; fH HB Hhb * ' ;fl Photo by Hord Studio, Shelby, N. C MARY FANNIE WHITE Mary barely mimed this week' ft the four yeara fend four month oM daughter of Mr. and Mre. Wm. J White, and the granddaughter o Mr. W. P. Hornbuckle, Mt. Hollj a?d Mr. and Mra. W. K White Shi ' hat brown eyes, blonde hair welghh n pound*! and la the senior clasi waeeoe. PihylKs Ware Leads Derby Cont'd from front page) than SftOf-nrilei credit in the bab; >;Mtetaember, there is more to th< ttsby Derttr tkao entering the Baby It means that you, as a parent, be eemte your baby's campaign mana ger in the race for victory, if yot don't take the time and trouble t< talk to your friends and relatives In yonr baby's behalf, than wha given, -will give any baby no lea when added to the 1000-mile bonui Just remember that only 14 of th< one-year, new or old, subscriptions ' chance will your brfby have? Inas - moh av entries must be under sev IMPERIAL THEATRE Kings Mountain's Popular Play House PHONK 134 NOW '(.AYINO THURSDAY John Wayne in "West of The Divide" Richard pi* in "KENC New* Serial 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Bob'Steele in "The Gallant Fool'* 1 Pinky Tomlln in Cartosn SertaT "Sing While Able' 10c attd 15c a MONMV and Tlitsinkv "?I0 SPECIAL" " ' -tOft' *y*fand hli Sand in "Hiit's Right You Are Wrongs Cwiwdy ? Ntwi Com? Early For Saata Plea.? Thursday "SWA1S E' . Don AityecheSaturday ? i "WALL STR I Roj i- ;.V "HENRY GO] Frank Morerar I .1 ' Monday a ' "INVISIBLE George Raft I Wednesday ? Barga "MONEY Lucille and Ri "NICK CARTER M. Walter Pidgeoi I DI. k V \ : ' > : >V:V- ; ANTS IN THl . Rl KJTXl^HP S Affi J 9 i j > !. Photo by Hord Studio. Shelby, N. C JACOB QBOROE HARRIS s 100 S> PMmont e ei handsome youngster in the Derbj a George is' the sixteen months oil V sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harris f kings Mountain, and the xrandsoi r, of Mrs. J. O. Hord. and Mr. am ? Mrs: II. A. Harris.' all of King) Mountain. He has blue eyes, llgfr s brown hair and weighs 27 nouads anjl holds lucky 7th place this week SECOND COUNT .1 en years of age, we cannot expec the babies to do much talking it their owa behalf. Have you made It a rule that eacl day you will add several people t< the list of those saving coupons fo your baby? If you haven't done al these things* then why not star " doing so at once. The bdautttul lov Ing cup and $200 is worth ' all o - these efforts. |Doat forget, also t< let your relatives and friends knos that simply by renewing their Hei aid subscription or becoming a nev 1 subscriber that they can materia^; 3 help the baby. t Don't be one of those parent ft who enter their baby in the. rac< ft and then sit back and hope for th< ft best. It is only reasonable to as ii suine that outsiders will not help i > buby whose own parents are not in - terested enough to get out an< . -vork for their child's victory. Lool over the complete list of stores ii the Baby Derby page. > Have your coupons and subscrl| ttnns in the office by 8 p. m. Satui any. Make sure your baby still b one of the leaders in the secon Honor Roll! Auto mishaps account for onl rne-ftfth of the disability due to a< cidents in the Uatted States. f I ' I * !! ! ? aaaass? UIU MMVm . l m. KXTIA COMKMT|KraW - r.'j9f?r ' ? .' and Friday . 1 EE RIVER" ?Andre Leeds Double Feature < I lEET COWBOY" [Rogers 8 ES ARIZONA" I a ?? i ? uuy JMDDee iwl Tuesday 1 E STRIPES - Jane Bryan in Day?Double Feature TO-BURN" useeU Gleaeon I ASTER DETECTIVE" I n ? Rita Johnson XtF I """" ' C,^.' ar-.' j i V ' i il'i mm mm moomtaw muld ; HERALDmm ^ l Photo by Hord Studio. Sheltu. M. C. NANCY JANC PALLS N. Piedmont Ave. 1. JpsktatLstaw ?