.-.v... . AM VOL. M NO. M Condensed Ii State And N ?State New*? i ilaleigh. July 2.?President Frank P. Graham of the University of North. Carolina warned last night ; against "six columnists ? the men who would tuke our civil liberties away." Americans, he said, speaking at a vesper service here, should make their county 'worth defending It. times of national defense mensures.' itocky Mount. July 2.?The North Carolina Kural Letter Carriers Associatlon will begin a three-day annual convention here tomorrow. Siler City. July 2.?Motorists have complained that Siler City traffic lights wait too long to change colors Johnny Peoples proved It. Investigating a traffic Jain. Putrolman June Moody.said Peoples caused the mix-up by driving up to a red light and going sound usleep before the light turned green. Raleigh. July 2.?North Carolina i dry leaders were Jubilant today because Johnston countv wlilrh Im?II.I eed county ABC liquor stores after the legislature enacted a local option law In 1937, has returned to the dry fold. TOiey predicted confidently that the action presaged the return of etatedwlde prohibition to the state? possibly by a special election ordered by the 1941 legislature. Johnston's return to prohibition left the state with only 26 wet counties,, all 1o the east. , Greenville, 6. C., July 2.?Arville l'arlow, 26, of Ashevllle. N. C. was Injured fatally and three companions also of Aahevtlle were hurt last night when their car overturned after failing to make a curve on the Hendersonville highway, 25 miles north of here. Lumberton, July 2.?The body of Miss Marie Haywood, 18, who was drowned in the Lumber River, near hero yesterday afternoon had not been found by searchers late this morning. It was annouuced. Miss Haywood, It was said, was standing on a sand bar, extending out into the river, when she slipped and tell In. She attempted to swim back to the bar, but was sucked under. Her brothers and others at the river with her made attempts to rescue ber, but the efforts failed. South port, Jqjy 2.?William T. Dye, Jr., of 1817 Bwlng Avenue, Charlotte, was dismissed from a hos pital here after receiving first aid treatment for the bite of a shark. Yeung J)ye was bitten while fisht tng at Holden't Beach In Brunswick Connty yesterday.- -.? '. ' i > . ' | Imping .wi* mvn - - * , . jor <yv M E TlmUmmcomni . ' 'I'M. 8eothsm negro tito imt B.< society in order to insure for him* fascial steading. in one or the largest cities oi rounded-out colored man who has I reception committee at the largea corners at the front door. His maun is a lesson in courtliness and depor power. Especially does he shine wh? One day he receded a message ; farm a few miles oat in tho countr : nephew wee wry lew. If he will i - ohm at oneei what* frees the v* j portaat, he most bring WRh him s taker was to be f send in the neigt I Uncle Henry amend promptly. I, > tkIM(1l trmm. Ida hilM. Ini ! president of the beak, loaded a eoi ** ?At Seend of the week he re I w&xffiwcar5 "Huhr frosted the old men.' ?m^We11,1 rqp* UuT^S^ ? hew been fled to letjk "Thai woen't it, sifter Seek?He merer " I . t ' I i Brief Form ational News ?National New*? HalletUvllle. Texas, July 3.?Flood waters from cloudtmrstbwollen streams raced across southeast Tex as toward the llulf today alter killing at letist four persouB. making hundreds homeless and duing uncounted damage. ICpidomic and famine threatened this town of 1800 persons, hardest hit of several communities flooded Heavy rains seut the Lavaca. Colorado and Guadalupe rivers surglnx through business districts and across farming lands. liern, Switzerland. July" 2.? Swiss Tanners at Jura, near the French frontier, reported today they had found incendiay bombs that appeared to be of British make in their fields. The bombs were described as the same type as 24 dropped early yesterday on peat bogs and fotests in the foothills of the Alps in central Switzerland. Chicago, July 2.--M. L. Annenberg who climbed frotu \punigraiit newsboy to. one of America's wealthiest men, today waa sentenced to three year's imprisonment for evading *1.217,298 in Federal ta.