t?ad TH# NMU A?4 uy At Ham* VOL. M NO. SO. Condensed Ii State And N ?State NewKstbsrfordten, July SO.?Lodal ho* plt*l authorities reported today that Deputy Sheriff John Oliver, shot last alght while attempting to ar? ?ggWWiF^BillI' lIMjf11'Uli." Oliver was attempting to ' arrest . Joe Walker. IT year old negro, when according to witnesses. Jim Walker. 34 and brother of Jo*. Interfered and whipped ont a gun. Both Oliver and the negro fired. Both found their mark*. one bullet passing through Oliver's right chest, and the negro was idiot in the abdomen. When asked why he interfered with his brother's arrest. Walker aald, '<1 wanted to question the officer whether my brother "was guilty ->?n<l he wouldn't let me; so 1 shit him." New Bern, July 30.?T.Ue annual stockholders' meeting of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railway Co. j has_ been postponed from Aug. 8 to a date to be announced later ; . ,.j ? , * f Luke Lure, July 30.?Lo, these many years, there have been Strang mumblings In Bald Mountain and people thought maybe the old moun tain might be volcanic or something aad the rumblings "were coming (roan the depths of the earth. But a group of members of the National Speleological Society, came here from Washington recently and with scant respect for copper head moccasins, crawled through th? fissures, and exploded th em>\h They found that the noises were caused by boulers which break loose from the top of the subterranean -crevices and thunder down to the .bottom of the caves. The caves had never been fully explored before. Phenix Robber Arrested W-- ?w BUI Bennett, local white man, who Is alleged to have broken into the Phenix Mill Store Monday night has been arrested according to Chief of Police Jimmy Burns. The front .glass window of the store was broken but the robber entered thru the rear. A suit of clothes apd a pair of shoes was missing. Bennett hjg> con ressed that he entered the store I end took the merchandise. Police recovered the stolen goods which ere Identified by Frank Olass, man . ager of the f _ tlx Store. Sta^s To Sell Centennial Tiekets ' The Stag Club xwlll have 'charge of the advance sale of .'tickets to the Cleveland County Centennial, ' according to Hoyle "Snooks" MqDanl-el. Any person desiring tickets, at th? advance reduced price may secure them by contacting any member of the Club. J " Laughing Atouj , | Wrtto IK. VII " * Stylish Langt Br OCVIN COB TEAB8, a certain worthy i woman did oar family washing, kitchen of'oar home favoring her ft* door to chat with her a little while. Azmt Milly, although very dev for the present pastor of her church. "Mis' Manic." said Aunt Mlllv. that there biggoty preachin' man 6 jest to' suppertime, I was settin' o Rogers come along, by.- He aees me fcles with the gaXe latch, an' hS sex t hare speech with thee'?-lest lak the "Now, I aint alnrfn to let no : ! language what I kin. So I hi rigb ,rigt ?? y?' shall be heard!* "But no sooner do he start tn 1 1 fcrin' to any. He ffadn' to ax my syn ; Bmb of a on married daughter of hi a scandafixin' an' beta' tawked about " *Ree*n,' I sea, 'Holdl Tere la Isaigh Qarter at the age of eeemty tor, wns meklrin' htnrf kind of pi l of the lady members of the ceagiegi ; axed you, as the pastor, to 'monstra : because he'd done glee you flee dol ' tole me to shot up my Made mouth i " Ttee*n,' I sea, 'ex ye sows, so s] (Aaetea Maws ' ' \ Bi* ' . - ' . .-Vv ' r'v" - '*?