/ W?|?h lilil OM VMir Nftr AN f - om Ltt Y?ur utocrtptUn Kxptral ; % * VOL. 26 NO. li. State And N r j j i VsUiiuciiocu in ?State New?? ivanuapolis, May 7.?B. L>. 1. or lor, five year old son or Mrs. Pauline Let ler of Salisbury, was fatally injured yesterday when struck by an uuto mtyblle. ___________ Xanna polls, May 7.--William Lectz, an ex-convlet. is in Kannapo day. on charge of assault. with deadly weapon with Intent to kill which Police Chief Ira T. Chapman said was filed after Lents hud severely cut his mother and father with a krife. The officer said the incideut occurred Friday morning at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lentz. The chief said the cutting evidently followed a quarrel over a card game, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lentz were rushed to Cabarrus Hoe)>'tal where it was found that the woman's cuts on the arm and leg were superficial. - Raleigh. May 7?The body of Mrs. R. A. Newberne. 34, a secretary, wus found last night in the kitchen | of ner home. .Coroner Roy M. flanks said she had turned on the gas Jets of a stove, slashed her throat with a razor and swallowed the contents of a bo'.tle of poison. She left a note for her husband, the coroner said, as follotws: "Please forgive me. You have, been sweet and tried to help me . : since Ive become so nervous. But fro losing my mind and I think this Is better." Fayettevllle, May 7.?Roltce detained Wilbur Lockany, 22. in the hospital ward of the county Jail toda> on a charge of slaying Grisson Joyce Bain, 22. who was shot and killed near here yesterday. Sheriff N. H. McOeaehy quoted Ixtckany as saying he objected <to Bala's attentions to his sister' and that an argument ensued and Bain walked out to his car ostensibly to get a gun. and that he rose from his sick bed and shot him with . a shotgun. Asheboro, May 7.?Police question ed two men today in the fatal stabbing of Herbert York. 24, on a high way near here early yesterday. iThe ineni Coroner J. L. Fritz, said, were David Powell and his son-lnlav, Wesley Jordan. York was stabbed in the chest about 2 A. M. The coroner quoted Powell as say lag that two of his daughters were In an automobile with York and iwo omer uoyg ana mat an buku- | rner.t ensued. 7hree other men were questioned ysterday and released. last Minute Band Bulletin In a long distance phone call to J. 8. Kester last night Cadet Hamrlck who accompanied the i Band to Vest Palm Beach. Florida, stated that all the mueioiana and other Kings Mourn tain folks were well .and happy. Mr. Keeter alee talked to Principal D. M. Bridges, who made the trip along with the Band. Mr. Hem rick said: "everybody la happy, no one is siok or missing, and we had aftwonder tvl trip down." Mr. Hamrlck , abated that tha train ran aa a . apaolal from Columbia, and that Capt Ormand had a grand breakfast prepared when the train rolled Into Jacksonville. Captain CFarrell met the train i In West Palm Beach and had all arrangements made for the Band'a etay In the Florida City. "Right at thla time while I am talking to you the band la out m the park liatening to a con, cert by the Deland, Florida, Band," aald Mr. Hamrlck. The mother* and father* of the Kings Mountain boys and girl* In Florida will welcome thla bit of Information and ap* predate Mr. Hamrlok** thoughtfulnaea In telephoning Mr. Kee* . terCopies of this laaue of The Herald Is beino ruahed to the Band mtmbtrt ami' filenda In the Florida City. BANK TO BK CLOSED FRIDAY According to an announcement from B. S. Neill, Cashier, The First Kational Bank will be cloaed all day Prfday, May 10th, In observance of Confederate Memorial Day, which la a local state holiday. i* _* v *'. v ' Kin* : , ational News l Brief Form ?National New*? GaimftviUv, Ga.. May 6.?Representative B. Frank Whelcbel, Democrat, Georgia. was acquitted in Federal Court today ou charges that he conspired to sell po&iul appointments. ~, A Jury,, which bad considered the rase pince 6 P. M. Saturday, returnil>wv4n fT-J.,?-* O.S? A U m?M *iu v uucrnUVU M 0?1U A. Xi - I Ilellefont, Pa., May 7.?Police and I CCCyouths searched high and low 4 In this Central Pennsylvania section today tor the tan sedan of a "maniac killer" wanted fc the sex slayIngs of a comely girl factory worker and a Pennsylvania state college co-ed. Lynn G. Adams, head of the state motor police, said the fatal blud-; geouing of Kay Oatos. 