pewy1 vm'ji* sip i y WiWi LaM On Vetir Nftr And Don't L?t Your tuktcrlftiM Exp ire I ^', VOL. 26 NO. 4. " " ' State And N Condensed li ?State New*? i ABbeviUe, JaJn. 30.?Two persona J were Willed Iru* sledding accident ! here, last night* and a Methodist minuter was found frozen to death At Fletcher'' yesterday morning. The vtctlna of the sledding accident were Mr*. Mary Roach Mai-j lonee, 30, laboratory technician, and j Allen Lather. Jr., IS, both of Ashe-! -vill* A hey were riding ran Into an automobile on a steep street. The Rot. John W. Miller of Spartanburg, 8. C., was found deed a half mile from a sanitarium where lie was a patient near Fletcher. Cor oner J. F. Brooks said the man had left the Institution in his irtght cto thea and that he had died of e>posure.. . ; I Sanford, Jan. 30.?The first week of Lee County Superior Court which ' was to hare convened here today J for a two weeks tertn for the' trial ?f the civil docket baa'been cahceled owing to die illness of Judge W. H. S. Burgwyn which, detains blm at his home In Woodland. . Gastonia. Jan. 30.?Fire of undetermined origin swept a part of Oaa ton la's Negro section last night, de dtroylng the city's largest Negro church. Friendship Baptist, and two nearby negro houses and damaging a Negro store. The1 entire City Fire Department fought the blase In weather below ten degree* tor three hours from 2 to 5 o'clock this morning. Columbia, 8. C.. Jan. 30.?A $10.760 Mre early yesterday swept thru three Main Street stores ? the Iodine Fruit 8tore, the Dixie Radio -Co., and Watson's China Store. The blaze originated, probably from a -defective switch or firing. Frnnktynton, Jan. 46.?A large part of the Franklin ton public school, built in 1924 at 'a cott of $300,000, was destroyed by fire yesterday. School authorities abnounoed reopening of the school, schedul ed for Wednesday would be poetpon ed indefinitely. The school had 1 been closed for several i'diays on account of the weather. Officers did -not estimate the &0mage but said tt would be "considerable." The damage was done to the inside - of the building. Pine hurst, Jan. 80.?The annual Mid-Southern bridge tournament, -completed here In the early- bourn of yesterday morning was won by W. K. Holdembss and D. N. Farnell ol Greensboro with an average of .6*9. ^ '* Raleigh, Jan. 30.?Governor Moey la back at the executive . Mansion. The Governor, who wa?F-to Duke terdsy. The trip from Durham, was made in hie automobile. The Governor said he did not know when he wool* be able -to return to his office ttat th*t 6 stenographer would dome dally td the Man slon to take his dictation, Wilson, Jan. 80.?Seven Allan lie Coast line freight cars were derail ed here early today, causing consld erable damage. Sr one was injured The derailment was caused bya fsu lty brake rigging. _ 1 . . ? ' ? . Laughing Aroi F With IRV1 ? mm m m The Test of' Br ntVD A LOUISVILLJB saloon-keeper ye General Assembly at a time a A? pending. He accepted a thousand * The dtal was hardly closed whe him two thousand. The temptatio shook Us tvead. "No gentleman as Is a gentls on the same proposition I" i TV " * - ' * map . .. . Rings ational News1 1 Brief Form ! ?National New*? j New York. Jan. 30.?Donald Lamont DrGWu, 4fJ president of Unit-1 ed Aircraft Corp.. since Its founds- j Hon In 1934, died In a hospital today after a long illness. Brown, who llv?d at Hartford. Conn., formerly was president of Pratt and Whitney AirCraft Corp. 1' 1 ^ WMb-instor^ If^T^Ferin transportation depart tot or the centralisation of *11 transportation activities In the Com merce Deportment has boon rocom mended In Administrative quarters. The pans hare boon bfonght to the aktentlon of President Roosevelt. It was learned today, but no decisions have been made, and the President's advisers on Government reorganisation expect no early action. except possible on sofhe initial stops. . JfubbardavtUe, W. Vs.. Jan. 30. Hurricane Crook was froson over and all except three of eighteen con verts "backslid*' at the last minute but the Ror. Roy Bellamy. Methodist minister. conducted