\e> on his 1938 income. Canberra, Aus.> July 2.?A. G. Cam eron, Australian Navy Minister, an nOUIHUU IOUHJ AUDUBIlit IS lumnr I trating ou warship construction fori Britain. Every available ship yard j ia being brought iuto commission to J produce chiefly desU'0>ers and! sloops, he said. Athens, July 2.?A battle between j a British naval convoy and Italian aircraft Saturday off the northeast coast of Crete was reported today. The convoy was believed to be moving from th,e Dardanelles. 1 Panama, July 2.?With Acting Governor Colonel Glen E. Edgerton at the controls, the big dredge ' Las Cascades" scooped up a heavy rock today. It signalized Btart of work for the approach channel to the third set of locks for the Panama Canal. The new Miraflores Locks ? which will cost 1227,000,000 and take six years to build. London, July 2.?The Ministry of Information warned Britons today to disregard the advice of a self styled new British broadcastiDK company which Is a German shortvave station operated from Germany to flee their homes In the event of bombardment. Washington, July 2.?The Commsr ce Department regained today its former control over commercial and private aviation. nd if* Worid f MS.COM '? com pride tar a f?sral - tab ?m ee ddtssa> beat darity yaraa have bams otfb Ctab. Neariv every repotabls unity pays Ua tane ha tab buial "is elfa florioua final send-off and finGeorgia then ia a dignified wellfunctioned for many yean aa the t bank in town. He welcomes all sr of greeting a prominent depositor tmeat Among his own race he is a " m an interment is taking place. . from Ids sister, a widow on a little 7, telling Ma that; her as*, and his Md to sss poerSna alire he most ?S25Wi?8S?afi: iborhood whs? the grieving mother He ehtefawd a three days' teen of I soma money from Mr. Gray, the la into the beck of the wagon, and tamed, looking strangely linirseesii 1. 1 hope yon had a good funeral T" Twuart nothin' to brag 'boot, Miat' i ' J lfjttar "UPJJI should V. - 1 11 111 iWM W V W MB . "T1." ' KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. TMl New Belk Manager I JflIfaJp** ^ f '; J; > I **rrJ*dt JHW \/ y Above is Mr. Hilton L. 'Ruth win arrlved in Kings Mountain las w?fk to assume mauugershTp o Bt-lks Department St'ore, succeed ing Mr. K. It. Stallworlh who hai been transrei red to. Charlotte. Mr Ruth comes to his new posit ioi from Bclk's in Charlotte t\ here hi was assistant manager of the Bar gain Basement. Mr. Ruth's merchandising experi enee began in i;i'J4, at which ttmi he specialized in shoes and ladle! ready-to-wear. ' Since that time hi has gained experience In other linei having managed stores in both'Rod Hill and Columbia. S. C. Mr. Ruth is married and has twi sops, and they are planning 01 moving to Kings Mountain as soot as he can find a house. Mr. Ruth ii a member, of the Baptist Churdh and Is a native of Salisbury. N'. C The newcomer stated that he ha been very "favorably impressed wltl Kings Mountain and he Is lookini forward in making his home here. The new manager expressed tin opinion that the general buslnea: outlook is good for the coming aeH son. and he extends everyone a cor dial Invitation to visit him U his new position. Tonsil Clinic In Shelby The Cleveland Couhty Health Dt purtment will hold two days of it tonsil and adenoid clinic on Jul: itth and 10th, at the new higl school buildiug in Shelby. Otho dates will ptr'ahly be arranged la ter for more aerations. dependini on the requests received. Inasmuch as this type of work 1 intended to serve those who are no able to have such operations done a regular prices, and realizing that ni one knows better, generally, a pet son's financial status than the fam lly physician, the Health Depari ment as asking each one to consul thoir family doctor and obtain ; statement to the effect that the It dividual ia eligible, because of fi nanctal conditions,, tor this clini service. The (Department must hav thta statement either from the phj sic Ian or from the welfare depari ment', right -away, so a" definite dat for. each patteqt fan be set. f .