WataH UM On VMf ft?w AM D?nt Let Ymit ?n?QripM>n Cxpiral VOL. M No. 3 State And I j i vuiiueuseu 1 ?State New?? Shelby, N. C. Jap. 23e iwfo:'n?i lion concerning a robbery at tb State Line Filling station neu Shelby came to light today. Tbo station, operated on the Oaf ney road by J. D. McSwaln, wa robbed on Sunday night of clgare tes, wine and between |1U and $11 in money, it was reported tods; Stovawaffig-Jcww- iotettWtour Vtrisi Sheriffs officbis reported tha the robbery apparently occurre 1 while a boy who worked and slei ' at the tilling station was away frot the place, having gone to Oaffne for a short while. Oaflney. s. C... .Rehearing of i anion complaint against Hamrlc f cotton mills was transferred her ; today from Spartanburg after a ' opening session highlighted by 1 witness' charge that the mills er gaged a preacher to "preach agatni , the CIO." The peering was transferred her en motion' of'Cduniet 'for the'1 mill ? the Ahna, the Limestone end th Ham rick. The' rehearing way ordei ; ed by the national labor relation j board on petition of the tea til workers union of America,- CIO a$N1 - ate, which charged some of th wttnseses at the first hearing pei P . jured themselves. ' Hickory, Jan. 23.?Miss Julia Ra fro, of Mooresboro and Mlas Mar Trances Hord of , Kings Mountaii teachers hi the Chertyvtlle sbhdoli are In the Richard Baker HosplU here with injuries received who their automobile overturned on ? steep kill of Highway M near Broo ford 8unday afternoon. Physicians said tbe condition e neither was critical. Hickory, JaJn. 28.?-Funeral sen vice for Mr*. J. D. Elliott, 81. on of Hickory's best known resident! -was held at her homo on Flfteeat street this morning at 10:30. Although she ,had been in tl health tor several years, Mrs. K Mott's death from ? heart shae came anexpeetsdly Monday. ' v ' ' ' Wilmington. Jan. 23.?Mrs. Oiae E Morrison and her daughter, ze da Dolores, 13. ordered held by coroner"* Jury In connection ' wit. the fatal shooting of the former1 husband, William H. Morrison.; h of Toronto. Out., were released 1st yesterday under $6,000 bond each. Blowing Rock, Jan. 23...Plat> have been perfected and , arranged 'made to start work in the earl spring on the construction of a. clu "The movement was launched las season, by summer residents. A cot -tract has been made with the owe era .of the golf course to assure pe maneat availability of the com -to club members. High Point.: J?n.' .23.-hAn oponln day attendance, record was sot a the Southern furtrftors and rug ma ket here yesterday with a regjatn tJon?ot.4?Tr Thla compared wit^ tO tor the first day of the exhibition last January."** Inhibitors predicted a gain over (thi- Mled; volume of th 'Met mpifeet ten 1 I Laughing Ajx* With IRVj ' - r ' ^ ! .> i II ??NM?MP?M The Truth By OLVO 'V ETTERS of recommend*ticm an ' um ready to write them ho .receive and read them. f Moreover, most of us are wil posing each communications. Sue Richard Carlo, the actor. Once upon a time he wae call of a domestic from whom he was seeded in saying it and yet adhei The Carte family engaged a > a young woman of Seaamanvian bi and broad in proportion. She props regard. She couldn't even wash a < with the greatest ease. So, Mrs. < The discharged one went to A erenee to bo presented when she < . is one of the kindest-hearted men ae to his facts. He oonsidered th? i a note which the young woman acc "f?etoSTrt may concern? ? W to certify that the b?a ? ? cc**j^t firf. She ia the lat (Ammrtmm Hn .? ' V/ ' Er^v'* ' ^'.X' ' $>* ' L lJMiVA ivings National News . n Brief Form ?NiUiiiui) NCWB? fl i- (Jrwi River; W"T.. Jan. 23.?Carl: e Muller, 36. drove hi* car across frost r en Connetquot Klver. Long Island ' five times to save five miles each' f- way in going to and from home aud a an inn. t? The sixth time at 2 A. M. yesteri day. with two passengers in tho V. I ? J r. | uiatuiut, me ice (its way. t?? Mr l irpntfcWT W^velS^ "Sr^iTa Ju~ d feet offshore." Muller, s subway enit glnee; his wife and s neighbor ec>t caped, but the car was left Ice? n bound. y Greenville, fl. C.. Jan. 23...1? year Mr old Durt L. Padgett died last night wu J to i hospital bare of gunshot 0f wounds. He was Shot In the kitchen pci 0 of his home Tuesday night. n CorOber George W.'.McCoy \ said _* Steven Kondos, 17. told him he was m handling a .22 rifle and It acciden- "* *' tally discharged; the buhlet bitting ww Padgett th the dbdomen. 