a baptls-' mal service Just the same. He cut a hole in the aeven-lnch ice baptised thft trio, theft hurried j back with them and the congrega-1 tlon to the warm church, where their meeting continued. New York, Jan. 30.?The Rer. Charles E. Cou'ghltn has boen mark ed for Investigation "In due course' by the Department of Justice follow Ing the tiling of .formal complaints against the Michigan priest t>y the Jewish Peoples Committee. Middlefield. Conn.. Jan. 30.?Alden G. Schlosser, 35. salesman, shot his two young daughters today and,, after setting his Lake Besec* Summer home afire, ended his own Ufo The charred remains of the trio were found in the levelled structure Mrs. Jeanette Schlosses. 35, bound and gagged and carried sotno 100 feet from the cottage by nor busband, was the sole survivor of the tragedy. ^Neighbors freed ber. New York, Jau. 50.?The motherin-law association rose up today, declared it didn't like the hyphenated i word and said that, with the help of >Dtcttonary Man Wilfre Funk, something would be done about it. Funk himself said he would be glad to help the association in Its search for a word to replace "moth er-ln-law and said he would put U into the dictionary "If a realy new and usable synonym can be found." Chicago, Jan. 30.?Anthony Tubackl's plan to. frighten bis wife baekWhen firemen were called to re vivo him after be bad become Unconscious from carbon monoxide fumes from bis car, be explained .fata plight. * ' The firemen reported that TnbacM. it. Insisted be hadn't tried to bill himself. -you aee," ne uid. "we bed quae reltft. w' T irttt into tbe-garage and turned oa the tdotor; I ftgtfred sbeM -be est-te a few sinutaa, she came out all right but I sums I turned on tbe motor too aooo.M THE LOVING CUP ? To be a wafted a* additional first prize In The Herald and Merchant* "Baby Derby" la now on display at Herd Furniture Company. * ? ind the World [N Si COBB ' Irue Gentility 4 S. COBB art ago was elected to the Kentucky 'hen there was important legislation j I dollars for his rote on a certain a the opposition came round, offering n was strong, bat the new member man," ha said, "wiH sell oat twicet "?. ra ? ? "" '.^7? V'' Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. THU Men's Meeting At Lutheran Church This Friday Evening The Brotherhood of the Lutheran Churc is .sponsoring a supper meet- t tug of the men of the Church 'tpls Kridny evening, Keb. 2nd., K 7:00. The purpose of the Bupper Is to outline plans for personal work fo: I Christ and to stimulate more later i est In Church work and attendance c for all I^enten and Holy Week Ser- t vices. Lenten Services will begin i next Wednesday evening at 7:15. < Every man' of the Church Is cord!- 1 ally Invited to attend this supper i and .mk.e^mrt -b\. A Tor" personal work that will be of- l ferwl. W. Arthur Bennett is presl- t dent of the Brotherhood and will 1 preside at the meeting. The supper | will be served by the women of the | Church. ? i , < Boiling Springs Alumni < J Meeting Postponed The February 1 meeting of the , Boiling Springs Almnnl Association , scheduled for the " College dining ( ball has been postponed - Indefinitely , oje to the continued bad weather. Announcement of the decision- to < postpone the meeting was made to . day by Alumni president, Ray B. Brown. The postponed meeting was oall- , ed to lay plana for the J. D. Huggins Memorial library building which la to be erected In conjunc- ' tlon with the college's $36,000 build < ing program. The masting will held at a later data, probably dnr- ( ing the last weak of February. The 1 definite date will be announced when plana are completed. J. E. Herndoct Co. Moves ! M2ain Office To GastonU > i The J. E. Herndon Co.. dealers In 4 Yarns and Cotton Waste have moved their main office to 224 West 1 Main Ave., Gastonia, N. C. , The j warehouse and branch office On Cherokee Street will be maintained here according to J. B. Herndon. The removal of the main office to a step forward in the growth of the firm. Mr. Herndon was wen pieaseq won me onuook ; for business in the future, and stated the change to Oastonia would give his business a more central lo- i oatlon, in the heart of the textile Industry. i Mr. Hernilon will coinute each day from Kings Mountain. ' ' Schedules of Rentals For Woman's Club building: At a recent meeting of the Woman's Club the following schedules for renting the building were adopted: 1. Script dance floor privileges (upstairs and rest rooms only) 910.00. X. Banquet privilege (commercial 99.00. 