F.-.'fcS.T' V i Rud YH* Hwill Awl * > . --*' .' ?uy At Horn* VOL. 26 NO. 26 " Condensed Ii State And N ?State New*? i 1 .jittberton. July 16.?The Border Melt tobacco markets will open Auk. .'0, a? orUinally set. unci will not receive an earlier opening date, ac> j cording to informaticyi received here today by K. M. Biggs, local tobacco L l^uiDbet'on from t'otiou Hd Smith, l'i ted States Senator from South Carolina. '' ' a Durham. July- 16.?Klection of ofTi ?era and action on committee reports were the main items on to lay's program of the annual greeting of the North Carolina branch or ihr> National League of District Postmasters here. WrlghtaviUe Bea^hr^July 16. ? Now developmeuts in plumbing industry with particular reference to., low-coat housing will be discussed at the annual convention of the North Carolina Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors here July 25-27. Columbia. S. C? July 16.?Fearing a rate war. the State Public Service Commission has asked the Interstate Commerce Commission to. Investigate before irderidg further re ductlons in rail rutes on gnsciine moving into the interior from South Atlantic ports. Tile Southern Freight Service Bu . r?au recenuv peuuonea tne K'C to approve proposed new rales of approximately seven and a half . cents a 160 ounds. The present rate is 10 cents. The Commission recent ly promulgated, a scale of rates for motor sarrlers of petroleum in the state based on a gasoline charge. Hampton. S. C., July 16.?Allendale, Augusta. Qa. Fairfax and Beau fort were honored today at the. Hmptton - Vamville watermelon fefe tlval, which opened yesterday. ??**"" V , \ : i'r- ' ' . ... *?| Raleigh; July 16.?North Carolina's population apparently increased more than 400.000 between 1930 and 1940. an unofficial compilation based on preliminary reports from 66 counties indicate. Washington. July 16.?Brigadier Oenoral Francis W. Honeycutt. now commanding Fort Stotsenberg in 'the Philippines, has been designated by the war lepartment to cofh mand the ninth division being or ganlzed at Fort Bsagg. N. C. and will sail for the United States soon. Charlotte. July 16.?Charlotte, Co lumibia and Charleston, three key. cities of the Carolines, will soon he connected by a new air-line that win rorm a HUE in America s aviation aysteen. T%e now Un?, to be Op erated by State Air Lines, Inc., will offer a non schedule service not to be found elsewhere In tbe world. Yadklnvllle, July 16.?The Yadkin county beard of commissioners accepted yesterday an offer of the city of High Point tb pay 976,000 for tbe eounty home property and high way rights of way affected by High Point's 96.600,000 bydroelctrtc project on the 'YCdltte river. Laughing Arou With IRVE i i v " The Pas; By DtVlN AS I look back on it, It seema to m ?ki. .tARf .(KM T ? i repeatedly"" statecf before, I do not tl : when it possesses merits. It is Mti forth that daring Um Union Army wu taking a stroll aloi a^dM^mu and Um latter wae mo red to mUida ham "Unde," he aaid,^ydi know, d and the Babe ia largely on year ic "Yaaiah, dafa what I done hm "Witl, you crsee>te hare year ?I 'gpeetg j -(1000.* "Than why areflt you hi the a The negro stiaUhed his head i "Boss, he said, at.length, "d! orer a bona?" Yea, many a time." "Wall, war do bonnftgfatfa'r "\v " - . " - ' ' Kings a? i Brief Form ational News | ?National Ncwa? Toronto, July If.?A Federal gov | eminent ruling that men married at u-r .lul.v lo will be ronikierfid single for military purposes was followed by a rush of young To ron ton la us to the marriage license here today. a reoord business. The ruling was made yeaterday. Under Ontario marriage laws, how ever, throe days inust elapse between the * tssuanee of a license and the ceretony; so tliose who obtained licenses today will not he able to be married In time to be classed ? #??- %.l?i <1 <m in(ii i ivvi iui iiiuuuizaiiuu purpu< es New York, July lf>.?Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf. 82. authority on tuber culosls and a founder of the National Tuberculosis Association, died yesterday. During 40 years as a leader In the fight against the disease, be wrote 410 books and pamphlets on tuberculosis. Missoula, Mont. July 16.?A horse pack train toiled through dense tim ber today t? recover the body of an ainplane pilot killed tf'hile on firefighting duty and to bring his injured companion to a waiting rescue plane. " Chet Derry of Grand Coulee. Wash., after dropping by parachute from the aiplane that located fhe crashed plane, reported, by portable radio larf night that Robert Marlcich, 26. Missoula manager for Northwest Atrtlnes was killed m the crash and his co-pllot, Dell