r Wrtch LtM On Vwr P?ftr AM Don't Lot Your ?uboortptt#n Expirol VOL. 29 NO. 11. State And N< ~ Condensed In ?State News? I 'ehevllle, Mar. 19.?Reuben Fran-! < Is I>ee, former sheriff of Buncombe ' < c Lamisburg, Mar. 19.?Scores of V persons today watched two Negro- a ea, Joe Allen antT Blair 'Wilson, res- t cue Mrs. Bennie Oupton, 33, from the Tar River. Officers said the wo t man apparently Jumped in the a stream near the municipal dam. f Services At Presbyterian I Church This Week 2 The Evangelistic Services being held each evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church will contin- a ue throughout the week except on 8 Saturday night. The pastpr of the j CSturcta Rev. P. D. Patrick is bring- ' ing the messages. This meeting is a " simultaneous meeting with other Presbyterian churches in the South. r The special Evangelistic Crusade c reaches it climax this week. 4. special invitation la extended to c hi) friends to attend each evening. ] - arih member of the church is urged 1 to ha present for tba services for the 1 rest dt the week through Sunday ' evening. AKK HOLIDAY MONDAY \ Skater Monday has been deotared a 1 k Bank Holiday according to B. 8. Neill v the local Pi ret National Bank, thus c ,k?jNLbenk>will be closed on Monday, J Laughing Arouti I with mviN The Untrustwo V By IRV1N i . ' ? # > AN Irishman, stranded at Southern ** bound for American ports, hopina w 1. La IIMOJ TLrt aleiMnow ?' iM aim. wucre uc uitu. ? hv ? "i"t~ " ?I ??old produce a written recommend* good character. The applkeat hunt' keeper who wrote the required papei thla, he temporarily wee enrolled ea Joit u the craft was preparing aelf before the master asking for a p short-handed and time preseed, thii formality which had marked the emp Two days out from port the Ir scrubbing decks, each equipped with head tea on. Suddenly n big comber Irishman was buffeted about and slai however, to his broom and bucket; I Re was carried overboard and ranis) Dripping, the survivor mads his e steed. ." " Curtate l^Sy, Cap tain I" he es "You remimber that dam Brittst -eaoes? f/M, he's gone off aad tool (Aawrtwe fees stoajhSi'Vnlipiiii> i . . - " .v. -? ' Kings r .- \ o ; ' itional News i Brief" Form ?National New*? New York Mar. 19.?A murder-toJider combine - which killed by * cou tract (or "big shot" racketeers wan mid today by a Brooklyn proseouleast a dosen ? poealbly 20?gangland land slaying*. Brooklyn District Attorney Wil Ham F- O'Dwyer said 10 men were under arrest In conhectlon wth the :rlmes. He said the gang was Impll*. ;ated In' seven murders and two attempted slayings In Brooklyn. and hree killings in Sullivan county in jp-tate New York. Hollywood, Mar. 19.?Irving Count, '.17 year old motion picture ator, was arrested today by sheriffs leputles on telegraphic information ro mNe wYork. which described tint as wanted for first degree murlor. Deputy Sheriff P. M. Kunou said to was informed by telephone that ,'ohcn was wanted In connection vlth an investigation by District attorney William F. O-Dwyer ot Irookly. V. . -' - .-Cjl Washngton, Mar. 19.?Because of i- promise to the late Senator Bo-J all, Senator Brown, Democrat, Michigan, may try to attach an anendinent wiping out tax exempIons on Federal and State bonds to he bill continuing the reclprlcal rade program. "I told Senator Bosh," Brown said, "that I would not tass up an opportunity to get rlr of he exemptions." Washington. Mar. ID.?Fatalities n highway railroad grade crossing iccldents totaled 1,398 last year, the Iseoolation of American Railroads innounced today. This was a dnTease of 119 from 1938 aud 477 rom 1937. Tokyo. M?r. 19.?Lionel, Jananae news agency, today reported the tmerican freighter Cripple Creek ground off the port of Yokosuka on he'Japanese Southern coast. The ship, carrying scrap iron rom 8ah Pedro. Calif., was not dam iged and was expected to he reloated at high tide. region To Celebrate 1st Birthday Mrs| Wetver Mann,, State Presllent of the American