1*1 M ?? e Chungking, China., Jan 23.?A col , f.' Usion between two Chinese snipe In r a the swollen Yangtze River today fc e claimed , more than 200 lives, all Chi j J 0 11- tiese. A downstream craft tarrying> 'a11 a 300 passengers Including 30 high! 1 r. school girls foundered after stViklng y an upbound ship below Shungking. n Washington, 'Jan. 23.?Maj. Gen. T Omar Bundy, who fought the Sioux i, Indians In South Dakota in 1890- * i. 91 and later' saw action In the Span * il '.sb-Amertcan and World wars, died n.|. yesterday at the age of 78. 'or a He commanded, the First. Brigade -olj k of the American Expeditionary For. ho1 | ce in 1917. winning * 'decorations I f from both the French American gov an< ernmentt. l/e dei ~ Greenville, 8. C.. inn. 33.?a head ^ 1 , on automobile collision on the Asheh ville-GreenvtUe Highway yesterday * ' killed WllUam F. White of Kew Gar 1?' dens, ?L. L, and Aahevlle. and re- ' I. salted m the serious tnjnry of five Ml*. White 34, had frafcturea at ' both .legs and left arm. Hospital at- p * ? it end ants said her aoodltlou was Tnr J critical. PD< . to * ler b Rehobotb Beach, Del., Jan. 23.? shJ s , Its been so cold In this east coast ;c I, town the last few days that many e geese were caught fast In Ice on Stiver Lake, game protectors have w reported. Ji s ???? s New York, JaJn. 33.?Orders went T to 6,000 coal handlers to resume b' deliveries today following ^ strike it compromise settlement providing i. for s 76 cent a day Increase. 1 C? t Jersey City. N. J.. Jan. 23.?Pas the e se tigers on the American President ot liner President ,Adasns returned daJ from a world tour yesterday to tell ,nei g of being halfgd by a wanting shot of ,t across the ship's bow by a British Co) r patrol 'tost at tifbrattar. ^ i- Captain Gregory; ChBeu said the y?x 1 shot waa a hjankj apd the result < of a confualoft of signals. His 'nip Mr had been stopped several rimes pre S 'vlouely for Allied blockade exam3- gra nations. * *h ??? 1 - In i - r , .. | de? Bai ind the World ?nt INS. COBB , . Cos ii ?. ? ii Bmi prei About Hilda >1S. COBB : tdhUer s like letters of introduction?all of of < wever skeptical we may be when we Hob A ' ( I U r*l ling to do a little lying when comh, however, was not the case with A at 1 ed upon to say something in behalf nooi parting with no regrets and he sue- nilR1 ed strictly te the truth throughout. eneral houseworker in the person of ' irth who was more than six feet tall The d to be incompetent in every possible pre* lish properly?but she could break it Jarle gave her notice. MEI ir. Carle, asking for a letter of ref- -Ul ipplied for her next Job. Now, Dick m the world, but he is very careful problem awhile en^ then be set down la< i fell bik h eld J 1M* Kir C* Rl< wk > | uui p.; h:ll Bui . Tom Glasgow of Charlotte who ( I address thf Man's Bible Class nej the. First ' Presbyterian Church day Evening. ^ a [en's Supper 01 < riday Evening ? too dr. Tom Glasgow, who to. to be slk speaker st the supper of the fro n's Bible Class of the Presbyter- tre . Church, is a speaker la . j&ach .. J nand because' of hts unusual ablt of . The Bible Class is to be eon* tb< itulated on having such an out- P(< ndlng guest speaker. es' Mr. Glasgow is. from Charlotte in? 1 is a prominent member of the C01 era Park Presbyterian church, < ling an active part la its. affairs. tul has recently served as Modern of Mecklenburg Presbytery, the %e' irth layman In twenty years to id this position. ^ !e was born la Lexington. Vs., sot J graduated from Washington and 0 Law School. He is now presiit of Glasgow-Stewart and Co. ' ~ \.t the meeting of the General As nbly last Mav at Montreat, Mr. 1 tsgow was among the leading lay n, who challenged the Southern ** '" byterian Church to launch the ho angelistlc Crusade which Is now ,el ihlhc In omentum in the .Church* w Mr. Hbbertv WBH*.-Cbs* ? 1 gram committee. urges .; each mber-of the, Men's Bible class 1 also every man oif the Church let nothing interfere with his at- M "inner at thie meeting ? Fellow- f.-| n Hall of the Church at seven lock. Friday evening. ' j . . tal off hf l n r ?s weeiy days z Play By Rides" ? . ?? 