-X ? f lion on this week's Honor Roll. She 1 la number eleven. She la the two i? years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t Floyd R. Palis. Kings Mountain, and I the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. i W. O. Palls, and Mr. and Mrs. O KI t Palls, all of Kings Mountain. Jane has blue eyes. brown hair and . weighs 26 pound*. S'.vd S SATURDAY NIGHT ? Lions Basketbt >Looks Goddln r j Plenty of speed, dash, and prom 4se of lively entertMnident ' on the , basketball" court was In evidence at 0 the first practice of the Mountain y Lions In the local high sahool gym.. naslum last Monday night. Sparked r by the flashing performance of Red y Smart at forward, the 1940 outfit looked good enough to maintain the high standard of last year. The s team, sponsored by the Kings Moun a tain Lions Club, will be manaaed by e C. C. Oates and C, G. Bden3. About t- fifteen candidates for places on' tbe a team, including Fulkerson. Sold and f Goforth. centers. Smart, Legare, and d Crisp, forwards. Stowe, Oates. LayIt ton and Williams, guards, showed n showed up for the initial scrimmage . Natty new uniforms will be didp. trlbuted at the next practice period e on Monday night at 7:30 aqd prepad rations will be made for upsetting such teams as the Shelby Lions, the C. ,D. A. Club. Boiling Springs Junior College, the Valdese Athletic Club, y and perhaps tbe Davftdsota Fresh4 men. who are now coached by the same Little who starred on the local - quint last year. The schedule Is at present Incomplete, but It Is plan-ed to arrange an opening contest on the home court for the night of Feb ruary. 8. Farm Questions * * Q.?How much land should be prf pared for a home garden? , { A. ?This depends upon tbd also of the family- and to some extent on the crops desired. One-tenUt ' of an acre will produce an abundance of vegetable* for one person and lease some surplus for canning Hour ever, If such crops as walnlipdrigie cantaloupes, Irfch sod sweet pott* toes are tnwn in _ _ r ? : ?"??" ?W?j; 1 er. then * slightly larger acreage will be needed. It these'are jpy/iu outside the garden, half an j ah re of land will ;bb dnfftelent for V (am lly of fire. . " Q.?What do you mean by ?''*rau i ; * STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA Department of. State PVeHmtnary Certificate of ^ h ' " Dissolution To AU to Whom These Presents May' Com-klreetlng: v. Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction. bo duly aothentlcated roe* ord of the proceedings for the roV untary dissolution thereof by the unanimous'consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the McNeely's, Incorporated, a cor poretlon of this State, whose principal office la ettuated at No. 12. B. Warren Street, In the City of Shelby. County of Cleveland. State of North Carolina (J. C. McNeely being tthe agent therein and In chap ge thereof, uoon whom or?<? m?? be served), has compiled with the requirements ot Chapter 22. Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the Issuing Off this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, Thad Blurs, Seo rotary of State off the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on '.be 17 day of December, 1939, file la my office a duly executed and attest** \ consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by sll the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the Teeord of the proceedings aforesaid ere now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof. 1 have hereto set my hand and affiled my Offloial seal at t?.u *?* day of Oeoaabar, A. D- 19S9. ' THAD BURB, &?or?tary of SUto (Boat of H. C. Department Of State) ?dr?Jan 85. " A ' " * * / .?. ' ; Claris', v.tLat.: ia .Ai .aiwo,'- ' T lfil lifl ' ' THUMpAY, JAM. St. IMA i > i i ,i i M ) MERCHANTS ! I | l'linto by .Hord Studio, Shelby.. K. C, HI RACHAEL JEAN JOILY Margrac* Mill lOU&**4Ui!**t.\p*ape * in fifth place on the fij*t Honor H< Roll. Rachael la the three yearn old ell daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jol- ol< 1?\ or Kings Mountain and the grand G< (laughter of Mr. and Mr*. L. C. Bar an rett. and Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Jolly, Mi all of King* Mountain. 