r f I EXTRA i -? I f ' "? v '.' " -^ ? ^BPP57? ! I * I VOL. 26 NO. 18. _ . i -. - ">J I I' -'-9 I -. v I Last Minute ! I Donil DiiIMIH I In a long distance phone call to J. B. Keeter last night L-dd j Mamrick who accompanied the Band to 'West Palm Beach, Florida, stated that all the musicians and other Kings Mountain folks were well and happy. Mr. Keeter also talked to Principal D. M. Bridges, who made j the trip along with the Band. Mr, Hamrick said: "Everybody is happy, no one is sick or missing, and we had a wonder- . 1ul trip down." Mr. Hamrick stated -that the train ran as a soecial from Columbia, and that Capt. Ormand had a grand breakfast prepared when the train rolled into Jacksonville. Captain O'Farrell met the train in- West Palm Beach and had all arrangements made for the Band's stay in the Florida City. 'Right at this time while I am talking to you the band is out M the park listening to a concert by the Deland,/Florida, Band," said Mr. Hamrick. The mothers and fathers of tt>e Kings Mountain boys and girls in Florida will . welcome this bit of information and appreciate Mr. MemrleW'e - ..... - ??? ?nwny n?fulness in telephoning Mr. Keeter. Copies of this Issue of The Herald le being rushed to the Band members and friends In the Florida City. BAND IN MIAMI '/ . ' The band will leave West Palm Beach this mornlng^jmd spent the day on a sight-seeing trip to Miami and return to West Palm Beach late this afternoon and board special "Band". Jfraln for Charlotte. They are expected to arrive at 8:30 P. M. unriay at the Southern Depot where happy Mothers and Fathers will meet them and return the Winners to The Best Town In The State. A*hobo'ro, May 7.?Police miration ed two men today Iti the fatal stabbing of Herbert York. 24, on a high way near hero early yesterday. The nten. Coroner J. L. Fritz, said, were David Powell and his son-inlay. Wesley Jordan. York was stabbed In the chest about 2 A. M. The coroner quoted Powell as say Intr that two of his daughters were In an automobile with York and two other boys and that an argument ensued. Three other men were questioned . ysterday and released. ??ESS.ijw?*| M Jl I Moun I KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. el . AttA ? '"-flfl ' r R&? ". .1 ' .' H ^1 K i i^8 WJr .' ! tlie Eighth Regional Competition of the National Contest. Paul E. Hendricks, director of the Baud, was wired of the acceptance of the Rand as a participant in the festival after it had been recommer. iled by the North Carolina Chairman of the Eighth Regional. Chairman Meney. of the Eighth Region wired h.ls acceptance front West Palm Reach Saturday morning. First indication that lite band night he accepted came when the band was In Shelby last Friday night, playing for Candidate Rrough ton. Several of the oiflcers of the Pand Parents Association and a few of the members met after liroughton's speech Friday night to discuss the possibility of the trip. When def lulte word had been received Satur day morning, a meeting was called for Satlrday afternoon. A-t this meet ing it was decided that a mass meet HEBEGINNEB 3*?*.1. ;*->V . L r' ! WE? :V -N' : 0 >> ?* **: *#< *a ttWKKft*? .>? >.? .*? ' >* > ?mr-. ?.> > $ 9^mmMMMMaMMaHMHMM ' 7 ' f '.-. ? :V"V ; . . ' . * ' '. '-.' ^ ;> ' * \ . ***' - ' ' " y. * * Kings ML ^ the v I ; I :* I AMgl ' KINGS MOUN AT WEST PAI Kings Mountain's Hand, .lie snacplent marching band in North Carolina, is In West I'alm 1 teach. Florida where It to partlchmtlnu today, in TAIN BAND LM BEACH Ing of the citizens of the -town would be called tor 8:30 Saturday night. Approximately tev?illy five citizens ar.xl band parents met In the I Btoid Room of Central School at the I last meeting. Ladd W. Ham rick, president' of the Hand Parents Asso elation, presiding, explained the circumstances of 'the meeting jo those who were not informed, nnd: Band di rector Hendr'"ks read the. telegram which had be received. / A vote of ti:e fifty-six parents cither present or represented at the meeting showed forty-three for the trip and 14 against. The parents were then asked to pledge as much us they could, and $1108 was raised thus. Donations from the, publfc were then asked for, and the remainder raised. The meeting was in session for about two and ' one-half hours. After ,thc business session, plans were made for sending the musicians to West Palm Beach. A wire was sent to the director of the contest. for reservations, and D. M. *S ' 1937 s ggy?vS??? Oky srr. Tr^v-TTTJl F JK. "K|bMMWWMM?A , i H 9 . - 1 w M i f ':^ ' ,. * : * ' > ; " A':- . V* .*?V\- ' *#' / r-r&'if "' ~ ' :x - fK^'v * ? v:>t . V 5 _i_ 4 ' " . . >:,& itain I ATURDAY, MAY 11, 1940 I K , y Tband l * ^bi s* - mtm * *. ' . , * Bridges put In charge of handling reservations on the train for those r t tending. 