/ - ' Kings ppT1 L i Brief Form Li? 1 if auonai news ?M atioiul News? Atlantic City. July 30.?Vacationists were agog, tba police department waa jittery and the city'a It am 'iMWg "Mr. iltnultaneoua gambling raid# led by slaui-banglag Mayor Tom Tuggar. und hia trusty sl-shooter. The recently-elected inayer. a revolver tucked In a pocket of . his white linen suit, launched the raids on four of Atlantic City's beet known night spots early yesterday while Police Chief Jamea McMenamiu was at home sleeping. Loudou, July 30.?British soldiers, whose fathers fought the last war In muddy, vcrmln-lnfested trenches, may be billeted this Winter in luxurious lyoudon apartments, many of them with swimming pools and squash courts. rat, did not seem to cue deeply "I'm soin' to tell you how I put i his place. Yen yestiddy evenin' n my front po*eh w*en the Rev-n sotan' there sn' he stops sn' fum? me he sex, 'Sistf Csrwr, I would t nigger whatsoever use mo* stylish tWk to him, I sea, 'Rerr'n, draw to speak 'en I know whet tie he's ipatfcy on 'count of that tore-dawn, ? n bavin' sot herse'f mhrsd up in rt^fsff^I se^wSn'mSr^ashead, fo'/Vsn heshould e* knowod betromiseuoas by hangta' around two Ukn, an' I went to you,' I sen, 'an* te wid him, what did yoa do? Jest llara far the new organ fund, you m' go on home an' 'tend to my own hall ye reaps? * s on'J" IMum. lac.) lr I The government announced today I it wag taking over many apartment houses, including some in which a partinonts normally rent at $15,000 a year. With luxury demands gone since the war started the owners; are happy to get the little the Uoveminent will pay. Philadelphia. July 30.?A giant ^ "atom smasher" which tires electrically-charged ''atomic bullets' In the interest of science has been com pleted at the University of Pennsylvania. It will be one of the attractions at the University's bicefiten nial celebration Sept. 16-21. ' "The most important by-product ot this war ou the atom, so far at least, is artificially-prouuced rudlo active mater!;1" said Professor,. L. N. Kidenour, who supervised % consnuction of the machine. ' The amount of radio .active material for medical work ? can oe multiplied many-fold." ' New York, July 30.?Secretary of WM-.A.thnsop got his first eighteen gun salute this morning. Btimson and his negv assistant, former Federal Judge Robert Patter son. arrived at the Army's Mltcl$pl Field, on Long Island, from the Secretary's West Mills home to take a plane to Washington. Field officials thumbed over the regulation books and found - that the Secretary of War is entitled to an elghteen-gun salute on entering office and an additional salute once a year, and figured that while they bad him handy to some guns they might as well do him the honor. New York, July 30.?A 4.7 percent decrease in the tuberculosis death rate in tne unitea states was re* ported today by Dr. Paul M. McCain president of the National Tuberculosis Association. He said ther? were 91.184 tubercn losls deaths in 1989 as compared with 88.877 in 1938. and that the mortality rate per 100.000 papulation dropped from 48.9 to 48.6. nd1 the World i S. COBB ' ^ eaainanaeisnasNs-** . iage Indeed! S. COBB md highly intelligent old colored One Saturday night she sat in the Jt. My mother came to the kitchen <, KINO* MOUNTAIN, N. C. COMMITTC* AUTMORIZID TO MLL BALL PARK PROMRTY The commktM appulntod by May or J. B. Thomtdon to formulat pliM for tho imhiMmI Stadium mot with tho Town Council Inn night, was madb gomanont Ifhli coaimlttao tomgoM of Paul Noli lor of tho Softool Boar*. W. K. Maui oy of tho foam Council an* Chariot Thomaioon roprooontoti vo at lar*o, ri -r ! ii tho property located at the ooroe of Cleveland Avenue '' and Kin; Street. Tho property will ho cut up htti deolrable building lots and odd lir modlatoly. The money derived Iron th? eale will go to finance the nev stadium which will bo suitably lo cated with reference to the school u/cnmie pians tor tne tale will bi announced, in the near future. Local Man Saves Two Ladies From Drowning - The following 'from ''Along th< Avenue" column In the Gestonia Ga zeite will be of interest to Heralc readers: John and Elisabeth Mason, juat back from a visit to Mr. and Mrs Hunter Neisler of Kings Mountalr at their aummer cottage at Cherr) Grove Beach are telling of a reecuc adventure more exciting and nerv? wracking than any dans-devil mo tlon ploture they