KMtf Th# Herald _ . a** ?* * tor At Hmm 1 ? * , . VOL. a NO. t? Condensed li State And N ?State Npw?? i Gaslouia, Juno 25.?A sniull nuni ber of aliens residing In Gaston County have been registered ut the offices of SuperTor Court Clei'i; Char left E. Hamilton, it was announced today, following a statement issued .several days ago by Major 8. B. Dolley, National Guard officer, "in which he tailed for strict enforcement iu Gaston County and elsewhere in North Carolina s>t the State alien registration law. Greenville, S. G\, Juue 25.?Curtis Spearman. 23. of near Piedmont, died at General Hospital at 7:30 A. ' M. today, attaches reported, of head injuries suffered in an automobile mishap on the Piedmont-Anderson Highway yesterday afternoon. Mooresvllle, Juue 25.?Two Mooresviile men. Hoy Cogglns, 18, and Olerg Hobinette. J , remain in the local jail today pending a hearing tonight on charges of robbery with firearms. According to police records, these two men were at C. N. Arclur's set , vice station on N. Main Street hero Saturday night about 11 o'clock aud * -when an employee, Herman Oonvpton, started to drive an oil truck in the storage space of the station . . for the night the two men got In the truck with him, placed a pistol to comp'ton's side and ordered him to obey orders. The three rode out the Coddle Creek Road, luto the Shearers Chapel Road and upon returning to the edge of town (Mooresvllle Cotton Mills village) the rob' hers got out of the truck. Wilmington, June 25.?A twentyman posse- today continued to search unsuccessfully in the woods and swamps of Masonboro Sound for five white men wanted on a charge of armed robbery in Benson, N. C. The robbery occured yesterday morning. Early this morning the poaae reported the quintet was ''cornered" In a swamp off the old Masonboro lx>op Road near a spot where they abandoned their car early last night when pursued by State Highway Pa trokman J. H. Wilson. Benson, June 26.?A crowd of some 25,000 caone here yesterday for the annual state singing convention. . rphls Is the twentieth year the big singing meet has been held. More > than 40 vocal groups competed for prises. OreepvlSle, S. -C? June 25.?Mrs. Anna Powell. 23, was killed and her husbgnd. M. L. Powell Jr., was seriously injured in a head-on automobile collision near here yesterday. Several other persons .wero Injured though not seriously. Ridgecrest, June 26.?Upward of 1,400 students and their leaders are here from eighteen southern states for the Baotlat Student Union re treat this week under direction ot T>r. Fr?nk H. Leavell of Nashville, Tena., secret*ry of the department of student work. Laughing Aroui With IRVIl In PartS ....... ^ ^ wSC By IRVIN THE MEN who earn their living of the Great South Bay of Lonf Their generic name for themaelve boatmen, oyster-dredgers, clam-digg Some of them boiW-sftd reared with have not visited New York City a do * vernacular which has been currei years. Almost without exception, th stock the sons and the grandson Islanders, la at least two instance still irt lirtni on property firen in pre- Revolutionary dmya. They are a without exception, an endowed wfcl day a pprty of bayxaea aat annul m.<*" of thTfertber ban. until finally then aroaethe and en "What would you do if you ha One of the company allowed he and tour the world. Another nth educate them. And ee forth and so locally celebrated as the moat shif silence, rolling his quid and staring "Say, Banks," quoth oao of tl what would you do if somebody was .. The ancient deftly spat u> thn answered. "Well." he satdT*! don't beep it a secret from you.* L : ...... . -I TZ< . I Kings 1 Brief Form * ' . * ational News i ?Mai tonal News? ' Washington, June -5.?Members of the J)lea Committee were en route tola}' to Austi.n. Texas, where i committee officials said they would s begin hearings shortly in connection t with Nazi fifth cotumu activities ( which would "set off a bombshell." j Robert Stripling, committee sec-re I tarj', declared the hearings would t show interference with phases ol i the national defense program. Ho t declined to l?vu&e details, how j f ever. I i Home.' June 'J5.?M. Filltmore Cal- j houn, a foreign correspondent of, J Time Magazine, and Thomas O. Mc- J Avoy, stall photographer of Life Magazine, were asked today by the Ministry of Popular Culture to ^ leave Italy as soon as possible. The ; ' magazines are associted. ' li New York. June 25.?Pan-American Airways will stavt trans-oceanic service over 8.000 tniles of ihe Sow th Pacific-tl Australia next month, t at the same time inaugurating a ' a daily plane schedule to Argentina. : ti Now schedules will provide a four j u and a half-day service between Sdn Francisco and Lo4 Angeles and Auckland, Now Zealand, with stops h at Honolulu, . Canton Island and a Noumea. 