*Md TIM MlHll AM uy At Mum . VOU. 26 NO. 27 1 i' Condensed Ii State And ^ I fltita News? charlotte, July ?.?L* u. Mabouej age 26, of 2016 Brlarwood I load, ai ii -n ?? .?? ed a suicide yesterday morula* bj Coroner Fred p. Austin, shortly aft er the young man had told tils wif? that a pain In his head was unbeai able and then shot himself. The funeral Is set tor tomorrow at 1( A. M. at the residence. The police report quoted Mrs. Ma honey as saying that her husband was unable to sleep through Satur day night because of his headace About 4:30 A. M. he was quoted she heard the shot and found him with the automatic pistol beside him in the living room. ' Santord, July 9.?A bookmobile truck loaned by the State Library Commission will be operated in Lee County for the next eght weeks be 2'nnlng Tuesday. The bookmobile is coming to the county as a WPA project iu cooper atiiu with the Lee County Library and the County Board of Education. ' A trained librarian will accompany the truck to various points in the AAimfu #nt? fKn WHMVAOA oy mvir A POPULAR playwright?prosp claims to b? the central figure ? "I bad written a doaan or moi died aborning. Finally one of my t on Broadway. One door farther do we expected to play, stood a sari was deposited the last two hondre "Well, we had oar opening r thus! as tic, though I noticed that th themselves and remain calm. The for the second nlghfn performance "Ai l way^towe behind the stage last night after show clewes sttMend of the week. * 'Bet, look?fust lock at all t trying4to boy tickets?' ^They're not easterners,' he i hank alongside boated this raornin, dsn fines Mw & ' ' : ' " '1 ' ' V". 1 V, -W i, i.->. wftriarYii'-i'u- rnhrotf - ..... kwi v uu yuiyvoo vi UI911 I uu I ing books free to readers In the rural sections. Dunn, July 9.?Mrs. H. B. Jackson about 25, was critically injured and thred others less seriously hurt yesterday in an automobile .rolllsiuh near here. Darlington, 8. L\. July 9.?Bobbers broke into a barn on the farm of W. M, Arnold and stole several bushels of wheat. I.uaibertou, July 9.?One year o* hard work ip the sale of magazines has enabled Miss Nettle Floyd, blind. gn-1 of Fairmont, to purchase the first "Seeing Bye" dog lu Kobeson county. . Miss Flovd returned home a few (lays agl from the "Seeing Eye" dog school In Morristown, N. J., where she had been training the dog tor the past month. (The dog will now be used by Miss Floyd as her guide as she coutinues her work In Fairmont. This ''Seeing Eye" dog is the eighth such in North Carolina There are some GOO in the United States. Raleigh, July ?.?S. Brown 8hepberi, 84, member of a prominent Raleigh family anr widely known over the state through his activities in the Young Democrats, shot hlmselt accidentally this morning, Coroner Roy M. Banks said, and died instant ly. Orangeburg, S. C., July 9.?An automobile collision on the Rowesvllle Bond yesterday claimed the Wee or the two driver*. ASby Caldwell.. S3, and Jullna Bell, 84 both of whom lived near here. Arou Wkfti W.V1 Not a Hit, A Mm. Kh* I . r >?. <; I n Brief Form lational News [j ?National News? r Washington, Jut/ Admlnlstra tioual convention to adopt an agrlt cultural plank broad *.iuok1i to cow! or Governmental Using of farm ' prices if economic developments > Should nterfere with present crop 1 programs. Such a plan would be lu sharp i issue with the Republican platform. I The latter favored continuing all present farm subsdy programs with Governmental crop control features . removed. Price fixing on the other i band, would involve greater Govern i mental control. Loudou, July 9.?Baron Maurice do Rothschild, head the French f branch of the famous banking and , financial bouse, landed today at a Scottish port with 300 other refu noes from the continent. i Washington, July 9.?President Roosevelt was aligned today Secre, tary of State Hull in contending that there is a difference between Monroe Doctrines under the name only. and. the u6e the true Monroe .Doctrine as we know and have it. 1 Montclatr, N. J., July 9.?A theory of mistaken Identity was advanced | by police today as they probed the murder of John Longstreet Kly. 80, who was rtfysteriously ahot as he played solitaire in the home of his | son-in-law, former Assistant State Attorney-General J. Raymond Tiffany. Ely, a retired Holmdel farmer, was found slumped over a table in an enclosed porch yesterday morhtng. A bullet apparently fired from the sidewalk 60 feet away had passed through the base of his skull and richoted oif the wall. Brevard. July 9.?Dr. E. J. Coltrane, president ot BrevarU College, has announced that meetings would be held this week