> ^ Lions Eat at Bethlehem Members of the Lions Club ant their invited guests enjoyed a boue tiful meal at Bethlehem for th first out-of-town supper of the ses son. Following the supper whtel was served in the school bulldlni near the church, Lion C. P. Gofortl Program Chairman, introduced Lioi James Penland, a member of th North Carolina Blind Commission who told in a very Interesting man ner of the trials and tribulations o the blind. He thanked tj?e Lion Club for the work they have don in aiding people to see. Mr. Pet land presented Mrs. Babbs, a teact er with the Commission. Both Mi Penland and Jdra. Babbs were bllnf but both are gainfully occupied ai( ing other blind people to make living. President Tom Fnlton thanke the ladies of Bethlehem for the flu meal and asked for the co-operatto of the club members for a succesi ful year. e PIONEER CONFERENCE AT. CAMP YORK The Pioneer Conference of Kin| Mountain Preebytery 1a being hel this week at Camp York. The f? lowing Pioneers are attending. Gloria Rawls, Edna Ruth House WIUad?*n RoytUr. Doria Rhea. JU ph War*, E. B. Harria, Jr.. WU f*- j 1 and I ^?-"" I V : . V , ' V> -J ? a ? nam i IMOAV, JULY 4, tML 7?>o Kill Local Pla SECONO REO CROSS DRIVE TO BE SATURDAY WEEK The aecond Red Croee Drive f? funds to relieve suffering in wa torn Europe will be similar to th firet one that went over the top i one day. The date tor the aecon I contribution hu been ut for ftitu day July 13th, and booths will b placed in the business section " i that citizens may contribute withoi having to be personally solicits) The quota set this time is the asm as before which was $400. The cit zenehip raised this amount in th one-day free-will contribution ..an ' leaders in the Red Cross feel conf 1 dent that same generous spirit wi prevail again as everyone knows < the hunger and suffering that mui * be relieved, and Kings Mountain wf *- do her part. i 3 ^_ Ratterree Now Town Clerk ? ' At a meeting of tUe Town Couuc , held Monday uigUt 1i. L>. Katterrc was named acting Towu Clerk au . I tit-usurer. Tlio motions was inad r, tha boat mIwbu fat tka w?Hd tl. exactly. 1*1 iiiwi boat TV _ gar that aold you thoao hoc bnubaa b Uw tn in tho worU." d 81 W: j by H. Tom Kulton aud secouded b t >V. K. Mauney. Mayor J. B. Thoma. s f sou presided during the meeting. The commissioners voted to cha " ge property owners one fourth th } cost of constructing full widt 'streets with curb and gutters. I ' the street is to be a .narrow one th s Mtwii will stand the whole cost an s not assess the property owners. Th motion, which was carried was mad by \V. K. Mauney and seconded h Tom Kulton. i On a motion made by W. K. Mau cy and seconded by L. W. Hamricl all checks are to be signed by B. 1 Rntterree and countersigned t Mayor Thomasson. Mayor Thomasson and Tom Ft ton were appointed to purchase new pole chassis and wenph I wrig up on the old truck. I- - s y Lutheran Summer School i . The Summer School for Churc R Workers conducted by the I.uthera Churches of the South will begin t Blue Ridge this Saturday, July 6t s There will be a good number atten i ing from Kings Mountain. Rev. 1 t Boyd Hiunin will teach one of tl 0- leadership Courses. Sunday July will be observed as Brotherhood Ds 1- There will be outstanding speake: ; appearing that day and throughoi t ,ilie week. k , \\ Hamrick To Report On c International Convention ' President L. W. Hamrick of tl t* Kiwanls Club, who recently atten 6 cd the Convention of fClwttnls 1 terrtatlonal In Minneapolis, Mint will report to club members tl highlights of his trip. The meetli will be held thlf evening in the W 1 mans ClUb building at ?:80 and i t. members are Invited to be frreaent, 0 Club members and invited guea enjoyed a delicious out-door suppt last Thursday evening at Lot ? Creek Church, 1 1 Will Roger.* a VAjkiBi * numoroat atory I- By WILL ROGERS [' e ALESMAN8HIP U U? fronton! a An?rlotn art. It takaa a gonlui I to mU moat stuff. 80 ma gays I a know can Mil brokan lamp chimney* for twioe what thny coal now, right oa Broadway. i A fallow appUad for a Jab aalllni e toothbrunao for a Jobbnr. Trt ! tka boat aalaaman la thTworld," 1m told tha Jobbar. 