'ormer Clem son .Head Football Tta neb Jess |Iv?b And t*cy Jane, ten. and a ce, Mlstf Lucy Lee Hotvell. sixu, all; of Cherryvllle, wers only Chtly hart. They were dismissed m the Richkrd Baker followid* atment tor bfutsesand scratches, diss Renfro, driver and ownet the car, said she was forced off i > road as she dodged a car occu d by three Negroes. The Negrowuo did not stop were occupy; the center of the highway ao ndlng to Miss Renfro. Officers said the Renfro car ovei Tied several times. Miss Hord s pinned under the overturned Mcle, It was stated, diss Renfro and her companions re enroutg to Lenoir to visit her at. The Negroes were traveling ith. irvices At A. R. P. inday ilev. E. Gettys of Matthews. N. C. II preach to members of the A. R. Church at. the eleven o'clock ur Sunday morning. Following the -vices s congregational meeting 11 be held for the purpose of moditing a call for the services of V.' R. N. Raird of Iva. 8. C .-There 11 be no evening service. t lay Establish County ix Office Here >lan? for Cleveland County to cattish a branch tax collection Ice in Kings Mountain for Numr 4 township la being formed, acrding to Charles IMUtng, City hrk. Thfe' plans call for a collector ?n the Shelby office to be in ngs Mountain at the City Hall :h Thursday throughout the year la plan will save taxpayers from a end ot the County having to all the way to Shelby to make rment. riie plan If approved by the Town ttndl will go into effect February u' iiivS l-l*' rears ago when the tag collecting , a handled by the she'rHTs office, representative oama. J to . .Kings detain regularly. to ,coU*ct Wantage*. and now that. the system about to be revived, collections m Number Four Township mid Increase. f * y I i i thi Wfll Rogers' Humorous Story KMSSHWMOMOTHMBWSI 1 1 Sir WILL ROGERS rOU hear all kinds of talon about things that are supposed to ppoa or the movie lot Most of ma anvor happen, of course. Bat * iy*tw nod atmosphere, just Ilka i Ford iokao used to bo. i rhey toll about a shooting scene st some directo* was rehearsing. , f was a great gay to bavs #verytag realistic, the way ha thought fftJ 1 r/t /fior^i nDWgJA. r ngs really are. But he hardly , tr got anything right, becauM he ' nt know, somehow, what thing* c slly look like. a Well, the actor that was to do n ? shooting polled his pistol and o >d, and the other fellow toppled a ir as hie face. Terrible!" yells the director, ont that man know nothing l; ?ut how a guy falls when hwa * )tt I nerrer seen anything so mh. Get up and do that over sin, the way fellows really do it en they're shot." pi 'He cant get op," says the V..W \ '1. erald . i Phyllis Ware First Honor I ~~THE LEADER zrv asETR " * 11 E| Kfe-i' '':^^Hbk? :- y^M f IBRot- '. S Phyllis Ware Photo by Hon* Studio. Shelby. N. C V who will lead THE Next honor roll? Second Snow Of 1940 Falls Tuesday Kings Mountain was wrapped li a blanket of snow for the secon< time in 1940. which is only 25 dayi old, Tuesday. The snow began fal] iug about 8:30 A. M. and continue all day until the ground was com pletely covered with about 6 inche ot the white carpet. Tom Fulton Street Commissioner, and member of the street department began eai ly scraping the streets to keep then open for traffic. School was dismissed at the nooi hour and a holiday was declared b Sum. B. N. Barnes for Wednesdaj Wednesday the aim came out am shown brightly which start ad th snow to melt. . and It Is predicts that most of the snow will be gon by the latter part of the week. Merchants did a "land-office" bu Iness on snow shoes, rubbers, boot and goloshes. One merchant reoorl p<1 late Tuesday evening that th only sals his store made that da: were "cold weather" apparel. Putnam Selected As Typical Recruit W. G. Putnam, son of Mr. an< Mrs. Lawrence Putnam of the Pat terson Orove community, has beei selected as the typical, red-blood* American Recruit, and will have hit picture published in the Chsrloth Newt. Mr. Putnam enlisted n tb< Charlotte oflce where 8argeant J. A Dqnnagan, another Kings Maun tali cRlsen, is in charge. Sargeant Dun nagan, was very proud that a yount man from his home community wai selected for this honor. NYA Sewing Room News "Thrpugh fitoemtoer 4 to 16, the V* sal' NTA' Sewing Room has made the following articles; 21 shirts; 3 tresses; 6 stipe; 22 pairs outing un< lerwear for boys and girls; 1 blouse; 1 boy's coat; 2 quilts; 39 Christmas stockings for Junior Woman's ClUb; 38 dolls dressed for rem en. Two children's dresses patched;' ! girls learned to crochet; 3 girls earned to knit; 4 girls learned to :ut by. pattern; 3 girls learned to rork button holes. Two hours each week Mlse Dale tave the girls a Bible course. Mrs. Joe Mauney Is Supervisor of he *ewlnR room. Aini'N'Abner Have Conductor's Cap L.um'n'Abner, the popular radio air. now have that Conductor's cap hev have been wanting, thanks to !aptaln B. M. Ormand, who recentf sent them one of