1 V Sidney, Neb.. June 25.?John Ulrich, 29, of Omaha, who had a ."bad man's" criminal record weakoned at the last. Trapped in his apartment hide-: out by a posse last night, he re treated behind a folding bed. Offl-' cers threatened to <'shoot it out* . with him. But Ulrich, who had wounded an t underHbeflff in escaping from the I Sterling, Colo., Jail earlier in the : day, turned his gun on him self in- 5 stead of fighting. He killed himself >' with a. shot through the roof of bis?I mouth. . t . J v Kansas City, June 25.?Three | u youths forced Clifford Ashy, 38-year; j, old cab driver, ti take them to an 1 0 Isolated ?pot and robbed him of c 33.25. Then one told Asby:/. | ? "We've got an old-fashioned pair' ' of handcuffs we want to lock you J up with." j 5 1 'They produced a pair of stocks n made of thick pine boards. The youth forced Asby to put 1 his arms around a small tree, pad- 1 locked the stocks and left him in 1 the rain without a coat. It was It ? P. M. Seven hours later Asby's * shouts attracted attention of restdents ih a nearby house. t Paris, June 25.?The Prefect of c Police, concerned by the number of q abandoned doge and cats roaming through French cities, advised clti- fc sens today that they be seised, kill u ed and burled to prevent outbreak ) of rabiee. 1 Pets kept at home or an leash will be spared. . . h " a nd the World ; M S. COBB ' J f a " ? ettlement * S. COBB .# f on the waters and in the marshes I Island are a race unto themselves, s is "Baymen." They are guides, t era, gunners, and market fishermen. Ih dctil nt It* llflrtta /if Manhattan. ' izen time* in their lives. They speak it alone the shore (or two hundred ey are the descendants of pioneering t of the great-grandsons of Long , i that I know of hermsn's families ider royal grant to their foraears fat ' 1 t sturdy independent lot and, almost b a quaint native wit One winter's I a red het stove in a little oyster 1 The talk veered this way and that l t question; d a million dollars T" 'd bay himself an ocean-going yacht , rr thought he'd adopt orphans and > on. AlTthla time, Old Man Banks, ' < tless man in the eoanty had sat in i reflectively into the hot coals. < be group, "you been keepin* quiet; . to hand yon a million in caeh? aagh the enen stove door .before b?. know exactly, bat I reckon I'd try to ' .. -i .v..- ^ * . 'V ? ^ ' I Moan Stallworth Transferred I Vo Charlotte Mr. Fred R. Stallworth. manager if Oelk'tt for the -past year and a iat( has been transferred to the "liatln'te atore. Mr. Hilton Huth, ar tved here Monday to assume manigor ship of tho local store. Mr. and Mrs. Stallworth have nade ma,ny friends thtring the'it lay In Kings Mountain. They have uken active parts In the rivlc, boial and religious life of Kings dountaln and their host of friends tore wish them .well in their move tameeur, and Glee Bridges. d It was reported . that 66 members g iave already Joined and fS.200 has lready been turned (n. Last night's organisation meeting 11 ame after several weeks of discus- 1 Ion and study by those interested n ft Country' Clnb and golf course or Kings Mountain. An option has lready been secured on npproxtoately 60 aeres ot land and the tome of the R. S. Plonk Estate on IERVICES CONTIUE AT 'ARK-QRACE BIBLE CHURCH The series of special Services at he Park-Grace Bible Church are be ng continued this. week. Good atendauce la reported and much Iherest is being manifested in the ?ervlces. Singing la one of the tenures of the meeting. The hour pf icrvice has been moved up to 7:30 CE CREAM SUPPER Circle No. One will give an ice :ream supper on the lawn at the dethodlst Church Saturday atter?oon, June 29th. , FOSTER'S ADDS BICYCLE SERVICE v Mr. Ray boater of Foster's Shoe Service announce*, that he haa add?d a complete -bicycle repair departnent. A full line of parte hae been purchased for all makes If bicycle*. Cyclers are Invited to bring their bicycle trouble* to Foster's where they' are' assured of proriTpt, efficient service. tain I Town II _ _ SERVICE IN NEW POS BEGINS MONDAY Another milestone aloi in the history of Kings passed. Since the beginnir I hp ritivoiw liaun 1' vm va?i i^VKO itU T V A rented quarters, but begi 1910, patrons will be servi era! Building, which stan lhe growth and progress the corner of Piedmont A Mail will be put in box< the last time Sunday. Pat reminded to secure them ; to avoid delay in receivin ing. Dedication exercises has been delayed, but will ITORES TO BE CLOSED ULY 4TH According to an announcement! com the Kings Mountain Merchants kssociation stores will be . closed lext Thursday, July 4, which Is a lational legal holiday. The constituion of the Association calls for only hree holidays during the year, amcly, July 4th, Thanksgiving and ihristmas. The Executive . Secretary isked that all members as well as ion-members to co-operate, as far as ossible with the closing. v Club nized . ' t i >!' ' * -,-V " * . " ' he new highway on West King >treet..A survey has been made of he property with respect to the onstruction of a nine hole golf oarse. The property has been leasd for ten years with the privilege >f buying" at a stipulated price. The esidence will be converted Into a lub house and locker rooms intailed for use of members. The property Is ideally located nd experienced golfers say that . 