Legion Auxiliry of North Carolina, will be guest peaker at a Joint supper meeting of he local American Legion and Auxliary members Tuesday night, March ?. Mr. Dave Hall of Belmont, promttent in State and National Legion clr dee, and other prominent out-ofown Legionnaires, have been Invited tod are expected to take part In the >rogram celebrating the American region's twenty-first birthday. Musk rill be furnished by the Qaaus quarot of Shelby. This quartet Is wellmown tor ability- as vocalists and. astrnmentallats. The supper commit ee reports that a complete program 1 as been arranged and that all Legionnaires, their wives and Auxiliary nembera are expected to attend. Mr. P. O. Ratterree le commander i the local Legion Poet, end lira. J. I Ware president of th* local Aux. llary unit ' A die World f S. COBB rthy Britisher L COBB pton, applied for a job on a ship ; to work his passage back to New freed to sign him on provided he - tion testifying to his honesty and ad op an obliging boarding-house" r for him and, on the strength of one of the ship's company, to sail, a Britisher presented hiralace in the crew. As the ship waa i man was aoeentod without the toying of the first green hand, iahman and the English man were a pall and s swab. There was a broke over the bow. The drenched nmed against a mil, still clinging, mt his fellow-worker flared worse. >ed instantly. ray to the bridge where the skipper lied up. ler Ma took on without any referi see of yoer buckets with him." Maamlsel tain I * , . Jf ... ; , .. R8DAY, MARCH 21. 1940 )r. Cooper fo Speak At Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. THU Student Body Officers J I ^ j ' Ki , ? . . ? ? ? ?? M ?* ? . tr Bw* JH 1 BOBBY HORO Bf President Student Body ?? ?* ?i?- i,. " y, on Sfl R., ch B B| vii BETTY LEE NEISLER Vice-President Student Body y t rb s X w H 8C d< lo fc QS i E c? 8i r.< R Bl Tl FAYE MOSS (l Secretary Student Body ^ Student Participation Organization In Kings Mountain High School ot Ttie student Participation Organisation of the Kings Mountain High si V-"- -- <>- 1? - -? _? ??? ?U9V UUI' cere Bobby Hord, President; Betty Lee Nelsler,' Vlee-PresMsmt; Fays Mom, Secretary. These officers will be formally Installed at a meeting ? ot the student body Tuesday mors* tag. March M. " The home rooms and organise* tlona In school have chosen the fol* lowing as the members ot Ute etu* '* dent. council: . Vera .Sargpant,. Bob Allran. Roy SmtUh, Doris White. tei Harrel Bsrp Virginia RoberU, EVolse Randall. Wilms Bobbitt. Do* 1 rls Bennett, Olee Bridges, Betty Ware, Violet Laughter Jones Fortune, Carolyn Prince, Bill Gantt, Eollne Keeter, Ladd Hamrlck. The standing committees of the Council and their chairman are: ) Citizenship. Betty Lee Nelsler; Civic Improvement, Violet Laughter; Athletic, Bill Gantt; Publicity, Boline Keeter; Aesembly Programs, Ladd Hamrlck; Hospitality. Vera Sargeant; Lost, and Pound, Doris White; and Election. Carolyn Prluce. The purpose of this organization la to cooperate with the school ad- i ministration In accepting a measure ot responsibility for the success of the school; to create and maintain high standards of citizenship and scholarship; to further interest In fill ra/wwrnUaJ oaKaaI . ? ? * ? ? owquiku wuvui ?K>vI* UlCfl , ouu to provide opportunity for students to inlttate and promote activities which thoy doom worthy. Khranfe To Meet ? * " > The newly-formed Kiwanla Club will meet in regular session with the Klwania Club' of Rutherfordtoa tonight at 6: AO. at tho Woman's Club. here. After a turkey dinner the regular business session of the Club will be held. Nothing could be learned from . She Rutherfordtoa* club relative to the program, but U was said that they will bring a speaker with them. ~c?i * * ' ' >? ' , j ..jUjt.. . ' t. - j- i.i master Service E. C. Cooper. President of the iittK-rau beiutnaiy, Columbia, S. C. Ill apeak at the annual community aster service which Is to be held P".ewrffi'.y "ar ,e