In Anson, Stanly, and Cabarrus Counties to arouse Interest in college education and the work the church-related college is doing in higher education. New York. July 6.?The first lar ge group of English children fleeing the threatened German invasion of Great -Britain settled down In this country today and more were expected within the next tew days. Uuion, 8. C., July 9.?H. M. Arthur, head of the Arthur Bute Bank ot Union, has personally purchased theBank of Buffalo at Buffalo. It us understood that the counting* house will he quickly liqadated api the accounts morgan with Arthur's bank here, ind the Wodd NS.CGSB * But a Crash is. GOBS exous now bat struggling ooee ? if tt>? champion hard-lode experience, re plays," ha says, "and all of them i rain-children lived 16 see production EL (QUIT K?T>D^'\ ybuRSEir l/i in the street from the theatre where etc* beak, and in that savings bank d dollars I had in this wo rid? dght. The crowd seamed fairly ena critics present managed to restrain nest morning when f had read the a being particularly complimentary, intra to see hew t&eta wen selling . As I toned dm corner into Broad-~ md astonishment, A Una of smiting ind midway Teto the Mock below, ids the ben office X met dm house rmly, eeiei llat him te eeogretnlete te a hit, decent Kt' raeely. The producer came around you left end posted a notice. Your haoe pepoplol' I gasped. 'Aren't they they're depositors. The serine* n Iwh? to*.) * ' V 4- ' ' i1#i. . . . ' ' . . Iff lyl illlW \ lvium KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. T , Hamrick Reports On Kiwanisi Convention At the regular meeting of Klwan -i a mW * S 1 nursdayeveulng, utetubera heart ah inspiiing report by President Ladd (lamrick. who was a delegate at the 24th auuual convention of Kl wauls International held Juno 16-20 at Minneapolis, Minn. Approximately 6.000 Klwaulans and Kiwntn-anues were registered al tl>e couveution. There were SO dele ?alca from the Carolina District l'he newly elected President for th? touting year la a tuan troin the I SOlIth- -Df- ;Vf :i B* Lr A s*in;tl* nf Tlt/tftr - _ . mm h/U<< >> ) V 1 A M V 141 ^ KOI), (ju. The next International con ventlon will he held in Atlanta, Ga Mr, Kalph Darker," from Durham. N C>. was elected an luternatioua! Trustee. Mr. Darker will be gues! of the local club on Jul) 18th. . "It was five days of intense bust ness, unsurpassed addresses, and line entertaiaiueut. The problems 01 the world aud the aims of our club' declared Mr. llamriek, ''made an Interuatlonnl convention at this time perhaps the most important iu Kiwanls history. President Gen Knud son in his address sounded the key' note of the convention when he said, "At this very hour there is a very definite need of upholding the desire to serve and. do our part to maintain the strength of our na tional and . community structure, for without this we are endangered 01 {he storms of |lntcrnaV<4>al war and floods of false social aud poltt 1 ical doctrines." i To sum up the spirit aud the proI gram of this great gathering Mr. j llamriek read the following resolu| (ions which were unanimously a dopted: ;. , ; " First, that volunteers be urganiz od aud tralued throughout pur country to meet any emergency. Second, that we sponsor spiritual and moral rearmament. Third, that we sponsor conservation project*. Fourth, that Klwanls Cormittees on American citizenship be organlz - ea .10 sponsor loyalty and citizenship In schools and control Fifth Column activities at large. Sixth, that we endorse programs of vocational guidance, enlisting particularly the help of the younget members in Ki> ..ills. Seventh, that we dedicate our membership to citizeuahip responsibility. Eighth, that we urge an adequate program at defense. -This week's meeting of KJwanla will be held at Plagah. Country Club Receives Charter 'x^A_cbarter baa been granted uy the Secretary of 8tate at Raleigh to Kings Mountain Country Club, lac The organisation wae authorized to operate and maintain a country club (or tha purpose of social ana reoreatlonal activities. The corporation will be a non-profit organization. Plana are going forward tor tba construction of the golf course on the R. 6. Plonk estate on the new highway. The home la to be remodel ed for a club house. The property haa already been surveyed and is considered by experts to be an excellent location from everv resueot Kings Mountain golfers will soon be able to play ou their own course and not have to go out of town to follow the game. Jake Early On Short Visit Here M Jake Early, catcher for the Wash Ington Nationals baseball club, came home Monday to visit home folks returning to Washington Tuesday. There were no major league gam es scheduled Monday, Tuesday ant! Wednesday of this week due to th< All-star contest in St. Louis Tues dny. Ice Cream Supper v - '* * The Bennle Community cihb wil give an Ice cream sapper Saturday July 13, on the vacant lot beefdt the Bonnie Store. Come and brtni your friend*. In cose of rain the su] per will be at the Stub House. ' va, ' utkh/ i a.