25 year old-' employe of a match factory. near here early yesterday was Identical! with the slaying of Itachel Taylor, 17 year old co-ed. five weeks ago. That occurred only 12 miles away. l,os. AngeleSi May 7.?Hlut to .stenographers: Mrs. Ruth Hughes, president ofi the 1/M Angeles Chapter, told the . California Federation of legal secretaries: "Don't go to work with a run In your stockings. Psychologists say that no man can keep his mind on his work and on a run in a woma'ns stocking at the same time." Uastonia, May 7.?Sheriff Clyde Rdblnsc^ and ^tjher officers todaywere working on meager clues In an effort to learn the identity of thieves who broke Into the Minute urtii. Wilkinson Boulevard restaurant 011 the outskirts of the city, early Sunday morning and stole sev erol cartons of cigarettes and some money from a nickelodeon. The thieves forced a back door of the establishment, "jimmied" the nickelodeon, taking an undetermined amount of cash in small change from it, and made away with the money and cigarettes, the Sheriff said. London, May 7.'?As the outcry t"complacency" in high places in the conduct of the war grew greater London newspapers reminded readers of Prime Minister Chamberlain's speech declaring Adolf IlitleV "missed the bus' when he started the Norwegian invasion April 9. "Hitler may- have missed the bus, but he took a taxi, was the popular reply. Senior Class Play Postponed To May _____ / Confucius say. "Play more better after band take in Florida." And of course it's well known that one must rot argue with Confucius, so ttao date for the Senior Class Play has been changed from May 10 to May 31st. nuVMIOI VJWWUOUCU UW.V iu?b(. might foe made Coofuriun is: Sen tot Gift Ordered. Gift Here. Gift Must Be Paid For! Even his wiser brother agree with Confucius. - Profucius say. 'Play much funny. He who laugh must see China Boy! Funeral Services For Infant Funeral services for the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stallworth of this place were held last Friday at <the graveside in the Presbyterian Church cemetery in Woodruff, S. C. Dr. E. I* Slier, retired A. R. P. minister, conducted the services. The Utile mound was covered whh beautrtfi^l flowers, Imute "testimony of the love and sympathy of the many friends of the family. The infant is survived by his parents. his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. 8tallworth. and Rev. P. S. McChesney and Mrs. McChesney of Woodruff. S. C. Maxwell To Speak In Shelby i' . - Hon. A. J. Maxwell, Candidate tor Governor will apeak In Shelby nest Wednesday night In the Court House at 8 P. M. according to Mr. Clyde Nolan, Maxwell County Manager of Shelby. Mr. Nolan warn la Kings Mountain yesterday Inviting voters to hear the Raleigh Candidate. For one hour prior to the speaking the Kings Mountain and Shelby Bands will render concerts, and Mr. Nolan la very anxious for e large representation from Kings Mountain to be present. V V ;.*V - -v., / M M Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. THUI Kings Mod Local Woman Chosen" To Attend National Meet Munbtr of the Kinge Mountain Wo* man'a Club Chooen to Nepreeent Council In Milwaukee. f Mr*. E. W Griffin. Suite Chair1 Uiuu or Public Safety for the Federation of Women's Clubs. ' returned, Sunday from Gre<-usbono where she attended the annual Convention of' Federated Clubs held at the King! Cotton hotel. May While In Greensboro Mrs. Griffin was hostess; at a breakfast honoring Mrs. T. V.' Moore, of Miami. Fla.. National | Chairman of Public Safety for the i G. F. W.-C. On Friday morning she i introduced Mrs Moore at which time i she addressed tho Convention on the j subject: "Safety ?Wotnans Rospon j sibihty." The program was broad- J cast. from the hotel ballroom at Sta-, tlon WHIG. Mrs. Griffin's work for accident prevention in Nor*h Carolina was iftosi highly praised both by the National Chairman of Safety and by Mr. Ronald Hicutt, Director of High way Safety, N. C. At tho close of the Convention Mrs Griffin was elected try the asaemhl, A #U.? fcl?h tu v uinrimuji on vuu ui live uiuu* women Ho represent the statewide organization at the General Federation Council which meets in Milwaukee May 20?26. Mrs. Griffin la past president of the Kings Mountain Womans Club and is at present a member of Its Foard of Directors. Miss Helen Stuart Wins Beauty Title Miss Helen Stuart, winnsome blonde, was announced Miss Kings Mountain