Clabaugh. of Missoula, was l^pdly hurt. Hone ICnnif. .Tulv Ifi?TIk? T-lnni* Kong Colonial Government annouti ced today that several vessels would ;.rvive at Manilla in a few days to pick up nearly 4,000 British women and children taken , there two weeks ago In a compulsory evacuation from Hong Kong. They will be taken to Australia. Houg Kong authorities have not ailranged flu rather compulsory evacuation but continue to urge departure of all who have the means. Washington. July 16.?The three little Baltic nations ? Latvia. Be ton (a and Lithuania ? have been added to the list of European- ha tions whose assets in the United States have been "frozen" to forestall possible confiscation. President Roosevelt issued a proo tarnation last night impounding the American holdings or the countries, now virtually under Russian domina tion. Officials indicated the purpose was to prevent any "transfer" of the asset? to the Soviet. Johannesburg, Union of South Africk, July 16.?John George Howard 87, who hid Winston Churchill in a mine pit for three days In 1191 after Britain's Prime Minister escaped frbm a prisoner's camp in the Boer War, died today. He helped Churchill flee by train to Portuguese ter rltory, concealed in balee of wool. 1 nd the World N S. COBB r ' ave Role S. COBB e I've been hearing- various versions I a babe in arms. But, as I have hink age should bo a bar to a yarn > Chrfl War a mar officer la the 1C the road ia Virvtaia when ha mot in eon reflation. The ancient darky he Northerner's fiwdaw that the orously. lont you, that this war bet wow us eoant?" *rd 'em sayfreedom, don't you?" rtny youmlf?** HMCBTWf. Id ymi ew see two dawg* flfhtio' rmm. im.t . . / ZiL&*L, . * Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. THUR LOOK BEHINl r Mk | %W||]I|H H-- Jm|h ~^" *## " "."' Annual Unioi Begin Sunda] Tlie annual series of Sunday ev-| ening union services sponsored by five Kings Mountain churches will j -begin with a service at Boyce Me(rial A. It. P. Church Sunday evening j July 21. at 8 o'clock Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr.. pastor of Central Methodist Church will he the preacher. Because of a request for n countywide religious service In connection with the celebration of the Cleveland County centennial the last Sunday in August, the Klncs Mountain Ministers Association has rearranged the schedule for the union service* as follows: July 21. union service at 8 P. M. Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church. Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr . preacher. July 28. union service at 8 P. M. In First Baptist church. Rev. P. D Patrick, preacher. August 4, unloli service at 8 P. M. In Central Methodist church. Rot. R. N. Eaird preacher. August 11. tnlon service at 8 P. M in First Presbyterian rhurch, Rev. L. B Hamm, preacher. August 18. unon service at 8 P. M at St Matthew's Lutherhn chft;eji. Rev. A. G. Sargeant. preacher. August 26, county-wide union ser vice at Shelby Fair Grounds, preach er and time to be announced. Aged Citizen Dies Here Last Night J. T. Davidson, prominent citizen of Kings Mountain. Med at his home hero last night at 11: IS. Mr. David* on had been to declining health for a long time and had been confined to bis bed during , the Immediate past. His death, though expected, came as a shock to hie family and friends. Mr. Davidson was born In York County, 8. C., the son of the late Capt. and Mrs. Rob(*kt Davidson, and would have been 85 year of age this coming August 1. Mr. Davidson had been an Klder in the First Presbyterian Church for a long number of years. Surviving are his widow, and six children: Mrs. Ethel Randall, of "the Oak Grove section; Vester Davidson of Chicago; Mrs. J. B Harmon of Greenville, 8. C.; Carl Davtdson and (Htfbert Davidson, of Kings Mountain;, and one son. Frank Davidson, hy a former marriage, of Ninety Six, 8. C. As we go-to press funeral arrangements are Incomplete. but probably will be held sometime Friday. (tomorrow). v TO HOLD ANOTHKR STREET SERVICE * * m>? Kings Mountain Holiness Prayer Band will conduct another service Saturday evening on Western Front out on the street near Oaffney Barber Shop, beginning at S P. M. The Prayer Band extends to 1 the public a hearty welcome to these services. ( itain H . 8DAY, JULY 18, 1940 J YOU, SAMI 1 I ' I if f *?rr^ f ? 1" f ?: ZL i i i .