mmmpmhmhhhw Hand Tfc? Herald And uy At Htnw \ ____ VOL. M NO. 19 Condensed In State-And Nj ?State New*? lialedgh, May 14.?1Governor Burnett K. Mayhank of Soutr Carolina 1 and Mrs. May bunk will be gucsta of 1 Oc-vymor Honey Monday and Tues- ' /lav for nalAleh'* AnlnJ*a??W? a# ?* ?-w ? -fl? w WIVWI Ml IWU VI ,UIO [ V.'l l^A'y'FiSj^ r oTiSe ~itaIt-igh and Gaston railroad I and of the state capltol. I I J';aohur*t. May 44.?The medical ' society ofi North Carolina opeiied 1 its 87th annual convention here today. A number of technical paper wilj be read. The president-elect. Dr. Hubert. < B Haywood of Raleigh, will be in- | ?ta)!ed tomorrow. i Southport. May 14.?The body ot 1 Archie Gallownyttk of Varnumtown, a toat anchor tied to his feet was taken from Lock wood Folly river . this morning. Coroner John J. Catson of Brunswick county said f'.allo way was being sought for the shot- , gun slaying last night of Alton Vurtiuro, 22. of Varnumtown. Mountaineers Need Lone Win For Championship i Red Smart's pretty smart Moun- , taiueers handed Shelby a defeat | here last Friday afternoon, putting i themselves within one game of the- \ conference championship. The final i BCC'te was Kings Mountain, six, Shel i by one. The final conference game will be ' played at Shelby tomorrow, Friday ' afternoon, with the Mountaineers "all" hanging in the balance. The game last weekplaced the Moun- 1 taiueers on top, along with Lincoln- ' to?, with eight consecutive confer- 1 ence victories. They lost the first to Cherryville. Lducolnton, widh nine victory's and two losses are the near est rivals to the Mountaineers, and should the locals lost Friday's tilt, wii) walk off with the laurels. i?ullard started the game with . Shelby last Friday, and went the fuH length. Fanning 18 men during th* hiue Innings. Ballard held them hitless until the seventh. Shelby's lone tally came in the eighth, when they got their only other hit of the gaifa?, and the runner came in on a . wild pitch. tfhristopher, Shelby Moundsman. allowed the Mountaineers plenty of opportunity for base knocks,. Cobb, in the outfield for the Mountaineers, ran up the biggest hitting average, with two for three. Plonk, Ballard, and Gibson pounded out two for four each. Tfce Mountaineers, with this last game their only Obstacle, and with one. victory over Shelby salted away are on the verge of the thing that 1931* s crop of diambnd stars did. Qlr/o Hia laa4 e/vn foeoneA /vfa a* Vjtwvc VUV ?W?V WIMV * VUVV VMBIHyiVM' hip, hv tttoat year, the Mountaineers have held their own, but have not ~been close to the title. Laughing Aroui with iRvn ii ~ Back Talk fror By IRVIN ,^\NCE upon a time, a lawyer wa v damage suit against one of the account of a street accident in which An old negro woman, a resident of 1 " stand as witness for the plaintiff, occurred. "Auntie," he said, "You have was hit by the car he cried out cert Ulo Damm Marl ike mattflemen nf fke you remember them?" "Oh, ?assir, I remembers 'em **"NeTer miad that. What waa It "He said his beck hart him." "No?ae! I mean, aire us hie ? "He tea: 'Oh, Lord hie back! B -? ah and Wvah ag*ia." "Do you mean to nay that was 1 "Dare what I means." "Now, look here, Auntie," said Wring to tell the truth; but aren't Wasn't what he said: 'Oh, my back! "Huh!" snorted the otd woman, out about yore back when you wusr any nuthfa/ hoot yore beck. De onli< 1 to ftaish wus hie own beck." (Aauiau M?l 17 Rings i i Brief Form itional News ?National New*? Washington, Ma; 13.?There wu % "blackout" in the White Hous iiRlRhboiiiiiAAl last evening, but 1 *iw accidental. While worried householder* Jam iilnMnleliK>'i<nii ? l ii-1 'i 4'' ' 'II*iT~IT in? Information, workmen learnt* ;hat a jiower cable had explode* wo blocks from the executive man slon. The White House itself wa( MM affected. Guanajuato. Mexico. May 13. PresMvnp Cardenas condemns tin Herman invasion of Holland and Be ghim, at the same time cenourini those nations which railed to 'plac< x ante annmu imperialist invasion while there was time., Anderson. S C.. May 13.?Fou persons perished when their tuoto boat capsized on Broadway I^ak x recreational development, ilea here yesterday. iThe victims were Doj-otliv Stamp 17, Lucille Duucan. 