-A. J.*' - .1 itain N HURSDAY, JULY 11. 1*40 CRACKING ' V' ^ " **' ?<3a o'ora ? ; ^ :gg**g{ , RED CROSS DRIVE SATURDAY . All' -IA.S M V#l_ ? " ' mi cimvni of ivingi mountain who desire to, aid the suffering in I . war-torn Europe are reminded of | the Red Cross Freewill drive which will take pace Saturday. The second quota for Kings Mountain is the 1{ same amount as the first which was raised in one day hers recently. This ? 4400 will be used to feed and clothe e the needy which haye been made ^ homeless and hungry by that monster-War. Kings Mountain cltisens have at- v ways contributed generously when 1' the need was deserving, snd Red Cross officials feel confident that 1 this time will be no exception. w Booths will be maintained in the o business section all day Saturday, II and everyone is asked to do their " c TO HOLD STftEJEJ 8ERVICE ? - e The Kings Mountain Holiness M Prayer Band that was organised " this past Easter morning at the Wes 8 leyan Methodist Church Is going to ' hold a street meeting this Saturday i< afternoon at 6:00 o'clock on western d 1 front near the Gaffney Barber shop s These services will be conducted s by ministers of Kings Mountain u each Saturday. Rev. Clyde P. Self, u will have charge. Come and hear ii this young man preach" the Gospel, d Everyone welcome.?Reported. ? Methodist Board Of Education Meets ( , ' - 0 At o monfln. a# l>?. .J oj *** iMVVMUf v? vao WV?I U V/L EM' Q mation of Central Methodist Char t ch Monday evening, Minn Eva Mae E Ruber waa elected to membership on t the Board, and plana were made foi j a meeting and watermelon feast for j the Worker's Council of the Church School. H. Smyer Williams Is chair man. and Hunter Ware Is secretary 1 of the Board. 1 f , i ' i?i ' t WSt Rogers' Humocoot Story ? By WILL BOOBS TV/HXN yon see a middle-aged < w man with a putaled expression on his face, you got to figure that he Is thinking aoont what he Is going to tell his daughter next ' time she talks back to him so smart The middle-aged people are getting wrlnklee from worrying Hi about the daughters that are grow- , mg up sod talking se nmay. I 5&4LT-f5asM I with him again fer a asrw ear and a t suppwedrw wave sagagml to iajgggg* vrn- - r ... ;7 % ^ ^ - '.*T [erald THE WHIP TT, Vuto License Revoked . . ' -. i .% * 28 automobile drivers in Clev? rnd County bad their drivers' I enses revoked during tlie first si tonths of 1940. according to figui s released this week by the Higl ay Safety Division. Ronald Hocutt, director 'of the d ision, said a total of 2.774 drivers censes were revoked in the stat rotn Jan. 1, 1940 through June 3d 940. Since the Drivers' License ac rent into effect Nov. 1. 1935. a tota >f 28.387 drivers have had thei Icenses revoked by the state. Drunken driving, by Itself and ii ouiblnation with other offenses, at ounted for 95 percent of the revt atlons. and the remainder followe onvictions on miscellaneous offenes. including manslaughter, Lsrct iy of automobile and repeated offe es of reckless driving. Revocations, under the 1935 Uni arm Driver's License Act, are ma atury upon couvictiou ol': 1. Mai laughter or negligent homicide rt ulting from the operation of a mc or vehicle; 2. driving a motor v? icle while uuder the iuflueace o utoxicullng liquor or a uarcoti rug, 3. any felony in the commit ion of which a motor .vehicle is us <t; ?. rauure to atop ana reader ui< u the event ot a motor vehicle acc lent; 5. perjury or the maktng of alae affidavit or statement unde ath under the Driver's License Ac >r any other law relating to ,th iwnerahlp of motor vehicles; < wo charges of reckless driving cor Qitted within a period of twelv nonths;. and 7. one charge of reel ess driving while engaged la the 1 egal transportation of liquor. "A driver's license Is a prlvlleg [ranted by the State on the aasom Ion that the licensee la qualified t Lrlve with doe regard for the right ind safety - of other users of th tighway, and when a driver wanto y abuses this privilege, "sregart ng and Jeouordialog the safety fl ellow travellers, the state takes i vay his driving privileges." sal iafety Director Hocutt, coin men tlu in the revocations.4' 3am Suber, Jr., Secures. Postoffice Job Sam Robert Suber, Jr., has bee tppointed by the Civil Service Con illusion as chairman (or the no postoftice building and ground; koung Suber hug already started hi vork and the building will be kei ipick and span. The new employe rated 100 on the civil service tes md was first on the eligible list, a .ording to Postmaster W. E. Blak y. - * The work Is part time (or th present and pays 50 cents per hou Lions To Meet Tuesday Tho flrat regular meet Inn (< ruly of the Lions Club will be hel lext Tuesday evening In the Moui la View House. This will be tt first indoor meeting since the ne tfflcers were Installed and Prei Seat Tom Pulton asks that all me wri he present. The meeting h Kins at 7 e'ckxA. t ' \ - - , > .'