ever witnessed. VThe Nelslers and Masons were having breakfast in the former's col tage located on an Inlet where the current is very swift. Hearing screams from the water they wenl out to the porch and realized that two girls la the water were in trou< ble. A rope was thrown out to them and when they came In they told a hysterical story- of two other women who had already been carried far out -beyond the breakers. Mr. Nclsler has a Kayac boat.' a amall canoe like craft built for navigating w*y? and rapids. He~*nd Robert Underwood, of Durham, sprang into this boat white other men on the shore raced to Ocean Drive for lifeguards. Mr. Netsler rowed the boat while Mr. Underwood endeavored to catch hold of one of. the exhausted girls. Only one could be rescued at a time and the victim could not be put into the entail boat but had to be held on the .side of it. Time and again the waves swept boat and victim apart, but finally one girl wat caught up oh the aide of the boat. The men told the other to battle as best she could and they woqld be back for her. On the shore the life guards were waiting and ready to assist th? men if necessary. and blanketB and other first aid meae urea were at hand. When the boat returned for the other girl she was too exhausted and lifelees to lifthet arms to catch the oar held ont to her and Mr. Underwood managed to cateh bold of the back of her bath Ing suit. and brine her to the elds of the boat. On the shore the watchers were tense, since the boat, going over ths crest of th? big waves, would be en ttrely lost to view for minutes at I time. rne women who were rescuer I were LouUe Irlok and a Mrs. Plum mer, of Florence., 8. C who had drl ven to the beach to ^>end the day ''It was the* fineBt piece of wOrk t ever na^,M -said Elisabeth. ''If the men bad rehearsed what they did it couldn't*have clicked more per fectly. Two lb the boat, two off folife-guards, and others bringing blankets and other needed things tc the shore. But, when It was ovei none of us copld move and none ol us wanted to go In the water?not that day." Tonsil Clinic Next Week Kings Mountain's first tonsil and adnoid clinic will begin next Tubs day August 6th In the High School Building according to Dr. Z. P Mitchell, County Health (Doctor. The clinic will be only for those who are unable to pay their regular phy slclan. , Dr. J. 8. Norman will operate and Dr. Mitohell will give the anaeathe tics. Parents who have children wht need to have their tonsils or ad nolda removed are asked to contact the Health Department In Bhelbj Immediately so that the necessarj arrangements can be made. A noml nal fee of only $7-60 will be charged for each operation. % ' 4 . - ' ' ; '*>V itain I HUR8DAY, AOa 1, 1940. I 5c A Bale For . ~ 8^ Central Methodist Church Picnic > The anuual picnic of the Central | Meihodlat Church School will be ' uelo at Lake Montonlu on" Friday | utteruooii. August 2. Announcement ' was made last Sunday Uy Superintendent B. S. Peeler that transper1 tutk>n from the church will begin at 1 6:00 o'clock in the afternoon and ' that the picnic supper will be 'spread at 6:30 P. M. Arrangements for the outing, to , which every member of the Church ; School U Invited-.and..,i*> which they may bring friends, are In the hands of a committee, of which W. M. Gantt is chairman. Other members of this committee are H. W. Wise, Lloyd Ormand. Miss Dorothy Plonk and Miss Bertha Blanton. Transportation to and from the lake will be provided through a com ' mittee, of which A. P. Warlick Is I chairman. Mrs. C. A. Goforth. Miss Mary Sue MaOlmfls, and Miss Ra1 chael Smith will assist Mr. Warlick on this committee. Members of the ' school who have cars and room tor extra passengers aro asked to communlc-ate with some member of the > transportation committee or to he I at the church Friday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock. SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. SRD