the picture made and publishing it In The Herald won't oost you 0 single penny. Enter your baby at the Baby Derby office, located at Hord Furniture Co.- Give your baby the opportunity of winning $200 and a beautiful loving cup or one of the 29 ether cash prizes, it's up to YOU? not us. We've made It Just as easy as possible for your baby to com- , pete . In this popular Baby Derby. If there la anything you do not understand atoobt the Baby Derby, find ont at the Baby Derby office. (Cont'd on back page) ? James PreStoh_ (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Folks probably would rather start off the New Year thinking about r.omethlng more pleasant than tax et>, but if they a ant to keep the sub Ippf f mm Kof?Amini/ ??'? " 4 wwwaufisQ, v?vu UIWI V UU" pleasant, they had better think about it. {The reason la that Washington is prowlug around oofciiig (or more tax eB. Even the most optlmisltio cannot ' see, on the bnsis of the new Foderel budget, how the national govern mont can avoid spending more than it takes in unless it increases taxes. The lawmakers are In a spot. This is an election year. Constituents are getting tired of seeing red figures on Uncle Sam's books at the end of each year. But the only way the Congressmen can eliminate the figures Is to out expenditures. borrow < more money, raise taxes or try some combination of these three devices. And it also is considered politically unwise to Increase taxes or red ass gefternaaent fbaondoote In an slaw (Cont'd en Mltorlal page) V ' jf*' 4 \