9. Banquet privilege (non-commerclal) 94-00. t 4. Parties. Evening, equipment famished except linen, dancing per mitted with chapenme) $9-150. 6. Parties, hflbertxdon, equipment furnished- except linen, 94-50. ?. Assembly privilege only. Not over two hours, no heat, 91-00. -1 r-- , r !>?-> *?-* - 1 " Kings Mountain Ministers Asaocia/adn. V,! 'The monthly meeting of the.Kings. Mountain Ministerial Association win be held oo Tuesday, February 9 in the Ladles' Psrlor of Central Methodist Church. Plans for the annual union Boy Scont Week evening service will be completed st this meeting, and all ministers In the community are urged to attend. Tax Listing To Continue Until February 7th Town officials have extended the tax listing period for one week. They announced that the penalty for delinquent listing will not go Into effect until Thursday morning. February 8. The liaitn iv nevl A Club at their meetliiR, It ast week voted to sponsor u town-1 c wide beaubification project, which a tails tor the planting of Crepe Myr- tl le. Morganton is known tor Its Mo- g osse, Aaheville for It'* Rhodendron. h Charleston for It* AmIIi, and Kings C Mountain will be famous tar and tl rtde for it'a beautiful Crepe Myrtle 3 1 BWlU' ""t'tWTS nembera are carried out. The shrub >ery to be planted wilt be Just the >eglnnlng. and It la hoped that' the * >roperty owners will cooperate and * >lant the flowering shrub on thetr 1 property. It Is the ambition of the c Commlttee In charge of the project 1 :o hare at leapt six buahea of the y ovely flowering shrubbery planted * 1 round every home id Kings Moun- * aln. The Herald wilt gladly print be name and address of very prop- b irty owner cooperating, on the Hdn- * >r Roll for the Beautlflcatton ' of C Cinga Mountain. c Crepe Myrtle was selected by the b Committee because It is extremely t< Phyllis Ware Position In Hi ?; LION'S CLUB MEETS p rMI$ EVENING 1 ? fTUe Lions Clnb will hare regular nesting this, evening In the Mountain View House at 7 P. M. * Lions b ylns will be preaented to several p lew members and all Lions are ask t< M to be present. n ' r New Librarian At < Public Library i Miss Virginia Harrelson is being ' instructed by Mr*. Ida Davta Little- D fiolkai. former Librarian. Miaa Harrelson is from tbe National Youth Administration under the direction of Mrs. Frances B. Chewning. Coun ty Supervisor. Shelby. Miss Geneva Bhepperd, another' NY A member will alternate with Miss Harrelson In keeping the Library. Each young lady will have charge of the Library for two weeks each month. x . Mrs. Chewning was happy to cooperate with Kings Mountain Library officials in furnishing two Librarians. and patrons of the Kings Mountain Public Library are very gtaMful to Mrs. Chewning and the Nhttonal Youth Administration. Thp Library hours wilt remain the same, that is each afternoon from 1:46 to * 6:45 -and on Saturdays, mornings from 10 A. M. to 12:00. be sides the. afternoon hour*. All dtl. sens are Invited to use the Library 1 as often ss they like. 1 I f - lr WILL ROOXU I fJHEHB ?m MM folks Mt in Oklahoma that get tbsm a big ell wall, aad they Mat now what to 4k with all ttoolr dough, so they hirad< a mart fellow to leek up their ancestors. - < "Spend all the expense dough you IOmv says the oil men to the college prof that he hired. And go to the old country end look through all the" cemeteries aad everything. Then when you get a book full of ^ tuff, 111 pay you extra for getting > it printed, and 111 send copiee to all the editore in the country." ? So the professor went away for 3 a year, and when he came back, the oil guy eaya: "Well, here's the rest of your wages, and you torn in your expense account for the last month t aad well look after K. And now how much do you want about the i book?" . "Oh, hll take about a hundred thousand." . * "That's a lot of dough, ain't HI f 1 never thought it'd cost that much i to get this staff published." ' < " TWeuldat This la to keep it 1 from being published. And when I t show yen the stuff Pre dug up on t year ancestors, you'll think a be. AaMfan'Mm Vtatml dW*P*" ' |' ' 7 .V ^v??rf r ^ ' ' ' ' ' ] ;.' ' I Read The Herald And 'd i . " ' Buy At Home ' I\: ' *: *' * ' jS* ->"4 " ' '?.a. ?