Kings Mountain boys and prli ' have only one month left to romp ' and play before the school belle be' gin to ring calling them back to their books and studies. The School , Board met Tusaday and sat this i data according to SupL B. N. Borneo A general teachers mooting will t be held Monday, the day before school opens at 10:00 A. M. I SupL Barnes le looking forward to a moat auoceeaful school year. dT ' Will Rogers' Humorous Story 4 . By WILL ROGERS A RIGHT respectable old darkey ; was caught fat a chlekenooop . that didn't belong to him, out on the edge of Louisville. Everybody , was surprised, especially George, the one that was ctusht "How la. the worlci," mi? the an tkit owued the coop, "da yen f*t into each a fix m thfaT" "Well, safe," he un, " 'talat my fault. at aSTky doctah fa to blame, t He deae It Ifi dootah'e ordeie, itiQllltl" "Coat Imagine that Tear doctor telle yon to na around la ether people*! premiaee at night, aad rfak ; catching ookL at year age?*! i "Weir, he dent My jea* hew lfe to be done, bat he do eay, *Nlggah. yea all muet hare chicken eoup. You eee It tint my fault, and yoa bettah talk to the doetah about 11 1 *"*" r , 1 i M.i. r i hi laa, lerald . Cotton Defense ( Nickel-A-Bale War Chest of ! Vn? A_ nr * VI vvtwil VII TV uy co th< Council President Cells For Univer- ne el Service In Battle for Increased of Consumption. ' |?| Cotton fimi? and cotton tanners ? of Cleveland county and surround- ? lug area were called on today by ? , President Oscar Johnston of the jj? National Cotton Council for "100 j percent allegiance In. cotton's total j* war tor Increased consumption." a In a message addressed to local p producers throughout the country President Johnston declared fhat ar< "'the raw cotton Industry is arming K' as never before la -Its *- history to te-. smash down the blltskreig of shb bo stltutes, surplus, and foreign coinpe 0,1 titlon.' b>' fHie message came slmuUaoeousl> Hi* with the National Cotton Councirs f me announcement of a "universal service" plan te provide funds with , which to carry on the fight during Li) the coming year. The plan, to go In- ? to effect August 1, calls for a defense 'und of lve cents on every bale of lint and three cents on ev- thl ery ton of seed, mobilized with the me help of each of the fi*e primary raw cotton Interests. "thl Under the new plan, arrange- ?ei ments have been perfected enabling pn the producer to make his ntokel-a be bale contribution at the first point of sale, either to the cotton merchant, large or small, or the glnner ' 1 or warehouseman acting as mer- rc chant. This contribution la carrldQ on from merchant to compressor, Ti who remits the accumulated funds to the Council when the bale is first dtnpreaeed, or from merchant to CI textile mill which remits on uncom at presaed cotton. ' ne Sixntlarlf, dntrlbutlona on seed, re' which are made by the glnner and co crusher, are assembled and remit- A ted to th? war chest by the oil mills, no ''For 50 years we cotton farmers mi have been talking about an oeganl- < nation like the National Cotton Coon oil to defend our markets aud find new ones through Judicious advertls I lag, intelligent research, and organized opposition to restrictive legists lion,' aald Mr. Johnston. "At last < we have it, and in two years, equip , ped with modern weapons, It has accomplished mire than any of us thought was possible In so short a period. Domestic consumption has been back virtually ta the all-time hign, with every Indication that a new 1? record can be get in 1942. Plana are fr ready for a vigorous attack on ghe w acute problem of foreign trade. Coun ct ctl scientists are on the trail of 8' new uses. A united cotton Industry BI baa gone to war." d? . . i at Hauira To Preach Sunday Night ?, to Rot. L. B. Hamm, Pnator of St. ]? Matthews Lutheran Church, will f0 bring the message Sunday night In g] Central Methodist Ghnrch for the third sermon of the Union Services, r* AU cltlsons are extended a cordial la Invitation to be present for th? ser- tt vice. .' 