1 ? Witeii Latef On Your Paper And Eont Let Your ftubocripUon Kxptret r. VOL. 26 NO. 9 State And N Condensed Ii ?St?te New?? i i, lUletgh. Mur. 6.?The Moior Vc-! hicle Division reported today thai j l North Carolinians bought 3,(577 new (" automobilea in February. This was' 874 more than were bought In February 1939. Raleigh. Mar. 6?The new chemState roliege were dedicated today. Today was the 53rd anniversary* of the General Assembly's ratification of the bill establishing the college. j, ??? Raleigh, Mar. 6.?The State is taxing the incomes of Federal em j ployees for the first time this year I and North Carolinians who live in j fe, Washington but maintain their le-: gal residence In North Carolina j must pay state income tares. Assist ! ant Attorney General T. Wade Bra? ton said today. V ' i & Greensboro, Mar. 6.?-Demand for home construction in North CaroUna in February, 1940, shows larg-; ?r increase over February 3939. t I Belk's Opens Boys' Dept. Belk's Department Store now has * l?oys' Department .that would do ;.Jurtice to a town much larger than Kir.gR Mountain. The n,ew department wil be under the supervision of Mrs. Adelaide Allen Hamrlck,, and she extends a cordial Invitation j to 1>oth boys and mothers to viRlt j this new department that will carry at all times a most complete stock of boys' clohing. Mr. Fred Stallworth, manager, says that if mothers and sons can not find exactly what they want in thi? new section he will make every I effort to secure the item through the facilities of the great Belk organization. Complete details of the opening will be found in a full page advertisement in this issue of The Herald. [ ' N, Y. A. Tag Day The N. Y. A. Sewing Room, spoii sored by the Junior Woman's Club is in need of funds to carry on the work they have been doing, which not only gives employment to these girie hut also furnishes clothes to needy children In our town. Saturday. March 16th, has been set as Tag Day by the Junior Woman's Club and the public is asked to respond to this call by buying tags fr o'yoc I and interment made in the famil | plot in Ling Creek cometery. In the absence of the pastor. Re i P. I). Patrick, pastor of First Pre , l yterlan Church, Kings Mountali : was In chance and was assisted' b j Church. Pallbearers were Hugh Ormani Boyd Harrelson. Thomas Etter Rufus Elters, Leonard Gamble an rjlunter Ware. Mrs. Gotorth's death early Satu | day evening cauie as a relief troi I an illuess of several years, durin allien tune she had beeu coufine j-to her l ed. Tile prucipal cause t her illness were injuries receive I in a full. The deceased was the widow < i the late Beatty Goiorth, whose fat I tly, have for many years been proi ) ii?ent in the church and couuuunlt life of El Bethel. She was a daugl ter of the late Benjamin Ortnan wife ot Long Creek. Born of u tan ilv long identified with the Preab; ler'.an Church, she retained he membership with Long Creek chu ch until, death and attended sen | ces there when able. She was als j deeply interested in El Bethel M rhodist church, near her home an encouraged members of her famil who gave unsbintingty of their tim in the service of their church an I of. their Master. Mrs. Goforth possessed an unu | itally sweet, kind disposition an | was loved by her neighbors an j friends. I Surviving are three sons Clarenc and 1 B. Goforth.of Kings Mountait Onnand Goforth, of K1 Bethel; on daughter. Mrs. Shipp Falls, also ? Ey Bethel. Seven grandchildren an six greagrandc'bildren, survive. Mrs. Goforth's husband died J ; years ago. A daughter, Miss Vloh Goforth, died during her mother illnesB. and a grandson, Gilbe Falls, died last year. VIlCC JUI IU For Comr G.. A. Bridges, prominent , Klni Mountain ^fardware /f. McGIU. The two proprietors of the Kini Mountain Drug Co., the Hext Store, were well pleased with tl interest shown In the contest. , ai express their appreciation to eai contestant. Lions Club Meets This Evening The first regular semi-month meeting of the Dions Club will 1 held this evening in the Mounts View House at 7 P. M. A. most int eating program has been arrang' according to Charles Thomasso Program Chairman. A summary the year's activities and accotnplii menta will be presented by d Iff ere members of the club. and eve member Is Invited to be present. #ain 1 HUR8DAY, MARCH 7, 1940 Miens' Cli Baby Derby ' Drop Saturd a* . " 3- Attempted Hold-Up Kings Mountain was the scene i a an attempted hold up Monday nigl B* as Bill Hyrd and Charles Chllder ^ both of Gaflfney. tried to force J. ' Colvard, with whom they had riddt ftom Jusr below Guffuev, to l.et the l" j drive his car. IU | Colvard, who had bee.n in tl B power of the men since they pass* a , through Grover. held the car in tl >r j road with one" hand, turned off tl ^ switch with the other, and stoppr the car with the brakes when Chil " tried to turn the corner at tl m Bonnie siding to avoid the m?l 31 part of town. He said that the me y had taken over the car when 1 stopped Just .out of Orover, had pu? d ed something Into his side and to! a* him that it was a gun. \Vhen Colvard stopped the ct >r here, he engaged in a fight wit r" Cliilders,-and held hint captive unt !