^AirvirAe I Night ! RED CROSS DRIVE LIKELY OVER THE TOP" * I Red Cross Officials report that .1 $330./5 was taken in from the free c will drive made last Saturday to ae- I cure funos for the war relief in Eu- ( rope. It was also announced that I $21.00 had been oversubscribed In ' the first driva conducted several < weeks ago which would counton the ( second quota of $400.00. This would bring the total amount to $351.76. Four boxes left at the mills for con- ( tributlqn have not been secured and ^ it was thought by those In charge of raising the fund that when these , boxes are received that the nsces- ( sary $48.75 to put the drive over the ( top would be secured. However, if t anyone failed to contribute last Saturday or desires to do a "little more," all contributions will be kind ly received. Mrs. Ruth Gamble, Ex- \ ecutive Secretary, will be glad to ac- . cept any amount if she is notified. " In't Trustee To Speak To Kiwanis - J i Mr. Ralph C. Barker, of Durham. " newly elected Trustee of Kiwanls International, will be the guest speaker at the weekly, meeting -to be held this evnhlng in the Wo< t man's .Club Building. Mr. Barker la1 j cne of the 12 Trustees who serve ^ (ho United 9tates and Canada, and c his appearance In kings Mountain j is a distinct honor to the club and r President Ledd Ham rick, who "met Trustee Barker, "at the Minneapolis Convention la very anxions for all ' members to be present for the meet y Ing. Visitors from both the Shelby and Oastonia Clnbs will be here to bear and meet International Trust- c ee Barker. ' r^i! Humorous Story By WILL SOGERS THE tourists havent been swarming across the ocean so much the last few weeks, they aay. Too ' much ocean, maybe. Anyhow, there c was one maiden lady from Indiana " that was oh one of the big liners, i they tell me, and she didn't know much about the kind of talk they , user at sea. Bat aha was going to ] at her moaey's worth oat of tho J p, and aha waa sot an interviewing the captain. She aays to a steward. "Say, I want to talk to the captain. Wheeell I And him?" "He's forward, madarrve," aays the steward. "Wail," say* the maiden lady, kinds sharp like, "I doat care how forward he la, I'm going to talk to him anyhow t Pre handled a lot of forward reran y mon in my time, ' end if youll hut kindly toll mo 1 where to ted no ceptein maybe 1 < wont toll him whet you boon aayiny about hlml" lerald D. M. Baker SO Year Maso EN MINUTE PARKING MEAR P. O. Kl - K Chief of Police Jimmy Burn* put u ip signs yesterday morning calling 1i ost Office and on Piedmont Ave. j j. (long side of the building will be[ |, imlted to ten. minutes. til This ordinance, is in keeping with ther cities, which will show every istron ample time to not only get .|( heir mail but look over it, before he ten minutes is over, and at the \ uime time not allow any car to mo- ( iQpolize the parkinq space near the requently used building. .p " ?? .. Lions Committee I chairman Named Lions ("lull Committee Clutirinait T or the coming year were uunounoed f) .1 the meeting held Tuesday even- A ng in Central Methodist Church. 11 /Utiles of the church served a* dell- T :ious fried chicken dinner to the ft lub members. Liou President Tom S; Pulton presided during the meeting p md read the list of Committee tends. Club Secretary Carl Mauney xplained the duties of the different S ommittees. ^ The committee chairmen named vere as follows: Attendance. C. 11. dcDantel; Constitution and By-Laws ^ .. . .. . ii lonn uaveny; Lions extension (new lubs), W. L. Plonk; Finance. C. C. Sdens; Lloas Education. Paul Mc- S< Jtnnis; Membership. F- C. Roberta: ,H Jrogram and Entertainment, Hayrood E. Lynch; Publicity, Rev. H. JK \ Sprinkle. Jr..; Blind Work. C. P. r Joforth. lv in Boys and Girls Work. Paul Heud- Si icks; Citizenship and Patriotism, ec leorge Mauuey; Civic Improvement, Wl J. H. Biser; Community Betteruent. C. C. Oates; Education. Chas. rhotnasson: " Health and Welfare, A )on Blanton: Safety, J. T. Jolly: ^ bulletin Editor, Luther Cansler; w Assistant Bulletin" Editor. . Jacob *' 'ooper.. Worker's Council Of t Central Methodist Church al The Workers' Council of Central dot hod is t Church will meet on Moo vj lay evening. July 22. at 8 P. M. All hurch schiol officers and teachers t r ncluding class officers, assistant md substitute teachers. ati<l other ^ Yorkers are expected to atteud. A program of inspirational talks ,nd 'discussion of church school 1 dans has been arranged, and a waennelon feast wilt follow the meet ng. B. 8. Peeler, genera* superinten " lent of the church school, nrlll be ihalrman of the meeting, and the E loard of Education will provide tbo a efreshments. dR6. MYERS NOW .. ? NITH HERALD Pi Mrs. Verta Short Myers Is now dt :onnected with The Kings Mountain R ierald, in charge ' of subscription r? oliecttona. Mrs. Myers is the dau;hter of City Polioeman and Mrs. L C. Short. Anyone desiring to retew or begin taking The Herald are isked