* K-i Si-- J*.1 ... J >_ ? : . %. *" V" U , '? "? r "" t ' S . 1 v ' V ' :v ; ; .. . . .; Wateh Ltbtl On Veer Paper An* Dent Let Yeur twfcecriptJen Expire!* i mrn?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?mmmmmmmmmmmmm FIVE CENT* PER COPY More Information About Death Of Robert L Ware lei'citvU he,K couvciuutg Ine dbaie oX tloueit K. Mare, a cail\e of ihi* touui}, a ho *a.? uinrUeied in X?uo itUi l>?, OU Juiie 17(U Kelai.ns, including Mi. and Mrs. Clyde H. Ilarber, l-'rank b. War*> aao Oeorge I'. Barber have' rixuuicd iroiu a visit co Liuulni. '1 hey report thai law enforcement offlccis axe inaklUK dillgeut cflorts to bi'.ug iko guilty parties' to trial. Two tiegrwei* .axe being held iu jail ou suspicion, pending Federal 'Bureau of lnvestl gatlou tost ot blood touud on Ilia clothing ot one of the negroes. Chief of Police, J, VV. Kobertsou, ^tnl.kW !*.%? f > - r - x : ihmivu iudi, ii ?u? aim ui intj niOHL brutal attacks be had ever 'SM, He attributed tin crime to desire to rob- and' tile ussLsin is bolieted to have slipped up on tha aged man, v%ho Was on dut> as night watobuiati at the Alexander- Lumber Mill on the outskirts of Dublin and struck hiin with a blunt instrument, probably a. snort piece of one thro? board. No evidence of struggle wan - visible. Mr. Ware bad been beaten about the head and face, robbed of some money.' his watch and gun In . the ''wee hours of the moaning" and was still living when found at six o'clock by a wprker at the mill. H* was rushed to the hospital but died . y enroute. " Mr. Wore wont to (ieurglu to eux gage In tbe lumber business about thirty years ago. He was. a teember of a large family and is survived 0/ a number of nieces and nephew* i- and one sister Mrs. CI. P. Barber. . \ " ' ? Keeter 1 hanks Junior ' Legion Supporters ' J. B. Keeter, Athletic Officer of r the local Post of the American Legion, wishes to publicly thank every n one who supported In anyway tbe Junior Legion Baseball team. The > Juniors made an excellent showing d considering U being tbe first year for tbe team. Kings Mountain wo* - five out of ten games, in the'first n elimination series. The Athletic Officer daairaa ng. i- pecially thank Jiui VV'ill.a for his aid u in ruisiug funds lo help the team, C i- C. Eonda for his work with the hoys ^ aud Tom Kulton for aiding iu keepy ing the kail ground In good condi! tion. * Mr. Kceler said, '?\Ye are proad v of the boys, and Coach Troyanna, . for the record they made. They ima proved as the season progressed, j and it looks like now, we can hav? % a real team next year. t Car Destroyed By Fire a >, The Dodge Sedan belonging to n Policeman A. C. Short waa complete ? ly destroyed by fire Tuesday night t> about 10 P. if. In the northern eeol tion of Kings Mountain. The car was bslng driven by George Short, cousin of the owner. e p Cause of the fire was unknowB. 0 The car wee Insured. 1 tea% ; m&wpmcu kf jamiS Pmitqnj (Opinion* Expressed in Thio Column Are Not Necessarily the Vlewa of This Newspaper.) As America gets down to the )obi of building national defense, a plo " ture is being disclosed which starta" lea many Wasbingtonians. It shows w clearly the result of having a hodge8 podge, disorganized federal govern ; " ment. ,e The fanner, the housewife and ,? the grocer may think all this doesn't lC foean much to them. But it iudicate_. es that their tax money hasn't been spent with too much discretion by ie the multitude of boards, bureaus. r< and agencies. And Washington observers also are ooavlnced that order must be brought out of chads ba fore the nation can. be re armed. >r For example, the government hu d had very alovenly buying habit*, a- Nearly every agency of any oonaele quence haa Juet been going out and w bnylng whatver It wanted. Frequent t- ly, aeveral age note a have wanted the m came thing at the same time, ae e- they have even bid against one ana* Cont'd on Bdltorlal page) M

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