'a Rev. P. D. Patrlok of the Firs! ni Presbyterian Church was the visit- rl tag preacher at the First Baptist s< Church Sunday evening. I i ' Wateh Label On Your Paper An* Denft Let Yeur Subecrlptioa Explrel FIVE CENTS pin COPY Centennial Meeting Held lere n imi uorUUIllUll UK IVIUK9 .ountaiu citizen* met la the City nil Tuesday night and pledged rnrnrnrnwrnmimmmmimmmP"'*** it* louth Anniversary Celebration ' Cleveland a big success J Itegws* 11 tat Ives of Klwanis. Lloffv and ag Club* along with, other Inker* ted citizens were present and ?ard officials from Shelby explain detail the plana ?hat are being ade for the largest event ever to Ice place In Cleveland County. Mayor J. H. Thomusson who la -chairman of the Executive Com lttee expressed his thanks for thg rge attendance and the Interest lown by Kings Mountain citizens, ayor Thomasson presented Honor* lie Otis Mull of Slmlby who is oo* airman along with Mr. Thomas n. Mr. Mull said. <'\v? are all go* g to haye a good time, but It will ke a little work and co-operation ,d everyone has been anxious to r his part. We are going to hava big time and celebrate together.*' Mr. Mull presented Lee Weathers Shelby who is President of tha n-profit organization which is onsorlng the big event. Mr. Waath s explained very completely the tier of the program of the four-day lebratlon. He also told of soma the interesting facts , that will bn ntained in the spec/tl edition af e Shelby Star to be issued in cos- s ction with the Parade of Progress Cleveland County. Mr. Weathers introduced Larry towles. of the Rogers Production nporation who Vill have charga the pageant, other phases ot tha lebratlon. Mr. Knowles gave ths (blights of the pageant, which 11 be presented In,the Cleveland ir Grounds. Mr. Knowles also ex? lined how the beauty queens 8868 Kings Mountain and Shelby s to be selected. He also told how ngs Mountain citizens could help make the celebration a success th artistically as wail as flnsncty. He asked the citizens to aid Kiidntr oHvnnpaH aa In ilnlrhfta frz > pageant and to also talk up the r event with every person they iet. i ions T?o Meet At I Bethel _____ The Kings Mountain Lions Club, sir wives and invited guests will iet next Tuesday at El Bethel ithodist Church for another of p out-door suppers of the Bunsmef sson. The meeting will begin umptly at seven o'clock and tnerars are asked to be on time. The Church is located just oft the elby Highway about three miles im Kings Mountain. . . I ho Hnnrl Renninn WA AWMJIUIVIt The annual reunion of the JHord an will be held at the usual place, the old home place of Jesse Hord ar. Shelby. Saturday.' Aug. 10. All latlvee and friends are urged to me and' spend the day together, picnic lunch will be spread at en. Tour presence Is needed to alee the crowd complete. Come! >plnlone Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily th# Views of This Nswspspsr.) It was a month ago, or a Httle nger. aoolt Miner was uenina ine ont lines of the German army that as surgln gover France like vuo:8sive banks of grey fog. He had anted one of his rare interviews to I American newspaper correaponsot. And the reporter asked Hitler >out the '<flfth column." The "fifth column' Is. now the asstd phrase used to detnribe the tlvitles of the traitors and sako* urs in European countries who id the preliminary groundwork r the Nasi successes before a sine 'blow was struck on either side. The phras* was originated by the bel Oeneral Mola during the Span h War. Mola deolared that hie oops would capture Madrid be* inse there were four strong cot* mns of soldiery advancing on the ty and also a fflfth lolsmn' of fas :1st sympathisers within the galea* Cont'd en Editorial page) ^

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