17 Lewis Hun nieutt, 25, and Lawrence William 20. all of Anderson. Witnesses said the other thre tried to hold on tx> Huwvunitt am the weight of thein carried hln down. Rescue boajts reached th ?cehe too late for rescue. New York, May 13.?A too swif approach to a station where a pre reding sec Won was pulling out to Ihe tentative explanation today b: Brie Railroad officials for a collision. Port Jorvs N. Y..' In which 25 were hurt, 35,"seriously enough fo hospitalization. APPRECIATIONS FOR 3UPPORT OF BAND We wish to expresf our tincen thanks and deep gratitude to every ane who gave aasiatance in any mar ner to the Kings Mountain Schoo Band in making the trip to Wes Palm Beach, Florida, wtiere th Eighth Region National School Mi ale Competition Festival was held. The many methods of support ani assistance are much too numerou to enumerate. We feet that you wholehearted support of the Band H being and will continue to De quo' ed as an example of fine citlzenshii and loyalty. We are confident that the splri shown made the Band members hap pier on their trip and that the att tude taken helped them to do thel best in competing for the honor won. Throughout the years to com each Band, member will doubtles feel greatly indebted to the man friends of the organization for th excellent assistance and the man kind services rendered. Ladd W. Hamrlck. D ea *1*4anl Datt/f D s sanfa A aannl af Ins ' r _ t - * w ? vaiwwilk WBIIU w ? VM>? , Paul E. Hendricks, Band Director D. M. Bridget, High Sdhool Principal B. N. Barnat, Superintendent ?.? I. . i s, , Id the World M S. COBB n the Witness S. COBB a representing the defendant in a New York traction companies on i a pedestrian had been badly hart. Harlem's little Africa, mounted the She described how the accident had testified here that when thin man sin words. Would you mind telling jury just what those words were, if mighty well. I ain't never twine he saM?* tact words t* lis back! Dat's what he kept say in' his enact language?" the lawyer, "I can tall that you're t you yetting a little bit twisted T "How cone you think he'd be yeilin' i*b there at all ? New ?uh, he didn't sat back which ha naa>ed froaa atari i Foum, XasJT ; Moun ' KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. - ' TH LOCAL E " HERE "ffffcY ARE^ FOLI I M B 1 I* J ? m - v ". ~, ?*..A ' \'- -*r/\ :.. 'Ad ' ./;. ... 1 * ' ' 01 Kings Mountain School Band march r Florida, last Friday, for the parade participated. ; Populatioi ? Sidelights ? On The . Florida Trip o Humorous and Interesting Happenings. Paul E. Hendricks. director of the e local band. toeing asked by some one , .at Florida If he was a member of | the Kings Mountain Baud. "Fessor" j answered that' he 1 was. The next t question was: "This must be your e last year?", to which Mr. Hendricks ( replied. "It might be. unless 1 get a raring of one!" ^ V w' P Captain R. M. Orm&nd becoming j" so engrossed with the "Hernia, copI. ies of which were sent down, that p he was accidently locked in his room. He came out of dt when he t i finished the r^nor, and finally a). ; roused W. K. Ai utney, who obtained i (. j a kev and rescued him. Observed I ' I PnninlM "1/ I A trnnt i r v.upiaui v;i uiaiiu . u i nau airjw s reading. I'd be there still, I reckon.' J e s ; Charlotte musicians being shooed j y out