1 . II i : r - ' - - - - / * 'i 11 ierald ed In ne Crash \ Last Krida>'? airplane crash which claimed tho lives of the two oceu-: ! pants was one of the most tragic ' "" accidents ever to occur here, liny r- MeKtutiey. ear-old Shelby solo ] pilot and .Mildred llarrelson. 18-year | " old Shelby Hospital nuyse of Waco i .were both fatally injured and died < r- in th" City Hospital' shortly aftet , '? tlte crash. The boy died Hbont 12:3n | 10 ciid the Kill about 2:30. The crush j 't happened about P:30 in u wheal i * field near the Park Yarn Mill. Mr. Ted Weir saw the plane fall I* and rushed to lite scene of tlte crash o and with the aid of others extracted d the bodies which were badly niaug' led front the wreckage. Mr. Weir " brought the injured couple in his : truck to the business section where they were transferred to ambulunN ces and rushed to the City Hospital in (lastonia. The plane was. the property of l>r. U. M. Morrison. Shelby Optomeit 1st, who also maintains an office m Kings Mountain. . l)r. Morrison called the Cvll Aeronautics Authority in Atlanta and received" permission to hate the badly damaged 'l plane moved to Shelby. The plane :t was moved about 1:30 P. M. I*1 The young couple had taken oft e from the Shelby airport for a pteasure cruiso and had flown to Kitfgs 8" Mountain where the ship landjed at Hawk Haver* (airport-). It was short ly after the take-off from the local | airport that the crash occurred. It. ' I was understood that young MoKin- < nev hud only a .solo license which " does not allow passengers to be flown. The general opinion of those ? who baye some knowledge of flying e that the wreck was caused by stunting of the ship. Mr. J. O. Nalle. C. A. A. inspector n for this district was in town Suuday t, and was expected to return to make D. further investigation of the crash. iy It is an established fact tliut the ship was not out of gas. and the Bhip did not come apart in the air. ll ' The ship was damaged beyond rea pair, and no attempt will be made to to rebuild it according to Dr. Morrison. '. * : , One of the most tragic angles ol the sad event was that the father of McKinney was in a local restaurant about noon time and learned of the accident from conversation in the Hi place of business. Mr. McKinney has *1 been installing the machinery in h. the grain elevator at Ware and d Sons. k Funeral services for the two vie10 tims were held Saturday afternoon 7. , Jg Mr. and Mrs. Keeter at Entertain Store Staff Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Keeter were hosts last Friday evening at their attractive new home on Cleveland Avenue to members of the staff of KeeteFe Department Store and the ie Dixie Bargain Store. A delicious pic-1 d- nic simper was served in the out-l .a lill.J _ M kfl?. nn In mwtA 1 n- uwur *uYiag ruum. ju ?uu i? Eollne Keeter assisted Mrs. Keeter ie in the serving. ig Those present for the delightful o- occasion were: Misses Martha Franill ces McGIll, Margaret Cornwell. Madames DecJc Fulton, Anne Roberts, Margaret Baumgardner, Messrs " Smyre Williams. Hoyle ''anooks' Mc*r panlel. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McOlnnls '* and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hudson and daughter, Mary Alice, of Shelby. 1 W. W. Souther Named District Commander i > "* ??? W. w. Souther, prominent legionnaire. hns been notified that he has t been named Commander of the 16th District of the North Carolina Amer lean Legton. This district is comI posed of five counties, Including I Mecklenburg, LJncoln, Catawba. Bus ton and Cleveland. There are fourJ teen posts of the Legion lu Comman der 8outher's district, j Commander Souther will serve for I a period of two years, which Is not 1 only a distinct honor to Mr. Souther, but also to Otis D. Green Post, of which he is a member. KIRftT COTTON BLOOM The first cotton bloom of the seay son was reported to The Herald Wednesday morning by Hugh Falls P of the Patterson Grove section. The I I bloom had already turned red which I Indicated that It had opened the day before which wa? TOesday, July 8. Mr. L. L. Honeer of the Mauney M111 Village reported the flrat gathering of corn from hte garden last Saturday. ... "... Wc2^ TS~-'~"- *" ? rive ccnts nil copy School Board' Approved Stadium Project Members of the Kinus Mountain School Itoard ut their nioetint? Vliotidiiv lltell* uimNll'lid Quit ' " .'