in the Beauty pageant which was held at the Dixie Theatre last Thursday night. Miss Stuart won over a group of about twenty of Kings Mountain's loveliest. Winder in the (battle' fcr Little Miss Kings Mountain was Peggy June Croker, -t ear old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crocker. Mary Ev.flyn Goforth and Edna Hoffman, respectively, were runners up lit the Senior event, with Patri-, cla Hayes coming second in' the Jun i ior group, and Judy Jenkins getting third place. Miss Stuart will represent Kings Mountain in the State Contest at Rocky Mount and have a screen test. Little Miss Crocker will have; a photograph of herself entered In the Junior finals. Gardy Watterson hnd Gloria Corn | well, masters of the art of Jitterbugging. won the amateur contest. They will go to the state contest. Regional Meeting At Central Methodist This Evening Miss Elizabeth Oliver, director of Children's Work of the Western North Carolina Conference Board of Education. Salisbury, N. C.. will con duct a regional meeting for workers with children at Central Mefhodlat Church this evening at 7:30. Miss Oliver will be assisted by Mrs. P. H. Cunningham, of Gastonia, who Is the director of children's work In the Gastonia J)istrlot of the Methodist Church. Only four of these meetings. at which plans for Vacation Schools will be given special attention, will be held In this dlstrct. and a large group of Sunday school teachers and workers from Kings Mountain and vicinity are expected to attend. Precinct Meetings Held The Democratic precinct meetings were held Saturday morning at the |*{o pre<(in<|is fjx Kings Moiiotjshn Moat Kings Mountain meeting was beld at the CKy Hall and West Kings Mountain at the Cleveland Motor Co. Delegates were elected to Abe County Democratic Convention to be heltk Saturday in Shelby. The following were elected from Bast Kings Mountain: J. B. Thomas son. Chairman. Mrs. J. B. Mauney. Vce Chairman. P. D. Hem don John Mauney, Capt. O. C. O'Flsrrell, D. P. Randall, and Arnold Kiser. Ana from West Kings Mountain, J. K. Willis, Chairman. Mrs. Ruth Gamble Vice Chairman; Pride Hatterree, Hugh Ormand, W. W. Souther. How ard Jackson and Tom Fulton. itain F ' *8DAY, MAY 9, 1940 intainBam MERCHANTS ASSN. THANKS BAND CONTRIBUTORS The Kings Mountain Merchants' Association rased a total of $125 to aid In sending the Band to Florida to compete in the National Contest. Glee Bridges. President nf the Association was very happy over the way members contributed and '"ffa"?"alfcel/ "fKe tJeSlSffo "^expreSs" his appoedation to everyone whs contributed thru the Association as several besides members ccntrlboted. Mrs. Sue Moss, Executive Secretary of the Association handled the collecting and raising of the fund 1 and to her goes a big part of the credit due the association. Lions Minstrel Coming To Town It might be a Utile early to start making predictions about the Lions! Minstrel which is coming, to town cn May 17. but suffice to say that never before has there been any-1 thing in Kings Mountain to equal it. j Leading the parade of stars in j the stellar attraction is Maestro j Lewis Cathey. himself, along with < his Tarheellan Orchestra! Maestro Cat he v will be in the orchestra pit, twirling his baton, as 6u<ih well known stars as the Osborne Trio, from Shelby, well known at all the popular resorts along the Atlantic Coast set your ears athrobbln' with [ tholr melody ; Kenneth Crook aud I Charley Warllck. well known end ] men. have you laughing till you'll probably have to leave along about | the third act to catch your breath" I und Professor Toby Williams struts' his stuff. . j Smyre Williams lends his fine ( tenor to several numbers that'll swing you down memory bine, and put a catch In your throat, while interlocutor Roger Greer draws the best from Elmo Bridges. "Llverlips" Moffett. and a panorama of other; equally famous personalities. Prtxtnc*- "flhompson, famous tfor : several productions in the past. In- j eluding the famous "Human Ford' is doing a fine job of directing and producing the Minstrel, and reaches his peak in a brilliant career with it Taking everything into consldera | tibn, and without rfny rash statements whatsoever, it'll be worth j three times the price of admission] t'i go out and see it. The full program will be carried I in the next issue of the Herald. Memorial Service And I Decorations of Graves To Be Held