of Terminal Oafe im Jackson- j e i vllle because Captain Ormand had j y food reserved for the Kings Maun j tain folks. But they did it good humoredly, 'Ms said. ? , : i One Maumey twin being served breakfast, and the other coming alotag later, causing the waitress to observe that "that boy sure is a heavy eater.'' She was corrected, however. D. M. Bridges, tired oul from a day's work, sitting down while he Issued meal tickets. Some stranger walked up and wanted to know if he had nothing better to do than sit around while the others were so busy. > \ W. K. Mauney, taking advantage of the train side tracking in an orange grove to let another train pass, nfid losing hfls fourttain pen while cilhihing a tree to get' himself an orange. The fact that 10 of the Kings Mountain boys and girl* had never ridden On a train, 15 had never aearn the ocean, 6 had never been outolde of two Carolina*, only 22 had been In the state of Florida, and only 10 had visited Miami. Rhett Chalk, former local boy,, known by many of those on tlhe trip, now a police officer In Miami, allowing the Ktogg Mountain bus to doublp park while the King* Mountain folks had lunch. Rhett was very glad to see the home town folks. , A Little Harvey Hamrlck, buying a book of "Gulliver's Travels.' and losing It on the train. When Mn. Hamrlck asked him what he was doing under a train seat, and protected that he was getting dirty, Harvey replied: "Well, I've gotta find my Guvnor's Travels!' ' 'W' - ':-> " "i .. *' tain E URSDAY, MAY 1#; 1940 (AND GE 5r. LSf-THE WINNERS . j[j ? pap^vvHjHi *B *<i r , HjS V ^ ^ * a inn down Clematis, the main husi r m ? ?r ?? ?... in vvhich all the 23 bands of the E i Increase 1 Lions Minstrel Tomorrow ( Night Lewis Cat hey and his Tarheelians open up with an overture tomorrow night at Central High School audi tor'um. beginning, before your eyes, the erreateat array W talented stars ever to set foot on a .Kings Mouu-! tain stage. It- will be the great long- i awaited inf ikwtrel. by the Lions j Club, and every man, woman and j child In the auditorium is promisei j a real treat. Under the able direction of .! Proe ThompBfto, the mnstrel ; brings to Kings \Mbuntafev the following beadliners, besides Cathoy and Orchestra: Interlocutor, Koger Greer. End Men, Charlie, Red Smart, Elmo Bridges, Kenneth < Crook, Smvre Williams, arid genial \ jovial, Red McClain. The circle boasts of the following talent: Polk Morten, Hillard Black. C. P. Gofortb, .BvCrejte Clonlnger. Hobby Allratv. Toby Williams, Jones Portune, Hal Olive, Curtis Kails,, l^awrence Bedford and Lee Roberts. Professor Toby WdlHams, described by Mike Milam as Kings Mountain's greatest musical authority, brings you. along with the Tarheeliattat Kay Riser's famous "College of Musical Kfcio^tedge." If Tdlty'^ r'^hjt: !> -?" youfe wrong. That's how good he is! The Osborue Trio, composed of two girls and a boy, all around twelve yearn old, bring to our midst n vormallWy unequaled in pr^iase eional entertainment elserwhere. basting at tap dancing. esthetic (Cont'd on back pa get i WIB Rogers' nunioroui ocory i >7 WILL KOGKU *~~4 1VTEIGHBOR8 la ?m suburbs still fight about their tkiektu and dogs and kids once in a while. One fellow came rushing out oa his porch and yelled at his neighbor: "Say, I'd like to know what you were burying in that hole in your back yard last nightl You didn't think you'd get caught, did youT But a friena of mine saw you. Now, tell me, if you dare, what wero you burying in that hole in your yard?" The other fellow wasn't so much excited. "Why," he says, 1 waa burying one of any chieksas, aad a half of ham aad eeme of my buttermilk, aad such things." "Sol I rsekos you're crasy, ain't you T Teu ueuad foeUah. Aad I roefcoa K waa my dog that you warn plantla*. ftomathln* kw hapV?