?*? -? - ?.-r> -? ** ? m m\? ? ui v very much ill favor of the stadium project which has been discussed lately. Charles Thomasson. fonner member of the School Board and enthusiuilic backer of the, project explained .In detail the merits of having a Municipal. athletic stadium inst<;ad of the hall park which In now used. The Board voted to tako the - matter up immediately with tho Town Council and see what arraugo merits could be made to secure thu stadium for Kings Mountain. * , The plan as outlined rails for telling the hall park property at tho coruer of Cleveland Avenue and Kings Mountain and. with this money purchase property near Central School bv the J>uke Power Co. sub station, which .is a natural setting for a stadium and where it could bo constructed without a grout deal of expanse. The old ball park property which is ro> a suitable location, could he cut up ar.d sold . lor reslidential lets., The movement haa been gaining ground and with tho approval of the School Board Tuesday night, the project is far along to a reality. Kingg Mountain To IIA r^M Ai?? M??g wfc V/II mi uia|> Aviators and passenger a Hying over Kings Mountain will now' be able, to find the direction to Char lotte and also the'Hawk Haven. A. crew of 11 WPA workmen were in Kings Mountain last week painting letters that may be seen from an altitude of 5.OO0 feet 011 the roof of the Mat-grace Mill. . Harold Hunn* cult last year had Kings Mountain and an "arrow pointing north painted on the roof of the building. The crew repainted this sign and added the direction and distance to Charlotte and also the direction to the local airport. The air-markiug of towns is spon- * sored by* The N. C. Junior Chamber of Commerce in conjunctiou with the N". C. Department of Conserva- . tlou and Development. The work U ' under the supervision of C. A. A. The foreman of the project informed Mr. Hunuicutt that when the new air maps are printed Kings Mountain and Hawk Haven will bs included. Odd Fellows Singing Class Here Tuesday The singing class of the Odd Fellow's Orphau Home in Ooldsoora will present a program next Tuesday evening in the Central School Auditorium at 8:40 o'clock. The Lions Club is sponsoring the appear ance of the class in Kings Mountain and the public is cordially Invited to bear the boys and girls s'ng. No nHmiaqtrvn will Ha rlinritad feint a free will offering will be taken. The youag sinkers have, quite a reputation and a real treat in im store (or those who plan to attend. The group is scheduled to anffe here about noon Tuesday ad*S leave Wednesday morning. Members of the L>lons Club are making arrangements (or accommodations for the children during their afternoon and night In Kings Mountali. General Supt. Arrives ,Mr. R N. llines of Heitford, the new Town Superintendent, arrived lu Kings Mountain Monday morning "and has been busy this week getting acquainted aud Teeling" hie way around The Best Town In The State. Mr. Hines plans to move hU family here just as soon as he caa find a house. Mayor J B. Thomasson repeated his desire (or the citizens to co-operate with the new Town Official and to help him perform his duties to make Rings Mountain a more efficiently governed tftwn. REVIVAL SERVICES TO BE HELD AT GRACE CHURCH - > - *; A series of revival service* will be betd at Orace Methodist church, beginning Sunday, July 7th, and coa tinning through July 17th. Service* will be at 7:30 p. m. each oveatng. Rev. D. M Nlfmg, pastor of the CherryviUe Methodist church, will do the preaching. Mr. Nlfong is a very able preacher, and the pubtfa) Is cordially invited to hear htm. j : " ' . J

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