8he has blue T. eyea. blonde hair and weigh* 30 8c pounds. ' an ?HO. WILL LEAD NEXT HO ill Team Practice J ration- for the dairy cow? ' 1 A A #?tl ' *? , >.?a tun nuon imply means that the" animal la receiving sufficient teed to maintain her body and also to produce milk in raaxlmhm quantity. Body maintenance comes first and If there is not enough feed to keep up the body -and produce tnilk then the milk production wilt suffer and the animal classed as non-profitable. Extension Circular No. 193 gives full direction for proper feeding and care of the dairy animal and a copy may be had free upon aopUcathm to tho Agricultural Editor at 8tate College. \ - I Kings Mountai of Kings Mov (Copy of 8wort* gtatemer ' i . THE ASSOCIATION 01 Oaah on Hand and in E State of North Carolin Stock in Federal Home Mortgage Loans Money loaned to ohareholdei their homes. Each,loan ne< real estate! Stock Loans Advances made to our fh*r* ceeda SA Mrranl ?t ? w- ?^vi.av Accounts Receivable Temporary Advances for Inat ' Office Furniture and F Office' Building Real Estate Owned Real Estate Sold Under Other Assets >;! 'T6TAL THE ASSOCIATION OVt To Shareholders Funds entrusted to our as follows: Installment Stock FuB-Paid Stock Prepaid Stock Running Stock Other Stock Notes Payable, Federal Notes (Payable, other ? Money borrowed ror use 1a 1 tured stock. Back note appr of jDirectors aa required by la Accounts Payable Undivided Profits Earnings bold in trust for dlt? stock. Keserve for Contingenci To be need for the payment Increase* the *afetv and atrei Other Liabilities TOTAL STATE OF NORTH CAR Cotirity of Cleveland J. C. Lackey, Secretary s anally appeared before m foreging report is true to Sworn to and subscribed 1 this 23rd day of January, Maude R. Crouse, Notai My Com. Ex. January 5, 1 ' * ' " : . .'-'-JI- y'^'' \ *' \ . POPULAR t loto by Herd Studkr, Shtlbv, H. C. "SUNWY" OOrORTH Rout* 2 >nor Roll but we expect her to mb hither. She le tbe SO month* I daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. H. A. >f<V1h. Route 2, Kings Mountain, d the granddaughter ot Mr. and rs. George C. Barber, and Mr. Jt Ootortb. all ot Kings Mountain, inyia has blue eyes, blonde hair d weighs 26 pounds. NOK ROLL? SiS?PlgS$:A/?A VC jrCOII JwU 7v?rV?NE t ssgsts bus ? bulntli ytsiRii l sddeisp n'i >ll.|ln ifl i H Ms Statement of Condition in Bnilding & Loa intain, N. C., as of Decen it Submitted to In on rape* Commb ASSETS NU S: anks a and U. S. Government Loan Bank ? ra for Ihe purpose of ehabtlng -the* cured by first mortgage on local ' * '- V.." . -"... .* holders against their stock. No actually paid in ? "b a as 0 a * # ' i ranee, Taxes, She. Ixtures ....... ? S6.486.08 ' Ckmtract- * $20,200. .. liabilities rES: care in the form of payn - i .. j . 1 . ' * . $ 71,500.67 128,075.00 ' 15,515.00 4" 1,344^3 None Home Loan Bank tiaklnfc leans to members, or retl oved by .it least two-thirds of entl iW. . ; #" 'i *> ?#?,* ?* trlbutlon to share-holders at mat es . of anv losses, if sustained. ThU ?gth of the Association. ? OLINA, ssf r-Treasurer of the above 1 te this day, and being dul; the best or his knowledge tjefore me, 1 1?40. J. y (Public. Secret 942. vrV'-': v i. ? & s^.f^ ; . * t ; ' . f*airv . i*. w -viAsti-Jia} tiv iABTDERBY vvh 9^KHjHK^*jSk4ftl|l^^>> : B'? ?iiB F1 f j'| ? MMHMMBUJ Photo by Hord Stfldlo, 8helb/. N. C. OARY LCWIt ALLflAN the 21 months old toe of Mr. MS Mrs; Buck Allien. Rings Mountain,' and the grandson of' Mr.' andM'Mre. Ed F* rale jr. Route 2,' Gaston la, and Mrs. A. L. Allrsn. King* Mountain. He has blue Sjres. date brown hair and weighs 24 pounds, and'nr# expect htm to knock on the door of first "frotttlon of HOnor Roll 'ems. | ws -upse r^soAe'p I teseWit/w^^^s I tsdt rSsa tr?*r Mm iiUk ttiatii ft I'dlll* \ 3 in Association lfrer 31st, 1939. loner As Requlrod My Law.) $12,450.46 Bonds None 4,500.00 214^)13.45 M tO OWU Improved - 2,378.03 loan ex873.26 - 475.00 ' 5,410.42 zt>,?>ab.uw ? 1,708.10 ; ? $268,608.80 ? -1'' ' ' ' aienta on b ocK --'nr.-* ? ? I'-. :>?' " . ' * " ' * * v" *. *. v - ; ;?t 216.486.50 - 39,862.50 ? None rinft ma. _ re B^mrd " None J, . ... ............ 11,596.05 V urity of 500.00 resorve - 304.75 - $268,698.80 ' ^ named Association perY sworn, sayB that the land belief. C. Lackey, ' ~ ary-Treasurer., V .*" \ : -i \ \ I... . I . i

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