*i to Gjrp, and ITldl* up that yard of your* till I fiad out If ha'a "Wofl. ha'a than, al fifht All T stuff that I told yoa ahoat waa taaidaof tha dog." toatanHmhaanlaa ' - < r f , * -j. * # - . . - - - * ' > lerald i ? ??????? TS RATI! r \ % .. - ' ? * * ' " * -,;.v V',: > ! iess street in West Palm Beach, ighth Regional Band Association IS 16 Pet. 6,548 Already Counted. ^ KIiikh Mountain lias shown an increase or It? percent in population within the past ten years, according! to a tentative* figure by. IX M. Rob. Tusoc, District Census supervisor of Castonia. Jphe figures released by Mr. Robinson is '6.548 compared with 5.0:52 the ofticdal ion for 11*30. This increase is far better than the average which is In percent. ' The iietalil secured tit's Information yesterday afternoon after call-1 inc Mr. Robinson by telephone. Mr. | Robinson, said, however, that flhis is not tlie ofTicial figure, but the least that it will '1m\ Census takers compiled these figures 011 their reg ular rounds, but. according to Supervisor Robinson, there are undoubtedly some who were not counted. This figure will for five days; and unless other names arc sent'in within that time, will become the official population ot Kings Mountain. Persons who. may have .been missed, or .butine-s firms that were not counted by ih<: census lakers, are asked to notify Mr. Robinson at Box 157. tlastonia. Mr. Robinson, in his conversation with the Herald yesterday. asked the cooperation of all citizens in completing tfie piteseiuly iiicijmplete census. Said he: "We know that the population of Kiugs Mountain will bu at least d.548. but this figure is not official. There uro some people, we believe, in King'i Mountain, who have not been counted. in all justice to the home town and to make cur. official figure correct, we ask you to let us know If you have not been counted." The tentative figure shows an ac tual increase in population of Kings Mountain of at least 916. This figure may, if enough uncounted per* sons notify the census office,. <$im? over the thousand mark. It has been estimated that greater Kings Mountain now has a population of nine or ten thousand. In a recent interview of several citizens of Klhgs Mountain, the Herald reporter was given various estimates. ranging from 6.501 to 9,000. The official census iu 1930 was 5.63p. 1/ inrAMinno \f nnt T/,n 1 irhi IVitt auiauo .ifivvt i V Kings Mountain Kiwnnians will have their regular meeting et the Woman* Club at 6:30 this evenng. At this mooting, the Club is sponsor ing a Dairy Program for thosp who are interested in Dairying. Tito speaker of the occasion will be L. P. teMaster. head of the Dairy ing Department, of Clemtfcn College at Clemson. S. C. Mr. !>>Ma?ter is one of the leading dairympn in the state of South Carolina. The regular meeting last week consisted of a huslness session and no planned program. Court Of Honor Tonight The Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held tonight at 7:4S In the C'By Hall. Scouts. Scooters nod friends of Scouting jre urged to be present BANK TO BE CLOSED MONDAY ' < T - - -* t Tn observance of Meekk*r.burg Independence Day. a legal holiday, the First National Band will he closed Mood&y. May 20th . . * ' ' rt *. ' ' *" v \ a . ?. i . 'V ? ' ,*".r *" !'"?, , ' j Watch Label On Your Paper And Don't Let Your Subecriptlon Expire I FIVE CENTS PER COPY VG OF I ? "A " ' / Kuikx Mounkfli'n'a Hifcii stepping \ uhool UinU, popularly . tu;o.wn au \ 'the snappiest bund In North <"art>tlna." arrived in King* Motft;ta.'a Sunday. uiKht after their Jaunt to West Palm Ifc-uotl. Vlorldn. uhnnt it rated top honors tu the Kighth lUy and Friday. ' The hand was greot?