At Cemetery ' Sunday, . May 12th, At 3:00 P. M. The U. JD. C. Chapter is sponsoring a Memorial Service at the cemetery, In cooperation with the Ajneriuan Legion |nd Eegictn Auxiliary. All graves of Confederate, SpanishAmerican. and World War Veterans will be decorated by these organizations. , i Every one who has loved ones buried here are ashed to Join in this service and decorate their graves It is the desire of those In charge that every lot in the cemetery will bear, flowers of remembrance and love. Rev. R. N. Baird of the A. R: P. Church will make the address and Rev.'P. D. Patrick will offer prayer. - Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS 1 nARENTS have b??n trying to * make their kid* quit being: like them for tea thousead yean, I guest. But the poor klda think the parent* are great, to they Juet try to do^Uke they aee their pea and Be Oaf e why George net back ee food at hlametber. She says, "Oeerge. yea told me a lie again. j Don't yea knew what happen* to boys that toD lieoT" "Sore I do," he say*. "They grew op to be traveling men, like | tlnwtise Mens Rwmon lo?i lerald ? _ lAtWestP Tom Fulton To Head Local Lions The regular meeting of ihe Lions Club was held at Mountain Vie* . I . .IT.'. ...... majority of the business session being taken up with the nomination of officers for the coming year by the laminating committee. The new o cers will take up their duties at the second meeting in June. The Lions meet every secoud t and fourth Tuesday in each month, j The* oil leers nominated;-Tor the coming year JMMttHEBNNBtMe arej > InlUta'W President, 11. Tom Kulton; 1st Vloe-Pri'sident, M. A. Khyne; 2ml Vice-President. Holland Dtxon, 3rd Vloe-Preaideut, It. L). Miller; Secretary, Carl Mauney, Treasurer, Otto "Toby" Williams; Lion Tain.ty, J. U. Darrdcott; and Tail Twister. Kenneth Crook. ,1 wirecmrs nomnuted to serve a two year ten,1 are. J. Proctor Thorn j paon; H. C. Sprinkle. Jr.. and W. J.*j Fulkerson. OnevyeJr term directors are: George Mauney, W. B. Thorn p' son, and Charles F. Thomasson, Delegates selected' to attend the International Convention at Havana Cuba, on July 31, 22. and 21, are George Mauney and " J. VV. Milam, with Jltntny Burns and H Tom Fulton as alternates. About six mem hers are also expecting to attend the convention. Rev. II. C. Sprinkle, pastor -of Central Methodist' Church and a member of the IJons Club, spoke at the meeting. The Quartette which is boing featured by the 'Lions lu their Minstrel next Friday. May 17. gave their brother members a sample of their fine voices, with sever-j al selections. Mr. Frank C. Roberts was presen tod to the members of the Club as a new member. . I Scout Executive To Show Colored Films ' I At a union meeting of church | groups sponsoring Boy Scout Activities in Kings Mountain Mr. R. M. Schiele. Scout Executive. of Gos tonia. will speak and show several reels of colored films in Central1 M<t'horiist Church next Wednesday | ! oi'Oitttin of 0 r\ nt A I *. V'liu^ ni o ?/. in u<- luitwuiri nvi i vice in which local pastirs will participate will precede . Mr. Schiele'sj program. Scouts and tlielr parents! and friends throughout the conintun j ity are Invited. The "price of ad-i mission" for each Scout will be to ; bring ait adult to the meeting. A'tnong the pictures to be shown I are those depleting the life and activities of Scouts attending the slim mfcr camp conducted under Mr. Schiclo's personal supervision each >ear at Camp Boone, near Tryon. Everybody ia invited to attend. Injures Hip In Fall Miss Gussie Baity, retired business lady, is in the City Hospital, ia Gastonia suffering from a fractured hip as the result' of a fall in the back yard of her sister. Mrs. W. P. Fulton, on Piedmont Avenue, where she makes her home. Miss Baity was for many years associated in business with the late \V. P. Fulton firm, and made many friends in this section. The Herald joins with her many friends In wshing for her a speedy recovery, so that she may re turn safely to tne Best Town In The State. METHODIST YOUNG PEOPLE TO HAVE PICNIC Members of the Epworth League. I r-nn.ml Unthnili.l / 1 t 1, I vi v.cuviai kuowivuioi V'liui vii ?i c planning a picnic supper on top of Kings Mountain Friday night. All those planning to attend avd asked to be at the Church at 7 o'clock. Members are urged to attend, if possible, and to bring along at least one friend. KIWANI8 MEET ' The