1th very little work It can be made uto a course that will be one of the les't1 In this section. Those who atended the meeting last night were xtremely well-pleased with the en husiasm that was shown, and the plrlt of co-operation that prevailed. Charles Dilling Begins sew Job Monday Charles Dllllug, Town Clerk and Ureaaurer for the past seventeen cars, will begin his new duties as 'ounty Auditor and Tax Supervisor n Shelby next Monday. Mr. Dllltng ecently resigned from th$ Kings fountain office to accept the couny position vacated by Ray Brown, (r. Dilling will maintain his resience. here and comute each day to Ibelby. Miss Louise Brackett Is on "trial" D the towrn office learning the sysam of record and bookkeeping. Will Rogers' . Humorous Story . . .J By WILL ROGERS ALAUl gavo Mr nusoanai MOO HLVSIAMI A VA ^vai-vvtwtv-iM* w?v anr woman that aerubbad for her. She told her it waa a perfectly good coat, but a little out of date, and that maybe the ecrub-lady's hueband wouldn't mind wearing it thie winter. She handed it to the woman on a coat-hanger made out of wood. That night ehe bragged to her husband about being chantable. "I even gave her the coat-hanger, so her man can keep kind of tidy, he said. J| But when the woman that gave away the coat naked her acrublady some time later about how it fit and everything, the scrub-lady aid, "Well ttfa all right now, bnt my mav Juat had to take the wooden part out of tho shoulders. Ho says than things ain't for n man that atoopo at his work, and It nigh killed him tha first day ha wore It" ; r?-i?? r? "-i? 4 terald res Super ;t office ng the road of progress lountain is about to be , ?g, of the Best Town in eceived their mail from nning Monday, July 1, ed from their own, Fedds as a monument to of Kings Mountain at ivenue and King Street, ss at the old location for ,rons desiring boxes are as soon as possible, so as g mail in the new buildfor the new building be held later. i Juniors Win One And Lose Two i j Kiugs* Mountain's American Le gion Juniors^ Journeyed to Cherry- j ville Tuesday, where they downed the Cherry ville Juniors by the score of 0 to 'i. This was the'second straight de feat Kings Mountain has handed I the Cherryviile'bdys. A large crowd ! of fans from Kings Mountain wero I on hand to see the boys grub their second win of the season. < Forest City beat the local boys in as slugfest 14 to 2 last Thursday In Forest City. Saturday the Mountaineers went to Shelby and were beaten by their closo rivals by tho score of 12 to 6. Kings Mountain lias four more games to play, all of them to be played on the home field. Today they meet Shelby here. Then Saturday they meet Forest City here. Tuesday they will tangle with Cherryville again and Thursday they will play Cherryville hej^in the last game of tho season. Sims Rites Held Monday Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at five o'clock at "the A. R. P. Church for Major Young Slmfa, 59.- w ho died Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at his home here. The Rev. R. N. Balrd and the Rev. \V. M. Boyce conducted the service and burial was in Bethlehem eente- i tery. He is survived by his wife: two sons, Charlie aud Kverette Sims; a stepson, Havana Davis of Lancaster. . S. C.. five daughter Mrs. Mlias Wil- ' son, Mrs. Fred Loftiti, Mrs. Bessie MrAbee, Miss Annie Mae and Miss Marcellne Sims; a brother. Clayton J aims or t/nariouc; rour sisit-rs, .n 10 Frank Henry of Belmont, Mrs. W. B Weddlngton of Charlotte and Mrs. 1 Leila Yandle of Greensboro; and 28 grand-children. __________ i Attending Scoot Camp Some of the Boy Scouts of Troop One are attending the Piedmont Scout Camp above Tryon, N. C., this week. Those attending are L. P Stowe, Jr., Jack Mauney. Carl layers Billie Moss and Max Rollins. Lawrence Patrick who is in charge of the boys in camp writes that they are all working bard on Scout Activities and having a fine time. These scouts return Saturday. Lions To Eat At Bethlehem Members of the Lions Club anO their wives and invited guests will meet at Bethlehem Baptist Church next Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock - ?' * -? ? a.