>d at the Se-ahoard depot iu Charlotte at U: 1*? Sunday aright by approximately 300 supporters, parents, and well-wishen. M nd.iy morning they kits back in school, reminiscing on ithe sranii and glorious experience which *ti* theirs In hiking. the trip and winning the Coveted ratings. Tlie band, which luu* known phenominal growth within the past five years, rated 1 In < invert and march ing. and II in sight reading. Thin is exactly oppisite to the ratingn which they received' at Greensboro several weeks ago in the State contest. Kings Mountain's .two soloists,' L>. K. liord, .Tr... and Urn eat Mauuey, '.he former plaj iug asv alto Clarinet and the latter a bassoon, were also awarded t p honors, rating I iu their competition. This is the second consecutive year Unit D. S\ has won a top solo rating * in tho national iVunpetition. The hand spent five days on the Florida trip, leaving Charlotte las*. Tuesday evening. They spent Hirer cut ye in Florida competing for the honors, and in sightseeing. Bands taking a pan in the maneu vers Friday night at Anderson I'M'Id inV-Ulded. Resides Kings jMountfcfiU.'In Class n. Oaffney, S. C.. DeFMniak Springs. Fla:. and In Class A, Central High School of Charlotte Deland. Kin.. Kfiioir. X. C.. Miami Kd'son High, and Senior: Sebring. Fla. and the host West Palm Peach. Kings Mountain musicians wore triumphant iti several reaper's on the trip, winning favor with everyone With whom they came In contact. Captain O. C. O'Farvell. retired railroad conductor who went before the hand and made arrangements in West Paint Beach, said that bus people, band officials, hotel men. apd rallwav officials remarked to hint that the bovs and girls from K'ngs Mountain were the beat-bohavod group with which thev came in contact. . ? i The veteran Conductor said:' 'This is not only a compliment to the bdya and girls, themselves, and to Director Paul K. Hendricks, but Is also a great tribute to the inotlhers and father* of the baud boys and girls." Kings Mountain lvund officials were high in their praise of the reception and care which they received in West Pulin llea<1t. OfTiciula there were most courteous, lending Kings Mountain's olTUtale a 1W59 model auto for their convenience throughout the stay. .1 udfios A K. McAllister of Jollot. 111.. Dr. Frank Simon of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Dr. Herbert .1. Clarke of Bench. Calif., were highly praised, and In turn were high lt? their praise of the Kings Mountain band. These three prominent hand directors fudged the local band, sitting separately, keeping separate notes, and turning them over to an other official who read the ratings. Judge A. R. McAllister, speaking to a number of directors and officials after the contest, said: "The Kings Mountain hand Is amazing In It's ability to start at such a fast (Cont'd on hack page) ?ztihutgfon WRnamhvU 1 James PreStomj 1 (Opinions Expressed m Thte Column Are Not Neceeearily the Views of This Newspaper.) Despite laws specifically forbidding It, federal officials iiaid their press agents merrily continue lobby tng for and against legislation. Not in a single instance discernible so far have they sought either lO nave uio imimjcni niwir? ur lu rive citizens relief from the rule of bureaucracy. Since Labor Board lobbying agalnnt Warner Act amendments wae disclosed by a epectal House Investigating oonundUee. the official lobbyist* have been more careful. Their irietJiOds are more Insidious because they have found some new tricks in the bag. For instance, the House voted against appropriating money for the Labor Board's economic division headed by David J. Saposa. The reasons were that sotne tcgielatom think 8apoea Is Oo?nmun1*-ticaUy etlned. and they feci also that the (Cont'd on Editorial page) w il

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