to contact Mrs. Myers or call 67. * AGLES BEING REMODELED . j (< Eagle's 5c and 10c Store is under ;oing extensive remodeling. The tld double front has been torn out md a modern single entrance is be . ng installed. The property belongs to the J. O. ^ lord estate and it la understood hat approximately $5,000 will be pent modernising the building. The luilding is to be made longer and 1 ndidect lighting will be installed in ni he new display windows. at Lightning Strikes tCiser House w w Lightning struck the Kiser rest- til fence during the electrical storm T1 tare Tuesday afternoon about 3:00 cc P. M. A radio in one of the apart- ss nents In the house was badly damiged and plastering was knocked ci >ff (he wall* lo several piacos. i eie di >hnnes In several of tbe homes in m he same neiithborhood was put out s< >f commission by tbe lightning. si Fire Chief Grady King made an nvoetlgatlon, mut the flra depart- tt aent was not called ont. - , ? : * ? Watoh Label On Your Papor A Ml Don't Lot Your Subscription Explrol PIVC CENTS PER COPY . T. D ^ iu iveceive >n Award D. M. I taker.. President of tha lr*t National Hank ami on?! of lugs Mountain's oldest residents, 111 be presented with .1 fib year c?f. tliute tor continuous membership id service In the May.ii t-Vy^ iy e\eiiinK,tn the* Woman's Club , LliKliitK at b I'. Si Wives of ltieill >rs of Fulrvitf* la aim- No- H3b will present for the 'occasion's: A. Crouse. Master of Toe Lodgo ltioum'ed that 10 I,. Weathers. I trie Deputy Grand Master of Shel > will he present for tTre tm porta til eel ink 4iiid dinner. V. I>. HfMndoti will preside as oastmusier. Hesides the presents! h>n of tha i year award, the .following wilt !>a resented with 25 year certificates, 111 eh is toi unusually large nuinbe* M a town tut' sue or-King* Moua? ifti: l)r. J. iv Amhofty, A. II. Cobb, C. . Comwi ll. /. F. ('ran fori, .1 , R. uyjs; M I.. Hnrmon. T. A. Harmon rthur Hay, J. B. Herndon. P. O. ertidon. Itr Baxter It. Hunter. O. . King. G. B. Modena, O. C. O'Kar>H. B. M. Ormand, J. AT. Patterson ;un It Sutler, It. R Wlllelird, W. I<ogan. Dr. B. P. Maker, couts Return From rational Meeting Four Boy Scotits, Ray Bridges, 'llson Bedford. Charles Wilson and oy Smith, led by their Scoutmasr H. C. Wilson and Assistant ootmaster O. D. MsDanlel return 1 Tuesday evening from a twelve ly trip to the National Seout Camiree In t'immarU>u? Now Mexico, he'scouts and wouters lived ia pical scout stylo on the trip, camp g out tn the open air each night, applies and equipment were packI on a trailer and each night camp as setup The group went via Tennessee, rkunsas, Oaklahotnu, Texas aud ew Mexico, itnd the return trip as via Old Mexico, l-ouisiana, Mia ot.vrvl * * A loVamd LMn..id., /\iawauiu, r iui iiki, v uiuumu eorgta and South Carolina. The first stop of the travelers afr they arrived back in the Beat own in the State whs at the Herd office, to relale interesting ex- * ?rienees of the trip. The troop number 4 Js sponsored intly by the Grace Methodist hurch and the Phenix Mill. When asked what on tlva entire . , ip was the most interesting to the jys they replied in unison, "Billy e Kid Museum' in New Mexico. The bpys are to write a report of lelr trip and turn them into their outmasters. and the highlights of te Journey will be published In a' ter issue of They Herall. SCAPED PRISONER AUGHT HERE , Ed Bailey, who escaped from the aston County Jail about midnight ?t Sunday, along with three other isonera, was captured _?ere Monty by Gaston County Sheriff Clyde ohlason. Bailey was awaiting trial r abandonment and non-support. ' ' JAMKS PRKtTOM^ Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Neceaaarlly the Views of This Newspaper.) The nation may consider itself rtuoate ehat at long last the prob in of national defense is being okel at realistically. . , In recent years, tile county has me along blithely spending milcms and even billions on the army id navy, but without any realiseon of what "it meant and without iy understanding of what a modu war would be like. Only a few weeks ago, people ere talking about filling the skies 1th fifty thousand airplanes and le horsons with thousands of tanks bey seemed to think the nation tuld get those things by simply lying it ought to have them. < f?o bill after bill was passed, de eeing that national defense should 3 increased, snd appropriating the oney for It. But some folks still wmed to think that airplanes and X4>s grow on trees or something. wow, jioweTer, mey arn reaming lat H Ii I bigger Job than that. Cont'd on Editorial page) .> ? * \ V:* ' ' "... . ' ' ? \' *' v M

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