1;. M. Ormai.d, retired conductor on the Southern Railway System, went to Jacksonville. Kla., Monday morning to arrange for breakfast for the 92 persons making the trip The train, which left ..Charlotte Tues A . * - - ..? a i ? * ? ? un? m q.ou, was scueauiec lor & two hour stop in Jacksonvilh j esierday morning O. C. O'Furrell. Kings Mountain": other retired railroad captain lef with Captain Onnand. lie went a head to West Pal mBeach to make reservations and have everything In readiness for the arrival of the Band. Other Kings Mountain, people making the trip are: Mrs. L. I). Shuford. chapcrone; Mrs. Manly Morehead Mrs. Joe A. Noisier. Mrs. C. f\ Tliom nsson. Mrs. Fuller McGill. Mi><^u. M. Ormand. Mr. and Mrr^V. K. Maunuy. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. HamVlok. and young son. Harvey. Jim Page, and Miss Jackie Rawles. D. M. Bridges and Paul E. Hendricks were the school officials making the trip. According to C. F. Thomasson, publicity man for the Band, here's exactly what It took to get Kngs Mountain's band to West Palm (Cont'd on back page) D~~ ~ * B vC-ix ' 'i . mm >1 : j,?....... ^ \^5^ -J * < r *. .*?. ... t:- - r. . .? S: J ' m lerald > , ?i. i i i< . i i HIT ml I ?? ! Alf FA BIAAtb KAIINb WTPCRnfrtT AWE ; THE RATING FOR SIGHT The pride and joy of ev< Citizen .. .'i'ae Hand . . . was rating possible in both pla ... according 10 long distai night from \V est Palm Head Hamrick, President of the ciation to Charles Thomass lor. 1 .ie coveted ratings of ( the following judges oi tli Hand Contest.: A. K. McCali School Hand Association of . Simon, Director of Hand. Ci Music and Conductor of the cinnait, Ohio; Dr. Hubert C Heach Municipal Concert 1 Calif. The rating given by thes Kings Mountain School Ban For Concert playing, a ratin petitive Drilling, a rating of automatically eliminates th further participation in nex test. In the Soloist Contest W and Earnest Mauney were , ONE. The Drill Contest was h< 1 o'clock. 1 The local Band as well 8 cl t pui in a group of "A" Ban ( iack Springs, Lenoir, Cha ' Beach, West Pal mBeach, ? This contest was held 1 Peach Football field with looking on, and at the cone live drill, twenty three Bai closing concert to the large The Concert contests w< noon and made the rating ! / Mountain is proud. ^ The above information F. Thomasson. Publicitv D Palm Beach bv Ladd W. H the local Band Association, 'The people of Florida w every respect, and did eve make our visit as nleasant a Some of the officials tak the Kings Mountain Boys a Band as a whole, were Mr. West Palm Beach, of the B Mr. Sam Quincey, and Mrs also of the Recreation Office Others instrumental in t Band were Mr. Austin Dou Hancock. Looking after the ranging our part in the nix Vaughn. Mr. Bob Chambei Motor Lines did everything date with his Bus service. Mr. Hamrick stated fur we want to thank Editor of and the Palm Beach Times KiTcn mt- ivintfs mountain J" "Also we home peoole wj Martin, Manager of the AH ing care of our Bovs and G Manager of the Tramor Ci Announror, who interviews Mr. W. K. Maunev wh< Band, said that several snr him in the stands last night Mountain Band by far the i pepniest band on the field. Director Paul Hendricks sponsible for the success of joyed at the ratings made 1 from the Best Town In the 5 Citizens of Kings Mount with Director Hendricks ai producing a Band that the proud of. TTie interest show manifested by the fact that to finance the Florida trin hours. And it turned nut IB e?M I-**- ?*r. UC1VIC IIC IC1 I ff C CHTI down, well de the best we < was good enough according :'';v *' : 'Y ' v-\ ' ' ' 7 7* ''/ *. * ' - ' * V* " EXTRA ? \ i FIVE CENTS PER COPY m OF ONE I MARCHING P READING WAS 2 jry Kings Mountain > awarded the highest i 4 - - ying ana marching rice phone call last ti, Florida-, from Ladd Band Parents Assoon, Publicity DirecJne were aw arded by ie Eighth Regional stcr, President of the ioilct, ill.; Dr. Frank incinatti Fonseratory Armco Band, Cinlarke, Director Eons Band, Long Beach, e three judges to the d were as follows: g of ONE; For ComONE; These ratings e local Band from t year's State Conork, D. F. Hord, Jr., awarded ratings of ild last night at 8:00 is Gaffnev. S. r ww ds including De Fun-* rlotte, DeLand, Miami Sebring and Miami, on the West Palm over 10,000 spectators fusion of the competiids, massed played a assembly. ^e held Friday afterof which all Kings was telephoned to C. i rector, from West am rick. President of at 1:30 Saturay a. m. ere extremely nice in rythiner possible to s possible/' ing much interest in ind Girls, and the Arthur C. Black of ecreation Committee, . Larry P. Hoffman, he welfare of our ghty and Mr. J. P. i program, and ar gratns was Mr. Cecil . with the Florida he could to accommo ther: "Especially do the Palm Beach Post for the fine publicity School Rand, ant to th?nk Mr. G. T, inmbra Hotel for tak iris, and Mr. Kaleor, afe. and T>eo Gabriel, 1 the Bands." > accompanied the ctators who sat near t acclaimed the Kings mos* outstanding and i who is largely rethe band was over-" !>v the boys and girls State. tain have co-ooerated id school ofTcials in entire Southland !# n In the Band was the necessary funds was raised in a few* re one band student 't let Kinirs Mountain ran,* and the best to the judges.