* * ' i, ' . j-'j ,- _ V : "v-r4 FIVE CENT8 PER COPY Mew Doctor ro Locate Mere l>r. Phillip G. Padgett. who for lit; past two and one-half years baa teen Assistant District Health OCirer for Macon and Swain counties ?.l ? M_J ? * *' ik.' . t ' lerald > Sponsorsj! g Project if ardy, and does well in any soil. It/ un be planted In full or half sun.Q 1 nd It blooms from mid-summer un |l II trost, wneu most flowers are i one. It ntay be planted in masses, edges, or as single specimen, rcpe M.vrtle Is called the ''Giory of lie South" and It is truly the most ruSfvfa11 n ~^T More details as to the planting nd when and where shrubs can be ecured will be announced later. *ho Committee from the Men's Hub to have charge of this project hat will increase in beauty from car to year are Aubrey- Mauney. .mold Ktser and Haywood EL .ynch, ? ; Another committee was appointed y President L. W. Ham rick to conIder the possibilities Of the Men's Hub. Joining a national club. Thl* osnmlttee wilt report Its findings ack to the club members at a lasr date. Holds fop inor Roll teport Your Coupons and Subscriptions by Saturday for the Next Baby Derby Honor Roil Count. Despite challenges from other ba- , les In the ^Derby, Phyllis Ware of Lings Mountain, managed to bold up position on this week's Honor loll. Other babies gave her a close ace. The complete Honor Roll listed in he Baby Derby page shows a gener1 shake-up. The sad truth that parnts must know sooner or later is hat one canhot come in the Babv Derby office Saturday, explaining rhy It was impossible to devote, nuch tlirl to the Derby that week ind -fhen by tome manner of magic ixpect to see baby's name at the toi , if the list. IT CAN'T BE DONE' For those who appreciate a genline opportunity when it is present ' . _? tU 1 ? .til* ? * A "u ?u mem, inert; w viuu pitruiy ui oom and time in The Herald and J Merchants Baby Derby for new a ( rlea. And tjte opportunity is here 'or those who have already entered heir baby. In fact, very few "miles' , separate the Header* if mm ihofce further down the list. Hie npporturtty Is here ? right now ? for [hose who are actively trying are lew In proportion to the genuine plan under which the $200 and lov ng cup. and the 29 other cash Prix's are to be awarded March J> to the parents of the babies without one cent of cost to thesn. There will be no losers in this Eaby Derby. Every active candidate In the race who stays1 to the end wins either One of the prises on a 10 per cent commission if a $16 "club" of Hbraid shbecription* has bean reported| This makoa -a ' participant aura of a prise,' for all - are bound to win it Uiey make any effort "whatsoever, Impress, upon your friends to ASK FOR BABY COUPONS from the cooperating Baby Derby merchants. See the complete list of merchants in the Baby Derby page. Also tell your friends that new or renewal Herald subscriptions count too. While we are making the last call for parents to enter their baby in the Derby, we .are at the same time going to start eliminating babies who have neither coupons or subscriptions reported 'or them each week from now on. It is necessary [hat you report either coupons or subscriptions if you want YOUR >aby kept in the rate. Activity on rour part wtM assure running ofth* jaby's picture in The Herald. Can you. use cash? Let's realize hat opportunity is here todnv. Let's to in and win. Are you "electioneer ng? What are you doing now, hon- ' ^stly? Have you any ambition? Ar< rou willing to enter your baby and to through this Baby Derby with he mute evidence that you cah't 'carry on?" Are you ao well fixed hat you can't uat money? In tho Herald's large subscription 1st in thle territory there are many vho have neglected to renew their lubscriptions. These are the per ions should be contacted by candllates. Btop In the Derby Office tolay and learn how you can get to fbose people whose subscriptions ite due W elapse. There are apleny of "miles" in renewals and new lubscrtptkms that will carry yonr taby on a tons Journey toward win(Cont'd an Editorial pax*) I '* ..