Ctntral High 8chool?Yrhe High rho.il lund and Glee Club will con fbuto sacred music for the, occas* a, and the program will be direcd. by Itev. I*. D. Patrick. The scree a ill be held on the high school wn If weather- permits, but will bo ken indoors if necessary. The program follows: Special Music: The High School tod. Hymn: "Holy, Holy. Holy"! Responsive Reading. Scripture lesson, by Rev. R. N. ilrd. I). r>. Prayer t>y Rev. S. W. Johnson. Special Music: The High School ee t'lub Hymn: , "Christ Is Risen." The Easter Message by the Rev C. Cooper. Ph. D. Hymn: "All Hail the Itower of sus Name'" * The benediction by Rev. A. G. Meant. . . The Doxology. The service is sponsored by the lurches of the community end is Etnned by the Kincs Mountain Mln. t rs' Association. The public is luted to attend. chool Holiday Friday nd Monday ]B? N. Barnes, superintendent of ngp Mountain schools, auaounced sterday after^xm that the school lldren of Kings Mountain would i given a two-day Easter holiday is Friday, Good Friday,, and E5ast Monday. East School, however 111 not give a holiday, said Supt. rrnes. at their own request; The EJast Schoolers asked that hool go on as usual there, in ori'r to mal:c up the time that was st when, school was suspended due **botler explosion some weeks ? i nn aster Seals On Sale . '* The sale of Elaster Seals, :he proeds from which will go toward the slstance of crippled children, are ?w on sale in Kings Mountain. Mrs. jth Gamble is In charge of the sale. These seals are sold annually llirou, lout the United States at Eaate^ tne, by the National Society fop ippled Children. Incorporated. CUE ns are asked to purchase and use ! e seals on the backs of envelopes'^ id on stationery, to keep alive pub-* : interest in a great cause. The seals sell for fl.00 per sheet 100, but can be bought in larger smaller amounts. oly Week Services Services at the Lutheran Church ntlnue tonight (Thursday) and morrow at 7:30. The Sacrament the Lord's Supper will be admintered' tonight. Sermons for the enre week are being based on the >rdi of Jesus from the Cross. The >od Friday Service will be at 7:80 | M. The publis is Invited to atod ' L*!h Will Rogers9 Humorous Story J . i * * * < ? By WILL ROGERS TN SOME towns ths ladies take 1 thsir chow doga along when they go to ths grocery store. If s grocer has got to sell to these Is- j dies to make a living, he better not get too fresh about ordering the dogs out, end he don't. But one grocer In Chicago was fcgydgri pretty lhad when he said to a lady, "Say, lady, do you know that your dog ata five of my best sggs ?" nAre you sura they aha your beet eggs?" Absolutely!" "Right hi from the country, and not storage staff?" MAA amT. * * -- - un, (M WIT DWI OBM UM WO (it tho hifh.tt print fort" "Oh. wdU thon I (MM ifa oil right," oho njri. "1 wu going to *y (hot If H ww oomo of thorn torogo Ogga yon loft lying oroond for Cotooy to cot W haw t* do Mndklmboat It Bat yoar boot orgs nro protty frooK, osd Tm oar*. Sty won't hart hit Mttlo tamwyr .1. wh'M1 ,>^wa 1 Read Thr Herald ' ^ And Buy At Home t ' i * FIVE CENTS PER COPY Annual ted Cross teport Made /f W .. a - - ? " " . i ' " r . ^ * Ierald To Preach Here j d ' A'l g bl ^ fa I 11 KV ' ai <11 K ill ft [PPH REV. CHARLES P. BOWLES of Belmont Main Street Methodist _ Church who wilt preach In a series of services at Central Methodist, beginning March 24th. la | (li Revival At Central ' ' ' .i Methodist Church F ' 'r. 1. ltev. Cliarles P. Bowles. Daslor of M Main Street Methodist Church. Bel- T inont, will be the preacher tr. a series ot evangelistic services to be T held In Ceutral Methodist Church beginning Easter Sunday evening at M 7:30 o'clock. Services will be held D at the same hour each evening dur- Di ing the week and will close on the K( t'ollowiog Sunday. I CI Ci Mr. Bowles is Director ot Adult Work for the Board ot Christian Ed- E ucation of the Western N. C- Con- ^ forence ot the Methodist Church.' .'p He is well knowu