* policemen Short and Jones arrlvt 10 at the scene and arrested him. Byi e* escaped, but was arrested Tuesda ^ at the home of a relative In Ga 'y tonia. His whereabouts were learr ie ?d after a visit by policemen to h ^ family in Gaffne.v. and it was lean od that "he had relatives in Gaston1 3- The men had asked Colvard for d lift to Gastonia when he pickt >d them up.< Cdlvart^, who now lives In Ash 0 horo. formerly was a resident < a. Kings Mountain. He said that li te Intended to wreck the auto In tow >f here, but that when the men decl id ed to turn at the Bonnie stnec he knew that that, was h's onl (0 chance. St The case was not tried In Recoi 'a. ers pourt here, yesterday, as wt rt I Intended, hut will be tried In Shell .' Friday morning. !ges Files nisioner 58 CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY sd COMMISSIONER ;1? 1 ?? al n| m e8B P' wBH 111 iS* jKt; BSKJH i'g ^ if- flj ' ^1 c- | AI re *> Q. A. Bridge* who filed yecterd 3d afternoon for County Commle*ion< le - ?K rr * ie ___. so Will Rogers9 J; Humorous Story id i i ?i < i&- Bj WILL ROGfiius in . .M. - | uti i suu have yrmss on th< A lawns in some parts of th< >?? world, even if everything hmi turned brown in the north. S< maybe this happened in Florida 01 S" California, just last week, ill A tramp came to the door anc looked awful downcast. lrt "Lady, I'm hungry," he says. "Gee, tkafs terrible,'' says tlx ka jolly le asewife. . >e " Wc. V says tfr* innocent tramp In ?pd like te eat year (nun. Jasl er for a meaL Tea ain't no idea bee Bd hunrry I am." ,n "Go to it," says the hard-boflec j lady et the boose. "But if yoa*is _ as nonary as yea say. and wanl b< d?* .^e?_^ae? Tills will be the lust liaby Deri I?_ story to appear before the bin ra LD comes to a close. It contain? lnfc m inutioii vital to the parents, so v ask them to read every word. Hot ,e it carefully and do not handle; >d yourself because you read sumethii [u too hustijy and failed to learn son ia thing that might have helped you .(| the Derby. d- In the first place you are reques 10 ed to make your final subscrlptic In and coupon report not later ths .ji 10 p. in. Su-tuf'day. March 9?tl ia closing'day of the Ilaby Derby. Tl ill door of the Derby off-ice will' be lot Id ed promptly at 10 p. in. and no oi will Op permitted to enter alter th lr time. Those who happen to be In tl jj office at 10 p. m. may make their i jj ports and then leave the office. ,d | The filial count will be madeovi I the week-end and some time Mondt ,y the total mileage for each baby w! a. he verified as to accruacy and tl i_ | 20 cash prizes will be awarded a Is cording to standings. Parents. . I n. making their reports, agree to la bide'by the last count as final, a " Everyone Is wondering "Who >d going to win?" That question Is g lug to be settled soon. Let us su p_ pose your baby has been- on the He uf or Holl ? perhaps never In any < ie the very high positions. Does tht n> mean that your baby cannot win tl d- first prize of $200 In cash plus til ,tt loving cup? Of course not! Hei ly is why that is so. The weekly Honor Rolls rcpresei the relative standings of babies ba ra j ed upon one week's business. Thei ls have beon weeks when only a . fe ,y hundred miles separated the leadi on the Honor Roll and the baby 10th or 15th place. That few hun i 1 itu nines iiuiiuunp uiucii imu uui ing when you remember thut on 1 four-year extension of a l-.vear o or new subscription secured ai time during the first period up February 24. counts 1020 miiei Just think of that! A 9-year .exte sion counts 2820 miles. If you are the parent , of a baby the race you probably know altno exactly the mileage credited to yoi baby. If you do. then figure what 9 difference 10 of the 4-)ear exte [ slons would make in your babv : standing. Ten of these extensloi counts for 10.300 miles plus a bom of 4,000 miles, making 14,200 in al TEN of the, 9-year extensions gl' the BIG TOTAL, of 37.200 miles. No wfigure gack your posaibill ties- for extensions. If you don't (Cont'd on back page) . Dn. Blakely To Preach At First Presbyterian (Dr. Hunter Blakely, President ; Qiflf*ns College, |Charlptte. N. < ; will