mw11 *. | * Hj mm, " r, *lNWij* ".t FT 'f Wr? f. ' -t t * * " * * '* mmmm--MM? WiMi LaM On Your Popor And Doitt Lot Your Subocrlptton Explrol VOL. H NO. 2 , State And N I r._ j * * r uraaensed u ?$tiIA New??? Osstonla, Jan. 18.?Miss Bertha f . Clark, 28, of Oestonia,- died yesterday of Injuries suffered in a trainanto crash the day before in vhlch three persons were killed instantly. ffouthport, Jan. 18.?Birds lead the Menhaden fishermen here. wwv^dses^krMnni* JUU' UIMP dUih" dr has caused schools at fish to swim deep bwiMh the lunace ? eut of sight of the lookouts oa the big purse netters. But the ftshenaen finally found that they oould come le loaded by eettinf blind over a to cation where bird* congregated. \t Ashevllle, Jan. Id?Motor railCray and bus travellers journeying ' en vacation'tours-through the south tMs winter" are 'choosing highway and railway routes by way of Ashevillfr In increasing numbers this sea eon. This hldsouthera resort > city is popular as a stopover point for southbound travellers or southern winter tours. " ' " iHtckory, Jan. 1?.?An agreement was reached between IT. Max Wateon of Forest City, highway commissioner in thie district, and the members of the' roade committee of the Hickory chamber of commerce. I at a conference yesterday afternoon whereby highway No. 70 between Hickory and Hanover is to be' straightened and a made a threelane thoroughfare 3h feet wide. Charlotte,- Jan. 16.?The Southern - Bell Telephone company announced yesterday a *3,??4.wo expansion i program In the Carollnas for 1940. ' About 92,500,000 will be spent- In North' Carolina and the remainder , " in South Carolina. { Plans for developing suburban sections, constructing eever&l hundred miles of lines throughout rural areas, building new toll lines, and reconstructing many milee of present toll lines. Albemarle, Jan. 16.?Three-yearold Dopnte Dennis, was fatally burn ed yesterday when her clothes be came Ignited from standing too close to a heater in the Pennls | home. ' Aehevllle, Jan. 16.?Coe Glade op H-' era star, who began her career as n singer, In the old Asheville city rauuiiunuui, reivrnt nere jail si, as the first opera star to sing from the stage of the new auditorium ded tested here Jan. 6. y Gastonla, Jan. 16?.Brvln King, Cherryvllle man, was Indicted by the Oaston county grand Jury here Monday for the automobile deaths of Clyde Self and Bill Moss, Cherryriiie pedestrians, some weeks ago Kiai allegedly was driving a car | which struck the two hoys as they walked on the outskirts of Cherry| vllle. Winston-Salem, Jan. 16.?Robert M. LofHs, employe of a local bottling company, was found shot to death 1n the basement of his home yesterday. Coroner W. N. Daltoa aid the ease wad a suicide. < w? as aw?ee? ? os?e??eei as ' as ss i Laughing Arou . With IRVl '?&? Infringing on F By IRVIN A BRITISH Bailor who during th French was having a heated sailor who had acquired a working r The argument was warm at the K . Eliminating the dialects, the eoncl somewhat as follows: "To hell with Polneaire," said To holl with King George and the Frenchman. That's what I'd give for yo Britisher, nnd snapped his Angers ur "My friend," replied the Frencl quarrel. But as for the boasted pre what I think of England on the hi toratad over the aide of the shin in "Hold on!" shouted the English! at the Crown. Ybu can even curse Imperial Navy. But have a care ho K . - ;vi. '*+\ ... 'J : "1?1*W ... ' it/, s I..- ,v **. *'V.' *" _. ?7" Kings ational News i Brief Form ?National New*? Washington, Jan. If. The senate confirmed today the nomination of Attorney General Frank Murphy to be no associate Justice or the supreme court. The action was taken on a voice Vrt? m^UkL. ?. " -?u>'Ut HVUIUIC U?D?W|. ed the nominations of Solicitof Rob ert H. Jackson to be attorney gen* eral and Judge Francis Biddle to be solicitor general. Murphy, 46 years old, will take bis seat on the high court as President Roosevelt's fifth appointment to tbe nine-member body. National Scouting r Honors W. K. Mauney \ " * W. K. Mauney was honored by be l log. presented the 'silver Beaver Award for outstandlnv esntrihnUnn to boyhood and Scooting at the annual mooting and banquet of the Piedmont Council at the new headquarters building In