regular meeting of the Kiwants Cl.ub will be held at the Woman's Club tonight at 7:00. Pro gram Chairman Blakely will preside in the absence of Ladd W. Hainrlck. president, who is in Florida with the band. A routine business session was held last Thursday nighU ww> .M ii rmmmmti RiM The Herald , And . Buy At Horn# "* FIVE CENTS PER COPY aim Beach KIuks Mountain'* Band. the miuopleat marching hand lu North CaroUna, t? hi West 1'alm lUucii. Florida where it is participating today ia the Eighth Regional Cl-Jupet ilkli of the .National Contest. . t Plllll 1-" Il..n.ia..k. -?.i? W&napmcU *9 James Presto* (Opinion* Expressed in This Column Are Not Nsesssarlly th* Views of This Newspaper.) Facts which don't make the head lines these days disclose an Interesting situation, tor they show that Washington is outdoing the man on the flying trapeze ? with the greatest of ease It goes two ways at once Folks here stilt talk about the country being a "democracy" In which the majority rules. But at the same time, many of them do all they can to keep representatives of the people frosn carrying out the will of a tqajority of the citizens. Typical Is the story behind the Walter-Logan hill. which , would, grant relief to thousands of citlxen* irwin me rui* or Dureaucram. i nei people want thai bill. The Hous* (Coai'd ?B Bdltorlal pa*?) - ?? o^uui ivno. Wll WVVI t/l ill?3 Bund, was wired of the acceptance of the Baud as a participant in tho festival after it bad been recommen d?d by tbe North Carolina Chairman lieney. of the Eighth Region wired his acceptance from iVest Palm licach Saturday morning- FMVst indication that the band night be accepted came when the band was in Shelby lost Friday night, playing for Candidate Brough , / ton. Several of the officera of tho > *4 Pand Parents Association and a few of the members iftet after Brough- ? ton's speech Friday night to dlscuBs the possibility of the trip. Wl^en def lulte word had been received Satur day niorning. a meeting was called /Jt for Satirday afternoon. At this moot hig It was decided that a mass meet va lug of the citizens of the town would he called for '8:30 Saturday night. Approximately seventy five citizens-and band parents met in the Band Room of Central School at the last meeting. I/add \V. Hamrick, president of tho Band Parents Asso elation, presiding, explained the circumstances of the meeting to those who were not informed, and Band dl rector Hendricks read the telegram w'hich had been received. A Vote of the fifty-six parents either present or represented at tne , meeting showed forty-three for the trip and 14 against. The parents vere then asked to pledge as much as they could, and $1108 was raised thus. Bonations from the public were then asked for. and the remainder raised. The meeting was in session for about two and one-half hours. After the business session, plans were made for sending the musicians to West Palm Beach. A wire was sent to the director of the con- .< test, for reservations, and D. M. Bridges put in charge of handling reservations on the train for those attending. ' . C. M. Onnand. retired conductor on the Southern Railway System, went to Jacksonville. Flu., .'.louday morning to arrange for breakfast for the persons making the. trip The train, which left Charlotte Tiles dnv ovoninir i?t u-.. tor a two hour stop in Jacksonville yesterday morning. O. t\ O'Farrell. Kings Mountain's other retired railroad captain left with Captain Ortnand. He went aliCHd to West Pal in Beach to make reservations and have everything In readiness for the arrival of lite Band. Oiner Kings Mountain people making the trip are: Mrs. L. D. Shuford, chaperone; Mrs. Manly Morehead. Mrs. Joe A. Neieler, Mrs. C. F. Thorn asson. Mrs. Fuller McOUl, Mrs. a ill. Onnand. Mr. atid Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hamrick. and young son, Harvey. Jiin Page, and Miss Jackie Rawles. D. M. Bridges and Paul E. Hendricks were tne school officials making the trip. According to C. F Thomasson, publicity man for the Band, here's exactly what It took to gpt Kngs Mountain's band to West Palm Beach: TlWo Band Parent meetings and a meeting of the cltitons; Cash, amounting to $2250; someone to collect that cash: arrangement for hotel accommodations (They's staying at the Alhambra) for ninety people for four days; arrangements (Cont'd on back page)

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