preach at the First Pretbyte f an Church Sunday morning at 11: ! o'clock. Prior to coming to Charlotte I Blakely was the beloved pastor me Mm rrwsuy ierimi cnurcu y Staunton. Va.. one of the large |n and moat Influential churches In tJ Soutfteitt Presbyterian Church. His decision to resign the paste ( ate and accept the presidency w the occasion of rejoicing by t Presbyterians of the Carollnas. The College is making such str es under his leadership that he already recognized as a great ec eator. It Is a pleasure to have Dr. lila l> in Kings Mountain. A great tr? I i ih rtore for all *rho avail themi I ves of the privilege of hearing hi J Local Jeweler Has Legioi . Cup For Best State Band Bill Souther, local Jeweler, ceived Tuesday morning the c I which The American Legion Pi ol Shelby will present to the hi band In the annual I^egion Conti at Rocky Mount next Monday. The Kings Mountain Band. w ner of the cup last year, will r take the trip to Rooky Mount I compete for the Cup. Mr. Iy lug Mr. Warren D. Olson. Field See l-e vice Representative of Kiwanls In,r" I ternational. has been in Kings Moun "e tain for the past several days signtng members up. and Mr. Olson will lP be present for the important meetlug this evening. Charter Night wilt 16 be held later and complete details *n w ill be published later: With the addition of the Kl wait is ,l" Club. Kings Mountain now has two >n national service clubs.- as a chapter in j of Lions International was installed I hero in 1938. ' The Men's Club is the outgrowth : of the Civitan Club which was orlt> gauizcd here iil 1H27. And changed al to the local club lit 1932. The Men's ,t- Club has been' a controlling factor "* in the growth and progress of Kings Mountain, as its members have at0I^ ways been ready and anxious td sponsor and contribute to any move ment for the betterment of The ' > u* Ilest Town In the State. c' Klve new members were accepted last Thursday evening. The new a" members were: .Fuller McGlll. W. M. Morehead. R. H. \Vebb( W. A. Williams and L. I?. Benson. ?" The club voted thanks to Dr. J. ^ R. Anthony for the delicious grape,n fruit served at the supper which ^ had been shipped from his grove 11 In Palm Harbor. Florida, te ' 'e Local Man Building Private Airport s- Kings Mountain, one-tiiue possds*re sor of a municipally owned landing w field for airplanes, will soon boast er of a real privately-owned airport. in Mr. Harold Hunnicutt, local air? ...... d- enihusiosl, told the Herald vesterh day morning that he has already D surveyed his Weld, which will be two id thousand feet long and one hundred '7 fifty feet wide. This runway runs to east and west, and, according to B- Mr. Hunnicutt, will take advantage n- of the local weather conditions in taking off and landing, in The airport will be located oh the. 8t Old Grovor Road. Just belaw the ur Margrace Mill. A temporary hangar a is being constructed to accomodate n" Mr. Huandcutt'8 plane, a three passenger Waco. The field will be ia ns condition to use within two weeks. 118 said Mr Hunwlcutt. II! ' ' * '* Bulwinkle Seeks A 'm i. junice Again *" * ?~? Major A. L. Bulwinkle, representative in the United States house of representatives from the tenth, district, which includes Kings Mountain and Cleveland county, announced during the week-end that he will ?* he a candidate to succeed himself. 2-i .Major Bulwlnkle, first elected t* ri- 1920 and who has served all but one 00 term since that time, had been e?pected to announce 1 his candidacy, subject to the Democratic primary of May 25. ln The representative filed the required filing fee Saturday, lie _____ ? (&utkinqton t m^napshcti 1 > ty JaheS Preston^ j{e (Opinions Expressed in This Column a( Are Not Necessarily the Views ot This Newspaper.) m Washington is now playing around with another version of the idea of helping the farmer by in1 creasing the cost if -living. It has not made much of a hit with Congress so far. * re- The new plan centers aroundthat up most popular Washington weapon ast -^a new tax. But recognizing that ?st the word TAX is slightly unpopular jst now, the planners call It a "certificate plan." in- The way it would work id this:' lot Each processor of a farm conimodi? to ty would be required to buy a spec! W. fled number of federal "certificatesT id- when he boughht the farm goods, er- This "certificate" tax money would ip, In turn be passed along, less admln>ri Istrative expenses, to farmers what it reduced prodcution or otherwise c.oip. operated" with the Federal - farm, in- program. t ^ el- Naturally the man who bought the m- 'certificate would have to add thelft (Owt'd on BdltorUl ?** > ^