Oaatonla. Only two auch. awards are made each year In the Piedmont Council which covers eleven counties in Piedmont North Carolina. The Silver Beaver was hung around Mr. Mauney's neck by his wile. Present also at the meeting (or the occasion were four ot his boys who are Boy Scouts. Three of these George, Miles and Eft-nest, were given special recognition as Eagle Scouts. The twins, Miles and Ernest, gave an exhibition of their skill at the piano by rendering a duet. This was much enjoyed by the Scouters present. . The dining hall of the new Scout Ing headquarters building was filled to its capacity ? approximately 400. ,Men interested in Scouting from over the eleven counties gathered for the occasion. The speaker of the occasion was the Honorable Melvts Puwta, who la famous as "O" man. He wan with the Federal Bureau of Investigation tor eight year* and is now editor of the Florence. S.. C., newspaper. Reports were hesrd concerning 8couttng in the ares. W. K. Mauney made a report as chairman of Organisation and Extension. B. N. Barnes. superintendent of our i _ * ? -- ~ ocnooiB, mu? me report a* cnairman of programs and Aubrey Mauney aa chairman of Sooutlng In the Lutheran Church. The report for Cleveland County was made by Sen n or talnh Gardner of Shelby. Sen. a tor Gardner was re-elected' as a Vice-President of tbe Council from Cleveland County. Others present from Kings Moun tain for the oocaslon Included: Joe Lee Woodward, H. C. Wilson, Arthur Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson, Rev. L. B. Hamm, J. E. Herndon., Jack Hulleoder, L. L. Dav 4s, HaSfcel Wilson. Laney Dettmar, Lobby Dettmar, William Cashlon. Paul Oole. O. W. Myers. Wood Jack son. Hunter Jackson. Charley Moss, Mrs. W. K Mauney, Jr. Mr. Z. F. Cranford, Supt. of the Cora Mill, left Wednesday for a dav trip around Fort Lauderdale Fla., in an effort to recuperate from a recent attack of flu. ind the World r* a. v,vjdd Private Property [ S. COBB e Great War had picked op a little international debate with a French knowledge of the English language. outset; it eery soon became red-hot lading phases of the dialogue ran the Englishman. the whole Royal family," countered or Wasted nation," announced the ider the Gallic noee of hie adversary, imaa, "with 790 I have no personal tentiona of your nation?well, hare's ah seas." And with that he expeeiio the water." man. "Yoo ro too far. Yon can hiss the Army. Yon can even damn the w yu> \?lt in our ocean I" I IWaro, IaaJ t Moan KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. * Funeral Services For Mrs. Amanda Glenn Funeral eervicee for Mra. Amanda Ware Uleun, age 82,were held Tuea bay aiternoon at Ford and Oougiaa Funeral Home, Oaatonla. Interment waa made the grave tileuu Orlgg, lu Hollywood cemetery; Pall-boarera were the following nephewa of the deceaaed: J. Whit* Ware of Oaatonla, JLuther, Calvin. Leon and Raloh .?# vi?? Mountain, Edwin Ware ot Charlotte Kev. W. II. Boyoe of Charlotte. Kings Mountain, conducted the ear vice*. Mrs. Olenn had -been living at the home of her son-in-law, Will Ortgg, In Oaetonia, for the past two ;ears. Her death occurred Sunday night In City Hospital. Mrs. Olenn was a native ot the Elbethel section of Cleveland county and a daughter of the late Albert and Sally Dixon Ware. Her pesetas'takes- away the last of the immediate family, all of whom were prominent ; dttsona of -this vlolntty. '? * Mrs. Glenn was the widow of Dr. James Alton plena ^wjbo practice*} dentistry in Oastonla and Rock HIU many years ago. Surviving are three stepchildren, Paul H. Glenn of Columbia, S. C., J. R. Glenn and Mrs. B. R. McDonald of Charlotte. Mrs. Glenn is also survived by a large number of nlecee, nephews and other relatives from thia section, many of whom attend* ed the last rites, Tuesday. ' Credit To Finland Wont Violate Neutrality Washington, Jan. 16.?President Roosevelt told congress today that an extension of credit to Finland "at this time dpea not In any way j constitute or threaten anw so-called 'Involvement* In European wars. In Identical letters to Vice-President Garner and Speaker Bankhead. the chief executive also declared that the matter of giving the little Baltic nation# credit, and the a- j mount was wholly- within the jurisdiction