# tor mo iirpi uui-uuui hu^i ui season. The ladles of the Church are well-known as preparers of delicious foods and the visitors arc awaiting with pleasure the opportunity of getting tbefr "bate" of country ham, fried chicken, pie, cake, etc Financial Institutions Pay Dividends The three financial institutions of Kings Mountain, pan^ely, First National Dank. Home Building and Loan Association, and Kings Mountain Building gnd Loan Association, have mailed their soml-annual dividend checks to stockholders. This Information indicated the splendid financial conditions of the three ln-i stltntions and shows that the out' look for business In Kings Mountain Is very favorable. - > . .* '". . " ' .' " * *.\ V" ' - * ' . Witoti Litol On Vnwr Ptp*r An* Onnt Let Vwr ItAwrtyUM Ix^rtl ^ rive Cent* per copv intendent * '.*' ' . ' vi ' ' ' ' ' " " -V .'.* . , . ", Members of. the Town Council ia v meeting huid Monday night at the 1'owu Hall hired It. N Hints as icneral Superintendent. The motion .?as made t>j \Y K Maundy and sec >udwl by K. Noisier, Jr. C'ouucil-nen %01'inv yea were \V. K. Uauntv> ..". K Noisier, and L. \V. Hamrick, lot voting. 11. Tom Fulton. The satiry of the new Town Official wa 'et a; $200 per month afid His duties ire to begin:; Monday July 1st. Mr. Ilines has had cousiderali!'* xporienee that will enable him to serve as Central Manager of Kings Uouutaln. lie has a degree in Kiecrical Engineering and has for thJ last seven years served as Cltf ? nunager of Hertford. N. C-. which is ' u.caud in, the northeastern part of he . State, Mr, nines is 32 years of ise. and is. tnai'rk'd and lias one liild. Mr. itines expects to arrive in Kings Mountain Sunday to begin iiis new duties Monday. Mr. nines comes to Kings Mountain highly recommended by 'eittsecs of hi- former homo. Mayor J. It. Tlioma-son, Councilmen \V. *K. Mauney and 1-. \V. Ham rick recently made a trip to Hertford to personally interview Mr. Hikes , and townsmen who knew of his ability, x'perionce and character. Mayor Ulioniasson said. '?( went til over town and talked to lots of people, but I did not find one person who did not speak well of Mr. Illnes". Mr. Hines was in Kings . ' Mountain Monday,- looking the town, over and meeting citizens and he ox-pressed himself as being well pleased w ith the* Best Tow n In the state. Town Officials asked that citizens o-opcrate with Mr. Hines, who will uaiiage" the Town's affairs in a business-like manner. Mr. Hines was elected for this position after careful study and thought by members of the council. Several trips were made and Droaoact'.ve aosUcants were interviewed. The hiring ot Mr. I lines Monday night came as the climax of a move meat that has been "brewing" for some time.. Since the last Town Election, in May 1939. citizens have shown a desire of having one nan in complete charge of the operations ,of all the departments of !he Town Government, under direct supervision of the Mayor and CounL-ilmen. Young People At Lake Junaluska Six delegates from Central Methjdist Church are attending the Senon Assembly of the Western N. C. :onference of the Methodist church this week at Lake Junaluska. Misses Kaehael Smith. Dorothy Harmon, ind( Carolyn Carpenter, and three boys. Meek Carpenter, Bon Ooforth, and Charles A. Ooforth left Monday morning and will return Saturday. The Assembly is an annual meeting of representatives of the youth organizations for the 15 to 17 year old Methodists in the Western half of North Carolina. About 600 delegates were expected to attend.) The Young People's / Assembly a similar conference for older young people, meets at Lake Junaluska next Monday. Misses Maude Plonk and Dorothy Hoke will represent Central Church at this gathering. (cftr.AliLitnhm, W&napZhcti ^ James Prestomj (Opinion* Expressed in Thi* Column Are Not Nece***rlly tti? View* of Thi* Newspaper.) More and more Washlngton'ans are being impressed by the ewperl* ences of France and England which show so graphically the dire results of following idealistic policies too long. Americans, Washlngeontans say, are getting realistic about national defense. They want, and Intend to get airplane* and ship* and ions and trained men to make the coun try Invulnerable to attack by a for*, eign aggressor. , But the thing that worries some Washlngtoniana Is this: France and England have known since about 1936, If not earlier, that they should be preparing for a supreme effort to defend life and lib* erty. Had they gone to work full speed then, with all groups cooper* Cont'd on Editorial page) i e?4 ' iw7,y^Vi> r .'mVi7'' m t~ " *' ifr "' "