-Ji " ?r"V/ 5 v ?u mi- r racim vuerOKee IndMUl legcrvation. in planning to open ofices In Kings Mountain tor the gen ral practice of medlclne/yDr. PadFMElE"" " ional Building, and be plans to be:in practice about February 15th. ,Dr. Padgett has been making hie lome In Bryson City for the past wo and one-half years, but la a naive of Forest City, where he la s ucmber of a prominent family. Dr. Padgett received his B. B. )egree from Wake Forest In 1M1 nd his B. 8. In Medicine from the ame Institution .two years later, nd his. M. D. from Tulape Unlverity in 1935. X>r. Padgett served as lesldent Physician of Atlantic City Seneral Hospital during 1936. and vas licensed to practice In North 'arqlina during the same year. The oltowing year, the Doctor finished i Post Graduate Course In Public ten 1th at Public Health School la 'hapel Hill. During five months of 1937, Dr. 'adgett served as Acting Heath Oficer of Robeson County, following vtaich he accepted the position he low holds and is resigning to come o Kings Mountain to make his tome. ' . ' . . ' ' '' i *>'. ' * ' ,v}'y (L>r. Padgett is married. He la a oung physician with a pleasing per lonallty, and excellent training, and The Hei-ald wishes for Dr. and Mrs 'adgett many happy years in Kings .fountain, The Best Town In TUa itate. ' ' - ' . Trains School Closes Successfully Twenty-one certificates of credits anted in the Standard Training ivhvui vuuuucieu ai v wurai mwbolint Cliurch by Kev. Wj- A, Kale, of CannapoliB, _ will be awarded Runlay morning by the pfletor, Rev. H. 7. Sprinkle, Jr., Despite wintry weather, the average attendance for the six evenings as about thirty, and the following persons met .requitetnents for credit on the course. Christian Edtlcalion in the Church: J. R. Davis, Miss Winifred Pulton, Mrs. C. A. Goforth. Mrs. E. W. Grit fin. lflas Virgle Harmon, Mr*. C. L>Jolly, G. L. McDanlel. Miss LiUle Miller. B. C. Moss. Hal Olive, Miss Dorothy Patterson. B. S. Peeler, Mlsa Eethel Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. JJames D. Smith, Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., C. O. Tate, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ware, and H. Smyre Williams. Attend Meeting Of All-State Band ?-'.i - a. director Paul. Hendricks. t>. P. Hord, Jr., Ladd Hamrick. Jr., Miles and Blrneat Mauney went to bury last Friday, where the* ed the meeting of the Western Half All-State Bend, at ' Boy den High School. They expect to attend a aim liar meeting this week If the weather permits.' 2 ' * ' f 111 1 ? tOpinlona Expreaaed in This Column Are Not Neceaaarlly the Vlewa of This Newspaper.) The new Federal budget, which stacks an eleventh consecutive deficit upon the ten preceding, has a number of Jokers hidden in the pile of figures. It is this fact, which should be interesting if not startling: Out of 16 government departments Mid independent civil agencies, the President cut expenditures for 13 and ask ed increases tor three. The three Increases were the Department of Labor, the Post Office Department and the Maritime Com mission. The latter la a new agency. Just getting well underway at the task of building up the American merchant marine. The Post Office Increase was reauested simply bocause better business Is expected next year, and when business improves the Post Office Depnrtmeent carries more mail and plies up a bigger deficit. Secretary Perking may be In poof tending with both the A. P. and I* and CIO but apparently ahe stand* (Cont'd on SCItorUl page). , tcS