of congress. TOWrf-^lfcE WPA Mayor Pro-Tom H. Tom Fu A. L. Bulwinklo yesterday aftar The otner case* were. Tom Martin charged with three casea of shoplifting and being drunk and dtsorderljr, James Hash and Connie Rob- , erts charged with fornication and adultery, and. Leon Huff charged With non-eupport. It was thought the modern typewriter would reduce the number of |obs for stenographers. Actually the ntfmfrer has in areas nil from SO,000 in ISM tb "171,000 today. town-wide W. P. A. project had President. The Government gra 154,965.00 with the total ooat t? inoludea additional sidewalks, t sewer and water lines. The town-wide improvement men, and will mean a great d< fare of Kings Mountain. Mayor I begin right away. Congressmen's Bulwlnkle'a I reply to one sent him at 1:00 b commenting on the speedy ser^ gave us prompt service, and we *' ' ' ?>V ' ? . ' 1 Bound Over For Breaking into School jftve white men were bound over to Superior Court here yesterday at ternoon in Recorder's Court by Judge Audie Powell tor breaking and entering Central School. Clarence Clack, Jobmiie Smith and Bill Barrett were charged with breaking into the building on the 24th ot November and Jamea West and Jack Norrls on January 2nd. It is understood that all the accused men have j confessed. Articles taken from the building on both occasions Included clock, electric iron, knife, scissors, and a quantity of food stuff. The men had been rounded up through efforts of the local police j department who had been working j on the case for some time. Five other Jail cases were heard j in court yesterday afternoon, which j brought the total to ten the largest nutriber ever in Jail for one court. ^Nl^^SpP^WJiiP Vv' -.' <" . -J ;. > lain M jMBB***-'' v vrjTr.^ .VV > . '" ' I THUBSOAY, JAN. 18, 1840 First Baby Held This /> I V K^oacn jess Speak Her l I t. c i / t t f e a I E i V t t lata Ncatjr. Ciemson t Coach Jeaa Neely, who has been ' athletic Director and Head Foot- I ball Coach at Clemaon since 1931 ' will be the main speaker this even- ? Ing at the Lions Club 8upper to be 1 held in the Woman's Club at 7.00 o'clock. Coach Neely's teams have < made an excellent showing and he < IB conHiuereu uue 01 iuo lureouni t 74 members were received into he Church in 1939, 65 adults and 19 ntant baptisms. The financial re>orts revealed that a total of $13,>00.00 was raised, and that $3,400.00 ?f this was used for benevolent purk>ses. The Church Council held its regilar meeting last Monday Evening ind selected officers and Committee ihatrmen as follows: W. K. Mauney Chairman of the Council; Carl F. Mauney, secretary; J. E. Heradon, \s sis taut Secretary; J. C. I-ackey, financial Secretary; L. Arnold Riser, Treasurer; and Mrs. W. A. Rllenhour. Organist. Committee heads vere chosen. L. C. Dettmar. Evangd ism; A. S. Riser, Parish Education ? A. Mauney. Church Property; Ja:ob M. Cooper, Finance; Paul Mclinnia. Ushers; Mrs. J. E. Herndon. tltar Service and J. E. Aderboldt to tssiat in ' Administering the Holy :omxhunton. Mr. W. K. Mauney was elected to erve as the Lay Representative and >Ir. Aubrey Mauney as Alternate .Ay Representatice. All of the om nlttees with their memberships ave been named for the year. Urs. Fred Hope, 28, >ies Here Mrs. Fred Hope. 28, died Saturay night here after a long illness, sefore marriage, she was Misa Vila Williams. She is survived by her usband; three children, Joe, Ted, nd Betty Ann; five brothers, Hous on and Cecil Williams of Kings fountain, Paul of Hawaii, M. L. f Charlotte and Jack Williams of :harlotte; three sister, Mrs. Aileen Jurphy of IJncolnton, Mrs L. B. irnith and Miss Mildred Williams i Mount iHolly. Funeral services 'ere held Sunday afternoon at 3:00 'clock at the home conducted by tev. E. C. Gore. Interment was in fountain Rest cemetery. Ulster Of Local ^ady Dies The funeral of Mis J. B. Ellis, 46, roimneni woman oi Grover, was ield at Grover Presbyterian church t 2:00 o'clock Monday afternoon. Mrs. Kllio died; at 7 o'clock Saturay night after several months of llness. Before her marriage, she was Mise fyrtle Palls, daughter of the late fr. and Mrs. William Falls of GasJtiia. She is survived by her husand; a son, J. B. Bills. Jr., a stuent at Mars Hill college: three Inters, Mrs. M. L. Ponic