his. Captain Irmand retired last month from ctive service as a railroader of atiost SO years. The King* Mountatn onductor, who enjoys the Lum*n'.bner programs, heard their truest for a cap and sent them one. [o haa already received a letter bating the cap arrived for which ley thank Mm very much. Raleigh/ Jan. M.?The state detriment of agriculture reported toav that sob-freezing weather fn orth Caroltna during the last few *ys had done little damage to the nek crops. W"-l-^-ft;'' . v'. ">' ' - i' ' v * '* 3 Rud The Herald And \i Buy At Horn* ' , FIVE CENTS PER COPY : Leads Roll Derby ! The Complete Honor. Roll ? List of | Baby Derby Entrant* anj the Co-operating Merchant* Will Be Found in the Baby Derby Page. Quite a race developed Saturday among the candidates iu The Herweek's Honor Roll. and' 'although Phyllis Ware, of King* Mountain, soared to the top position. many 1 other babies gave her a .nighty I close race. Several babies were tied I for one poaltion. And Just the mtlea I allowed on a five-year Herald subscription would have changed the I whole face of ttte Honor Roll board. 1 Folks, this race la starting off as a '[ neck and neck affair. No one baby I has any advantages over the re1 mainder at. this time. Another count, of Uaby coupons I and Herald subscriptions will bs made Saturday night for next week's'Honor Roll. Parents, make, your reports by \ p. m. Saturday. I Be aue to read thoroughly the I Baby Berby story in each issue of The Herald as it contains information which la valuable. If you fail to read it, you might overlook some I details which would hinder your baby's chance of winning and be I sure to come by the Baby Derby I office for the list of subscriber* whose time has expired. The Honor Roll and its woiklng* seem to have confused several per*a pie,' despite full explanations la II last week's Herald. Some people inB sist that only the 30 Honor Roll baI bles will he kept in the race. That il I is not so; every one reporting eli ther coupons or subscriptions each, s week will be kept in the race. Sever u al babies missed this week's Honor s Roll by only a few coupons. The > next Honor Roll standings will ) be a based upon what la reported this week. The credits (miles) which n went to determine the leaders In y the first Honor Roll will not be r. counted toward the second Honor d Roll, In other words, each Monday, a morning the entrants start on ?tM 1 footing la the race for positions on e the next Honor Roll. No mn+fne ? ?..??> nucic yuu uvfl, toers s are hundred of subscribers to this newspaper living within a few mil* t* ts of your home. We will be glad e to furnish you Information regard* y ing the dates on which subscrtp* tlons expire. There are 30 cash prizes to bs awarded at the conclusion pi the Haby Derby on March 9. As state* in the announcement there will bs a 10 percent commission paid to j those who do not win a prise whers . u $15 "club" of subscriptions has 2 been reported. This feature, in it* I self, offers a fine money-making op* port unity. k If your baby had a high rating ? on the first Honor Roll try bard to L better that standing this week. if ( It ffcr down the list, Jnst re* member that a little work will cor* ( talely show, results. If It wasn't on , the Honor Roll, take a tp from us. you can- make It top the list next areek. It la ne to you! : It la, supposed that during the first iflbpha- the. bulk of your work In organising people to sere con* , pons for you haa been done. That ? , leaves your time comparatively free >? ??, a. mno suoscnption work. (Cont'd on back page) (Opinion* Expressed tn Thl? Column Aro Not Noooooorlly the Views of Thlo Newspaper.) The new budget, presented to Congress a short time ago. Is thtt eleventh straight edition of the kOd oral government's version of "Gone with the Wind." It tells the same gloomy story as its ten predecessors of millions and billions oC dollars blotwtng away down tho gae. And 4* has the samo old vidians: a skyrocketing national debt, a huge deficit, and the prospect of heavier taxes hung like an anchor around the neck of Mr. Average Cltlren. The annual budget is a big book snd it's a dell book, but It's all writ ten about YOUR money. On that ac cdunt, It's worthwhile spending some time digging around among the millions and billion to get at I least some Idea of what all the 1 shooting's shout. *** In the first place, this is as good a time as any to clear up a misconception that's sometimes held hg (Coat d on Bdttortal p*0). ' a vl