as a leader in the ^ summer conferences of the Ueuoml- P| nation at Lake Junaluska. and is in ^ constant demand as a teacher of training clashes and as a preacher ^ in revival meetings. The evangelistic services in the N local church are a pan of the Meth- Ci odisl Advance, a movement sponsored by the Bishops of the Metbo- T dlst Church. The public is invited to attend. _ - . !V Local Woman Receives Honor : al . Xtt t Mrs. Aubrey Maunev has just re- It ceived word from Dean Altwater of tf the Music faculty of Woman's College ^ Greensboro, that two of her compost- fe\ tlons won first places in the amateur/c group of the North CaroTlna Compos/1 era' contest. ^ \ t>? hull was made bv Mm lluth ?:? - I*". I'xtiuilvc seCteCiry, a; u' ic WlUHUig.' UTilm? U> 'I'M?' "iffS ict that Uif local organisation ha* i Iped nuttiy needy persons during le past year. The report follows: puring the yeut 1939 there wore - [>proxluiatcly 2.68? una its ot milk istrlbuted among the needy in lugs Mountain. 485 orders for ugs. 148 orders for food. 51' orders >r fuel wore executed. Material - ' as furnished-- for numerous garenls made at the NYA room, and strlbutisl locally. .12 new woolen irments were sent to War lt??fu: >es of Europe. X-Ray services re secured for 14 needy tubercu r cases. 75 pounds of yeast was stributed among 28 case's of pelgra or inul-nutritlon. The Loan loset provided bed linen and other isentials for 19 cases of Illness, inancial Statement v , Receipts eposits from Itoll full .. $1,815.72 IscellaneouH Cash Received 48.0(1 rade Account ... 1........ 50.00 otal Receipts .......... $1,812.72 Disbursements Ilk ;. ..., >328.00 rugs 315.45 octors : 7?.50 ' ood 219.03 lothing and Ix>an Closet .. ' 110.28 ?r. Expense for Worker .. 120.00 ael 98.55 ducatlonal Program ...... 62.48 inlor Red Cross \.. . 13.32 nntily Aid '. ... 34.2f Bice Equipment 13.35 rinting 4.7b ransients 7.90 anference Kxpense ........ 18.00 elepbone 32.18 Miscellaneous . 48.00 ational Membersbip Dues 238.00 urrent Bills Due Jan. 1. .. 177.76 otal Disbursements .... $1,913.79 Irs. William H. Thornurg Buried Mbnday . ' . Funeral services tor Mrs. William. Tbornburg. age 54. were r.uld at canal Methodist Cliuufi Mouday tteruoou and interment made in le Bethlehem . church cemetery, ev. Fi. C. Sprinkle. Jr., pastor ot le deceased, was in charge of the irvices assisted by Rev. .Carl Maun f, pastor' of Bethlehem Baptist hurch. Mrs. Thornburg's death occurred irly Sunday morning in the Shelby ospital, where she had been a pa* ent for several weeks. Mrs. Thorn iirg had been In 111 health tor mg time. Surviving are her hunba^id and ta following children: Mrs. R. H. yera .Misses Mildred and Tbelma horn burg. James, George and W. L. horntourg, one grandchild. Also sur Iving are her mother. Mrs. J. M. Maya of Klnga Mountain, two brothps. Oliver Haven of Kinra Maim tin and C. B. Hayes of Mt. Holly. Mrs. Thorn burg had been a mesa.* ?r . of Central Methodlat Church ince early girlhood. She was a deoted wife and mother and will be reatly missed - in the home. She was a daughter of the late . M. Hayes and Mrs. Hayes who la ow slowly recovering from a sortus illness. - . Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) The ordinnry American taxpayer, e he farmer, businees man, dlthIgger, or Just plain Oswald J. Hlmp, probably doesn't realize that Is money is helping to pay the salries of some 1,342,000 men and wolen who are on the Federal payroll lone. Furthermore, he has to foot tha Ills for their buildings, heat, light n A iha m aioHnla with whlrh t AT |1U VUV ???? " ?v?? " ?V > > O/ rork. But worse still, the chances are hat he doesn't appreciate the fact hat some of them are spending hts ardearned money o convince him hat he should pay more taxes to mploy more Federal workers. Here are the facts: The latest figures available Shoes he- following total number of perons, outside of those on WPA prefects, drawing pay from the Federal (Ooat'd mi Mttorlal page) ^