of Kings > (ountaln, Mrs. Florence Grief of astonia and MIbs Mildred Falls of olurobla, S. C.; four brothers, imss Falls of Los Angeles, Calif.. abin, Hope and Leslie Falls of astonia. She had resided In Grover since er marriage in 1919. She was a lember of the 8hioh Presbyterian j t>urch. , ' 1 ' i , fethodists Meet i ^ li A n XMJBum Boston. Jan. 16.?Methodists from ' II paftn of New England assembled 1 i Boston today for the first days* ' ork in the Methodist Advance. a 1 lovement designed to carry the ' essage of the unified church Into 1 I population centers throughout ' ?e nation. Four bishops parttclpa- < d In a dinner last night which unched the advance, with Bishop < aul B. Kern of Naahvllle as the l - * - m aeasWae w. vymiwrt'. ? U listing the 30 highest babtea In that count will be carried in next week4* Issue of The Herald, and will be dla played Monday on a targe Hooor Roll board In the window of the T aby Derby office.. at Hord Furniture Co. Parents, no doubt, realise the lor portance of having their baby land p. high position on this first Honor Roll, for this will give the public Its first indications ae to which par* cuts are Out to have their baMaa win. The public Hkes to be with tha winner, so naturally thany new supporters will flock to the babies who hold the highest positions. You have up to Saturday, 8:00 P. M., to ballot coupons for the first count. Ce sure to round up all possible coupons for the first count. And remember, a $10 special prise will he awarded to the baby who has tha most coupons reported for him or her. If you have a child under seven years of age, why not enter It In the Baby Derby? Remember, babies arc babies just a short time, so while the opportunity' is presented to have your baby's picture publish . ed be sure to take ah vantage of It. We feel certain that you will guarr and cherish for years to come the copy of The Herald carrying your baby's picture. The Baby Derby has taken the public's fancy iu a manner far exceeding any other competition ever known in this section. The bevy of baby pictures in the-window of the Haby (Derby Office, located at Horl Furniture Company. Is attracting much attention. Now. if you have any idea of entering your BABY, right now is the time to do it. Another list of the Haby Derby entrants will be carried In next week's Herald. Mr. Hord. Baby Derby Photographer of Shelby, will be nt Hord Furniture Co.. Saturday morning from nine until twelve o'clock to make more babv pictures or any one else wishing to have their plctu& made. Parents, don't be idlers or dreamers but get your baby's entry in by Saturday. Bet us emphasise the fact that entering your baby, having the picture made and publishing It in The HppaH wftn'f r?/>of n * T ? .. W? % - ?'>ww I uu U olll^in penny. Enter your baby at the Baby Derby office, located at Honl Furniture Co. Give your baby the opportunity of winning $200 and a beautiful loving cup or one of the 29 ether cash prises. It's up to YOU? not us. We've made It Just as easy as possible for your baby to compete in this popular Baby Derby. If there Is anything you do not understand abobt the Baby Derby, find out at the Baby Derby office. (Cont'd on back page) ? tyV^UME^f^E$TON " , t (Opinions Expressed sn This Columis Are Not Necessarily tho Views of This Newspaper.) TTVkllfa * - wi?o |>i vwHi/ijr nuuiU I rt IIICF HULIT off ibe New Year thinking about r.omethlng more pleasant than tax ib, but if they want to keep the sut> Ject from becoming even more unpleasant, they had better think about It. v ' ? The reason is that Washington la prowlng around ooking for more tax es. Even the roost optlmlsltic cannot see, on the basis of the new Federal budget, how the national govern nent can avoid spending more than It takes In unless it Increases taxes. The lawmakers are In a spot. This Is an election year. Constituents are Retting tired of seeing red figures 011 Upclo Sam's books at the and of each year. But the only way the Congressmen can eliminate the figures is to out expenditures, borrow more money, raise taxes' or try some combination of these three devices, hnd it also Is considered politically inwtse to Increase taxes or red no* pcftermnont ha undents In an slow (Cont'd on Mttortal poga)